The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 06, 1913, Image 8

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- -lntiiW Tn T i fl rfi iTtufc -J -
THTrrHTH n rnrn" thti
It t
A Plan For
a Break
It Led o Complications
and a Fiasco
Tho nutumn Reason when tlio tourist
heglrn Is southerly wns opening, nnd
tho resorts of tlio border states were
well stocked with guests. Tho rock
ing chair brigade as those ladles who
dally occupy the porch of tho Vleutle
leau hotel, each nud nil plying soino
kind of needle as an accompanliqcnt
to their melodious gossiping voices
was In session. Two ladles sitting
Bomowhat apart from tho rest were
engaged In earnest conversation in a
low tone.
"I eympathlzo with you, airs. IIar
per," said tho one, "hut I don't see how
I can help you. My son Is actively en
gaged In business and can't bo away
from It at this season more than n few
days at a time. Could ho bo hero with
us, say, for n fortnight I would bo
glad to lend him to you for tho purpose
of drawing your daughter's attention
from this young Hugglcs, who you
fear will win her. There- Is another
courso I will suggest A young man
has Just arrived who has entered his
namo on tho hotel register as Edward
Caton. Being tho only young fellow
of prepossessing nppearanco (Hugglcs
excepted) In tho hotel, ho will soon bo
besieged by tho girls. If you Ilkcj I
will mnko his acquaintance, Introduce
him to your daughter (tolling him sho
Is tho bolle of tlio plnce), and alio will
naturally bo interested In taking him
away from tho others. This will servo
to divert her mind from Ituggles and
tnnko n breach between them. Hut
why do you object to Ituggles? IIo Is
oald to hovo an lncomo of $.ri,000."
"My dear Mrs. Crawford, what would
$5,000 n year bo for Owen?"
"What you wish I presuino is simply
to break off her nffalr with Ituggles,
that sho may bo freo to marry a for
tune." "Precisely. If you can accomplish
this break by introducing any one-no
natter who ho is I will consider my
eclf under n lasting obligation to you."
Tho samo evening tho introduction
was accomplished. Gwendolen Harpor
and Edward Caton wcro Introduced,
and beforo tho guests left tho dancing
hall In tho evening Mrs. Crawford
said to Mrs. Harper:
"Did you over see such n romarkablo
caso of lovo at first sight?"
All tho parties to this Bchcmo worn
pleased except Sam Ituggles, who wont
off to tlio far end of tho veranda and
scowled and smoked and smoked and
ucowled, keeping by himself where ha
conld not sco his rival's success lest ha
hould mnko a nceno.
But on tho third day nftcr tho broak
had been mado effective, when Mr.
Buggies was reading a northern news
paper, ho saw something that thrilled
him. It was nn advertisement of Mrs.
Edward L. Caton for Information con
cerning her husband, who had desortcd
her and their three children. Ituggles
Immediately cut tho ud. out of tho news
paper that ho alone of thoso at tho ho
tel might possess this information and
that ho might consider u plan by which
ho could get tho greatest satisfaction
out of it
Tho camo evening nn anonymous let
ter went to tho advertiser that n gen
tleman had appeared at tho Vloudolenu
hotol at answering to tho name
mentioned In tho advertisement. Itug
gles, who mailed tho letter, could not
refrain from adding that "tho follow
wns evidently bent on committing big-
From tho tlmo tho discarded lovet
4aw tho ovldenco that his rival wn
sailing under falso colors ho changed
his bearing toward Miss Harpor.
Whcro beforo ho had mado his Jeal
ousy evident ho now assumed nn air oi
auporiorlty mingled with pity. Mr.
Caton had become nwaro that his at
tentions to Miss Harper had mado Mr
Buggies his enemy and hud noticed the
antagonism of tho lattors bearing to
ward him whenover thoy met. One
evening while Jit. Caton was danciug
wkh Miss Harper ho unintentionally
ran against Ruggles, who wns nlsa
flanclng. Tho look Buggies gavo lilm
Avas ominous. Later, when both went
out on tho veranda for n whiff at u
cigarette, Caton stepped up to Ituggloa
ud apologized for running against httu
In tho dance.
"Ono who Is Balling under falso col
ors is beneath my notico for any in
BUlt," was tho reply.
"How did you get onto that?" asked
Caton with surprising imperturbability.
"I bow it in tlio newspupere."
"I wlah tho nowspapcrs would lot me
ilone," wus tho only rejoinder, and
Caton went back Into tho dancing hall,
where Ituggles soon bow him whirling
with Miss Harper.
Now, tho only real attachment in t&ls
triangular affair was between Sam
Ruggles und Gwen Harper, and from
the tlmo Ruggles begun to assumo that
nlr of superiority Gwen began to bo
troubled. Sho was too proud to call
him buck, but sue looked as if she
would bo willing to t:4fo him back if
ho would apply for reinstatement One
day when they met in tho garden of
tho hotel sho remurked that It wus e
pleasant day.
"I think It will storm tomorrow or
dext day," was tho reply.
"Why, I ueo no indications of It"
"Perhaps If you watch the incoming
rnlns you'll see a thunder cloud com-
You speak In riddles."
A handsomely dressed woman carry
ing a suit enso emerged from a largo
country place, and Just ns sho reached
tho gate n man camo hurrying along
tho rond. Tho suit caso was heavy,
and sho evidently had trouble to get
along with it
"Mny 1 carry your baggage?" asked
tho gentleman.
"I am sorry to troublo you, bat If 1
don't permit you I fear I shall miss my
"I, too, am going to tlio Btatioa,"
With a suit caso in each hand, he
walked along with tho lady. "I should
euppose," ho said, "that your butler
would bo doing this work."
The lady did not reply for somo mo
ments; -then slio said: "I am going to
glvo you my confldenco. My father is
trying to force mo into a marriago I
detest I am running away to get rid
of it"
"Do you not fear that bo will stop
you on the way Dy telegraph?"
"Will ho? Oh, heavens! What shall
I do?"
Tho gentleman stood still. Ho was
thinking. "I have It" ho said at last
"Como up to my houso and disguise
Sho suffered herself to bo persuaded,
and when they arrived at tlio houso he
suggested that sho put on man's cloth
ing. Sho demurred at first but finally
consented. IIo gavo her a man's suit,
which sho put on, and when sho reap
peared ho was dressed as a woman.
"Why havo you dono that?" she nsk
cd, surprised.
"Because wo passed several persons
on tho road Just now who saw us, and
you may bo tracked, ob having been
seen with me. They will speak of us
as a blond lady with a brunette man.
Wo nro now tho reverse."
"You aro very clover," sho said. "I
don't sco any ono about Is tho houso
"I live In tho city at this season. My
family aro there."
They were obliged to wait an hour
for another train, and by tho tlmo thoy
started for It dusk had como on, nnd
they had no fear of being recognized.
Tho gentlomnn, na beforo, carried tho
baggage. They waited near tlio sta
tion till they heard tho pulling of tho
nglno and did not go on to tho plat
form until tho train wns ready to pro
ceed Fortunntoly, thoy got Into a car
whcro tbero wcro fow other porsons.
"Now, If your father telegraphs,"
said tho man, "to tho different termi
nals to havo you stopped tbero will be
detectives at this ono. When you lenvo
tlio cars do not look conscious. I as
sure you that you mnko n vory good
man, though you might affect to havo
a weak throat und cover tho lower part
of your face with your handkcrchlof.
I will glvo you my glasses."
"now kind you nrol" replied tho lady
Thoy chatted gayly during tlio ride
that they might not appear 111 ut ease
and that they might bo prepared to
carry out their pnrtu well when they
reached thoBtatlon. Furthermore, each
was practicing tho part of tho opposite
When they left tho train at tho ter
minal tlio man told hor that ho would
put his arm through hers and whon
ho saw any ono whom ho thought was
looking for her ho would squoezo It
They each carried a suit caso. Thoy
passed through tho goto without being
stopped, and tho lady gavo a sigh of
"Old you notice two men standing
on the loft who eyed us suspiciously?"
ho asked.
"Yes. Who wore thoy?"
"But you did not glvo me tho sig
nal." "No; I told you I would do to that
you might not appear conscious until
I gavo It I had no Intention of giving
It If I bad you would have given u
"You certainly act ob IT you had
been through something llko thin be
fore." "I hnvo."
"Whnt do you mean?1
"I will toll you Intel"
Ho asked hor to call a cab and hand
him Into It Sho did bo and gavo the
address of a hotol, to which thoy wore
driven. Tho lady went to tho olQco
and, with her hat down over her eyes
and hor faco partly covered with her
handkerchief, registered as brothor and
sister. Before parting to go to their
respective rooms tho mnn said:
"You nro 'Mrs. N.'a lady'o maid. 1
have seen you in her grounds quite
often. You havo hor Jewels In this suit
"Are you going to give mo awny?"
he asked, paling.
"Certainly not And I will tell you
why. I am Mr. B.'s valet Tho family
left certain valuablos at tholr country
place last fall, und I, knowing where
thoy were, havo. been there, captured
them and havo them with me, I was
as anxious not to bo recognized as you
were. Tho telegraph would bo used
to stop you. No ono yot knows of my
"I havo said nil along mat you went
very clever."
"No more than you."
"You are a pair of daisies," raid n
man, who stepped out from behind a
"now did you get on to us?" asktd
the crestfallen vnlet
"Suspected and followed you frot-i
the Btatlon."
The end of this romance la prison
A man In u pepper ut,d suit milt und
a felt lint gat on u ttuln ut u utt.s
station settled himself comfortably la
his seat, took a morning pn,i'i fioiu
his pocket und begun to n-ad When
the conductor camo around for his
ticket he thrust his hand Into his
pocket for hln wallet nnd looked very
much ol. nurlnud. Then he went
through lit other pockets, und, not
finding It he wild:
"Conductor, Just before leaving my
hotol this morning I changed my suit
putting the ono 1 hud been wearing
with my money in the cout pocket la
my trunk. What's worne. my trunk did
not reach me at the statloti nnd Is to
como by a later train. If you'll let me
go through to B., when wo got Into
tho station I'll telephone for a friend
to bring mo my faro' and will give It
to you."
"Ticket" was tho conductor's laconic
"I havo said all I havo to say," con
tinned tho passenger. "I have no
money to pay now, but I'll have plenty
at tho end of the routo."
"You'll havo to pay your fare or
got off."
"Not hero, I trust In this swnmpj
country. You will at least carry tn
to tho next Btatlon."
"Not unless you pay your fare from
tho ono whcro you got on."
"Aro your orders such ns warrant
you in such Inhuman action?"
"Our orders aro to put those who ro
fuso to pay fares off tho train."
"Well," said tho passenger ruefully,
"you'll have to put mo off. I've left
my money behind and havo nothing to
pay with."
Tho conductor pulled the bell, nnd
tho train Btoppcd. The passenger mnde
no resistance, but walked to the plat
form and got off Into a swamp. The
train went on, leaving him standing on
tho track looking nftcr It. Then, first
looking up and down the line of the
road, ho started on foot to pursue liN
A few duys later the passenger wim
couldn't pay his fare went Into the
offices of the rond nnd asked to see the
general superintendent. IIo wnlted
half an hour, then was ushered Into tin
room of n sleek looking man who
naked him what ho could do for htm
Oo told the story of being put off the
train nnd said he had come to effect a
settlement for damages or ho would
suo for them. The superintendent snld
that If ho would call In nt room No. 7
ho would find the olllclnl who adjusted
all clnlms. Tho passenger went In
there, hpd a talk with tho claim olllcer
who got out of him nil the information
ho desired, asked him what he would
settle for, got him to put It in writing,
took his address and snld be would
writo him about the matter.
Tho passenger never heard from blm.
Not long after this It was evident
that there was manipulation .in the
stock of tho road. No one, not even
tho president, could find out who wns
at the bottom ut it Tho price of the
securities would go up a bit, then
gradually sag, then rise again. But
tho general tendency wns upward.
Tho affairs of tlio road wcro known
only to a fow, who could see no reason
for an advance. Indeed, business who
falling off dreadfully. Two feeders
ono nt olthor terminal, were diverting
their business to other ronds. Then
tho price of the stock began to go
down llko lend. Flnnlly it reached a
point where tho fluctuation censed
Tho president of tho rond communl
cnted with tho feeders, asking whnt
hud caused them to divert their bust
ness from his linn to others, no re
celved no Bntlsfnctlon. Nevertheles
tho diversion ceased and trade began
to flow again over the line whore It
had flowed originally. The president
wis puzzled. Ho scut for some of tho
principal stockholders nnd nwked them
If they knew anything nbout the unit
ter. They didn't, but admitted that
during the recent flurry In the stock
they hud sold most of tholr holdings.
Ono morning tho president took up
a nowspnper and read In the unnmtnl
columns that u ucw railroad mugnuto
had appeared John Talcott. n mnn
who hud achieved some success nt ro
organizing ronds in the -west, hnd come
oust and with nssoclntos had bought
a controlling Interest In two lines, nnd
It was susiM'cted thnt he hnd picked up
In opon mnrket a majority of the stocb
of a connecting link between the two
That connecting '.Ink tho presldeni
know to bo his own Hue.
Thnt morning, when he went to tits
office, he found n note from the now
railroad stnr Inviting the president o
cnll upon him. lie did so nnd foi.nd
tho party so busy thnt he wis obiise.l
to wait an hour beforo hi rould m in
admittance. When ndmlticd lie huw
a plain western mnn, who suld to hhr
In n plain western fashion:
"Next month occurs the annual p'pp
tlon of directors of yotn rond. Two
thirds of tho stock beloiiRS to me ntul
my friends. I have sent for you tu
give you notico thnt neither your wn
Ices nor those of your prlnclpnl oth
cors will bo needed for the onsuli.u
yenr. If you will Inquire of yum
ofllclnl In chnrge of clnlms you will
find my namo there as one who offered
to settle damages for being put off one
of your trains for a few huudred dm
"Had I known." said tho president,
aghast "I would hnvo"
"But you did not know. I wnh one ut
thoso defenseless creatures tho pub
Pittsburgh Perfect" Fence
The Fence made entirely of No. 9 Wire
No. 9 wire is stronger
galvanizing in proportion to its size than
smaller wire. Fences made entirely of
No. 9 wire last many years longer in
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better at all times. ' These are technical
facts. "Pittsburgh Perfect" "jumbo"
Made tn Different Styles for FIELD. FARM, RANCH. LAWN. 1? -.. tJ C.lA
Ask your dealer for "Plttshnrsh Perfect" and Insist on his furnishing It. Do not allow him to perauade
you that some other fence is just as good. If ho doesn't lell it, writo ut direct.
"Pittiburah Perfect" Brandt of
Bright. Annealed & Galranlied Wire;
Cable Wire: Hard Spring Coil Wire)
Stanlai! Poultry Nettins Stanleti Ream
Stapled Poultry Netting Staples)
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Roofing NaiUt Single Loop Bale Tie
burgh Perfect Fencing.
All mado
Hearth material.
Round-Trip Fares
to Western Points
Liberal Return Limits and
Stopover Privileges
From North Platte to California
and North I'acific Coast
From North Platte to California
one-way via North Pacific Coast. . .
From North Platte to California
and North Pacific Coast
From North Platte to California
one-way via North Pacific Coast. .
From North Platte to Denver.
From North Platte to Salt Lake or
Ogden, Utah
- Union Pacific
Standard Road of the West
New and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park
Protected by Automatic Electric Block Salety Signals
Excellent Dining Cors
For additional information, and illustrated Colorado.Utah.Califor
nia and Pacific Northwest literature, call on oriaddrcgs
F. E. BULLARD, Agent
North Platte.
Real Enjoyment
The man who takss enjoyment out of
a Rood cigar will do well to purchsso
our brands. As a homo manufacturer,
wo havo a reputation to maintain, and
therefore put better tobacco in our
cigars than do most manufacturers. If
we did not mnko goods cigars, vro
could not Bell them and would soon be
forced out of business.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
Omce phone 211. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Plntte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bnnk Building.
the Cheapest you can buy. Read
and takes more
Fences, made entirely of No. 9 wire in
many styles and sizes, are the strongest
made because of the Electrically Welded
joints, most durable because of the high
quality Open Hearth Wire and pure zinc
galvanizing, and the most economical
and satisfactory fences in the world.
Specify "jumbo" and save money.
Barbed Wire!
Regular Wire
of Onen
To Californa June 30 to July 7;
August 22 to 29.
To North Pacific Coast Points June
1 to 4; June 22 to 29, July 8 to 11.
June 1 to 4; June 22 to 29; Juno 30
to July 7; July 8 to 11; August 22 to
June 1 to September 30 inclusive
Juno 1 to September 30 inclusive
Juno 1 to September 30 inclusive
June 1 to Septembor 30 inclusive
The Kind of Clothes
Gentlemen Wear
Guaranteed Quality,
Perfect Fit,
Prices Right.
Custom made Suit
$20 to $45
Tailor made Suit.
$25 to $47
Satisfaction guaranteed
Karle Gerle,
over McDonald Bank.
M id ft-gj VsM1 W
if you are interested In Wire Fencing, write
for FREE copy of our ALMANAC. 1913-
Pittsburgh Steel Co.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonner-Cramcr
All the principal branches of Ap
plied and Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachers.
Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone Black 341
Bought and highest market
prlcoB paid
Residence Red C3G Office 459
Di dfield tiMi,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE B. REDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Telephone Red 45C 503K Dewey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
L. A. LINE "'""
,3, JL4. X-a.. JU111U Jeweler
J 13 years experience at tho bench. Can do 2
jn all kinds of repairing. Bed rock prices. All K
Jv work guaranteed. j
Serial No. 01407
United States Land Oillce
At North Platte. Nebraska. May 12. 1913.
Notice Is hereby (Jivcn that Rose A. Mathers,
ot Tryon, Neb., who on February, 27, 1909, made
homestead entry. No. 01407. for all of Section 8.
Township 10, N. Range 31. W. 6th Principal
Meridan, has filed notice of Intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim to tho land
above described, before the register nnd redeiver
at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 10th day of
July, 1913.
Claimant names as witnessses: Julius Mogensen,
H. Fred Johanson. of North Platte. Neb., Joseph
Mahaney, David N. Callendcr, of Tryon. Neb.
m20-6 J. E. Evans Register.
Chattle Mortgage Sale
Yv'hereas, Frank C. Elder did on the
19th day of December, A. D. 1911,
make, execute and deliver to Internat
ional Harvester Co. of America, (a
Wisconsin corporation) a chattle mort
gage to secure the payment of $53.00
which was duly filed in the office of the
County Clerk of Lincoln Countp, Ne
braska, on Dec. 29th, 1911, and where
as default has been made in
tho conditions of said mort
gage and there i3 now due and pay
able thereon the 20th day of May A. D.
1913 (the date pf the first publication
of this notice) tho full sum of $53.00
with interest thereon as called for by
th two promissory notes secured by
said mortgage and no suit, action or
proceeding at law has been had against
said Frank C. Elder to recovor the
same or any part thereof.
Now therefore notico is hereby given
that said International Harvester Co.
of America will on tho 12th day of June,
A. D. 1913, at the hour of two o'clock
p. m. of said day. sell at public auction
to the highost and best bidder for cash
all the following described coods.
chattels nnd pergonal property described
in said mortgage to-wit:
One Gelding, age one year, color
brown, weight 800 pounds, star in head.
One colt, nge one year, color bay,
weight S00 pounds, white hind feet.
Snid sale will be held at the east
side of E. A. Nelson's implement house
in the town of Brady Islsnd, Lincoln
county, Nebr.
By Jno. M. Brown, Agent.