i' . l VSST ljffM"fSHH8BHA 'fRlu) position In the felMlw There's a Decide(I NV .. Itvi , New Interest in LadiesWatches With the advent of the Watch Bracelet has come a renewal of interest in Ladies watches. Wearing a Watch on the wrist was a habpy idea which met with popular approval from the start and has made a decided hit with those who appreciate the convenience and comfort of having the correct time; besides this style is decidedly ornamental. The New Bracelet Watch Tliee WaUhes may 4m had in a number of different stylet at a wido range in price. We are now jhonring tome of the mot desirable kinds hich will be found very dependable and at a reasonable cost. We have alio a large assort rnent of Ladies Watches to be worn with Sautoir, Chatelaine Pins or with frobs. We are sure to please you in something. Our absolute guarantee protects you from disappointment. Ladies! Investigate these new watches. They will prove interesting. DIXON, The Jeweler S DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, S ' , Graduate Denfisf. 5 ' 5 ' Office over the McDonald J : State Bank. , Local and Personal. Philip Fent, of Omaha, was called here Sunday evening by the illness of his vife. Homer Mussellman spent Sunday in Willow Island, having gone down to see the 'ball game. C. E. Parsons, of Gothenburg, is spending a few days in town this week with local friends. The lightning during thorain storm Saturday evening struck a number of the largo trees in the first ward. Visitors from Wallace this week are F. E. Wood, Charles A. Farmer, Dr. Frank Collett, Harry Van Derburg and L. E. Conneally. ' ' V J Miss Eva Muir, of Paxton, came the fore part of this week to visit her sister Mrs. J. D. Cox. Ralph Barney returned to Kearnoy the latter part of last week after visit ing at Waltemath home. Frnnk Obernour, formerly of this city came from Laramie yesterday to spend d week or longer with loenl friends. Miss Orra Hall will leave next week for Grand Island where she will be married June 11th to Theodore White, of Cedar Rnpids, formerly of this city. Miss Genevieve Wood, of Wallace, who was a student in the local .schools for the past term, returned home Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cottrcll returned the latter part of last week from a month's visit with relatives in St. Joe, Kansas City and other eastern points. The Trjbuno wishes to correct the statement that complaints were sworn out last week aguinst William Shuman, Dick Baker and Mrs. Duberry for ex ceeding the speed limit In their autos. Local and Personal. Miss Nina VanDorn has resigned hor Dlckoy confootioncry Mrs. Warren Kelly and mother Mrs. Franzeen lef t for" Vhoatland, Wyo., to visit relatives! Miss Ethel Mclhllinms will leave next wook for Salfctriko City to visit hor aunt for three month1?. Con Walker left- yestorday morning for Bridgepoft on business. Tho Indian Carl',club will bo enter tained Wednosdny afternoon by Mrs J. B. Hayes. "; Miss Fern Garrison, who has been soriously ill at the P. & S.- hospital is improving. Miss Nora Bntdcen, of Kearney, who visitod hersister, returned homo yester day afternoon. Miss Jennio Gushing of the class" of 1913 -eturned to her jiomo in Sidney Sunday morning. Mrs. Cram returned yesterday after noon from a woek'a visit with relatives in Republican,City. L. L. Main Is onjoying a visit' from his mother who arriod a few days ago from Gieenville, Mich. Mrs. Genovieve Gait, of Sterling, III., spent yesterday In town while enroute to Wallace to visit the Woods family. Miss Mary Osgood, youngest daugh ter Mrs. C. R. Osgood, formerly of this city, will be married in Denver today. Joseph Souder, of Moorefield, arrived hore yesterday to visit his brother S. M. Souder and attend the Junior Nor mal. Rev. Cram returned Saturday even ing from Bertrand where ha attended the district Epworth League conven tion. Chas. Lierk, late of Fremont, came up Saturday evening to visit the home folks. He returned to Fremont last night. Ralph W. Allison, e'erk in the United States land offico, loft last , night for Illinois, where ho will visit relatives for ten days. Mrs. ,Philip Fent, of Omaha, who has beon spending several weeks hero with her mothor Mrs. Mary Baker, is reported to bo very ill. PostmaBtor Springer and E. D. Murphy, of Brady, were visitors- in town yesterday. They said Brady is forging ahead with its usual vim. At the district Epworth, League con vention in Bertrand last week Mrs. V. Lucas was elected district president and John Reynolds district secretary. r'i M - TtWCrSftT-S North Platte's Only Exclusive Women's Store Visiting Teachers: Make this Store your Headquarters Warm Weather Outter Apparel in every authoritive model of the newest summer fabrics and shades for every occasion. Always something new at the NEW STORE. J "USt K6ClVCl and Eponges, specially low priced, up from P tS Y 5 Separate Wash Skirts in Cotton Bedford Cord and pure Irish Linen in white and tan specially low priced, up from $1.25 NewLotoiBalk anBlouses,a White Dresses Positively the largest assortment in the city at the lowest prices We offer the remaind er of our stock of Coats and Suits at price Memorial Day Observed. There wbb almost a completo ccssn. tlon of business in North Tlntto Friday and the day ot apart In honor of tho soldiers dead was fittingly observed. Tho testing place of tho departed soldiers in both tho city and Catholic tcmeterics were strewn with flowers by the G. A. R., W. R. C, and frionds and tho usual G. A. R. servtco hold over the gravo of C. T. Robinson, tho last member of tho Ppst to dip, and thol service of tho W. R. C, was to the un known dead. In the afternoon n largo audience attended .the service at the Keith, tho address being delivered by Judge Hong land, and tho music furnished by the pupils of tho schools under tho direction of Prof. Garlisch. One feature of the lattor was a camp scene, tho childron singing "Tenting on the old Camp Ground," Tho usual largo crowd attended Memorial day exercises at Ft. MoPhor son national cemetery Friday, botwecn lfcOO and 1500 being present. Nbarly 200 automobilos were counted, these cars belonging to farmers and residents of Maxwell, Brady, North Platte and Gothenburg. Tho services were in cjiargy of Supt. Ingles andT. C. Patter son, and the addrcis was delivered by Rov. Knowls of this city. Flags and flpwers were placed on tho graves of (he 00 or rnoro soldiers buried In th Cemetery. B. & L. Ann. Convention. The convention of the state league of building and loan associations will bo held In this city tomorrow. There will bo two sessions, oao at 9:30 a. m., tho other at 1:30 in the attcrnoon, with the third floor of tho Elks' homo as the meoting place. In the ovening a ban quet at tho Presbyterian church parlor. It is expected that forty or fifty dolo gates will bo in attendance. There will also bo present Govornor Moorehcad, and Mr. Royse, head of tho state bank ing board, both of whom will mako ad dresses. In addition to the delegates GO dr more locnl business and professional men will attend tho banquet. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. The Royal Exchange Assurance, of London, one of the oldest companies in the world, makes a specialty of this insurance. I carry the insurance on every garage in the city, except one. Why? I settle my own losses. C. F. Temple, Agent. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Reynolds cntortainod twelve couples of tho young social sot at a dancing party Fridny e.venjng at their home on west 4th street. Tho decorations, dance cards, favors and refreshments wore carried out In the colors of red, whito and blue and appropriate to tho day. Misses Sybel Gantt and Janet McDonald pre sided us tho punch bowl. Several out of town guosts wore present. A prenuptial mystery shower was. given last ovoningby Misses Lucy Dunn and Elizabeth 'Weinberger at tho homo of the former for Miss Orra Hall. The evening was pleasantly spent by all present and tho refreshments were de licious. Miss Hall received a pretty und useful collection of gifts for her new home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The North Platto ball team and thoir captain O. R. Robinson went to Willow Island Sunday to ploy the team there. Tho game resulted in defeat for the visitors, the score standing 11 to 3. Runs were made by Greeson and San dall. Batteries were Jonos and Husband A number of fans accompanied them. Lots in Dolson's Addition are the most conveniently located to the new round home. For investment they can't be beat. C. F. Temple, Agent. Farmers in from the north part of the county sny tho rain of Saturday night did riot reach that section. Geo, Young and Will Smith who reside in the Wellfleet section say that section hod a heavy rain Thursday night and that crops are in good shape. A party of young people of tho fourth ward, chaperoned by Mesdamcs Hilda McGraw and Mary Bush, held an outing at Dick's groVo Sunday. Tho day was spont in games and outdoor sports and enjoyable rofroshments completed the day's pleasure. ' Messrs. Tomlska and Stensvad, pro prietors of tho North Platte Produce Co,, aro moving their stock to thnr new building on cast Front street whero they can accommodate nine thousand chickens. Mrs. Wm. Edwardn and daughter Frankio formerly of this city, arrived from Kearney yesterday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rytin. Mrs, Edwards is Mr. Ryan's sister. Frank J. Doran and W. R. Maloney roturued yesterday morning from lAUIanco whore they attended the Knightaof Columbus banquet and meet ing at yhlch forty new members were 1 taken in. Mrs. V. Lucas and Miss Mabel I Sawyer who attended tho district Epworth League convention at Bert- ennd font- iirotlr m 4a .i.l I.. ..-. O J...u I imm iuii vvuen, icmuiL-u IIUIIJU oniur- day. A surprise party was tendered Mrr. 1 Asabnvdar the latter nnrt nf lnaturnot 1 1 A Cfllinln nf linnrs worn nnnnf In .mvlo j I games and tho rofroshments were very 1 unjuyuuic, j For Sale. I 5 room house and ono lot at a bargain, , Prico $1200 with a cash payment of 500 and tho balanco on good terms. The Nebrska Real-Estato Co., '38-2 - JII. Edmisten, Mgr. Grocery News REDUCING THE COST OF LIVING Granulated Slider, Beet, 20 lbs for $1.00 Granulated Sugar, Cnne, 18 lbs for. 1 .00 Tomatoes, large can Q Dried Pears per lb 2X Seeded Rosins, 10 ozpkg ... Q Alaska Red Salmon, 1 lb can .':. 15 Alaska Pink Salmon, 1 lb can . . . . .V. :?. ,10 Kraut per can '. .. 10 Pumpkin per can ' ft , q Large Package Oat Mcol ....-..' 20 Small Package Oat Meal ,.-) t Q Grape Nuts. 2 pkgs ' ti 25 Macaroni, 3 lbs ... ,,t: t ..fi . 25 Japan type Rice, 4 lbs '." .- 25 Corn Starch per pkg ,:, .' , , Q5 Gloss Starch per pkg "... Q5 Kingsfords Starch per pkg , Q8 Lewis Lye per can Q8 Soda Crackers, large box, per lb .- 061 Ginger Snaps psi lb. Q6 Wo pay cash for your butter and eggs. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. Stability, Efficiency and Service , ITnvo been tho luiators 111 tho frjfOAVtl of tho v First National Bank, -oi- XOJiTU rJLATTn, XlSIiltA&ICA. 1.11 -at CAJ'ITAL ,l.D SUltl,USt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. Buchanan & Patterson's mm List 0 )we nits. Full two story frame dwelling of eight rooms mod ern except heat, full lot, shade trees and blue grass. Located on West Fourth street close to court house. This is property that will increase in value and is a big money maker at our price 01 $4, 700. Nice Seven Room Cottage and two Lots, out buildings, shade trees and nice lawn ion West Sixth St. A bargain at $2 750.00. Five room house and barn, South Dewey street $1,250. Extra good seven room house, barn apd outbuild ings, house modern except heat, $3,100. East Third street two blocks from court house. Nice six room cottage 721 West Seventh street, handy to new round house. Modern except heat. Price 2,200. Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street, in the 600 block. Price $1,750. Good eight room, dwelling on West Tenth street, in tlje 900 block. Price $1,700. All of these properties are choice bargains apd can be bought on easy terms. Be sure and see these before you buy. Buchanan & Patterson, Sole Agents. nr m m m You can sec under the glass how rough that spindle is- Mica Axle Grease Fills the cracks and makes easy, smooth running. "It's the Mica that does it." Standard Oil Company (NEBnASKA) Omaha III: 38111 !