S 55' A ?-. V.- v. . WASN'T GOING INTO DETAILS Four-Year-Old Had His Own Idea ol Propriety of Not Airing Strictly Personal Affairs. Ono llttlo four-year-old boy who doesn't livo far from Central pari west, Now York, has as his partlculai playmato a llttlo girl of about the saino age. The children frequently spend their evenings together, and th other morning tho girl camo to tb.4 fence and called him. "Alton," sho cried, "come out and play." Alton's mother hoard tho call nnl said to him: "Toll her you can't como over Just now because you havo to tako i bath." So Alton went to tho front window. "Elizabeth," ho called, "I can't como over now." Thon ho turned hack to his mother and added: "I don't fink tho rest of It need be salded." HANDS BURNING, ITCHING 905 Lowell Place, Chicago, III. "Tho trouble began by my hands burn ing and Itching and I rubbed and scratched them till ono day I saw llt tlo red sorea coming out. My hands were disfigured and cwollon, and trou bled mo so that I could not Bleep. They were cracked and when the Email sores broke a whlto matter would come out. I could not do any hard work; if I did tho sores would como out worse. For two years no body could euro my eczema, until ono day I thought I would try tho CuUcura Soap and Ointment. I used warm wa ter with tho Cutlcura Soap and after that I put tho Cutlcura Ointment on my hnnds twlco a day for about Ova or six months when I waB cured." (Signed) Sam Marcus, Nov. 28, 1911. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold Ihrchout the world. Sample of each free, with 82-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, DepL L, Boston.' Adv. Aged Survivors of Our Wars. I am Informed by the ifnitod States pension office that tho last soldier of the rebellion will dlo in 1955. Thai Is tho estimate made by those who make a Btudy of vital statistics. II tho last veteran survives until that date he will havo lived nlnotj years after the surrender of Lee. Kronk, who died a couplo or years ago in New York state, was tho last soldier of tho War of 1812, and he lived considerably more than ninety years after peace had been signe'd Bakeman, the last soldier of the Revolution, lived for eighty-six years after tho peace of 1783. Philadelphia Public Ladger. Their Me&sage.. Tho evening callers were chatting with their hosts when there came a patter of llttlo feet along the hall. "Hush," whispered tho hostess, raising her hand; "the children are coming with their good-hlght message It always gives mo a feeling of rev erence to hear them. They are so much nearer to heaven than we, and vlliey speak from -the fullness of their little hearts never so freely as when the dark has comc. Listen I" There was a moment's pause, and then tho message came in a shrill whisper: "Mama," it ran, "Willi found a cockroach In the tub." His Honor Was Safe. Chief Justlco Isaac Russell of the court of special sessions tells how he went to tho city hall to call on the mayor on a rainy day, and as he was leaving the building he slipped and bumped all the way down the stone steps. A man rushed up, helped him to his feet and asked: "Is your honor hurt?" "No," replied (ho Judge; "my honor remains intact, but my opine seems to bo Jarred." New York Sun. Opportunity probably knocked at your door while you wore out gossip ing with tho neighbors. "LIKE MAGIC" Nev Food Makes Wonderful Changes. When a man has suffered from dys pepsia so many years that ho can't re member when he had, a natural appe tite, and then hits on a way out of trouble ho may be excused for saying "It acts llko magic." When it is a simple, wholesome food instead of any one of a largo num ber of so called remedies in the form of drugs, ho is mor than over likely to feel as though a sort of miracle has been performed. A Chicago man, In tho delight of re stored digestion, puU it in this way: "Llko magic, fittingly describes tho manner in which Grape-Nuts relieved mo of poor digestion, coated tongue and loss of appetite, of many yean standing. "I tried about every medicine that was recommended to mo, without re lief. Then I tried Grape-NutB on the suggestion of a friend. By the time I had finished the fourth package, my stomach was all right, and for the past two months I havo boon eating with a relish anything set boforo me. That is something I had been unable to do previously for years. "I am stronger than ever and I con sider tho effects of Grape-Nuts on a weak stomach nB something reallj wonderful. It builds up tho entire body as well as tho brain and nerves." Name given by the Postum Co., Batt'e Creek, Mich. "There's a reason," nnd It is ex plained in the llttlo book, "Tho Hond to Wellvillo," In pkgs. Bier rrnd (lie nbote lettcrf A new one uppenrn from time fo lima, Tlicjr nre genuine, true, and full of Iianiaa lutcreat. FRANCE WINS GREAT HYDROAEROPLANE RACE .,iimi )NiHiiiiLiuMiiiMfc)i w.iw wiiiii iiiMwmHiinmamiiiiiiBuniM I mi I ! ii llWliin i lasmzzs&zzssmmmsmmBm "'Wlfiiiiiiiiiiiniiniwaiininiiiniiuniniiiiiiiiiiii mu n i m inf ii n urn inmifiwuiiw wniinmnitTrrrniimT """ Upper picture Prevost of Franco alighting on tho water after Winning tho 500 kllomoter international hydroaeroplane race at Monte Carlo, In which he defeated the United States, England, Italy, Belgium nnd Spain. Lower picture Tho wreck of Gandart's hydroaeroplane, which fell during the race, killing the aviator. Arkansan Appeals to U. S. Court in Breach of Promise Case. Girl Given Verdict of $100,000 by Jury That Was Out Thirty Minutes In Federal Court at Little Rock, Arkansas. Little -Rock, Ark. Tho Supreme court of tho United States is to have the unusual experience of reviewing a breach of promise case which, in tho federal circuit court hero, was com pared to the play "Everywoman," by the attorney for the plaintiff. William C. Faucette has nppenled to that tribunal tho Judgment of ?100.000 given to Loda Anderson, who charged that ho had broken his repeated prom ises to marry her. Miss Anderson told the Jury thct Faucette came Into her life when she was but fifteen years old. At that tlmo he frequently met her as sho left her mother's boarding house on errands and always talked to her, complimenting her beauty and com menting on what flno clothing would do for her. .Inn. 1, 1911, sho testified, she went to hlB office at his invitation, Soon nfter that, she told tho Jury, he sent her to Central college at Conwuy, Ark., to fit her to become his wife. She said that there was not any tlmo Miss Loda Anderson. an intimation that ho was not to marry her. Ho provided for all of hor expenses. Including two operations. She wns compelled to withdraw from Central college becnuso the president disapproved of her acquaintance with Faucette and she went (o Springfield, Mo. Whllo In the latter city sho re ceived Beveral endearing letters. This was after sho had copied, at Fau- j cetto's request, she testified, a letter releasing him from their engagement. Ehc said that ho asked her to do this merely to please his family. He would still regard her as previously. Faucetto's defense was an attack on Miss Anderson's character. Attorney Chamberlain, for the plain tiff, in summing up tho enso to tho Jury, drew his argument from tho play "Everywoman," nnd quoted the piny freely. Attorney Blackwood, for the defense, drew a picture of the busi ness man as a prey of designing wom en. .Judge Trlobcr In his chargo to the rt- Jury stripped tho case of roninnce and sentiment and asked tho Jury to de cide two questions: Wus thero nn engagement to wed? And was Faucette responsible for Loda Anderson's moral Btundlng? The Jury was out only thirty min utes nnd returned a Judgment for ?100,000, the full .amount asked. SEE NO KISSES IN 2013 Mrs. Barney Hemmlck Declares Wom en Will Then Wear Trousers. Wnshlngton. In 2013 A. D. men nnd women will both wear trousers and kissing will be a lost art, according to tho prophecy In n now plnylot written by Mrs. Barney Hemmlck, tho fairy godmother of Washington society. Mrs. Hommick will produce the play for the first tlmo ns tho curtain raiser to her suffrago play. In addition to tho above noted changes, Mrs. Ilommlek predicts that in 2013 character as well as health certificates will bo required attach ments to marriage licenses, H!S BULL THAT GIVES MILK Animal Was Raised at the Delaware College Experimental Farm. Newark, Del, Tho Delawaro college experimental farm has a curiosity In the shape of a Guernsey bull which gives milk. Professor Harry Hay ward, director of tho farm, admitted the presence of the phenomenon say ing: "It is unusual for a bull to give milk, but it is not Impossible for males of tho bovlno family Co develop mammary glands," King Beda Is tho name of this bull and his milk is rich In fats. MANY LOST ARTICLES HERE Wonderful Depot In Paris Removed to Larger Quarters 100,000 Pieces Await Owners. Paris. The wonderful depot of lost articles, which for thirty years had its temporary headquarters at the Pre fecture of Police, Is about to bo re moved to tho Caserne de la Cite, with its stocks of 100,000 heterogeneous arti cles. According to these figures, one out of thirty adult Parisians lobes something every day, and the police depot was really growing too small Thero Is a Btory of one particularly oblivious lady who lost tho same um brella twenty-three times. Sho wrrt to fetch It twenty-two times, but the twenty-third time she was too much ashamed to redeem It, However, a few days later sho thought sho would Just go out of curiosity and see If her umbrella was thero. Sure enough it was, and ns all tho employes by that time knew her, ono of them said to her with a smile. "Madame, will ou not como and tnke your umbrella?" Sho had to take It the twenty-thud time, even ngalnst her desire We are not told how many times she lost It after that. Other stories which the police have to tell nre scarcely lesB amusing Loads of lost articles find their way to tho depot after some great celebra tlon. Tho day after the departure of tho king of Spain tho most nstoundlng finds wore made. The depot received two swords with dnmask blades and handles of bolld gold, a neck chain of diamonds, rubles and umeralds cap WILL ENTER ARCTIGS J. K. Cornwall Will Guide Expedi tion on Mackenzie. Party of Writers and Artists Will E plore the Far North That Its Resources May Be Made Known to All. Rdmonton, Alta. James K. Corn wall of Edmonton, member of tho pro uncial parliament for Pcaco river, will conduct a party of writers, artists and movlngplcturo photographers down tho Mnckenzlo river, In tho hin terland of Alberta, to tho frlngo of tho Arctic circle, to show tho lifer of the Indian, fur trapper, tradon and settlers nnd tho development of tho country. A film compnny will send two machines nnd an operator. The party will return about tho end of tho J ear. Among others tho party will in clude Mr. Cornwall, who has passed a, quarter century In tho northlnnd; Charles Russell, tho Indian artist of Montana; Emerson Hough, author nnd special writer; P. .K. Miller, scientist, nnd George Fraser, chronologlst. Tho'routo Ib from Edmonton to Athabasca Landing by rail, along tho Athabasca river to tho Mackenzie river by way of Lesser Slnvo and Great Slavo lakes, down tho Macken zie to Porcuplno, to tho Yukon, visit ing Dawson and Whltchorso nnd go l:.g thenco to HcrschoH'B lslnnd. The explorers, traveling in scows, Eklffs nnd steamers, will visit tho nu merous trading posts in tho north, nnd it Ib probnblu that several photo plays will bo worked out by tho real pioneers of tho country. Mr Cornwall, who la financing tho project, is tho hend of tho Northern Trading compnny, which operates a line of boats On northurn wntors. Ho has been over thousands of miles of the virgin territory, nnd Ib known among tho dwellers of tho north as far as any whlto man hns yet pone t rated tho interior. HAS MACHINE TO CUT SKULLS Doctor Demonstrates Electrical Ap paratus for Trepanning Reduces the Pain. Chicago. Skull cutting by machin ery is the latest development In era nlnl surgery. And a. doctor In Chicago Is tho inventor. A secret demonstra tion was given at a meeting of a medical society and surgeons who were permitted to witness tho opera tion ao said to havo been greatly interested. The machine Is a cylindrical saw operated at high speed by electricity. A patient enn bo trepanned by this method In a fraction of tho tlmo in quired by the old chisel and hand worked saw. In emergency, it wns stnted, tho now mnchlne can be attached to any kind of electric current. In cases requir ing instant operation it is claimed that the new machine will save many pa tients who formerly would havo been considered hopeless cases. Its greatest usefulness, howovor, is Eald to lie in tho fact thnt tho numbor of operable cases will bo increased to include many whoso weakness of heart action would prohibit thorn from be ing nnoVsthetlzed long enough for op eration by tho old method. His electrically driven nnw will ro tate at an exceedingly high Bpeed, cut ting at a mere touch, so that In tho hands of a skilled surgeon tho tre panning operntlon will bo relieved of a great portion of its danger. The machlno lino not yet been tried on a living subject, for tho doctor wnnled an authoritative confirmation of IiIb own vIowb. - - rings with brilliants and two hats of naval olllcerB. On another occasion nn employe ut the opera found a bracelet with dia monds which formed part of tho crown Jewels, nnd belonged to a mem ber of the Orleans family. A genera) once found a purso In tho Bois do Boulogne. Ho handed it to tho policeman, and a year later tho samo purse was restored to him with the injunction that ho was, uccording to thp law, to be Its depository for thirty ytars, after which tlmo, in ac cordance with the statute of limita tions, he would become tho dcflntto owner. The puree contnlned $1,25. "WILD" CATS KILL SONGSTERS Wealthy Residents of New Rochelle Park, N. Y., Alarmed by Acts of Felines. New York The wealthy residents of Itochelle Park, New Itochcllo, have become nlarmed over tho depredations of a band of wild cats that Is making raids on pantries and songbirds of tho park. Tho cats attack thoso who chase them Most of the robins nnd thrushes and tho squirrels huve been killed and eaten by the cats. Among tho cats are valuable, angoras and Persians They hnve colonized In out-bulld-IngB of the old homo of Dr. II. C. Bumpus, formerly curate of tho Amor lean Museum of Natural History of Now York olty. Tho band hna In creased to more than 100. TENDERFEET WIN I WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP HILL AND SONS, THE OAT CHAM PIONS, ARE COCKNEYS BORN AND BRED. City-bred In tho world's greatest metropolis and untrained as to things agricultural, wore J. C. Hill nnd his thrco boyB whon they settled on homo Blends nt Lloydmlnstcr, in tho Prov ince of Saskatchewan (western Can ada), eight yeni'B ago,. Today thoy are tho recognized champion oat grow ers ol tho North American continent, having won twlco in succession the silver chnllongo cup, valued nt $1,500 nt tho Fifth National Corn exposition, Columbia, S. C. Tho Plate, officially known ns tho Colorndo Ont trophy, is cmblomntlo of tho grand champion ship prize for tho best bushel of oats exhibited by Individual farmerB or ex periment farms ut thoso expositions. Tho HHl entry won this year in tho face of (to keenest competition, hun dreds of exhibits being Bent by expe rienced farmers from nil parts of tho United StntcB and Canada. Tho oats wore grown on land which was' wild pralrlo less than four years ago, Whon Mr. Hill nnd his threo pons, who probably .noVcr saw a wider ncro ago than tho hills of Hampstcad Heath, or tho parks of London, came to Saskatchewan eight years ago, they hnd llttlo moro capital than was re quired for homestond entry fees. They filed on four homesteads, In tho Lloyd mlnBtor district, which straddles the boundary of Alberta and Saskatche wan. Thoy wont to work with a will, ripping the rich brown sod with break lug plows and put in a crop, which yielded fair returns. Thoy luborod early and Into and de nied themsolves paltry pleasures, Rind to stand tho gait for a whllo in rising to their possibilities. They talked with successful farmors nnd studied crops and conditions nnd profited by both. Tho now llfo on tho farm was strango but thoy nover lost heart, handicapped as thoy woro by lack of experience and capital. Tho farm Iioubo, modern In every respect, compares favorably with any residence in tho city. The Hills havo substantial bank accounts and their credit la gllt-cdgo from Edmonton to Winnipeg and beyond. "Thero is nothing secret nbout our methods nor la our plan copyrighted. Wo first mado a thorough study of climatic conditions, soil and seed," Bald Mr. Hill. "Wo tended our crops carofully and gradually added livo Btock, realizing from tho beginning that mixed farming would pay larger and moro certain" returns than straight grain growing. Wo have demonstrated that fact to our satisfaction and tho result is that many of tho farmers In tho district aro following our exam ple" x Tho land that tho Hills work is of tho samo class ub may be found any whoro in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. AdvortlsemonL ' "" " "" " ' Tho newest Atlantic liner Ikib 11 decks. This Is almost as bad as a sky scraper reversed. The Effects TIIAT INFANTS aro peculiarly Buscoptiblo to opium and ita various preparations, nil of which nro narootio, is well lcnown. Even in tho Hiuallest doses, if continued, these opiates causo changes in tho fu no tions nnd growth of tho cello which nro likely to bocomo permanent, cauBing imbooillty, mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in later lifo. Nervous diseases, such us intractable iictvoub dyspepsia and lack of staying powers aro n result of dosing with opiates or 'narcotics to kcop children quiet in their infancy. Tho rule among physicians is that chlldron should never rccolvo opintes in tho smallest doses for moro than a day at a timo, and only then if unavoidable. Tho administration of Anodynes, Drops. Cordials, (Soothing Syrups and other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot bo too strongly decried, and tho druggist should not bo a party to it. Children who nro ill need tho. attention of a physician, and it is nothing less than a orimo to doao them willfully with narcotics. Castoria contains no narcotics if it bears tho --j? - signature of Chas. II. Fletcher. fjf , Genuine Cnstoria alvrnjH hears tho slgnuturo st&aScy ccccAiiC Catarrhal Fever His Business. "From the way that follow has been talking to you, I judge he Is a hot air artist." "So he Is advertising agent for a now furnuco." Literals. "Walls havo ears." "I should say so with all thoBe dic tagraphs hanging on them." Liquid blue li a weak solution. Avoid It. Duy ltt-d Cross Hall lllue, the blue Hint's all bluu. Ask yuur grocer. Adv. Ivo comes nnd growH through serving, not through being sorved. llonry Clay Trumbull, LEWIS' Rinale Hinder clpnr (jIvt-R you tliu ricli natural quality of cowl tobacco. Adv. Unless you know your duty how will you be ablo to dodge It' FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS RICH IN CURATIVE QUAL1TJKS FOR BAOKAOHE, RHEUMATISM. KIONBYS AND BLADDER TE rfTTTj' Ttwtf A imdnlidiacoiof ECZEMA M,C trial, r, lliUi (luau to., nMi l.ri, u,u.ri,, nuwwi Alex. G. Buchanan & Son arc always flhtlni; for the Live Stock Shipper's Interest GET IN TOUCH WITH THEM WOMAN GOULD NOT WALK She Woo So 111 Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pink horn's Vegetable Compound. Pcntwntcr, Mich. "A yoarngolwa very weak and tho doctor said I had a Borioua displace ment. I hnd back ncho mid bearing1 down paina so bad that I could not sit In n chair or, walk across tho floor and I was In scvoro pain nil tho time I felt discouraged ns I had taken ovorythlng I could think of and wns no better. I began takinrj Lydia E. Pinkhnm'a Vcg ctablo Compound nnd now I am strong nnd healthy." Mrs. Auco Darling, R.F.D. No. 2, Box 77, Pcntwatcr, Mich. ItoadWliatAMotUcrWomrm nays Peoria, 111. "I had such backachea that I could hardly stand on my feet. I would feel liko crying out lota of times, nnd hnd such n heavy feeling in my right side. I had such tcrriblo dull headaches every day nnd thoy would mako mo feel so drowsy and olecpy nil tho tlmo, yet I could not sleep at night. "After I had token Lydia E.Pinkham's Vcgctnblo Compound n week I began to improve My bnckacha wai less and that heavy feeling in my sido went away. I continued to tnko tho Com pound nnd nm cured. " You may publish this if you wish." Misa Claim L. Gauwitz, It.lt. No. 4, Box C2, Peoria, 111. Such letters provo tho valuo of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vcgotablo Compound for woman's ilia. Why don't you try it? Your Liver Is Clogged Up That'. Why You'ro Tirpd-Out of Sorto Havo No Appotito. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS will put you right in n few days. They do. their duty. Cure Con- cttnnttntt Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick I leadachs SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL TIUCE. Genuine must bear Signature DAISY FLY KILLER ft .rfffi ft flttl TiHt. OlMB M BktnenUI, oonriolt. chp. tkili all anas Mud of mil, can ttUi or tip orar, will nut soil c Injure anything. Uuanntl n ottT AlldaatareoriMBt 1M fardMk BABOLD I01URB. 1B0 Dtb Ait , Brooklja, It. T. of Opiates, IS w .BiHlir jtrx-rr-nV- 3K3NlHKir.Kd mmijsr w ittle mmm iyck JHMKNt pills. $&&&z S to 0 doaca afuin rnrn. Onn M'-conl tmllln Hl'OIIN'H guuranlcinl tocureacMe, Hnfp for nn mnro hor ur colt. H)ion bottle, (4. (let It of druk'gULii, lumen dealora or direct trow maniifnttrni. niprrn luld. hl'OIIN'b It inn bcitl prurontWfl of all forms of dlatanipor, Sl'OlIN 31KDIOAI. CO., CluimUU and llucturlologlil, Goilion, Inil., V, S. A, Nebraska Directory BOILER REPAIRS Kiiicrlbollor makers sent anrwhero anrllme. WILSON STEAM nOILLIt CO.. Omaha DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing in favor becauso it Does Not Slick to the Iron and it will not injure tho finest fabric. Yot laundry purposes it has no equal. 16 ox. package li)c. I -3 more ttarch for snme money. DEriANCC STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebraska Try Us It Will Pay You i Column your slock to us for good prlcea good nila wiiu pruuiiii ii'uiiiuiiii-e, iv mo or wirtt ua tor any d(lrcd Information rcjKurdlti2llioui.irltot. All cum UDDkatUina nnwerul prunipilr, Wa nro worklu lor jour Intcrett and approclato yuur bualccaC N. E. ACKER A, CO., Live Stock CommiRGtlon 1 loon 110-112 Eithuta Hit , Stock tit. Stitloi, t Omiia, Rtk, -if - n tnmS3KS i' aw1 ''ii" ajrt.