THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LIU. L. IIATIB, Publlahor. TERMS, $1.2G IN ADVANCE. NORTH PLATTE, . . NEBRASKA MORAL INFLUENCE OF CLOTHES. Lot not tlie flippant speak lightly of tho suggostlon Hint thu way to ro form women In prisons In to glvo thom corsets and pretty clotlios. The feml nlno philosopher who propounded this road to redemption was entirely sound In saying that thero Is no reform without Bolf-respect, and tho relation between sclf-rospcct and bolng well dressed Is intimate, bays thu Philadel phia Hecord. It was another fomlnhio philosopher, one from Boston, who said that tho consciousness of being well dressed Imparted a pence of mind which not evon tho consolations of re ligion could give. Tho warden who thinks a woman Is no worse when a corset Is tnkon off her and no better when one Is put on, perhaps forgets, (hat In his own prison the convicts do not wear striped clothes, and tho wardens of borno other penal institu tions nro putting on tho convicts plain clothes under which It Is possible for a Bonso of self-respect to grow Tho cropping of tho hair and the lockstep have been abolished from several pris ons to avert tho psychological effect of n porsonal appearanco that Is Incom patible with self-respect. Thero In more In this idea of giving women prisoners corsetB and pretty clothes than no mo of tho ponologlutB, social reformers and physicians Interviewed thereon recognize. A clergyman who preached to a con gregation of young people recently Hclcctcd as tho subject of his dis course, "After Marrlago What?" and gave several excellent practical sug gestions. Ono was that ovory mar ried couplo should recognize ns a paramount duly their duty toward inch other. Another wqb that they should keep up a honeymoon courtesy, r.ud Btlll another that they should es tablish n homo of their own. "Do it over so humble," ho Insisted, "a homo of tholr own should bo tho fixed purpose of ovory young couplo after i.arrlago." It Is a safo assertion that no connubial venture conducted on these principles will como to wreck upon tho rock of divorce. When Hannibal was besieging Homo thero wore those among tho inhabi tants who bought and puid good prices for tho land on which his army was encamped. That was tho spirit thnt mado tho ancient Romans rulers of tho world. Americans on ninny occasions have displayed tho snnio splendid cour ;igo nnd confidence In tho face of danger. They showed It in Chicago In 1871 by plunnlng to rebuild before tho ashes wcro cold after tho great flro. They showed it at San Francisco, nftor enrtbquaka and conflagration had dono their worst, and they nro showing it at Omaha amid tho ruin nnd desola tion following tho onslaught of the Jornado. Prom London comos tho sad news that Mrs. Fell, n nloco of Lord Mac nulay, tho historian, htiB died In a workhouse hospital at Manchester, aged elghiy-flvo. Mrs. Foil, Svho wnB the widow of a clergyman, rocolvod an nllownnco from relntlvos, but when alio beenmo ill and two nurses were necessary to attend her she wuh taken to tho hospital. Why it should havo been necessary to Utko her to tho hos pltal of a workhouse doos not appear, nnd tho explanation In tho conclusion of tho dispatch BcomB to cancel tho im plication of tho oponlng sentence thnt the nloco of Macaulay dlod a paupor And now tho town of Esson, Qor many, hns been robbed by a swindler who, representing himself to bo an auditor and' protending la discover several thousands of u BiirpluB, car rled it oft to tho minister of finance at Uorlln, who, needless to say, never re ceived it. City government in Gor. many may bo on a model basis, but thero is at lcnBt one point on which any American village could glvo It ad vice. Trennury agents, though limited to uu expenditure of JO.GO a day for board and lodging in Chicago and Now York, will not strnve. Ono can get a filling order of beef stow for lfi contB nnd a big plato of succulent wheat cakes for 10 cents more. Tho wealth of Now York state now exceeds, according to tho real and personal valuations, $11,000,000,000. Thd ofllclal valuations do not exceed one-half of real values. To be exact, tho ofllclal wealth of the state In 1912 was 11,131,600,121. Out In San FranclBco thoy are going to teach tho high school girls how to do odd plumbing Jobs about tbo houso. Any education that will make life easier for the husband ought to bo pretty popular with tho men folks, unyhow. That woman who dUllkod her homo In Philadelphia - so much that b)io committed sulcldo may not havo been bo insane. Not a few people feel that way about Philadelphia. Foi1 Severely Formal According An Evening Gown of White Charmeuse With Pink Beaded Net. POISEf A MARK OF BEAUTY Will Demand Effort; the Results Are Worth All That May Be Expended. Polso is not necessarily a gift be Btowod by tho gods of a chosen few. Wo all may posbosb It If wo will. It mny require tlmo nnd effort, but how much mora desirable wo aro as com panions If wo havo acquired It. What Is moro tlresomo than tho flighty, oxcltable woman, who talks ut tho rate of a inllo a minute, frnn- COMBINATION GOWN Comblnatlpn gown with skirt cf bluo chnrmouBo, narrow nnd sllghtls druped, and blouso of printed Bilk with plain sift lapels and lace. Affair, to Parisian Ideas tlcally complaining about tho -world In general, or excusing her mussed blouso or rakish tstylo of her hat. Sho Dimply makes us swallow air and wo sigh with relief when alio goes to And another victim. It Is both tiresome nnd annoying to alt beside tho woman in church who is not able to cencentrat her mind. Sho Is either clearing hor throat, pull ing at her gloves or dropping tho hym nal. Then thero is tho girl at tho theater who must nibble bon bonsi ono mlnuto and powder her noBO tho next. Sho not only disturbs others, but uses up her energy nnd strength uselessly. Itoposo of manner is moro often found in tho woman who has passed twonty-flvc. Thnt Is why some men prefer hor to tho giggling miss In her teens. If you aro talking with anyone who constantly fidgets her hnnds or twitch es hor mouth you may find yourself do ing tho same thing. It 1b very dls concerning to Bay tho least. If you study women's faceH In tho trolloy cars you will find that eight out of every ten blto their lips or mako faces. All that soma girls need to mako thom attrnctlvo and good looking la poise. Tho older ono grows tho moro essential It is to take things calmly. PoIbo Is synonymous with good breeding. An excellent plan to help yourself acquire it is to go into a quiet room by yourself ench day for at least twenty mlnutos and relax, not only your body, but your mlitd as well. After you possess this necessary quality (i, will becomo part of you and you will not mar your health and beauty by unnecessary distortions of tho fuco and body. Silken Waistcoats. WnlstcoatB aro much in evidence. Some aro loug and . narrow, others qulto wldo and no moro apparent than n man's waistcoat worn with tho morning cutaway coat. Theso, waistcoats, like tho braided coats,' aro mostly to bo seen lti ben gallncs, silk crepona and other silken fabrics. Tho classical tallor-mado Is ut Its newest In violet, green or whlto sorgo In thick diagonal rib. Its con strUftlon Is rather curious, for al though thoro aro no draperies tho uklrts are bo cut about in strangely shaped points and squares that tho result is slightly puzzling. Anyhow, tho effect Is qulto lntorost lug, nnd, what is tho chief point, It is very now and vory dllllcult for Indif ferent workmen to copy successfully. For this reason It will havo a cortnlu popularity. "S air Ornaments. Tho straight illlets, so much soon with evening dross last year, aro now partially superseded by thoso arrang ed in curves which form a wavy lino upon tho colffuro. Thoy end In Jew eled circlets with short fringe to match, nnd can bo adjusted In a mo ment. Ono of tho prottloBt of Joweled bands for tho hair Is In a design of whcelo between two bands of Jowol ing. Tho wholo bandeau ends in a point at either side. It Is rather high In front, a fashion which suits tbo ,round-fac,cd. M MTCKJffl t L m&wi'&m Oil ought I i-e. thny an an lck who mirftlt with too inucli. na lhr unit starve with nothing. Prudent, cuutloUR Belf-iontrul la wis dom's root. MUTTON IN THE DIET. Mutton has always been a popular food among tho Jowh and In sections where sheep are raised; yet we find even In sheep states that people do not know and appreciate tho value of the meut. Mutton and lnrnb arc whole somo and tho fact that sheep are rarely diseased is a great point in their favor, Mutton is a food for tho Invalid, as It 1b commonly believed to digest easily and without causing any Inter nal disturbance. Mutton, like beef, ia almost always completely assimilated in a healthy stomach. Tho advantage that mutton hab over beef is that it may bo used moro economically, as a quarter or half of a carcass may be bought and kept In an ordinary refrigerator and the price per pound Is considerably less. Deef cannot be bought In such sections, as tho portion would bo too largo to keep. A leg of mutton can be utilized by un ordinary family with compara tively Bmall waste. Mutton Is said to absorb odors read ily and so must bo carefully hung. Another Important feature is tho man ner of dressing. If the butcher han dles tho wool nnd then touches tho meat it is sure to have a strong, woolly flavor. The feeding, sex and age of course are factors which help to dotormlno tho flavor, which is said to havo Its origin in the fat. When tho mutton 1b brought into tho houBe, whether rresh from tho hands of the butcher or from the mar ket, wipe it with a damp cloth and all portions which havo any unpleasant odor about them should bo cut off. In roasting mutton a rack Is desir able, as thero Is then no danger of any portion of the ' meat being scorched and spoiling the flavor of tho wholo. Ono fnct 'worthy of note In making broth, especially for the sick, is that the fat of mutton Is easily extracted In tho process of cooking, bo that after the broth cools, tho fat may be easily removed. In preparing mutton broth, as all others, the object Is to get as much of tho nutrlmont and extractives Into the soup as possible. This Is accom plished by dividing the meat Into small pieces and cooking at a vory low temperature. AM by my place to know how to pleuso tho pulato of tho KUchIh; ho you nro to know the palates ot the times. Make yourself thoughts. nests of pleasant Ruskln. HELPFUL HINTS. When suede shoes becomo shiny, rub them , with a bit ot sandpaper. This Is a good treatment to give shiny spots on any garment. To prevent shoes from squeaking rub tho Boles with Unseed oil. This not only remedies that difficulty but it preserves tho leather and makes the soles waterproof. When making now comforters for the beds reserve enough extra material for a protec tion nt the hend. Tills may be made in tho form of a ton or twelve-Inch slip thnt can be drawn over and tacked down, then when It is soiled it may bo easily removed and washed. Tho comfort Is always clean and sweet. Nobody likes to sleep undci covors that look soiled. If matting after a thorough clean ing, 1b given a coating of thin white shellac It is easily wiped off and when it wenrs give it another coat ing. Witch hazel and rose wnter, equal parts, are good for a burned complex ion. Try using oatmeal for a change In thickening soup. old loose gloves while Ironing to keep the hands from callouses. A fow drops of vinegar on the hands will keep them soft and freo from stlffnesB, which comes after using thom in soap suds. Chopped preserved ginger Improves n vanilla sauce to serve with a cot tage pudding. When rolling JcMy cako trim the edges thnt have becomo dry, it will roll much easier. Lard Is much tatter to uso for greasing cako patiB than butter, as tho latter burns moro easily. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. It tukos moro than hot air to lift a mortgage. Criticism often turns out to be a tribute of reBpect. Another romedy for insomnia turn over a new leaf. dive a boy all the liberty he wants aud he'll bo lucky If he doesn't land In Jail. H rmmm ' Tiftii i MbiiL 9 fasSffl wm K HIT to chat ns wrll us cat. Nothing but sit anil sit mid cat and eat. APPROPRIATE SAUCES. A pudding is made or marred by tin. flauco which is served with It. It may not seem so Important on first thought, -but tho blending of flavors Is as fine a point to consider as tho blending of colors In a painting or In garments to wear. The world la too full of people llko the woman who had a great deal of taste, but It was nil bad. The French chef shows his artistic sense in tho manner which he blends flavors. It Is an art, a scienco which all cooks should cultivate, tho art of seasoning. Few people know what to add to a dish to give it its distinctive piquancy, which it Is so evidently lacking. Many times it may be a dask of salt or a pinch of mace, a drop of vanilla, or any number of things which the keen sense of the trained cook at onco detects. This wonderful art of ceasonlng makes the difference In different peo ple's dishes, some aro so satisfying, so well flavored und well seasoned that never a morsel Is wasted; others nro so flat, stale and unprofitable, al though good material has been used, that much is wasted. Whipped cream la a moBt delicious sauce, which Is very much abused and Is served In somo homes on every va riety of pudding. If one considered a moment the fitness of things it would be most apparent that a rich pudding should have a sauce not so rich in fat. For example a spongo souffle, being made of eggs and rather tasteless In itself, needs a rich sauce of butter, creamed with powdered sugar, fla vored and made foamy with whipped cream. A rich suet pudding Is best served with an egg snuce, thinned with milk and flavored aa desired. The salad dreaslng Is another im portant point to consider, even tho simple French dressing, which ono would think might be made by an amateur, Is often ruined by too much vinegar. Ono part of vinegar to two of oil and often throe of oil if Wor cestershire Is used; a bit of ice helps to blend tho dressing, and salt and cayenne must be added to taste. In meat sauces a dash of onion Julco, a touch of assafoetida, a sus picion of garlic, will transform an ordinary dish into what the French call a creation. WII..T., make an end ot my din ner. There's pippins and cheese to como. Shakespeare. Kilucutlon Is the drawing out of th fuculllea. SEASONABLE DISHES. This ia a diah which la rather un-i common but very good and when once tried will be chorished and used. Fish Pudding. Remove all skin and bones from a pound ot uncooked fish, chop very flue, add a half cup of crumbs and tho same amount of suet,, chopped, a tablespoonful of parsley, also chopped, suit, pepper and lemon juice to taste, a cup of milk and two slightly beaten eggs. Bake In a greased baking dish, set in hot water, or steam It until a knlfo may bo thrust into it and it will come out clean. Turn out on to a hot platter and pour around It an oyster or shrimp sauce. Chicken Hash. Chop leftover chick en, UBing bits of skin, also a little celery finely minced, add a teaspoon ful of salt knd enough water to cover. Simmer three hours. Cook together a tablespoonful each of butter and flour, add the broth from tho chicken, two cupfuls, cook until smooui, then add the chopped chicken. Simmer and serve hot. Cabbage Salad. Chop very flno halt a medium-sized cabbage with two slices of onion, mix thoroughly with cream dressing and serve on crisp cabbage leaves with strips of red nnd green peppers for garnish. Cheese Souffle. Butter a baking dish and ndd two cups ot bread crumbs and ono cup of grated Ameri can cheese, a teaspoonful of salt, a dash of paprika and two well beaten eggs; bako twenty minutes. All egg dishes should bo baked In a dish set in hot water. Tho race iBii't always to tho swift nnd never to tho loafer. Kven a college education doesn't hurt a sensible young man. A womnn may not havo tho dough even If her diamoudB are paste. What about that ship of yours that Is to como In has it started yet? The lovo of money is truly the root of much evil If you marry for gold. JjL-.sA'j Backache Is aWarning Thousands suffer kidney ills unawares not knowing that the backache, head aches, and dull, nerv ous, dizzy, all tired condition nro often duo to kidney weak ness alone. Anybody who suf fers constantly from backache should sus pect tho kidneys. Soma Irregularity of the secretions may give just the needed proof. Doan's Kidney Pills have been cur ing backacho and sick kidneys for over fifty years. rE 'Etj Fltturi A North Dakota Cute Mrs C.J. Trier, Cnndo.N. I.,snr! "Mt feet nml llnihi wiirAfttritllrnnn I rmiMn't. nl.nn ..n neruuntof kidney urakm-n. Mr back un; inine ana burn una i jeit icicruuiu. inun a ixiunej 1'IUa cured roa and when t naro lmd fH-rank.n in i uso llieni since, tbcjr tuvu never fallen! tiie." Cat Doan's at Any Store. 50c n Dos DOAN'SWiV FOSTER-MILDURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. GUARANTEED M Lone Mlleaecs AUTOMOBILE TIRES 41 tiYo KKdiat Iron Slitdard Prlcts 'STRONaTKEAD-.t. Un, ,uf.a td wrpxl tr4 hTrcr tip llr.i, bat ,rt told t wle.. th.t sk; dffy lh tmit raH oodi Built to tin lonr Mrrlct nd (tetter mile ! or roajh reidi id.1 to lih- Ll.,S.1i," ",4ln EASIEST MDiriOt rti.hulltOVZRSlZEDiuid o NO RIM-CUT prtnclpl. Hun. drtd l.., !, gi000 n,M ,. .'? ,",,Plrl!MTrritlnf '?." ,.,ddlr""o'toimnrlth lllalddlintDiro!lUcntout. Re due jour tiro bills and know rail tiro Mtlifirtlon bj uilcr 8TR0M0 TRIAD TUIJA Tbou.d" IB iio. &, j riucit toiumomau, Hit Tire Tilt bt tlr- T.IU UO J 1.70 U 20 33l 117.(0 Jl (9 km n i.n ISill 17 11 1 ) JU( Z 65 4(5 ICil 71 M l on 320 1(25 3.(5 3Clll?CK Ot am, umtR gizrs TIRES AUD TURF --. i.-. ..... . . H hraBi n fr 'I" "11 oraor. HOHET,i","',,"J1J,,,'d SPECULOrJElt 2?l!ll JiVA1!.;!' .."? ' ''" spark nxos urn. ii'iuurpricocf UuMplujiti. OUDERNOW. Buooprrod kabbf r Co., Df rrtn.l SS, D.jlon, Ohio AOKVrS A new article; record-breaking ales everywhere: write for free sample ana our new catalog II. h. IIIVKS CO., C3 P. O. l'lure, Hnlt I.alin City. Ululi. TC gr TF "J TLJT A nnd all diseases of In C .. If i rfl A the fckln CUKKI). " ""r " " ' bend for tfllHU trial, r. IIALK CIUHIL CO., Writ Tori, Jlobtrl;, HlMri REALISM CARRIED TO EXCESS Lack of Drapery Would Seem to Havo Furnished Excellent Incentive for Maternal Slipper. A mother In Worcester, Mass., who had orthodox vlewa-had told her chil dren the Garden of Eden story. Tho children were greatly Impressed. Ones afternoon, returning from town, tho mother found the palms and ferns had disappeared from the veranda. Going Into the darkened living-room she saw one of tho boys, minus clothing, re clining under a big fern, while anoth er, equally clothless, wa3 standing by a palm. They enlightened her by ex plaining that they wero playing Ad am and Evo in the garden. At that mlnuto her youngest roy, not three, came into tho room as na ture had first given him to tho world, except that ho wore a silk hat on his bond and carried a cane. "And pray who are you?" asked the mother. Tho little one looked up at her and smiled as he said: "I am tho Lord Dod Almighty, walking ii the darden In the tool of the day.' Intelligent Dutch Cows. "Cattle unaccompanied by a drover aro forbidden to cross this bridge," runs the inscription on a signpost near Haarlem. Holland. Anyway, tho rolling stone never wao Interested In the moss trust. It's enough to discourage temperance advocates when money gets tight. r Sweet Bits of Corn Skilfully cooked t - Toastie -At Your Service Ready to eat direct from tightly sealed sanitary package. From our ovens to your table Post Toast ies are not touched by human hand. Delicious with cream and sugar or fruits. For sale by grocers everywhere. Post Toasties have Distinctive Flavor S rr--. Po