The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 27, 1913, Image 3
'. , ) What Bomb folks need Is a fool proof pay envelope Hint can't bo opened un til thoy get homo. Red Cross Ball Blue rIvcs. doable Talus lor your money, rocs twice as far as anj etlitr. Ask your grocer. Adv. Montenegrin National Dress. The national dress of Montenegro Is very plcturesquo, consisting of bright and vnrled colors. The head gear Is a becoming cap. RASH SPREAD TO ARMS 759 Roach Ave, Indianapolis, Ind.--"At first I noticed omall eruptions on my face. The trouble began ao a rash. It looked llko red pimples. In a few dayo thoy sproad to my arms and back. They Itched and burned bo badry that I scratched them and of course the ro Bult wnB blood anil matter. The erup tions featored, broke, opened and dried up, leaving tho skin, dry and scaly. I spent many sleepiest) nights, my back, armB and face burning and itching; sleep was purely and simply out of the question. Tho troublo also caused disfigurement. My clothing irrltatod tho breaking out "By this time I had used ooveral well-known remedies without success. Tho troublo continued. Then I began to use the eamplo of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Within seven or eight days I noticed gratifying results. I purchased a full-sized cake of Cutl cura Soap and a box of Cutlcura OIntj ment and In about eighteen or twenty days my euro was complete." (Signed) Miss Katherino McCalllator, Apr. IS, 1912. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston." Adv. Transmisslblllty of Genius. Tho sale of relics of Kobert and Elizabeth Browning by executors of tho estate of their son, the late Kobert Weldomann Barrett Browning, which tiegan May 1, again tails attention to tho fact tha. the child of a union so richly lowered, from the literary and artistic standpoint, failed to show "traces of the genius of either parent le was an artist, but did nothing ex traordinary. It would almost seem , that genius not only has a way of sometimes consuming its possessor but also of consuming Itself, as far as tho Immediate offspring are con cerned. At any rate, tho evidence as to its transmisslblllty is still lacking, rlthough, of course, there are plenty uf facts to justify a belief as to the transmisslblllty .of special talents. Itu Origin. Miss Elsie Bo Wolfe, Is one of the reception-rooms of tho Colony club, was talking about tho new servant trust "It originated in the Philippines," she said, "among tho army servants there. It traveled west to Honolulu. It Is now spreading, they say, on to San Francisco. "This coming trouble reminds mo of a story. " 'Who originated the proverb about a rolling stone gathering no moss? one man asked another. "Tho other man quietly replied: " 'That, my dear fellow, is a quota tion from an eloquent but vain appeal to a suburban cook to stay on ono month moro." Wise Man. Mrs. Excite Oh, doctor, husband 1 in an awful way. Just as he goes to sign "my checks ho faints away. Doctor What am I to do? Mrs. Excite Get him so that he won't faint till after he signs them. The less a man says the more guess ing his wife has to do. HER "BEST FRIEND" A Woman Thus Speaks of Postum. We usually consider our best friends those who treat us best. Somo persons think coffee a real friend, but watch it carefully awhile and observe that it is ono of the meanest of all enemies, for it stabs ono while professing friendship. Coffee contains a poisonous drug caffoine which injures the delicate nervous system and frequently sets up disease In ono or moro organs of the body, if its uso is persisted in. "I had heart palpitation and nerv ousness for four years and the doctor told mo the trouble was caused by coffee. Ho advised me to leave It off, but I thought I could not," writes a Wis. lady. "On the advlco of a friend I tried Postum and it so satisfied mo I did not caro for coffee after a few days' trial of Postum. "As weeks went by and I continued to use Postum my weight Increased from 98 to 118 pounds, nnd tho heart troublo left me. I have used It a year now and am stronger ttnn I ever was. I can hustle up stairs without uny heart palpitation, and I am freo from nervousness. "My children aro very fond of Post um and It agrees with thorn. My sister liked It when she drank It at mj house; now sho has Postum at home and has becomo very fond of it. You may uso my name It you wish, as I am not ashamed of praising my best friend Postum." Name given by Pustum Co., Battle. Creek, Mich. Postum now come3 In new concen trated form called Instant Postum. It 1b regular Postum, so processed at tho factory that only tho soluble portions aro retained. A spoonful of Instant Fostum with hot water, and sugar and cream to tasto, produce Instantly a delicious beverage Write for tho little book, "The Road to Wcllvlllo." "There's a Reason" for Postum. redc FOR BETTER ROADS IN IOWA Joint Sub-Committee of Legislature Makes Recommendation Concern ing Highway Improvement. As the result of dally deliberations for some weeks by the committees of the Iowa senate and houso, tho joint sub committee made tho following rec ommendations concerning road legis lation: Establishment state highway com mission, with nmple authority. Com mission to consist of three members nppolnted by governor. Three mem bers to select competent state high way engineer. County engineers for all counties to bo employed by supervisors with ap proval of highway commission Classification of all highways into county nnd township roads. From 10 to 15 per cent, of roads in county to be designated as county roads, to be under supervisors and county engineer. All moneys expended on these roads to be In line of permanent work. No money to be paid except on approval of engineer. All bridges and culverts, county and township, to bo built in accordance with general plans -6f stato highway commission, under direction of coun ty engineer All township work to be put by trustees In hands of one man, to bo known ns bupetintendent of township roads, who shall make all contracts Tir dragging and temporary repairs. , Two-mill lovy to bo placed in com pulsory drag fund, to be paid out by superintendent for that purpose only. In case superintendent does work of grading on township roads, the county engineer must go over roads A "Chats" Road In Jasper County, Mo. "Chats" Is a Term for Mill Tail ings from the Mining District. giving profile, so that grading can be dono systematically, and township roads may bo put In1 same condition as roads designated ns county roads. If the legislature will put these rec ommendations into a properly drawn bill and pass It, Iowa will have made a long step forward In handling the road question. Certainly the money spent on the roads will be better spent under competent supervision, says Wallace's Farmer. These recommendations, however, do not directly encourage a beginning in the way of hard roads. It would seem that this legislature should do something In the way of stimulating permanent road construction In those sections where public sentiment is ripe for It. No good will come from trying to force good roads in com munities where the people aro satis tied with dirt roads. But the state can wpll nfford to levy a one-mill tax and spend the money to defray a por tion of the cost of permanent roads in communities in which the county or municipality and the abutting land owners will bear tho greater propor tion. Not a great deal of permanent road could ho constructed in this way, but enough to serve as an object les son, and this will bo all that is neces sary. A one-mill tax would amount to only ?2 on each qunrtor-sectlon farm. Surely tho owner of ICO acres of Iowa land ought to be willing to contribute that much toward experi mental hard rondn. It seems so much worth while thnt wo wonder that such strenuous objection Is made to it. Work at Louisville. The city of Louisville, Ky., is ask ing for bids on street work as follows: C740 square yards of concrete; 18,000 square jards of wood block paving; 47,000 square yards of asphalt, and 4C.000 square yards of vitrified block sidewalks. Tho whole will cost about $203,000. Buy Many Automobiles. Records show that thore aro now moro than 700 automobiles in William son county, Texas, or about one car to every sixty people. Karmors aro thq principal buyers, on account of tho great Improvements In tho roads. Transportation Problem. Tho farmers transportation problem begins with tho road that leads from his door to his school, his church, hlB mill, his gin, his postofllco nnd his market. Should Be Isolated, If roads around a town are bad, it might as well be on an island. PROBLEM OF DRAINAGE Of the Utmost Importance In Ir rigation Country. Farmer Should HU-e Engineer Who li Capable of Making Necessary Survey and Who Knows How to Lay Out Good System. (By E. B. HOITHK, Colorado AKrlCul turul CoIIpkp.) Tho drainage of lands Is of great im portance as tho subject of Irrigation Itself. Wu apply water to the soil and call It Irrigating; wo spread It over the ground and seo it sink from Bight; we seo crops grow and forget all about tho excess water wo apply. This wutcr. however, la not lost nnd In later ears will return to bless us or curse us, ns the case may be, nnd It UBiinlly comes In tho form of a curse rather than a blessing. What Is thorn that detracts more from tho appearance of a prosperous farming community, as we drive along tho country roads and look at the magnificent crops, than to see here and there largo tracts of ban en wnste covered with white alkali so common in this btnte, producing absolutely nothing and all bn account of a high water tnble? Poihnps this ground used to be nB productive as nny In the community, but in later years fanners have found It Impossible to raise any thing upon It They have Anally aban doned It, and there It Hor worthless to tho farmer and worthless to tho com munity at large. Why this etate of afTaiis? It Is due, as stated before, to the high water table or, In other words, to tho tact that tho underground water liar, risen until it is within u few foot of the sur face. Capillary action Is then set up and excessive quantities of water work from tho water table1 to the hup faco of tho ground nnd there evnpo rate, leaving behind tho elements thnt thoy carry in solution. Theee salts form the alkali which wo see on the surface of tho ground. Can this land be reclaimed and can It over bo made llrst-clasa farming land? Tho answer to this question is "yes." It may bo reclaimed In a num ber of ways, but the only permanent way Is to thoroughly dialn tho tinct. The laying out and Installation of a drain it) not the simplest problem 'In the world, and Is too often attempted by men who know nothing about It. My advice to the farmer Is to hire some engineer who Is capable of ma king tho necessary surey and who knows how to lay out a drain system Havo him not only set tho necessary grade stakes, but supervise tho laying of tho drain. Many drains have failed becauso of Improper installation. There are a number of different drain tile on tho market, nnd to say that one Is good and another Is worth less would bo not only unfair, but un true. All of the burned clay tiles. It properly made, will ladt fairly well unci make a suitable plpo for this kind of work. Wooden boxes nleo havo a long life, but I believe It is a mistake to place in tho trench open bottomed wooden boxes, unless the full Is amplo to give a good velocity to tho water They clog moro readily than do the tile plpo and animals aro continually digging into them, when water Is not running, and lining them up to a greater or less degree with dirt Water Ib becoming extremely val uablo In eastern Colorado and In man) Instances land may bo drained, thr outlet of tho drain being so placed that the discharge enters some Irriga tion canal, "and after tiling upon the same the owner may sell It to or vent It profitably. This has been done in a number of cases near Fort Collins. In soino ensos the flow has been BUillcient to pay for the installation of the en tire drulnngo system. Drain watei makes good late water, as the flow usually continuos well Into the fall and when water In the ditches be comes low. Tho scepago water enter ing the drain Is a maximum, hence the vnlue. The drainage of lands should be considered whenever Irrigation is con tomplated, because, If the subsoil of the community docs not of Itself form a natural drain, It is only n question of time when tho underground water will be bo Increased In volume thnt tin water table will reach tho surface u the many low spots. Tho worst alkali and seeped tracts that could bo found In the country have been oxperlinciit nd upon and reclaimed In such u man ner thnt luxuriant crops havo htm grown upon them, while surrounding them on all Bides wns a barren nlkull wnste. A drainage nystem proper! In stalled may bo counted upon to do tin work. Cow Testing. The cow testing associations are nl ready producing very good results wherever they are under good man agement. In almost every instance tho farmors who do no Join soon i r ceivo the advantage of tho pluu the number of tho herds put under regular Inspection Increases very fast It all depends upon tho ability of the Inspector A Mioroughly compeunt tester not onl thaws' the dairyman ust where he -taiids in a business way. but also ht'pR him to make tho various practical changes which im prove tho rations, cut down the cost ot production nnd Increase tho profits. House for Milk. If you make up our milk at ' ome ou ought to havo a little house 1 1' by Itself to set It in. Do tho best hho an, the wlfo can't help some kiiioIIb caching the milk if it 1b set in the QOUBO. LOSS DRAFT TOE NATIONAL HAIL INBPKANCK CO. . .,. . , - .". y; . .-. Fon Lona on roucv mi.. US On) ':''' Paytotihc order , to First Nation Lincoln: Thr Niittnnnrilnll Inn. Co.. l.lnrnln. Neli. (lentlrmen -Vour ilmft for 1,41 0.00 ncrni, air, AlnylMTry, niitl I wish to thnnk lu, mill rsneilally for jmir uroinptiirns innruij iwtii jour i-oiiiimiij a most prosperous nil lire. Tiinmunc you imuln, I m. Ynur truly, JNO. IIKKOt.l). For the purpose of dispelling nny criticism on the p-m of our local company by agents representing outside nre Insurance, companies who write. Imll Insurance, wo have, compiled the table beluw. which In taken fiom tlio sworn statements on file In the oftlce of the Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts, howlns th prcinluniBCollcotea nnd tho Immn paid liy nil rompanlei wrltlnc Imll iuuinuvv ill iiruiuiMii in ivu, American iiro inn. ro hf. I.ouln. Central Nntlonnl 1 Iro Inn. Co., Clilcnco jNoruiwrmrrn .iinnnai, Milnnukro. I'eoplr'ii Nutlonnl, riitladelphU St. Paul K. ft M St. l'mil, Minn Nix 1 1 on n I I Ire & Columbia I'ndi-rwrltrrn. NorthwrMern 1". SI., Mlnncnpnllt NATIONAL HAIL. Lincoln, Neb. .. I.oeura rrom the above DRurra you will note thnt we collected f 10.000 more premlumi and paid 110,000 more In toaara than our near ret competitor On reaton for our loea lielnn hcaUer In proportion to our premium than other companies. I that our premlumi average i lets throughout th alnte than the other companies- another rennon, nnd tho moat Important ona to the. Inaured, la that wa have experienced men adjuitlne our loaaea, who understand what a hall losa Is. WITH THE ABOVE SHOWING Th National llnll Iimirnnro Company of Lincoln still maintains Its record af paylnc moro hall losses thnn any other com pany dotnir bualnris In Nebraska dm lug the past fifteen years Home Olllco, Fourth Floor. First Nat'l Hank Hide Lincoln. Neh PUTNAM Color more Roods brighter and faster colon) than dye any Karment without ripplntt apart. Write, Sound Reasoning. "Sambo," said the owner of n coun try place to his gardener, "concerning that treo I wnntod you to cut down, my wlfo thinks it had bettor bo nl lowed to stand." "Well, Ah think It ought tor como down, Massn llrown," waci tho roply. "What are you reasons for thinking so, Snmbo?" "We 11, sail, do first reason am dnt do treo dono keep do light off do green house; do secon reason nm dnt It's gcttln' old, and do third reason am dnt I cut It down Ins' night." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every hottlo of CASTOHIA, n safe and suro remedy for Infants and children, and buo that It Bears th cCfSka Blgnaturo In Uso For Over 30 Yonrn. Children Ciy for Fletchor'e Caetoriif Paying Well. "Woro you satisfied with tho work on your placo, digging for oil?" "Yes, It was well done." Things that u'ro hidden from tho wiso and prudent nro still being ro vcitled to babes nnd sucklings. LIJWIS S1NGLK HINDER Is the licit quality, mid best helling Cc cigar on tho market. Adr. Somo of us hand out advice only when wo hnvo an nx to grind. OR Assist Nature now and then, with a gentla cathartic Dr. ricrcc'a Picas andPclleta tone vp and invigor ate liver and bowels. Be sure you get what you ask for. nrw . DOUG 33.00 Sfl.SO S4..00 $4. so AND $B.oo SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN DE81 BOYS SHOES In the WOULD S2. 00. VJ.6Q and 33.OO. The largest makers of Men's $3.50 and $4.00 shoes in tho -world. Asliyonr ilrnlor to show Sl4A uu-rnfc?WV W. I- llniiclun 83.60. fM.OOitml GOTHAM Vty'TVA 6.4. DO shorn. .lust us irood lit nncl w our an other malum oosllnc 3-1.00 (87 00 t i'.TS fctff.S ms i -a-i vctti nm winy iiiiiniiiiicn in iciiiiinrs, siyii-s nun niiajirs to suit eVAryimily, If you roufil visit W. I llotijrlus largo fitrlti. rles lit Jlrorktnii. Muss., uiul for i i ?Jiv jim liowrnrefullv W. I.. HI Mould then understand to fit bi'ttnr, look better, wucr inuii uny iiuior Iln. I Douclm lioe a sro ui "u,u l,,a t"iy "" i-itwT-. ,w, .in j mruiiFci VI I'arcel I'ost, oite 1 rro. TAKE NO ft. Yiii T r?J vT"LHa -1ft. V :5:r.5SY 'HJl.WMV5- 'liSZCZXWSH. s w?;--a iiinmii, u win iiowyou now to orflei lirmnll, ami why you can saro money on your footwear. W. I.. mtUm.AM . . llroCUt..n, Muu. SUBSTITUTE J.OCIEALSWORTH umTAM and ueaj) hoc sAixswAH South Lincoln, Nm-SttMrdsLiQi3fr Rory :;JLz;--&ojs fAL iSANIV, ) ST) $& N'faflNAt. IIArt. INRfJMANCK TO, Neb. INSURANCE cmrrlnc low from hall on my crops during- tho )mi for Ilia cry fnlr unci rourtr-oiis tr.xit In paying sninr. 1 rerlnliil)- minrrclnlr the Hull Inttironro Premium I'nlleilrd Mo. , Hartford. Conn. Paid tiyjhr Xatlam! Uall Slnro Organisation, (lOOll AOF.NT8 WANTED IN KVI'.ttY COMSICNITY. FADELESS DYES any other tlye. Ono lOc package colors all fiber. They dye in cold waterbetler than nny other tlye. You can for free booklet How to Dye. Hleaclt nnd Mix Colors. MONUOC DHUG COMPANY, Quincy, III. Did Not Live Up to It. Our high appreciations nnd oven our expressed desires aro not nlwnys Indices of our clmrnctrr. "Let mo die tho death of tho righteous," was tho prayer of Baalnni. And then he went right a uny uiul joined himself to'tho heathen and was slain by n rlghtnous man. Life's Tearfulness. "Did you ever causa your wlfo any tears?" "I don't think so. Certainly not as loViny ns lending actors mid actresses at mntluees havo caused hor." Bo thtlfty on llltlo tiling HV-o lihilnst. Don't nccopt witli'r for liliilni;. Ask for lied Cioui hall ltluu, iliu oitru good vuluo blue. Adv. Proposing by mat) is as unsatisfac tory as kissing u girl through a knot hole In a board feuco. The Itnportnnt question: going to pitch?" "Who is FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS RICH IN CURATIVK QUALITIES FOR BAOKAOHC, nHEUMATISki, KIONBYO AND BLADDER TO ADVERTISE OUR GOODS We (the ecry lady or cciitlrmiiii misnerliiu: thin ml onv ot tho followliiK in -ii lums abso lutely free- Wo nro lurgo miiiinruiturcrs and mi on business One pnlr full sited lai-r riirlulns'. 'i jnrdu hue. Ilnrcn liiinilkri lilefs. Dollar foiiutiiln iii-n. Dollar trtmliiii slienrs. Hiiltcmr with hot tli' perfume. Numerous others. A postnl today brings premiums, etc AlitllHidliin Mfc. Co., Desk 1, ht. Joseph, Mo. The women who have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will tell you thnt it froofl f.iinm from tin in helped them over painful periods in their life and saved them many a day of anguish and misery. This tonic, in liquid form, was devised over 40 years ago for the womanly system, by R.V. Pierce, M. D., and has been sold ever since by dealers in medicine to tho benefit of many thousand women. Now if lion prefer uon can obtain Dr. Picrce'a Favorite Prescription tablets at lour druggist at $1 per box, also in GOa size or semi CO one cent slampa to Dr. It. V. Pierce, UulTalo, N. Y. for trial box. SLmSsd &". N0MtnS COUHTU3 ynu Insttln. 1110 jiricc. niioo in all Iloui - lus sIuipm ui- im,.i. uTit tlinv ir uni n. ,,i...l hold tholr sliupn unU weur iiiuko lor tun prit'O. not for Ie In ycmr tlrlnlty. order Wi .T ui luitiuiriiiims prnnt. nunioi nm mum,, Bl all ITlces, DJT Wrlli-lor llluttrult-il . ' CAUTION U'.MlOUillH Her thai sine la ttsinned on tlie tiulinrii ""- y.1l ;a Sir vv vWwSV c-sv. v..ire. x viv- vvji'r.-j-yyv I 7 n nil tllfcll HS&J' VKM T&rrM, iM NaiS Vsr ilYi YMt itfv5fc5" vr nifty .,iiyl "'w'' rWl JiMV. m w lf?fflkMrjfflA .WE12u IJM Tk. f M I ,sv fcr 'dCjt mi f M VW I 1lY ffV I'tf' JfC lrrti?ll Great Western Commission Go. One of the largest nnd best equipped live Btock commission firms at ANY market. EACH departmenllHGHLY specialized. FOUR cattle salesmen in two splendidly located divisions. Special care and attention given to huyinjr of STOCKERS and FEEDERS. TWO ho sales men and a fully equipped Bhecp department. If you wish to buy or sell any kind of live stock write or wire them. Tliev Will Do It Right " .. Omaha or Denver Nn 28R4- . .. . ... v.a-wjj . y ' L.l.RS M-T.TMKl I.enlstnn. Neb.. Aug, 31, 1912. serison ol mis was tiatitlrd lu me by jotir incut shown nip In tlin iiiljuslinrnt of niT honesty mill Integrity uf your olllcrrs, ttml I Hall Lor Talil f 2.I3R.10 RII.DO 6,(93.11 7,rm.U! 17.780.10 , ( 2,483.111 ,.l4 a.Mium B.fliO.SO ,n,M.I7 a 4, 3tt.0U3.30 Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fall. Purely vegeta ble net surely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner distress-cure ' ititliccstion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature 'tttt PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet rrrirUcn of merit. JUlpa to eradkat dandruff. rorRsitorinf Color nnd DssU ty to Gray or Faded Hair. Mo. ami L0Q at Drainrlata. i DAISY FLY KILLER ft;- "rffilV ill Slit. Neat, dun or. nanit ntal, coavsnlsn t uhsap. tatts all until Uad of metal, ran'tiplllor tip oreri will nut toll or Injur antliliiv. (luaranteed effectlv. Alldnlsrornt mreit tmlil for 11.00 HAROLD SOMERS, leo DtCals A.. Brooklyn, M T. SPECIAL TO WOMEN Do you renllzo tho fact that thousands of women aro now uulng A Soluble AnlUcplic Powder ns n remedy for mucous inomhrnno nf foctlons, such ns Boro throat, nasul on pelvic catarrh, Inflammation or ulcera tion, caused by fomnlo Ilia? Wornou who havo hcon curod say "It is worth Ub weight lu gold." Dissolve In water and apply locally. Far ten years tho Ldla H. Plnlcham Medicine Co. has recommended I'nxtluo In their private correspondence with women. For all hygienic: nnd tollotusos It has no equal. Only GOc n lurgo box at Drug gist" or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Tho Paxtou Tollot Co., Boston, Macs. Your Qpporiuniiy isNQW In tho Provlnoa of Saskatchewan, Wootorn Canada ..Da ynu desire to ret a hreollomcktendof 1(10 At'ltlCS of that woll ,n, aiiuwu tvneai iJinm ilionrealslmcouilnsaiorollinUed butno l Taloahln. . Rltll JIIMTHU'TH Iibto trumllr boon nouned up for sottleuient, and Into Miens rail, rouds aro now being- built. Tho day will soon coiuo whon tbeto nljlbn no land &t"""lItair A HwlftOirront, SaskatcJiownn. farmer wrlti-st "1 cume on my hiiiiiiiMoaO, Jlarrh 1H05, with ubout tl.KUO north o( horsus and uiachln ciry.und just t:i& In iah. Today I hUYOHjOurroHof wheat, 800 uerei "font, and 60 aeroH tit flax " Not bnd for li years, butonly an In aianco of wlmt may bo doiw In WoMern Oanuda In Jluultoba, BatikuUliownn or Alberta. i2,,iiui"nc., for l-ltnilure, Slaps, llallnuy IUtos, etc., to W. V. BENNETT, Boo Bulldlnoi Omaha, Neb. Canadian OoTermnent Auent, or lniiiilcrutlon, ottn,t.."a; W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 21-1913. Nebraska Directory I uii ill UIU ,Mlrliur. TalntiUB, Trltnnilnj. lluctry Wheels repulreU ami re rubber tired, Wrlie us fur prices. 40 yearn tu tlu bUklneita. Andrew Murphy & Son, Omaha THE PAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Nebraska ctmnpciu ui m- Uoouih from tlJQQ up ulngle, m oentu up double CATE PR.ICICS REASONAQLIC LaHir:ADTFDC mBmVm biitti r JtSimr Iiver slMff HPILL5. r .jutr-- VZ!&e&&zrz2f auie tchewon -!-?T.T'Hl'ni