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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1913)
X 6 Into Jcrcai fcc h f-.r N '. & ciy svth -Witddft Wtbnm: TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 27, 1913. No. 36 mMt jstottd SJJ-Mk -gr . " SiV New Ice Plant Begins Operations The Lowo & Hnwley Ice and Cold Storage Plant, opened for business In thttir new building on East Front atreot the Jatter part of last week under very favorable conditions. The Baker ice making machinory of the latest models has been installed undor tho direction of Clyde Griffin, an experienced erect ing engineer who came here from Omaha for tho purpose of placing the machinery in place. Upon test it was found the work can be dono quickly and thoroughly with this up-to-date plant which is now in perfect running order. A largo twenty-five horse power Fairbanks-Morso kerosene engine fur nishes tho power for the plant. Tho tank in which the ico is frozen measures 28 feet in length 46 inches high 2nd 10 fee tin width and is made of quarter ineh steel. It contains ninty six compartments, each of which con tains three hundred pounds of ico en closed in cans measuring eleven irfchos in thickness, forty-four inches high and twenty-two inches wide. Theso are frozen ever forty-eight hours and pulled at intervals of one hour and twelve minutes. The amount of ico manufact ured daily is six tons. After being released from the ico can by tho auto matic can dump the cakes are placed in tho storge room which will accomo date forty tons, The tomperature in tho tank is kept at 14 degrees above zero and the impurities, if any, which gather in the center of the blocks of ice are pumped out and a frosh Bupply of clean water substituted by the core pump. Nine coils of one and ono-fourth inch pipe are used to. cool the brine. A large ammonia compresfler charges the ammonia gaB into a liquid form. The city water is used and passes through filtors on which are two thicknesses of muslin and one of filter paper irito the storage tank, thirty-six inches in dlam ater and five feet high from which the cans are filled before placingin the tank. Two air blowers are contantly blowing into the cans whilo the freezing is in proaess to agitato the water. Both Mr. Hawley and Mr. Lowe are hustlers and have endeavored to open a business that will furnish a quality of ice that will give satisfaction to their patrons and a crediabla enterprise for the city. Tho Thirty-Seventh Annual State Gun Ciub Tournament opened this morning on the Buffalo Bill Gun Club grounds west of town. Shooters from different parts of the state are coming in on each train and tho shoot promises to be an enjoyable one. The program for this afternoon will bo 200 targets. Shooting exhibitions will bo given daily for three days and the convention will bo held to morrow evening. Watch tho Crystal Theatre posters for a description of the great northern 3 reel feature, "The Black Chancellor" shown May 30. Mr. and Mrs. Shindle, of Cheyenne, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hosier this week will leave tonight. Safe Investments for Your Idle Money in first mortgage loans based on con servative values, netting 7 and 8 per cent semi-annual interest. These mortgages not taxable. See Bratt & Goodman. SPECIAL TO-NIGHT ?rgram KEITH THEATRE lEiuseo's ;hitjatown -Vlg'lT 4 and Underworld A Wonderful Moving Picture in TWO REELS. Portraying their daily pursuits, habits and customs with descriptive lecture by MRS. GERTRUDE MINORE. For years a missionary. QTpjE? Their haunts, opium and gambling dens OJDJLi many feet below the surface. Spiip the sensational rescue of 51am-a a Chinese Maiden. THIS PICTURE TAKEN FROM ACTUAL LIFE. Double Show Admission 10c Double Show Local and Personal John Rohron, of Maxwell, attended to business in town today. T. F. Watts transacted business in Lodgepole yesterday. Mrs. D. J. O'Brien left this morning for Omaha to spend a few days, Joe Sago Assistant Superintendent, of Sidney, visited in town today. The weekly danco at the Lloyd will bo heid Thursday evening this week. Tho Christian aid society will meet with Mrs. LeMasters Thursday after noon. Mrs. Byington, of Seward, is visiting her brother Missionary Scott for several weeks. Dr. Wertell left last evening for Lin- coin where ho will spend a few days on business. Mr. and Mrs. John Singleton loft this morning for Omaha to visit for a week or'more. The Mothodist aid society will meot Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Rodfleld. 707 West Ninth stroot Rob Weeks returned yesterday from York, where ho visited his children who are attending school in that city. F. W. Herminghausen returned Fri day afternoon srom Missouri where ho transacted business for two weoks. Wanted Girl for genoral housowork, Mrs. A. B. Hoagland, phono Black 1G0. Dr. and Mrs. Pritchard, Misses Kathryn Caistensen, Irene and Mario Stuart autood to Gothenburg Sunday. Mrs. M. L. Creek, of Paxton, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott last week went home yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Rosa Nichols, of Grand Irland, spent Sunday with her daughters Mrs. Andy Scharman and Miss Hazel Nichols. A pioce of our Ivory goods engraved with a monogram would make a fine and yet inexpensive graduation gift. Dixon, The Jeweler. Mrs. F. W. Herminghausen will loave today for Hanibal, Mo., Burling ton, la. and Fort Madison to spend sev eral weeks. Mrs, Thomas Mitchell arrived from Lexington Sunday and will visit Mrs. M. V. Mitchell and family for two weeks. Tho Young Peoples club of the Bap tist church havo organized a tennis club and will play a series of games during tho summer. All trimmed hats at half price at Parlor Millinery until June 1st. 35-3 There will be a called meeting of tho Presbyterian aid society at the home of Mrs. L. W. Walker at eight o'clock this evening. Business of importance. For Sale All my household furni ture. Mrs. Chas. Herrod, 702 west Fourth street, phone black 430. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners, with or without brush, for salo or rent by Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, phone Red 104. 36-2 A North Platte resident met Bishop Beocher in Grand Island yesterday and found him doubled up liko a jack knife, the result of having sprained his back whilo attempting to lift somo heayy weight. At the time he was on his way to Chicago, but on nccount of tho nc cident he abandoned the trip and was returning home. hauTinsurance This is the time to save your wheat, oats and rye crops by insuring them with Bratt & Goodman. La Princess Lace Front CORSETS, up from $2.50 Largest selection in the city, in Voiles, Nets, Lingeries Bedford Cords. A large shipment of UNDERMUSLINS hundreds of daiMy uii dergarments, an assemblage of the newest and tfest Gowns, Princess Slips, Combination Suits, Chemises, Corset Cokers and Drawers which mark it economy The Balance of Local and Personal Mra. Jack McGraw entertained a doEen young pooplo last evening at a taffy pull. Miss Viola Eves, of the local tele phone office is taking a vacation. Her duties at the board aro being performed by Miss Gcrtrudo Rebhausen. Lot me show you the Rapid FirelesB Cooker, cooks quicker than any other cooker on the market. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, phono Red lo4. 36-2 Tho case of B. A. Wilson vs Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown for neighborhood disturbances came up in Judge Walker's court yesterday and was given a thirty day continuance. Have several nice homes in the city for sale that must be sold quick, let us show them to you. C. F. Temple. The class of 1913 and high school factulty wero royally entertained at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. El T. Tramplast ovening. T,ho beautiful homo was dec orated with the class colors of yellow and blue and high school nenants and tho evening was enlivened with a number of musical selections. Refresh ments were served on three largo tables. Meidamos McCabe, Huffman and Waltemath assisted the hostess in serving. Bratt & Goodman sold the A. and L. W. Rosenthyn property on West 8lh street yesterday. If you are looking for quick sale and your price is right, list with them. They will sell it. A pile of rubbish burning in the base ment of the Keith Theatro almost re sulted in a serious flro last evening bo fore being discovered. The origin of the Are is unknown as care is takon in tho use of matches and smoking is forbidden in the basemont. During one of the vaudeville acts smoke was noticed in the wings and before the emergency hose r,ould be attached the stairways in the basemont and wings and the door of the furnace roomwore charred. " Another Fire Last Night - You may he next. Are you insured against thete disasters? If not, see Bratt & Goodman. Roy Lubbers, of the Paxton & Galla ger Co. who has his headquarters here was injured at Grand Island early Monday morning while starting out for his weekly trip. In company with a fellow commercial man he was trans ferring 1" bus from Union Pacific depot to the Burlington station. The bus was struck by train No. 13 at tho east railroad crossing and the driver in jured. Mr. Lubbers and his companion were thrown out of the cab and ceived a numbor of bruises though serious injuries. re no Health a Factor in Success. The largest factor contributing to a man's success is undoubtedly health. It has boon obervcd that a man Ib sel dom sick when his bowels aro regular, he Is novor well when thoy aro con stipated. For constipation you will find nothing quite bo good as Chamber lain's Tablots. They not only move the bowels but improve the appotito and strengthen tho digestion. They ore sold by all dealers, North Platte's Exclusive Women's Store GRADUATION DRESSES Specially low priced, up from JUST RECEIVED forf all the women to most Our Stock of Coats Local and Personal. Florin Muchlinski purchased lot 11, block 3 of C. F. Temple yesterday. C. F. Temple has purchased of J. K. OttonBtein, lots 11, 12 and 13 of block 3, North Platte Town Lot Ad dition. The regular social meeting of the Yeoman lodge will be held this evening at th lodge rooms. A program will,bo given and a lunch served. Fair tonight and Wednesday, contin ued warmer. Moderate wind. Highest temperature yesterday 88, a year ago 91; Lowest temperature last night 59, a year ago 55. Miss Pearl Koontz finished a success ful term of school near Maxwoll Fri day. During the afternoon a picnic was held which was enjoyed by tho pupils and their parents. Ainumber of friends tendored Mrs. Sanford Ilartmen a surprise party Sat urday aftornoon, she having reached another mile-stono of life. Sho was presented with several beautiful pieces of cut glass. LIFE INSURANCE The best and cheapest in the great Mutual Life ef New York written by Bratt & Goodman. See this liberal policy and you will want it. For Sale. Gasolino stove and oven, range, bed stead and springs, couch, chairs and rocKers, uressor, commouo, naby ouggy poultry wire. Mrs. Jacobs, 21G West rirst street. Bargain List. Full two story frame dwelling, eight rooms, modern except heat, full lot and shade trees, nice lawn and out buildings. GOO E. 3rd St., block from new school house, three blocks from high school. A Hostess and an Emergenoy. Lady It. had sont Parnell an Invita tion to dinner, but Chnrlcs, who waa very absontmlnded with respect to so cial functions and unconventional In the extreme, had forgotten tho right date of the party. Bo therefore turn ed up a rouplo of evenings aftorwnrd in hour beforo tho time. Lady It.. glad to havo hlni on any terms, did oot undeceive him as to his error, but hastily sent olT several notes explain log tho situation nnd asking some of her most intlmato friends to help her In her emergency. Sho also ordered a hastily Improvised dinner from a near caterer's. "Life of Parnell." A Wise Guy. Hewitt (J met Is ti wise guy. .low ett How ()' Hewitt He got married on the '.20th of February, so that iu tho yearn to come he won't be bothered very ofti'n by having his wife remind him of tho mini versa ry of something ho would like- to forget. -New York Press. Employment. To him that Iiiih no employment llfp In n little while will huvo no novelty. Mini when novelty Is laid In the uravn tho funeral of comfort will noon fol low. Anon. Tho hatred of the vIcIoub will do yon less harm than their conversatlou.-Dentley. liberally supply their Summer and Suits At Nearly Half Price w To the Public Attention is directed to tho noor ap proach of Memorial Day, May 30th. Thia day is observed tho conntry ovor and we call on all our pooplo to lay aside tholr usual pursuits, go to the cemetery, bless tho momory of depart ed loved ones, strew ihelr graves with sweet flowers. Qur state has by Sec. 2400 of the Codo nor'e it unlawful to indulgo in sports on this sacred day. All our pooplo aro oarncftly requested to join in this sacred and patriotic duty. E. H. EVANS, Mayor. Cure for Stomach Disordesr. Disorders of tho ' stomach may bo, avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Mnny very romarkablo cures have been afTectod by those tablots. Sold by all dealers. $100,000.00 To Loan on improved farms at low rate of interest with privilegepf.partial payments. , '& Buchanan & Patterson. X lis w WMmimmmm mm Jim mm&mimm&mirf&ai&EBzmgnam R. & G. New Spring CORSETS, up from $1.00 and $3 ,.. , .'. lines of Muslim at specially low prices Muslin at saving prices . ! Nod Stuprt returned yesterday morn ing from i plaasunt v.'sitlh Denver. Mrs. J. H. Posoyand daughtorwho havo boen visiting in Omaha fof ton days aro oxpocted to return today. .Most Prompt and.Effktual Cure for Bad. Colds. When you have a bad cold you wont a remedy that will not only glvo roliof, but ofFocfi a prompt nnd permanent euro, a romody tlfntMs pleasant to take, n romedy that contains nothing injur ious. Chamborlnlna'a Cough Remedy moots all these requirements. It acts on nature's plan, rolievos tho lungs, aids oxpcctorntlpn., opens tho secre tions and restores tho system to a. healthy condition ' ThWremedy hot a world wide snlo and,- .use, and can always be depended upon. Sold byall dealers. . It "1 t ' T '