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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1913)
F m i p & if I r ,1 E M Badly Injured By the Kick of a Horse A man by tho name of Ray Hnugoland, who had been employed on tho Sandburg ranch southwost of Sutherland, was brought to town Tuesday night by Dr. Dent suffering bnd injuries from a kick of,n horso, and is now at tho St. Luko's hospital for treatment. The blow from the horno struck Haugoland squnro on tno point of tho chin, breaking and crushing tho jaw bono, badly lacerating the flesh and knocking out tho teeth. The forco of the kick jarred and loosened both jaw bones back to tho oars, making Injuries that are very painful and difficult of medical treat mont. When Dr. Dent arrived nt tho Sandburg ranch ho found tho young man in n rather critical condition, weak oned from the lost of blood and suffer ing intensely. Ho was ruihed to town in llougeland's car, and the Doctor worked over him nearly all night. Local and Personal Dick Stegman spent Sunday with friends in Omaha. Mrs. Ella Huxoll and children are ponding the this week in Lincoln. Mrs. Robert Lannln will go to Kear ney this week to visit relativos. Mrs. Harry Dixon has rcturnod from Donycr whore sho visited her mother. W. R. Powoll returned Tuesday aftornoon from a short visit in Omaha. Carl Skaggs left a few days ago for Excelsior .Springs to spend n eouple of weeks. Miss Ireno Schoot who visited for a week in Omaha returned home Tuesday evening. Miss Marie Doran has resigned her position in the law ofllco of Wilcox & Halligan. Mrs. W. T. Wilcox has returned from Kcarnoy whoro tho visited hor daughter Alice. Rov. ahd Mrs. Wilson, of Cozad, ar rived hero n few days ago to visit Mr. and MrsKay Langford. William Roland left for Omaha Wod nesdoy morniug after spending two weeks visiting friends. Mrs. Sanford Hartman wont to Fio mont tho first of this week to attend tho W. R. C Convention. Miss -Minerva- MoWilliams has ac cepted a position ns stenographer in tho Wilcox & Halligan oflice. Harvey VanDorn enjoyed a visit hh wook from Messrs. Hall of Chimmey Rock and Klein of Sidney. E. F. Seoborgor returned last cvo'nlng frqm Omaha, where ho transacted business for a couple of days. Charles Martini, Jr., camo up from Omuha the first of this weok to visit tho homo fojks for a few days. Supf Wilson Tout went to Kimball Tuosday morning to doliver tho addross nt tho commencement exercises. Mrs. Rose Nichols wont to Grand Island Tuesday whoro sho will spend aovoral woeks with her daughtort '- I. D. Jacobs.. of St Louis, who sponl tho past month with his brother S. -VS. Jacobs, loft Wednesday aftornoon for DonVor. v ,, Shorlfi! Salisbury la'ft 'WodnoBdny morning for IngleBldt! wltri John I'ohl who will bo pluced in tho hoinc for tho insano. Attorndy James Koofo returned Wed nesday from Bitter Creek and Rock Springs and wont to Wallace to trans act business, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Plzer, of Hast ings, who visited relativos here last week returned homo Wodnosday. They were enrouto from California whero they spent tho winter. In the county court Saturday tho oaso of A. Woods va C. A. Johnson for breach of contract camo up before Judgo Grant. Tho disagreement was over land in McPhorion county. Johnson owing to illness failed to appear and tho court allowed Woods judgment for $250 and tho caso was appealed to tho district court. THE MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. The nsaots of this association exceed tho sum of half a million dollars. Tho reduction of tho rate of Intorest to bor rowers has Incroaiod tho demand for loans; and in order to moot this demand tho association will issue a llmitod amounted of its PAID UP STOCK. Money invested in this paid up stock draws six per cent intorest, payable semi-annually, and may bo withdrawn at any timo upon thirty duys notice, ouch'notlco boing waivod whoro thero arc- funds in tho treasury to meet the withdrawal. T. C. Patterson, President. Samuel Goozee, Secretary. Do Your Linens Wear like they should They will and do if you will patronize North Platte's Quality Laundry I DICKEY'S SANITARY LAUNDRY. "YOUR BOSOM FRIEND." Auto Delivery Phone 77 i afiry "! tj' f vfLti rmm.' .- wwinwiijawwiKJiiiiii WSWttMWllllLIWP P11taJWWH mr -a wgMi'imjJwrMtjjii, . jjbbwmww $100,000.00 To Loan on improved farms at low rate of interest . with privilege of partial payments. Buchanan & Patterson. Mrs. Frank Cox. of Sutherland, spent a few days here this week. Fred Holtgron, a contractor of Suther land, is spending this week hero on business. Miss Anna Anderson entertained a few eldorly ladies Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Lucinda Clark. Mrs. Sebastian Schwaigor roturned Tuesday ovoning from a short visit with hor mother In Ivoarnoy. Miss Mary Vincont roturned Tuesday from Cozad where sho spent part of last week on professional business. Mrs. Fred Rasmusson and chlldron raturnod to Hershoy Tuesday aftornoon after visiting at tho Martini homo. M. Porkor, of Donvor, who nssistod in managing the salo at tho Leader for two wooks loft Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Johnson, of Hershoy roturned homo Wednesday morning after visiting hor daughter, Mrs. Eiizuboth Carroll. Dr. Walter Crook spont several days in Omaha this wcok attending the ses sions of the state dental associations. Mrs. Young, of Los Angeles, arrived bore Sunduy to attend tho funorel of imr moiiier mo laic Mrs. a. W. Arnctt. Jotf Mahnffey and John Rltnqr re turned. Wodnesday from Wallace and Wellileot whero thoy spent a wook put ting up tombstonos. Mrs. A. S. Coates and daughter who have been visiting in California for two months, aro expected to return this weok. bam Grace, of Omaha, spent the foro part of this week horo on business While enrouto to Chovennn nnil nthnr westorn points. Mrs. Geo. Kanoff and twin daughters who wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. Androw Seharman for a month, ro turned to Grand Island Tuosday. See Temple for lots in the A. C. Taylor s audition. Good ones, low prices and easy terms. Tho firo department will observe Memorial Day May 25th. Membors aro requosted to meot at tho respec tive hoso hosos with llowora to decorate tho graves of departed membors. Tho Nebraska state shoot will be held in this city next wcok boginnln on Tuesday and closing Thuradoy. One hundred or more shooters from different parts of tho stuto are oxpectcd to take part. If needing money to help buy, build or improve or pay off your old mort gage, see Bratt &. Goodman. Tho funoralof tho late Mr.s. A. W. Arnottwas held tho first ofthls Week at O'Falbns. Rev. Johnson of Horahoy Was in charge of tho services which wore attondod by a largo numbor of friends of the deceased. A baby boy was born tholflrst of this weok to Mr. and Mrs. George Talbot. Miss Mario VonGoetz closed her third term of school at Overton Friday and returned homo Wednesday. Miss Von Goetz h03 accepted a position in the school at West Point Cummings noxt term. Co., Tho civil service commission an nounces that on Juno 14th an examina tion will bo hold in this city of appli cants for the postmastorship nt Tryon. The compensation of the office for tho Inst fiscal year was $160. Wo ore having a numbor of inquiries for rooms for light house keoping dur ing tho Junior Normal. Theso people want two rooms, one for sitting and the other for bed room. Persons having such rooms for rent will please notify mo by lottrr or phono. 35-2 ClooChappell, County Supt. Tuesday A. B. Hoagland and Sanford Hartman mado a trip to Flats, Mc Phorson county, in tho former's car, tho round trip covoring over 100 miles of muddy roads in tho vnlloy and stoop climbing In tho hilU Returning home in tho evening, Hoagland started out on another trip to the Gundonjon ranch southwest of Sutherland. To The Owners of Idle Money. ,' t See Bratt & Goodman for choice gilt-edge investments in safe real estate mortgages. Nothing safer or pays greater interest on your money. Wo wish to thank tho many frionds and neighbors and especially the Ladies Aid society who so kindly assisted us at tno ueatn and tunoral of our wife and mother and for tho beautiful floral of ferings. A. W. ARNETT, MltS. M. HORNER, E. A. ARNETT, Mrs. O. H. Covell, Mrs. R. C. Young, Ray Aiinktt. Health a Factor in Success. The largest factor contributing to a man's success is undoubtedly health. It has beon observed that a man is sel dom sick when his bowels are regular, he Is novor well when they are cqn stipated. For constipation vou will find nothing qui to so good as Chamber lain'a Tablots. They not only move the bowels but itnprovo tho appetite and strengthen the digestion. Thoy are sold by all dealers, & Established in 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Corner Oth and Vine Streets NORTH PLATTE, NED. R. D. Thomson. -. ,f I ydii , Pittsburgh Perfect Fence Put it UD Ricrht. etnrt ,.' r t Efficiency, Long Life, Economy, Satisfaction our catalogue. "Pittsburgh Perfect" y ' bucWng up when stringing goes up without n hitch, over tho most " on occount of long" and "short" wires, uneven ground as easily ns on level land. Decause there aro none. Consider build Tho secret's in tho Weld. It costs less ing-cost when you buy fence. It i3 n to string "Pittsburgh Perfect" becauso it serious problem for some but "Pitts takes less time than any other fence, burgh Perfect" users smile. Made In Different Styles for HrXD, FARM, RANCH, LAWN, t . t j f . 1 CHICKEN. POULTRY and RAUBrr YARD and GARDEN CiVery KOQ JjUaranteefJ " Aalc your dealer for "Pittsburgh Perfect" and Insist on his furnIshinK it. Do not allow him to persuade you that some other fence Is lust ns cood. If ho dann't mil it. writ.. ... ,1;,-,-, U t you that some other fence Is just ns good "P! P.rft" n..l..JVTt... Bright, Annealed & GaWanUild Vlro Twilled Cable Wlroi Hard Sprln Coll Wiret Fence Staples! Poultry Netting Stanleii Regular Wli a NalUi GalranUad Wire N.ll.i Laru Head Roofliifr NatUi Slngla Loop "Pitt, bursli I'.rf.ct" Fcnelntf. All mado of Open Hearth malarial. If ho doein't icll it, write u direct. II you are Intercttcd tn.WIre Fenclnc, write for FREE copy of our ALMANAC, 1913- Pittsburgh Steel Co. Pittsburgh, PennftylvnnU "niffr'aa tvumtsxsverafsjr.'tKX-xvwiiritivsei The Steady Even Heat of the New BeYfeeiiQi Oil Cook-stove preserves the rich natural flavor of the rneat. It means better cooking, a cleaner5 cooler kitchen, and less work. No fire to kindle, no drudgery of coal or ashes, no smoke or sbot. The new 4-biirrier Perfection Stove cooks a whole meal at once, with least expense, .an d trouble. Smaller stoves with 1, 2 or 3 burners. See them at your dealer's, or write for descriptive circular to i Standard Oil Gompany Omaha (NEDRASM) Perfection Oil gives the best results e; Biirwniipniiiiiwiwiiiiii ihh iiumih wmnm mnmmwmmmmmam hiiiiiihi sinnniiiiiiiiiiii mi i i m i ii II a in i ii a i mil MM a"'""awaaaMMwaaeiaMa)eaBMaMMMM 1 1 1 ma Oldest Bank In Lincoln County McDonald State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK 9100,000.00 We Solicit Your Buslnam. Signet Chapter O. E. S., NO. 35 Mcota 2nd pnd 4th Thursday of every month at Masonic Hall nt 7:30 p. m j DR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST Telephone Red 456 B05K Dewey St. North Platte, Nebraska. SIIEUIKK'S SALK. By virtue of an order of salo issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Hazel Turner Drake la plaintiff, and Albert S. Hollngsworth et al, are defendants, and to me directed, I v. Ill on the 7th day of June, 1913, at 2 o'clock, p, m., at the east front door of tho courthouse in North 1'Jatte. Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho hlithest bidder for cash to satisfy said decreo. Interest and costs, the following described property to-wlt: Southwest quarter (w!i) section twenty-five (25) township ten (10) north of range thirtyone(Sl) west of the Gth P. M., in Lincoln county.Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb.. May 1st. 1913. mG- A. J. Salisbury. Sheriff. ioisaoc uatt e Bought nnd highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red C36 Ofllco 459 C. H. WALTERS. Chattlc Mortgage Sale Whereas, Frank C. Eldor did on the 19th day of Decembor, A. D. 1911, mko, execute and deliver to Internat ional Harvester Co. of Amorica, (a Wisconsin corporation) a chattlo mort gage, to secura the payment of $53.00 which was duly filed in tho olTico of the County Clerk of Lincoln Countp, Ne braska, on Dec. 29th, 1911, and where as default has beon mada in tho conditions of said mort gage and thero is now duo and pay able thereon tho 20th day of May A. D. 1913 (tho date pf tho (list publication of this notice) tho full sum of $53.00 with interest thereon as called for by th two promissory notes seeured by aid mortgage and no suit, action or proceeding at law has been had against said Frank C. Elder to recover tho same or any part thereof. Now therefore notice is hereby given that said International Harvestor Co. of America will on the 12th day of June, A. D. 1913, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. of said day, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all the following described goods, chattels and personal property described in said mortgage to-wit: One Gelding, age one year, color brown, weight 800 pounds, star in head. One colt, age ono year, color bay, weight 800 pounds, white hind feet. Said sulo will be held at the east sido of E. A. Nelson's implement house in tho town of Brady Islsnd, Lincoln county, Nebr. INTEKNATIONAL IlAIWESTEK CO. OF AMEK1CA, By Jno. 11, Brown, Agent. -.Serial No. 01407 NOTICE KOlt PUHLICATION. DRHAHTMENT OK TUB 1NT1IHIOK. United States Land Oflice .At Isorth Platte, Nebraska. May 12. 1913. Notice Is hereby ulvcn that Uoso A. Mathers, of Tryon, Neb., who on February, 27, 1909. made homestead entry. No. 01407. for all of Section 8, Township 16. N. Ilango 31. W. Clh Principal Mcrldan, has llled' notice of Intention to mako thrve year proof, to Of tabllsh claim to lhi--land aboe described; before tho register and receiver at North Platte. Nebraska, on the 10th i!hv nf July, 1913. Claimant names as witnessses; Julius Motrcnsen, II. Fred Johanson. of North Platte. Neb , Joseph Mahaney, David N, Callcnder, of Tryon Neb, m20-0 J. U, EVANS Iteslater. ORDER OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL PROBATE OF WILL. In the County Court, May 17. 1913. " In tho Matter of tho Estate of Charles T. Robison, deceased. On reading: and fllinpr the petition of F. J. DcnUer, praying that tho Instrument filed on tho 17th day of May, 1913. and purporting to bo tho last will and testament of tho said deceased, may be proved, approved, probated allowed nnd rocorded ns the last will and testament of the said Charles T. Jtoblson deceased, and that tho exe cution of said Instrument may bo committed and tha administration of said estate may bo granted to F. J. Dentler as executor. Ordered, Thai June 10th. 1913, at 0 o'clock a. m. i,s assigned for hearing said petition when all persons interested In said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted. A cony of this order to bo pub lished In tho North Platte Tribune, a legal semi weekly newspaper of said county published In said county for three successive weeks prior to June 10, 1913. JOHN GRANT, m20-3 County Judge. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 03749, Department of the Interior. U. S, Lund Ofllco at North Platte, Neb. April 3, 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that Laura Shaw, of North Platte. Neb., who on March 9, 1908. made II. E. No. 23825, Serial No. 03749, for NM, NWM. SWH NWX", and HWH SWM. Section 28. Township 15, North, Range 31, West of the 6th Principal Meridan. hqs filed notlco of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the register and receiver, at North Platte, Neb., on tha 6th day of June, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur Tooks. II. F- Doebke, Wm Slcbold. Dave Macomber, all of North Platte, Neb. a8-6 J. E EVANS. Register. Sheriff. Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon degree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein The Mutual Building & .Loan Associa tion a corporation is plaintiff and Chester F, Perry, Laura Perry. Arthur C. Olson, Edward L. Jones. Julia A. Jones, Charles Wilkinson, John G Caster and Ethel Caster aro defendants, and to me directed I will on the 25th day of June. 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of the court house In North platt. Lincoln county. Ne braska, sell at nubile auction tit thn hltrhetf Ljjlddpr for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest ana costs, tna zoiiowing described property to-wit: Lots three and four (3) & (4) In Block twenty.threo (21) in thq original town now city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated NorthPlatto, Neb.. M 14. 1913. mZO-O i2j&tt A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff BfepAL NOTICE. Theodore W. Bye, James Belton, Sue H. Eaves, Franklin Pealo, Mary Ann Pealeand Ca,ry Ogden &Co., a corpora tion, will take notico that on tho 15th day of Mavl913, Edward Lindblad, plaintiff horein, filed his petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, againBt said defendants im pleaded with othors, tho object, and prayer f which is to quiet the title to lots 3 and 4 of Pcale's subdivision of lots 3 and 4, in block 84, in tho original town of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, in tho plaintiff Edward Lind blad. And to excludo each and all of said defendants from all right, title, lien, interest, claim or domnnd, actual or contingent, in and to said premises. You are required to answor said peti tion on or betore tho 30th day of June, 1913. Edward Lindblad, Plaintiff. ByJWilcox & Halligan, his attorneys. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. John Regan, whose present residence or abode is unknown, will tako notice that on the 24th day of April, 1913, Frederick W- Cross filed hia potition in equity in the district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, for the purpose of removing a cloud from and quioting the title to, the west forty-four feet of lot two, in block one hundred and threo, in tho city of North Platte, Nebraska. The prayer of said petition is that the title to said premises be quieted and confirmed in said Frederick V. Cross, and that said John Ragan bo barred from any right, title, interest claim or demond therein, by reason of any de fect ip a certain decree of partition en tered in his, action for partition ol said premises and other renl estate, on the 29th day of December, 1891, and while he was a minor. You are required to answer said petition on or Uefore the 9th day of June, 1913. Dated April 25th. 1913. Frederick W. Cross, Plaintiff, By Geo. E. French his attorney. NOTICE OF HEARING. In tho county court in and for Lincoln county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of John F. Melr, de ceased. State of Nebraska; county of Lincoln, as. To all personB (qterc9ted In the estate of John F. Melr, deceased. Whereas. Justine Grothen has filed in this ofllco an instrument purporting to be tho last will and testament of John F. Melr, deceased, late of the county of Bureau, and stato of Illinois, together with a certificate of the probate court in and for tho county of Bureau, state of Illinois, and a petition praying to have the samo admitted to probate, which will and testa ment relato to both real and personal property. It is therefore ordered that tho 3rd day of June, 1913, at 9 o'clock, tc. m., at my office in said county, be fixed as the time and place set for proving said will, at which time and place, you and all concerned may appear and contest the probate of the same. It is further ordered that said petitioner give notico to all persons interested in, said estate of the pendency of said petition, and of the time and place set for hearing of said petition, by causing a copy of this order to be published in North Platte Tribune, n" legal semi-weekly news paper published in North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, and of general circulation in said county for four successive weeks previous to the day set for hearing, viz: June 3rd, 1913 9 a. m. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal this 24th day of April, 1913. mG-1 John Grant, County Judge. Legal Notice. .. Francis O. Mesainger, defendant, will take notice that on the 13th day of May, 1913, Restore 'N. Lamb,-plaintlff herein, Hied his potition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said 'defendant, the object and prayer of which are to have a certain mortgage declared null and void, and having .been paid, and long since barred by the statute of limitation, which mortgage is dated June 19th, 1895, given by one William H. .Mullanfe and wife, to. FrehcW O. Messinger, for the sum of 176.00, which mortgage was recorded In Book 20, at Page 132, of tho Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, and secured upon lots 1 and 2, in block 8-1 of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, and to have plaintiff's title to said real estate quieted as against said mortgage. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 30th day of June, 1913. Dated May 13th, 1913. Restore N. Lamb, Plaintiff. notice or settlemet. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss In tho County Court. In the matter of the estate of Dorothy Rowland, deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legntces. and others In terested In the estate of Dorothy Rowland, Take notice. that .John W. Rowland, has filed In tho county court a report of his do ings as executor of said estate, and it is ordered that tho samo stand for hearing tho 10th day Of June, A. D.. 1913. before the court at tho hour of 0 o'clock, a. m., at which time any person Interested may appear and except to and cuntcst the samo. And notice of this proceeding is ordered given In the Nortli Platte Trbunc, a semlwrekly newspaper, printed In said county for threo successive weeks prior to Juno 10, 1913 Witness my hand and the seal of the county court at North Platte, Nebraska, this 17th day of June. A D., 1913. maw JOHN GRANT. County Juds-o. - --j-,),. V4