The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 23, 1913, Image 5

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    .. Graduation Suggestions ..
We have made a special effort to
have a fine lino of inexpensive arti
cles which are of a lasting nature:
For the Young Lady
Watches, Rings, LaValliers, Bar Pius, Beauty Pins,
Cuff Buttons, Fountain l'ens, Souvenir Sp6bgs, Colojjh
Bottlo. Mesh Bap, Lockets, Etc. -
For the Young Man (
v Watches. Cuff Buttons, .Rings, Tie Pins, Tie Clasps
Watch Fobs, Signet Rings, bilver Novelties, Etc.
All goods engraved with monograms
free. We are always pleased to see
w tyou in the store.
DIXON, The Jeweler
v '
f ttfrS-3-349-3433tte-333
PHONE 4 Oil 8
For Your Drugo. Orders Do
livered promptly.
Local and Personal
Cyril Dongergan spent Tuesday in
Lexington visiting friends.
Mrs. Osborn, of Florida, is expected
this woek to visit Mr. and Mrs. George
Brown. v
Hot wafilss and coffee in tho base
ment of the Baptist church Saturday
morning from G to 9.
Mis3 Mildred Olson will close her
school at Wellfleet this week with ap
propriate exercises.
Dorsey Leypoldt, of Hen hay, was in
town tho first of this week while en
route to Omaha on business.
A. A. Reed, stnto high school inspec
tor of the state university is spending
a few days hero on business.
Miss RuthLightel closed a successful
term of school in district 127 near the
expormintal station this week.
Miss Nona Marcott went to Brady
ths first of this week to attend the com
mencement exercises of her brother,
Jack Dickerson, of Cozad, who was
well known among the local people, died
at his homo the fore part of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hofilne, of
Choyonno, whowero-callod here by-the
death of the late 0. B. Frazier, have
returned home.
Have received
Shooting Tournament
Here Next Week.
The annual stato shooting tourna
ment will be held in this city noxt Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday, and
members of the local gun club havo ro
coived assurance that nb'Uit one hun
dred shooters from nil sections of tho
Btate will be. prosent. Among these
will bent least a half dozen profes
sionuls, who will shoot in all tho events
but will not participate in the division
of the stakes.
Tho sito of tho now grounds of tho
Buffalo Bill Gun club, which was re
contly purchased of Colonel Cody nnd
which lies north of the railroad track
and opposite tho former grounds, has
beon put in finu shape, tlio improve
ments mado boing of a permanent
This ia the second stato shoot North
I'latto has entertained, nnd tho shooters
attending tho formor ono were so woll
entertained thnt-thoy were glad to ac
cept the invitation to "come again," so
they will be here in greater force next
Some of the shooters nro expected to
arrive Sunday and will do more or leas
shooting Monday in order to got nc
customed to tho grounds.
Clearance S
some nev
aw ifromo
Rincker Book Drug Co. Blue
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Day, of Palisade,
who came to attend the funeral of the
letter's father the late 0.. B. Frazier,
went homo a fow days ago.
Miss Alico Seiman, of this city, will
graduate as a trained nurse from tho
Methodist hospital at Omaha next week.
Miss Seiman is a sister of Mrs. Fred
Pittsburg Perfect Electric Welded
Fence. The Weld that Held at Hershey'
cor 5th and Locust.
Bargain List.
Full two story frame dwelling, eight
rooms, modern except heat, full lot and
shade trees, nice lawn and outbuildings.
600 E. 3rd St., block from new school
house, three blocks from high school.
A baby boy of regulation weight was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Koiban
yesterpay afternoon.
W. W. Burr of the Experimental
Station who had beon in Denver for
several days returned yesterday.
Gasoline nnd oil stoves dunned and re
paired. Peter M. McGovern, phone
390. . tf
K'ela and "Albert Ffaynes of Gothen
burg who visited in town while enrouto
horns from Denver left this morning.
Rev. Cram has gone to Arapahoe to
preach tho baccalaureate sermon to
the Class of 1913. Mrs. Cram will visit
relatives in Republican City.
Wo are prepared to furnish ice cream
in any quantity.
Stone Drug Co.
E. S. Davis will attend the conven
tion of Nebraska postmasters which
moots in Lincoln next month and will
mnko an address on tho subject of postal
savings banks.
For Sale G40 acres three miles south
east of Julesburg corner, with in 70 feet
of river, tilable and pasture. H. A.
Fjwler, 4559 Lako Ave. Chicago.
Mrs. Alvina Bowers widow of tho
late Sam Bowers was married at her
home in the Trustee's Addition last
evening to Grant Jones who is employed
with the Stwart Plumbing Co.
Henry Cordes leavos the latter part
of next month for a visit with relatives
in Germany after an absence of thirty
years. Upon his return to this country
he will go to California to mako his
home with his son Will.
For Sale Household goods and
poultry wire, 21G West First St.
Yesterday afternoon about thirty
noiglibprsandJMend3 of Mrs. Fred
Westeiifeld of tho Fourth wnrd ten
dered her a surprise party the occasion
being herfifty-fourth birth anniversary.
After severa) hours spent in conversa
tion an einuornie uincii was serveu.
Mrs. Westenfeld was presented with a
number of beautiful remembrances.
Mrs. B. L. Robinson wants to leave
the city within the next two weeks and
offers her places on West 2nd street
for sale as follows: One at C20 West
2nd at $3,200, other at 702 West 2nd at
$2,500, also household goods for sale Tory
cheap. Call at 620 West 2nd street
during tho day.
The officers of the Farmers Institute
were in session last Friday evening; and
they had with them Charles Gramlich.
of the state dopartmont, of Lincoln,
Mr. Gramlich explained tho special
features of the "Short Course" four
days session, and it was unanimously
decided to carry this out. Tho dates
here have not been fully decided on yet
but so far we have been given October
6 to 10. Anything to the contrary will
be mentioned in The Times. Hershey
Union Pacific Has Received
New Engines.
The fifty new engines ordered by the
Union Pacific fiom tho Baldwin and
American engine works havt beon re
ceived and will bo put into service as
soon as they can be broken in . Tho
fifty engines cost approximately $1,000.-'
000 and add over 70,000-horso power to
the engine rquipment.
Tho present order of , engines is the
largest placed by the Union Pacific in
ten years. It consists of ton Pacific
typo passe tigers, twenty-five Mikado
passenger nrtl frtipbt and ten switch
engines. The rotid ergines nro all
equipped with supor heaters and carry
everything in the way of modern appli
ance. A distribution of the new engines will
be made along tho main lino, and most
of the freight machines will go into
service in moving tho crop of wheat
that is cxpscted to bo ready for market
early in July. Omaha Beo.
Grocery News
Granulated Suger, Beet, 20 lbs for $1.00
Granulated Sugar, Cane, 18 lbs for. . ... 7 1.00
Tomatoes, large can i 10
, Dried-Pears per lb, .. ...!$.. . . l&i
Seeded Rasins, 16 orpkg ..:..... ;..... 10
Alaska Red Salmon, 1 lb can . . . . ."... ;.. rv. .15
Alaska Pink Salfnoh, 1 lb can . . J .yt fS'Av ' 10
Kraut per can . .". . . -'. ..y ;? ' ' 1U
Pumpkin per can ; v 10
Lajrge Package Oat Meal . .;. . v .j. .. . .-. . 20
Small Package Oat Meal ....'... .J .... . ' 10
Graye Nuts, 2 pkgs '..... 25
Macaroni, 3 lbs .,25
Japan type Rice, 4 lbs , .25
Corn Starch per pkg .....',., .. r 05
Gloss Starch per pkg .. I ......... v 05
Kingsfords Starch per pkg ; " .08
Lewis Lye per can 08
Soda Crackers, large box, per lb 06J
Ginger Snaps per lb 06
We pay cash for your butter and eggs.
To the Public
Attention is directed to the near ap
proach of Memorial Day, May 30tb.
This day is obsorved the conntry over
and wo call on nil our people to lay
aside their usual pursuits, go to the
cemotory, bless tho memory of depart
ed loved ones, strew iheir graves with
sweet flowers. Our stato has by Sec.
2400 of tho Codo mado it unlawful to
indulge in sports on this sacred day.
All our people are oarneftly requested
to join in this sacred nnd patriotic duty.
E. II. Evans,
ale of-.J
In order to move out every Ladies' Suit in our Stock, wo
wilt maKe tnc loilowintr nriccs (food lor this week onlv .,
All Suits that sold at from $20.00 to
$33.00 will be closed out at
All Suits that have sold at from $13.30
to $18.00 will be closed out at
What we loose will be your gain. We do not want to carry
one Suit over. Come and buy them.
Wilcox Department Store ,
Presbyterian Church Notes.
Sunday School at 10 a. m. E. A. Cary
Superintondont; Preaching sorvices nt
11 a. m. nnd 8 p. m. Morning thome:
"The Disappointments of Lifo;" Union
Memorial borvico nt tho Opora House
at 8 p. m. Endenvor Societies at 3 and
7 p. m. Mid-week service Wednesday
evening. Boys club Monday and Thurs
day evenings at tho church.
All tho accounts ofGinn, Whito &
Schatz company contracted prior to
Aug. 19th, 1912 are owned by Messrs.
Ginn & White and nro payable at the
office of E. H. Evans. All such ac
counts must bo settled prior to Juno
1st or action will bo taken to enforce
Everything is in readiness for the
production of the "College Widow" at
the Koith Theatre tonight by the clnss
of 1913. Tho play is a very entertaining
one and under the direction of Miss
Gladys Welsh will bo well rendered.
Tho roles have beon carefully rehearsed
and the entertainment tonight will bo a
pleasing ono.
Mrs. Lottie Cronen has let the con
tract to the Picnrd Bros, for tho erec
tion of a two story seven room house on
the renr part of her premises on West
Sixth street. Wo understand bho has
securod a tenant on a five year lease.
Soveral tons of steel shelving and
cases for the vaults in the federal build
ing were received this woek, and will
bo placed in position by a representative
of the manufacturing company who ar
rived from tho east yesterday.
Mrs. J. J. Reiser, of North Bend,
Mrs. J. N. Ashburn, of Gibbon, M. A.
Frazier, of Gordon, W. P. Frazier, of
Lincoln, who attended the funeral of
tho late 0. B. Frazier the first of this
week, have roturned home.
Washouts in the east hav dslayed
the west bound trains for several hours
this week. Nos. 13 and 5 due here
early yesterday morning did not nrrivo
till nooncausing n delay in tlje arrival of
the morningpapers.
Herbert Marvoish formerly of this
city, who has been employed at Salt
Lake for some time, visited his sister
Mrs. A. J. Frazier this week while en
routo to Omaha.
Mrs. Jake Pizer. of Hastings, who
has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Jnlius Pizor for a week will leave
Wednojday for Denver.
Miss Bessie Smith, of North Platte,
has been elected by tho school board to
teach in the intermediate room next
year. Hershey Times.
Christian Science Society Sunday 11
p, m., subject "Soul and Body." Sun
day school 12 m. K. P. hall, Dowey St.
Another. The Opera House Fire and
Bratt & Goodman Pays The Loss.
Are you fully insured against
damage by fire, lightning, tornado,
cyclone nnd windstorm? If not, in
struct this firm to write you a policy
in some of their matchless companies.
No better and no cheaper insurance
vritten. See them.
Myrtle nnd Vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Russell nro tho
proud parents of a baby boy which
was born to them Friday.
J. C. Ask wig camo up from North
Platte and packed tho household goods
nnd moved to that plnco Saturday.
Mrs. Robt. Batlo was n NorUi Platte
visitor Saturday.
Joe Bnskins nnd family and Georgo
SivitB visited Mrs. B's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C, F. Sivits Sunday.
Ernest Keslar and familv aro lo
cated on tho old Burns plnco which ha
purchased soveral years ago.
Chas. Gnmbrol is freshening his
buidings with a coat of paint.
Geo. Moran nnd daughter Orpha at
tended the' Yankeo Robinson circus at
North Platte.
Rheumatism Quickly Cured.
"My sister's husband had an attack
of rheumatism in his arm," writes
a woll known resident of Newton, la.,
"I gave him a bottle of Chamberlain's
Liniment which he applied to his arm
and on the next morning the rhouma
tism was gone." For chronic muscular
rheumatism you will find nothing bet
ter than Chamberlain's Liniment. Sold
by all dealers
Mrs. and Mrs. C. H. Bradbury left
the early part of this week for Onawa,
Alfalfa, Cane, and Millet seeds at
Hershcy's 5th and Locust, phone 15.
Change of
Every Night
Price 10c
Dr. J. K. Elms, Homeo
pathic Physician and Sur
geon. "Will hereafter discountinuo nil road
work and will do everything in tho
practice of medicine. City Day calls $1.
Nicrht Calls Sl.SO.Country Calls 50c per
mile one way plus auto hire. Lying in
case $10.00 plus auto hire. These cases
must boDrearranired:forofllce prescrip
tions 60c and in no instance more thnn
?1.00 all medicines furnished. Also my
speciality of Eye. Ear, Nose, Throat
and Glass Fitting at J my former price.
Terms strictly cash. Office over
MoDnnnM Ktntn Rrink. Phono 3G.
Best of IIo9nital accomadation for '
Surgical and Lying in Cases.
Real Enjoyment
The man who takes enjoyment out of
a good cigar will do well to purchaso
our brands. As a homo manufacturer.
wo have a reputation to maintain, and
tneretoro put netter touacco in our
cigars than do most manufacturers. If
w did not mnko goods cigars, we
could not sell them and would soon be
forced out of business.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
Miuto to a riNt. on rewDtn
Mil "
k.i .FID
rt HMfliaTfl
MM(. N- J.
Now is tlmo to got your house in order.
Como ln nnd wo will tell you how you can fix
your old floors, furniture and wood work ns
good as an export could do it for one-fourth
the cost.
It you Intend to paint your house let ub
figuro with you. Ono gallon of Patton sun proof
paint will cover 330 scjuaro feet two coats.
It will surprise you how cheap it can bo done.
Chi-namcl Furniture polish, J pint 25 conls.
Stnnvar, n liquid applied with a rag for
wnxed ilnishon with very littlo rubbing, pints
Chl-Nnmol Floor Outfit for graining old
floor and wood work: including graining tools
and!) brushes special price $2.G0 cents. Furnit
uro varnish 1 pint 25c. Hayo you tried Bug-I-Cido
for Bed Bugs
Kolkomo Wall Finish, 51b pnekago for 50c comes In all colors. Can
be used over wall Papor one packago will finish an ordinary room.
Putzino Wall Papor cleaner 25 cents. Screen Paint i pints 20 cents,
pints 35 cents.
Stone Drug Co.
Buchanan & Patterson's
Bra Lis
Full two story frame dwelling- of eight rooms mod
ern except heat, full lot, shade trees and blue grass.
Located on West Fourth street close to court house,
This-is property that will increase in value and is a big1
money maker at our price of $4, 700.
Nice Seven Room Cottage and two Lots, out
buildings, shade trees and nice lawn ion West Sixth
St. A bargain at $2750.00.
Five room house and barn, South Dewey street.
Extra good seven room house, barn and outbuild
ings, house modern except heat, $3,100. East Third
street "two blocks from court house.
Nice six room cottage 721 West Seventh street,
handy to new round house. Modern except heat. Price
Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street,
the 600 block. Price $1, 750.
Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street,
the goo block. Price $1,700.
All of these properties are choice bargains and
can be bought on easy terms. Be sure and see -these
before you buy,.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Sole Agents.
The Autoist
Who Looks
at our lamps, speedometers,
oilers, horns, batteries, tools,
tires, etc., knows. that they are
the kind he wants. He rec
ognizes the fact that the worth
less nnd untried have no place
here, Como nnd see if our ex
hibit will not remind you of
something you need.
J. S. Davis Auto Co.