The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 23, 1913, Image 4

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    Miss Wilcox Will Go
l SJvTimLKM B5 wiKui&iijtt
Give Happiness on Graduation Dny by giving a
Bracelet. Watch or some other piece of Jewelry,
bubbling over with pretty gifts.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
pretty Ring.
Our stock is
Wo wont your
repair work
Graduate Dcnlisi.
Oflko over the McDonald
Htnto Hank.
Local and Personal.
Srrfl. Fred Elliott loft yesterday for
Omaha to'visit relatives.
The Homo Missionary Society will
moot this afternoon nt tho Bailor homo.
Roy Cockle went to Sutherland Tuos
day towttend the graduation oxcrcises
and visit ".friends.
Mb.' Joseph ,Wjllinms, of Omaha, ar
rived theflrat of thla'wcek to visit Mrr,
Hattio Farrington.
A. E. Timmorman spent
in Ogaialla on business.
Mlsa Hilda Anderson visited friends
in Lexington Wednesday.
Tdlss Lenoro Trout will begin work in
the Djckoy confectionory Monday.
Mrs. A. J. Frazier anddaughter have
returned from a few days' visit in
Miss Bessie Graham camo up from
Gothenburg yesterday to visit her
Mr. and Mrs. Jako Hankins, of Max
well, nro upending; thla weok with town
Mlsa Hazell Andorson, of Gothenburg,
arrived yosterday to visit relatives nnd
Mrs. Nichols Klein who has been ill
for some timo with rheumatism is Im
proved today.
M. P. Lao, suparintondent of con
struction at the now house, left yoster
day for Donvor.
Mnrtln Honrov went to Paxton yes
terday morning to visit his brother for
n week pr longer.
"Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wyman, of
Drule, vlsltod Dr, Mario Amos tho fore
part of this week.
Mrs. Proman who submitted to an
operation at tho P. & S. hospital yester
day, is resting easy
Dr. Footo, of Omaha, camo yesterday
morning to assist Dr. Twinem in
surgical work.
Messrs. DroWn nnd Bybce of tho
local telephono ofllco went to Paxton
yesterday on buslntss.
Mrs. Carson, of Hastings, camo tho
first of this week to visit nor daughter
Mrs. Henry Simon.
P. A Baughn deputy for tho "W. 0.
W. has roturned from Hershey where
he spent a week on business.
Mrs. W. J Gorman and children left
yesterday morning for Cheyenne to
visit friends for sovornl days.
Bishop Duffy, of Kearney, yisited
Iter. McDaid yesterday while enrouto
to Scotts Bluffs and Sidney.
Edward Thompson returned yester
day morning from Lexington where he
attended the high school play.
Mrs. Norman Edwards nnd son, of
Brady, who visited Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Banks, have roturned home.
Mrs. M, V. Mitchell and son Hugh
have returned from a two weeks' visit
in Lexington, Omaha and Iowa cities.
Mrs. J. II. Donogan returned yester
day morning from Brady where sho at
tended tho commencement exercises.
Ernest Mills will leave noxt weok for
Washington, D. C. as dolegato to tho
B. of L. F. & E. from the local lodge.
Nealo Turplo returned yesterday
mprnlng from Omaha whore he spent
the fore part of this weok onuslnosq.
Misses Sara Brand and Bossie Smith
went to Sarben yestorday to visit tho
former's sistor, Mlsa Elizabeth Brand.
A. B. Richards, of Kansas City,
suptrlntendont of the Postal Telegraph
Co, arrived last evening to transact
Call us up and wo will dollvor you n
pint or quart of the finest ice cream
you evor tasted.
Stone Drug Co.
"NrH. B. F. Sailor, who was called to
Elih Cjrcofc lest week by tho Illness of
he soft, returnod horo yesterday
Mrs. Munson, of Hershey, returned
homo a few days ago after taking
treatmont for some time in the P. &
S. hospital.
Mrs. Johnson, of Los Angeles,
visited1 her cousin J. I. Smith nnd
family yostorday while enrouto to
Davenport, In.
Well located vacant reiidence lots
listed for tale with Bucbanan &, Patter
isa.fia ready sale.
0. II. Sawers who visited
for two weoks Mn Cincinatti,
Wednesday morning.
Mrs. E. II. Lloyd' who rosides near
tho city was oporated upon nt tho P.
& S. hospital yosterday.
Miss Maud Oweps has roturnod from
Grnnd Island vhete sho attended the
Troyer-Hanscn wedding.
Mr8.,AuBtinTaylor loft yestorday
morning for Denver whero she will
visit for u week or longer.
Miss Fern Garrison who was operated
upon at tho P. & S. hospital a few days
ago is progressing nicely.
Tho Junior clnss held nn enjoyable
moonlight picnic in tho hills south of
town Tuesday ovoning.
Bert .Monnhan, who hnu been em
ployed hero nt u carnonter, has gone to
Arkansnsmake his ho no.
To Porto Rica
Miss Alice Wilcox, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, W. T. Wilcox, f this city,
who has been a student at tho Konrney
Htate normal nnd will graduate next
week, has accepted an appointment ns
government teacher In the public
schools of Porto Rica. The silary at
tached is ninety dollars per month,
which is good pay considering that
living expenses in that country arc
Miss Wilcox will begin her duties
next fall nnd ia anticipating her work
with much pleasure. Sho could have
accepted a position in tho Columbus
scl ools, but preferred to take the work
in Porto Ricn. Two of her girl friends,
daughters of ex-United States Sena-'
tor Norris Brown, have been teaching
in that country and expcc to spend
another year thore. They like tho
peoplo and the climate, and find the j
school work pleasant nnd interesting, j
Events in Society. j
Mrs. R. F. Stuart informally enter-1
tcrtnined eight ladiea at bridge Monday I
afternoon. i
Mrs, E. A. Garlisch has issued in
vitations for akonsington on Tuesday
afternoon nnd a card party on Wednes
day of noxt week.
Tho D. K. club were entertained
Tuesday evening at tho Votaw home.
Refreshments were served after a
couple of hours spentin games.
Misses Hattio Martin and Vivian
Knox entertained a number of friends
Tuesday evening at the Bowen home at
a taffy pull. A pleasant evening was
spent by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gideon enter
tained a number of friends Tuesday
evening In honor of the formor's birth
anniversary. Games wore played until
midnight when an enjoyable lunch was
Tho Nevita Club were th guests of
Mrs. Fred Payne Wednesday afternoon.
In the games and contests the prizes
wore won by Mesdames Ralph Garman
and Frank Laughlin. Nice refreshments
were served.
The social hold by the D. of H. social
home was tho most successful, judging
from tho large attendance nnd the net
proceeds of any held in some time.
Mrs. John Saltow assisted Mrs. Wcst
enfeld In serving a very elaborate
The M. M. M. club wore the guests
of Mrs. Robert Dickey Tuesday after
noon. Card games wore played nnd
the silvor fork won by Mrs. Perry
Carson, Second prize was given Mrs.
Jess Edwards. A dainty lunch was
served. Guests of tho club were Mes
damos Austin, Schatz, Huffman and
Tho Indian Curd Club were guosts of
Mesdames Hawley. Hart, Dent, Hong
land at tho home of former Wednesday
afternoon. In tho card games first
honors were won by Mrs. Charles
Reynolds and second honora by Mrs. A.
B. Hoagland. Delicious refreshments
woro served. Mosdamns Martin Scott,
Fred Wnltemath Perry Cnr3on, Misses
Alma Wnltemath and Gcnevievo Otton-
Itoln were guists.
Miner HInman loft Wednesday night
for Omaha to drlvo up a now car for
Goo. White of Sutherland.
Rev. and Mra. Wilson, of Gothonburg,
who vlsito'd Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lang
ford this week left Wodnosday.
P. M. Cook, an employo at the round
house, is making nrrnngements to move
his family from Elm Creek to this city.
Mr. arid Mrs. Jnmas Hartman nnd
children .returned Wednosdny from a
t hort YisUjjtj'Grnnd Island with friends.
Julius Pfzer left Wednesday evoning
on a bmlncSss trip to .Hastings, Lincoln
and othor towns in the oast part of tho
H. L. Main is enjoying a visit from
his mother Mrs. Maymo Main, of
Greenville, Mich., who arrived a fow
days ngo.
Leo Murphy, of Brooklyn, la., who
spent a weok with tho Frye and Hayes
families, left Wednesday afternoon for
August Joonson, of Gaslin, ono of
tho early settlors of the cast part of
tho coupty, transacted business in
town Vyeflnosdny. '
Brickwork; on tho now First ward
school building has been in progress for
a week or so, nnd tho work is boing
hurried along aa fast as possiblo.
Harold LangfonVls off duty at the
Star Stove .on account of an injured
knoo which he sustained in a fall from
a wheel tho latter part of last weak.
A.spectnl train of seven coaches loaded
with soldiers enrouto to Honolulu passed
through iuesuay, I hey embarked here
and took oxerclso by hiking up and
down tho streets,
Roy Surber will soon begin tho work
of placing a pressed brick front in the
building owned by Howe & Malonoy,
The Improvements will Involve an expen
diture of about eleven hundred dollars.
Commencement Books at Rinckor
Book & Drug Co. Blue Front. 33-3
As tho woodwork on tho new round
approaches completion. carpenters
employed there are dismissed. A
number of these mechanics have found
employment with locnl contractors,
who are rushed with work.
Rev. C, B. Harman, who has been
attending the genoral synod of the
Lutheran church, nt Atchison, Kaneus,
will return tonight. Usual services
noxt Sunday morning none in evening,
bcaU8o of the memorial servlco at the
Dr. Walter Crook and W. J. O'Connor
started Monday for Omaha in tho
former's enr, but when they reached
Grand Island thf evoning they en
countered a hoavy rain which put tho
roads in bnd shape. They returned homo
by train, leaving the ctr nt tho Island.
Ts Our Farmer Friends.
Have you insured that promising
crop against damage by hall. Remember
that Bralt & Goodman represent that
old. reliable St. Paul, also other good
hail insurance companies. Take out a
policy today. Don't wait until your
r"nn it ilpitrrtvril.
I" r
Creditors Get Thirty Per Cent. ;
To save costs and timo of bankruptcy
proceedings the creditors of tho Hart
man Cigar Factory, numbering twenty
five with claims totaling about $10,000,
decided to accept nnd" prorate the pro
ceeds of the sale of tho factory, Mr.
Hnrtmnn consenting to such proceed
ings. Tho sale was made nnd the credi
tors roceived about thirty por cent of
their claims. Like many other business
mon who lose out, Hnrtmnn cannot
figure out how ho became so hopelessly
Involved, especially when ho had a large
and growing business.
. Next Saturday over .600 automobife
owners of Spokane will don overalls
and spend the day ns common laborers
smoothing out the rough ppots on tho
highways of Spokane cpunty. Tho
governor has set apart that day for a
stato-wide observance of good roads
principles. There are several hundied
automobile owners in Lincoln county
who desiro better roads. Why not set
apart a couplo of days and each devoto
the days to actual work improving the
Have several nice homes in the city
for sale that must be sold quick, let us
show them to you. C. F. Temple.
The Baccalauroato Sermon for tho
Sonlor Class of the High School will
bo given nt 11 o'clock on Sunday morn
ing May 25 by Rov. Knowles in tho
Mothodist church. As this is the only
sorviee in which the" High School is
directly Interested, we extend a special
invitation to nil to join with us in this
service. E. K. Schutz, Prin.
Tho Lutheran lndlos of tho 1st and
2nd ward, will givo a 10 cent social at
tho pnr'ii house next Wednesday even
ing, May 28th, in connection with tho
annual congregational meeting of tho
church. An excellent lunch will be
served and a good timo is promised.
Lot each member of the church either
be present himsolf, or send a substitute.
A pteco of our Ivory goods engraved
with a monogram would make a fine
nnd yot inexpensive graduation gift.
DlX0tf, Tho Jeweler.
Mrs. Josoph L. Roddy will lcavo next
woek for Washington, D. C, whero sho
will represent the locnl lodge Pride of
28 No. 128 Auxiliary to tho B. of L.
F. & E. nt their convention. Buforo
returning sho will visit relatives in
Richmond, Vn.
Mrs. Mary Nenry nnd grand children
who visited relatives In Brady nnd at
tended the commencement exercises
this week returned yestorday afternoon.
Mrs. Julius Pizer will leave next
weok for Donver to attend tho gradua
tion exorcises of her daughtor Mnymo
from Wolfe Hall.
Young man are you saving your
money? If not why not? Here is your
chance. We have lots in all parts of
the city on easy term basis. $10 and
$15 down and $5 and $10 each month.
North Platte has a good future in store
for the man who will invest bis money
in real estate and cjly property now.
Why wait when you are here and can
get lts on such terms?
C. F. Temple.
J JL aM?
The good work to which we refer
is the Going Out of Business Sale
at The Leader, and it is a good
work for it means to the pur
chasers the opportunity to .pur
chase goods at lower prices than
they ever be fore purchased
them in North Pl&tte. It is a
good work for the proprietor, for
the sales are so heavy as to
warrant him making the pro
posed change in business. It is
an actual fact that goods in
many instances are being sold
away below wholesale prices;
and many of our customers at
this sale will readily tell you
that this statement is true.
Watch our windows for changes
in displays and prices
The Leader, Julius Pizer, Prop.
The Senior Class Play
George Ades Great College
Drama In Four Acts
Prices - 50c, 75c
9 jipltOO I
Stability, Efficiency and Service
Unvo hoon tho lsttotors
in tho growth of tho
First National Bank,
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Drv. Infield tydfieldl
Physicians and Surgeons.
WILLIS J. REDriELD. Sureeon.
JOE U. nEDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . ,
THONE 612.
l L. A. LINE ft?, S
j Jeweler ?
ft 1? year experience at the bench. Can do ft
JV all kinds of repairing:. Bed rock prices. All JJ
Jy work guaranteed. jj
5 Physician and Suracon, '
Office over McDonald Bank, t
i PhoneB fll?,el3011R
r ) Residence 115
.y -
. Xi-
Sit tuts...
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