Siaio lllfctctlccl Ecdlif i- J,. fe Jtflrth wm-Ktettp fekwtf ! - TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 23, 191 3. No. 35 Lj (jMWJ'J'J'lk ) FACTS ABOUT WALK-OVER SHOES fliltSO Factories 9. Capacity 20,000 pairs per day. Floor space occupied 16 acres. Number machinos-3,500. "Weekly pay roil ?G0,000 to $70,000. Tho hldas from 1,000 cattlo are used eyery day. 700,000 calfskins are Usod every year. WALK-OVER Shoes are sold the world .over. These shoo must be good or they never would have bedomo so popular. Wilcox Department Store. Local and Personal Rev. C. H. Miller left this morning for Kearney to spend a week on church work. Mrs. W. L. Richards left this morn ing for Kearnoy and Grand Island tq visit relatives. The B. P. O. E. Will give a card party and dance at their hall Wednes day evening, May 28th. Mrs. Oscar Noala and baby of Kearney who were guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Banks this week loft last evening. Dr. and Mrs. H. Brock have return ed tho'former from tho State Dental meeting in Omaha and the latter from nn extended stay in Fairbury with relatives. Weather' forecast: Fair and warmer tonight, Saturday probably increasing cloudiness. Moderate winds. Highest temperature yesterday 72, a year ago 77; lowest last night 43, a yoar ago 53. At the meeting of the city council Tuesday ovening Miss Annio Kramph, E. F. Soeberger and Butler Buchanan were ro-appointed members of the Eublic library board. These members avo taken commendable interest in the institution, and their re-appointment means a continuation, of that personal interest. All trimmed hats at half price at Parlor Millinery until June 1st. 35-3 It is very probably that the city hoso houses in the First and Third wards will bo moved to the city l.ot on west Front street. This will obviate paying rent for the ground on which tho nouses nro located. It is probable that If even this action is not voluntarily, .Jflken tho city would soon be given notice 'to va cate the lot on which tho Third ward hose house is located. Joe Glasor has been employod as superintendent of the park. in the First ward and will look after tho trees re cently planted. Last year the park received but little attention, and as a result the showing made was not very favorable. Mr. Glaaer's engagement is for one month; if good results are apparent his term of service may bo prolonged. At a special meeting of the city council yesterday afternoon the Union Pacific was granted tho privilege of lay ing a sewer main on west Seventh street from tho new round house to a point opposite the lower, ice houses, a distance of about 1,000 feet. At this point the new sewer pipe will connect with a main alroady laid. West Seventh street has never been improved so far as the roadway is concerned, and as the company guarantees to leave the street in as good condition after tho main is laid as it is now, no objection could be found to the request. Program for Memorial Day Exercises At 7 a. m. Col. Ruddy with a detail of vctorans of the Civil and Spanish wars will go to the south sido cemotey and decorate the gravos with duo cere mony. 9:30 a. m. tho Post and Corps will procoed to tho North Platte cemetery, strew flowors on tho gravos all com rades and will have ritual sorvice at the Grand Army plot. In this work it is earnestly hoped that our people will join. Clean tho lot, spend an hour in sweet memory of our departed loved ones, that loying kindness, charity and good will may enter our daily life. AFTERNOON 2:30 The public are invited to attond at the Keith opera house. Prayer - Greeting Song (original) Lincoln Gettysburg address, Cotherino Uretzer Song by Prof. Garliih and School Reading by Edward Thompson Song by School Children Oration, Judge Hoagland Song, Sword of Bunker Hill, by Miss Jackson Song by Lincoln High School, The Blue and the Gray Song, Tenting on tho Old Camp Grounds, with camp scene Benediction By Order of the Committee. The Good Roads Spirit. Qn June 9. probably 5 000 men with teams, traction engines, scrapors, road drags and all other necessary parapher nalia, will simultaneously bo at work on the highway between Norfolk, Neb., and White River, S. Dak., a distance of nearly 250 miles. Tho most of this routo is in naturally good condition, having boeh evidently intended by the Almighty especially for automobile travel, and tho work of tho "crows" will be devoted to tho few places where it is needed, tho idea being to mako the entire routo as nearly a perfoct boulevard as possible. Culverts and bridges will bo placed in where necess ary, "high centers" will be eliminated, grades will bo widened and "chuck holes" abolished. The work is in charge of tho leading businoss men in each community, a "boss" having been selected in each town through which the routo is to pass, whose duty it is to organize nn army with which to make the road perfect in his district on that day. All trimmed hats at half price at Parlor Millinery until June 1st. 35-3 The Knights of Columbus banquet and meeting which was to be held at Alliance Sunday has been postponed indofinitoly on accoust of tho small pox epidemic.. A number of tho local council had planned to attend. North Platte Will Have a Big Celebration. The directors of tho Chambor of, Commorco elected at tho meeting hold Thursday ovening of last week hold a I meeting last night and ro-clected tho officers of the past year. These aro E, P. Seobergor president. M J. Forbes) vice-president and E. H. Evans treas urer. M. E. Crosby was re-appointed-secretary at a salary of fifty dollars per month. Tho former commltteo which had set cured data concerning the mode and cost of instatting tho electrolier system of street lighting and which has served its purpose, was discharged and a hew" committee with J. B. McDonald as chairman was appointed to proceed with the work of socuring from property qwners and tenants the amount necos sary to install the system. Practically all tho owners and many of the tenants have agreed to donate tneirsharo of tho cost; in fact the installation of the system is practically assured. The directors voted in favor of a' Fourth of July celebration and appointed a committee on arrangements, of which C. O. Weingand is chairman. The Chambor of Commorco will assist in financing the cost of celebrating. Initial steps toward having a big fes tival during the fall season was also takon, the Idea being to inaugurate n festiynl ovent that will be a permanent foature each fall. A commltteo was appointed to effect a pormanont organ ization for this purpose. One feature of the initial festival will bo an aero plane flight. Major Lillie, of the Wild West Show, who contemplates bringing a herd of 150 buffaloes from Pawnee City, Okla., and placing thorn on tho formor Cody ranch, was assured the hearty co-operation of the Chamber of Commerco. It is believed that the presortce of this herd of the now almost extinct buffalo will prove nn attraction for North Platto. A pasture extending along the railroad the full length of the ranch will bo fenoed, thus affording to train passengers a full view of the hard. Tho buffaloes will bo brought here in July. A commltteo of five was appointed to arranco for the entertainment and banquet to the delegates to tho conven tion of-tho Nebraska league, of build ing and loan associations which meets in this city June 4th. Othor features pertaining to tho for ward movement jn North Platte .was discussed, and the meeting as a whole, was full of the boosting spirit. Tho Yeomnn Ball Team won In the game with tho High School yesterday yascoreofl2 to 1. Tho batteries for tho High School wore Jonos, and Clabaugh and for the Yeoman yero H. S. Husband and Miller. Jones struck out fifteen men and Husband struck out twelve. Three hits were mado off Jones und nine off tho high school pitcher. Tho feature of tho game was the triple play in the fifth inning by the Yeoman. Dr. Saddler, of Horslioy, has just purchased a gray model 30 Buick road ster of the J. S. Davis Auto Co. The doctor has been driving a Buick car for twp years. E. It,-Davis left this morning for Co'ntral' City to bo present at the dedi cation Of the new court houso. be sure to see us about our lots in the Dolson addition. Located just north of new. ronnd house! Ideal loca tion for round house and shop men. If you are interested as an investor and want your money to make you 'better than good interest, or if you are work ing for the company and your work takes you to the new round house be sure to look into this proposition. C. F, Temple. . ra Used Piano Sale We have on hand the following pianos which have been rented out and are slightly used. We offer them at the following low prices, terms and easy payments to suit. 1 $250.00 Piano, Sale Price $190.00 1 $328.00 Piano, Sale Price $200.00 1 $325.00 Piano, Sale Price $265.00 1 $375.00 Piano, Sole Price $300.00 ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE STOOIi AND SCARP ROBERT R. DICKEY 501 DEWEY STREET We have an expert tuner. Leave orders here Opportunity of the Season Your Unrestricted Choice df Any Suit in the Store at 15.00 5p50J We are determined not to carry over one Single Suit, and in order to mako them move quickly we have divided our entire stock of Suits Into Two Lots LOT h All Suits formerly sold at from $15.00 tO $18.50 V8ur choice LOT 2. All Suits that formerly sold at from $20.00 to $27.50 ' td R( H v m - aw vm- m'L m Jjr m W TLFr I x Av 1 1 AA "1 I B I II 1 I Remember everything New in this New Store not a garment in the house two months old -, ' : Come early and buy buy your suit at nearfy half price ,5 while they last. North Platte's Exclusive Women's Store Buick Runs 24 Miles on Gallon of Gasoline. In Boston tho orher day,"a delegation of newspapor mon took it upon them selves in the interests of cl,enn journal ism, to probe into tho claims made by tho'IJuiok Motor Company that thoy could make 24 miles on a gallon of gaso line. Tho delegation consisted of J. J. McNamara, of the Post, John E. Mahoney. of the American, J. S. Muiphy, of the Herald, nnd T. S. Parker, of the Christian Scienco Monitor. Tho gasolino was purchased at an in dependent garage, and hydrometer test showed it to bo of 63 grade. Tho only wny in which tho Buick difforod from the' standard model was in tho quart gasolino tank installed on tho dash board. Disconnections wore made be tween tho standard gas tank and the carburetor. For a great Dart of the distance covered, the routo lead into the face of a stiff wind, but by the time the Inst drop was gone and tho car coughed to a stand still, the spcedometor registered 12.2 miles, or 24,4 miles to the gallon. "With the price of gasoline goingup ns It Is," says "Trainload" Collins, general sales manager, "thsso tests aro or in teresting significance. The Uulck always gives a man a long run for his money." All trimmed bats at half price at Parlor Millinery until June 1st. 35-3 Mrs. W. T. Banks is enioyincr a visit from her aunt Mrs. Auble of Rising City. s ' Furnished rooms for light house keeping. 521 E 3rd stroet. Miss Marie Martini will go to Omaha Monday to visit frionda nnd relatives. Mrs. Jacob Meyers went to Coiad this morning to visit her daughtor. Tho Twentieth Century club will bo entertained by Mrs. Perry Buchanan Tuesday of next week. Mrs. William Malonoy, Sr., roturned last ovening from Kearney whore Hho1 visited friends for a week. Howard Miles, of Paigton spoilt .tho fore part of this wook In towtyon busi ness. j -t M. K. Barnum. at ono timb district foreman for the Union Pacific at this terminal, has resigned as general sup erintondent of motive power of the Illinois Ccntrnl, w.hlch ho hjul' hcl(J for three years. BnrnuhyfeslgnH in order to engage in other work. Cure for Stomach Diiordesr. Disorders of tho stotnnch may fc avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tablots. Many vorv romarknble cures have boon affectod by those tablets. Sold by all dealers. Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North PJatto, - - Nebraskn. " McDonald Bank Building. . ; COME AND SEE THE FAMOUS WATER ELEVATOR Now on AND Detroit Kerosene Engine LIFT WATER FOR IRRIGATION exhibition on corner opposite new postoffice at .- " - - K ".? North Platte,, Nebraska -r. SMHHHHSJsIBMMkX Most Prompt and Effectual Cure for Bad Colds. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only glvo rolief, but effect a nrornnt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injur ious. Chamberlains'! Cough Remedy meets nil theso reoulrcments. It acts on naturo's plan, rollovos the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the gocre tions and restores tho system to a healthy condition. This remedy has a world wide sale and use, and can always be depended upon. Sold by all dealers. CSbS t IL. iBjl flSKftPtoHifcwt.?!jSlSt Bm MffN ft fc"w SHBSBB?BB-nB I Prices, Catalogue( Specifications and Instructions for digging wells, upon request, THOMAS ORTON, Agent 209 SOUTH MAPLE ST. NORTH PLATTE, NEBR.