The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 20, 1913, Image 3
ANSAS WOMAN WHO SUFFERED From Headache, Backache, Dizziness and Nervousness, Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Lawronce, Kans. " A year ago I wt-5 Budering from a number of ailments. I always bad pain and flffi U&iLffl iii i i: !i- was Irrecrulnr. Dnr. ,;::ii:t;..l)inii:):!.!?i:t!i!:;:ti l C3-v ing tho delay I ouf fered o great deal vi th headache, back ache, dizziness, fev erish Bpells.norvous ncss and bloating. I had been married nearly three years. I took Lydia E.Plnk ham'a Vegetable Compound and now I feel better than I have for years. I recommend Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege table Compound to all who suffer as 1 did." Mrs. M. Zeuneh, 1015 New Jer eey Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Montana Woman's Case Burns, Mont "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured mo of awful backache which I had suffered with for months. I was so weak I could hardly do my work and my head and eyes ached all the time. Your Compound helped mo in many ways and is a great strength ened I always recommend it to my friends and tell them what a grand med icine it is for women. You may use my namo for tho good of others." Mrs. John Francis, Burns, Montana. The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetablo Compound have thousands of such letters as those above they tell the truth, elso they could not have been obtained for lovo or money. This med icino is no stranger it bos stood the test for years. is mnn and no istiii; iuicj3 or CATTLi:. For years tho Province of Alhortn (Western Canada) wus tho ISIir IlancblrjgCountry.Many ofthrto ranches today aro lmmensoirraln fields and tho rattle, hnvft given place to the cultivation of wheat, oats, barley and flan the chance has mado runny thousands of Americans, settled on these plains, wealthy, but It has In creased tbo price of lire buce. There Is splendid opportunity now to get a Free Homestead of ICO acres (and another as a pre emption) In the newer districts and produce eUbnrcatlleorcraln. Tho crops are always good, the dlmatols excellent, schools and churches aro convenient, markets splendid, In either Manitoba, Sas katchewan or Alberta. Bond for literature, tbo latest Information, railway rates, etc., to W. V. BENNETT, Boo Building, Omaha, Neb. or address Superintendent of Immlcratlon, Ottawa. Causa. Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They are orwai, narsn, unnecessary, i ryv CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act gently on tne liver. eliminate one, ana sootne tne aencaie. membrane of the., bowel. Cure. Lonilipallon, Biliousness, Sick Hesd. ache and Indltoillon, as millions know. SHALL p:ll, small dose, small price. Genuine must bear Signature '?z-. DAISY FLY KILLER & snffiV flits. Neat, clean or- iimuiuMiiiVUUiTIUSUH I cheap. Lasts all iiaion. Hade of metal, canttplllortlp oreri will not soil or Injure anything Ouaranterd effective. ' All dealers croacut express Paid for 11.00. nmKAfmFji' -I:"!;: gfeTGE mm of immxr beef tflHUfiP :IIi -43HBEVfv eeMHs aLLH P a nr rn'c mvrvjm mittlf- MSMmP IIVtK 4iWtTC PILLS. r Jg'gs -i I afBPv wBfTS3KSk KKwvwiStiwej 0AKOLD SOUTHS, 150 DeKalb Ave.. Brooxlra, H. Y. ' DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing in favor because it Does Not Stick to the Iron and It will not injure tho finest fabric For laundry purposes it has no equal. 16 or. package 10c 1-3 more starch for same money. DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebraska W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 20-1913. Nebraska Directory MURPHY DID IT Auto and Wagon Truck Iluildera. Ite palrlne, Fainting, Trimming. Buggy Wheel repaired and re rubber tired. Write us for prices. 40 jeara In the business. Andrew Murphy & 8on, Omaha SMOKESTACKS Write n for price.. WILSON STEAM IIOII.EK CO.. Omaha Try ls It Will Pay You Ootulen rour stock tons for good prices, good fllli and prompt remittance. Write or wire ua for any desired Information regarding Hie market. All com mnnlcatlonsitokwered pnimptlr, We ure woratng for your lnterebt and appreciate your business. N. E. ACKER 6s, CO., Live Stock Commission too 110-112 Eithutt side Stock id:. Statlco. S.rjmahj. Ktl Parisian Fancy That Will Be Popular in America BMHBBAfl VBHiUVSaa?tLbliHi!HiSinBsBVSflHk A. BsfSisLELSBBLELBLEEEaEB EaaJry A street costume with skirt of blue brocade silk. SUITABLE AND PRETTY GIFTS Few Things for Prospective Bride Are In Better Taste Than the Easily Made Sachets. jro any of your friends engaged? If so, why not malco them some pretty sachets for an engagement gift? They are always appreciated and can easily bo made. Purchase a quantity of satin ribbon two inches in width. Tho shops offer many bargains in ribbons at this season. Cut the sachets in squares, pad them with cotton and sprinklo with sachet powder. Then whipstitch the edges together. Stack a dozen of theso together and tic with baby ribbon. On top place a ttztt bow ornamented with tiny rosebuds mado from ribbon. An eighth of a yard of half-inch ribbon is required for each rose and they are formed by swirling the ribbon round and round a centor. Foliage may be made from green silk to accompany these roses if desired. This is a charming gift for tho graduate. So prepare for June, which Is not far distant. ' AFTERNOON GOWN An afternoon gown of printed silk jver lace and embroidery, set off with a belt and sash of black satin ribbon. Crude Colors for Blondes. Crude, brilliant colors aro seen on the hnts as on tho drosses, and ono Bhould be very young and of a blonde complextion 'to stand tho combina tion of certain clashing colors. The trimmings are still very high. moire and waist of blue and creme FATIGUE A FOE TO BEAUTY Woman Who Would Retain Charm Should Avoid Allowing Herself to Be Victim of Overwork. Over-fatigue is a foe to beauty. Even if there were no lasting effects from It, which there are, a wearied look in a woman's face adds nothing to her charm. Rather, it is as tho ap pearance of a faded flower compared with that of a fresh one. The muscles and muscular tissues becomo grad ually weak and show themselves with particular perversity in ugly rings and bags about tho eyes, in a lengthening of thn lines botween tho nose and the mouth, and a general sagging. Fatigue, too, has a direct effect upon tho stomach muscles, causing, them to sag also, and become unable to work properly, nnd this, in turn, reflects upon tho complexion, rendering it sal low and eventually blotched. So, I say, avoid fatigue. Rest whenever you can.' Whatever tho routine of your day may be, it 1b poeslblo for you to snatch a moment, or, at least, a second or two, here and there, of complete relaxation. Take a long breath and relax, then go on at tension if necessary, but it is rare ly, very rarely, necessary, and there is a point to be made much of. Re sist tension. Bathe tho tired face Vst cold water. It stimulates circulation, nnd brings relief, at least to one's feelings, even if its effect does not go very far be neath tho surface. Hot water follow cd by a cold dash is also refreshing nni especially is to be recommended to tho woman of nervous tempera ment. A few drops of camphor in ico water makes an excellent lotion lor the rejuvenation of tho tired face muscles, but it should bo followed by tho application of a good face cream Remove the cream with a dry, Boft cloth and behold, you feel like a new woman. Of Black Charmeuse. Tho feature of tho skirt lifted -by means of a few plaits is as universal now as tho train. On a lovely afternoon dress of black charmeuse the skirt was thus lifted beneath three very largo jot buttons, and the fullness was looped rotund towards tho back In graceful folds. The corBago of this gown had a very elegant sailor collar of fine laco and revcrs of the same in front, mak ing a charming little heart-shaped opening, which Just revealed the col lar and gulmpo or fine net. A flat waistband of the same silk with long fringed ends covered tho union of skirt and corsage. Tho sleoves wero long, and sot well below the turn of tho shoulder with a piped seam. Novel Trimming. A novel trimming is llttlo paddod iIower3, which aro cut out of velvet brocho ribbon with n Bhurp pair of scissors, and aro appllqued to tho straw of tho hat, a small mound of cotton beneath bringing tho flow r into relief. In tho case of a hat of black pedal straw, tho round crown was covered all over with decoupo and padded rosebuds in velvet brucue. jy m What is Gastoria "ASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric. Drops , and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substanco. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Foverishness. For more than thirty years it has beon in constant use for tho relief of Constipation, Flatuloncy, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It rogulates tho Stomach and Bowols, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleop. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mothor's Friond. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and whioh has beon in uso for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of Chas. H. Flotoher, and has been mado under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho hoalth of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. j$SIB fiTOTCifWW wALLSJLU iSJ) VKj par-'idtlU'rT-Tirmu' i mi. AU'OUOL 3 J-KIt onNT AVcSclal)!cPrcpar3llonroTis slmilatiiiiliR)0((,intlRcUula tingtltc Sioraachs aiulUovdsof ProiflolcsDtgesttonCfocrrur' ncss and Rest.Contalns nelitor Opiimx.Morphlnc norMtaal Not Nau cotic. InyVu Seed" JtaSnua JbdelitSttts- ytiiteScfil lWCmtanc&trfj Mm Seed' (raniSfrfJte". IliisyrtaiJtnTn Apcrfect Remedy forConsllpj lion .SourSlomaclt.Dtaritaa fiwlLoss of Sleep. IT" IIM lacS'uuilc Signature of TllE Centauii Cohpatoc; mm ,r, NEW YOKK. niVtccd under i Exact Copy of Wrapper. HAVE LONG DURATION OF LIFE Salt Water Denizens Attain Immense Afje, If Scientific Investigations Are Correct. Water, particularly salt water, seems to conduce to loncovlty. Thoro aro gigantic mussels and oystors whoso ago is assumed to bo compar able only with that of tho Cupo Verde baobab trco and tho big treo .of Cali fornia, which llvo for D.OOO years. In deed, thoro appears no particular reason why mussels should over dlo, though it is also truo that, consider ing tho sort of lifo a mussel leads, there seems no particular reason why it should ever Imvn lived. Sea anemones, again, dollcnto and sensitive though they look when wo see them In tho rock pools, may at tain great ago. Sir John Dalycll, a Scottish naturalist, captured in 1828 a soa anomono of tho liver-colored sort so common around our shores Its age was then estimated at hovnn yoars. It flourished in Edinburgh un til 1887v and was Just nttaiulng a vigor ous and sober maturity when, from some unknown cause, it died. Lon don Mail. Our Wonderful Energy. Andre do Fouqulores, whom so ciety lionized during tho. Now York season, praised on his duparturo for ParlB tho wonderful energy of the American business man. "I onco asked an American busi ness man," ho said: " 'Do you know what leisure mcanV?' "'Why, to bo Biire, I do tho busi ness mnn replied. 'Leisure is sparo timo that can bo devoted to somo fresh Job of work.' " Woman's Way. "When alio wasn't looking I kiSBed her." "What did Bho do?" "Refused to look at me tho rest of tho evening." Wasp. Best Way. "How would you make theso rem edloB popular?" ' "Make them anti-skeptic." For CAsrcRij '"' " l ' ''I . in DISTEMPER Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas, IS. Fletcher. Dr. Albert W. Kahl, of Buffalo, N. Y., cays: "I lmvo used CaatorJa In my practice for tho past 20 years. I regard it aa nn excellent medicine forchildircn." Dr. Gustavo A. Eisengrtiobcr, of St. Paul, Minn., Bays: "I havo used your Castorla repeatedly la my practlco with good rcnults, and can rocom mend It as an cxcollont, mild and harmless romedy for chlldron." Dr. E. J. Donnis, of St. Louis, Mo., cays: "I havo used and prcscribod your Castorla in my Banltarlum nnd outsldo practlco for a numbor of yoara nnd find It to bo nn excellent remedy for children." Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of rhlladolphla, Ta., says: "I hnvo used your Cas torla in tho caso of ny own baby and find it pleasant to tako, nnd hava obtained cxcollont results from Us uso." Dr. J..E. Simpson, of Chicago, 111., Bays: "I lmvo used your Castorla la canes of colic in children and havo found it tho host modlclno of its ldnd on tho market." Dr. It. E. Esklldson, of Omaha, Nob., eay3: "I find your Castorla to bo a Btandard family remedy. It Is tho best thine for Infanta' and childron I havo over known nnd I recommend it" Dr. L. It. Bobinson, of Kansas City, Mo., cays: "Your Castorla certainly ha3 morit. Is not Its nee, its continued uso by mothers through all thcs years, and thosraany nUcmpt3 to Imltato it, mifllclont rocoaimoudation ;Vhnt cau n physician add? Lcavo it to tho mothers." Dr. Edwin P. rnrdoc, of Now York City, says: "For several years I havo recommended your Castorla nnd shall always contlnuo to do bo, na it haa invariably produced boncilclal results." Dr. N. B. SIzor, of Brooklyn, N. Y., cays: "I object to what aro callod patent medicines, whero maker nlono knows what Ingredients nro put la. them, but I know tho formula of your Castorla nnd ndvlBO lfa uso." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Hoars tlio Ci tfj, (P Tiie M You Have Always Bought tin Use For Over 30 Years. THI CKNTAUN OOMINV, NKW VORK CITY, Very Plain Criticism. Childron aro not nlwuys grateful be ings, and they nro notably hard to en tertain. At n birthday party a kindly natured adult had tolled hard In the effort to amuso tho children by muuiB of parlor mnglc, ventrlloquiHm, bur lesque dancing and the like. The other ndults present wero highly ntnuBod, and somo of tho children deigned to chucklo mildly. Tho mother of tho hostess, howevor, felt that full justlco had not been rendered, bo bo fore nnnounclng refreshments Blia took pains to thank tho entertainer, nnd to call the Attention of tho youngsterB to his gifts. "Mr. Blank Is vory funny, Isn't ho. children?" Bho concluded. Prom tho ronr of the room carno a small, uhrlll volco: "Vessum, but not bo funny as he ho thinks ho is!" Love Would Be Short. "Oh, Bwear not by tho moon, tho in constant moon," said Juliet. How about tho modern maidens who aro going to bo loved "till tho sands of tho deBert grow cold?" Don't their physical geographies tell them that the sands of tho desert grow cold overy night, "owing to the lack of aqueous vapor?" Ours imcd to. Ready Answer. "Ho mine. 1 cannot llvo without you." "Bah," Bald the holrcs. "You have lived without mo for years." "Truo," retorted tho duke, "but tho cost of living has got me at last." naptwrcmm What Ails You? j- An Invitation Is ntrnitdhy Doctor risreo to er.rjr slelc and alline mn or woman to S tZ coniult th Faculty oftho Invalids Hotel j- at Buffalo, N. Y by letter. Writs your S - srmptonu full and frankly, and vcry S S IxtUr will b carefully considered, fully S ; aniwrrod and It staUmtnta held as ZZ strictly pnvatoand sacredly confidential. S 5 Dr. Plercc'a Golden Medical Discovery 2 miles for rich, purs blood and tliu In S " vlg-oratM the eyitem. Kor a torpid liver 3 - and Its attendant Indl.eitlon, drapetl', 5 headache, perheps dlttlneu, foul fireeUi, ? nasty coated tonirue with Miter taeta, jr loss of aupctito with dlitress after eat S 5 Ing, nervousness and debility, DOtblcu la S3 as good. -j I'lnk Eye, Epizootic Slilpplnd Fover fit Calurrlml Fever Fura cure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at any aire aro Infretud or "eipowjil." I.Ujuld.Ktven nn the toniruei acts on the lllooil and (lUmlii eipels ILe IHileonouBUerms from (ho body, turce l)lstenier In !uu: andHhreiiftnaCltolerbln 'oiiltry. fa rftcet selling livestock remedy, f'uree I a Ortnio emnuit human Iwlnfrt, and Is a fine Kidney remedy. Mjq and SI a lnt!lt 1t and .10 a doreu. Cut this out. Keep It. hhow toyourdruintl't.wUo will get It furyou. Jiue ltooklvt, "llstciuers Causes and C'uree." Hpoctal agents wanted. SPOHN MEDICAL CO,, B00ho"S&0.n8?0 GOSHEN, HID,, U, S. A. Signature of &&& Young Financier. Frcddlo came into the housn ons day and Bald that tho woman next door had offered him n ponuy if ho would toll what his mother had cald about her. "I'm bo glnd you didn't toll," re marked bin mother. "I wouldn't havo her know for anything that I evon mention her. You'ro a wise lit tle boy, my dear." "You bet, I am," roturned Froddla "When she offored mo the penny I told her thnt what you said was some thing awful and It wan worth half a dollar.". Pnrnphraolng the Immortals. Tonnyson'B "Brook" nnd Scott's "Lochlnvnr" woro recently sot for paruphraso at n girls' school. Tho conscientious studonts set to work with a dictionary. Hero follow speci mens of tl!u results: To bicker down n valley "To havo an undignified! quarrel In a low placo among the hillB." He utnid not for brake "Ho never Btoppod for a mechanical con trivance to reduce speed by means o$ friction." . Quite So. , "Do you bellovo In tho oiHco seeking tho man?" "Thnt depends altogether on the amount of his shortage" RICH JN CURATIVE QUALITIES FOR BAOKACHE, RHEUMATISM. KIONCY3 AND BLADDER SPECIAL TO WOMEN DC you realize tho fact that thousands) of women uro now using A Soluble Antiseptic Powder as a remedy for mucous membrano aft fections, such as sore throat, nasal ob pelvic catarrh, Inflammation or ulcera tion, causqd by fomalo ills? Women 1 who have been cured Bay "it 1b worth its weight in gold," Dissolve in wator i and apply locally. For ten yoara tha Lydia E. IMnkham Medlclno .Co. has recommended Paxtino In their private. , correspondence with women. For , all hyglonlc and toilet uses it haa no etjiial. Only COc n largo box at Drug glBtB or Bont postpaid on roceipt of I price. Tho Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, I Mass. TH! NaWFRCNOK RCMRDV. Nut. N2. N.B. THERAPSOkM 823l gieatiucceic, cum ciisonIcweakmesi. lost vioob A V1U.KIDMUY, DLADDKX, NISSjUKS, BLOOD FOISOK. TILES. EITIISK No. DSUOOIST&or MAIL Jl. POST 4 CTS) rOl'OHRACO, 90, HEXKUAN ST. MEW YOHKorLYUAN BXftSJ TORONTO. WHITU fOH fREC BOOK TO DR. LE CLEBO IlEO.CO.IlAVEKSTOCKUn.llAMPSrEAD, LONDON, UNO. TKV NEW DltAGEE (TASTELESS) FOXUOV BASY TO TAES THERAPSON !,. EE THAT TRADE MASKED WORD 'THERAPIQK ' IS OS BUT. GOVT. 6TAUF AFfUKD TO SIX UgilUlHU rACKaVE. sadTer .aS MMessaasas'eaBiHSfllBVHMBV SAS-waasBM