The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 20, 1913, Image 1
iUuitt Hletcrlco! Ectifty 4Z '-(-'.i v. ' j6i ,vv i m , Min iVa" jmw 3UU- Ci ji m at nr Hi m.a mrimi mumu Utifamt TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 20, tt)i3. No. 34 gmaM.'.'nagiga.saaia 1 mzsMsis8Mi&msfim.wrA &mMMMMmkum.Mmmimm - ? .. "STP ft 'BHV" .IMBH 'V-"!i' ' ' fH3BHHHKi MLS u'HHnGra' 33!3ifVBjBiiBimflt fiflBBR v IMMSjSSWlPWraMSP nw'H mshiiimb u. miiiiv,; :ci m .. i W ' C F. TEMPLE Came to Noiith '"'Platte ,,when I was . , 1. four- years old. Expect to stay; here f r . ' the rest of my life because I think we have, the best town on earth. INS URANCE ot "Every Known Kind (Except Life) '; Automobile Insurance Against fire arising from any cause whatsoever, includ ing explosion, self ignition and light ning, anywhere in United States and Canada. I v !aMfgy Liability Insurance for injuries or death to persons caused by the automobile insured. Property Damage Insurance oZntrpe7ertrtothersbv'the COLLISION INSURANCE '. '. .,4. All of the above Insurances may be combined in one policy at reasonable rates. 7VT I Cot! 'tt'flctClV or emP'Ver f men, have you look er into me new Jdmpioyers Jbia unity and Workmen's Compensation Law that goes into effect July 1st, not, you had better do so and see me about Liability Insurance. Local and Personal. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Irying Van Doran Sunday a baby girl. Tom Gutherless returned yesterday from Sidnty where ho spent a week. Cy Russell returned the latter part of last week from a short visit in Omaha. M. J. Forbes and family visited in Gandy and Stapleton Sunday, making the trip in their car, Word comes to this city that Franklin Peale who is visiting his daughter in Lexington, is very ill. We are prepared to furnish ice cream in any quantity. Stone Drug Co. Rev. Knowles returned Monday morn ingfrom Brady where ho delivered tho Baccalaurctte sermon to tho class of 1913. Mrs. E. E. Moody was hostess to the S. 0. C. Club Friday afternoon. Card names were clayed. Enjoyable lunch in two courses was servecj . "Wilson Roach entertained the mem bers of his Sunday school class Friday evening in a very enjoyable manner at his home on west Second street. Have, received some new Premo Camoras. Rincker Book Drug Co. Blue Front. 33-3 Tho O'Fallons schools closed Friday afternoon of la3t w.eek. Tho teachers Misses Cox of Bladen, Aborcombie of Brady and Linden of O'Fallons, have been ro-olected. Bratt &. Goodman have cash buyers for one 6 room cottage, one modern home, inside lots, improved farms and tracts of unimproved raw land. If priced right they can sell quick. The BaptiBt aid society served a waffle and coffee breakfast in the base ment of the their new church Saturday morning and not withstanding the early hour and threatening weather a large number attended and were complimen tary in their remarks. The ladies have decided to Bervo again on next Saturday morning. A pioco of our Ivory goods ongraved with a monogram would make a fine and yet inexpensive graduation gift. Dixon, The Jeweler. The case of tho state of Nebraska vs B. F. Grinter charged with beating his board bill at the Kitner hotel was up in the county court yesterday. The de fendant entered a plea of guilty but declares his actions were unintentional. The judge gave him twenty-four hours to make good the amount due the plaintiff which if he fails to do, will re sult in a jail sentence. The Babtist aid society will meet in tho church basement Fridny after noon with Mrs. Jacobs. Alvin Elias resigned his position at the Green pool hall last evening and loft for Ventura. Cal. The D. of H. social club will meet in the K. P. hall at 3:30 for drill practice Wednesday afternoon. Fine Initial Stationery and Initial Correspondent cards at Rincker Book & Drug Co. Blue Front. 33-3 Miss Alfa Worton, of Shoshone, Ida., who was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Crosby, left this morning for eastern points to visit friends. Mesdames Anna .Simpson, Henry Broternita and W. J. Cruzen went to Fremont this morning to attend the W. R. C. convention. Bratt & Goodman can trade a good automobile as part pay on a 4 room cottage. Sec them. If thd party who picked up tho purse in the Crystal theatre Saturday evening will return same to the address on the cards enclosed, a suitable reward will be givon. Judge Grimes is closing up hia oourt terms for tho season. He has about a week's work in this county nnd a simi lar amount in Dawson county, and fol lowing this there will be but littlo court work until next fall. The efforts of tho Chamber of Com merce to secure the installation of the electrolier system of street lighting has so far progressed as to practically in sure the operation of such a system be fore the end of 1913. ' Annual Meeting and Banquet Big Success. Following ia the report of tho ball game played Sunday afternoon at the athletic park between tho Yooman and the high school: Battries for the for mer wero Jones, Clabaugh and Cochran and for the latter Husband and Miller. Five hits were made by each team, runs by the Yeoman 10 and tho high school G. The features of tho game was the homo run by Greison of the Yeoman nine. Charlos Thornburg acted as um pire. A second game will be played Thursday afternoon. Be sure to see us about our lots in the Dolson addition. Located just north of new round house. Ideal loca tion for round house and shop men. If you are interested as an investor and want your money to make you better than good interest, or if you are work ing for the company and your work takes you to the new round house be sure to look into this proposition. C. F, Temple. The annual meeting and banquet of the Chamber of Commerce last evening brought together 120 business and pro fessional men and others who favor tho forward movement in North Platte. It was the largest gathering of its kind ever held in North Platte, and tho in terest shown augurs well for tho success of tho Chamber of Commerce nextyear. The menu served by Caterer Hupfor was of the kind that satisfies tho inner man, it was well prepared and expedi tiously served. Following the spread treasurer E. II. Evans made a report showing total re ceipts of $2,800 and disbursement of $2,300, leaving a balance on May 19th of about $500, part of which, however, has been pledged for advertising the Junior Normal and memorial day ex penses. Secretary Crosby followed with a detailod report of tho avenuos through which tho fund a had been distributed. Included in tho so expenditures wero donations for entertaining the firemen's convention, for band concerts, adver tising the junior normal, ontcrtaining the teachers' convention, ascertaining cost of rehabilitating tho south sido ditch, memorial day expenses, and tornado sufferers in Omaha and other points points in the state. He outlined the work of the Chamber of Commerce in securing new industries fpr North Platte, in improving roadways leading to the city, and in furthering the electrolier system of street lighting, all of which showed that the organization had been active in its work for the upbuilding of North Platto. It was then announced that subscrip tion cards for tho publicity fund would be distributed, and the total amount subscribed by thoso present was $1,238; this will be increased about $1,000 more by those who wero not present. At tho same time fifty-six renewed their mem bership in the Chamber of Commerce. President Soeborger announced that an election of nine directors by ballot would be made, but upon motion of Mr. Patterson the eight directors now resident who served last year woro re elected viva voce, and upon motion of Judfco Hoagland, Mr. Patterson was elected as the ninth director of tho board, succeeding F. H. Garlow who was a member last year. Tho meeting then adjourned. Tho directors will meet Thursday and elect its officers, thus organizing for the coming year's work. Local and Personal Mrs. James Norton and children loft yesterday morning for Omaha and Davenport to visit relatives. The Pirates ball team defeated tho Sand Hillers Sunday arternoou by a score of 23 to 10. George Menglo was in the box for tho former toam and Ridinger pitched for the Sand Hill nine. Tho feature of this game was the home run by Archio Hood. Sufficient rain to well dampen tho top of the ground foil laBt night, nnd this precipitation is followod by a con tinuation of cool weathor. , Up to this date there has not boen a day of what might bo termed warm spring weather; the season is considerably backward. Tho Catholic Girls Club spent last evening at tho Elias homo whon they wero the guests of misses Mary Elias, Lucy Dunn, Sadio Sheeey, Mrs, Harry Gutherless and Mrs. Edward Walker. Tables wore nrrantred for progressive five hundred nnd the hand painted plato won by Mrs,' Will Hp.wloy, Frozen dosnrts woro served. bta, B. A. Elias of Orkard.Cal., wasan out of town guest. During the electric storm early yos terday morning tho lightning entered tho wires of the Lloyd opera houio and the crepo paper decora tions on the stage ignited and tho flames extended to tho fringe on the piano cover which partly burned, but hose companies prompt work preventod any serious damage. The firs was dis covered by tho McKoweon'family who occupy the house on the adjoining lot. John Pohl, a man about fifty-five years of ugo and who resides nine miles northeast of Brady, was brought to town Friday by Fred McCalg in a demented condition. Pohl, who has a family consisting of a wife and eight or nine childron, has had periods of mental trouble for Home timo past, and each recurrence proving somewhat worse than the preceding ono, it was thought bust to bring him uororo tho Insano board. A hearing was had yesterday und tho case taken under advisement. Mrs. Henry Libby of Lodge Pole, was a guest at thoW. T.Aldenresidonco Saturday and Sunday. Commencement Books at Rincker Book & Drug Co. Blue Front. 33-3 A. P. Kolly has purchased a sovon passenger Bix cylindor Mitchell car of tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. Tho car nr rived in this city last night. The body is of French design and very gracoful appearing. Tho car is smarted and lighted by tho Esterline electric system. For Rent. Two tracts of good hay land close to the city, houses and rooms. Bratt & Goodman. Dr. O. II. Cresslcr left tho latter part of hut woek for Omaha to attend tho state dental meeting this week. J. W. Payno has purchased ono' of tho latest Oakland touring cars, model 42, of tho J. St Davis Auto Co. The car arrived in this city last night overland from Otnnha. It is finished in gray with nickel trimmings. Tho radiator 1b "V" shaped made of Gorman silver and adds greatly to tho beauty of tho car. The car is started and lighted by tho Delco electric system. Mr. Payno has driven an Oaklnnd car for flvo years. The county commissioners convenod in session today and will transact such business as is on hand or may be brought before them. ikM FOOT NOTE If you're looking for low price merely you don't want to buy "WALK OVER" shoes. If you're looking for unvarying duality and superiority, you do want to buy "WALK OVER" shoes. Wilcox Department Store The New Model iPi! ill'v- I Y' A.V '' , i I 'N. T I 1 I ft,f This model represents tho 'aat word in corsetry, being procured after tho spring cata log went to press. It is ox tromely long and straight In tho skirt, with waist propor tionately large. In the 10 inch corset tho buat is very low, the 11 inch length has bust ono Inch higher, the skirts of both being tho samo length. The elastic soctlons at sides and back are so placed as to hold tho lower portion of the corset very closely and allowing sufficient expansion for comfort1 in walking, anil when' seated. While this model is extreme in! straight lines and length, the utmost care has been exercised tliatr it may be perfectly comfortable with ample room over dia- phragm and in the back, apove waist line. 408 I 23 Figured Mercerized Broche. .$8.50 :1 Wilcox Department Store V." m