-ss ., - 4- n r 5 " .' "v -J, -. iiy - H '' i . v" 4' f., ? t ' 1 Sir rffWH LLt7 NEAT LITTLE ELECTRIC TOY Semaphore May Be Operated by Use of Piece of Soft Iron and a Small Electro-Magnet. Plnco n small electro-magnet upon a platform na shown, says tho Popular Electricity. After securing the sema phoro arm In place at tho top of tho post, fasten a string to it and pass Toy Semaphore. the string through a scrow-eyo guide. To tho lower end of the string attach a piece of soft Iron which should bo heavy enough so that when current passes through tho electro-magnet tho soft iron will be pulled down and the signal arm raised. BEGINNING OF "MRS. GRUNDY" Like Host of Other Famous Matrons, She Sprang Fcom Fertile Brain of Literary Genius. Mrs. Grundy is a comparatively re cent creation. Llko Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Gamp, 'Mrs. Malaprop, Mrs. Partington, and a host of other famous matrons, alio sprang from tho fertile brain of literary genius. Thomas Morton, a forgotten London playwright, is her authentic sponsor, nnd she made her debut on tho boards of a London theater in 1798, tho ve hicle of her maiden appearance being a comedy of somo theatrical effective ness entitled "Speed the Plow." In the play Dame Grundy Is tho wife of a rich and successful farmer. Dame Ashfleld, another farmer's wlfo, for whom she is tho object of innocent envy and idolatrous adoration, can do nothing but talk of her and quote her and invoke her approval on every oc casion and with reference to ovory subject. When she returns from tho market she tells her husband that Mrs. Grun dy's eggs nnd cattle are tho best sho has seen there; and when news comes that their daughter has married a tltlo she exclaims: "Our Nellie married to a real bare netl I wonder, Tummas, what Mrs. Grundy will say?" Her husband bo trays great irritation at every such reference, and finally breaks forth: "Be quiet, woolyo? Always din, ding ing Damo Grundy into my ears what will Mrs. Grundy say? What will Mrs. Gruudy think? Can't thee bo quiet, let me alone, and bohavo thysolf, Matty?" But the good damo 1b not to bo silenced. A Sacred Secret. Tho inspector in an English school waB questioning the small boys. "Can you tako your' warm over coat off?" he nsked. "Yes, sir," waB the ready response. "Can the bear tako hla warm over coat oft?" "No. sir." ."Why not?" There was a perplexed silence. Then a Httlo'boy spoke up: "Please, sir, 'cause tho good Lord alono knows where tho buttons Is." National Monthly, RIDDLES -r i What did Adam first set in the gar den of Eden? His foot. Why cannot a deaf man be legally convloted? Because It Is not lawful to condemn a man without a hearing. Why are tho pages of a book like tho days of man? Because they aro numbered. How would you speak of a tailor when you did not remember his name? As Mr. So-and-So (sow and sew). Why Is a leaf of a tree" llko tho hu mm body? I'ccnuso it has veins In It. When aro soldiers llko good flan nels? When they don't shrink. Why Is n bad picture llko weak tea? Because It Is not well drawn. Why nro two young ladles kissing each other like an emblem of Chris tianity? Hocauso thoy aro doing unto each othur as thoy would men should do unto them. Why Is a dressmaker a deceptlva woman? Uocnuso sho Is not what sho seams. Why la a thlof called a Jailbird? ' necauHn Iio'b been n robin. When Ih a blow from a lndy rathor pleasant? Whon sho strikes vou agreenblv BOYS LEAVE FARM FOR CITY Strong and Rather Rellablo Light Thrown on Subject by Professor Bailey of Cornell. Professor Loot II, Bailey of Cor nell university has been conducting Botno inquiries as to why boys leave tho farm, which throw a strong and rather rellablo light upon this much discussed question. Ho nddrcssed a circular letter to nil studonts of Cornell who, ho had rea son to believe, were born in tho coun try. Among tho replies received wore 155 from persons bred on tho farm, nnd planning to leavo It. These assign ed somo 298 reasons why they wore leaving tho farm, tho samo being roughly clnsajfled as follows: Question of financial rewnrd 101 Question of physical labor 7S Question of social and Intellectual Ideals 7S Miscellaneous handicaps 41 Professor Bailey summarizes ns fol lows.: It Is easy to say that this finan cial unBUccess is duo to poor Individ ual farmings but it is a question wheth er a good part la not duo to causes that go further and deeper than this. Farming is virtually tho only great scries of occupations that Is unorgan ized, - unsyndlcated, unmopopolizcd, uncontrolled .except ns It Is dominated by natural laws of commerce and tho arbitrary limitations Imposed by or ganization In other business. The replies of theso serious-minded youths should also set ovory thought ful person wondering what Is to be the place of tho farmer in tho social schomo of things, nnd whether tho present trond is doing him complete Justlco. " About 17 per cent, of tho replies considered thnt tho farmer has dis tinct social disabilities. They suggest tho question ns to how far agrlculturo is to depend for its progress on tho efforts of tho individ ual farmer. BOTTLE DRESSED LIKE DOLL Children Will Hold It Instead of Toss ing It Aside, Thereby Getting Benefit of H"ot Water. Tho Now York woman who devised tho water bottle baby showed keen Insight into juvonilo psychology. Inci dentally she overcame tho child's nat ural tendency to toss nsido anything of medicinal purpose. Or it may bo Water Bottle Baby. wrong to say Incidentally, for that was tho prlmo motive of tho Inven tion. Any ono who has trlod to mako a child hold a hot wnter bottlo against It can testify to tho difficulty of tho task. Tho illustration shows how this may be done. A doll's head I"? fasten ed to tho bottom of the bottle and a dress allowed to drape over it In loose folds. Tho garmentxComplotoly con ceals tho bottlo, ncd'a child will nurso tho doll and got all tho benefit to bo derived from Jtho hot bottle, without knowing It Is .being "treated." P0INTERsf0R COUNTRY BOY Simple andJPractlcal Suggestions for Youtljfto Follow While on Hunting Expedition. v Don't pull your gun after you when you cllmj? or crawl through a barb wire fensp. Push it through first, with tho Jmuzzlo away from you. It youjfnll in going down steep hills orpver rough ground don't turn your gu$ loose. Hang on to It? and keep tan muzzle pointed tho other way. Don shoot even approximately In tho direction of anyono In tho woods, as a glancing bullet may strike them qultea bit to ono side of tho object at which you aim. DoSjt forgot that tho smaller a rifle or sliotgun tho more steady you must holdjflt when you shoot. It takes a mljjhty good shot, to do long-rango shooting with a small target-rifle. lon't pull tho trigger until you're suro you know what you aro shooting atjf Quito a number of men aro in tliclr graves now becauso In a quick glance tho nervous hunter took them tqjbo a deer or a wild turkey among tho bushes. If you nro In the- woods a long Unfa, and do a lot of shooting, don't falllto glvo your gun ono cleaning, eHpaclnlly If a target-rlilo or pump gunl It will shoot truer. For Hoarseness. Father was examining tho mechan ism of an auto honker that was out of ordtr. "What' aro you going to do with It?" asked Benjamin, aged nlno years. "I think I'll try pouring a Ilttlo oil In It," replied tho father. "Ql nothing!" exclaimed Benjamin. "Whctt that thing needs is cough Blruj." J -e3? xxaaessa it fcGtofcfm Yestorday lie won hla samo. Everybody wildly praised him; Iovlngly thoy spoke hla name, On tliclr shoulders proud men rnlne him; Yesterday his curves were great, Splendid batters fell before him; All the town stayed up till late, Willing, eager to adoro him. lie Is walking from tho field, Badly, slowly, unattended; With hla features half concealed, All hla former glory ended. Ho Is hissed and termed a "nnit," Ho has lost the game, confound hlml Yesterday a hero, but, Bricks today aro falling round him. Dreams. "Oh, I had a beautiful dream last night," said Mrs. Peckham. "I dream ed that you had dono oomethlng-herolc for which the peoplo woro all praising you; but Instead of permitting your self to bo carried away by Buccess you took mo in your arms, before tho mul titude, and kissed me, and cried aloud so all might, hear, that you had had but ono thought in accomplishing your' glorious achievement, and that wag my hnpplnoss." "That waB qulto a dream," Mr. Peck ham answered, "but I had a nlcor ono. I dreamed that you nnd I had started alono through a great forest,' whoro there were many wild bonstB. Wo had gone for miles Into tho depths, I fully armed and prepared to protect you with my llfo. Wo were llko another Adam and Evo, tho only human be ings there. On and on wo wont, you clinging to mo and assuring mo of your faith in me, until finally " "Yes, dear," sho urged, when he, hesitated, "until finally" "Until finally you let go of my arm for a raomont and got lost." As Applied to Family Affairs. "What," asked tho teacher, "does anthraclto mean?" "That's a kind of coal," said little Willie. "Yes. Anthraclto coal is what we call hard coal. So anthraclto must menn hard. Now can you tell mo what bituminous means?" "That'B coal, too," Willie replied. "But It Isn't tho samo kind of coal that anthraclto Is, is it? Bituminous coal is what wo commonly refer to ns soft coal. Now, Willie, let us eeo If you dan form a sentenco containing tho words anthracite and bituminous." WIlllo thought tho matter over foi a mlnuto and then said: "Hero'B ono. Thla morning before pa started downtown ma wanted $5 for grocorlea and things, nnd sho tried to get it by saying bltumlnouB words, but pa gavo hor an anthraclto look, and when ho disappeared around tho corner sho was weeping bltumlnously." Their Little Weaknesses. "Nations and women aro a good deal. alike." "In what way?" "Well, whon ono woman gets a now' hat her neighbor wnnts to go right away and get a bettor ono, and whou ono nation builds n new war ship all tho others otart right out to get blgget ones." Business for Him. Littlo Charles Sister told mamma yesterday you was born to bo a poli tician. Mr. Sklmploy A politician? I won der why sho thinks bo. Littlo Charles Sho says you can dc bo much talkln without commlttln' yourself. His Old Habits Abandoned. "It was too bad about Nell Rich mond's husband dying so suddenly, wasn't It?' "Did ho dlo suddenly?" "Yes; hadn't you hoard about it?" "No; I thought ho wua from Phil adelphia." Cornered. I heard Cordelia sing, last night, I heard her Blng and play ( heard her do theBo things because I couldn't get away. &mm e? K J? twft-fc'V, ITABSENT-MINDED Important Chapter In the Hum Drum Existence of a Young Rector. By MARY MARSHALL. Being mo.doratoly nbsont-miude.d cast an interesting aura about tho personality of tho new rector, tho Rev. Archibald Demttrost, but whon carried to tho oxtromo this trait had Its draw backs, nnd thereby hangs an import ant chapter In tho Hov. Archibald's hum-drum cxlstenco. Tho fnct that ho ono day forgot to eat his lunch nn Intelligence handed over tho back fenco of tho ncnt littlo rectory garden by hla faithful housekeeper Magglo to Molly tho; Stevenson's cook, and thus by way ot tho Stovonson'a drawing room through tho neighborhood tilled the hearts of his fomlnlno parishion ers with sympathetic concern. Tho fact that tho causo of thu rector's pre occupation on this occnslon was a good run of trout In tho littlo hillsldo stream a few miles from tho rectory would not linvo added to-tho glamor nnd Mngglo, being a woman of discern ment, did not mention this fact to Molly ncrosa the fenco. Ono day, a fresh mild spring day, tho rector did not como In to dlnnpr till 8 o'clock, and Magglo always had dinner rendy nt G. Whon sho naked him why ho was so lato ns she stood nt his side, ns ho hastily ate his soup, ho looked up In surprise at her. Then lie drew out his watch and whistled. "By Jove!" ho exclaimed, "how tho afternoon Howl" nnd when Magglo waited for an explanation tho rector offered nono. After dishes woro waBhod Magglo hastened to tho back fenco to toll Molly, but Molly had Bomothlng to say herself. -"I don't know what ovor la getting Into Miss Hortense," sho said. "Sho never enmo in to dinner till 8 o'clock, and wo always' havo It nt half past six. And tho funny thing ts thnt sho didn't know sho was Into. Sho said sho had been walking but sho didn't say who with." Magglo looked knowingly at Molly "I havo susplcloned It all along," Bho snld. "I won't say anything that Isn't my nffnlrs, but I will say that tho Rev. Archibald didn't como In himself till 8 nnd whistled when I told him ho waB two hours lato. You can draw your own conclusions." Mngglo's suspicion was before long making its way through tho parish. Tnoro was littlo room for doubt that Hortense and hor neighbor, the rector, were much togothor, and there was no ono in tho parish who secmod to keep such a good run of church nffnlra aa Miss Hortenso who, until tho now rec tor hnd como, had boon lukewarm, It not n poBltlvo backslider. But In splto of Horlonsc's lutereat nnd help Archibald grow ovon more nbsent-mlnded." On one occasion ho read morning prayor nt Sundny ves pers, and a week later ho announcod ,tho hour of tho ladles' missionary so ciety ns 3 o'clock in tho morning In tho rector's study. But such slips could bo overlooked. It was threo hours boforo vespers on tho following Sunday afternoon. Archibald was lazing In hla comfort able littlo study nnd Magglo was out for tho afternoon. A small boy from tho country camo breathSjss to tho rectory door nnd between gasps ex plained: "Mamma sent me for tho doctor and he Is awny for tho day. Baby's got a fit and papa has gono up tho rlvor. But I guess you can help If you hur ry." Archlbnld Btoppcd long enough to reflect thnt vespers waB not till 5 and that It was about 3 o'clock than, nnd thnt ho could go straight from his visit to church. Ho put tho notes for his nddrees In his coat pocket nnd with ndmlrnble forethought rcmem bored a flrst-nld-to-tho-lnjurcd kit from his study desk ono that ho used when taking his choir boys camping. Ho did not know much about Ills, but still he might need It ho ho put it with n roll ot bandaging and u medicine enso Into a neat black leathor bag that ho UBed to carry his vestments In to weddings nnd funerals. About fifteen minutes inter when Archibald had reached tho Binall two room ccttngo by tho rlvcrsldo about n mllo from tho rectory ho found n scene of confusion. There were four peevish children, n smoky lire, n tired worn mother nnd a vlgorous-luugod baby whoso "llts" proved to bo merely a case of had temper. Archibald llxod tho fire, humored the children, con soled the mother nnd managed to food tho baby somo warm milk. Fifteen minutes before church tlmo ho mado u break to leave. Ho could Imagine what confusion his absenco from church would cause, nnd yet na tho poor mother bogged him toarfully to stny "Just a while longer." at least till tho baby's fathor got back from tho river where ho was fishing, Archibald didn't havo tho heart to leave. Archibald know that it u.as not a case of lifo und denth, but still tho mother's tears mado It lmpo3slblo for him to go. Ho remembered what Hor tense Stevenson had (old him tho day before about IiIh duty to tho poor poo pie of hla parish, and ho had a pleas ing feeling of doing something of which sho -would npprovo aa ho decid ed to stay with tho poor woman till her husbnnd returned. Fortunately for Archibald tho father did return in about a half an hour, and after n few worda of advlco and good cheer and a Ilttlo difficulty In collecting hla scat tered belongings, tho young clergy man hastened toward church. His lay rcador, of course, would have begun tho service, and ho would still bo tffrffa In tlmo for tho Address. Archibald felt an exhilarating senna ot being necessary as ho hastened to ward tho church. Ho would slip Into tho vestry, quickly don his vestments nnd Blip through tho sldo ontranco to tho chnncol. Tho oyes ot his faithful congregation would be turned toward him ho know thnt and of them nil it would bo tho questioning, anxious eyes of Hortonso that would count. Then after ocrvlco ho would hurry awny from church, nnd not stny to answer any ot tho curious question ings ns to what had cnuscd hla delay. Ho would go bnck to tho rectory and thon after supper ho would slip over to Hortenso. Hortonso would bo ex pecting him, for It was only two days before that ho had told her of his lovo for hor, nnd that sho had glvon him a properly reticent nnswer. Ho hnd been nllowod to hopo. Archibald cal culated tho probablo offect that his story of tho nttorno&n's oxporlenco would havo upon hor. Ho would not mako too much of it thnt would bo boastful but whon Bho nsked, as of course sho would, what had dotalncd him, ho would In nn off-hand way let hor know what ho had dono. Up to tho tlmo of slipping ovor to Hortense after supper things happen ed aa Archibald hnd expected. In fact ho found Hortenso dressed In tho soft pink and whlto dress ho liked so well, sitting by a low elcctrollor reading as ho entered tho drnwlng room, which tho roBt of tho StovciiBona hnd, with their usual conBldointcncss, seen fit to abandon nt tho tlmo for his call. Archibald hurried to her with out strotchod hands, but Hortense greeted him with n cool raising of tho eye brow that took his breath away. Ho pulled a chair to tho sldo of tho tablo whoro sho sat, nnd waited for hor to say something. "I hardly know whether to expoct you or not," sho snld with n forced laugh calculated to frocro a much mora daring heart than that ot Archi bald Demnrest. "Hortonso." said" Archibald, fooling a curious ohoklnoss, as ho drew up to tho idol of hla dreams. Ho had never seen hor In this mood, nnd ho wna qulto unpropnrod for It. "I couldn't miss this, no matter how busy my dny had been." "No?" said Hortonso with a rising inflection. "It would perhaps bo more to your credit If you felt as much de votion to vospors as -you profoss you fool for mo." "Oh, that's it, Is H? Do ymt know, I couldn't mnko out what mado you seem so standoffish whon I camo In. That's all. Isn't It,. dear doarost?" It was rather hard in tho fnco of Hor tenso's prolonged frlgldness to como out with tho nowly-pormltted forms ot endearment, but Archibald waB mak ing a great offort. "I novor know till two hours boforo vespers and I trlod to get bnck In tlmo." HortenBo'B oyes were bright with angor. "You needn't mako any ox cusos," sho said, drawing from his out stretched hand. "You could havo been man enough " "Man onoughl 'Why, Hortonso, I thought I did tho manly thing. I thought It was Just tho sort of thing "Manly thing .to como In half an hour lato to vespers! A Ilttlo absont "mlndodness Isn't lnoxcusablo What, you didn't forgot? You did It on pur poso? Walt till you explain? You need mnkn no explanations, Mr. Demarest." "It was a Bmall.mnttor," Bald Archi bald, helplessly. "A small matter to go fishing on Sunday afternoon nnd not to get back till vospors was halt overt That was a small matter, was It?" Archibald dropped to his knees be fore Hortenso. "Why on earth do you think I was fishing?" "Bccnuso you weren't clover onough to conceal tho fact, I suppose" "Hortenso, Hortenso," plended tho rector. "Won't you think hotter of mo? I went out to help n poor wom an whoBe baby was having fits and " "Yes, nnd stoppod to fish on tho way homo nnd forgot all about vospors. I am sorry. Mr. Domarest, but I would rather end our friendship here." Hortenso suddenly rogalncd hor composure and Archibald Jumped to his feet na Molly camo Into tho draw ing room. "Please, sir." sho said, with a smile, "Magglo Just asked mo over tho fence, could you stop back to tho rec tory a mlnuto. Thoro is a littlo boy there snys you must havo took his fathor'a satchel of fish homo by mis take. He's got your black bag with thu bandages In It, and Bays will you please accept threo of tho largest troutt) in tho catch and leavo him have tho rest?" As a light of understanding broke ovor Archibald's faco Molly added In an nsldo to Hortonso, "It's all right about Mr, Demarest. Ho wasn't fish ing nt nil. You boo, Mr. Demarest," turning to tho clorgyman with a con fidential air, "Magglo was sure whon you brought homo tho bag of fish thnt you had been oft fishing, nnd sho told mo and I told Miss Hortonso." (Copyright, 1913. by the UcClnro News paper (Syndicate.) High Diplomacy. Tho Ilttlo girl had boon so out rageously naughty that It was docld cd that sho should not bo allowed to attend tho party to which sho and her sister had been Invited. On tho day of tho festivity tho mother cnllod in person to pick up hor unoffending daughter, and bring hor homo again. "Wall," Bho asked, "nnd did you ex plain to Mr. B how naughty Botty had boon and how 1 kept her at homo to punish hor?" "Oh, no, mammlo," camo tho an Hwor; "I didn't think that 'ud do. 1 Just said sho'd gono to a much bigger party." TARM GOOD HOUSE FOR THE FOWLS Should Have Southern Front and Yards May Be Laid Off for In dividual Pens If Desired. A good poultry houso may bo built after plans shown In tho drawing. Such a houso may bo mado any length desired nnd pnrtloncd Into six-foot brooding pens, 10 foot deep, which would glvo 7 1-3 square too per bird for ono mnlo and 12 fomales. Tho houso should havo a cement or board door and can bo so built as to mako it rat, wind and rnln proof. I profor a floor of comont, writes William Scott ot Abllcno, Kau., in tho Farmers Mall and Brcozo. Tho house should front south and yards may bo laid off for tho uso ot " Good for Several Uses. individual pono it desired. This kind ot houso 1b also suitablo for ralBlng early hatchod chicks. Thu uppor windows aro hlngod so thoy may bo ewung opon at any de sired nnglo or to bo hooked up aa tho weather demands. Tho lowor front ts covored with ono-lnch mosh wlro nnd a drop canvas or windows may bo used. Tho window Bhould bo hung so aa to Bwlng In nt any desired nnglo. HooBta are placed along tho north wall. A slnglo roost running tho length ot tho building and sot out two foot from tho north wall, may bo mado to aorvo tho purposo. A roost shlold for cold woathor can bo mado of a frame tho length of tho rooBta and two foot wido, to bo cox orod with sound burlap on top and sides. Placo thla frame bIx Inchoa abovo tho blrda' heada and let tho burlnp hang a foot below tho roosts, This framo should bo drawn up out ot tho way each morning. If ncsta aro placo low onough not many hens will lay on tho floor and It Is often considered batter still to placo thorn right on tho floor. A screon mado ot burlap so it will almost hldo tho nosts mako thorn more atractlvo to tho hens and holpa to prevent egg eating. 'SULPHURING' THE HEN HOUSE if Job Should Be Performed at Least Onco Every Month First Re move All Combustibles. To burn sulphur in a poultry houso first romovo all combustlblo matter. Thon put nn old iron kettlo Into a dlshpan and placo on four bricks in tho mlddlo of tho houso. In tho lot tlo put somo cobs which havo boon soaked in a solution ot ono part ot plno tar to four parts ot korosono, sprluklo tho sulphur over tho coba nnd sot on flro. Bo auro to havo everything arranged so aa to beat a hasty retreat from tho room and closo tho door quickly as tho sulphur fumes aro suffocating. Sulphur burned in this manner will ponotrato ovory crovtco na well aa covering tho surfneu and aids won derfully In purifying tho building and In destroying poultry vormln. Ono pint of turpcntlno may bo add ed to tho half gallon ot korosono aa well as tho plno tar with beneficial results. Onco a month is nono too ofton to burn sulphur in overy poultry houso. immm i Never brood from tmmuaturo Btock. Ground bono is great for laying lions, Tho first Bymptoms of roup swol len oyos. Dampness and chilling moan sure death to chicks. Do not allow tho fowlo to bo exposed to tho strong winds. Soft-shelled eggs aro a sign ot lack of limo or of over-feeding. Scrub hens kopt by scrub poultry men mnko a bad combination, Sifted ashes scattered undor tho roosts mako an excellent absorbont. Try hard never to catch a lien by tho wing or feathers; grab hor by tho" legs. A Ilttlo granulated charcoal mixed In tho soft feed Ib oxcallent In cases of diarrhoea. If there are cracks In tho walls of tho houses, tho chilly winds arc sure to creato a draft. Tho best way to run an incubator Is to follow tho directions thnt como with tho machine. Tho hen thut will not scratch for her living Is too lazy to make you a profit as a layer. Leghorns mako poor sitters. Bet tor not trust tho eggs to them. They nro better layers and foragers than ilttora. DOU isssyyvv - g,Jws7vzs:jy 9