The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 13, 1913, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and PublUhcr.
One Year by Mail in advance $1.25
One Year by Carrier in advance $1.50
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ollko as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY. MAY 13. 1913.
Tho appropriation of $20,000 for an
armory nt Nebraska City, which appar
ently slipped thru while n majority of
the legislators were asleep, will be sub
mitted to tho voters of the state under
tho roforondum law. There aro twonty
six militia companies in the state, and
if Nebraska City Is to have nn armory
for its company, why not havo one for
each of the other companies? Let's
pluy fair with all tho boys who wear
tho uniform, and not boost one particu
lar company.
Fire Threatened the
Hershey Buildings.
m.. i
A fire which in started In tho north
west corner of tho main implement
warehouse of Joseph Hershoy Sunday
night about 9:30 was extinguished by
tho department before much damage
The suffragettes have succeeded in
creating a roln of torror in England,
und apparently only a fair beginning
has boon made. Bombs are being found
almost daily in publicly congestod
places In London ana Liverpool, man
sions and other buildiugs aro sat fire,
and in view of tho general panic which
the suffragettes are croating, all
churches and historical edifices have
boon ordered closed except during tho
hours whon services are being held.
Fourth-class postmasters must bo able
to road, to count accurately tho money
they rccelvo, to measure the oilcloth on
tho floors of their offices and tt writo
nt lenst a decipherable letter once
in u while in order to be taken under
the wing of tho civil service. In offect
thoy must have a ronsonablo under
standing of "rcadin," ritin' and 'rith
motic, according to regulations issued
Saturdey by the Postofhco department.
Persons to take the civil service exam
ination must bo a citizen of tho United
States, over 21 years old and must re
side in the community served by the
offlco he aspires to fill. No ono will bo
eligible who is crazy, an ox-convict,
who has boon dishonorably discharged
from tho army or navy or who is dis
posed even occasionally to reduce tho
visablo supply of strong drink.
High Living Costs According
to What You Use.
Lots of Grocery prices are no higher than they were twelve years
We Sell-
Qene Combs, of Lincoln, is spending Mr. and Mrs. Brodick, of Horshey,
this week with town friends. spent yesterday In tpwn, with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Soderman. of Brady, .Mrs. Isaac Deata has returned from a
visited friends In town yesterday. short visit in Cheyenne ith friends.
Miss Lena Schrador, of Gandy, is Jay Smith returned" Saturday from
visiting Mis Efflo Christ this week. Kearney where ho attended the track
Mrs. Joo Sullivan, of Brady, visited j moot. v
last week with Mrs. Elsie Cahagon. Mrs Frrtnk Lawrence returnod yos-
enpued. notwithstanding it was burning I Mrs. uauann airs, wesi, oi uraay, teriiay morning from a short visit in
hrUVIv iiniW thn root before water I spent yesterday in cown wun menus, i Denver.
was turned In. Two conditions woro
favorable; there was no wind and the
roof was covered with corrugatod iron,
tho latter confining tho firo to the
rafters and the roof boards. Tho point
of starting was in tho Inside corner
next the allcv. and tho flames worked
upward along the Inside of the siding to
the rafters. Tho starting point was
obscure, behind a stock of implements,
and the genoral surroundings indicated
that the fire was set by an incondiarist.
This boliof is further borne out by the
fact that it was Sunday evening and no
employes had been around the building
during tho day or evening.
It was lucky, indocd, that the firo was
discovered in its incipiency and that
the night was calm, olso tho entire
plant of buildings, two of which arc In
flamable, might havo been burned to
the ground, or nt least badly damaged,
Mr. IIorBtiey was at church nt the
timo, anl when he arrived the flames
wore under control by tho department,
which had been vory prompt in ita ar
rival. Within four months thoro havo been
throe fires indicative of incondiarism;
is it not timo that our police begin a
rigid Investigation. Ono theory advanced
for Sunday night's fire is that toughs
connected with tho circus set the firo
with the expectation of drawing a
crowd and then committing houso rob
bery while tho occupants wore at the
fire. This may, or may not, havo been
Having safely and unimpaircdly
passed the first or lower branch of con
gress, tho democratic administration's
tariff bill Ih now before tho sonate and
tho republican mnmbur of that body
are hopping gleefully upon the measure
and propose to find fault with it from
"agato" to "zinc"-the entire tariir
alphabet. Thoy are entitled, of course,
to mako their record, Thoir protosts
are logical. Their party bolloves in
maintalnlg a higher standard of wages
for Amorican workingmennnd in estab
lishing and maintaining industry in the
country by covering, by moans of n
duty on foreign made goods, the differ
ence in cost of production as between
this couiftry and European countries.
But it is bo romomberod that tho peo
ple in the muin, and many republicans
themselves, havo for several yenrs de
manded lnvvor tariffs, that becauso of
tho high cost of living they temporarily
waived tho fealty of tho country to tho
protective systom, and that, if it was a
mistake, tho people havo tho right to
mako it. Anything further, then, thnn
n logical maintenance of thoir party's
standard by tho republicans would aeom
to he quite as uncalled for us futile.
Thoy will do bost by merely romaining
consistent with their bannor, keeping
tho samo unfurled, but lot tho country
havo tho test it has demanded and won
evon though tho victory was secured
only by tho success of somo fornlor re-
fmbllcanBloadors in temporarily wrock
ng thoir own party. -Grand Island Independent.
Local and Personal.
Miss Clara Kane who had been teach
Ing ih Maxwell came up Saturday morn
ing to visit the Bonner family,
County Surveyor Roy Cockran re
turned Friday evening from Dickons
where ha upont a week on business.
Mrs. Luthor Ginthor, of Lincoln, who
visited horslstor Mm. Soth Sherwood
for a month, loft Saturday morning.
Mrs. P. W. Rlncker returnod Friday'
evening irom turnings wnero sue was
a delegate to tho Episcopal Convocation.
Mr. and Mrs. John Holcombo, of
Maxwell, cimo up Friday evening to
attend tho Elk danco and visit relatives.
Frank Parkhurst. who formerlv
carried mail on tho North Platto-Gandy
route, was Instantly killed nt Tryon
Tuesday overling of last week by a
stroke of lightning.
Having succeeded in getting a lino
start of grass in tho plots around tho
federal building, Custodian Davis is
now furthor beautifying tho surround
ings with geranium beds.
Call us up and wo will dolvr you
pint or quart of tho finest ice cream
you over tasted.
Stone Drug Co. '
Charlie Herrod who is associated with
Mac Westfall in the ownership of a
picture show at Lead, S. P., came
clown Sunday to visit his family for a
few days. He is well pleased with his
investment nt Lead.
Dr. H. G. Brock left Sunday evening
for Omaha to attend the meeting of tho
state dental society. Before running ho
will visit relatives in Fairbury. Mrs.
Brock, who has been visiting thero for
several weeks, will roturn with him.
The North Platte high school scored
four points in the Central Nebraska
track meet held nt Kearney Friday.
The Kearney high school won forty
four point, the highest mado by any
of tho fivevcomnoting schools. Tho
events wcro held in an inch of mud,
which made running very slow and
13. L. Rose, who lives some 1& miles
north of this plnco, was in fivftx last
Saturday, rind reported tr-nt on Tuesday
evening pmvjous lightning had struck
In hla neighborhood sotting firo to tho
prnlrlo and that tho fire had continued
for.forty-olgbt hours, destroying prac
tically idl tha feet! that the farmers had
loft. Staploton Enterprise,
Local and Personal
Mrs. William Huddart returned Sat
urday afternoon from a visit in Omaha
with frionds,
C. K. Martini came up from Omaha
Saturday evening to visit his family for
a few days.
Mrs. Carlylo, of Denver, arrived tho
latter part of last week to visit tho
Frcdorici family.
Mrs. Oak Swarthout, of Paxton,
camo down Friday morning to visit her
mother, Mrs. George Hatfield.
Examinations for tho county teachers
will be hold at tho County Superinten
dent's office Friday and Saturday.
Paul Nolcn came home the latter
part of last woelc from n week's visit
in Grand Island and Wood River.
Mrs. Anna Soyferth will lcavo Satur
day for Schuylor to visit relatives for a
couplo of weeks beforo going to Denver.
Mrs. Caroline Tilitz roturned Friday
evening from a two weeks' visit in
Palmer nnd Central City with relatives.
Tho W. R. C. will hold a social at tho
homo, of J. A. McMichaol Wednesday
afternoon, all old soldlors are especially
Miss Grace Kincr roturned tn Siilnnv
Saturday evening af tor spending a week
with Mrs. George Coatos and Miss
Mayme McMichonl.
Mrs. Rose Nichols will accompany hor
daughter Mrs. Goo. Kanoff to Grand
Island tomorrow after visiting relatives
for several weeka.
The Missouri railroads havo docidod
to invoke tho referendum law in an ef
fort to set aside tho "full crew" law
paBaod by tho legislature of that state.
The "full crow" law provides that ont
every pasenger train of six or more
coaches there must bo at least two
brakomon and on every freight train of
forty or more cars thoro must be at
least three brakemon. It is stated that
compliance with tho law would cost tho
railroads in Missouri $700,000 a year.
The now Iois Thontro on Curtis street
opened In Donvor tho latter part of last
weok under the mannagmont of Mr.
and Mrs. S. L. Bnxtor. Tho latter was
formerly Miss Francis Bristol of this
city. Tho now theatre is classed as the
finest moving plcturo houso in tho world
and was erocrcd at n cost of a nuartor
of a million dollars. Tho lights on
the exterior aggregato 37,000 candle
power. Tho building is oquipped
throughout olectrically and tho large
pipe orKnn is operated by a 15 ho. so
power motor.
Ho owned a hantlsomo touring car, to
ride in it was heaven. Ho ran across a
piece of glaas, bill 14.97. Ho took a
friond out for a ride, 'twns good to bo
alive, tho carburetor sprung a lenk,
bill- SO.U.'). He started on a little tour
Macironi lbs for ZDC
Cocoanut Bulk best grade in-
perlb LJL
Eggs per dozen IdC
20 lbs Granulated boetoi f(
Sugar Ol.UU
18 lbs Granulated canert ir
Sugar, for 31.UU
Tomntoes, full size can A
standard por can IUL
(jorn standard por fan 7c (?
4 cans for Z0C
Quaker Oats large pkg.. jJUC
Qunker '.Oats Rmnll pkg.. lUC
E. C. Corn Flakes 4 pkg.. 25 C
Brokon Rice por lb 0C
Rico Jap type 4 lbs for. . . )C
Prunes small size per lb. . . . jC
Corn Starch per pkg J)C
Gloss Starch per pkg DC
Corn Starch Kingsfords per n
Pkg 5C
Silver Gloss Starch per pkg OC
Yeast Foam 4o pkg 3 for.. 1 UC
Lewis Lye per can OC
Eagle Lye per can oC
Amorican Lye per can oC
Swift Premium Hams per in
ib 2Uc
National Oats large pkg.. 2UC
National Oats BmalJkg.. lUC
Fels Naptha Soap por cake. 0C
Soda Crackers lurge boxeB l
perlb 02C
Oyster Crackers largo l
boxes per lb 0-C
K. C. Baking Powder. 2o -jri
ozcan '. ... ZUC
Royal Baking Powder 10 tr
ozcan ,'. ,,. 4uC
Dr. Prices Baking Powder jr
1G oz can 4 DC
Kraut per can 1UC
Hominy per can. lUC
Pink Salmon per can lUC
Sweot Potatoes per can.. IZ2C
Potatoes 15c peck per cn
bushel OUC
Collee fair grade per lb... ZdC
California Fruits in good n,
syrup per can AUL
Cocoanut best grade J lb r
package per pkg IDC
Evaporated Apples per ifr
Horse Shoo Tobacco, per if
Spear Head Tobacco per ir
Star Tobacco per lb 45C
J. T. Tobacco per lb 4UC
Real Enjoyment
The man who takoe enjoyment out of
a good cigar will do well to purchase
our brands. As a homo manufacturer,
wo have a reputation to maintain, and
therefore put better tobacco in our
cigars than do most manufacturers. If
we did not make gopds cigars, wo
could not Roll them and would soon Va
forced out of business.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
ifl 'House of GoodShowlHI
When in North PlaNe.
Motion Pictures. Runs Evory
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
We pay cash for your butter and eggs.
that will conduce to better
and quicker auto repair work
will be found here. We don't
regard expense in our equip
ment if it will aid in putting
your car into good shape in a
shorter time. Quickness with
efficiency is our watchword.
J. S. Davis Auto Co.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Telephone Red 45G 603M Dewey St.
North I'latte, Ncbrnskn.
;; -
Y Doctors Ames & Ames,
ii Physicians and Surgeons, )
; Office over Stone Drug Co.
V, Phoneg ) Office 273
A Phones b Reaidence 273
' Established in 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Gth and Vine Streets
R. D. Thomson.
the finest sort of fun, he stopped too
nulck and ntrinned his o-enrs lilli-On rl
He todk hid wlfo down town to shop, to
save car faro was groat, lie jammed
into a hitching post, bill 278. lie spent
his little pile of cash, ond then in an
guish cried: fll put u mortgugo on the
house and tako just ono more ride."
$100,000.00 v
To Loan on improved farms at low rate
of interest with privilege of
Buchanan & Patterson.
Oldest Bank in Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
f We Solicit Your Business.
Di Iedfield Infield,
Physicians and Surgeon.
JOE B. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
rilONE 642.
J Signet Chapter O. E. S.,
NO. 55 I
1 Meets 2nd nnd 4th Thursday of every 1
I month nt Masonic Ilnll nt 7:30 p. m. I
i ii mi imna.'iftoonnNororr
I'nntlATP wnrinr
In the matter of tho nstato of Walter ' i.
McNcel, deceased.
In the county court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska. April 16. 1313.
Notice Is hereby jrfven, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administratrix of said
estate beforo the county judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, nt tho county court room, In Bald
county, on the 20th day of May, 1913, nnd on the
20th day of Nov., 1013, nt 9 o'clock a.m. each day,
Tor tho purpose of presenting; their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months nro allowed for creditors to present their
claims, nnd ono year f6r tho administratrix to
settle said estate, from tho lBth day of Apr.
1913. A. copy of this ordcrto lie published In the
North Platte Tribune, n loiral semi-weekly news
paper published in said county for four successive
weeks prior to Mny 20, 1913.
Q22- JOHN GRANT. County .Tudse.
Serial No. 03710.
Jlepartmentof tjo Intorlor.
U. S. Land Ollice at North Platte. Nob.
...,,, , , Mar. 17th. 1913.
Notlco lsliorebr Klvcn that Alvin T. Guyor,
8tli. 1008. mado Homestead Entry No.237M Ser
ial No. 03716, for sovt, nwH and lots 3.
4 5, Section u. Township 14, north.
Kamro 2U. W.. 6th Principal Meridian.
line filnfl nntfnn nf tinit n A Mi ,i i
threo year proof, to establish claim to tho
land above described, beforo Register and
davof May, 1013.
Claimant names as witnesses! I'red
J. Malono. Anulo Guthorless. Fred Slmants
and .Jesse i Long, all of North Platte. Nobr.
'-'6 J. E. Evans. Register. .
Serial No. 03749,
.. , Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ofllco nt North Platte, Neb.
vrN0J,,, hrFby civn that Laura Shaw, of
North Platte .Ncb., who on March 9. 1903. made
II. E. No. 23S25, Scr al No, 03749. for N
NWS. SWW NWM. nnd NWi SWW. Sections
Township 15, North. IlanKe 31. West of the 6th
Princlparaeridan, has filed notlco of Intention
to mako final three year proof, to establish
claim to the land nbove described, before the
register nnd receiver, at North Platte, Neb., on
the 6th day of June, 1913.
CJ?lm,an,t,nnm.:?as .witnesses: Arthur Tooks,
,'F, Ie,V.,c' Wm Slebold, Davo Macombor, all
of North Platte, Neb.
a8-6 J. E EVANS, Register.
Serial No. 0595.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ofllce at North Platte, Nebr.
m . ft.. , . Fd. 25, 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that Edward Rlma,
of North Platte, Nebr.. who. on February 8.
1910, mad6 Homestead Entry No.
04595. for NEtf anS the EM of SEW? Section
2. twp. 15. N: rgo. 30. west of the 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notlco of intention to make
final three year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, beforo the register and
receiver, at North Platte. Nebr., on the 23th
day of April 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: John Reeves,
i?birxT R?.eJ;cs Frnl Hood' Hcnry Greeley,
all of North Platte, Nebr.
ml-6 J. E. Evan. Register.
North Platte People Have Absolute
Proof of Deeds at Home.
Its not words but deeds that
truo merit.
Tha deeds of Doan's Kidney Pills,
For North Platto kidney aulTorsri,
Havt made their local ronutntlon.
Proof lies in the testimony of North
Platte people.
J. C. McGowan, U21 S. Chestnut
St., North Plntto Neb., says: Six
months ago I had an attack ofkldney
trouble and suffered from all the pains
and aches that accompany this disease.
I bejran usine Doan's Kldnov Pills, nro.
curod from McDonoll & Graves' Drug
store (now Schiller & Co's) nnd it re
quired only ono b"x to rid me of evory
symptom of the trouble. The euro has
provod permanent. I havo also given
Doan's Kidney Pills to our llttlo girl
who sufforod from backache and n kid
ney weakness nnd thoy proved equally
For sale uy all dealors. Price 50 cents,
Foster-MllburnCo., Buffalo, Now York,
sole agents for tho United States.
Komembor tho nnme Doan's and
take no other.
Not tho bost shoos that will
over be made, but the best
shoos mode -today for the
money WALK-OVER shoes'.
Wilcox Department Store
Buchanan & Patterson's
tan List o
Full two story frame dwelling- of eight rooms mod
ern except heat, full lot, shade trees and blue grass.
Located on West Fourth street close to court house.
This is property that will increase in value and is a big
money maker at our price of $4, 700
Nice Seven Room Cottage and two Lots, out
buildings, shade trees and nice lawn ion Yest Sixth
St. A bargain at $2750.00.
Five room house and barn, South Dewey street.
Extra good seven room house, barn and outbuild
ings, house modern except heat, $3,100. East Third
street two blocks from court house.
Nice six room cottage 72 1 West Seventh street,
handy to new round house.' Modern except heat. Price
Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street,
in the 600 block. Price 1,750.
uooa eight room dwelling1 on West lenth street,
Price $1,700. "
bargains and
and see these
m the 000 block. Price $1,700.
All of these properties are choice
can be bought on easy terms. Be sure
before you buy.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Sole Agents.
SUPERIOR No. 41076
Dapple Gray
For terms inquire of
North Platte, - Nebr.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the County Court.
In the nfotter of the estate of Dennis J.
O Brien, deceased
CJ?.J'c?dlne and nllnK tho Petition of Corda
V. O Brien, prayintr that administration of said
eBtate may be (rranted to herself as admin
istratrix. Ordered, That May 20th, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested In Bald matter may appear
at a county court to be held in and for said
county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner
should not be Rranted; and that notice of the
pendency of said petition ond the hearing
thereof be given to all persons Interested In said
matter by publishing a copy of this order In the
North Platte Tribune a legal semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county for three successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing,
Dated April 24, 1913.
a29-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said
court wherein Hazel Turner Drake is plaintiff,
and Albert S, Hollngsworth ct al, are defendants,
and to me directed, I will on tho 7th day of
June, 1913, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at tha east front
door of tho court house in North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decree. Interest and costs, the following
described property to-wlt: Southwest quarter
(sw4 section twenty-flvo (25) township ten
(10) north of range thlrtyone(31) west of the Cth P.
M., in Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte. Neb.. May 1st, 1913.
mG- A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
Notice to Noii-Resident Defendant.
John Ragftn, whose propent residence
or abode is unknown, will taka notice
that on the 24th day of April, 1913,
Frederick W. Cross filed his petition in
equity in the district court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, for tho purpose of
removing a cloud from and quletinp tha
title to the west forty-four feet of lot
two, in block one hundred and three, in
tho city of North I'latte, Nebraska.
Tho prayer of said petition Is that the
title to paid premises bo quieted and
confirmed in said Frederick V. Cross,
and that naid John Hagan be barred
from any right, titlo, interest claim or
demand therein, by roason of any de
fect in a certain doereo of partition en
tered in his action for partition ol said
premises and other real estate, on tho
29th day of December, 1S91, and while he
was n minor. You ore roquirtd to
nnswer said petition on or before tho
9th day of Juno. 1913.
Dated April 25th. 1913.
Frederick W. Cross, Plaintiff,
By Geo, E. French his attorney.
In tho county court in and for Lincoln county,
In tho matter of the estate of John F. Melr, de
ceased. State of Nebraska, county of Lincoln, ss.
To all persons Interested In the estate of
John F. Mcir, deceased.
Whereas. Justine Grothcn has filed In this
ofllco an instrument purporting to be the last
will and testament of John F. Melr, decrased,
late of the county of Bureau, nnd state of Illinois,
together with a certificate of the probate court
in and for the county of Bureau, state of
Illinois, and n petition praying to havo the
tamo admitted to probate, which will nnd testa
ment relate to both real and personal property.
It Is thereforo ordered that tho 3rd day of
june, laid, ni a o ciock, a. m., nt my ollice In
said county, bo fixed as tho timo and place set for
proving Bald will, at which timo and place, you
and all concerned may appear nnd contest the
probate of the same.
It is further ordered that said petitioner give
notice to all persons interested in said estate of
the pendency of said petition, and of the time
and place set for hearing of said petition, ' by
causing a copy of this Order to be published In
North Platto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news
paper published In North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, and of general circulation In said
county for four successive weeks previous tothe
day set for hearing, viz: Juno. 3rd, 1913, 9 a.m.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and nfllxcd tho official seal this 24th day of
April, 1913.
m6- John Chant, County Judfre.
Referees Sale.
By virtue of an order issued in .the
district court In and for Lincoln County,
Nebraska, on the 4th day of April, 1913,
in an action of partition wherein Rupert
SchwaiRer is plaintiff and Agnes Harris,
Emroy Tripp, Minnie Hood, a minor,
Eddie Hood, a minor, Helen Colvin, a
minor, Edward TripD, Opal Tripp,
Adeline Tripp, and Harold Tripp,
minors and children of Mamie Tripp,
deceased, W. L. Porter, first and real
name unknown, as guardian ol Minnie
Hood, II. D. Hughes, first and real
name unknown, as guardian of Eddie
Hood, Earl II. Colvin as guardian of
Helon Colvin, Russell D. Chase as
guardian of Edward Tripp, Opal Tripp,
Adolino Tripp and Harold Tripp are de
fendants, I will sell at public auction at
the east front door of the court house in
the city of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska on tho LMth day of May, 1913,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., tho fol
lowing described real estate situato in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, towit: The
cast half (EJ) and tho northwest
quarter (N V J) of section thirty-four
(34,) township sixteon (10.) north of
range thirty wost of the Gth p. m. in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, containing
480 acres according to government sur
vey; the terms of said sale to be cash in
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
this 14th of April, 1913.
O. E. Elder, Referee. ' A-15-5
Owi!wrf?fC'.r '.XWUl'T