The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 13, 1913, Image 7

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Wife so Weak and Nervous
Could Not Stand Least
Noise How Cured.
Munford, Ala. "I was so weak and
nervous while passing through thu
Change of Life that
I could hardly live.
My husband had to
nail rubber on all tho
gates for I could not
stand it to have a
gato slam.
"I also had back
ache and a fullness
in my stomach. I
noticed that Lydla
E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound was
advertised for such cases and I Bent and
got a bottle. It did mo so much good
that I kept on talcing it and found it to
be all you claim. I recommend your
Compound to all women afflicted as I
was." Mrs. P. P. MULLENDOKE, Mun
ford, Alabama.
An Honest Dependable Medicine
is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. A Root and Herb medicine orig
inated nearly forty years ago by Lydia
E. Plnkham of Lynn, Mass., for con
trolling female ills.
Its wonderful success in this line has
mado it the safest and most dependable
medicine of tho age for women and no
woman suffering from female ills does
herself justice who does not give it a
If you liavo tho slightest donbt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound will help you.writo
(confidential) Ijynn,Ma3s., for ad
vice. Your letter will ho opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held In strict conlideuce.
weelTharmfuT towomen
Scientific Investigation Has Proved
That Tobacco Should Not Be U6ed
by the Fair Sex.
It seems that at last a purely physio
logical reason hus been found why
women should not smoke, apart from
tho very general prejudico which ex
ists in this country.
"Smoking," says Dr. Hargravo, a
London physician, "does not have the
eame effect on 'women that it does
on men. An imperious necessity felt
by most smokers to satisfy their pas
sion after eating is physiologically ex
plained by tho excitation of the sali
vary glands whoso secretions, so use
ful in digestion, the smoko augments.
Moreover, it has been shown that it
sterilizes the saliva and that this is
really beneficial from tho viewpoint
of the possible infection from tho
foods themselves.
"But with women it is a serious con
clusion reached from many oxperk
ments that few of them need tobacco.
While the proportion of me whose
lallvary secretions were stimulated
and sterilized by smoking was very
large, tho proportion of Wwmen, on tho
other hand, was very small. Even
in women who have been habitual
smokers for years th action of this
weed was found to bo less marked, in
fact, almost negligible."
So apparently Dr. Hav graves is o(
tho opinion that women should not
smoke, because they do not need it.
Important to Mothers ,
Examine carefully every bottlo or
CASTOIUA-, a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and seo that it
Signature of CStYA&&&:
Tlnnitn Vi A
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Fooll3h Egotism.
The true egotist is the man who im
agines ho is attracting attention to bis
particular lino of comedy in a crowd
of baseball rooters.
Not Natural.
"Mayme is a duck of a girl."
"Then it's odd she isn't in
Water in bluing is ndulterntion. Glasa and
water makes liquid blue contly. Buy Red
Cross Ball Blue, mnkes clothes whiter thn
enow. Adv.
A satisfactory husband is capable ol
appreciating her or has sense enough
to lie abrtit It.
Housowork 1b
bard enough for
a healthy wom
an. The wifo
who has a )ad
back, who is
weak or tired
all tho time,
finds her duties
a heavy burden.
Thousands ot
nervous, d i a
couraged, sick
ly women havo
traced t h o i r
"Every "Picture Tells irOUDlOS W HICK
story" kidneys havo
found quick and thorough relief
through using Bonn's Kidney Pills.
Tho painful, trying times of
woman's life aro much easier to
bear If the kidneys aro well.
A California Case
Mrs. U Walsh. 1M9 Tenth Avo., San Francisco,
t'al nays: "I had such sharp, shouting pulns
through my kidneys, It aeriut-d that a knife werft
bitlna tnnisl Into me Mr hick was m laion I
cnuldhardlrMnop Doan'fc Kidney Till cured mo
af terUoctors tailed 1 h.ivi' had no trouble since. "
Get Doan's et Any Store, 50c a Dos
feWRS'-H aT
l fi.j. uriT."l J
.---. iir t 11
-J rvr. .f-?
"Al- i ti ..? rw t Jw.I
Society People See Expose of Crooked Gambling
HILADBLPI1IA. PA. Society hero
has been startled by a unique and.
sensational expose of crooked gam
bling in their midst, and after losing
ninountB aggregating to a fortune nt
roulette, each received the exact
amount of their losses In a staled en
velope at a dinner given 'by Arthur
Wheeler, one of the city's prominent
club men, who staged the stnrtllng af
fair. The host, who has frequently pro
duced new and unheard of events in
the whirl of social doings hero, had
the cotillion room of his Spruce street
residence converted Into a miniature
Monte Carlo, or Palm Ueach Casino.
Every device from bacaret, rougo ot
noir, to tho humble but lucrative
American game of craps and Klon
dyke, was in evidence, with faro and
roulette as tho chief game for tho
society plungers.
The play was heavy and fast, with
the percentage all for the house.
Society matrons who hnd begun
their dabbling wagers In a spirit of
fun, soon became tense and white
with the strain of trying to recoup
losses, and men whoso faces arc prom
inent on the stock exchange, scrlb-
Prince, Big Barbary Lion, Mourns Mate's Death
CHICAGO Prince, tho great Bar
bary Hon at tho Lincoln park zoo,
Is mourning the death of Nellie, who
long was his mate. Dismally ho paces
his cage with a faraway look. The
gentlo strokes of the keeper on his
nose pass unnoticed as are the Juicy
steaks lying on tho floor of his cage.
"Ho mourns as I knew he would,"
said Cy De Vry In a shaky voice. "But
Nellie Is buried in a high and dry
place where no one can disturb her
She shall have a monument a small
one but still a monument."
Nellie for years was tho best known
animal In the Lincoln park zoo. . She
was tho mother of 126 cubs. For sev
eral years she had been blind and
gradually getting feebler with old age.
She was twenty-four years old. Cy
De Vry, who has had charge of the
animals for twenty-fivo years, raised
Nellie from a cub.
Prince was purchased from a circus
in Wisconsin on April G, 1903, for $1,
400, and placed in the same cage with
Nellie. They lived in harmony and
hnpplness, the best of "pals" for ten
long years. Visitors used to smilp as
they gazed Into cage 4 at Nelllo and
Prince stretched out on tho floor ?ldo
by side, both curiously watching tho
Takes Refuge in River;
145 Bright street, stood neck deep
in the chilly waters of White river
near the West Washington street
bridge the other morning, and shiver
ing, but bold, defied Patrolman Ho
nalne, "Come in and get mo if you want
me' he taunted.
Patrolman Romaluo sat down calm
ly on tho bank and as calmly survey
ed his prospective prisoner.
"When you come out I'll take you,"
nc said. "I am In no hurry. Just take
your tlmo."
He Couldn't Bear to Disturb a Trusting Feline
KANSAS CITY. MO. "and she sat
in my lap all the rest of the show,"
ho was saying as ho emerged from a
motion picture theater the other after
noon. -'
It did sound a bit scandalous. But
after hearing tho first part of tho
story it wasn't scandalous at all.
"It was a dark roe;." tho narrator
began, "and 1 must havo been a little
drowsy Suddenly something soft and
pretty heavy camo down In my lap
with a sort of 'plop.' I Jumped and
wondered what waB over me But It
was Just a big Maltese cat. She was
purring ljko a little sawmill and stick
ing her claws into mo comfortably,
tho way cats do when thoy are con
tented "Well, it was tho laBt reel on the
program, but when It was over that
cat was so peaceful and happy in my
lap I couldn't bear to upset hor So I
&jv s w .- rrf w f 5v?sa a
M 7tlmr'-.m. l' ilffi 'I M mlT nrS--f i1 1S it
S. il j!il ? ...JitN Syf fy&.i&
WWB(Sy" ..... Ti.'''''!rv!aiua&vi
WMCSr--.,,,., .. '.re ' ' 7 i
. f4"r di ji'Aa i
- yiWk M B 3 re
bled I O. U.'s, with whlcu to purchase
J500 stacks of chips. Suddenly for
tune seemed to smllo on the plnyora
gathered about tho largo ornate rou
lotto wheel. All players won heavily
and other games were deserted, while
the entire gathering placed their bets
on tho whirling ball
Just ns suddenly as thoy had won,
tho wheel began to play against Ihom,
and In a dozen turns tho players wero
broke. More written promises and
checks wero accepted by tho host
and tho crowd again feverishly at
tacked tho wheel. Again tho little
ivory sphere settled In all points fa
vorable to the batik.
Suddenly tho play was oidered stop
ped by the ringing of r gong, and fur
thcr play was refused. Tho party wcr
ushered to the banquet hall, and went
unwillingly and without appetite.
At the plate of each was a squari
white envelope, and within It the
exact amount that they had lost, to
gqther with their 1.0 U t. and checks
After tho dinner tho guests wore
agnin led to the cotillion room, where
tho host directed some mechanics to
take apart ho roulette wheel Ho
showed them the electric wires which
run up the leg of the table upon which
it rcbtd, and how the slight presBUro
of the croupier's foot controlled the
ball with Us metnl filling.
Marked cards, loaded dice and
crooked faro boxes, wero nil demon
Rtrntnd to tho astounded guests, who
after tho strain of their losses, found
it hard to believe that they had not
lost their money
crowds, as they slowly passed along
Once Cy Do Vry nlmost met hit
death at the Jaws and paws of Nellie
when he entered her cage and looked
at her four new cubs This was it
"Nellie is a good mother," said Cj
Do Vry after the rescue, "but cross to
men when she has cubs. There It
nothing like a good scrap to put yoti
on right terms with a Hon, that U
unless the Hon wins.
"Prince Iibb eaten nothing since Noi
He's death," ho said, turning away
Ono of tho caretakers threw n
large, juicy steak into tho cage. Prince
looked at it, pawed it and then ro
tAnned his mournful pacing of his cell
The other lions ate the food raven
Is Driven Out by the Cold
And so the officer and his quarry
waited. And a crowd collected' and
Lutz stuck it out until great black
circles grew about his eyes, his lips
turned a sickly blue, nnd his teeth
chattered. Ho was too cold to tr
to swim ncross tho river. Any how
ho know tho offlcor could nrrlve on
tho opposito bank as quickly as he
The arrival of Bicyclemen Long and
Bastlu put an end to the comedy
Lutz capitulated and waded ashore
Ho was locked up, charged with drunk
enness and malicious trespass.
Lutz tied up business in a res
tauarnt kept by Mrs. Levady Chastlne
623 West Washington street, when lie
became involved in an argument over
his check and started a fight with the
cook. Patrolma Routine interrupted
and, when Lutz ran, followed the vic
tim to tho river. Heforo hlB departure
Lutz is alleged to have demollshcc
tho front window of tho restaurant
sat through tho whole program again
Kitty humming away to herself and
smiling up at mo every now and then
"When 1 did get up, finally, sin
stuck her cIuwb Into my legs and un
braced to desperately. I never b.iv,
such a friendly cat. Speaks well for
tho general public, I think, that a cat
in a theater should be so sure uf a
welcomo and entertainment anionf,
Sitter at a Loss to Understand Why
Temporary Absence Should Have
Spoiled the Plate.
"Chairman Underwood ot tho ways
and lneaiiB committee was talking, ttt
a luncheon In Washington, nbout tar
iff rovislon.
"Wo must oboy tho country's man
date," he said. "If wo don't, our tariff
revision will bo disastrous. Wo'll (all
as lamentably as tho sitter for tho not
plate photograph.
"When photography first began, you
know, they used wet plates, nnd n
sitter required eight or nine minutes.
Well, a man onco went to bo taken,
and tho photographer put in his wet
plato, demanded perfect immobility,
and took oft tho cap.
"During tho long exposure tho pho
tographer left tho room a moment. On
his return ovorythlng scanted to bo
going nil right, but whett the exposure
elided, and hu rushed to his closot
to devolop tho wet plato, there was
nothing on it but n blur,
"Very much disgusted, ho showed
this blur to tho sitter.
" 'You must have moved," ho said.
"Tho sitter looked at tho Bpollod
plate and laughed In amazement.
"'Well, I dcclure!' ho said-. 'Who'd
havo thought that JustV running over
to tho window for a tnlnuto to seo
a drunken man would havo dono all
that? I sal -lght down ngaln.'"
3002 Cass St., St. Louis, Mo. "rot
five years I suffered with itching of my
body nnd scalp. My trouble began with
a rash on my lower limbs which was
very annoying, and my scalp was lit
erally covered with dandruff. My hnlr
used to como out by tho hnndfuls and
the itching of my body nnd sculp waB
terrible. I had used almost all tho
skin remedies on tho market with no
results, when I wroto for a llttlo Cutl
cura Soap and Olntmont nnd it gnvo
me instant relief. Within ono month's
uso of tho Cutlcurn Soup nnd Olntmont
parting, gently rubbing Cutlcurn Olnt
one strand of my hnlr coming out nnd
I havo not lost a tnlnuto of sleep
elnco using tho Cutlcurn Soap aud
Ointment, which cntlroly cured mo of
itching of my body nnd scalp in its
worst form. I also find tho Cutlcurn,
Soap a benefit In shaving." (Signed)
Charles Judlln, Dec. 8, 1911.
Cuttcura Soap and Olntmont sold
throughout tho world. Samplo of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. AddrosB
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston."
Why a Poet Quit Politics.
Explaining why ho gave up politics,
W B. Yeats, in a lecture in Dublin,
eald- "I saw that when you try to
speak high and sfheero things and
at tho snme tlmo enrry on u political
life, Booner or later you give up tho
sincere nnd high things and speak ex
pedient things." London Mall.
Kill the Flies Now and Prevent
disease. A DAISY FLY KILLEIt will do 1U
Kills thousands. Lasts all season. All dealers
or six Font oxprces paid for CI. II, 80MEIIS,
150 Do Kalb Avo., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adv.
An Exception.
"I don't want anybody to mlnco
matters about this house."
"But, dear, how about tho pies?"
Alwavs full quality vnhio in LEWIS'
Single Binder. That is why tho smoker
wants it. Adv.
Lifting on tho burden of another
beats training in a gymnasium for In
creasing strength.
Mrs. WlnnloWR Boothlnir Syrtip for Children
tet'tlilDg-, Hoftciin tho kuuih. reilurrH Inllnuiuio.
Uod, allays pnlu.curea wind oolloUa A bottlejUv
With all his wisdom Solomn mndo
some big blunders in his homo life
Satisfactory Tools Means Good Work
Double Guaranteed Hardware is composed of the Best Factory Brands
Stands for Quality Satisfaction
N603 N604
The Irwin Bit is the only Solid Center Stem Hit made in all sues, for all kind of work. J It is made of Onn Plcco of
flawless extra high grade crucible AiiiJer Hit Stool and temperod by tho Irwin becrd process. Jlt will not bend or break
where twist and shank unite J Will cut clean, fast and truo into tho hardest wood. J Hit users know what Irwin Quality
is. it will not pay to experiment Money back if not satisfactory Irwin Atiiier lilt Co., Wllmiuiiton, O.
Douklo Guaranteed Hardware hears (he Maker's Name
ColOTmoreKoodsbnKhtersndfaitercoloistlisnsjTyotherdye. One 10c nackaHeco!orsallfibcr.-Tliy(lyeIn cold vrnterbetterthnn any otherdye, You can
dye any gimient without npping apart. Wilto lor free booklet How to Dye. Pleach and Mix Colors. MONROE OHUO COM PANT. Quincy, III.
Over-Night Relief
for Constipation
A Small Dose on Retiring
and You Are Well and
Happy by Morning
It is only natural that tho slmplost
of ailments should bo tho most gou
oral, nnd so wo havo n wholo nation
Buffering from constipation nnd indi
gestion, for thoy arc closely nllled. Hut
common ns constipation la many poo
plo do not acorn to know thoy havo
it They will complain of hendacho,
drowsiness or biliousness, .ill uncon
bcIoub of tho cause ot the troublo.
You should hnvo a full and frco
movement nt least onco a tiny. If you
pass n day you aro constipated, and
tho result will bo thnt you will catch
a cold ensily or havo a more serious
ailment. To euro tho constipation find
forestall still graver troublo tako a
doso of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at
night beforo retiring nnd by morn
ing relief will come, without disturb
nnco from sloop or any inconvenlonco
Legions of people ubo it regularly in
ouch emergencies, somo of them form
erly chronic invalids who hnvo suf
fered from constlpntlon all their lives.
Mr. A. B. Dannor, 32G Itlloy St, Hnr
rlflburg. Pa., says: "Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin gavo mo almost instnnt
relief from stoniaclt nnd bowel trou
blo. I now ont anything I want, and
Bloop well." Many others will toll you
that thoy havo tried most things rec
ommended for this purpose but havo
found Syrup Pepsin tho only ono al
ways reliable. A bottlo can bo obtain
ed nt any drug Btoro for ilfty cents or
ono dollar, tho latter slzo being bought
1 VS
$3iOO 53io S4
fi8v- 7V!1
S4-.6Q AND $5i2o
oua-rtotvT. ft T
ivy. utti
$2.00. f2 BO and S3. 00.
The largest makers of
Men's S3.50 itnd S4.00
shoes in the world.
Atkvnur tli'ulcr to slimy
IV. f- 1UL-Inn sline. Just us kooiI
it ntul wcnrnH oilier
tho only illffiMPiirp
tuns $vv$l
001 vt'scSx
A-m. SSfcXm
lontliflt-s, Mirs iinu Rimprs 10 unit cvcrjixxiy,
It you could vUlt W. I Iioticln large furtii
rlriK nt llrot-ktoii, liin nmt r for yonrnolf
liiiw riiri'fiillv W. I..
you would thru unilnrttitnil why they nro wiirrnulrit
to ut uvuer, iooh iiriinr,
longer tlmn buy oilier
' W, I. Douf ls fhet-t are
nirrrt ironi ma mriorr mm
Kin fnrtwerr mtnitarof
I nrrvi run, (hikoro hit.
Cotillon. II will Hiow
mm ttiij you emu into
sEcwrm and head uoc salesman South Omaha or Denver
Rainy Spell.
Beautiful tho rain Is, cheering to
tho crops; umbrella men, golosh men,
hall thoso gracious drops, lllest pre
cipitation, early, latter, fall; but
kindly plpo and smoke it you've
been ruining bnBcball!
Whon a sea captain marries a widow
ho bocomes second mate.
your Dealer (or Double Guaranteed
Genuine IRWIN Audcr Bits
VQlr ff M7 xSKmf ""assMiaiia"BiBssssjgBBSBaa-
Wright & Wilhelmy Co.
plsico on all Best Factory Brands a Tn-colored Tag bearing a
Double Guarantee from tho manufacturer and from Wright & Wil
helmy Co. to the effect that your dealer will replace the article free
of cost if for any reason you should find it unsatisfactory. It h
left to your fouse of right. Can you ask for more?
Insist upon Double Guarnntoed Tools. Don't accept
Mr. A. D. Danner.
by families already familiar with its
Syrup Popsln Is mild, pleasant tast
ing, nnd non-grlplng. Mothera glvo it
to tiny lnfnntB, ntid yot it is effective
In grown-ups. It is for ovoryono who
suffers from nny form of stomach,
liver or bowol trouble, constipation
dyspepsia, biliousness, etc. Us action
will bo delight you that you will for
ever avoid harsh cathartics, purga
tives, pills nnd salts.
If no member of your family ha
over tiBcd Syrup Popsln nnd you would
llko to mnko n personal trial ot It be
foro buying It In tho rogular way of a
druggist, Bond your nddrosa a postnl
will do to Dr. W. B. Caldwoll, 203
Washington St , Montlcello, 111 , and a
frco samplo bottlo will bo mailed you.
- .QQ
S4.00 mill
III t lo.
iimurs continc va.uu 10 7
Is tlm iirlrii. Micws In nil
Itoticlns shoes aro tnnile.
iifini iiieir Biiiiiin miu msur
iimuo tor tno iirioo.
not for ! In your Tlrlnlty, onlfr
ht inc inmuinunii proiiu
the tsmtlv. st all itrlcM. hr
' cAtrnon
HMt tint
.. rim utr ..nut-ii
yon liow to onltr by mull,
tuuncy on your luoiwrar.
ItrocUtnn, Blnas.
ns ll itamTXHl
on tho boliom.
fix Wv VH f-&
VKWyMy N0fi6&i
wt.w vrs w Jmr MVL.-jkiii
iiVflsmjfVwP n,y v i Wm Q
00 trawrtvoMtift
MZVtAii fft
irjrw i vxiiiniuK
fi ,'ja
Great Western Commission Go.
One of tho largest nnd best equipped live stock
commission firms at ANY market.
EACHdepartmentlHGHLY specialized. FOUR
cattle salesmen in two splendidly located divisions.
Special care nnd attention buying of
men nnd n fully equipped sheep department.
If you wish to buy or sell any kind of live stock
write or wire them.
They Will Do It Right
A toilet nrepAratlon of mwlfc.
JlelX to rriutlraln dandruff.
For Ft ilorlns Color nnd
Qtautjr to Grayor I'adod Hair.
SOo. and II 00 at Drutvt'ta.
Auto and Wap;n
Truck llullclrrs. Il
nnlrlnir. ralntlnr.
Trlmmlncr. Duppy Whecln repaired ami re
rubber tired. Write us for prices. 40 ynum In tbs
buslucHs. Andrew Murphy & Bon, Omaha)
We unut nil women reuden, miirrlcd or sin
gle, to tend for our frco list of 111 nil class
specialties Somethliift for everybody Addr.
till: HUM CO.. lloi I7. HI. Paul. Minn.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 19-1913. 1
New Biutain.Conn.U.SA.
In the well ltnown STANLEY "BED ROCK"
PLANE as now constructed, we offer the user of high
grade tools, a Plane that is tho strongest and most per
fect in adjustment of any Plane ever manufactured. A
special circular descriptive of this tool can be had upon
some Just ua Good
M. .- -
-" Mk