The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 13, 1913, Image 5

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, 4,
r XSHy
1 sounds
well there
Is nothing quite
fi. bride n3 sterling silver.
Apart from the quality which
Is high horo, end tho chastcness
of the patterns which can be seen
at a glance, it is important to know
that the prices aro not extravagant
Our lowelry store Is the best place in
county to Ret surgestlons for wedding presents,
We have made a study of thl3 'Trlft Question." It (sour
business to know what is suitable fof various gift occasions.
Choose Your Gifts Here
ur stock is varied and so are tho prices. Every tosto and
every pocket book Is sure to be suited. Wo
many inexpensive but dainty little novelties
besides silverware which will make excellent guts,
This la n jewelry (tore where you can tret Just what
you are looking (or at the price you want to pay.
Everything In our flne line of silverware,'''
,ccmf, jewelry, watcnei, etc., contains
noininK uut rem, luugiuic vuiucs, ?,
coupicu wiin up-io-uaic iyic. f 46
Drop In and lef ui assist you
r sjaxttsss
hero jT.fflfiM'.
al 'Wj
DIXON, The Jeweler.
V U. P. Watch
$f Inspector.
chooilns your wedding
gnulet ua prov
mat nere la
elry store.
hat I
Good News for the Well Dressed
For Your Drugs. Orders De
livered promptly.
Local and Personal
Robott Gantt loft l&Bt evening for
Lincoln to spend some time on business.
J. B. McDonald left last night for
Omaha to spend several days on busi
ness. Mrs. Murdock, 214 South Maple
street, will entertain the Christian aid
society Thursday afternoon.
We havo several farms near North
Platte for sale, and one or two which
we can trade for city property.
C. F. Temple.
Mrs. J. F. Clabaughleft last evening
for Omaha to spend a week or longer.
Engineer Will Voseipka has pur
of Hendy & Ogior a Studebaker 25
touring car.
Mrs,. A. B. Elias and baby, of Pamonn,
Cal, arrived here yesterday afternoon
to visit relatiyes while enrbutc to
Henry Hansen left last night for
Omaha and Lincoln to transact business
for several days.
Mrs. Levi Duke has returned from
Volley Junction where she was called
sevoral weeks ago by the illness of
her daughter.
Reward For return of my white and
liver colored pointer pup. He was lost
north west of North Platte near the
Tryon toad. Dr. H. C. Brock.
F. R. Van Meter arrived from Salt
Lake City Sunday and will assist Char
ley Hupfer in conducting the Vienna
Cafe. Mr. Hupfer and Mr. VnnMeter
were formerly associated in business in
Salt Lake.
We recommend as particularly
attractive these values in
Purchased as our suits are from the leading1 makers in this country and selected by us in the
most painstaking manner, you arc assured of the season's latest style productions in Ladies'
Tailor-made Suits when you buy here. Our showing this season has been of one marked
Supremacy. The models show refined elegance and inimitable beauty in ever line, while
the fashions are in the height of vogue in every style center of the country. At the reg
ular price these suits have been remarkably good values, so attractive to the fashion
able woman who wishes to economize.
Fine Tailored Suits
of extra quality of
materials, tho best
of lines previously
sold for $30 and $35
Ladies Coats
Extra 'fine quality,
full messaline lined
$25 quality
Bedford Cortland
Tailored Suits very
stylish and sold at
Eponge Coats
Beautifully made full
lined, sold at $20
Serge and Fancy
Nice patterns, stylish
suits, sold for $20
Bedford Cord Coats
Beautiful styles, three
quarter length, trim
med with fine lace
collar, $18 garments
Stylish Suits
made from fair ma
terials, satin lined
regular $15 quality
Full Lined Coats
of Serge and Diagon
al full satin lined,
wero good
values at
White Serge
hair lino striped, suit
regular $13.50 grade
Full Length Coats
also three-qu a r t e r
length, made from
serges and fancy
cloths, all of our $12
A.n event of interest to every woman who wishes to dress well
Wilcox Department Store
Will Roland returned last evening
from Omaha where he had been em
ployed for several weeks.
George Morgan, of Ogalalla, cams
down yeBterday morning to traniao
business and attend tho Yankee Robin
son show.
Local and Personal
I'llWHW'il'IIIIWHWIill " I hH'l 'HiHilI'liTWTmiFnij
Everybody keeps a coming to the
Coming in the morning and com
ing again in the afternoon for there is no end to
bargains and no limit to the wants of the people.
When they save nearly half
Read about these
and Thursday Extra
They are without doubt the very last
' this best
word in bargain
offering on
giving so don't neglect
- Woinen's 7.50 All Wool Walking Skirt
Skirts of strictly all wool English Serge, Cheviots and Whipcords,
a good range of colors. Skirts with the new high 'waist line and
belted back, beautifully tailored, 7.50 values, Wednes. and Thurs..
Dr. V. Lucas transacted
Hershoy yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Simmons, of Wal
lace, visited local friends this week.
Mrs. Millinrd Hosier left for Omnhn
last evening to nttand the Eastern Star
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ryan wont to
Airinnrn the first of this week to make
their homo.
Miss Maymo Doyle will assist in Dr.
Twinom's office during tho ubsonco of
Miss Vora Scharman.
Mr. and Mrs. Saunders, of Brady,
came yesterday morning to nttond the
Yankee Robinson show.
0. B. Frazier who has been ill for
some time is reported much worse
Tho ladies of the Episcopal church
will snrve a 25 cent supper in. the
parish, house Tuosday evening, May 20.
if vnu want first class nlumbmg anu
j ' . -..
heating see C. H. Boyle, oul
street. Phone Red 554.
Mayor Everett Evans went to
Omaha last evening to combine business
and pleasure for a few doys.
Alfnlfa. Cnno. and Millet seeds at
Hershey's 5th and Locust, phone 15.
A class of fourteen will be taken into
the Yeomen lodge at their regular
mooting this evening. Othor business
of Importance will be transacted.
Tiger Press Drills at Hershey's 5th
and Locust.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McKinney. of
Dickens, have returned homo after
visiting in town for several days.
Mrs. Homer Hnndloy who visited
relatives in Dos Moines for sevoral
weeks' enmo, homo Sunday evening.
Unsottled weather with showers to
ninht or Wednosday, cooler tonight
with brisk to hicrh winds. Highest
1 temperature .yesterday 72, one year ago
01; lowest Inst night CG, one yenr ago
If you wish to make speedy sale of
your residence property list it with
Buchanan & Patterson.
Ask about the lots in Dolson's nddit
tion. Ten and fifteen dollars down nml
fivo dollnr monthly payments. '
C. F. Tr.Ml'iiC.
16.50 Coats
About 25 in the lot. Women's Spring
Coats in the new $ cutaway and full
lenght styles, Serge and Diagonals, some
very handsome trimmed all 16.50 values,
Wednesday and Thursday QQ QB
i t ; ? S ' "
White Serge Suits 8.48
just 10 Ladies' White Serge Tailored
Suits that were originally priced at $20,
strictly hand tailored and stylish suits
worth at least $20, on sale O 0
Wednesday and Thursday JHJ"J
. East 3rd
The "Evory Woman" company which
will play for two woek3 at the Broad
way theatre in Denver, wont thru Sun
day afternoon. Miss Marion Donticr,
n former North Platte girl, plays ono
of the loading roles.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to express our sincore
thanks to the Lodgos and to the kind
frionds and neighbors for their assist
ance and beautiful floral offerings dlir
ingthe illness and death of our boloved
niece Mao Marshall Dotts.
Mit. and Mits. J. H. Fonda.
Legal Notice.
Francis 0. Mcssinger, defendant,
will takn notice that on the 18th day of
May, 1913, Restore N. Lamb, plaintilT
herein, filed his petition in the district?
court of Lincoln county, Nobraska,
against said defendant, the object and
prayer of which are' to have n eertnin
mortgage declared null nml void,
and having been paid, and long
since barred by the statute of
limitation, Which mortgage is dntod
Juno lJth, 1895, given by ono William
II. Mullnno and wife, to Frnncis 0.
Mosiingor, for tho sum of $175.00,
which mortgage was recorded in Book
20, at Page 132, of tho Mortgage
Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
and secured upon lots 1 nml 2, in block
84 of the city of North Plutto, Nebraska,
and to havo plaintiff's titlo to said real
estnte quieted as agaiHst said mortgage.
You aro required to answer snid peti
tion on or before the 23d day of June,
1913. ,
Dated May 13th. 1913.
Restokk N, Lamb, Plaintiff.
1.50, 1.75 and 2.00 White Lingerie Waists 69c
$10 White Dresses 3.19
lust 12 in the lot. beautiful White Lawn
F.mhroidered Dresdes thafwere originally
priced up to io.oo Wed
nesday-and and Ihursday
$3.00 Linen Skirts 1.48
One lot of Women's Whitef'Linen Skirts,
nicely tailored and right ,to" the minute in
style, 3.00 value, We'dngsr, jg ! AQ
day and Thursday .....'.ViVlv
Mrs. D. T. Ouicley and son
1.50 and 1.75 Percale House Dresses 98c
Owing to the fact that these specials
are offered for Wednesday and Thurs
day onlv a denosit of $1.00 will hold
your purchase until after pay day.
leave tomorrow for Omuha, where they
will meet Dr. Quigley and they will then
proceed on their trip to Europe.
Wo hnvo some choico lots loft in the
Taylor nddition if you want good lots
cheap and on eaBy terms see these.
C. F. Temple.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fonda, who ac
companied tho remains of the lato
Mayme Botts to St. Louis, returned
home this morning.
For the best bargains in city rei
dencc property watch Buchanan &
Patterson's bargain list. tf
A burly negro gained admission to tho
Frank Laughlin residonco on west 6th
yesterday afternoon through a rear
door during tho absenco of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Laughlin. Ho was noticed by
Miss May Welsh, who telephoned tho
police, but before the arrival of an
officer the Sinegambian vanished with
out taking anything from the house.
If vou are looking for a homo call
nml wn tin wn will show vou over our
city and locate you in a home where
you will bo satisneu.
C. F. Temple.
Tho annual meesing of the Chambor
of Commcrco will be held next Monday
in connection with a supper that will bo
served at the Vienna Cafe. Following
the suppor tho secretary will read the
annual report, an election of directors
held and other business transacted.
There will be no charge for the supper
to those who hold memDorsnip cams.
Notice to Dog Owners.
All dogs running nt large without togs
on after May loth will be exterminated.
By order of Chief of Police.
Well located vacant residence lots
listed for sale with Buchanan & Patter
son find ready sale.
- Use Less Gasoline and Less ,
Cylinder Oil Than Any
Car Sold In North Platte
It is not uncommon for ourcustomors with model 31 touring cars
to averago over 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline and always over 4 00
miles to each gallon of cylinder oil. Mr. Gather, who owns a model 31,
reports that ho has traveled 3000 miles on four gallons of cylinder oil.
In a test held at ScottsbluH last wook, a modol 31 traveled 101 miles
over various kinds of roads, with five passengers, on 4 gallons nnd 3
quarts of gasoline. A new Buick wns delivered to Scottsblufr from
North Piatto on oxnetly 10 gallons of gasoline, 35 miles of tho roud being
muddy, tho distance being 218 miles. The reason of this economy is that
the Buick cylinders aro smallor for the power devoloped than any otho r
type of engine and tho workmanship and material are of tho best. Long
exporienco in building tho same kind of an engine accounts for their
economy and very satisfactory performance to ovory ownor.
At this date wo have received 58 of tho 1913 Buicks, wo know that
Buicks will bo hard to got in the nenr future and urgo you to plaoo
yourordors now for the delivery you want so you will not be disappointed.
J. S. Davis Auto Co.
For Sale,
Tho board of directors of the Y. M.
C. A. oiror the following articles for
nln for cash or bankable paper: Ono
Brunswick Balke pool tablo, ono Bruns
wick Balke billiard table, twelve sani
tary cots with mnttrassea nnd shoots,
four bookcases nnd 100 square foot
.m. k. unosnv,
Pros, of Board.
When You get Sick
or don't feel Just Right.
and when there is n big washing to be
done who do you think of first. Why
the Power Laundry of course. The nexl
time you feel this way just call up
Auto Delivery
Phone 77
in mm minium minium
I &i