The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 13, 1913, Image 4

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of such variety and beauty nsyou
will bo hero It is hard to imagine
n jewelry want that you cannot
fill. Whether it be a watch, a
ring or somo little trinket this
store offers a choice wide enough
to meet every taste orprico limit.
Come and teat it for yoursolf.
Jeweler and Optician.
Graduate Dcnlisl.
Office over the McDonald
Stato Bank.
Local and Personal.
Judge H. M. Grimes, Attorneys Hoog
land, Becler, Muldoon, Halllgan and
Court Reporter Cary, went to Ogalalla
yesterday to hold court.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Huffman were
called to Omaha Saturday evening by
the death of the former's mother who
died Saturday morning.
Twenty members of the Christian
church wont to Cozad yosterday to
attend -the district convention which is
being held there this week.
Verne Mann returned yesterday
morning from Kansas City where he
spent the past month with relatives.
Mrs. Mann will return In a few days.
Miss Kate Seyferth who spent the
past week with tier mother and sister
will leavo tho latter part 01 tms wcok
for Rochester, Minn., where she is
taking a course in nursing.
Mrs. J. J. Horrioran. who has been
visiting her parents for several weeks,
leaves the latter part of this wcok for
Sioux Tails, 9. D., where Mrs. Ilorri
gan is now employed.
This office Is in receipt of a commence
ment card of the Leland Stanford Uni
versity from tho medical dopartmont of
which Francis Stolle, formerly of this
city, will graduate this month.
Mrs. B. L. Robinson offers for sale at
reasonable pricos both of her houses on
West 2nd etreot. Also part oi ner
housohold goods, Call at 020 West 2nd
street during the day or at 714 West
Gth street for pricos. 32-4
Mrs. Moie McFnrlandls spending this
week in Omaha with friends.
Dr. Mario Ames went to Lincoln yes
terday to spend a svereal days.
Miss Lillian Eaton, of Denver, is
visiting hor sister, Mrs. Verne Mann.
Miss Ila Martin, of Wallace, visited
her Bister Miss Hattlo Martin this week.
Ray Langford left last night for Lin
coln to spend the remainder of this
North Platte is famous, Stone's Ice
Cream has made it so.
Miss Alice Otten will go to Omaha
Thursday to visit friends for a few
Mr. flnd Mrs. J elf Thompson, of
Gandy, were among tho visitors in this
city yesterday.
A new general merchandise store
under the firm name of E. & W. Coker
will open in Sutherland next week.
At a meeting of tho board of trustees
ofiHershey this week, Geo. N. Gibbs of
th s city was employed as village at
torney. Robert Hoatson was down from Her-
shey tho early part of the week and!
purchased a Chalmers 30 car of Minor
As soon as school closes Cody Boal
will leave for Cody, Wyo., where he
will make his homo with Mr. and Mro.
Fred Garlow.
Gasoline and oil stoves cleaned end re
paired. Peter M. McGovcrn, phone
Changes in the seating arrange
ments at the Cyrstal have boon made,
the center nislos having been vacated
and sldo aisles used Instead. This
makes ennior the handling of tho
crowds, Front windows havo also been
put in, giving a better ventilation of
A wcok of damp, cool anil cloudy
weather, in which nearly an Inch of
rain fell at dlfTorent poriods, was suc
ceeded yesterday by the uppenranco of
tho sun, and warm weather may now
be expoctod. Tho ground U in fine
shapo and with rising teroperaturo veg
etation will make u wondorfully rapid
growth. , ,T
The high school ball team wna de
tented on tho local grounds by the
Cozad team Friday afterwoon. Tho
score was 13 to 5 and the weuther con
ditions very disagreeable. Tho bat
terlos for tho home boys were Jack
Husband and Calvin Miller, Rev.
Knowlcs umpired the gamo.
Tho North Platte Produce Co. bns be
gun tho construction of a 40x60 framo
building on the Union Pacific right-a-waV
cast of tho frieght houso which
will bo ubo(I for tho transaction of its
business. This company is now buying
and shipping moro poultry nnd eggs
than any firm west of Grand Island,
their buying territory extending from
Kearney to SIdnoy. and points on the
North River branch.
Pittsburg Perfect Electric Welded
Fonce. Tho Weld that Hold at Hcrshoy's
cor Gth and Locust.
County Superintendent Cleo Chappoll
received a bulletin the latter part of
last wook from tho State Superinten
dent in which several changes aromade
in rogard to rural schools. Tho maximum
levy for school districts which was
formerly twenty-flvo mills Is now thirty
five mills and the schools formerly re
quired to hold throo months term "will
hold five in futuro, six months terms
have been extended to eight
Saturday night while tho men folks
wore still down town, some Individual
attempted, to gain on cntrnnco Into the
Clinton rosidonco. This rambler tried to
raise sovoral windows, and as he did
not do his work vory qulotly, his nolso
attracted tho attention of Mrs. Clinton
and daughter who were on tho second
floor. They phoned for Mr. Clinton,
but before his arrival, tho would-be-burglar
had been frightened away by
tho passing uy oi a couple men.
A damnge suit ngainBt the Union Pa
cific railroad comimnv and Mntthow
II. Douglas, alloeomotlve ilglrteer'.inl
tho employ or said company, was tiled
in tho ofllco of N. M. York, clerk of
the district court of Dawson county,
Nebraska, on Friday, May 2, by Henry
F, J.Finke, administrator of tho cs
tatci of tho late Herman C. Finke, his
son, who was killed by a Union Pacific
train on July 13, 1011, a short distance
east af Overton, this county. Lexing
ton Pioneor,
U a vm 11. lampoon tno tuteen year
old son oi Air. aim Airs. John uampbeii
died Sunday af tor n short illness, Death
was due to poritonitis. Tho boy was
taken ill the fore part of last week
after returning from a fishing trip. Ho
ws removed from his homo to ono ot
the local hospitals but medical aid was
of no avail and the end coming so sud
denly was a severe shock to tho rela
tives and friends of tho young man,
who Was n student in tho local schools,
popular with his class mates and in
structors and far advanced in his studies.
Funeral services wero hold from tho
residence of his brother William Camp
bell' yesterday afternoon. Rev. C. B.
Hat-man conducted tho servicos which
were attended by many of the deceased's
Mrs.John Grant loft this morning for
Detroit nnd othorn eastern points
whero she will visit friend for severnl
weeks. The Judge accompanied her as
far as Omaha.
Wo are prepared to furnish ice croam
in any quantity.
Mono Drug (jo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Ream, who live
west of tho city, were made happy last
week, by n visit from several of their
children wljo reside in different sections
of tho country, nnd together with thoso
who live In tho valley an enjoyable re
union was held. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ream,
who are well advnnced in yenrs, Mr.
Ram being nearly eighty, havo ten
living children, nine of whom wero at
homo last week. Those from away
wero John W., of Portland, Sam of
Moywood and Charlie ot Colorado
Springs. John is a pnsscnger conductor
running out of Portlnnd nnd was en
route east ta"uttoml the annual conven
tion of the O. It. C.
Lots in the Dolson Addition are on
the market and are selling rapidly. See
them early and -get your choice. A
plat of this addition will be- published
Friday., C. F. Temple.
Tho Ynnkco Robinson circus arrlvod
Sunday morning and unloaded and
placed the tents during the forenoon, a
wprk that was watched with intorest
by many spectators. During the uf tor
noon hundreds of people visited the
show grounds and wore entertained by
n gamo of ball by members of the
circus. Tho show parade was given
yesterday forenoon and attracted a
crowd that lined Dewey street from
Front to Fourth, and withal proved a
very creditable one. At tho aftomoon
performance the big tont was well
filled, and tho performance seemed to
satisfy the crowd. The show is not as
big as pxpccted.but the acts wero clean
cut and many were clover. Tho attend
ance Inst nlgtit wa's not so large as dur
ing tho afternoon.
Events in Society
and in Clubdom.
BBeaaBBHHHHHMsaVssHsVMilsailWSssaiisBBBislHB '
Special for Friday and Saturday
MAY 16 and !7
You all know thejbrandjand after wearing one of these gar-
ments knowgtheir trueSworth. AH on sale for Friday and
Saturdayfarjbelow cost.
Ladies9 Suits, Ail Colors
15.00 and 16.00 Suits go at , JpIU.OU
18.50 Best values in the world, only lS. O
22. 50 Suits special l.O
10.00 and 1 2.00 Values, good styles ,. V Uvf
15.00 and 16.00 Coats, best slyles J.U.O.U
18.00 and 20.00 Coats on sale during this date at Ia.UU
22.50 Coats, beautiful garments, only l.O
Do not fail to secure a Princess garment
A special inducement to in
troduce to the people the
wonderful values we offer
in corsets.
" F I T
for each and every figure
We know your needs
KStjJr'1 ) 'I
) I I lltt
When we recommend these goods to our customers we have a further
object in view than the small profit involved in that sale.
Before we sell and recommend
the very best in every way.
any merchandise we are certain it is
Be sure and visit our corset department Friday and Saturday,
styles and prices represented to suit every want.
20 per cent discount on all corsets for this date only.
n mujj' I- lllj I I III I ll
-.fjfc j u il J J I
P. E. 0. Entertain the B. I. L.
Tho P. E. O.'s ontortnincd the B. I.
L.'slast Friday evening nt the homo of
Mr. nnu .Mrs. YorK Hinman, tho mnin
feature of the evening's entertain'
ment consisting of tho conferring
of the several degrees upon tho
fivo initintcd B. 1. L's., whose
courage, presence of mind and agility
calling forth words of highest commen
dation. Aftor the candidates had re
covored somewhat, tho assembly ad
journed to tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Mlltonbergor who livelive next door,
whoro a delicious lunch was served at
small tables to the thirty guests by
tho Misses McDonald, Elizabeth Hin
man and Dorothy Hinman nnd Butler
Aiiuonourgor. wrs. inry ncteu ns
toosb mistress and called on Rev.
unithor, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Crosby,
Mr. Ilendy and Judgo Grimes who each
responded with remarks thot wero
highly appreciated. Bbth housos were
decorated In ilowers, tho colors yellow
and white predominating and sqmo do
lighttul music was rendered during the
evening by thoso assisting the com
mitted The next social feature in
store for tho P. E. O's. is n delightful
cntertninmont in the near future, to
bo given them by the B.I. L.'s, Will
Hondy acting as chairman of h11 ar
Btcnd of Wednesday afternoon.
Misses Ida and Genovlove Ottenstcln
will entortaln the Young Ladies Bridge
club Friday evening of this week.
Tho Misses Ida and Genevieve Otten
ateln will entertain tho Young Ladie'
Bridgo Clnb at their home Friday even
ing. The Knights of Columbus will enter
tain their ladles at a card party and
dance at the Lloyd opera house this
The Elk dancing party Friday" even
ing was attended by a large number of
Elks and their ladies and the evening's
ontertainment was enjoyed by all
The Study Club wero the guests of
Miss Alice Plumor at Maxwell Satur
day evening. Tho members took the
early morning train and spent tho day
very enjoyubly with Miss Plumer.
Mljl . M'uto to a rmt. cm rowot 1 1
Miss Grace Payne will ontertaln tho
T. M. E. club Wednesday evoning.
The Girls Friendly Society will be
outertalncd at the parish houso this
A number of friends of Mrs. Ralph
Gurmnn tendered hor. a birthduy sur
prise dinnor Sunday afternoon.
The Methodist Aid Society will meet
with Mrs. W. A. Skinnor, 1110 West
lth street, Thurtdny afternoon.
Tho S. O. G, club will be entertained
by Mrs. Moody Friday nftornoon in-
U fW WlMTt
wn v
hiw. M, J.
Now is time to get your house in order.
Coino In and we will tell you how you can fix
your old floors, furniture and wood work as
good as an export could do it for one-fourth
the cost.
It you intend to paint your house let us
figure with you. One gallon of Patton sun proof
paint will cover 330 square feet two coats.
It will surprise you how chonp it can be done.
Chi-namel Furniture polish, J pint 25 cents.
Stanvur, R liquid applied with a rag for
waxed'finlsheB with very little rubbing, pints
Chl-Namc! Floor Outfit for graining old
floor and wood work: including graining tools
and 3 brushus special price $2.60 cents. Furnit
ure varnish i pint 25c. Have you tried Bug-I-Cide
for Bed Bugs
Kalkomo Wall Finish, 51b package for COc comes in all colors. Can
bo used over wall Pttpor one pnekago will finish an ordinary room.
Putzino Wall Pnper clennor 25 cents. Screen Paint J pints 20 cents,
pints 35 cents.
Stone Drug Co.
Miss Maybell Moran entertained a
number of friends Saturday afternoon
at the home of her grandmother Mrs.
Joseph Richards. The afternoon was
spent in games. Nice refreshments
wore served.
Mrs. Goo. Zentmeyor entortaincd the
ladies of the graduating class of ,1004
at a kenslngton Saturday afternoon In
honor of Mrs. W. R. Kesler of Kansas
City, Miss Beth Cunningham of Gothen
burg and Miss Kae . Seyferth "of
Rochester, Minn.
The Sophomore Class entertained at
the K. P. Hall Friday evening in honor
of tho Cozad ball team. The hall was
decorated with the class colors of orange
and black and the high school colors. of
red and white. Games were played un
til ten thirty when enjoyablo refresh
ments were served. T
Stability, Efficiency and Service
llnvo hcon tlie Junctors
In tho ifioirti of tho
First National Bank,
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.