"',, ,t( Ife ktte Jlmi-HaMg Srifame Jjtomr jB H 'J c . TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. - - --- - - , Sk W Y1 i' V e"' ' " " m 9 ' " " e " b1 4: C; The contractor will start $ For the next Rocking Chairs Dining Chairs Dressers Dressing Tables Chiffoniers Beds Springs Mattresses Buffets Side Boards China Closets Dining Tables Serving Tables Library Tables Sewing Tables Card Tables Kitchen Tables Kitchen Cabinets Writing Desks Smoking Stands A New One to Our Former Townsman One of the moat unusaual offers ever tendered by railroad employe that of contributing a part of their monthly wages to assist, the company for which they are working has been made by a Urge number of clerks, engineers, con ductors and others connoctod with tho Illinois Central system. A request that they be permitted to donate one or more day's pay in order to aid the company In making repairs ' rendered necossary by the recent tor nado in Omaha and widespread damage caused by floods in tho south was re ceived from tho employes by Vice President W. L. Park. In declining the offer Mr. Park issued tho following statement: "In all my railroad experience in the ranks and as an officer, 1 never have encountored so unselfish and loyal an offer, that these men should voluntarily tender their mito to assist 'their company (and I use, the word 'thoir advisedly, for such men are really part ners in the institution) is an evidence of such patriotic loyalty and self-nbne- gallon mai i niu iiii-imcu . " " that it is unparalleled in railroad his tory." Notice to Parents. From North Platte City Ordinance Article 10, Section 234: It shall bo unlawful for any person under the Bgo of 17 years to be found upon any public street or alloy within the city of North Platte after the hours of 9 o'clock p. m. unless accompanied by parent or guardian or unless upon some lawful errand or business. Also, I desire to call attention to the state law in regard to minors, or persons under 16 years of age running, automo hllna in the city limits. This will be nnforced in this city. By Order of - .l Chief of Police. Mothers' Day. The Presbyterian church observed "Mothers' Day" last Sunday. The building was crowded. The Ladies' Aid presented to each a lurgo white carnation. The choir sang beautiful mothor songs and as the great con niri!nn ininoil In the refrain of "Tell Mother I'll be There" and "Home Sweot Home." thora was scarcely a dry eye. One and all said: "The most im pressive service wo have over held. Fine Plants For Sale. Cabbages, tomatoos and sweet po tatoes 50c per 100. Express paid. Or ders filled promptly. ' Clyde Siiallenhkgeh, Herahoy, Nobr. ' ' Mrs. Ernest Boyd and children, who spent several weeks in Cozad withTela ttves, have returned home. l mm,"mwm"w - " t . ' i FUR NITU must close Saturday night five days the following articles will be Howe Local and Personal Miss Elsio Langford spent Friday in Ogalalla. Everett Evans transacted business in Omaha last week. Miss Irene McGee spent the weokend with relatives in Brady. Mrs. Sara Holdsn went to Ogalalla Saturday to visit friends. J. B. Elliott has returned from an extended visit in Floiida. Dave Pattee went to Ashland Satur day afternoon to visit relatives. Attorney Albert Muldoon spent the latter part of last woek in Ogalalla. Harry Duncan, of Cozad, catno yes terday mosning to visit Ralph Ford. Ed. Fox, of Garfield Table, has just purchased aBuick 25 touring car Pu Ifamnmnn. of Kidnev. snent Sat urday as tho guest of Rev. McDaid. Mrs. Philip Fent, of Council Bluffs, is visiting her mother Mrs. Mary Baker. James Shaeffer returned Saturday morning from a business visit in Omaha. T? T. Mnnndu rntnrnorl. th latter part of last week from Excolsior Springs. F. T. Watts transacted business in the south east part of tho county Fri- aay. For Rent after Juno 1st, a five room house. $12 per.month, 203 South Wal nut. 31-4 Tho Yeoman lodge is organizing a ball team and will begin practice this week, Mrs. Charles Perkins and family went to Denver Friday afternoon to spond a few days. F. A. Braughn, agent for tho W. O. W., is transacting business in Horshey this weok. F. C. Hoxie returned to Ogalalla yes terday morning after visiting his fumily lor several ouys. Mrs. Sam Adams, of Kalamazo, for merly of this city, is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Stevfe. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Churchill went to Denver Saturday afternoon to visit friends for a few uy3. Tln1i IJnfnr.tr nf Tf nflfnntr fntnn lin Saturday evening to visit Charles Rey nold tUIU UU1UI llil-UUS. Ray Murray, of Lincoln, spent the woek end in town transacting business and visiting his mother. Miss Cclia Gorham, of Grand Island, is expected today to visit her sister Mra. W. A. Buchfinck. Mrs. V. T. Berry, of Omaha who visited Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Grlmos last week returned home Friday afternoon. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 13, 1913. Just Five IVIore Days of work on our building Monday morning. per cent REMEMBER i ms d NEXT S N IGHT M AY IN FACT EVERYTHING Campaigned Three Years With a Woman. Last week the daily papors gave an account of an individual going under the name of Albort D. Cashier, who had served in the civil war and whoso identity as to sex had but recently been discovered. Local interest attuches to the story for tho reason that this indivi dual, who now turns out to be a woman, served in the same company with Capt. Ja8. S. Robbins, of Wallace, during tho war, nnd was as well known to Captains Robbins as any other member of tho company. When she entered tho sor vice she was about twenty years of age, was of stout, stocky build, and on long or forced marches kept paco without falter, and on tho firing lino was as brave and determined as any. There was nothing in her actions to indicate that she was a woman, other than that she insisted on "messing" alone, but as many soldiers demanded this privilege, no attention was paid to it. She was mustered out in 18G5, and a fow years later was placed on tho pen sion rolls of the government. She is now a demented inmata of the soldiers' homo at Quincy, III. THE MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. The assets of this association exceed the sum of half a million dollars. The reduction of the rate jf interest to bor rowers has increused the demand for loans; and in order to meot this demand the association will issuo a limited amounted of its PAID UP STOCK. Money invested in this paid up stock draws six per cent fhterest, payable soml-annually, and may bo withdrawn at any timo upon thirty days notice, such notice being waivod where thore are funds in tho treasury to meet the withdrawal. T. C. PATTEHSON, President. Samuel Goozee, Secretary. Prof. Garlichs' musical at tho hall Wednesday evening was ono of tho most enjoyable entertainments of the season. Tho professor a without doubt the bost musical instructor in this part of the state, and tho well executod numbers of the program by tho little folks throughly demonstrated this fact. Ono of his little pupils from North Platte played somo difficult selectionn on the violin. Tho whole program was a musical treat. The school board has secured Mr. Garlichs for next term and among tho new features planned by him, will be organization and instruction of a band at tho hchool. Brady Vindi cator Dr. D. T, Quigley wont to Omaha last night to attend tho stnte modicul association, of which ho has been vice president during the past year. Mrs. Frank Cox returned to Suther land Saturday morning after spending several days with friends. ' 6 discount ale Closes ATURDAY 17TH aloney IN OUR LARGE STOCK Local and Personal. Martin Leafdale, of Potter, has boon in, town for several days, having business before the United States land ofllco. Rov. and Mrs. Charles Chapmnn wore called to Cincinnutti yesterday morning by the death of the letter's father. Mrs. William Morgan," of Ogalalla, who visited her mothor Mm. A. S. Chamberlain last woek, left Fiiday afternon. Mrs. Miller and daughter Blanche, of Chappell, who visited Miss Maude Miller last weok, left Sunday evening for Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Meston formorly of this city, who have-resided in Raw lins for several months, returnod horo Saturday. Mrs. George Kanoff and daughters, of Grand Island, who have been visiting her sister Mrs. Andrew Scharman, will louvo tomorrow. f Mrs. M. K. McNamara of Pooria, Illinois, who spent a month with her Hon Charles McNamaru, will loave to morrow morning. Chas. Pass, W. R. Maloney, Frank Dornn and W. J. Landgraf wont to Hastings Sunday evening to attend tho K. C. convention. , Mr. and Mrs. Rov Cottrell will leave this weok for St. Joo, Kansas City nnd other eastern points to visit relatives for several woeks. Mrs. W. M. Cunningham formerly of this city, came from St. Joe Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rinckor and othor frionds. CTL.W. Rev. J. W. Hill, formorly pastor of the Presbyterian church at Gandy, and well known in North Platte, Is now located at Kunosaw. Harry Johnson, formerly of this city, who has made his home In Omaha for n number of years, is visiting his, brother Charles Johnson. Miss Anna Erricson, formerly of this city, who has boen toachintr in Rocky Ford, Colo., is expected the latter part of this month to visit frionds. .. v.ta.H'a Harry Huffman, Dell Bonner and Mrs. Earl Stamp want to Pax ton Sat urday morning to play for tho May ball! which was held there the snmu ovoning. P. J. Gihnan will shortly take a trip to the forks of tho Birdwood, where those two great Sioux chiefs, Spotted Tail nnd Two Strike, woro camped when ho first came to North Platte. D. W. Hayes, of tho state normal of Peru, writes that he will bo pleased to address the eighth grado graduatos at their commencement on June 4th at the Keith. sold at from 20 to 50 Mrs. P. J. Gllman, Mrs. R. D. Bilge, Mrs. F. W. Rinckor, Miss Annio Krnmnh nnd Rov. C. F. Chnpman, re turnod Friday from attending the Epis copal convocation hi Hastings. Th6 at tendance was moro general than over before and much interest was ovinoed. Rev. Chapman was olected nltornnte clerical delegato to tho general conven tion which will be hold in Now York in October. Though tho roads woro hoavy, many farmers camo to town yosterday in their automobiles, in fact tho cars standing on tho strcots and at tho show grounds gave evldenco of tho largo number owned by country residonts. Mr. nnd Mrsr Florin Muchlinskl nnd daughtor will go to Omaha Thursday to visit the former's parents. lllllll He Has No "1 I lit Pvtomr, L jB also, whon tho telephone) bell I (1!!!!!! I 1SS1 rings after you have "turned ffiC2yKp Or do you answer tb,o call fwTOTl' from nn oxtousion ' set"- in aKBfJIfJi! yur bedroom? NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY k VtfvisH y Ks is mm. )gJ I iOi. h v'MWii TVN VOv 4WW . I wmw m m ms. mssssip m i rryv ni ; vv sj ipsa 8 8 406 -NT H No. 32 NtN! Our sale uaj vp Refrigerators Gasoline Stoves Oil Stoves Ranges Carpets Rugs Linoleum Parlor Suits Davenports Couches Pictures Hammocks Carpet Sweepers Cedar Chests Shirt Waist Boxes Curtain Stretchers Piano Benches Washing Machines Sewing Machines Notice. A numbof of young ladies hnvo writ ten to mo asking for a place to stay during the Junior Normal whoro they can work for thoir board nnd room. These are worthy young pooplo nnd wo desire to plnco as many as possible. If you can take ono of these young ladles during Juno and July and givo hor board and room or allow her part pay on either, it will be appreciated and will help hor get tho wotk of the Junior Normal. Cleo Cmaitell, County Supt. Edward Mulcahy, formorly of this city, camo down from Cheyenno Satur day to visit frionds in town. CyTtussoll left Suturday morning for Omalm to visit his wife who is talcing trontment in n hospital thore.