The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 09, 1913, Image 7

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Measures Passed by the Thirty-Third
Session of the Nebraska
The following measures wore passed by
both branches of ths Lenlslature and
sloned by Governor Morehead.
S. F. No. 1 Proscribing the liability of
nn employer to make, compensation for
injuries lecelvod by an otnploveo In tho
course of employment. r-ulatlng pro
cedure therein and providing methods
ror payments of compensation; repeals
all acts nnd parts of act in conflict.
S. F. No, 2 Providing for nn occupa
tion tax to be levied against nil express
companies operating In this st ite.
S. F. No. 3 Denning the powers anil
duties of tho board of commissioncis of
state Institutions. Passed with the
emergency clause
S. F. No. 4 "Tho HI to Sky Law." An
pet to regulate und supervlsa associa
tions, companies, corporations and per
sons selling or negotiating for the sale of
bonds, securities, etc.
3. F. No, 5 An act relating to the
granting of injunctions, restraining or
ders, etc
S. F. No. 9 Amends section S5 of tho
Code of Civil Procedure relating to no
tice of t ulency of suit where tho title
to oHtata is Involved.
8. F. No. 11 Lev'ylttg an occupation
tax for express companies,
S. F. No. 12 An act for an equltablo
division of taxes for school purposes in
Joint school districts.
3 F. No. 13 Amends section 10021 of
Cobbey s Annotated Statutes of 1911. re
lating to the compensations of county
3. F. No, 14 An act rotating to water
for iirlgatlon and nui poses and
amending sections C7S7, 6S07, GS17, 6S.15
mu ui..j ui lodoej' s jvnnotaieu ata
tues of Nebraska for 1911
S. F. No. 16 An act relating to Myer's
district Irrigation laws in force March
2Cth, 1S9.), to amend sections 6S47, GS30.
686.), 0307 and llll of Cobber's Anno
tated Stututes for 1911. and to repeal
aid original sections as now existing,
3. F. No. 17 An act creating and ln
corooi.itlng metropolitan water districts
nnd denning prescribing und regulat
ing their duties, powers and government.
S. F. No. 18 An act to enable any
qualified elector required by Ills dutv or
occupation to bo absent from the countv
of his residence on tho iliy of any gener
al election to cast his vote wheieer lie
nmv be in the state, and providing pen
alties for the violation of Its piovlslons.
S. F. No. 22 Regulating proceduro bo
nne the board of pardons and prescrib
ing that notlco of 'application shall be
given to the uounty attorney of tho coun
V where tho crime was committed, the
district Judge who tried tho case, etc.
S. F. No. 28 The Sunday baseball bill,
making it unlawful to play baseball with
in the limits of any Incorporated city or
village, except by permission of a vote of
tho citizens thereof, or In counties, out
Bide the Incorporated limits, except by
the permission lot tho board of county
S. F. No. 24 Providing for a double
shift of firemen In cities having a popula
tion of more than 40,000 and less than
S. F. No. 25 An act for tho better pro
tection of omployees in the service of
railroad companies and relieving such
employees from tho assumption of risks.
S. F. No. 27 An act providing for the
establishment of departments of agri
culture, manual training and home econ
omics In curtain high schools.
S. F. No. 40 Giving a lien for labor
and material In futnlshlng and Installing
lectrlc lights and gas fixtures.
8. F. No. 43 Amends sections 6135.
6136. 6139. 6140-nnd 6141 of Cobbey's An
notated Statutes of lull, and provides
that county boards shall require bidders
for bridge construction to bid upon plans
and specifications nnd bidding blanks
l" tho secretary of tho state board of Ir
rigation. Piovldlng that countv boards
shall not let contracts for the construo
tlon of any bridge, tho cost of which
Is in excess of $500.00 except upon uni
form plans and specifications prepared
by the state engineer, etc.
S. F. No. 44 An act to require all per
sons, companies, and corporations or tho
receivers, lessees, managers and super
intendents thereof, operating linos of
railroads In the state of Nebraska to
quip their locomotive engines with
headlights of a certain power.
8. F. No. 61 Requiring railroads to
construct and maintain proper crossings
at street and road Intersections.
S. F. No. 64 Herniating cold storage
and ware houses and the holding of tho
food therein.
S. F. No. 67 An act to amend section
8573 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of
Nebraska for 1911, relating to sewers
and sewerngo districts.
S. F. No. 69 Providing for the ad
vancement of injunction proceedings be
fore the supreme court.
3. F. No. 71 Regulates the Issuanco of
bonds by cities of the second class for
tho construction of light and heat plants.
S. F. No. 73 An act making the sell
ing or giving away of intoxicating
liquors to Indians a misdemeanor.
8. F. No. 74 To provide for, and regu
late marriages and divorces among cer
tain Indians und to provide for the rec
ords thereof, and to define the rights of
Indian children.
8. F. No. 82 For an act to amend sec
tion 6924x6 of Cobbey's Annotated Stat
utes of Nebraska for 1911, relative to ir
rigation, and repealing said original sec
tion. 8. F. No. 83 An act to prevent per
sons who unlawfully kilt another, or
consplro unlawfully to kill another, from
taking the property or life Insurunce of
tho deceased,
S. F. No. 84 An act relating to Scheo
kendantz's general Irrigation laws .in
force April 4. 1895. amending sections
6786, 6S13. 6S14. 6329, 6S41 of Cobbey's
Annotated Statutes of Nebraska for
1911, and to repeal said oilglnal sections
as now existing.
8. F. No. 86 Defining the crime of
sodomy and fixing a penalty.
8. F. No. 87. Transfers to the state
board of educational lands und funds, the
care, supervision and management of all
publlo buildings not under the manage
ment of tho board of commissioners of
stain Institutions.
6 F. No, 104 Amending section 9435
of Cobbey's Annotated statutes for 1911
relating to compensation of clerk of tho
distilct com t. and fixing a salary for
sucli ofllce In counties having n popula
tion of less than 17,000, repealing said
original section.
8. F. No. 109 Relating to Raynor'a
law und permitting u change of location
of the point of diversion where water is
taken for irrigation purpose.
3. F. No. 110 Providing that the users
of water for Irrigation purposes'sh.tll un
i.ually furnish the state engineer with
n list of lands to which watei is applied.
8. F. No. 113 To nrolilhlt the manu
facture or sale of any teproductlon or
forgery of archcologlcal objects.
S. F. No. 116 "Tho mother's pension
not." provides that In certain cases the
oourt may commit the care of depend
ent and neglected children to the pirent'
and make an allowance of not to exceed
$10.00 per month to be paid out of the
county treasury to said parent.
3. F. No. 121 Authorizing county
boards to make a levy for the purposo
of erecting court Vjouxes and Jails.
8. F. No. 123 To amend section 3019
of Cobbey's Annotated Stututes for 1911,
relating to county agricultural societies.
8. F. No. 124 An act regulating school
terms nnd providing for at least seven
months of school In each school district
In the state.
8. F. No. 126 Creating the ofllce of
election commissioner for Douglas coun
ty und defining his duties.
8. F. No. 127 Relating to the civil code
of the state of Nebraska and authoriz
ing he assignment of chose in action for
tho purpose of the assignee maintaining
uiT tbttroon.
8. F. No. 139 Defining th crime of
embezzlement of funds or property be
longing to voluntary associations, labor
unions, etc
S. F. No. 144 Amends section 11060 of
Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911
relating to tho form of the county treas
urer's cash book.
S. F. No. 151 An net to amend section
10166 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of
the year 1911, and to repeal said origin
al section.
S. F. No. 159 Amending Sections 9992.
9993. 9994. etc , of Cobbey's Annotated
Statutes for 1911 in relation to factories,
mills and workhouses.
S. F. No. 160 An net to provldo for a
re-survey of nny township or townships
In any county, upon approval of the
same by the voters of suoh township or
townships and to provide procedure,
S. F. No. 16-1 ReguHtlng the hours of
service for members of tiro departments
in cities having less than 40.00J and
more than 25,000 population. I
S. F. No. 167 An act to amend sec
tion 12031 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes
of Nebraska for 1911, and to repeal said
otiglnul spctlou.
S. F, No. 170 An act to amend section
10919 of Cobbey's Annntnted Statutes
for 1911, providing for tho appointment
of a precinct nssessor In counties with a
population of 150,000 or more, to repeal
said original section and declaring an
S. F. No. 174 An act to amend section
10i;02 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes
for 1911, relating to the glvlr. of trans
portation to shlppeis of live stock.
S. F. No. 187 Kstnbllshlng weights and
measures and making regulations there
for S. F. No. 188 To prohibit untrue, de
ceptive or misleading advertisements.
S. F. No. 2C0 An net to amend 9S52X1.
9S.12X4. 9S5JX5. 9S52XS of t'obbe's An
notated Statutes of Nebraska for 1911,
relating to paint
S. F. No. 236 Regulating the salaries
and duties of the county highway com
mission and amending section 13 of
ch.rpter 7S article 2 of tho Compiled Sta
tutes of Nebraska for 1911.
S. F. No. 245 Amends section 7701 of
Cohbej's Annotated Statutes for 1911 re
lating to bonds.
S. F. No. 235 An act to amend section
9976 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of
1911 regulating the examinations conduct
ed by the sccteturlcu of tho state board
of health.
S. F. No. 256 An act to waive, release
and abandon nil claims to ceitalu lauds
In tho state of Nebraska.
S. F. No. 200 Defining tho duties nnd
powers of the stato board of irrigation
nnd regulating appeals from their de
cisions. S. F. No. 264 An act authorizing the
Incorporating of ma.solcum associations,
to prcscrlbo their lights, powers and li
abilities. S. F. No. 271 An act empowering the
state board of Irrigation, highways and
drainage to advlso with the county
boards In tho preparation of plans, con
struction, repalis and supervision of
highways nnd bridges.
S. F. No. 273 An act to provide for the
Incorporation and the regulating of em
plovers liability Insurance asso
ciations. S. F. No. 276 To amend section 4754 of
Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of Nebras
ka for 1911 and to repeal said original
S. F. No. 291 To repeal section 9303 of
Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of Nebras
ka; relating to tho county treasurer's
settlement with tho county clerk.
S. F. No. 292 Repeals section 9036 of
Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911
which requires county trcasuicr to is
sue duplicate receipts.
S. F. No. 293 An act to amend section
7117 of Cobbov's Annotated Statutes of
Nebraska for 1911. regarding to the se
curing of tho payment of wages of me
chanics and employees performing labor.
S. F. No. 302 An net to establish a
day to bo known as Pioneer's Memorial
Dav for suitable recognition to tho de
parted pioneers of the state of Nebraska.
8. F. No. 306 Amending section 12016
of Cobhey's Annotated Statutes for 1911.
relating to prosecution of corporations
chaiged with unfair discrimination, and
repealing all acts or parts of acts in con
flict therewith.
S. F. No. 307 Authorizing the governor
to appoint a tax commission to servo
without pay and report to the next legis
lature. S. F. No. 309 Provides that when a
person Is released from tho penitentiary
ho shall bo given $10.00 In money, a
suit of clothes, and an overcoat If dis
charged between November 1st and
April 1st.
S. F. No. 310 An net making It unlaw
ful for any physician or surgeon who Is
called in consultation by another physi
cian or surgeon to divide fees or commis
sions. 8. F. No. 313 An act to provldo for
the building and maintaining of bridges
on public highways, across ditches and
new channel streams excavated by
dralnngo or irrigation districts.
8. F. No. 316 Amends section 7. chan
ter 14. article 6 of the Complied Statutes
of 1911. relating to village, and city bonds.
Passed with an emergency clause.
S. F. No. 323 An act to amend section
1099S of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for
tho year 1911, relating to tho assessment
and taxation of tho property of a car
company. f
8. F. No. 336 Regulating procedure in
probate court cases where there is real
estate belonging to an estate In this
stute and no county has acquired Juris
diction. S. F. No. 343 Defines tho duties of the
water commissioner In cities of ovor
5,000 and less than 2,500 population.
Passed with an emergency clause,
S. F. No, 352 Tho non-partisan Judi
ciary net. Providing that candidates for
Judicial offices shall havo their names
printed upon separate ballots without
any party designation: and prescribing
a method for securing nominations un
der tho terms of the act.
3. F. No. 364 An net to provide for the
organization nnd government of insur
ance companies and to regulate, super
vise and control the business of Insur
ance in Nebraska, nnd to provide pen
alties for the violation of this net.
S, F. No. 367 An net to amend section
24 4 of chapter 24 of the Criminal Code, of
the Compiled Stntutes of the Stato of
Nebraska for tho year 1911, and to re
peal said original section.
8. F. No. 387 An act to provide a re
tirement fund for publlo library em
ployes In metropolitan cities.
8. F. No. 389 An net requiring tho
submission of additional or alternative
articles or sections at city charter elec
tions hi cities of more than 6000. Knier
gency clause attached.
3. F. No. 390 To Incorporate nn asso
ciation to be called the "Fontenelln For
est Association" and to provide for the
object, control, powr3, government and
maintenance of said corporations.
8. F. No. 391 An act to piomote the
science of medlctno and surgery in the
state of Nebraska, to punish a violation
of the provisions of this net nnd to
repeal sections 30 31 32 33 of chapter
uo ;iiiicio i oi mo compiled statutes of
Nebraska for 1911.
3. F. No. 394 An net to amend section
6940 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes
for 1911, letatlni; to hours for female
S. F, No, 401 Authorizes tho board of
county commissioners In counties having
a population of 150,000 or more, to nc
qiilre land nnd orect poor houses, county
hospital, county workhouse and houss of
correction and Issue bonds to pay the ex
penso thereof.
S. F. No. 415 Regulating the holding
of elections, and the selection of an elec
tion board. In case of vucuncles.
8. F. No. 416 Regulating the proce
dure In the Issuance of bonds In irriga
tion districts.
8. F, No. 420 Allows the board of
health to establish rules and regulations
for notices etc.
8. F. No. 424 Granting power to the
state board of education to enter Into
contracts with any city or village for
the sale or lease of water, light or heat.
S. F. No. 432 To establish and pro
vide for dividing convicts in tho penltenr
tlary Into grades and classes.
S. F. No. 440 To amend section 42G2
of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of 1911
and providing that foreign corporations
doing busln-ss in this state shrll ap
point an agent on whom service of sum
mons may bo made, and declaring an
S. F. No. 444 Amends section 9460 of
Cobbcj s Annotated Stntutes of 1911 and
Increasing the salary of the county com
missioner In Douglas county from $2. loo
to $S S00 per annum and tho commission
er In Lancaster county from $1,800 to
$2,100 per annum.
S. F. No. 450 Providing nn excise
hoard for cities under the commission
form of government.
S. F. No. 451 Retntlng to the placing
out or gIMng the enre or custody of chil
dren bv persons, associations or courts
charged with tho euro of dependent chil
dren. S. F. No. 452 An act creating nnd pro
viding for the maintaining of n food
drug, dairy and oil commission for the
state of Nebraska nnd regulating the
manufacture and sale of drugs, food
products dairy products, petroleum pro
ducts, and oils.
S. F. No. 457 An art to amend section
10164 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of
Nebraska for the year 1911 and to re
peal said original section.
S. F. No. 486 Providing for the an
nual registration of dentists. .
H. R. No. 1 An act providing and In
corporating Into the laws of the stnte.
the code of ciimlual nnd civil procedure
as eodltled by Mm code commission, ami
passed with nn i merKnoy clause,
H. R. No. 3 Piovldlng for the estab
lishment nnd maintenance of county tele
phones H. R. No. 8 To provide for tho Inci
dental .expenses of the thirty-third ses
sion of the legist lture.
H. R. No. 0 An appropriation to pro
vide for tho pnvment of members, olllcers
and employees of the leglslattne
H. R. No. 11 Fixing tho compensation
of election otllceis at $.35 per hour.
H. R. No. 12 To dellno tho powers
duties and fees of county survovois and
piovldn for tho care and custody of their
records and prescribing u method of es
tablishing and restoring or obliter
ated corners.
H. R. No. 13 Providing methods by
which the rt'nto suieur may settle
boundary disputes.
H. R. No. 14 Amending sections 6055.
G0.16, 6057 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes
lor mil relating to roads, and to repeal
said original suctions us tho samo now
H. R. No. 15 Making It unlawful for
civil engineers, surveyois or others to
"locate,'1 "establish" or make imitation
corners purporting to tcprosent United
States govuinmout surveyors,
H. R. No. 17 Amends section 21S1 of
Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of 1911. de
fining a penalty for tho destruction of
property of u less value than $35.
H. R. No. 18 Authorizing Mie mayor
and city council or tho village tiustees of
cities of the second class, or villages,
to transfer funds from the general, fund
so that they will bo uvallablo for the
construction of sewers, etc.
H. R. No. 19 Amends section 108 of
tho criminal code, dcllues penalty for de
stroying property worth moro Minn $35.
H. R. No. 20 Permitting express nnd
railroad companies tu haul anil handle
freight, fieo or at leduced rates, for
state, county or city government, nnd
declaring an emergency.
H. R. No. 21 "Physical connection
bill." Requiring all telephone companies
to connect trunk or toll lines through
their switching stations nnd to glvo and
make terminal seivleo to all subscribers
from any point in tho state, regardless
of the ownership of tho lines.
H. R. No. 22 Fixing tho time, when the
term of otllco of village trustees shall
H. R. No. 27 Providing that all pub
lic roads shall havo a width of not less
than forty and not moro Minn sixty-six,
and that tho boundary lines shall be dis
tinctly maikcd.
H. R. No. 32 Appropriated $15,000
for the maintenance of the orthoopedlc
H. R. No. 34 Appropriates money be
longing to the stato normal school library
funds for tho imrchase of books and sup
plies for the normal school at Peru.
H. R. No, 36 Amending the primary
law In regard to the nomination of can
didates. Provides that where tho mimo
of the party is written in on a ballot mid
voted for, he shall bo notified bv tnnll
and unless he accepts such a nomlnntlon,
his name snail not be printed upon tho
H. R. No. 41 Authorizing county
boards In counties In which cities of the
first class, having a population of more
than 40,000 nnd less than 100,000 are lo
cated, to grade, pavo or otherwise Im
prove roads leading to such cities.
H. R. No. 42 Giving stallion owners a
lien upon the get of their animals and
the dams thereof, and providing for the,
enforcement of such liens Hiid the re
cording of same with the county clerk.
H. R. No. 44 An uct to amend sections
7701 and 7705 of Cobhoy's Annotated Stat
utes of Nebraska for 1911, relating to
municipal corporations, and to repeal said
sections uo amended,
H. R. No. 46 A Joint resolution sub
mitting a constitutional amendment pro
viding that in criminal cases less than
felonious and in civil cases, five-sixths
of a Jury may render verdict.
H. R. No. 47 An not to amend section
7524 and 7525 of Cobhoy's Annotated Stat
utes for Nebraska for the year 1911. ro
tating to municipal corporations, and to
repeal said section as amended.
H. R. No. 51 Making it a felony to In
troduce Into the. penitentiary or other
penal institution, cocaine, moiplilue,
opium or other such compound,
H. R. No. 63 Reapportions tho state
into Judicial districts' so as to take Drown
county out of the lGth Judicial district
and placo It in tho 15th Judicial distilct.
H. R. No. 56 Appropriating money be
longing to the statu normal llbraiy fund
for tho purchase of books and library
supplies for the library of tho state nor
mal school at Kearney.
H. R. No. 57 Requiring all light en
gines running upon railroads to bo man
ned with a crow consisting of onu en
gineer, one fireman and one conductor.
H. R. No. 65 Regulating tho expendi
ture of inheritance tax In tho construc
tion of publlo roads.
H. R. No. 68 Increasing the tax that
may bo devoted by any school district,
from twenty-five mills to thirty-five
mills, passed with an emergency clause.
H. R. No. 69 Relating to the voting of
bonds for county high schools, changing
the petition for tho same from twenty
live voters in each precinct to one-third
of Mm voters In each precinct.
H. R. No. 71 Requires the court upon
rendering Judgment against an Insurance
company to uuko icasonuble ullouanco
for attornev's fees
H. R. No, 76 Relating to void mar
riages and prohibiting the marriage of
whlto persons with those of negro. Jap
anese or Chinese blood
H. R. No. 83 Making thej stnte treas
urer the stute ugont, providing Mint
bonds heieaftcr Issued, shall be payable
at tne omie ot tno stuto ireasurei
H. R. No. 92 Providing for a constitu
tional amendment authorizing the levy
ing of an Income tax.
H. R. No. 9S An act making an appro
priation for the relief of John I. Kerne.
H. R. No. 104 Amends section Coi of
Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 191 1 re
lating to the appraisement of both per
sonal property and real estate in the pro
bata court.
H. R. No. 107 An act to amend section
1064S of the criminal codo of the I.evlsed
Statute of Nebraska for 1913, being sec
tion 2705 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes
for 1911. und to repeal said original sec
tion, and declaring an emergency.
H. R. No. 112 RelJtlns to surplus
county sinking fund.
H. R. No. 114 Appropriates for the use
of the state, university nlnoty-three per
cent of the annual mill levy, for main
tenance only. Kmergency.
H. R. No. 116 Requiring railroads to
equip ull switching stations with lights
at certain hours and to provide a penalty
for the violation of this act.
H. R. No. 122 Restraining the use of
oommon drinking cups and empowering
the stute board of health to regulate and
enforce this act
H. R. No, 124 IUptallns the statut
requiring the printing of abstracts on
appeals to tho supreme court
H, R, No. 125 Appropriating money be
longing to the stnte normal school li
brary fund, for the purchase of books and
llbiary supplies for the state normal
school at Wuyne.
H. R. No. 130 Providing for tho
teaching of Kuropcnn language In tho
public schools of tho stnte whan the
parents or guardians of not less than
fifty pupils above the fourth grade file
a petition for tho same, but providing
that this language shall not bo taught
for moro than five hours In any one
H. R, No. 135 Making nn appropriation
for tho relief of Ruby Carson,
H. R. No. 142 To amend sections 1, 4,
5. 7, 10 nnd II of chapter 24 of tho ses
sion laws of Nebraska for the ear 1911.
elating to the commission plan of city
H. R. No. 146 An net to nrovlde for tho
construction of a sanitary sewer nt the
Nebraska Institution for feeble minded
located at Ueiitrlee, and declaring an
H. R. No. 131 Relating to garnishment,
making It posslblo to garnish tho 10 per
cont of wages when the debt Is for neces
saries furnished the family.
H. R. No. 152 Regulating tho Incor
poration of cities of thu first class, having
u population of more than 40.000 nnd less
than 100,000 Inhabitants, passu! with
an oinetgonoy clause.
H. R. No. 154 Auth lrlzlng cltlos of tho
first class to purchase, construct, acquire
and maintain municipal light plants,
street railways und other public servlco
H. R. No. 155 An act ajthorlzlng the
construction of a permanent building on
the stute fair glouuds, and to uppropil
uto foi miuh purpose the sum of $100,000
H. R. No. 166 A Joint nnd eoncnirent
resolution ratifying the piuposed amend
ment to tho constitution, providing fur
tho election of I'nlted States sunn tots by
tho direct vote of tho people.
H. R. No. 168 Limits county attorney's
salaries in counties with less than 1.U00
population to $300, fornteily $400.
H. R. No. 169 An net making ni np
pioprlatlou for Mie relief of Mrs Ida
Aimstrong, the widow of Richard V.
Ai in." t long.
H. R. No. 171 An act providing for the
Inspection of nurwry stock, fruit, shade,
ornamental nnd ether trees and shiubs,
and to provide, a penalty for tho violation
of this act.
H. R. No. 172 To nrotoct tho general
publlo at railroad erosslngs and providing
that tho rutin a v commission may order
automatic gates in cities and villages
where moro than threo tracks cross u
public street.
H. R. No. 173 Relating to tho mode of
Inflicting the death penalty, inibutltullng
electrocution for hanging.
H, R. No. 174 Amends sections 10601
and 10t05 of Cobhoy's Annotated Statutes
of 1911 and compelling railroads to fur
nish adequate accommodations in tho
way of cabooses for shippers of llvo stock.
H. R. N.o. 177 An uct to regulate all
traveling or peimaucnt amusement com
panies In this state, and to provldo penal
ties for tho violation of this uct.
H. R. No. 178 Declares Irrigation works
to bo common carriers and nlaces lobula
tion of rates, service and general uffalis
of all Irrigation works, save those of Irri
gation districts, undor the direction ot
tho state runway commission,
H. R. No. 179 An uot to protect flsh In
streams, the water of which aru used
for Irrigation ditches.
H. R. No. 180 An act to amond aoctlon
492S of the Revised Statutes for Nebraska
for 1913, the same being section 7749 of
Cobhoy's Annotated Stututes for 1911.
' H. R. No. 187 An act to amend sec
tions 1. 10, 11, 12. 13 to 2.1 Inc.. 32. 34,
also 196, 265. 271. 295 of chapter 20 of the
Revised Statutes of 1913.
H. R. No. 189 An not to amend sec
tions 1G2 nnd 1CS of chapter 15 or the
Revised Statutes for 1913.
H. R. No. 197 Authorizing tho state to
condemn lands ncMled for the state Insti
tutions or for nny stato use and provid
ing a method of proeciluio.
H. R. No. 204 Regulating procedure of
towiiNhlp boards ami icquliiug the town
ship clerk to publish an itomlzed state
ment once a year,
H. R. No. 210 A tolnt resolution pro
posing amendments to the constitution;
fixing tho salary of tho governor at $5,000
per annum; the secretary of state, auditor
of public accounts, superintendent of
publlo. Instruction and commissioner of
public lands and buildings at $2,500, tho
attorney general at $4,000, and tlio stato
treasurer at $3,000, and the llteutenaut
governor at ono and one-half tho compen
sation of a senator. Said salaries to bo
come cfTectlvo January 1, 1917.
H. R. No. 214 Provides for the consol
idation nnd transcribing of dollniuoat
taxes for the county tioasurers
H. R. No. 220 Providing for the license
and regulation of pool and billiard nails
and bowling nlleys by county boards In
territory outside Incorporated cltten and
H. R. No. 221 Creates u board oH me
diation nnd Investigation ns a means of
nldlng In preventing, nnd the settlement
or strikes and lock-outs In liiUustrlul dis
putes. H. R. No. 222 Providing for artisan's
lien on personal property,
H. R. No. 223 An act allowing dealers
In soda water and other non-Intoxicating
drinks, milk and Its by-productn. to
ndopt a name or mark and prohibiting
competitors fiom Infringement there
on. H. R, No. 226 Knublea owners ot les
sees of small tracts of land to secure uc
cess to the same fiom tho publlo read by
condemnation proceedings and to provide
a method of procedme In such cases.
H. R. No. 234 Appropriating to tho
uso of the stato and brldgo fund, ninety
per cent of the lew of one-fifth of ono
mill, provided for In chapter HJ of the
laws of 1911.
H. R, No. 236 An act to abrogate the
rule of contributory negligence us now
existing in this state. ,
H. R. No. 237 Amends sections 4749
and 4760 and 4761 of Cobbey's Annotated
Statutes of 1911. allows district Judges to
sit nt chambers and make oideis, ate, on
giving te.n days notice to attorneys and
parties Interested,
H. R. No. 247 Kstabllshes tho state In
termediate refoimatory and appropriates
$150,000 for grounds and buildings for
same; stato board of control to purchase
site whrro nt least onu section of arable
land Is nvallahle or where a brick plant
nmv be maintained; buildings to accom
modate nt least 200 prisoners to bo erect
ed; 'us far as possible bv convict luboi ;
nny male person of from 10 to 30 years
old, when first convicted of a felnnv, may
bo sentenced to reformotorv Insead of to
penitentiary, boaid of contiol mav trans
fer other prisoners to Institutions or re
move, men so commiuen m me peniten
tiary, at their own discretion.
H. R. No. 249 An .ct to fix the sal
aries of the members of tho state prison
board nnd the stntp board of pardons,
nnd to repeal certain sections.
H. R. No. 252 For the rellof of Thom
as Doody
H. R. No. 262 Authorizing tho officers'
at nnniinl school meetings to determine
the length nf time, school shall lie taught
In Mm district, but providing that thu
term shall not be less than four months
H. R. No. 263 Regulating tho levying
of taxes for school purposes
H. R. No. 267 Providing for the use
of affidavits In perfecting titles to real
H. R. No. 273 Appropriates $10,000 for
permanent Improvements ut the Curtis
nirrlcultiirul school.
vi. R. No. 274 Appropriates $4 000 for
relief of Mih. Roy Ulunt. whose husband
wns killed during pursuit of escaped con
victs, and $3,500 for relief of Infant son;
first sum to bo paid Into her hands ut
once without consideration, second sum
to be -nnld to boy's guardian fur his sole
use, Kmergency.
H. R. No. 276 The fraternal beneficiary
referendum bill,
H. R. No. 278 An net relating to the
Clans and specifications of proposed
ridges, and to provide for tho settlement
of disputes in regnrd thereto and pro
viding for annual Inspection,
H, R. No, 200 An act to amend sec
tion B181 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes
for 1911. relating to the Incorporation of
villages, providing for the Incorporation
of the mine when containing 100 or more
Inhabitants, and U repeal said original
H. R. No, 281 Regulates tho sum of
return on tax distress warrants
H. R. No. 282 An act to empower and
authorise tho board of commissioners of
state ttutltutlms, at their option and dis
cretion, to construct, equip and operate ft
binding twine plant at tho Nobrasku sate
H. R. No. 238 An net to provldo for
systematic road dragging, appointing of
superintendents of dragging, defining
their duties, fixing their compensation)
and levying a tax thorafor,
H. R. No. 291 An act to amend seo
tlons S4I7, S422 and 8441 of Cobbey'H An
notated Statutos for 1911 relating to elec
tions, term nnd duties of tho board of ed
ucation, to repeal said original sections
and to declaro an emcrgoncy.
H. R. No. 299 Requiring county officers
to make a report of i fees on the first
Tuesday of January. A"prll. July and Oc
tober of each eur, to tho board of coun
ty commissioners
H. R. No. 306 Amending the law relat
ing to bonds of school districts und per
manent university, agricultural Collego
and normal school endowments. Provid
ing that Mm same may be sold ut not loss
than tho cost, to the state.
H. R. No. 321 Establishing a llvo stock
sanitary board.
H. R. No. 322 Authorizes tho appoint
ment of probation officers by any distilct
Judge, provides for u chief probation of
ficer in counties of 50.000 to 100 000 pop
ulation salaried at $1,200, In counties less
than 50,000 population, chief probation
officer shull receive $720 or less, as county
board shull determine, no probation of
llcer shall bo appointed In counties of less
than 20,000 population; prescribes In de
tail duties and rights of probation of
llce rs.
H. R. No. 3J3 rixlng the minimum
i a to of charge for a ten word telegraph
message, ut $.3f, for a message wholly
within tho stato of Nebraska.
H. R. No. 329 Relating to the Issuance
of school bonds and declaring nn emer
gency. H. R. No. 336-The Omaha gas bill:
allows people bv majority voto nt general
or special election to oxtend city gas
franchise twonty-tlvo years, with privi
lege of purchase by olty ut end of fifteen
yours, Kmergency.
H. R. No. 340 Provides for tho uniform
registration and cancellation of bonds of
all desci Iptlon.
H. R. No, 311 Appropriating money be
longing to tho stato normal bcIiooI li
brary fund, for the purchase of books
and supplies for the library of the stato
normal school at Chadrou.
H. R. No. 343 An act mnklng an ap
propriation of $4,200. or as much thereof
us may bo necessary, for current ex
penses and maintenance at tho school for
the deaf for the last quarter of tho blen
nlul ending March 31st, 1913, and declar
ing an emergency.
H. R. No. 345 Provides for threo
fourths of a milt levy for each year be
ginning with 1913 and ending I19IS, for tho
rnlveisltv of Nebraska', and providing
that In tho fall of 1911 tho question of
the locitlon of the university shall bo
submitted to u referendum voto of tho
H, R. No. 350 Croatos a board of agri
cultural statistics, (Transfers tho cre
ating of agricultural statistics from tho
labor commissioner, bv whom they havo
heretofore boon created, to tho secretary
of tho stato board of agilculturo.) Emer
gency clause attached.
H. R. No. 353 Appropriating $50,000
to cover dollcloncy In Mm penitentiary
fund and to maintain tho Institution un
til March 31st, 1913.
H. R. No. 362 An net to amend sec
tions S295. 8321 S329, SW. nnd S404. chap
ter 37, of Cobhoy's Annotated Stututes
for 1311, to repeil said original sections
und declaring an emergency.
H. R. No. 365 Appropriates $100,000, or
so much us may bo necessary, for tlio
buildings and Improvements for tho Ne
braska school for tho deaf at Omaha.
H. R. No. 377 Requires that all flour
bo stamped with name of manufacturer
and placo of mauufuclute; do Unas mis
statement of curatlvo value of any drug
or roou preparation as "inisuraiiuing" un
der the puro food law.
H. R. No. 380 Appropriating tho cash
funds nnd other recolpts from miscel
laneous souices. atlslng at the stnte nor
mal schools of Peru, Kearney, Wayne
and Chadron. to Mm current exponso
funds of each Institution,
H. R. No. 382 Fixing tlio snlarv of
court reporters, raising the amount there
of from $1,500 to $2,000,
H. R. No. 387 The stallion registration
H. R. No. 390 Appropriates $5,000 for
relief of Mary K. llollmuu und daughter,
whose husband and father was killed In
penitentiary outbreak. Umcrgniicy,
H. R. No. 391 To dollno Mm work of
tho Nebraska conservation nnd soli sur
vey, created. bv the regents of the univer
sity ami supported by stato funds,
H. R. No, 404 An act to appropriate
tlio sum of $75,000, or so much thereof ns
may bo necessary, for construction, ro
palrs and equipment nt tho Lincoln hos
pital ror tno insane.
H. R. No. 415 Creating the office of
hotel commissioner and defining his
duties. Regulating Mie powers, duties and
compensation of hotel commissioner and
providing for tho registration and licens
ing of hotels, restaurants and rooming
H. R. No. 418 Defining Mm duties, li
abilities and rights of keepers of hotels,
restaurants, apartment houses and loom
ing houses. -
H. R. No. 423 Appropriates $5,000 for
Investigation of the stntn's resources nnd
for giving publicity to same; under di
rection of a commission composed of tho
governor, tho chancellor of tho univer
sity. Mm director of tho conservation und
soil survey, tho secretary of tho stato
hoard nf agriculture und tho director of
the state rcfetenco bureau,
H. R, No, 429 Creating nnd providing
for Mm equipment and maintenance of u
bacteriological and pathological labora
tory. H, R. No. 423 Authorising tho purchaso
of additional lands for Mia state Industrial
school at Keainoy, and appropriating
$40,000 therefor.
H. R, No, 436 An act to compel rail
road companies of Nebraska to afford
and give to ull persons and usiucliitlons
reasonable and equal tonus, service, fa
cilltes and accommodations for tho trans
porntlon and terminal handling of mer
chandise products. commodities und
properties of ull kinds, und to declare an
H. R, No, 447 Relating to bank loans
and providing that banks shall not loan
to exceed ten times tho amount of their
cipldl and surplus, and declaring an
H. R. No. 459 -Appropriating tho sum
of $45 000 to build, complete nnd equip a
llre-nroof hospital building for thu Ne-
uranica orthopedic Hospital at Lincoln.
H. R. No. 460 lyoan shnrk bill; per
mits chattel loan agents to charge 12 per
cent a mouth. Instead of ten, hut only
on loins less than $250, and only when
Mmv are registered with tho secretary of
stato after paying a $100 annual license,
fee and agreeing to submit un Inspec
tion of books ut regular Intervals, A $1
fee for Inspection of surety also altowed,
H. R. No. 469 Amends section 6S56 of
Cobhoy's Annotated Statutes of 1911 re
lating to meetings of board of dlructurs
of Irrigation districts.
H, R, No. 486 An act to provide for tho
annual registration of dentists, to amend
HM-tlons UI4, il'ITi 'lOSH 11942 9943. 9946,
9M7, 9943. 9953X3 of Cobbey's Annotated
Statutes of Nebraska for 1911, and to
repeal said original sections and section
9945 of said Cobbey's Statutes.
H. R. No. 501 Provides for tho suls of
unclaimed or refused property for rail
road companies and tho disposition of the
proceeds thereof
H. R. No. 504 Raises maximum levies
In Omaha for fire purposes from $250,000
to $2SO.Oi)0. for police from $160,000 to
$190,000, for street cleaning from $60,000
to $70,000, reduces umxlmum levy for
lighting streets from $70 000 to $60,000;
provides that city shall repay any funds
advanced by any department at city
council's request. Kmergoney.
H. R. No, 517 Makes It compulsory
upon county board to call a meetlnr of
school directors to estubllsh a county
high school In any county which has no
twelfth grade school accredited to the
stato university, saia iiign scnooi 10 ue
located at Uio county seat.
H. R. No. 521 Provides that county
treasurer prior to eich annual town
meeting, shall nla statement of amount
of money sprnt In previous year ana
funds now on hand
H. R. No, 624 -Provides for tho employ
ment by- county bonrds of farm demon
strators to teach agriculture.
H. R. No. 638 An net to amend ac
tion 7159 of Cobbey's Annotatod Statu' "J
for Nebraskfor the year 1911. and to re
peal said original section.
H. R. No. 648 Allows cities of 3 000 to
MOO to uso proceeds of sale of emo
tory lots for Improvement of grounds.
H. R. No.554 Relating to banks and
fixing the percentage to be retained as a
rescrvo fund,
H. R. No. 556 Repeals sections 10094
and 10095 of Cobbey's Annotated Stat
utes of 1911, which has heretofore re
quired counties to pay for Inmates of
stato hospitals,
H. R. No, 863 An act apnroprlatlng
$92 to relmhurso Ous Ilyors for attorney a
foes and expenses Incurred by hlm in e in
ducting his defense In tho chargo of man
slaughter on account of tho death of Roy
H. R. No. 665 An act to provldo for tha
construction and furnishing of one now
building for tho Norfolk asylum una
for tho construction and laying of a silo
track nt said hospital, and appropriat
ing $62,000 or so much thereof as may bo
necessary, to do sald'worlt.
H. R. No. 613 An net to amend section
10367 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for
1011, permitting tho sale of school lands
to school districts and churches and
cemetery associations for schools,
churches nnd cemeteries.
H. R, No. 615 Appropriates $1,500 for
tho relief of Mrs. Anna Nichols, whoso
sou died during u national guard en
oanipmcnt. H. R, No. 622 Amending section 11540
of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes relating
to limit of tuxes for school purposes.
H. R. No. 626 Kstnbllshlng a wngo
commission with authority to Investigate
tho vvngos paid to female employes ana
publish findings.
H. R. No. 637 Providing for an annual
levy of .35 of one mill for tho support ot
noi mat schools,
H, R. No. 645 An net to amend section
26, chapter 9IA of tho Compiled Statutes
of Nebraska for 1911, being section 3777
of tho report of tho commission for re
vision or general laws ot .-NoiirasK.i. tor
1913, nnd to repeal said original section
as It now exists.
H. R. No. 648 Appropriates $2,500 to
maintain u night school ut tho stato peni
tentiary. . H. R, No. 651 Provides that part of tho
oatnlngs pf convicts shall be erodltod to
tholr account nnd whoro members of tlio
family uro dependent on them for support
earnings shall bA paid to said dependents.
If there uro no dependents. It shall bo
placed to tholr account and paid ovor
when they nro discharged.
H, R. No, 684 A concurrent resolu
tion ntithoilzlng tho governor to appoint
Mireo commissioners to act In conjunc
tion with a like commission from tin
stnte of Iowa, to sottlo tho boundary
lino botwoeti tho counties of Douglas and.
Sarpy In Nebraska und Pottawattamie In
H. R. No. 690 Appropriates $25,000 for
the construction of u building at tho sol
diers' homo ut Mltford for hospital pur.
H. R. No. 691 A Joint resolution au
thorizing tho governor to appoint a com
mittee of threo to Investigate the feasi
bility of forostatlou of school lauds in
Mm sand hill region,
H, R, No. 721 Authorizes counties nnd
cities to Jointly construct Jails In county
seat towns.
H. R. No. 726 To establish a memorUI
nrmory nt Nebraska City and to provldo
for tho payment of the construction
H. R. No. 742 An act to provide for the
carrying Into uffoct tho Initiative and ref
erendum. H. R. No. 748 Defining the method by
which tho mvyor and city council In
cltlos of tho ilrst class may Issuo bonds
for Mm construction of seworago sys
tems, ate, and declaring nn emorgoncy.
H. R. No. 761 Authorizing und regulat
ing Mm uso of seepage waters In curtain
cases iieforo leaching, Mm natural stream
and declaring nn omurgoncy.
H. R. No. 752 Requires corporations
to file annual leport.s with tho secrutar7
of stato nnd to pay annual fees.
H. R. No. 818 Roqulres employers d.
female labor In stoics, offices mid factor
ies to provldo seats on which thuy may
H. R. No. 845 An not to appropriate
tho sum of $5,000 for the purposo of build
ing a hatching Iiousq and aquarium at
Mm South lloud fish hatchorloa,
H. R. No. 872 The gonoral salaries
bill. Hmorgonqy.
H. R. No, 873 Tho goneral cVans bill,
for 1011-1913. $50,000 of said appropria
tion of which was for advertising of pro
posed constitutional amendments. ICiucr
gency. H. R. No. 874 Qcnoral maintenance,
bill, Provides money for the mainten
ance of Mm various state Institutions for
Mm next biennial.
H. R. No. 875 Provides for tho editing,
annotating and indexing of the NolirnH-i
ka stututes und the taking of tho copy
right In tha iinmo of Mm stuto.
H. R. No. 876 Appropriating the sum
of $40,000 for tho erection and futnlshlng
of an Infirmary building at tho hospital
for tuberculosis patloiiln located at
H. R. No. 877 An act to approprlito
$50,000 for a now building for the girls'
Industrial school at Geneva, k
H, R. No. 883 Tho genoral dollcloncy
bill. Emergency.
H. R. No. 884 ProvMos for Incorpora
tion of Arthur county out of McPherson
county. Kmergency.
H. R. No. 887 App.oprlatlng $100.-00
for tho relief of tlio tornado sufferers
H. R. No. 888 Appropriates $60,000 for
buildings and repairs at tho ponltentl try.
H. R, No. 889 Authorizes county Intrds
to Issue bonds to assist tornado sufTorer;
(designed to permit Douglas county
issue one million dollurs In bonds). I'.o
un emergency clause.
The following House Rolls nnd Senate
Files wcro passed by both brunches ot
the legislature and vetoed by Governor
Morehead. No bills woro passed over Mia
governor's voto.
H. R. No. 69 Kstabllshlng a classified
civil sorvlco for tlio stuto Institutions,
providing that tho board of commissioners
of stuto institutions shall administer tho
name, and conduct examinations for posi
tions; providing for promotions nnd io
movuls. Repealing ull acts und parts of
acts in conflict with this uct.
8. F. No. 132 An act to prevent tha
procreation of certain etusses of crim
inals and feeble-minded and other defec
tives. Providing for tho nppolntmont of
a board of examiners, and for the keep
ing of it record of tlio proceedings of such
board and declaring Illegal nil operations
to pi event procreation except no author
ized by tills act; declaring illegal nperi
tlons a felony and fixing a penalty there
for. H. R. No. 138 An act to amend sec
tion 2293 of Mie Revised Statutes of Ne-,
brnsku for 1913. being section 9441 of
Cobbey'H Annotated Statutes of 1911. Re
lating to fees for county Judges,
H. R. No. 229 An act making an ap
propriation to pay tho cost of sjrv eying
and marking the overland Immigrant
trails in the stato of Nebraska.
H. R. No. 308 An act to appropriate
$50,000, or as much thereof as may lm
necessary, for tho erection nnd equip
ment of a detnehed building to bo us d
ns a tubercular hospital nt Mm stats
asylum for the Insane nt Hastings
8. F, No. 430 An act nmending section
C75 of (ho code of civil procedure and re
pealing said net as the sme now exists.
Providing that the original offi -Is.! rec
ords be withdrawn from the Custody of
Mm clerk of tho district court.
H. R. No. 660 An act to provide for
building und maintaining a fish hatclierr
on the south branch of Verdlgre creok.
In Antelope county, on condition ttm .
site for sucli hatchery be. donated to the
stuti. and appropriating $S.0OO for tha
building nnd maintaining of such, hat cil
ery. H. h. no, dm ino general claims Dili.
was approved except as to the following
Item, which was disapproved:
XV. M. Thomas $6S1 $
H. R. No. 874 The general mxlnten-
nnce bill was approved .xoept ns to the
following Rem. which was disapproved.
For dslry building and nxtensl vrv of
heating plant and an rib.
sorvatory and emioment at the univer
sity state farm, $115,003."