POULTRY SHEEP ARE EXCELLENT WEED ERADICATORS hE&DOWBROOK rfils- FARM Jimm&ur v J UNBMABLf CURE FOR BR00DINESS Qtoi jK 1 n " 'i I 10' V i t DuckB aro profitable. Provide poles for beans. . Take good care of the colts. Plant corn after sugar beeta. Careful feeding prevents scours. The season for grape pruning Is past. Don't sow untested seed of any kind. Sow peas early, then plant for suc cession. Grass will soon show in tho color of the butter. Concrete makes a good foundation and barn wall. Initiate the butter-fat test and recall tho boarder cow. - Many an animal with a pedigree 1b not a profit producer. Fnrmlng problems demand good Judgment and keen thinking. The silo has come to stay as a per manent form of farm equipment. Darns and silos savo feed enough in a short time to pay for themselves. , The dairy farm that Is carefully managed improves from year to year. A brush to wash dairy utensils is more sanitary than the time-honored rag: A solid concrete base for tho sepa rator will lengthen the life of the machine. Silage is the cheapest dairy feed there Is and in many respects it is the best. The man who breeds the best stock is almost Invariably the leader in his community. The mating of ewes and rams takes place from tho last, of March to the middle of June. For bloat in sheep give one dram hyposulphite of soda and three drams of spirits of ammonia.. Chicks must be well fed to grow; the feeding pen saves tho feed and protects the little chicks. When vegetables are grown to sell, the eye must be consulted as well as the palate. "The looks of things" count, . It's fun to watch the thrifty early spring pigs tumbling over one another trying to see which will get to the trough first. To rid the premises of rats, fill tho holes with tin scraps from the tinners or with broken glass and plaster over with cement. There is nothing that adds the np pearanco of prosperity to tho farm stead more readily than good paint on buildings and fences. There Is nothing like spring sun shine for the cows. Their quarters may be ever so comfortable but the sunshine does them good. Did you forget to trim the trees? Say, go out in the orchard and do a little trimming soma day and give the team a little oxtra rest at noon. A few hours of work "grounding" tho wlreB of the fence about the pas ture may savo the best cows In the herd from destruction by lightning. It is Just as necessary to plow 'or otherwise cultivate tho peach orchard, when It bears not a peach, as It is when tho trees are to be loaded with fruit A Colorado fruit grower has pat ented electric massage for fruit trees. The object 1b to enable fruit trees to resist frost when they are budding and blossoming, A mixture of salt, ashes and Bait peter raked into the soil when pre paring the onion bed, stimulates tho growth of tho onions and tends to banish the onion maggot. Work a little slacked lime Into the Foil whero your cabbages are to be grown to prevent club-root. A garden well fertilized better resists th at tacks of pests than one meagerly fed. In starting a new hedge begin It aB soon as the ground Is workable from receding frost. It pays to dig out the soil and enrich it ns for making a garden bed or border. The digging should be to the depth of two feet. Trim tho colt's feec Spraying Is insurance. Use care In setting plants, "Spray the orchard thoroughly. Alfalfa makes a fair grado.ot sllago. Tho gardener is no better than hlo tools. Overworking will mako butter look like lard. Test all vegetable seeds aB soon as they aro received. Has the seed corn 90 per cent, or better germination? Tho best time to apply ground llme stono Is after plowing. It always takeR pounds of feed to mako pounds of butter-fat. A weed Is a plant out of place. Too thick sowing makes weeds. Deans are good for sheep, the long vino varieties being preferred. Better a nose ring for tho young bull than an accident afterward. The digestive powers of the hog aro the feeder's foundation of success. It is bad policy to sell a cow just because she will bring a good price. The silo Is a land-mark that points you to the best farms in tho commu nity. On many farms tho garden is tho most neglected spot. It ought not so to bo. Don't skimp the garden. A good garden is money out at interest. "Oct a plenty." It's a poor policy to Jerk tho horso and then speak the command to it afterward. ' The dairyman with a bunch of shoats this spring has a good market for his sklmmllk. Work In the potato patch may be gin tie soon as planting is finished. Use the harrow first. Go over tho tools, put them In re pair, and order any news ones needed for the summer's work. If tho cows or calves get lousy, try an application of strong brino thick ened with strong soap. Sweep up every particle of sllago In the chute and alleyway and give It to the cows at every feeding. The good dairy cow not only pays for her own feed, but she pays for food for the whole family as well. Putting some lime In the wash wa ter occasionally will keep the churn from taking on that offensive smell. New potatoes very early In tho sum mer are Just as appetizing and pala table for farm folks as anybody else. One still finds people who do not think a garden pays. Such people patronize tho storekeeper and the druggist. Keep your hogs clean, feed them on pifre nnd wholesome food, and you will not be very likely to have any dis ease among them. Did you go after the borers In the peach tree roots last spring? Well you certainly will get busy with the knife and wire now. Slobbering in horses Is supposed to be caused by eating white clover blossoms. A little experimenting is needed to make sure. Disk the fall plowed land beforo the corn 1b planted. Kill the weeds so' the corn will havo at least an equal chance with them. Heifers should not be bred too young. Give them a chance to got some size beforo you tax their vitality by tho process of reproduction. It Is the clean wool that brings the best prices. There Is nothing to be gained by handling anything but first class wool. If dirty, It pays to clean It, The creamery Is tho greatest nu cleus about which to build a prosper ous community. It always makes It possible to establish business on a cash basin. The corn belt has Its champions, and so, too, have the cotton and the wheat beltB, but tho leather belt is universally popular In the good old summer time. The best time to destroy the weeds and grass Is when they are small. They are easier to kill at that time, and have not taken eo much moisture and plant food from the soil. Every man who makes a profit on his place should plan to use somo of that money In mnklng tho home more convenient and attractive each sea son. This Is the only real progress. Abundance of succulent feeds con taining the proper materials In right proportion for producing milk, plenty of mild water, somo salt, mild tem perature, and comfortable surround ings generally are tho conditions for making a dairy cow do her best. Western There aro many reasons why farm ers should keep more Bheep, writes Prof. Thomas Shaw In The Home Btead. Tho relatively small number that 1b kept on tho average farm 1b one of the remarkable things about tho live stock industry In tho United States. The totals of this class of atock are not much more than they wero 50 years ago. This Is all tho more remarkable In view of tho tre mendous expansion that has been go ing on in almost every lino of agri culture. Sheep should bo kopt on the average farm to aid lu keeping down weed life. When weeds aro young and sappy the sheep are In a sense Insati able devourers of the same. There are but few kinds of weeds that they will not trim down and consumo nnd turn Into good mutton if they havo access to tho same at a comparatively early stage In tho growth of the weeds. When other pusturo is not overabundant this cropping down of weeds will bo more comploto than under other conditions. They .will even keep down, at least in a consid erable degreo, tho growth of' Canada thistles when thus managed. They ire equally ravenous also for the seeds of tho weeds. When theso have been formed nnd even when maturo, and when weed seeds havo been de voured by them, they are so finely ground that they do not grow again when dropped upon tho ground. 1 havo watched sheep when first turned Into a grain pasture to see what was their llrst choice. When such weeds as lambsqunrter wero present and julte young nnd succulent, they would take theso first In preference to the grain. They should be kept to consume tho waste products. On every farm these abound more or less. They abound not only in the form of weeds, but in tho form of grasses of various kinds. These nre found numerously In the INJURY DONE IN REMOVING WEEDS Most Beneficial Method Is to Burn Them Where They Are and Scatter Ashes. The usual thing Is when tho weeds have been loosened to remove them bodily. Now, In doing this It is al most Impossible to avoid removing a part of tho upper surfaco of the gar den. It may be only an Inch or two, but that inch is Just tho best of the ground. This is tho height of folly. One reads of the thrifty French gardeners removing so many Inches of their soil when they have to quit out. There 1b an ngreement to that effect. The soil that they have im proved with years of labor and care Is a "tenant's fixture," so to speak, and they take It with them. What goes on In too maYiy of our gardens Is Ju3t the reverse. Instead of going away and bringing tho soil with us that Is the wealth of our gardens we stay and the soil goes, thrown out on the rubbish heap to form part Df an eyesore nnd nuisance to the rest of the establishment. Theso things should not be so. In the Utopia of well-managed farms and gardens, of which wo now and then have an inkling, there will be no rubbish at all, for what Is rubbish? Burning is wasteful when It Is weeds not yet gone to seed that are oonsumed. It is another matter in dealtng with such things a-- old stumps, roots and bad weeds that preservo their vitality over the win ter. For them there must be the cleansing fires. But why make them away to a rubbish hoap? Why not rather bum them whore they lie, at once and scatter the ashes there This plan acts beneficially In more ways than ono. It saves two cartings and it Is always easier to do a Job Df this sort at once. Beside, rubbish, even If left for but a fow weeks, will be found to have afforded free quar ters to an appalling, If Interesting ex tent, to slugs and other garden pouts These rubbish heaps! What trou blesome, unlovely things they are At a certain old homestead that I have In my mind's eye, the practice Is In full swing. All nshos and con ditions of things find their way, not alone from the garden, but from the dwelling, to a hollow JUBt out of sight of tho house and garden. Here are 'pegged out" any amount of extraor dinary things broken pottery, papers, Bardlno tins, tin mgat cans, probably In their virgin state, and old hats, and there they lie until someone finds time to sot flro to the heap, a blot of unslghtllnoss amid so much natural :harm. Sheep Ranch. grain fields after the grain has been reaped. They aro found In tho high ways, beside tho farms, and they aro found along fence borders whatsoever may bo tho build of theso. Tho sheep that are given accoss to thoso will virtually cloan up everything and In good form. The food thus eaten would otherwise be wasted, at leant It would In largo measure. They should be kept to Bupply moat for the household. Tho farmer Is, much prone to confine his meat (Hot to salt pork, and largely for tho rea son that In this form meat Is most easily kopt. Whero sheep arc kept upon the farm tho farmer may havo fresh meat and of a delicious char acter by killing and dressing occa sionally a mutton from his Hock. With a good place to keep such meat, as an apartment In nn Ico house, he may enjoy such meat In warm wcuther. But even In tho absence ol such a place ho may partake of bucIi food during much of tho year that 1b, during nil portions of tllo samo when the weather Is cool enough to enable him to keep such meat In a good condition. In this way much of 'the meat may bo grown to meet the needs of the farm from products that would otherwise bo wasted. Sheep ought to bo kopt becauso of the Influence which they oxort upon fertility. No class of animals kopt upon tho farm will equal thom In tho favorable Influences thus exerted. This arises first, from tho readily avnllablo condition In which tho drop pings reach tho soil; Becond, from tho 'scattered condition In which they roach tho land, nnd, third, from tho general distribution of tho dropping over the land. In this way sheop leave the hind richer 4n nvallablo fer tility when they graze upon It than It was when tho grazing began. Thus It Is that tho proverb has arisen thnt tho sheep baa a golden hoof. And It is founded on tho truth. BIRDS EXCEL AS WEED DESTROYERS Some Songsters Depend Almost Exclusively on Weed Seeds Crow Kills Mice. Weeds, as well as Insects, are ene mies of the farmer. MoBt woods aro short-lived nnd depend for tholr con tinuance on a prolific seed production. There Is a class of birds that. In maturity, feeds almost exclusively on weed seeds, among which tho gros beaks, goldfinches, native sparrows, quail and doveB nro the- more Im portant. Probably tho greediest seed eating birds, according to Mr. Prutt, are the native American tree sparrow and tho chipping sparrow. Their cousins, tho English sparrows, how ever, can by no means bo Included In tho Hat. Rats, mice and snakes nro tho nrnv of a numerous clasa of blrdB, many of which nre often hunted and branded as great destroyors of proporty. If It were not for owls and hawks tho country would be overrun with ro dents, according to Mr. Pratt. Tho crow hnB his place for good as a de stroyer of flold mice and tho farm owl Is the night watchman who hunts gophers, mice and enakes. Not all hawks aro useful. Those that circle around In tho sky and swoop down with stealthy movement on their prey nro greut boons, but the darter, thoso thut take their prey on tho wing, are ruthless destroyers. Early Spring Pigs. After being weaned, early spring pigB may bo run on alfalfa, rape, clover or grain pastures with a sup plemental feed of grain until some crop Is ready to hog off. During the summer, mature cronB of barlov. 1 wheat and pens, with nlfalfa or rape i pasture, will carry thom until tho j main crops are harvested, i They then glean tho stubble fields J and feed on standing corn In tho field, roots, pumpkins, etc., until late in the fall. Thoy may be sold direct ly from the cornfield or may bo fed for a few weeks before being mar keted. Feed for Dairy Cow. Dairy farmers aro seeking a more economical and dependable source of feed for their cowh, and gradually ex perience Is directing them to n moro liberal production of sllago and af falfa buy. ' Plant In Spring. Peaches, plums, chortles and all stono fruits are to bo planted In spring. Two Methods Given for Breaking Up Setting Hens. Strenuous Measures Must Be Adopted to Dissuade Fowl From Her Pur pose Leghorns Are Most Popular for Eggs. (By rROF. JOHN WILLARD UOLTE.) Contrary to general Impression, brobdlnesB In hens Is not a fuvor and wo havo no ovldenco to show that It Is contnglouB. Tho ailment, if wo may term it thus, appears without warn ing. Tho fowl may havo been lnylng steadily and acting in n perfectly nor mal fashion, when suddenly sho be comes Imbued with a great distaste for nctlvo pursuits. Sho betrays a very crabbed disposition, rushing at her erstwhllo friends and pecking thom viciously whenever they ap proach hor. Her plumage sticks out at right anglcB, making her appear about twlco na large ns usunl. With head drawn deep Into hor hncklo feathers ,nnd wlngB and body taking up as much opaco ns possible, sho mounts guard over hor chosen nost nnd defies all comers. ' Tho hen becomes broody because naturo prompts her with a sudden do slro for a brood of chicks. Sho prob ably docs not know why sho doeB It, ns sho will talto to potatoes or door knobs as kindly us to eggs, but sho Excellent Egg Type. BctB when tho tlmo comes Just tho same, and sho will keep on setting until you break' her up or let her hatch out a brood of chicks. This pertlnuclty would not bo so important If It wero not for .tho fact that Bho quits laying nnd stays quit. Sho haB decided upon a vacation and sho refuses to work during this period. Tho loss of a couple of montliB of a lion's tlmo is not to bo thought ol at any period, and especially during tho spring, which 1b tho natural time for sotting and heaviest egg produc tion as well. If wo do not wish to set tho hen on oggs wo will' havo to adopt strenuous means to dissuade her from hor pur poso and start her to laying again. There aro a number of successful ways of doing this, and conditions will inuicnto mo most ravoranio. ine mam thing Is to act promptly and bo thor ough. Remove the broody hens from the nests each night, as thoy nro most easily detected then. Thoy stick to tho nest Instead of going to roost. Dust them thoroughly with insect pow der and confine them in nn open slnt crato or cago in n cool, light location. Keep wntcr before thom and give nothing to cat except a little wholo wheat and green stuff once a dny. This will not hurt tho hen and about three days of this "water cure" will con vince her of tho error of her ways. Another good wny is to havo a sop rato pen with absplutoly bare floor and wnllB, and no possible plnco to nest, nnd placo all of the broody hens In It, In tho company of two or tbreo vigorous male birds. This scheme Is frequently used on lurgo poultry farms. Tho heavier breeds are especially addicted to broodlncss, tho Asiatics being tho worBt' offenders and the Plymouth Rocks nnd R, I. Reds lend ing In tho American class. Leghorns nnd Mlnorcas and HamburgB set so Lrarely that they cannot bo dependod on to raise their young, For this rea son the Leghorns nro tho most popu lar breed for largo egg farms, as they wnsto no tlmo sotting and tho young aro easily rulsed artificially. Most Fertile Eggt. Tho eggs from mature hens will hatch bettor and produce stronger chicks than tho eggs of pullets. Thoy are usually larger, too. Discarding Setting Hen. Tho old setting hon Is grudunlly go ing out of business, with several hun dred manufacturers of Incubators and brooders as competitors. Don't Change Its Mind. When once sot, tho Incubator does not huvo the privilege of changing Uh mind as does old Biddy. 4 1 vHhul. jRBCuVE?vL! Most men would Ktmlly tako hln placo And shoulder nil hln obligations, Though there nre linos upon bis fuco And ho has fow nnd brief vacations; Mont men would Kindly, If thoy might. Bo whero ho Is lyrt havo tils monoy; But nntliliiK nils liSii with daltght, To liltn there'B nothing that Is tunny. Ills look Is solemn, In his eyes Thoro never lurks a merry twlnklo; Among his lines of enro there lies Not' oven one mlrth-glvon wrinkle; With sober looks ho goes his way, My ono grim purposo nntmutcd Prom him, hunt-featured, bont und Km, No Jest hns over emanated. Vet there nro men who watch htm past. I'ermlttlntr onvy to possess thum Men who nre hated by no clua.s, And who huvc fow Ills to distress thorn Men who sometimes fori; at a while Thnt only money1 Is worth Kettln, Who wntch the nl&iblo clown, nnd smile. Too gliul 40 wnsto tho moment fruiting. His wcnlth Is great, hln station high, Hut, by one purpose driven dully, He hits no tlmo to over try To let his solemn tones ring: Rnyly; Tut there nro men who envy him Who, oven while ho piles up monoy, Remains lmrd-fenturod nnd as grim As death and just about an tunny. Consulting His Taste. "Mary," onld Mrs. Wllllklns, "did tho lamb chops and tho beefsteak I ordered for breakfast coma all right?" "Yes, ma'am," thoglrl replied. "XTd lid tHo boy fill that ord'or for sausage' that I gavo yesterday?" "Yes, ma'nm." "Wo havo ham nnd eggs In tho house, too, haven't wo?" "Yes, ma'am." "And bacon?" "Yes, ma'am." "Lot mo boo. Yes, Mr. Wllllklna will sigh for a good old-fashioned moss of mackerel tomorrow morning. That's the only thing I couldn't think of." Clear Case. "So," tho lawyer, snld, "you wish to break your father's will? What'B tlm matter with it?" "Well, ho left nearly half of hia for. tuno to colloges nnd charitable Insti tutions." "H'm. Did ho over show any ovl denco of being weak-minded?" "Ho was accopted ns a juror n a. murder trial onco." "Oh, thls'll bo dead oasy!" Willing to Try. "Tho mnn who marries my daugh ter," said tho old gentleman, "must demonstrate boforo ho rocolvoB my consent that he can earn his own liv ing." "All right," tho boy replied, "JUBt make mo vice-president of your com pany for a llttlo whllo, aud I'll show you." His Elegant Language. "How careful that Mr. Pllmley Iff about his language. Ho seems to bo so anxious always for fear ho may not use the right word or glvo his a'a and r's tho proper sound." "Yes, ho is vory fastidious In that wny, He oven pronouncos it 'catapll low.' " His Experience. "Havo you evor played football V she asked. "No," ho replied, "but when I -wan n cowboy I was onco run over by a hord of stampeded stoors." Odds Against Him. Tho bravest man may be tho ono Who Is always telling what ' Blood-curdling wonders ho has done, But tho chances aro bo's not. The Way Up. Llfo's path has many a hidden pit And many Bteps and bowlders, And thoy fall hardest thoro who sit On other peoplo'B shoulders. Pa'a Idea of It. "Pa. whafu 'a barren Ideality?'" "A drink of wator tho next morning after a follow lma been at a stae dinner."