The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 09, 1913, Image 1

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    uuwiwi etuiV
ttttt'lSleellg fftrifnmf
No. 30
M!" V-f '
Notes From the City
Council Chamber.
The oity council at its meeting Tues
day ovonfng took favorable action on
tho admission of the Dolson addition
and the Bellvoua addition to the city.
Both tho additions arc locatod north of
tho track in tho vicinity of tho now
round house.
Plumbers' licensos wero granted to
R. F. Stuart, Ashley Peters, Palmer &
Lintz, 0. H. Boylo and Frank Ilibner.
Licensed plumbers complained that they
did not,uhdor thooxisthig ordinnnco, ro
ceivo propor protection from unlicensed
workmen engagod in that work.
To remedy this the water commissioner
and tho plumbers wero instructed to
confer and draft an ordinance that will
afford protection to those to whom
licenses aro issued.
It was the senso of the council that
when houses aro fumigated following
cases of contagious diseases the occupnnt
should pay tho cost of which work, un
less financially unable so to do. Here
after tho City AttorneyGibbs will look
afte'r the collection of BUch bills.
Certificates of service wero granted
to sovcral mombers of tho fire depart
ment who had several, fivo years,
Monthly reports of tho clerk, treas
urer and police judgo wore submittod,
also tho report of the water commis
sioner for tho year ending April 1, 1913.
A number of young ladies have writ
ten to me asking for a place to stay
during tho Junior Normal whero thoy
can work for their board and room.
Those are worthy young people and we
desiro to place as many as possible. If
you can take ono of these young ladies
during Juno and July and give her board
and room or allow her part pay on either,
it will be appreciated and will help her
get the woik of the Junior Normal.
Cleo Chappell, County Supt.
John Fowler has purchased a Buick
16, four passenger car.
Mrs. Christina Kildare, of Pax ton, is
spending this week with friends in town.
Mrs. Innman left yesterday morning
for the eastern part of this state to
visit relatives.
Sport Langford, of Scqtts Bluff, has
just purchased a Buick 21 roadster of
the J. S. Davis Auto Co.
Mrs. T. D. Buchanan, of Omaha, who
visited Mrs. Frank Laughhn this week,
left Wednesday evening.
Dr. Brown, of Scottsbluff, has pur
chased a Buick 24 roadster of the J . S.
Davis Auto Co.
Miss, Vera Scharmqii will eatfh Mon
day for Oakland, Cal., to spend two
months with Miss Hazel Henderson.
Jamos White, of Hershoy, has just
purchased a gray Buick 31 touring car
of the J. S. Davis Auto Co. Mr. White
has beon driving a Buick car for two
Dolson's Addition will will be placed
on the market this week. Watch for
the opening. Twelve lots spoken for
Local and Personal
Rev. Gloason, of Broken Bow, visited
Rot. McDaid this week.
Miss Anna O'Haro transacted busi
ness in Sutherland Wednesday.
Mrs. Thomas Long returned yesterday
from a visit in Florence, Colo.
D. W. Baker went to i Gothenburg
yesterday to visit his daughter.
W. J. O'Connor returnod Wednesday
from a business visit in Grand Island.
H. T. Roasch, of Farnam, came Wed
nesday to visit his neice Mrs. Arthur
For Sale 32 foot stool tower wind
mill, force pump, 200 feet of pipe. II
A. Lawhead, 408 West 11th St. 29-2
. C. A. Howe, formerly of this city, is
seriously ill at York with cancer of the
Will Turpio returned Wednesday
from Colorado where ho spent ten days
on business.
Miss Pearl Howlnnd who had been
teaching in'Paxton oame Wednesday to
visit hor aunt, Mrs. Albert Schatz.
A game of base ball betweon the high
school nin6 and tho Cozad team will bo
played on the local grounds this after
noon. Take a look at our south window and
como in and ask us how wo do it.
Clinton, The Jowelor.
A marriage license was granted Wed
nesday afternoon to Nels Hanson, of
Denmark', Nebr., and Miss Anna C.
Jorgonsen of this city.
Miss Lillian Sicks, of Kansas City,
came Wednesday afternoon to spend
several weeks with her grand aunt,
Mrs. Hattio Farrington.
Mrs. Horace Barraclough and chil
dren who spont a month with her
mother Mrs. N. H. Sludor, left for her
home in Noedles, Cal., yesterday.
Tho .7. S. Davis Auto Co. has just re
ceived two carloads of new Buicks nnd
another carload was shipped from the
factory May 5th.
Messrs. P. H. Sullivan, Con. Walker,
James Rannie and T. M. Cohagen will
go to Hastings tho first of next week
as delegates to the A. O. U. W. conven
tion. Supt. Wilson Tout and daughter left
this morning. Tho former will attend
the convention of state superintendents
at Lincoln and the latter will visit hor
'grand parents at York.
Alfalfa, Cane, and Millet seeds at
Horshey's 5th and Locust, phone 15.
At a-meeting-of the local school board
the first of this week an additional de
partment was added to the high school.
Included in this will be natural science
department, botony, zoology, physicial
geography anu physiology.
The Star bottling works expect a
carload of bottles in a few days to sup
ply the demand of the trade and to re
place thoso broken or lost last season.
It requires about 100,000 bottles and
5,000 shipping cases to carry on the
Star business during tho height of the
A Word To The Public.
It is with a viow of 'duty to our pat
rons, pride m our achievements, and
justice to the cause, that wo announce to
tho public, the refitting nnd remodeling
of our storo. Wo are now oquippod,
with tho newest and latest methods of
modern merchandising. Wo offer to
tho buying public one of the best
equipped, most modern, and up to dato
clothing stores in tho state, barring
none. Thoroughly lighted, and equipped
in overy detail, and wo wish to state
that tho modern mothods of merchandis
ing is to the merchant what tho late
devices and modern machinery tiro of
the farmer and agriculturist. This
means moro efficiency, bttor caro to
our merchandise, moro nnd better at
tention to our customers, the handling
of more trade ih a given length of time
at a greatly reduced oxpense, an J a
greatly increased facility for doing
We arc now in a position to offer you
bettor merchandise for less money,
than over before.
for which we are tho exclusive agents
for this community, sold ovorywhoro
for S17.00. 1b Bomothinc that has nevefr
been before offered to you by any mer-
chant in the umteu atates. bold only
with n positive guarantee, you take do
chances, and aro actually worth from
$5.00 to ?3.00 moro than the price
asked, compared with other linos.
They savor and havo every appear
ance of tho $50.00 tailored clothes, and
are made as well as human skill can
make them.
Tl'iey are of the latest designs and
patterns, mado in all sizes and stylus,
for men and young men; also made in
small stouts, largo stouts, slims, big
longs, regulars nnd Norfolks. They
meet tho requirements of 95 per cent
of the men and young men in America.
If you havo never had a fit, como in
and wo will show you, andyou will havo
ono (over tho wonderful values we are'
offering) as well as a fit in clothes.
In fact, every department in our
store is complete in every dotail. Wo
offer you in North Platte thu oppor-1
tunlty ot an up to uate city clothing
store, with an up-to-dato city stock, to
select from. Why not give us your
business. Quality, prico and equipment
justifies you and merits us. Wo cer
tainly will treat you right.
Its tho san0 store, under a now re
gime, new mothods nnd greater effici
ency, associated with thereat and same
long standingsterhng qualities of merit,
justice to the buyer, fair dealing,
honest merchandise, Low Pries and a
square deal to all.
Ask to seo the now lines of children's
rompers, loop the loop waists and boys
shirts. Mothers give this your atten
tion. Thanking You,
The Star Clothing House.
North Platte, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mecombar left at
noon yesterday for Omaha.
Messrs. Major White, Geo. Jones,
Cyril Donegan, DoWitt Foster, Victor
Anderson. Ray Lincoln and David
Ryan of the local high school, left for
Kearney this morning to take part in
tho district track meet.
"Billy" Whitney, formerly superin
tendent of the Wyoming division, now
holding a similar position with the
Southern Pacific with headquarters at
Oajjtamd, passed east Tuesday in his
special car. He shook hnnds with a
number of old time friends while tho
train stopped at the depot. Mr. Whitney
looks well and is apparently enjoying
J. C. Stubbs. former coneral traffic
manajror of the Harriman lines, accom
panied by his family and a number of
friends, passed through in a special
train of three cars Tuesday enrouto to
the Pacific coast. Since his retirement active railroad work, Mr. Stubbs
has been residing at his old home at
Ashland, Ohio, on a pension of $15,000
a your given him by the Harriman
For Sale Registered Hereford bulls,
tho finost in western Nebr., at my
ranch 11J miles S. E. of North Platte.
E. Sodekman. 4f
Ml flPSPMr
warn mmsBSffm:im
I Every garment shows graceful lines. These ore the cor- H
I j) rect styles o( the season, worn by the best dressed men lllll
HI in every community. ill SSlic
1 ore designed and tailored to hold their shape. We are chow- s-
llll ing a big assortment in nil the newest lubrica and the latest I s
I shades and colors. ""' I I ssssss
Grant Petition for
Extension of Sower. '
A number of residents nnd lot owners '
on Fifth and Sixth streets havo poti- '
tioncd for an extension of tho sewer
main running in tho alloy between '
thoso streets. This sewer main now ox- I
tends to Garfield avenuo, and the orig
inal main was lowered in ordor to
make the oxtension thnt far west. Tho
petitioners ask that the mnm now bo
extended four blocks furthor west.
Tho request was granted by the
council, nnd City Attorney Gibbs in
structed to draw tho necossiry ordi
nance and following its pnssngo bids
for tho construction of the main will
be askod and the dost taxed to the
abutting property.
Parade is at Noon.
In order that tho country folks can
hnvo as much time at homo on circus
day as is possible, also that incoming
excurionists can havo tho opportunity
of witnessing tho immense circus nnd
wild west parado of Yankoo Robinson
and Texas Bill, tho event does not
tako place until high noon. Promptly
at that timo tho parado moves, then all
tho outside free exhibitions aro given
at tho show grounds. For thoso who
come in early thero is plenty of amuse
ment, howovor, nnd it is advisable
whan convenient, to como in as early
as possible. Next Monday is tho day.
Local and Personal.
Earl Calhoun will lenvo shortly for
California to spend several weeks.
Mrs. Guy Swope will return tomorrow
from a two months' visit in California.
Mrs. Meyers, of Paxton, is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wsstcnfiold this
Miss Graco King, of Sidnoy, h tho
guest of Miss Mnyme McMicnaol this
If you wnnt first class plumbing and
heating seo C. H. Boyle, 501 East 3rd
street. Phone Red 55-1. 28-G
Loron Sturges who was taking treat
ment at tho f . & 3. hospital has been
released .
Mrs. M. E. Watts and Mrs. Sarah
Bangs returned yesterday afternoon
from California whero thoy spent six
Mrs. W. L. Richards returned last
evening from a short visit with rela
tives in Kearnoy.
Mrs. Richard Owens was called to
Walnut, la., last evoning by'tho serious
illness of her sister Mrs. E. Jr Clark
wJio frequently visited hero.
Reward For return of my white and
liyer colored pointer pup. Ho was lost
north west of North Platte near tho
Tryon road. Dr. H. C. BnocK.
Messrs Henry Rcbhnuscn and John
Denn returnod yesterday from Lara
mie whero they spent a week at a
shooting tournament.
For the best bargains in city resi
dence property watch Buchanan &
Patterson's bargain list. tf
An automobile accident occurrod at
tho corner of Willow and Front stroet
last evening at six o'clock in which E.
A. Warner ono of the local carpenters
was injured. Mr. Warner who has
been working on a house in the fourth
ward was returning homo on his wheel
when he wni struck by the Dixon car
coming west on Front street. Mr.
Warner was thrown from tho Wheel
and tho car passed over him. Ho was
taken to to tho office os Dr. 'i'winom
whero his injuries which consisted of
a sprained back, bruised arm, dislocated
carpal bones of tho foot and cuts about
tnc head ana lace received attention.
The foot was put in a piaster cast nnd
Mr, Warner will be confined to tho house
for several weeks.
Special One Dollar Day for two
days only
Saturday and Monday, May 10-12
This two days only we will offer the following $1.50
to $3.00 values in Wash Dresses, Kimonos, Hand
Bags, Petticoats, Waists, Corsets and Childrens Coats
Positively Values that
regularly up to $!
Special for Saturday an
WALK-OVER shoos,
aid to the foot woary.
Wilcox Department Store
th0NSle i
These Rompers
for Piine!
Well, I guess yos,' cos they don't rub
or hurt mo whon I tumble 'round.
Muvver snyp so, too 'cos thoy ain't
always rippid' an' buttons comin' off.
iit by
tt'Ut rot.
ra Ti3.
ftUfl J.rt,MKM&
aro tip-top garments in overy way, for
ovory kiddie girl or boy. They save a
heap of mending. The material la
strong the seams aro double lock
stitched. Every button is put on by a
mnchino that makes sixteen aurosticnea
thon ties n strong knot behind tho
"Tho Littlo Ono" Rompers arc neat,
stylish. Sizes correct, full, comfort
able, Just as appropriate for Sunday
school use as for overyday play soryico. In wide variety of patterns and
attractive colors. Only ono prico per garment 50 cents.
We guarantoe to give back every penny you pay, if any garment does
not please you in overy way.
WALK-OVERS set the style for shoes. They
are always first to show new patterns in full range
of sizes.
They always look well, fit well and wear well
this is why WALK-OVER are the chosen footwear
of the world .
1 1 i f t jcu in the easy, comfortable WALK
OVER way. Come in and see the shoes men and
women wear all over the globe.
Our windows show shoes you will like at tho price
ycuwant to pay.
mi rez
'M 9 1
- ' j
When You get Sick
or don't eel Just Right.
and when there is a big washing to be
done who do you think of first. Why
the Poycr Laundry of course. The nexl
time you feel this way just call up
Ifif4,L I
Auto Delivery
Phone 77
WK'iiatftm .' "
.i ii .in. !, -.. j m m mmnlmtMtllt iiiiiubh iiiiMiiMi iijii II
Emwhi iii'iiiTim'iiiiinrrm
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