The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 02, 1913, Image 9

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As the building we occupy is to be remodeled and work to be commenced Nay 19, we are compelled
to reduce our stock within the next 15 days. Every article of our large stock of Furniture, Carpets,
Rugs, Linoleum, Gasoline Stoves, Ranges, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Go-Carts, Refrigerators
and Pianos are to be sold at greatly reduced prices. This is your opportunity to secure your spring
house furnishings.
$3 Dining Room Chair 2.15
$20 Library Table 1 4. 50
$23 Chiffonier 18.00
$5 Rocker 3-50
$25 Dresser
$40 Buffet
$12 Felt Mattress
$10 " "
$5 Picture
Saturday Morning
May 3rd.
and closes
Saturday Night
May 17th.
Your choice of 12 e 9 ft ft
Wood Beds, each Jw.W"
$44 Parlor Suit 32.00
$32 China Closet 23.00
$50 Monagram Range 39.00
$26 9x12 Rugs 19,50
$330 Pianos 275.00
$200 Pianos 125.00
20 Iron Beds 2.00 to 5.00
The prices quoted above are but mere examples of the discounts we are offering during sale.
Every article marked in plain figures.
For Your Drugs. Orders De
livered promptly.
Local and Personal
William Ginn, of Lewellen, is visit
ing hii brother Frederick Ginn.
Mill Laura McEvoy left Wedntfiday
morning for Omaha to spend a week.
Miii Rose Home, of Omaha, ia ex
pected this week to visit Miss Ethel
Miis Julia Hemlng of Chappell, ar
rived Wednesday evening to visit her
sister Mrs. J. E. Sebastion.
Walter N. Simmons, of Wallace, ii
spending a few days with hit daughter
Mrs. Charles Seaton.
Mrs. Wade and niece Miss Nellie Mc
Evoy went to Omaha Wednesday morn
ing to have the latter's eyes tested.
MiBS Marie Maisey, of Omahn, came
Tuesday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Healey nnd attend the May
Mrs. and Mn. Clifford DeMott and
amily, of Scotts Bluffs, came Wednes
day by auto to visit Mrs. Clara Van-i
Mrs. Lawrence Wernett, of Kearney,
.formerly of this city, who had been ill
for several weeks, is reported to be
Ellon and Everett Sawyer, of Max
well, returned home Tuesday after
spending several -days with their father
Perry Sawyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Bonham, of Goring,
who spent the winter in Florida visited
Judge and Mrs. II . M. Grimos this
weok while enroute home.
Word camu to relatives the first of
this week that the infant son .of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Patterson, of Sioux
City.born two weeks ago, died Sunday.
The Girls Friendly Society met at
the parish house Tuesday evening.
They were the guests of Mrs. Garrard
and Miss Lena Baskins. Games wore
played nnd enjoyable refreshments
Ownei-3 of hull dogs and species of
bull dogs must see that the animals nre
properly muzzled while on thu streets,
Failure to do this will subject tho
violators to the fine and penalty provid
ed by ordinance,
John Fiuzier, Chief.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, of Dunlap,
Iowa, spent Wednesday in town while
enroute to Sidney to visit friends.
Superintendents Cahill and Beery, of
Omaha, spent th fore part of this
week hore inspecting tho new round
Mn. Warner, who was called here
by the death of her father the late
Dave Belghtel, returned home Wed
neiday. The lot purchaied by Dr. Brock wai
not the one owned by Mrs. Otten, but
by Dr. Twinem and ii situated on west
Fifth weit of the old Brookfc property.
The former Brooks brick houio on
west Fifth street, recently purchased
by John Bonner, is being repaired and
remodeled. The brick walls will be
covered with stucco.
Mrs. John Murray spent the early
part of the week at Brady on business
connected with the tract of land she
owns in Cottonwood precinct, and on
which she and her husband settled in
tho early days.
Mrs. Roberts, of Sutherland, Mrs.
Gentry, of Fullerton, Mrs. Warner, of
Thedford and Mrs. Schwerdtz, of Nw
Mexico, arrived hero Monday after
noon to attend the funeral of th'ir
father the late Dave Bcihtel.
Those who are Interested in the main
tenance of the fire department, and
who realize thatunless suitnble quarters
are provided the department will go
from bad to worse, are again agitating
the erection of a city hall. Twenty
thousand dollars is the sum proposed;
five thousand for tho site and fifteen for
tho building.
Mail soryice is now in operation on
the Union Pacific local between Grand
Island and North Platto. A mail car
was carried Monday but did not receive
mail, there being no clerk aboard. A
clerk came to North Platte Monday
night and made tho first trip betweon
this point and Grand Island Tuesday
morning, returning in the cvaiiing.
This service is especially to accom
modate parcels post bueiness but will
handle all mail.
Eli Creighton (colored) who was ar
rested hore last week and taken to
Ogalalla where ho was wunted on a
charge of passing bogus checks was
tried there Friday and the case con
tinued until May 2nd. Two years ago
Creighton bought horses for a firm in
St Louis from Ogalalla residents and
the firm refused to accept tho chock8
which were to the amount of $250.
The sheriff of Keith county learning
that Creighton was in this city wired
Sheriff Salisbury to arrest him.
Homer Rector spent the early part
of this week in Sutherland.
J, C. Dick, of Lincoln, is visiting his
sister Mrs. Bolcher this weak.
Steve Baldwin went to Council Bluffs
the first of this week to visit relatives.
H. L. Main of the North Platto
Laundry spent last weok in Denver on
Miss Alma Tollion went to Nichols
the first of this waek to visit friends
for ten days.
Adrian Pizer, of Ogalalla, camo down
the first of this week to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Julius Pizer.
Dr. Quigley and Miss Mary Vincent
were called to Gothenburg Tuesday on
professional work.
Mrs. Floyd Pasimore left Tueiday
evening for Omaha to visit hor husband
who is in the hospital thero.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stuart who were
married hore last week and had been
visiting in Lexington went to Suther
land Wednesday to locate.
George Mayo, of this city,, who is a
deputy inspector of foods and oils.spent
several days in Lincoln this week at
tending a meeting of tho deputy inspec
tor!, of whom there are twelve.
Work began the early part of the
week on tho remodeling of the Henry
Waltemath residence. The improve
ments wili include an addition, now
porches and a new heating plant.
Fields of rye and winter wheat in
Lincoln county aro said to be in excep
tionally fine shape. Alfalfa in the
valley is growing very rapidly, and the
grass on the hills is starting well.
Present indications for a good year
among the farmers and stockmon are
The 500 club was delightful enter
tained Monday ovening by Mrs. Patter
son, Mrs. Quigloy nnd Mrs. Wnlker at
the Pattorson home. Palms and other
potted plants formed the decorations
and enhanced tho appearance- of this
pretty home. In nddition to the rrfom
bers a half dozen couples of young
peoplo were invited guests. Jn serving
tho very enjoyable refreshments the
hostesses were assistod by Miss Holen
Wnltemnth, Mario McCnbe, Hildegurdo
Clinton, Irma Huffman nnd Virginia
To Auto Drivers.
Auto drivers ure notified that the law
relating to the speed of cars will be en
forced. The speed limit is twelve
rnllos on streets, which must bo re
duced to six miles when passing over
street intersections. The law relating
to lights on cars at tho specified time
will also be enforced.
John Fkazikr, Chief.
If seeking life insurance do not be
persuaded to take out a policy in a
week, unstable company because tbe
local agent is a good fellow, but in
vestigate the financial condition of its
policy, when good business judgment
wil tell you to take a policy in the
great Mutual Life Insurance Co. of
New York. No better or more liberal
policy written. Bratt & Goodman,
Sole District Agents.
O. H. Thoelecko has returned from a
business visit in Omoha.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Snyder the last of last week.
Mrs. Groff, of Salt Lake City, is
visiting Mrs. Charles Broternitz this
Messrs. Wallace and Kidwoll, of
Wallaco, spent the early part of thia
week in town.
Mrs. Fred Owinga who visited Mn.
F. Paismore last week returned horn
Tueiday ovening.
Mrs. Bakor, of Lexington, came
Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Franklin Fcale for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Murphy will
loavo today for Crcston, la., where
thoy will spend several weeks with rel
atives. Mrs. IS, F. Sailor returned Wed
nesday morning from Elm Creek where
she visited her husband for several
W. D. Maxwell, of Omaha, who was
in charge of the local weather bureau
during the illness of Mr. Shilling, left
Wednesdny morning.
Bert Evarts, of Jeffrey Precinct, was
tho' first assessor to bring In his returns
having turned over hii books at tho
county clerk's office Tuesday.
J. S. Tippery, of Omaha, traveling
salesman for tho Crane Plumbing Co.,
who had called upon the local merchants
for twnty-five years and was well
known hero died after a short illness
tho first of this week.
Most Prompt and Effectual Cure for
Bad Colds.
When you have a bad cold you want
a remedy that will not only give rohof,
but effect a prompt and pennanent
cure.a remedy that is pleasant to take,
a remedy that contains nothing injur
ious. Chamberlains's Cough Remedy
moots nil theso requirements. It acts
on naturo's plan, relieves the lungs,
aids expectoration, opem tho secro
tionB and restores tho system to a
healthy condition. This remedy hns a
world wide sale and use, unit can
always be depended upon. Sold by all
r IxKNXWXVv-v v .
Look at our window. It is full of arg
uments why you should wear WALK
6yER SHOES. It makes good, too on
every argument.
Come in and try on a pair and see how
nice they look and feel on the feet.
For Men and Women.
PRICES $3.80 to 90.00.
And so is warm weather. Of course you will want to keep
henlthy and appear nice and the only way to do that is to
change your linen often. This is also the season for shirt
waists for the indies. You of course will want them done
up nicely. Send them to us and let our expert hand ironcrs
do them up for you just the way you would like to have
them done.
Auto Delivery
Phone 77