The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 02, 1913, Image 6

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    - a - s - - a - - - - - - - v - -- - - - --- - - - - a - - - - w-
of the stock of
feu riCb Jtirhtwrfa
Starts Saturday,
See Mammoth Circular for Full Details and ''Going Out of Business" Prices
Mr. Julius Pizer
The owner o! The Leader Department Store retires from the business. His physician commands him to give up business and take a rest. For twenty
years, as you all know, he has been one of the hardest workers in Western Nebraska, but rest is imperative. He cannot continue calling on his nervous force
any longer, so he retires from the management of the Leader Department Store, leaving it in younger and stronger hands. Before doing this and re-organizing
the store the bulk of the present stock must be sold and for this reason (
The Greatest Bargain Sale
Ever held in North Platte or Western Nebraska will hz smarted Saturday, May 3rd.
Bargains in Ladies' Wearing Apparel. Bargains in Dry Goods of all kinds. Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. Men's and
Boy's Clothing. Shoes for the entire family.
- . i a . .. n t
If you aro cxpeetod to remember hor,
don't forgot Hint tho most apprecii
od of gifts come from a jewelry stoi
Havon't you noticed thnt after a wod
dlng, when tho timo comes to
oxiimino tho presonts, most of tho
attention is Riven to thn Silvorwaro
or theCut Glaus oethe China or tho
Sliver Deposit Ware, or somo of tho
articles of jowolry?
Tia always bo.
Wo show these linos in nil thoir match
less beauty. Wo show them in the
newest Ulcus of design.
Wo show thorn In sulllcient variety to
enable ALL to be Bultod nt n big
range of prices.
Wo'vo hundrdeo of just-right articles
to ploaso that brido-to-bo.
Be a visitor?
Jeweler and Optican.
Wo Want Your Repair Work
Local and Personal
Mrs. N. Hnmmcr mid grandson
Tuesday evening for Sidney.
Grant Hughes luft Wednesday evon
ing for Gibbon to accept a position.
Miss Fern Perkins returned yesterday
nftornoon from n short visit in Omaha.
Mrs. Albert Muldoon returned yes
terday from an extended visit with
relatives in cities of Iowa.
Charles1 Horrod has taken a half in
terest iti tho plcturo show recently
purchased by Mac Wostfallin Lend, S.
D. '
Mrs. L. C. Hansen and family re
turned Wcdnosday to Grand Island
after spending sevornl days with rela
tives. A number of young puoplo will bo
entertained at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Carroll Monday evening in
honor of Miss Blanche Miller.
'If you want first class plumbing and
boating seo C. H. Boyle, 501 East 3rd
street. Phono Red 551. 28-0
Chorley Dustin, who has been con
ducting a rotaurant at Bridgeport for
so'mu.timo past, returned to town yes
terdoy and will ro-cnter tho service of
tho company as brakeman.
4-M. nnd Mrs. Arrowsmlth, of Ognl
alfa; arrived hero yosterday afternoon
atiil will upend s a few dayB with tho
Jotter's parents Mr. and Mrs, N. P.
Miss Elizabeth Hinman spent tho
fore part of this week in Omaha.
J. II. Howe and D. L. Fulk, of Wal
laco, spent yestorday in town on busi
ness. J. Q. Wilcox loft yosterday morning
for eastern points to transact buiinois
for n fow days.
Miss Tillle Johnson, of Ogalalla, ar
rived lioro yestorday to visit Miss
Lizzio Haverland.
A numbor of young folks from
Gothenburg camo up for tho May ball
last evening.
Ike Conant, William Smith and J. L.
Callot, of Wellflcet, were Visitors in
towrj yesterday.
Mrs. T. G. Thompson and children
came up from Grand Island yesterday
nftorn6on to nttond tho May ball and
visit friends.
DoWiit Foster left at noon yestorday
for Hostlngs where ho will represent
tho local high school in the stato do
clamntory contest which will bo held
thuro this evening.
Mesdumos E. A. Garlisch and Julius
Pizor wore hostesses to tho Harmony
Club Wednesday ovontng at the Pizer
residence. Several tables' woro ar
ranged for card games and a couple of
hours spout in progressive high-live.
Elaborate refreshments weio sorved.
Attorney Carl Holmnn has purchased
tho law library of L. E. Roach and
taken possession of tho oillco in tho
Morsch building formerly occupied by
rMr. Koncho. The luttor expects to
lenvo soon on a trip of inspection to
Oklahomu with a view of looking up a
Ed Hostetter, living south of Max
well, transacted business In town yos
terday. Ed has a largo numbor of
peach and cherry trees on his form
which are now In bloom, and naturally
ho feels concerned ovor the possibility
of a frost that would kill tho crop.
Quito n number of the residents of
tho Fourth ward were considerably
frightened Tuesday evening by tho ap
pearance of an ominous looking cloud
which came from tho west and as it
reached a point about Willow street a
hugh black bull descended to the earth,
traveled for a few blocks and then
lifted. Several families who noticed
the nppronching cloud took refuge In
cellars or caves. The wind was of
sulllcient force to blow In u window
light in Mrs. Eldor's house, mid at the
Ulankonburj homo tho coverings to hot
beds wero pickod up and tossed about.
For Sale.
Good rooming house on north sido.
Mrs. H. II. Pegram 822J Locust. 2G-
Will Improve the Gandy Road.
The big hill north of town on tho
mnin road loading to Gandy, and which
has always been dreaded by farmers
going north with loads, will be improved
in tho immediate future. Acutofabout
ten foot will be made in the hill and the
descent will be gradual from top to bot
tom. The hill and tho approach there
to will bo covered with clay, thusf In
suring a solid roadway. This will cer
tainly ba an improvement that travelers
ovor the road will appreciate.
Tho work will be in chargo of road
overseer Charley Robinson, who is an
expert road builder.
Mrs. Trout, of "Moline, 111., is ex
pected next week to visit hor mother,
Mrs. George. Rodgors.
Mr. nr.d Mrs. E. W. Mann went to
Maxwell yesterday by auto to visit
Three Billions
for Good Highways.
An expenditure of $3,000,000,000 for
good roads, $1,000,000,000 being for
construction and $2,000,000,000 for
maintenance, the investment extending
over a period of fifty years, was pro
posed Wednesday in n plan submitted
to tho joint congressional commission
on federal aid in tho construction of
roads by former Senator Bourne of
Oregon. Sonutor Bourne's proposal
provides for federal nnd state co-operation.
Ho also suggests tho establish
ment of a national school of highway
and bridge engineering from which
trained specialists in road building
would be supplied to tho various states.
Tho $1,000,00,000 construction fund,
according to Senator Bourne's plans,
would be apportioned among the states
upon tho basis of area, population, as
sessed valuation and road mileage. The
Btates would be required tp deposit in
United States treasury fifty-year 4 per
cent bonds for the amount duo them.
The government would then loan the
states the par value thereof for road
construction, raising its fund by tho
sale of fifty-year nontaxable 3 per cent
By crediting each state each year
the ljper cent excess paid on bonds and
paying 8 per cent on the amount com
pounded annually, a sinking fuad
would bo established, it is estimated,
from which the government would pay
off tho bonds at the end of fifty years
and the state would be relieved of the
payment of principal on its bonds.
Wanted Plain sewing nt the homes
of the employers. Mary L. Martin, 112
South Chestnut St. 21-
Bargain List o
Buchanan &. Patterson's
Fu'll two story frame dwelling of eight rooms mod
ern except heat, full lot, shade trees and blue grass.
Located on West Fourth street close to court house.
This is property that wilj increase in value and is a big
money maker at our prige pfj$4, 700
Nice Seven Room -"'pottage and two Lots, out
buildings, shade trees and nice lawn ion West Sixth
St. A bargain at $2 75o!oo.
Five room house and barn, South Dewey street.
Extra good seven room house, barn and outbuild
ings, house modern except heat, $3,100.3 East Third
street two blocks from court house.
Nice six room cottage 72 1 West Seventh street,
handy to new round house. Modern except heat. Price
Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street,
in the 600 block. Price $1,750.
Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street,
in the 900 block. Pricq $1,700.
All of these properties are choice bargains and
can be bought on easy terms. Be sure and see these
before you buy.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Sole Agents.
High Living Costs According
to What You Use.
Lots of Grocery prices are no higher than they were twelve years
We Sell
Macironi lbs for )C
Cocoanut Bulk best grade1 i
perlb ! 2UC
Eggs pr dozon I DC
20 lbs Granulated beetM aa
Sugar M.UU
18 lbs Granulated, cane
bugar, lor
Tomatoes, full size can
standard per can
Corn standard por anV7c
4 cans for
Quaker Oats largo pkg. .
Quaker Oats amall pkg..
SI. 00
E. C. Corn Flakes 4 pkg,
Brokon Rice per lb OC
Rice Jap type 4 lbs for. . . 2uC
Prunes small size per lb. .,. . C
Com Starch per pkg C
Gloss Starch per pkg OC
Corn Starch Kingsfords per n
pkg 8c
Silver Gloss Starch per pkg 8C
Yeast Foam 4c pkg 3 for.. IOC
Lewis Lyo por can OC
Eagle Lyo per can OC
American Lye per can OC
Swift Premium Hams per
National Oats large pkg. .
National Oats small pkg. .
Fcls Naptha Soap per cake.
Soda Crackers largo boxes
per lb
Oyster Crackers largo
boxes per lb....'.
K. C. Baking Powder 25"
Royal Baking Powder 1G
oz can
Dr. Prices Baking Powder
1G oz can
Kraut per can
Hominy per can
Pink Salmon per can.
Sweot Potatoes per can..
Potatoes 15c peck per
Coffee fair grade per lb.. .
California Fruits in good
syrup per can
Cocoanut best grade J lb
package per pkg
Evaporated Apples per
Horse Shoo Tobacco, per
lb ....
Spear Head Tobacco per
Star Tobacco perJb.
J. T. Tobacco perlb.
45c '
We pay cash for your butter and eggs.