The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 02, 1913, Image 12

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Semi - Weftkly Tribune
wtf,"-w "ftr
Ira L. Bare F'JIIor and Piiblithrr.
One Year by Mull In mlvmce $1.2.')
One Year by Cnrriet in advance. . . ,$1.&0
Bntored nt North Pintle, Nebraska, Post
ofllco as Second Class Matter
FRIDAY, MAY 2. 1913.
Local and Personal.
Jack Wolcott, of Omahn, came yes
terday to visit Guy Swopu for a few
Jamon McNcal is enjoying a visit
from his brother who caino from Wood
Uivor yoMerdtiy.
C. II. Doyle in making arrangements
to open a plntnliig huainess :it his
homo in the NoriBU property on cast
Gth. atrwt.
Chief Dispatcher. George W. Wig
genton, of Grand Island, visited town
friends yosterday nnd attended tho
Engineers Hull.
Tho Masonic lodge celebrated Ascen
sion Day yesterday witn nppropiinto
ceromonies and lust evening installed
the recently elected oflicors.
A. E. Timmerman left yesterday for
Gothenburg where ho will open a saloon
today. Terry Snwyer of this city will
be placed in charge of tho now business.
II. H. Gay, of Grand Island, district
plant, chief and E. I. llama, of Omaha
district plant superintendent, are trans
acting business nt tho local telephone
Architect Reynolds has drawn plans
for the nw pressed brick front which
will be put on the Howe & Malonoy
furniture store. Interior improvements
will also be made and the back rooms
extended seyoral feet.
Degree of Honor Attention.
It is earnestly requested that a full
membership bo present Monday night
nt their regular mooting. Duslness in
regard to tho convention held here noxt
month will be transacted Dy order of
tho president, M. K. Duke.
' Hcnhey Times Itcmi.
Dr. Sadler purchased n quarter soc
tlon in 17-14-31 from the N I. L. & W.
Co. yesterday. No improvements but all
und-r tho plow and all can bo watered
from cannl, consideration $11,000.N
A twister tore up things nt Spuncor
Edmistcn'H Tuesday about midnight
completly demolishing his buggy shed
and somu of his outbuildings, but for
tunately the house withstood the storm.
No one was injured.
Fred Huebner shipped oightuon head
of steers Saturday to tho South Omaha
markut. Tney nvoraged 1G61 lbs., or
about $120.00 each and wurevns slook
and fat n bunch us hnvobeen. piarkoted
In Horshoy in many years.'
Just For a Chanoe.
Tho grunt celebrity was seriously 111.
mid the attending pli.vHichuiH had diag
nosed Ills cane im appendicitis, Ttiey
HO lllfoi lllt'll llllll.
"Very well." he replied calmly. "I
bavo only oih ieijut'.st to inuko 1 pre
BHino mi operation is IncvltnlilLV'
"It K" they (old him.
"That being n." tlu man went
on, in tlii' miiiK' culm manner, "please
nrraugo to iipoiritu on u.c frotu below.
It is my desire, when the time couuh
to operate, that 1 bo rigged up soeuivlj
In some lmiuniork-llui
nml that tlu mirgi'otiH work iipnii un
iih I swing HiiMpt'iided over thulrheudH."
"Ills mliiil Is wandering," whUpuud
tub iittoiuiiinls.
"Not o." eoiivited tho patient, "not
nt nil. I wish merely to glvo the news
impers u eliance to H'ly soniDthliig oImi
than that I am 'under tho Unlfu.'"
Brooklyn TlnivH.
How Qonp Cleansos.
A Delginn ehuiiilst who has studied
tho net Ion of miap on various soiling
BUbstnneeM of different colors has ar
rived at I lie conclusion that the cleans
ing of mi object coiislsta III a process
of Httbstltutloii. Theru s brought
nliout a colloidal combination of the
BOtip nnd tin soiling Hiibstniuv, which,
by reason of Km constitution, no longer
lias the power of Using Itself by ah
Horptlon on to tho solid body, with the
result that It Is easily carried away by
the water. TIiiih In washing wlthmmp
ouo puts It tu contact with one's soil
ing substances, thoso latter having a
greater ulltiilty for tho former than for
oiio'h Rkln. Sonp Iiiih oven a greater
iilDnlty for one's skin than for tho sub
Htauces. whlcli It proceeds to replace
nnd to sot free to bo taken up by the
wntor nnd removed.
She Paid the Duty,
An EnlfaU traveler, leaving Alox
nndrln; refc'vvcd ft parting present of n
largo enko; JiiiU received It with what
nthuslnsin sho could, but lauded nt
Vcnlco with the cako entire. Tho oyc
of tbo dogana spied It. "Duty In due
lor tbo design on whlto sugar tbnt doc
orates, tho top of that cake." Tho trav
eler answered that us tho duty seemed
qulto heavy sho would prefer to mink
tho cake Into tbo waters of tbo Adri
atic. "But," snld tho official, "you can
not do that Inasmuch as the design in
Align r nforcsatd on tho top of the cako
is the property of tho king of Italy."
The traveler then courageously of
fered to conmimo the sugar nnd drown
tho cake; but not so might she cscnpo,
nor did sho.
Not stylish today nnd com
fortable tomorrow, buBtyllsb
nnd comfortable today and to
morrow. WAMK-QVEU
Wilcox Department Store
Stability, Efficiency and Service
JIVO boon tho ltiataVH
In tho growth oT tho
First National Bank,
CAI'l'lWh AA'D SUitl'LUSt
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Mich HricsiJ Koomo.
What Is the highest pike ever paid
hy a publisher for u puem? It would be
Interesting to know whether any all
iance has cvor been made on tho 3.000
i?in.()00 that Scott received for Uoke
by." Stephen Gwynn. In his "Life ol
Moore." tells im that Murray offered
2.000 guineas foi the copyright or
'l.n!!a Itonkh." "but Moore's friends
thought he should have more and.
lug to Longman, they claimed that Mr
Moore should recelvo no less than the
highest price ever paid for a poem.
That," said Longmnn, 'was 3,000. paid
for "Kokoby."' On this basis they
treated, and Longmnn was inclined to
ttlpulato for a preliminary perusal.
Moore, howovor. refused, and the
agreement was finally worded, 'That
upon your giving into our hands u poem
of tho length of "Uokeby" you shall re
celvo from us tho sum or 3.000. "
London Chronicle.
The Alps Will Do Washed Away.
The Alps, from n g6olog!cal point of
view, aro very recent. Tho Welsh
hills, though, comparatively speaking?
Iiislgnldcnnt. are far more ancient
They hnd been mountains for ages and
ages before tho materials whrfh now
compose tho lllgl or tho Hiatus were
deposited. Indeed, wo may say that
it Is because they aro so old that they
havo been so much worn down. The
Alps themselves are crumbling and
being washed away, nnd If no fresh
elevation takes place the time will
como when they will bo no loftier than
Snowdon or Ilelvcllyn. They havo al
ready undergone enormous denudation,
and It has been shown that from the
summit of Mont Wane srinie 10.000 or
12.000 feet of strata have been already
removed Uoniidatloii began as boon
as tho land two'itbove tho seaand tho
main river valleys Voro excavated.
Pearson's Weekly.
Tho Word "Lubber."
Tim word "lubber" Is In "Unlpli Hols
ter Pointer." circa l.V.O. Ill
Ami where .ho la loutcil anil lunched to
For tlm veriest dolt that over wan horn
And thu veilt'Ht lubber, sloven and beaut
l.lvlns In thti world from the wosl to the
Tusser uses the word In "Klve nun
died Polntes of Good lliishandrlo."
lr.SO. page 131 (E. I) Si:
For tempests nml nliowern decnliietll n
And ItaKuritiK lubbera loose muny a pcnlu.
The word "lubbers" was In constant
use In thu sixteenth century and oc
curs nt lenst twice In Udal's transla
tion of Ernsinus' "Aiophth"egpies.M Al
most 2(H) years before this Laiiglnnd
told of the "gretc lobres and longu"
who wore too Idle to work. London
Notes and Queries.
Not For Fashion's SnUo.
Tho criminal lav? or England wua for
merly marked by Indlscrlniliiutlng se
verity. Thcjrtornn article valued above
10 shllllngi was punished with death,
lu writing about "Sweet Ilatnpstj'ud
and Its Associations" Mrs. White re
cords a pleasant thing of Lord Mahs
Held, who as a rule leaned to tho sldo
of mercy. It was Ixrtl Mansfield who
directed a Jury to llud a stolen trinket
less in value than 10 shillings In order
thnt tho thief might escape capital pun
Ishinont. To this the Jeweler who pros
ccuted demurred, asserting thnt tho
fashion of the thing hnd cost him twice
that money.
"Gentlemen." replied the Judge, with
grave solemnity, "wo ourselves atund
lu need of mercy. Let us not, bang a
mun for the fashion's sake!"
( A Qrewsomo Wedding Present.
A.rnong tho Brass rlvor tribes of wost
Africa when it young couplo get mnr
rled It Is tho custom for the oldest
membor of tho brldo'ri family to pro
sont tho bride with a plot of ground
bIx feet long. TultMs for tho grnvo of
her family and hersolt when they die.
The first member of tho now family
who dies Isbuiied about twenty fet
below the ground and tbo next ono al
most sixteen feet, and this goes on un
til nil the family die nnd are burled
The grim holds them nil, and this,
they think, prevents them from being
depurated. This grewsomc wedding
pieseut Is the ouo most valued by the
bride, the favorite tmtlvo saying being,
"When all other things nro gouo this
Cure for Stomach Disorders.
Disorders of the stomnch may be
avoided by the use of Chnmbarlain's
Tablati. Many very romnrkablo cures
have boon afTectod by these tablets.
Sold by all dealers.
Maddonsd by Consus Qut,st(on8.
Serious results follow ed the taking
of tho first census In Japan years ago.
Observing with approval the work ot
western countries, the authorities
thought It advisable to take statistics
of population and for that nurposo sent
out to all householders noticed enjoin
ing them to furnish them with full par
ticulars of their families, age, oex, etc.
This step was misconstrued lu .one of
tho villages, where suspicion was ex
pressed that Japan wns about to be
Bold or at least some of the people
wero to bo Bold to foreigners who were
dcslrlous of ascertaining tho number
of males, etc., before closing tho bur
gnln In order to tlnd out what price
to pay according to tho quantity of
blood that would be forthcoming. It
wns n Jnpancso belief tho foreigners
squeezed tho blood from nil who came
Into their power. Excited and onrnged
mobs soon collected nnd nttacked tho
village offices, and It wns some time
before order could bo restored. Argo
naut Mexico's Goat.
To get your gont in Mexico tins no
mpnnlng other thnn to lay unlawful
hands on tho quadruped. Tho goat is
to Mexico what the sheep is to Aiw
tralla and beef to old England, and
more, because It Is both meat ,nnd
drink. The republic of bullllghtsiind
bandits could not get along without
tho humble little animal we have al
ways associated with Harlem back
yards and a diet or tin cans. Its
llesh sells tit 14 cents a pound, Mexi
can money, and a steaming stew or
tender young kid Is not to be despised
by a hungry man. Every Mexican
hotel serves goat meat In. some form
or other A fat goat sells for $5 on
the hoof, and a lean one brings1 Only
51.B0. The tallow1 sella at 112 cents a
pound nnd Is commonly used in place
of lard. Tho skins aro worth $1.G0
each, and the mill; retails nt WVJi cents
a quart New York Press.
Ml the world over there ore legends
about uiermnlds. The Chinese tell sto
ries not unlike others about tho sea
woman of their southern seas. -Man
kind is taught on the most excellent
evidence that n mermaid was captured
nt Dangor, on the shores of the Bel
fast lough, In the sixth century, while
nuothcr caught at In 1403 was
carried to Haarlem nud kept there for
many years.
"John, dear, why uro bohio women
called Amazons?"
"Well, my dear, you remember our
geographies said tbo Amazon has tbo
largest mouth"
Hut shr went out and slammed the
door beforo ho could say any mora. -London
You can get your worn-out carpots
mndo into beautiful durable rugs. Writo
the Lincoln Rug Factory, Lincoln, Neb.,
for illustrating folder. 22-9
SUPERIOR No. 41076
Dapple Gray
For terms inquire of
North Platte, - Nebr.
Eitray Notice.
Taken up on the 9th day day of
March, 1913, on Section 18, town 14,
ranga 28, seven miles northwest of
Maxwell, In Lincoln county, Nebr., by
the undersigned who there resides, two
black mares with white on forehsnd.
Owner will please call, pay chargos and
take animals away.
C. II. James,
Maxwell, Neb.
The Old Reliable
When your clothes need pressinc,
clennlnp nnd repairing, let tho Old Re
liable lailor do It nnd do it right. We
hnvo been doing this work in North
I'lntto for thirty yenrs, know how to
do it and do it tho way it should be
Thnt means satisfaction to you.
Entrnnco north of tho Nynl drug store.
Pittsburgh Perfect" Fence
Electrically welding
innumerable exposed wire ends, and
does away with sharply and tightly
bending one wire acamat another, which
cracks the galvanizing. Tho Electric
Weld makes every ounce of wire count
tor strength and durability no wasted
wire, no useless weight dragging down
Made In Piffcrent Stylet for HELD, FARM, RANCH. LAWN. I7TirkM OJ r,.,-.-,.
Ask your dealer for "Plttshnrh Perfect" and Insist on his furnishing It.
you that some other fence is Just as good. If he doesn't sell
"PittiWah Perfect" Brandt of Barbed Wire:
Bright, Annealed & Galvanized Wire) Twitted
Cable Wiret Hard Spring Coil Wires Fence
Stanlet; Poultry Netting Staple.! Regular Wire
Nailti GatvanUed Wire Nalltt Large Head
Roofing Nalltt Single Loop Bale Tlet J "Pitts
burgh Perftct".Fencing. All made of Open
Hearth material.'C-fris-if-tj&e-ij-eiJ-e-tj.tts-e.ej
'& 11 yenrs experience nt the bench. Can do
j nil kinds of repairing. Ilcd rock prices. All
Ofllce phono 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Oldent Bank In Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK 3100,000.00
We Solicit Your Business.
Bought nnd highest market
prices paid
Residenco Red 636 Office 459
c. h. Walters.
Pure Lake Ice.
I am prepared to furnish
the citizens of North Platte
with a fine quality of clear
lake ice, frozen from fresh
pumped water. Thanking the
public for their liberal patron
age last year, I respectfully
solict a continuance of the
same this seasons.
Phone 0555.
The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Donner-Cramer N
All tho principal branches of Ap
plied nnd Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachers.
Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phono Black 341
Quality Cigars
In a cigar quality is the prime factor.
Some cigars, even thoso costing a dime,
don't have the quality. The reason our
cigars arft popular is because quality is
our first consideration. Some of our
brands haye bsen on tho market for 25
years and they are the same good cigar
as when first made. Our reputation
for good cigars was eanied by making
quality the first consideration.
The Maker of -Good Cigars.
Hojpd tattle
Wliv the Electric Weld i
Moat Effective Fence-Joint made
Joints eliminate
the fence. Electricity is the only medium'
which truly amalgamates metals -mPkes
two wires one. As we use it, the gal
vanizing is piled around the joints, pro
ducing a one-piece fabric with absolutely
dependable joints. Electrically Welded
fence-joints (patented) are used only in
Pittflhlirrh Pnrfnr-t "
e i "iHUi1 iwn sjw
Telephone Red 450 G05K Dewey St.
North Platte. Nebraska.
j Signet Chapter O. E. S., I
NO. 55
5 Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every
I month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m.
fn' House of Good Show I HI
When in North Platte.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon nt2i30 O'clofk.
Doctors Ames S Ames, j
ti Physicians and Surgeons,
U Ofllce over Stone Drug Co. J;
Established in 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Gth nnd Vino Streets
R. D. Thomson.
The Kind o Clothes
Gentlemen Wear
Guaranteed Quality,
Perfect Fit,
Prices Right.
Custom made Suit
$20 to $45
Tailor made Suit.
$25 to $47
Satisfaction guaranteed
Karle Gerle,
over McDonald Bank.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant
John Ragnti, whose preaant residence
or abode Is unknown, will taka notica
that on the 24th day f April, 1913,
Frederick W. Cross filed hia petition in
equity in the district court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, for the purpose of
removing a cloud from and quieting the
title to the wet forty-four teot of lot
two, in block one hundred and three, in
the city of North Platte, Nebraska.
The prayer of said petition is thnt the
title to said premises be quieted and
confirmed in said Frederick W. Cross,
and that said John Ragan be barred
from any right, titlo, interest claim or
demand tharein, by reason of any de
fect in n certain doarae of partition en
tered in his action for partition ol said
premises and other real estate, on tho
29th day of December, 1891, and while he
was a minor. You are required to
answar said petition on or before the
9th day of June. 1913.
Dated April 25th, 1913.
Frederick W. Cross, Plaintiff,
By Geo. E. French his attorney.
(i Phonea Residence 273 ;
a . i iiiru - i -
Do not allow him to pcrauade
it, writo us direct.
If rou are tntcretted in Wire Fencing, write
for rREE copy of our ALMANAC, 1913
Pittsburgh Steel Co.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
DiiedfiBld-.t edfield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE B. ItEDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
.c1?,1".0 ,m"er of the estate of Walter B.
McNeel, deceased.
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, April 15, 1913.
Notice is hereby iriven, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administratrix of said
estatn hnfnm thn rnllntv ttrlrrn nf ItnnAl.. n. ......
Nebraska, nt the county court room, in said
' county, on the 20th day of May, 1913, and on the
20th day of Nov., 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day,
for the purpose of. presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and one year for the administratrix to
settle said estate, from the 15th day of Apr.
1913. A copy of this order to be published In the
North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news-
nannr nilhll.linfl tn snltl ..mintv a. ..... ...... I
weeks prior to May 20, 1913.
B22-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
Serial N". 0371(5.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Laud Ofllcu at N'nrth Platte. Nob,
.. , , , Mar 17lli. 1P13
Notlcn In hereby clvun that Alvln T Ouycr.
or ?.ortli VlattP, Nob., who. on February
Hh. 1W3, niado Homestead Entry No 2.l7.'pl Ser
',al No. 01710, for ho'i, MfM und lots 3.
4 &. Hectlon U. Township 14. nlirtb,
JafP '. W.. fitb Principal Meridian,
has filed notloo of Intention to make final
three year proof, to establish claim to tbo
Innrt above ileserlbed, befoie Register nnd
Receiver, at North Vlatte, Nob., on tho 21st
clnv of May, 1U1J.
Claimant names as witnesses: Tred
J Maleno. Am7le Gutherless. Trert Slmants
and .lesso Lout;, all of North 1'lattn, Nebr
ti-6 - J. K. Evans. Ueglster.
Serial No. 03749,
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land OITIce at North Platte. Neb.
,, . . April 3, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby trlven that Laura Shaw, of
North Platte. Neb., whoon March 9. 1908, made
II. E. No. 23325, Serial No. 03749, for NM.
NW'i, SWK NWM. nnd NW SWW. Section 28.
Township 15, North. Ilansre 31, West of tho 6th
Principal Mcran has tiled notice of intention
to make final three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, before the
register and receiver, at North Platte. Nob., on
thn 6th day of June. 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur Tooks,
II. F. Docbko, Wm Siebold. Dave Macombcr, all
of North Platte, Neb.
a8J J. E EVANS. Register.
Serial No. 0595.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ofllce at North Platte. Nebr.
xr , . , . Feb. 25, 1913.
Notice Is hereby. Riven that Edward Rima.
of North Platte, Nebr.. who. on February 8,
1910, made Homestead Entry No.
04595, for NEW and tho EH of SEW, Section
2. twp. 15, N. nre. 30, west of the 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to establish claim to the
land above descrilmd, before the register and
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 20th
day of April 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: John Reeves,
Robert Reeves, Frank Hood, Henry Greeley,
all of North Platte, Nebr.
m4-6 J. E. Evan. Register.
lumuaciii ur AUAllIMiaiKAilUX.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Dennis J.
O'Brien, deceased
On reading and filing tho petition of Corda
.w...i.,,, HnIUK mm, UUIUiniBintUOn OI BaiU
estate may bo granted to herself as admin-
Ordered, That May 20th, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m.
is assigned for hearing said petition, when
nil h.rinn, Inta.aelml In anl.t .n,A .... ..
at a county court to be held In and for said
tuuuiy, nuu buuw cause wny prayer oi petitioner
should not be granUd; and that notice of the
nMlJ.nnu rf sol. I n.ttllAH ..! .1 1 I
Ir '1 u .. '""" . " '" "taring
thereof be tfjven to all persons Interested In said
matter by publishing a copy of this, order In the
North Platto Tribune a legal semi-weekly news-
font inimw in miu ujuiur ior mree successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing.
Dated April 24, 1913.
829-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
Referees Sale.
By virtue of an order issued in tha
district court in and for Lincoln County,
Nebraska, on the 4th day of April, 1913,
in nn action of partition wherein Rupert
Schwaiger is plaintiff and Agnes Harris,
EmroyTWpp, Minnie HootT a minor,
Eddie Hood, a minor, Helen Colvin, a
minor, Edward Triprj, Opal Tripp,
Adeline Tripp, and Harold Tripp,
minors and children of Mamie Tripp,
deceased, W. L. Porter, first and real
name unknown, as guardian of Minnie
Hood, H. D. Hughes, first and real
name unknown, as guardian of Eddie
Heod, Earl H. Colvin as guardian of
Helen Colvin, Russell D. Chase as
guardian of Edward Tripp, Opal Tripp,
Adeline Tripp and Harold Tripp are de
fendants, I will sell at public auction at
the east front door of trie court house in
the city of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska on the 24th day of May, 1913,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., the fol
lowing described real estate situate in
Lincoln County. Nebraska, towit: The
east half (EJ) and the northwest
quarter (N W 1) of section thirty-four
(34,) township sixteen (16.) north of
range thirty west of the 6th p. m. in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, containing
480 acres according to government sur
vey; the terms of said sale to be cash in
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
this 14th of April, 1913.
O. E. Elder, Referee. A-15-G