The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 22, 1913, Image 8

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Association Rooms
Will Bo Closed.
The board of directors cf the TS'orth
Platte Young Men's Chrlstinn Associa
tion has foil for some time that tho
quarters it now occupies, and In which
it has attempted to carry on some lines
of association work, nro ontiroly Inade
quate, and do not present to the com
munity the things for which tho or
ganization stands. Tho directors recognise-
tho folly in attempting to do tho
work which needs to be done in such a
plant as Is now at its disposal. North
Platto is a city teeming with yoi'ng
men and boys, a largo numbor of rail
road men are In our midst, an adequate
building well equipped would havo an
appeal which would nttract tho youth
and young manhood of our city, and tho
association would havo a forco nnd
power in tho community und would be
n credit to tho city and tho pride of
every right thinking citizen.
Believing this, the directors feel that
what we now have, being a detriment
rather than a holp to the work, had
better be closed entirely, and at a meet
ing held April 18th, decided to vaca.o
tho presont quarters April 30th, and,
while still maintaining its organization,
not to attempt anything until a building
can be secured which snail be a propor
expression of tho estimation of the
community as to the value of its youth
nnd young manhood.
It has been found advisable after
consultation and conference with tho
leading men of the community to post
pone tho completion of the campaign
until early in October, and the directors
havo been assured their co-operation in
thp campaign at that time; thereforo
iHanklng tho many who havo already
contributed and also those who have
glvon their time and effort to In any
way further tho interests of the cam
paign, wo feel It wise to postpone
further activity until fall. Especially
do we desire to thank Mr. Schatz for
his hearty co-oporatlon not only In
giving us the excellent window and
froncpart ol his ator but also for
many courtesies in nddition thereto.
Those who have signed pledges can
have samo returned by calling on Mr.
Scott at tho Platte Valley bank.
Signed: M. E. Crosbv, C. 0. Weip
gand. W. II. Blalock, It. D. Birgn,
t. E. Scott, V. Lucas, W. Tout, C. E.
McLane, C. W. Baskins. R. E. Bunnell,
H. F. Tramp, L. W. Walker and E.
W Mann.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
April 17, 1913.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Roberts, Whlto, Hermlnghau
Bcn nnd county clork,
Books of H C Cohn, overseer district
15 nro checked, find n balnnco of 3,50
duo tho county, treasurer's receipt of
namo Is hereby acknowledged and settle
mont for 1912 is hereby made.
Books of J B" Craig, overseer for dla
trist 58, aro hereby cheqkod; find that
flamo balance, and sottlemont mado.
Road No. 3GG coming up for final
notion, tho board desires more time and
nction in cietcrreu until next meeting.
Tho following claims are horeby al
lowed on general fund, to-wlt:
A. Richards, digging and hauling trees,
John Bruce, digging nnd hauling
trees. 10.00
Lester Walker, salary as poormnstcr
first quarter 1913, 25.00
The following claims worn nllovv.fcd.on
tho different road districts for work to
bo performed in said districts: .
, William Smith, district 22, 160.00''
w m uymonu, aistrict4, luu.uu
Clnim of II W Johns Mnnvlllo Co..
for two fire drags allowed on roaddis
trict42for 150.00, said drags having
been purchased by tho overseer of said
Claim of W. M. Dymond for bridge
district for 19.00
Whereupon tho board adjourns to
Mny 1, 1913.
C. W. Yost, County Clork. A
Counly News. '
Ed Hnrdesty, of Maxwoll, has bo
come a resident of North Platto, having
accepted a poiiMonin the Davis garage.
Frod St. Mario. Brndv's most sue.
cosgful dinciplo of Izaac Walton, caught
hla first 1913 string of fish ono day Inst
The Cojsnd high Bchool ball team de
feated tho Brndy school boys Wednes
day by a scoro of jlght to four on tho
Brady diamond.
Mr. und Mrs. Scott Sharer, living
bouth of Maxwell, mourn tho loss of
their fifteen montliH old dnughter who
diod last week.
Wilbur Wlnquest, formor caBhler of
the Bank of Brady, has purchased n
bank at Guston, Ore., n town about
thirty miles from Portland.
Twcnty-sevon men have applied for
membership In the proposed troop of
etato cavalry which is being organized
nt Brady. It la dosired to socuro fifty
momuors, nnd from tho enthusiasm so
far rtiowji It 1b probable that the full
number will be socured.
With tho oxcollont prospects for
nmnll grain., there is being expressed ro-
'Ktt that lw tacreago of wintor wheat
fimnvuu milt ini is not larger. ll is
Ikoly that quite nn amount of spring
grain will be put In, however. The
opinion is pretty general that this Is to
bo n good year for all kinds of crops
and tye, agricultural oporatlono will be
t on n large scale. Sutherland Free Lance
While discing Tuosday at the home
of his brother south of Ilorthoy, Walter
LIndekugol became suddenly sick and
fell off in front of his machine, the
sharp discs passing over him cutting up
Ills-head1 tuicV body quite badly. Dr.
Sadler wns cnlled and dressed the
mounds. Ho is getting on ais well as
fouUI Q expected. llershoy Times.
Field Mnnngor Bryan for tho Ameri
can Beet Sugar Co., of Grund Island,
informs us that ho has closed the cam
paign for acreage in this district for
beets this year nnd will havo contracted
closo to 2.000 ncros. This is n larger
acreage than Iibs been contracted in
this torrlDry for several years. .North
Platto has 175 acres. Vroman 100, Sar
JiWj4J0, I'lftPiti9. Sutherland 80, Mar
thrift, Nichols, 225, Keystone 200,
O'Fnllons 202, Maxwell 51, llershey 425,
Miss Tyrono- IVinkluman vislted'rel
atlves hi Fremont the latter part of
last week.
Stability, Efficiency and Service
Jlnvo boon tho I'lictori
in tho growth oi tho
First National Bank,
fry ' ', ,,".,' isv:
XOliTir J,ATTJ5, XnjJJtslSKA.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Buchanan &
Bargain List o
Nice Seven Room Cottage and two Lots, out
buildings, shade trees and nice lawn ion West Sixth
St. A bargain at $2750.00.
Five room house and barn, South Dewey street.
Extra good seven room house, barn and outbuild
ings, house modern except heat, $3, ioo; East Third
street two blocks from court house.
Five room house and barn located on West Third
street, close to Washington school. Price $2,000.
The lot is worth the money.
Nice six room cottage 721 West Seventh street,
handy to new round house. Modern except heat. Price
Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street,
in the 600 block. Price $1,750.
Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street,
in the 900 block. Price $1,700.
All of these properties are choice bargains and
can be bought on easy terms. Be sure and see these
before you buy.
Local and Personal.
Roy Mehlmann spent Sunday with his
paronts in Wallace.
Mrs. Taylor returned Friday evening
from a short visit In Omaha.
Mrs. Ralpn Garmnn will entertain
tho Nevlta Club this afternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Solos, of Maxwoll,
visited friends in town Saturday.
Mrs. Ralph Smith nnd sons loft Fri
day afternoon for Kearney to visit rela
tives. Ilnrloy Gates has accepted a position
as pnssongor brakoman for the Union
Domestic Vncuum Cloanors with or
without brush, for sale by Mrs. M. V.
Mitchell. 25-2
Mrs. Moore, teacher of tho Maxwell
schools spont Saturday and Sunday with
town frtonds.
Mrs. M. H. Douglas wont to Grand
Island the latter part of last weak to
visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchanan left
the latter part of last week for Omaha
to visit friends.
Miss Jennie Ogg of tho Koystone
schools visited local friends tho lattor
part of last week.
Frank Hart who hod been visiting in
Omaha spent Friday in town while on
routo to Alliance
Attorney Crissman, of Cedar Rapids,
Is transacting business in town with B.
F. Reid this week.
Mac Westfall left Saturday night for
Load, S. D., to purchase a moving
plcturo show In that city.
Clyde Frlsto resumed work in the
Koatoffico yostqrday morning after nn
Iness of sovera weeks.
Miss Florence Young and and father,
of Wellfleet, visited the Elder family
the latter pnrt of last weak.
Miss LaVaughn Carroll will roturn
today from Fremont whore sho visited
sinco Friday with relatives.
Phllathon will meet on Friday even
ing, April 25th, nt the homo of Miss
Vornn Sorenson, 307 E. 2d St
Mr. and Mrs. M, Keith Neville, who
hnve been visiting In Florida for several
woeks, aro expected to return, next
T. E. Wood, J. M. Wood nnd S. W.
Wood, of Wnllaco, were transacting
business in town the lattor pnrt of last
The Stato Declamatory Contest will
be held nt Hastings May 2nd. DoWitt
Foster of tho local schools will repre
sent this city.
Mrs. Fred Wolngand, of Omaha, ar
rived the last of last week to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Stamp.
Feed grain for sale Kherson oats,
0.0 cents per bushel, barloy GO cents per
bushel, Uurnm wheat, 1.00 por bushel.
All cleaned ready for soedlng. Experi
mental Sub-station.
Tho American Beot Sugar Company
announces that it now has over six
thousand ncros in this part of Nebraska,
or tho country tributary to its Grand
Island factory, contracted to raise boots,
and no moro contracts will bo onterep.
Tho company is paying the present year
$5 per ton for beets delivered nt the
railroad shipping point and $5.50 per
ton for boots that have been siloe 1,
those also to bo delivered at the ra Ui
rood. The company anticipates a good
beet year in tho territory covered by
its contracts. !
The Names of North Platte Persons
Familiar to All.
Who nro tho witnesses?
Thoy aro North Platto people
Residonts of North Platto who had
kidrev backache, kidney ills, bladder
ills, who havo used Doan's Kidnoy PilW.
Those witnosses endorse Doan's. '
Ono North Platto resident who spoaks
Is North Pliittn. - .
J. M, Harper, 409 Dewey St., North
Plnttl. Nphr unvo T linr! Ainneinn .
------ .Vu a wuu 44 UVViHiJIUII J
use Doan's Kidnoy Pills for kidney
trouble when living In Creston, Iowa,
mm luuim mem 10 ue a spionuiu Kiuncy
remedy. They removed pain across my
hnclf which linil trnnliliirl .ma nrnnlln
They also strengthened my kidnoys and
icHuiuiuu 1.110 passages 01 in icianey
secretions. I do not hosltato to recom
mend Doan's Kidney Pills, procured
nt McDonell & Graves' Drug store
(now Schiller Co's Drug storo.)
For salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents,
Fostor-MlIburnCo., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Romember tha nnma nnnti'i-nml
take no other.
McNeel, deceased.
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, April 15, 1913.
Notice is hereby given, that the creditor of
wild decerned will meet tho administratrix of said
eUto befora tho county Judiro of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, nt thu county court room, in said
rvinntv rn (h"nth il.un M.. tnlQ ....i ...
20th day of Nov.. 1013. nt 0 o'clock a, m. each day.
ior me purpose or presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
mnntha .. ullnom.1 fn. .A .... . .t
claims, and one year for the administratrix to
-vivid raiu coiair, irom i no ibm uay or Apr
1U13. A copy of this order to be published In tho
North IMatto Tribune, u icjral seml-wcckly news
paper published in said county for four ruccoaalve
weeks prior to Slay 20, 1913.
"?2-t JOHN GI1ANT. County Judyc.'
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of application of Fred Walto
math for liquor license.
Noticd is hereby given that Fred
Waltemath did upon the llth day of
April, A. D. 1913, file his application to
tho city council of North Platte, Lin
coin county, Nebraska, for licenso to
sell malt Bplrituoui and vinous liquors
at north 22 feet of lot G, block 103, in
tho city of North Platte. Lincoln
county, Nebraska, from the 1st day of
May, 1913, to the 1st day of May,
If there bo no objection, remon
strance or protost filed within two
woeks from April 15th, A. D. 1913,
said license will be granted.
Fm:d Waltemath, Applicant.
The Kind of Clothes
Gentlemen Wear
Guaranteed Quality,
Perfect Fit,
Prices Right.
Custom mode Suit
$20 to $45
Tailor made Suit.
$25 to $47
Satisfaction guaranteed
Karle Gerle,
over McDonald Bank.
Telephone Red 450 C05Vi Dewey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Oldest Bank In Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
We Solicit Your Duslnsss.
Bouftht and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 636 Office 459
Established in 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Gth and Vino Streets
R. D. Thomson.
Di edfield edfield,
Physicians and Surgooag.
WILLIS J. nnDFIELD. Surscon.
JOE V. REOFIF.LU, l'hyslclan.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
Tho Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, bs.
In tho County Court.
In the matter of tlio estate of Hans J.
Hansen, deceased.
To tho creditors, heirs, legatees, and others In
terested In the estate of Hans J. Hansen.
Take notice, that Anna F. Hansen
has filed In the county court a reno'rtof herdo
Iniis as executrix of said estate, and it Is ordered
that the sanio stand for hearing the 29th day
of April, A. D.. 1913. beforo the court
at tho hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., at which time any
person interested may appear and except to and
contest the same. And notice of tills proceeding la
ordcrrd Riven In tho North Tlatto Tribune, a
semi-weekly newspaper, printed in said county
for three successive weeks prior to said date.
Witness my ihand and the seal of the county
court at North Platto, Nebraska, this 1st day of
Apr. A. D., 1913.
a3-3 JOHN QUANT. County JuOso.
Hogs and uatt
Referees Sale.
By virtue oT an order issued in the
district court in and for Lincoln County,
Nebraska, on the 4th day of April. 1913,
in an action of partition wherein Rupert
SchwalRer is plaintiff and Agnes Harris,
Emroy Trjpp, Minnie Hood, a minor,
Eddie Hood, a minor, Helen Colvin, a
minor, Edward Tripo, Opal Tripp,
Adeline Tripp, and Harold Tripp,
minors and children of Mamie Tripp,
deceased, V,'. L. Porter, first and real
name unknown, as guardian of Minnie
Hood, II. D. Hughes, first and real
name unknown, as guardian of Eddio
.Hood, Earl II. Colvin as guardian of
Holon Colvin, Russell D. Chase as
guardian of Edwnrd Tripp, Opal Tripp,
Adeline Tripp nnd Harold Tripp are de
fendants, I will sell at public auction at
tho east front door of tno court house in
the city of North Platte. Lincoln County,
Nobrnska on tho 124th day of May, 19KI,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., the fol
lowing described real estate situate in
Lincoln Cffnhty, Nebraska, towit: The
enst half (EJ) and the northwest
nuartor (N V J) of soction thirty-four
(34,) township sixteen (10.) north of
range thirty west of the 6th p. m. In
Lincoln County, Nebraska, containing
480 acres according to government sur
vey; the terms of said salo to bo cash In
Dated at North Platto, Nebraska,
this 14th of April, 1913.
O. E. ELDEK, Referee. A-1B-5
Quality Cigars
In a cigar quality is the prime factor.
Soma cigars, even those costing a dime,
don't have the quality. The reason our
cigars are popular isbecauso quality is
our first consideration. Somo of our
brands have been on tho market for 25
years and they are the samo good cigar
as when first made. Our reputation
for good cigars was earned by making
quality the first consideration.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonner-Cramer
All tho nrincirml branches of Ap
plied and Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachers.
Address all Inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone BlacK 341
Estray Notice.
Taken up on the 9th day day
March, 1913, on Section 18, town
range 28, seven miles northwest
Mnxwell. in Lincoln countv. Nebr..
the undersigned who there resides, two
duck mares with white on forehead.
Owner will please call, pay charges and
take animals away.
C. H. James,
Maxwell, Neb.
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of Application of Henry J.
Rebhausen for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Henry J.
Rebhausen did upon tho 13th day of
March, A. D 1913. file his application
to the city council of North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, for licenso
to sell .malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors at 607 N. Dewey street in tho
city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, from tho 1st day of May,
1913. to tho 1st day of May, ,1914.
If there be no objection, remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
April 15th. A. D. 1913, said licenso will
be granted.
llENRY J. Rebhausen, Applicant.
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of Application ' of Luke F.
Haley for liquor license.
Notice is horeby given that Luke F.
Haley did upon tho llth day of April,
A. D. 1913, file his application to the
City Council of North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraskn, for license to sell
molt, spirituous and vinous liquors 110
E. Gth Street in the City of North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, from
the 1st day of May, 1913, to tho 1st day
of May 1914,
If there be no objection, remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
April 15th. A. D. 1913, said license will
be granted.
Luke F. Haley, Applicant.
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of application of Patrick G.
Haynes for liquor license.
Notice is horeby given that Patrick
G. Haynes did upon tho Gth day of
April 1913 file his application to the
Village Board of Trustees of Brady,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, for licenso
to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors on lots 13, 14, nnd 15 in block 6,
In tho villngo of Brady, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, to begin at the mnnicipal
year of 1913 and to end with the same
in the spring of 1914.
If thero would be no objection, .re
monstrance or protest filed within two
weekB from April 15, A. D., 1913, said
license will be granted.
Patrick G. Haynes, Applicant.
Borlal No. 0371(1.
I)oparttnontof tao Intorior.
U. S. Land OBIce at North Platte. Neb. .
. . . Mr. nth. 1913.
Notice Is horobr glvon that Alvln T. Guyor.
of North l'latte. Neb., who. on February
8th, 1908, made Homcstoad Entry No.U37.VS Ser
ial No. 03716, for bo!, tivtii and lots 3.
4. 5, Soction o. Township 14, north.
Ilanno ttl. Y. 0th Prlnnln&l MnHrtlnri.
has Illeil notlc of Intontlon to wake final
uireeyearproor, to cstuuusti claim to tho
land abovo doscrlbcd, before Heel.stor and
Hocelvur. at North Platto, Nob., on tho -1st
dRV of Mar, 1013, "
Claimant names ax witnesses; Fred
J Malcnu, Amzln Guthorless, Kred Sltnants
and .lesso Lone, all of North Platte, Nebr
X23-B J, E. Evans. Ueclstor.
Serial No. 03719,
Department of the Interior.
U. 8. Lund Ollice at North l'otvio. Neb.
April 3, 1913.
NOTICE Is hereby Riven that Lnuro Shaw, of
North I'lattn. Neb., who on Murch 9. J908, mado
H. E. No. 23825. Serial No. 08719. for NM,
NW, SVl NWK. and NWH SWM. Section 2S,
Township 15, North, Ramre 31, West of tho Gth
Principal Mcrldan, has tiled notice of Intention
to mnko final three year proof, to establish
claim to tho land abovo described, before tho
register and receiver, nt North Platte, Nob., on
the Gth day of June, 1913.
Claimant names an witnesses: Arthur Tooks.
II. V. Doel.ko, WmSiebold. I)ao Mncomber, ull
of North Platto, Neb.
aS-0 J. E EVANS, Hctflstcr.
Serial No. 0595.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ollice nt North Platto. Nebr.
Feb. 2fi. 1918.
Notlco is hereby jtUen that Edward Klmn,
of North Platto, Nebr., who, on February 8.
1910. mado Homestead Entry No.
04505. for NEK and tho EM of SEM. Section
2. twp, 15, N. rue. 30. wut of the Gth Principal
Meridian, has filed notlco of intention to make
final threo year proof, to establish claim to tho
land above described, befora tho register and
receiver, at North Platto, Nebr., on tho 25th
day of April 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: John Itcevoo,
Itobert llrvves, Frank Hood, Henry Greeley,
all of North Platte. Nebr.
mi-G J, L Evan, ncslster.
Stallion For Sale.
At Hershey's Hardware Store.
Cor. 5th and Locust. Phono 15.
4 -' t tM;t--
Physician, and Surgeon,
Olllco over McDonald Bank. '
) Office 130
) Residence 115
t!i1ilr)! i
Application for Druggist Permit.
Matter of Application of Fred W.
Rincker for druggist permit.
Notice is hereby given that Fred W.
Rincker did upon tho 10th day of April,
A. D. 1913, filo his application to tho
city council of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, "for licenso to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for
medical and mechanical purposes only
at 508 N. Dewoy street in the city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
from tho 1st day of May, 1913, to the
1st day of May, 1914.
If there be no objection, remonstrance
or protest filed within two woeks from
April 15th. A. D. 1913, said liconse will
be granted.
Fred W. Rinckeh, Applicant.
Application for Druggist Permit.
Matter of Application of R. S. Baker
for druggist pormit.
Notice is hereby given that R. S.
Baker did upon the 5th day of April,
A. D. 1913, filo his application to the
city council of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, for lieonsa to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for
medical and mechanical purposes only
at 719 N. Locust street, in tho city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
from tha 1st day of May, 1918, to th
1st day of May, 1914.
If there be no objection, remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
April 15th, A. D. 1913, said license will
bo granted.
R. S. Baker, Applicant.
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of Application of A. E. Tim
merman for liquor license.
Notice is horeby given that A. E.
Timmermnn did upon the llth day of
April, A. D. 1913, file his application
to tho city council of North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nobraska, for licenso
to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors on the east 33 feet of lot 1,
block 103, in tho city of North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, from' tho 1st
day of May, 1913, to tha 1st day of
May 1914.
If there bo no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from April 15th 1913, said li
cense will be granted.
A. E. Timmerman, Applicant
Application for Druggist Permit.
Matter of Application of Edgar
Schiller for druggist permit.
Notice is horeby given that Edgar
Schiller did upon the llth day of April,
A. D. 1913, file his application to the
city council of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, for license to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for
medical and mechanical purposes only,
on 523 N. Dewey street in the city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
from the 1st day of May, 1913, to the
1st day of Moy, 1914.
If there bo no objection, romon
strance or protest filed within two
week's from April 15th, A. D. 1913,
said license will be granted.
Edgar Schiller.
Application for Druggist Permit.
Matter of Application of Jos. H.
Stone .druggist permit.
Notice is hereby given that Joa. H.
Stono did upon the llth day of April,
A. D. 1913, filo his application to the
City Council of North Platto, Lincoln
County, Nebraska, for licenso to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors far
medical and mechanical purposes only
510 N. Dewey St. in the City of North
Pla)to, Lincoln County, Nebraska, from
the first day of May, 1913, to the first
day of May, 1914.
If there be no objection, remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
April 15th, A. D. 1913, said license will
bs granted.
Jos. H. Stone, Applicant.
Application for Druggest Permit.
Matter of Application of Francis J.
Dunn for druggist permit.
Notice is hereby given that Francis
J. Dunn did upon the llth day of April,
A. D. 1913, file his application to the
City Council of North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska, for to sell malt,
spirituous and vinous liquors 'for medi
cal and mechnnical purposes only at
G03 N. Dawoy Street, in tho City of
North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
from tho first day of May, 1913, to the
first day of May, 1914. -
If there be no objection, remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
April 15th, A. D. 1918, said license will
be granted.
Frances J. Dunn, Applicant.
Application for .Liquor License .
Matter-of application of John C. Den
for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that John C.
Den did upon the 19th of March. A. D.
1913, filo his application to the city
council of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, for license to sell malt,
spirituous nnd vinous liquor ot 200
h,aet Front street in the city of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
from tho 1st day of May, 1913, to tho
1st day of Moy, 1914.
If thero bo no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from Apr. 15th,A. D. 1913, said
license will bo granted.
John C. Den, Applicant.
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of Applicant of Charles T.
Whclan for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Charles
T. Whelan did upon tho sixth day of
March, A. D. 1913, file his application
to the City Council of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraskn, for license
to sell malt, spirtuous and vinous liquors
at 204-G E. Front St.block 103 in tho city
of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska, from tho hrst day of May, 1913,
to the first day of Mny, 1914.
If thero be no objection, romonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
April 15th. A. D. 1913, said license will
bo granted.
Charles T. Whelan.
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