Semi -Weekly Tribune Jra L. Rare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Ono Year by Mall in advance $1. ' One Yoar by Carrier in udranco $1.60 Kntered at North I'latte, Nebraska, Post f oflico as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, APRIL 15. 1913. per rr Legislators Let Pledges Fail. From an extended article- in yester iIm'b Omaha Ben telling wheroin tho present legislature has failed to "make good," wo tako the following extract: The thirty-third session of the Ne braska legislature) is on its last pegs arid the plan is for adjourdment prob ably by next Thursday. Unless a miracle is worked within the next three or four days history will record this session as ono of broken platform pledges. The membera re ceive twice the pay of former legisla tor, but their work will rank with the wjjrst legislature Nebraska has oyer KM. All the legislature has to do before adjournment is to decide where tho uni versity is to be consolidated on the slfrte farm or new buildings construc ted on the present campus; pass a big maintenance appropriation bill; the Blary appropriation bill; n workmen's cdmpensation act; agroo on tho blue Bky put in the blue sky bill by the house; appropriate a 1-mill levy for tho state university; agree on the amendments to tho Omaha water district bill; and pass 500 or GOO other measures of moro op leas importance to somebody or sftne community. Tho legislature has been in session sixty-eight days and .OUt of. the 1,300 bills introduced, ninety of them have reached tho gov ernor. It expects to attond to these important matters by Wednesday night. In tho democratic house no leader has been developed and tho members floun doed nlong like a ship without a rud der. Those who might haye developed into leadors were so ambitious pollti ctflly they feared to do anything that might cause them to luso a supporter. Among the bills signed by Governor Morehead Friday was the non-partisan judiciary bill, a bill to require the nomin ation and election of county, district and supreme court judges en soparate ballots which will effectually conceal any po litical partisan bias which any candi date for judge may have. No party designation is to bo used and nomina tions are to be made by petition of five or tes per cent of tho voters according to the size of the district. ' ' ' v- Under a bill parsed by tho present legislature and signed last week by the governor, school districts will bo per mitted to levy a thirty-five mill tax for the maintenance of schools, instead of twenty-five as, heretofore. In many districts it was found that the proceeds f a twenty-fivo mill levy was insuffi cient to properly maintain tho schools'. Local and Personal .. Mrs. Roy Banks is a patient at tho u, &). hospltnl. A Miss.Maybollo Burku ia nsii3ting in T-, in omco ox uruu uoouman. Miss Mary Tigho and brothor Ray mond tpont Sunday in Kearney with friends. Wenthor ' Observer Shilling, who has uoen ill for several days, is slightly im proved today. Claude Wilson sustained n broken 'arm tho lust of last week while playing a gamo of ball. MrB. J. II. Ktrkpatrick returned Sunday afternoon from a short visit ,wtth relatives in Kearney. An eleven pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. O, Graham of the first ward Sunday aftornoon. Wantcd-Plain Sowing. Apply 320' E. llfch st. Mrs. R. Loudon. Mm. Earl Tunks, of Ogalalla, form erly Miss Bella Roddy of this city visited Miss Floroncn Stamp the Matte part of lust week. T ' Mrs. Davidson, of Hastings, who was the gucat of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Simon went to Ogalalla yostorday afternoon to visit relatives. Manager Stamp received word yes terday to,, cancel the engagement of Mrs. Leslie Darter at the Keith on May fSHh as the company baa disbanded for tho Benson,' Messrs. Ernest Rincker, Don Cln Haijgh,. Charles, Tigho and Frances Saiulall have pitched a tent in the Qttenstoin grove which they will occupy du?inK. the-summor months. The ca?e of F. L, Palmer vs At Wickntrom, both rcflidunta of Horshey, was on trial in the county court Satur day. Palmeraucd Wiekstrom for$I50.00 on. contract for which amount ho ro- cdvpdajWgment. Tho defendant gavo appeal. For Sale. Eggsfdr aettinnc from pure bred Oarred Plymouth Kock chickens. In HWjf ot or address, Blankonburg Bros,, 1SW JNtrttl liocusi oi., iMurui imim, nrtticrirnf Sw&J Local and Personal Miss Forn Perkins spent yesterday in Hershey on business. 0. II. Sawyer spent tho week end with friends in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Mann will leave shortly forCalliornln to locate. Frank Hruzn, of Pottor, spent yes terday In town on business matters. Tho Sophomore ball team will go to Cozad Fridny to play the Cozad nine. Tho Methodist aid society will meet Thursday aftornoon at the parsonage. II . M. Bobout, of Wallace, is trans acting business in town for a few days. Min Catherine Carstcnsen began work In the suit department of tho Leader yesterday morning. Earl Mealy, of Gering, spent Sunday with his friend Jack Boyer while en route home from Omaha. F. A. May and J. Raidt, of the Grand Island Telephone office will transact business at tho local office this weak. Just received a lot of fine initial box paper and correspondent cards at Rlncker Book & Drug Co., Blue Front. The Presbyterisn Aid Society will be entertained Thursday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Fred Perrit, 602 West 3rd strco,. Myrtle and Vicinity. Jas. Bowers, of Des Moines, Iowa, is renewing his acquaintance tho past week. It Is reported that Frank Ebelc will move to Stapleton In the near future. Mrs. Wm. Pittman returned from North Platto Friday whore aho 'spent the past week visiting relatives. J. C. Askwig and family, of North Platto visited Jas. Knajdl Sunday. Mrs. W. II. Burns left Monday for Burley, Idaho, where she will make her future home. A number of our young people at tended tho danco at Fred Bremcrs Sat urday night. The Myrtle mail was storm bound somewhere on tho Stapleton branch. Myrtle has had no mail for nearly a woek. HANDICAPPED. This IS the Case With Many North Platte People. Too many North Platte citizens are handicapped with bad backs. The un ceasing pain causes constant misery, making work a burden and stooping or lifting art impossibility. The back aches at night, preventing refreshing sleop and in the morning is stiff and lame. Plasters and liniments may give relief but cannot reach tho cause if the kidneys are weak, To eliminate the pains and achea of kidney backache you must cure tho kidneys. 'Doan'a Kidnoys Pills are for weak kidneys thousands testify to their merit. Can you doubt North Platte evidence. W. F. Blaloek, 009 Soventh St., North Platte, Nebraska, says: "I had on awful heavy aching across my loins which seemed to take evory bit of strength from me. My back was woak and helpless. I was lame and stood erect only with painful efforts. Tho kidney secretions Boomed to pot- moro disordered as the pain in my back in creased and they wero unnatural and too frequent in their rmssHge. I was advised to try Doan'a Kidnoy Pills and got u bo. They cured my complaint anu 1 nave boon entirely well since." For salo by all dealers. Pric50 cents FoBter-MllburnCo., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United States. Remember the namo Doan's and taku no other. Application for Liquor License. Matter of application of Putrlck G. Haynes for liquor license. JSotlco Is lioroby given that Patrick G. Haynes did upon tho Gth day of April PJ13 iilo his application to tho Village Board of Trustees of Brady, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors on lots 13, 14, and 15 in block G, In tho villago of Brady, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to begin tit the mnnicipal year of 1918 and to end with the sum In the spring of 1914. If there would be no objoction, re monstrance or protest filed within two weeks from April 15, A. D., 1913, said licenso will bo granted, Patiuck G. Haynus, Applicant. Referees Sale. By virtue of an order issued in the district court in and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho 4th day of April, 1913, in an actionof partition wherein Hupart Schwaigor is plaintilF and Agnes Hurris, Emroy Tripp, Minnio Hood, a minor, U.UUIU rioou, a minor, iieien uoivtn, n minor, Edward Tripp, Opal Tripp, Adeline Tripp, and Harold Tripp, minors and children of Mamie Tripp, deceased, V. L. Porter, first and real namo unknown, as guardinn of Minnie Hood, II. D. Hughes, first and rani name unknown, as guardinn of Eddie Hood, Enrl II, Colvin us guardian of Helen Colvin, Russell D. Chaso na guardian of bdwnru Tripp. Opal Tripp, Adeline Tripp and Harold Tripp are do fondants, I will sell at public auction at tho east front door of the court house in tho city of North Plixtte, Lincoln County, Nobrnsku on tho 21th day of May, 1913, at tho hour of 1 o'clock p. m , tho fol lowing described roal osttito situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, towit: The eaBt half (Ej) and the northwest qunrtor (N V J) of section thirty-four (31.) township sixteen (10.) north of range thirty west of the Gth p. m. In Lincoln County, Nebraskn, containing 480 acros uccordlng to government sur vey; tho terms of said salo to be cash in hand. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 14th of April, 1913. O. E. EUDKn, Refeifp. A-16-" The Kind of Clothes Gentlemen Wear Guaranteed Quality, Perfect Fit, -. Prices Right. Custom made Suit $20 to $45 Tailor made Suit. $25 to $47 Satisfaction guaranteed Karle Cerle, TAILOR. over McDonald Dank. The North Platte School of Music AFFILIATED WITH The University School of Music, Lincoln, Nebraska Elizabeth Donncr-Cramcr DIRECTOR, tho principal branches Ail of Ap- plied nnd Theoretical Music taught by compotent teachers. Addre3s all inquiries to 122 W. Front street or phone BlacK 341 Quality Cigars ' In a cigar quality is the prime factor. Somo cigars, even those costing a diihe, don't have the quality. The reason our cigar are popular is because quality is our first consideration. Some of our brands have been on tho market for 25 years and they are the same good cigar 83 when first mude. Our reputation for good cigars was earned by making quality the first consideration. J F. SCHMALZRiED. The Maker of Good Cigars. as- tf.& tft&ng.g.e,$&efs-&ss-j. I L. A. LINE North Side Jeweler 13 years experience at tho bench. Can ilo nil kltt(U of repairing. Dal rock prices. All worn Kuaroniecu. -;5'fl-3-fl'3-3ViS-3-9i-a3-S-9-9-J)e r n Signet Chapter O. E. S -NO. 55 Meets 2nd nnd 4th Thursday of every month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. lWwillWilHMMMWWlSIW' OltDElt OF HEARING- ON 1'HTITION FOR AP POINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Thu State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho County Court. In tho mutter of tho estate of Walter Ii. McNcv), decvuicil. On rcadinir and flllnir tho petition of Mary C. McNeil, praylnir that administration of said cstuto may he Krunted to herself na Admin Utratrix. Ordered, That Apr. 15. 1913. at 9 "o'clock a. m. Is uaslKtusl for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at a county court to lw held In and for said county, nnd show catise why prayer of petitioner should not hoitrantod; and that notlco of tho pendency of said petition nnd the henritur thereof bo itlven to all persons Intcrcsttxl In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho isortn I'latio Tribune u Ictrat seml-wcekly news paper printed in said county for three successive weeks, prior in said day of hearing, Dated March 12. 1U13. m213 JOHN GRANT. County Judne. Serial No. 0I5M. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION UKPAHTMKNT Of THE 1NTKUIOU. United States Land Oflico. At, North Platte. Nohraxka. Fuh 111. nun. Notice Is hereby ulvun that Charles O. Long of North Platto Nel., who on January 12. Win, , niacin homestead entry Serial No. QHaM for tho oast half f tho southwest quarter and lots 3 and 4, Section In. Town UN.. IlangeSU W.. of tho 6th Principal Meridian, has tiled notice of In tention to inako final three year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, Iwforo tho ri'itlstor and receiver at North Platte, Nobraska on tho lfith day of April. 1913 . Claimant names as witnesses: Georen Kopf, Ucoreo. Long. O A Robinson and, hick uohs, ail nt rsortli rintto. Ni'ii, OiHl .Ruin E.1KVANS Register, NOTICE OK SETTLEMENT. Tho Slate of Nebinskn, Lincoln county, ss. In tin) County Court. In tho matter of the estate of Hans J. HansHii, ilvceasfd. To tho creditor, hairs, legatvus. and others in terested in the estate of Huns J. Iltiiwri Take notice, that Anna K. Hunsen has tllwl In the county euurt a rtpoit of Ik r do ings as executrix of said i'tntc Ami It Is ordered that the saino stand for hearing tho 29th day of April. A. 1)., I'JIJ, before the court at the hour of 9 o'clock, a, m., nt which time nny person intiroted may appear and except to and contest tho same. Ami notlco of this proceeding Is ordered given in the North Platto Tribune, a seinru eokly newspnpir, printed In said county for til no succoulvu weuKB prior to said date. Witness my baml and the sd of the county court at North Platte, Nebraska, this 1st oay of Apr. A. 1)., 1913. aU JOHN t. UAT mmy 'i)d-e. Charter No. 3490. Report of the Condition of tho FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at North Platte. In tho Plato of Nebraska, at thu close of buslnem. Apr. 4, 1918. HESOimCBHj Ioans and dlwotinU Jlt7,(Jg2.09 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 281.5. IT. S. IxmiN to hccuto i circulation 50.000,00 U. H. bond to sreuru IJ. B. dcposlti 1.0(0.00 Other lionds to sccuro postal Having . ... 2l.OCO.0o Prrmlumson 17. H. bonds GMMW ltondt. securities, etc. 6,802.t llonklnc house, furnl- turo and nxturos 21.10.00 Other root estate owned 1,850.00 Ono from Rtato and prlvato hanks and batik- crH, trim companies. and savings banks 1,15j.2 Duo from approved ro- ....... serve agents 110.151.54 Checks and other cash ltoms 2.610. Notes of othor national , . batiks .00 Fractional paporcurrcn- cy. nickels and cents.. 27S..J0 Lawful Money Heservo In Hank, ylt: Specie 27,,J72.2.i Legal-tender notes 3.T00.00-1W.4M.2O Uedomptlon fund with 17. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation).... 2.500.00 Total tf39.93tf.74 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.. $100,000.00 Hurplus fund fl0.000.00 Undivided prollts, less expenses and taxes paid 879.05 National bank notes outstanding , 50.000.00 Due to state and prlvato banks and bankers M.mSJ Individual deposits sub ject to check 3CO.97M0 Demand certificates of deposit 7,707.00 Tlmo certificates of de posit IV3.U1.IZ Certified Checks 600.00, Cashlor's checks out standing United Htatosdeposlts. Postal Savings Deposits. Liabilities other than thoso abovo stated 3,831.01 I.WW.UU 12.58.U7- 537.000.60 2,000.00 Total $730,939.74 Stato of Nebraska. County of Lincoln, ss: I, F. L. Moonoy, Cashier of tho above namod hank, do solemnly swoar that the abovo statement Is true to tho best of ray knowl edgo and belief, V, L. Mooney. Cashlur 8ul)ci Hied and sworn to boforo mo this Uth day of Apr. 1013. T. Wilcox. Notary Public. Correct Attest: K. F. SKEiir.noKn I Hay C. Lanoioiid Directors John J. ) ' Application for Liquor License. Matter of Application of Henry J. Rebhausen for liquor license.. Notice is hereby given that Henry J. Rebhausen did upon the 13th day of March, A. D. 1913, file his application to the city council of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for- licenso to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors at G07 N. Dowey street in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from the 1st day of May, 1913. to tho 1st day of May, 1914. If there be no objection, remonstrance or pretest filed within two weeks from April 15th, A. D. 1913, said license will be granted. Henry J. Rebhausen, Applicant. Ayplication for Liquor License. Matter of Application of Luke F. Haley for liquor license. Notice is hereby given that Luke F. Haley did upon the 11th day of April, A. D. 1913, file his application to the City Council of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, for licenso to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors 110 E. Gth Street in the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, from the 1st day of May, 1913, to the 1st day of May 1914. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest filed withtfl two weeks from April 15th. A. D. 1913, said license will bo granted Luke F. Haley, Applicant. DR. HARRY MITCHELL ; GRADUATE DENTIST TclephoncRcd -15C E05M Dewey St. North Vlattc, Nebraska. Oldest Bank in Lincoln County State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 We Solicit Your Uuslnsss. 11 e Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Established In 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Corner Gth and Vine Streets NORTH PLATTE, NEB. R. D. Thomson. Di ldfield dfield. Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD. Surgeon. JOB II. Hr.DPlISLD. Physlolun. I I . I I ' wmm OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONK-6J2. Estray Notice. Taken un on the 9th day day of March, 1913, on Section 18, town 14, rango 28, seven miles northwest of Maxwell, In Lincoln county, Nobr., by the undersigned who thero resides, two black maros with white on forehead. Owner will please call, pay charges and take animals away. C. II. James, v Maxwell, Neb. NOTICE. To Whom It May Conccnv- Notlce Is hereby ttlven that tho mayor and city council will hold a special mcctlmr, beginning at the hour 8.00 o'clock p. m. (central time) Tuesday, April 15th, 1913, In tho council chamber for the purpose of making assessments and tho levying of taxes for the construction of sidewalks built by tho city nlong the following described property: Lot 12. Illock 2, Trustee's Addition. Walk 4 feet wide. 12 feet long. 48 square feet at 11 cents per square foot . ., . S 6 28 Lot 8, Illock 177, original town, walk 4 ft wide, 149 feet long, 698 sq feet at lie 66 &6 1C yards sand filling for same lot 12 00 Lot 4, Block 157, original town. Walk 4. feet wide, 145 feet long. 580 square feet at lie per square foot . 63 80 Lot 8. Block 181, original town. Walk 4 feet wide, 149 feet long, 693 square feet at 11 centa per square foot 66 66 Lot 5, Block 180. original town. Walk 4 feet wide, 149 feet long, 693 square feet nt 11 cents per square foot ..........65 66 Syards sand for filling above lot 3 76 Lot 8, Block 186, original town. Walk 4 feet wide. 149 feet long, 69G square feet at 11 , centa per square foot 66 66 Lot 6, BlocK 20, original town. Walk 4 feet wide. 83 feet long 332 square feet 11 cent per square foot 36 52 4 yards sand for filling above lot at 76 c . . . 3 00 Lot 6. Illock 20, original town. Walk 4 jfcet widp. 66 feet long 264 square feet at 11 cents per square foot. ..29 94 2 yards sand for filling above lot at 75c 1 60 Lot 2, Block 65. original town. Walk 4 feet wide, 66 feet long, 264 square feet at at 11 cents per square foot 29.01 776 yards dirt for filling above lot at 75c ...67 00 Lots 2 and 3, Block 66, original town. Walk 4 feet wide, 132 feet long, 623 sguaro feet at U centa per square foot 6808 Lot I, Block 66, original town. Walk 4 feet wide. 83 feet long, 332 square feet at 11 centa per square foot.... .... 36 62 Lot 2. Block 57, original town. Walk 4 fcot wide, 66 feet long, 261 square feet at 11 cents per square foot . ..29 04 Lot 5. Block 41, original town. Walk 4 feet wldo 83 feet long, 332 square feet at 11 cents per square foot.... 36 52 3 yards sand for filling above lotat 75c.... 2 25 Lot 6, Block 41 original town. Walk 4 feet wide, 66 feet long, 264 square feet at 11 cents per square foot... 29 04 4 yards sand for filling above lota at 75 .. 3 00 Lot 4, Block 54, original town. Walk 4 feet wide, 83 feet long, 332 square feet at 11 cents per square foot.. 36 52 3 yards sand for filling above lot at 75c ..2 25 Lots 2 and 3, Block 54. original town. Walk 4 feet wide, 132 feet long, 628 square feet at U cents per squaro foot .......58 03 Lot 3. Block 55, original town. Walk 4 f cct wide, 06 feet long, 264 square feet at 11 cents per squaro foot .......29 04 18 yards sand for filling above lot at 75c .13 60 Lot 7, Block 20 original town. Walk 4 feet wide, 66 feet long, 264 square feet at 11 centa per square foot .29 0-1 4 yards sand for filling above lot at 75c.... 3 00 In addition to the obovo amounts, interest and advertising fees will be charged. All persons Interested will file their objections. If any they have, to the assessing of taxes against the above described property and for the above described purpose on or before 8.00 o'clock p. m.. Tuesday. AP'U loth, 1913, as above stated for said meeting. CHAS. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. Referee s Sale. By virtue of an order isiutd in the district court in and for Lincoln county, Nebrnska, on the 17th day of March, 1913. in an action of partition wherein Hesokiah Ramsey is plaintiff and Charity Millar and Miller, her hus band, first and real namo unknown; Benjamin Ball and Bali, his wife, first and roal name unknown: Joseph Ball and Ball, hia wife, first and roal name unknown; Thomas Ball and Ball, his wife, first and real namo un known; Alma Stevens and Stevens, her husband, first and real name un known; Joseph Sells and Sells, his wife, first and real name unknown: John Sells and Sells, his -wife, first and roal name unknown; Ella Sells, Addie Soils, May Davis nee Sells and Davis, her husband, first and real name Unknown; Rosanna Armstrtng Km Hall anrl Armstrong, her husband, first and real name unknown; Worthinjjton Ball and Ball, his wife, first and roal nam unknown; Bertha Savage and Savagu, her husband, first and real name unknown; Amelia Wilkins and Wilkins, her husband, first and real name unknown and Florence Shepherd are defendants, I will sell at public auction at the east front door of the court house in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 19th day of April, 1913. at the hour of ona o'olock p. m., tho following described real estate situat in Lincoln Co., Neb., to-wit: An undivided one-half interest in a portion of lot "I" of the county clerk's subdivision of part of the north west quarter of section 33, township 14, range au, west or tne uth p m., de scribed as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said lot " I;" thence west from said northeast corner ton de grees north 220 ft. west; thence south 10 degrees west 198 ft. thenco east 10 degrees south 88 ft. thence north 10 degree!) east 132 ft -thence east 10 de grees south 132 ft. thence north nlong the eaBt line of said lot "I" CO ft. to the place of beginning, being all of said lot "I" except a portion thereof 132 ft. square in the southeast corner thereof, the terms of said sale to be cash in hand. Dated at North PJatte, Nebraska, this 17th day of March, 1913. m!8-5 O. E. Elder, Referee. noticr for puhlioation. Serial No. OMiu. Department of tho Intorlor. 0. 3. Land Olllce at North Platte. Neb. Mar. 17th. lu13. Notlco Ik horoby clvoll that Alvln T. Guyer. of North Platto, Nob., who. on February 8th. 1WW, made Homestead Entry No.23750 Ser ial NO. 03716, for sow. nwM and lots a, 4. 5, Section il. Township II. north, ltaniro .".". W flth Principal Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to maho final three year proof, to establish claim to the land abovo ilenerllxMl, before Iteelster and Keceiver. at North Platto, Neb., on tho 21st day of May, 1013. Claimant narops as wltnoitses: Frod J. Malone. Amle Guthorless, Fred SImants and .lesso Lone, all of North Platte. Nebr. f-'3-8 J. E. Evans. Register. NOTICE FOIt PUI1LICATION7 Serial No. 03749. Department of the Irterlor. U. S. Land Olllce at North PI j t Neb. April 3, 1913. NOTICE Is hereby irlven that I.-ura Shaw, of North Platte. Neb., who on March 0, 1!X)8, made II. E. No. U382S, Serial No. H1749. for NM. NW'i. KWW NW, and NW SW. Section 28. Township 15, North. Range 31, West of tho 6th Principal Mcridan. has lllwl notlco of intention to make final three ytar proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before tho register and recolver. at North Platte. Neb., on theSthduy of June, 113. CCilniant names at witnesses: Arthur Took. II. F IXvbko. Wm Sicbold, Dave Macomber, nil of North Platte. Neb. aB-6 J;gKVANS. Register NOTICE FOR PURL1CATION. Serial No. 0595. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Olhcu at North Platte, Nebr. . , , Fob. 25, 1913. Notlco Is hereby Riven that Eduurd Rimo, of North Platte, Nebr., who, on February b, 1910. made Homestead Entry No. 04595. for NEW and the Eli of SEW, Section 2. twp. 16, N. we. 30. west of the 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notteo of Intention to mako final three jear proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, before the register and receiver, at North Platte, Nebr,, on the 25th day of April 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: John Reeves, Robert Reces, Frank Hood, Henry Greeley, alluf North Platte. Nebr. m'.O .1 K. KvMn, HwisUr. Stallion For Sale. At Hershey's Hardware Store. Cor. 5th and Locust. Phone 15. -l4--'.' 4-Jr-& GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, 1 ? Office over McDonald Bank, w 2 Pfennna ) Office 130 E t Phone3 f Residence 115 fr fr JH Application for Druggist Permit. Matter of Application of Fred W. Rincker for druggist permit. Notice is hereby given that Fred W. Rincker did upon the 10th day of April, A. D. 1913, file his application to the city council of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for medical and mechanical purposes only at bus ss. uewey street in tne city oi North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. rrom tne 1st oay oi iuay, iaia, to tne 1st day of May, 1914. Tr thnr ha nnnhiartiOn. remnnntrnnco or protest filed within two weeks from April 15th, A. D. 1913, said license will be granted. tncD w. uincker, Applicant. Application for Druggist Permit. Matter of Application of R. S. Baker for druggist permit. Notice is hereby given that R. S. Baker did upon the 5th day of April, A. D. 1913, file his application to the city council of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for medical and mechanical purposes only at 719 N. Locust street, in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from the 1st day of May, 1913, to the let day of May, 1914. If there be n6 objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from April 15th, A. D. 1913, said licenso will be granted. R. S. Baker, Applicant. Application for Liquor License. Matter of Application of A. E. Tim merman for liquor license. Notice is hereby given that A. E. Timmerman did upon the 11th day of April, A. D. 1913, file his application to tho city council of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors on the east 33 feet of lot 1, block 103, in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from the 1st day of May, 1913, to the 1st day of May 1914. If tkere be no objectien, remon strance or protest filed within two weeks from April 15th 1913, said li cense will be granted. A. E. Timmerman, Applicant. Application for Druggist Permit. Matter of Application of Edgar Schiller for druggist permit. Notice is hereby given that Edgar Schiller did upon the 11th day of April, A. D. 1913, file his application to the city council of North Platte, Lincoin county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous nnd vinous liquors for medical and mechanical purposes only, on 523 N. Dewey street in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from the 1st day of May, 1913, to the 1st day of May, 1914. If there be no objection, remon strance pr protest filed within two weeks from April 15th, A. D. 1913, said license will be granted. Edgar Schiller. Applicant. Application for Druggist Permit. Matter of Application of Jos. H. Stone druggist permit. Notice is hereby given that Joa. II. Stona did upon the ljth day of April, A. D. 1913, file his application to the City Council of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, for licenso to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors far medical and mechanical purposes only 510 N. Dewey St. in tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, from the first day of May, 1913, to the first day of May, 1914. If there be no obieotion. remonstrance or protest filed within two weoks from April 16th, A. D. 1913, said license will be granted. Jos. H. Stone, Applicant. Application for Druggest Permit. Matter of Application of Francis J. Dunn for druggist permit. Notice is hereby given that Francis J. Dunn did upon the 11th day of April, A. D. 1913, file his application to the City Council of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, for to sel molt, spirituous and vinous liquors for medi cal and mechanical purposes only at C03 N. Dewey Street, in tho City of North Plntte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, from the first day of May, 1913, to the first day of May, 1914. If there be no objection, .remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from April 15th, A. D. 1913, said license will be granted. Frances J. Dunn, Applicant. Application for Liquor License. Matter of application of John C. Den for liquor license. Notice is hereby given that John C. Den did upon the 19th of March. A. D. 1913, file his application to the city council of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors' at 200't Front street in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from tho 1st day of May, 1913, to the 1st day of May, 1914, If there be no objection, remon strance or protest filed within two weeks from Apr. 15th, A. D. 1913, said license will bo granted. John C. Dkn, Applicant. Application for Liquor License. Matter of Applicant of Charles T. Whelan for liquor license. Notice is hereby given that Charles T. Whelan did updn tho sixth day of Uarch, A. D. 1913, file his application to the City Council of North Plntte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirtuous and vinous liquors nt201.G E. Front St.block 103 in the city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne braska, from tho first day of May, 1913, to tho first day of May, 1914. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest filed within tvo weeks from April 15tl A. D. 1913, said license will be granted. Chart r T. Whelan f f I NtL 'Phi ne No. Red 413. 1?-C jisr-iwwr . " V"""""" Ti nrt "rrrii"rnrJT"ri"-TtTMaiwwrw IJOWMWIBlfsMttrTWIffl' "."T"TitMi --