The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 11, 1913, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Irn L. Bare, Editor out! Publisher.
One Year by Mail in mlvit'ico $1.2T)
Ono Yoar by Carrier in advance $l.fU
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofllca as Second Class Matter.
Congress convened in extra session
Monday and tho following day Presi
dent Wilson .road his messago to tho as
Rambled senators and congressmen. It
was th first time in over 100 yoars
that tho nation' oxecutivo dative-red
his message by reading it. ' The mes
sage was very short, requiring but
eight minutes to road it. The messago
dealt exclusively with the need of a
thorough, modorato and well considered
revision of the tariff. Th president
drew attention to tho necessity for an
parly reform in tho banking and cur
rency laws but refrained, ho said, from
urging, for tho present, any other leg
islation that might divert tho cnorgles
of congress "from its clearly denned
duty" toward tho tariff quostion.
Direct Election of Senators.
The nmondment providing for tho
direct olection of United States senators
became part of the constitution of the
United Status Tuesday when the Con
necticut assembly ratified it.
Thirty-six Btatcs have now approved
the amendment and it is only necessary
for the governors of the various states
to notify Secretary of Stato Bryun and
for him to issue the proclamation that
the amendment has carried.
Tho amendment Is ihe seventeenth to
the constitution rind roads:
"Tho scnato of tho United States
shall be composed of two sonators from
oach utntc, e lectin! by the people there
of for six yenrs; and each senator shall
linvo one vote. Tho electors in each
Htato shall have the qualifications re
quisite for electors of most numerous
branch of the Htato legislatures.
"When vacancies happed in the rep
resentation of any state in the senate,
the executive authority of such state
shall issue writes of election to fill such
vacancies, provided that the legislature
of any stato may empower tho eXccu
tivo thereof to mako temporary appoint
ments until tho people fill tho vncnnclos
by olection na the legislature may
Rcsolntions by the Teachers.
W, tho teachors of West-Control
Nebraska In convention assembled, do
hereby resolvo:
First, that we extend our heartiest
thanks to the North Platto Chamber of
Commerce for their kindness in nrovld-
ing places of meeting, furnishing adver
tising and reception committees, and to
tho citizens in general for receiving and
ontertninlng us so hospitably.
Second, wo extend our thnnks to the
banquot committee for the educational
banquet and lo tho city teachers for tho
flowers and to tho musiclul talent ami
tho speakers on the programs for their
part in making the meeting it success.
Third, we extend our gratitude to tho
officers of tho association and tho mom
bars of tho committees for their -untiring
efforts in our behalf.
And it be further resolved.
That wu oxprcs3 our appreciation of
too cirorto of the state ilopaitmunt of
education and others who hnvo asaiated
iu necuring bettor und moro efficient
legislation for the school of west-central
Nebraska, particularly for tho bettor
mont of the Schools.
A. It. Nichols, Sunt Gibbon. Mrs.
Qonevtevo Richm nd. Co. Supt. Keith
uouniy, j. a. uruo, aupt. cozntl.
Funeral of D. J. O'Brien.
The funeral of the late Dennis J.
'O'lirien was hold ut the Odd Fellows'
)m Tuesday nftcrnoon, and not with-
iUtandinjj the very stormy weather
thuro was a largo uttundnnco. Mom
bora of tho B. L. E., I. 0. 0. F. und
A. 0. U, W., of which tho docoased
,waa i member, attended In a body, und
'thore wore representatives of tho L.
O. T. M.. Degrco of Honor, W. P.. C,
Yeomen and G. I. A, The sorvices
wore in chnrgo of tho B. of L. E. and
tho address was delivered by W. J.
Cruscn, n member of that organization.
Selections were rendered by members
or the Catholic choir, and the ritualis
tic aorvieo of tho Odd Follows was read
Tho pall bearers were J . D. Cox nnd
Miles McCurthy, representing tho Odd
Follows. J. R. McWflliams und J. II.
Fonda the A. O. U. W., nnd W. L.
Richards and J. T. Stuart tho B. of L.
E. At the grave thu burial servlco of
tho luttor organization was rend, Many
nnd beautiful were the floral tributes.
Dennis O'Brien was born at Iowa
City, In., Feb. 2Sth, 1801; cama with
his parents to Wood Rlvr, Nob,, when
lx months of ago nnd lived on n farm
.and, made his home with tliem contin
uously until April, 1888, when ho entered
the service of the Union Pacific railroad
us locomotlyo fireman and was promoted
to locomotive engineer in Sept., 1897.
Became u member of tho Brothorhood
of Locomotive Engineers In Nov., 1903,
nnd had always been a loyal member
of tho organization and a competent
engineer and nn honorablo upright
citizen of this community.
Card of Thanks.
. Wo desin to express our henrtfelt
thanks to the friends nnd neighbors,
tho indies of tho Lutheran church and
tho Sir Knights and Ladles of tho
'Maccabees for holr generous assistance
and kindly sympathy extended during
tlio tineas nnd following tho donth of
t our indovod wife and mother, nnd for
the beautiful floral tributes.
Presbyterian Church.
Sunday school nt 10 a in. H. A.
Cary, Sunt. Preaching sarvlco at. 11
n. hi. und 8 p. m. Morning themo: "A
Soul Saving InstItution.'r At 8 -p. in.
A. G. Knjjpul wilt lecture in the' 'Inter
est of 1h y. M. C. A. Bodtavor so
cieties at I) und 7 p. m. Mon's - bible
class with pastor. Ladies bible class
with E; A. Gary. The Presbyterian
church welcomes nil.
And Ills Hntry Upon the Ameri
can Field
Lord Uurnlcliel had come to America
for n rich wife. Most of tho scions of
nobility mnko no pretense of lovo for
the woman they marry, though It goes
without saying that they are enamored
of her fortune. It is understood thnt n
duko or nu carl who marries au Amerl
can heiress matches his titlo nnd tho
social ndvnntages thnt go with it
against her estate, nnd the mnrrlngo is
n purely business trananction. Tho
wife is expected to put up with tho at
tentions of her husband to other wo
men nnd hi neglect of her. In tho
highest circles, where tho husband In
troduces Ids wife to roynlty; divorce Is
not ndmltted without n toss of stand
ing, but the husbnnd may bo known
for n libertine nnd still maintain tils nnd
his wifo's prestige with tho sovereign.
Bnrnlckcl. being simply n younger son
of n duko and with no fortune, was
not entitled to tho privileges accruing
to tho duko, his eldest brother. Ho
therefore considered it Incumbent upon
him to win nnd woo tho woman he
Hliould marry. IJo wbb good looking, n
cnptnln lii tho Coldstream guards and
n favorlto in British aristocratic soci
ety. His elder brother, who had re
cently como Into tho family title, had
been honored by tin ncccptnnce ot an
invitation to Hrandonbnno cnstlo by
tho king. This was all very well n far
as It went, but it was not n dukedom
or oven an enrldom. Unrnlckel whs in
tent upon marrying a woman with n
fortune In tier own right, ant": most
wealthy American girls nro rich in
prospect only, nnd their fathers, huv
lug made (heir fortunes by hard
knocks, hnvo n rcpugnanco to settle
ments. After looking tho field over Barnlckcl
reduced tho girls he would try to win
to two. Tho parent of ono was worth
nnywticro from twenty to fifty million
dollnrs; but, being a hnrd bonded Amur
lean business man, ho would not '
likely to mnko n llhcrnl settlement
Tho other wns an orphan, worth In her
own right nomo seven or eight hundred
thousand dollnrs. Ills lordship -wished
money to Hpond nt oncc-so ho laid
slcgo to tho last named lady, Miss Mar
Jorlo Sanderson.
When a man is nn ndept nt personat
ing a lover It must bo difficult for tho
girl ho courts to discover whether ho
is really In lovo or shamming.
Barnlckel, who would have mndo Ids
fortuno on tho stago acting lovers'
parts, concentrated nil his powers on
Miss Sanderson. Ho told her with
tears In his eyes that were sho a bog
gar his life would bo a blank without
her nnd thnt to work for her would
bo for hint the nemo of hnpplnoss.
One day Mlns Sanderson sent for
Mr. Clarence Whlttomore, n young nt
tornoy who had the euro of tier prop
erty, nnd said to him;
"Clarence, you nro awnro that tho
fortuno left me by my mother, hnd
tier elder brother lived, would hnve
been much smaller. All but a life In
terest In $100,000 would lutvo gono to
him and would now hnvo been in tho
possession of my cousin, Mabel Stunvt.
Indeed, I consider Mabel entitled to
the property tho samo as If her father
had lived to Inherit It. My conclenco
has boon troubling me ever since I
camo Into possession of It. 1 hnve
been fighting the dovll nnd fiavo con
quered him. - I wish you to draw up
papors for my signature turning over
to her nil this property except n life
Interest In $100,000."
Clnronro Whlttemoro looked nt his
client In astonishment, no hnd heard
of tho nttentlons of Lord Barnlckel.
nnd when Miss Sanderson appeared In
hid office had surmised that sho visited
him to Instruct him to drnw up a mar
riage settlement. They had been
friends from childhood, and Whltto
moro would liavo gladly welcomed a
change from friendship to love had ho
not 'considered thnt her fortuno stood
between them. Having tho enro of
her estnto. lie knew Its vnlne nnd be
lieved thnt should he tunko lovo to her
his motives would bo Impugned.
"Mnrjorle," tie said, "are you crazy?"
"No; I nm simply obedient to con
fidence. But I don't wish to discuss
thin mnttcr with you, Clarence, or with
any ono else. I wish you to consider
yourself simply my attorney and do ns
1 Hay. When will you hnvo tho papors
ready for me to hIrii?"
"Will tomorrow do?"
"Well, make It tomorrow, Better cnll
hero. We have everything hero we
A few days Inter, when Lord Bar
nlckel called for n Until answer to IIh
proposition of uuriingo that had beeu
promised him, Miss Sanderson said to
"Before accepting your proposal
Lord Bnnl'l;ol, 1 desire to communi
cate to you a matter of liupnrtitui e "
And she told him what she had dour
and that she had done It as a matiet
of Justice.
Now, the wily Englishman wan not
lo bo deceived by so palpable nn at
tempt to test whethor Ills olTor came
from her or from love of her fortune
lie swore thnt he wns delighted thnt bo
hail .nn opportunity to prove to her
that ho loved her fur herself alone
"Wry well." she said. "If In n month,
when you have hud nn opportunity to
lenru thnt 1 have told you tliF truth,
yon ehoosa to renew your proposal II
will be accepted. You hnve mot ray
cousin, I believe. I sliull consider It
perfectly proper for you to lenrn from
her or my attorney. Clarence Whltto
more, or nny ono olse thnt this Is not
nn attempt to decolvo you. Au revolr.
Coirto to 87o mo, if you like, u mouth
from todny."
"I will .come, ns sure us I nm alive
nnd t(ut the nun shines In the henv-
Lord Bnrnlekol departed, feeling mire
thnt he had won thu prize. But there
was too much nt stnke to warrant his
not assuring himself of the truth. Miss
Sanderson's property wns Invested In
u business building In the heart of the
city, which paid nn enormous and sure
rental. It wns n very simple mntter for
Barnlckel to go to the court of records
and see there n deed recorded trans
ferring to Mnbel Stuart, "for nnd In
consideration of one dollar, the receipt
of which Is hereby acknowledged." the
business block Unit constituted nine-teen-twcntleths
of Miss Sanderson's
property. He was thunderstruck. Still
he would not boleve the transfer had
really been made until he hoard tho
story repeated time nnd again nnd snw
thnt Miss Slunrt hud, mntcrlnlly nl
tered her mode of living.
Miss Stunrt wns n very different
kind of womnn from Miss Snndcrson.
She said that the property having gono
to her cousin was tin outrngo nnd its
being turned over to her a mere net of
common honesty. Lord Barnlckel. who
would not have scrupled to desert the
womnn who had reslgued the property
for the one who hnd nccepted It,' did
not dream of making the former a
proposition, supposing that under the
circumstances she would consider it an
Insult But Miss Stuart, who consld
crcd thnt the nlllnncc with n ducrw
houso went with tho property, on meet
ing his lordship Indicated by tin ex
treme grnoloiiKtiess that she wouldn't
mind going bnck to England with hlin
In her cousin's place.
The British nristocrnry or other per.
sons of high degree, for thnt matter
don't mind such transfers at nil, nnd
nmoiig them they are not considered
out of place. Barnlckel as soon ns ho
discovered that the property had renlly
been given Miss Stuart wrote ti note to
Miss Snndctsoii informing her that lit
bad hoard his brother, the duke, wm
very ill and ho expected beforo tho
expiration of (ho month allotted him
before receiving his reply to return to
England. I7e Intended this na a polite
way of withdrawing his proposition
und Ktrnlghtwny entered Into n nego
tlntlon with Miss Stunrt proposing
marriage nnd n settlement of half her
property upon himself. Tho Indy, who
wns ns anxious for social preferment
ns his lordship was for the where
withal to keep up his position, nnsented
ut once and" omploj cd nn attorney to
drnw the settlement papors.
Ono morning Miss Sanderson receiv
ed n note from Clarence Whlttomore
Informing her thnt her cousin's attor
ney had called upon him for informa
tion Jim to the title to the business
block sho hnd recently transferred, the
lawyer having been employed to draw
mnrrlngo settlement documents bo
tween Miss Stunrt and Lord Barnlckel
Miss Sanderson lost no tlmo in seelns
Mr. Whlttomore In his office.
"What Is this mntter you hnvo writ
ten me about, Clarence?" she naked
with indignation.
Whlttomore hnuded her it note whlct
gave the facts In the case. It stated
that there wns it elcrlcnl error In the
deed recently given Miss Stunrt by
MIbs Snndcrson. In the deed the prop
erty wns described us situated on n
part of n grant of hind made in 1780,
tho boundary line running west from
n ccrtuin point, while in the abstract
of title to the property the line wns
laid down ns running cast. Would Mr
Whltleinore kindly furnish n new deed
correcting tho orror?
"Whnt docs tho error signify?" nsked
Miss Sanderson. i
"That tho deed you gnve your cousin
does not describe tho property Intended
to bo conveyed nnd Ib worthless."
Miss Sanderson's face lighted ,ip
"Can Mabel compel me to correct the
error?" ,
"Who mndo it?'
"Yes. I wrote the deed myself nnd
mndo tho mistake purposely."
The two nat looking nt each other in
tently for some time, when Miss San
dcrson asked:
"Why did you do it. Clarence?"
"Because I believed you were ranking
n mistake nud wished to save you from
the consequences."
Again there wns a silence, which
Miss Sanderson broke:
"Had you any other reason?"
Perhaps it was the tone In which the
quostion wns nsked. perhaps the look
that accompanied It. At any rate.
Whlttemore's eyes fell like a girl's.
But for the fortune that still stood
between them he would have replied
"Because I love you." As It was ho
made no answer. Nevertheless she tin
Miss Sanderson sent for Lord Bur
ulcko), nnd when he apHnrcd she snld
to him:
"1 understand thnt nn error wasimot.
in tlio deed to tho property I Into-
to transfer to my cousin. I have --i;
fur you to glvo you my word that I ri
led on my nttomey to mnko the i .-'
iHiiNfer. But he. foreseeing tlm
mluht regret my net. mndo the emu
nurpoHoly and thus rendered void
transfer. 1 have hnd cause to rn t
my net nnd shnll not glvo n valid
to the property. I have nothing fup'tie.
to oommuntcnte nnd bid you good dnv
Ills lordship went bnck to KupitMu
without a wife or a fortuno. He unvt
those blasted Amerlcnns nro n pnok ot
xlmrpera nnd it doesn't do for gent It
men to have nnythlng to do with thoiu
The Kind of Clothes
Gentlemen Wear
Guaranteed Quality,
Perfect Fit,
Prices Right.
Custom made Suit
$20 to $4S
Tailor made Suit.
$2S to $47
Satisfaction guaranteed
Karle Gerle,
over McDonald Bank.
The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonner-Cramcr
All the principal branches of Ap
plied and Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachers.
Address nil inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone BlucK 341
Quality Cigars
In a cigar quality is the prime factor.
Some cigars, oven thojo costing a dime,
don't have the quality. Tho reason our
cigars are popular isnecauso quality is
our first consideration. Somo of our
brands have been on the market for 25
years nnd they nro the same good cigar
as when first made. Our reputation
for good cigars wus earned by making
quality the first consideration.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
13 yenrs experience) at the bcncli. Can ilo
nil kinds of repairing. Bed rock prices. All
work guaranteed.
M IIJIMWf I lUMM fw II I mm wfm WWI.M) )
Signet Chapter 0. E. S.,
NO. 35
Meets 2nd nnd 4th Thursday of ovcry
month at Masonic Hall nt 7:30 i. m. S
Tho Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln Coucty, ss.
In tho County Court.
In tho matter of the estate of Walter II.
McNeel, deceased.
On reading nnd flllnjr the petition of Mary C.
McNeel, praying that administration of said
estate may bo granted to herself as Admin
istratrix. Ordered, That Apr. IB, 1913, nt 9 o'clock n. m.
Is assigned for hearlntr said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter may appear
at n county court to bo held In and for said
county, and Bhow cause why prayer of petitioner
Jihould not be granted; and that notice of the
oenuoncy or said petition and tho hearing
thereof be given to all persons Interested In said
matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho
North Platte Trlbuno a legal scml-wcekly news
paper printed in said county for threo successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing,
Dated March 12. 1913.
m24-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
Serial No. 01530.
Unlind States Land Office.
At North Platte. Nebraska, Feb. 10. ID13,
Notice Is hereby given that Charles
P. Lng of North Platte Neb., who or
January 12. 1910. . made, homestead entry
Serial No 01606 for the oast half
f tho Kimtliwt'Ht qnr.rtor aril lotn 3 and 4.
-action 1H. Town 14 N Range 30 W of the
lth Principal Meridian, Iim Hied notlcoof In
'I'llllon lo make final threo year
nroof to establish claim to tho land alxjve
h M-rlbvd, l-ofore tho register and receiver
i North Platte. Nebraska on the 16th day
v April. 1I3
Plalmant names as witnesses! Georet
Kopf, George. Umg. O A Robinson and
I Mck IMm. all nf North Platto. Nob.
n-" John E.i Evans Register.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In the County Court,
I In thu matter of the estato of Hans J.
Hansmi, diK-eased.
To the creditors, heirs, leiratooi, and others In-b-rentod
In tho estate of Hans J, Hnnten.
Take notice, that Anna F. Hansen
h filed In th cotinty court a report of hvrilo-
itnirs B&iUMujiiKof aid estate, and it Is ordered
Hat the same stand for hearing the 29th day
of April, A. 1)., 1913, before the court
I at thu hour of 0 o'clock, a. m.. at which tlmo any
iierson Interested mav nnnear nttd uxrent tn Ami
j contest thu same. Ami notice of this proceeding Is
ttrtiercu given in tno north I'latto Trlbuno, u
Miiil-weekly newspaper, printed fn said county
for three successive weeks prior to said date.
Witness my hand nnd tho seal of the county
court nt North Platte, Nebraska, this 1st day of
Ar. A D.. 1013.
it? JOHN rOHVr. Pntintj Jiulnv.
United Doctors, Specialists,
Will Be at the
Pacific Hotel
April 14, 15 and 16,
Monday, Tuesday and
Three Days Only
Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Remarkable Success of These Talented
Physicians in the Treatment
of Chronic Disesesr
Tho United Doctors, licensed by tho
state of Nebraska for tho treatment of
deformities and all nervous and chronic
diseases of men, women and children,
odor to all who call on this trip, con
sultation, examination, advice free,
making no charge whatever, except the
actual cost of medicine. All that is
asked in return for theso vaiuablo ser
vices is that every person treated will
state tho result obtained to their friend
and thus prova to the sick nnd afllicted
in every city and locality, that at laBt
treatments havo been discovered that
aro reasonably suro and certain in their
These doctors are considered by many
former patients among America's lead
ing stomach and nerve specialists and
are exports in the treatment of
chronic diseases and so great and w.on
dorful havo been thoir results that in
many cases it is hard indeed to find tho,
dividing lino between skill and miracle.
Diseases of the stomach, intestines,
liver, blood, shin, nerves, heart, spleen,
kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, si
utica, diabetes, bed-wotting, leg ulcers,
weak lungs and those afllicted with
long-standing, deep-seated chronic dis
ease, that have baffled tho skill of tho
family physcion, should not fall to call.
According to their system no moro
operations for appendicitis, gall stone?,
tumors, goiter or certain forms of can
cer, iney were nmong the nrst in
America to onrn tho name of the
"Bloodless Surgeons," by doing away
with knifo, with blood and with ail pain
in the. successful treatment of these
dangerous disease.
If you have kidney or bladder trou
bles bring a two-ounce bottle of your
urino for chemical analysis and micro
scopic examination.
Denfnoss" often has boon cured in
sixty days.
No mattor what your ailment may
be, no matter what others may have
told you, no mattor what eAperionco
yoifmay have had with Other physicians,
it will be to your ndvantage to see
them nt once. Havo it forever settled
in your mind. If your case is incurable
they will give ym such advice as may
relieve and stay the disease. Do not
put off this duty you owe yourself or
friends or relatives who are suffering
because of your sickness, as n visit this
time may help you.
Remember, this free offer is for one
dny only.
Married ladies must come with their
husbands and minors with their parents.
Oldest Bank in Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
We Solicit Your Buslnsos.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red G36 Oflice 459
Established in 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Gth and Vino Streets
R. D. Thomson.
Dr fydfield tysdfiisld.
Physicians end Surgeons.
JOE 11. ItEIU'IKLI). Physiclun.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
inn rvooj ,-k v i
- CD
Estray Notice.
Taken up on the 9th day day of
March, 1913, on Section 18, town 14,
range 28, seven miles northwest of
Maxwell, in Lincoln county, Nobr., by
the undersigned who thero resides, two
black mares with white on forehead.
Owner will pleaso call, pay charges and
toko animals away.
C. II. James,
Maxwell, Neb.
To Whom It May Conccrn:-
Notlco is hereby given that tho maorand city
council will hold a special meeting, beginning at .
the hour 8:U0 o'clock p. m. (central time) Tuesday,
April 15th. 1913, In the council chamber for tho
purpose of making assessments and tho levying
of taxes for tho construction of sidewalks built by
the city along tho following described property:
Lot 12. Illock 2, Trustee's Addition. Walk
4 feet wide. 12 feet lohg. 48 squaro feet
nt 11 cents per square foot $6 28
Lot 8, Ulock 177, original town, walk 4 ft
wide, 149 feet iong, C9C sq feet at lie C5 66
16 ynrds sand filling for same lot 12 00
Lot 4, Ulock 157, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 145 feet long, 680 square feet at lie
per square foot ...03 80
Lot 8, Block 181, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 149 feet long, 59C square feet at 11
cents per square foot 66 66
Lot 5. Block 180, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 149 feet long, 696 square feet at 11
cents per squaro foot 66 66
6 yards Band for tilling above lot 3 76
Lot 8, Block 186, original town. Walk 4 feet '
wide. 149 feet long. 696 square feet at 11
cents per square foot 65 66
Lot 6, BlocK 20, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 83 feet long 332 square feet 11
cents per square foot..... 36 62
4 yards sand for filling above lot at 76 c 3 00
Lot B, Block 20, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 66 feet long 264 Square feet at U
cents per squaro foot...... ,29 04
2 yards sand for filling above lot at 76c-. 1 60
Lot 2. Block 65, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, C6 feet long, 264 square feet at at 11
cents per square foot ..20.01
776 yards dirt for filling above lot at 76c. . . 57 00
Lots 2 and 3, Block 66, original town. Walk
4 feet wide, 132 feet long, 628 square feet
at 11 cents per square foot 68 03
Lot 1. Block 66, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide. 83 feet long, 332 square feet at 11
cents per square foot 36 62
Lot 2. Block 67, original town. Wnlk 4 feet
wide, 66 feet long, 264 square feet at 11
cents per squaro foot ,. , ..29 0-4
Lot 6, Block 41, original town. Wnlk 4 feet
wido 83 feet long, 332 Bquare feet at 11
cents per square foot 36 62
3 ynrds sand for filling nbovo lot nt 76c . 2 25
Lot 6, Block 41 original town. Walk 4 feot
wide, 66 feet long, 264 squaro feet nt 11
tents per square foot , 29 04
4 yards sand for Illllnir nbovo lots at 75 . . a 00
Lot 4, Block 64, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 83 feet long, 332 square feet at 11
cents per square foot
3 yards sand for filling above lot at 75c
.36 62
2 25
Lots 2 and 3. Block 51. original town. Wnlk
4 feet wide, 132 feet long, 628 square feet
at ii cents per square root
68 08
Lot 3. Block 65, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 0b leet long, 264 square feet nt 11
cents per squaro foot . 29 01
18 yards sand for fillinjr above lot at 76c.. 13 50
Lot 7. Ulock 20, original town. Wnlk 4 feet
wide, 66 feet long, 2C4 square feet at 11
cents per squaro foot 29 04
4 yards sand for filling nbovo lot at 7oc.... 3 00
In addition to tho obovo amounts, interest and
advertising fees will be charged.
All persons interested will lile their objections,
if any.thcy have, to the nssesslng of taxes against
the o4)Ovo described property and for the above
described purpose on or beforo 8.00 o'clock p. m..
Tuesday, April ICth, 1913, as tfbovo stated for said
CHAS. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk,
Referee s Sale.
By virtue of an order issued in tho
district court in and for Lincoln county,
Nebraska, on the 17th day of Mnrch,
1913. in an action of partition wherein
Hesekiah Ramsey is plaintiff and
Chnrity Millor and Miller, her hus
band, first and real namo unknown;
Benjamin Ball and Ball, his wi.e,
first and real name unknown; Joseph
Ball nnd Ball, his wife, first and real
name unknown; Thomas Ball and
Ball, his wife, first and real name un
known; Alma Stevens and Stevens,
her husband, first and real name un
known; Joseph Sells and Sells, his
wife, first and real name unknown;
John Sells and Sells, his wife, first
and real name unknown; Ella Sells,
Addie Sells, May Davis nee Sails and
Davis, her husband, first and real name
unknown; Rosanna Armstrong r-n a!l
an 1 Armstrong, her husbnnd. first
and real name unknown; Worthington
Ball and Ball, his wife, first and real
name unknown; Kertha Savage and ,
bavags, her husband, first and real
name unknown; Amelia Wilitins and
Wilkins, her husband, first and real
name unknown and Florence Shephard
are defendants, I will sell at public
auction at the east front door of the
court house in the city of North Platto.
Llnooln 'county. Nebraska, on the 19th
day of April, 1913, at the hour of one
o'olock p. m., tho following described
real estate situate in Lincoln Co., Neb.,
to-wit: An undivided one-half interest
in a portion of lot "I" of tho county
clerk's subdivision of part of the north
west quarter of seation 33, township 14,
range 30, weit ofHho Gth p m., do
scnoed as follows: Commencing at the
northeast corner of said lot "I;" thence
west from snid northeast corner ten de
grees north 220 ft. west; thenco south
10 degrees west 198 ft. thence east 10
degrees south 88 ft. thence north 10
degrees east 132 ft thepco cost 10 de
grees south 132 ft. thence north along
tho east lino of said lot "I" GG ft. to
the place of beginning, being all of said
lot "I" except a portion thereof 132 ft.
square in the southeast corner thereof,
the terms of said sale to be cash in
Dated nt North Platte, Nebraska,
this 17th day of March, 1913.
ml8-5 O. E. Elder, Referee.
Serial No. 03716.
Department of tho Interior,
U, 8. Land Olllco at North Platte. Nob.
Mar 17th. 1V13.
Notice Is horoby izlvcn that Alvln T tjuyor,
of North Piatt". Nob., who, on February
8th, 1WW, mado Homestead Entry No OT.vt ser
ial No- 03716, for hoM, nwM and lots 8,
4. 5, Pectlon u, Townshlu II. north.
Haniro BU. W.. Hth Principal Meridian,
lias tiled nottcn of Intention to roaku final
threo year proof , to establish claim to the
land above described, beforo Kenlster and
Hecolver. at North Plnlto. Nob., on tho 21st
day of May, 1013,
Claimant names an witnesses: Fred
J. M alette. Amzlo Glitberloss, Fred Slmants
aud .lesso Lonir, all of North Platto, Nebr
123-0 J, E. Evans. Heelster.
Serial No. 03749,
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Olllce nt North Platto. Neb.
April 3, 1913.
NOTICE Is hereby Riven that Laura Shaw, of
North Platte, Neb., who on Murch 0, 1D08, made
u. c. no. zjbzo, aerial No. OJ74U, Tor IN.
NWU. SWM NWW, and NW SWK, Section 28.
Township 15, North, KinKe 31, Wett of tho 6th
Principal Mcridnn, has Hied notice of Intention
to mal.e llnnl threo ytar proof, to establish
claim to tho land nbovo described, beforo the
register and receiver, at North Platte, Neb., on
the 6th day of June, 1013.
Claimant names as witnesses; Arthur TookB?
II, F Dochkc, Wm Slebold, Dnve Macomber, all
of North Platto, Nob.
aX-6 , J. E EVANS. Register,
Serial No. 0596.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Ijind Office nt North Platte, Nebr.
... . . Feb. 26. 1013.
Notlee ly hereby nlvsn that HdWard Itimn,
of North Platte, Nebr.. who, on February 8,
1010. mudrt Itomeshnd Entry No.
0IMS3. for NE! and the VM of SEH, Section
2. twn. 16, N. rjto. 30, west of the 6th Principal
Meridian, has Hied notico of Intention to make
final tlweo year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before tho register and
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr.. on the 25th
day of April 1013.
Claimant names as witnesses: John Reeves,
Robert Reeves. Frank Hood, Henry Greeley,
all of North Platte, Nebr.
'" J E.Evan, Kir liter.