The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 11, 1913, Image 5

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The Jeweler. g
The largest Jewelry Stock in Western Nebraska will be put
on sale at your own price
After invoice we find our stock is too large for present needs, and in order
to reduce same at once, for cash, we will give our customers the benefit of the
big loss attending such a sale. You can make your own selections of any article
in this magnificent stock of
Diamond, Watches, Clocks, Rings, Chains, Silverware,
Cut Glass, Jewelry, Hand Painted China, Leather Goods
Etc. Standard Price Goods Excepted.
The Auction Sale will be conducted by America's Leading Auctioneer, Mr.
R. B. H. Macrorie, of Chicago and will open promptly at
1 2 P. M. Thursday, ApL v 10
and will continue daily at 2 p m0 and 7 p. m. until further
notice. No limit, no reserve.
Every Article guaranteed. Come early bring your friend. Ladies especially invited.
Buy Crystal Picture Show.
M. C. Westfnll. who hns conducted
the Crystal picture show for about five
yonrs, sold the business Tuesday to
Ralph Gnrman, who took possession
that evening. , This show houso
Is n very popular one, nnd under
the supervision of Mr. Garman it
will lose none of its popularity; in fact
tho new proprietor plans a number of
improvements which will rebound to the
comfort and entertainment of patrons
which will nnturally increase tho busl-
ness. '
Mr. Wostfallhas in view tho purchase
of two picture show in one of tho load-,
ihg towns of the Black Hills country
and will soon leave to close up the deal.
Ho hns proven nvery popular citizen, a '
courteous entertainment uurvevornnd n '
good all-around fellow. His removal !
from town is universally regretted.
What are You Paying
for Groceries?
We Sell-
The Mutual Building & Loan Associa
tion Reduces Interest Kate.
The reduction of the interest rates
made by tho association March 1st, will
result in a caving to borrowers, so that
on a new loan of $1,000.00, it will take
$G8 00 lus money to pny out tho loan
than it did boforo the reduction; anil it
will requiro $180.00 less money to pay
out a loan of $1000.00 in this association
than it will In any competing association;
the bcrowor in cither enso paying tho
required minimum payments. This is
duo to tlio fact that this association
makes a lower intorest rate nnd pays n
larger dividend rnto than any competing
Mutual Building & Loan Association
Tiios. C. PattkhsoN, President,
Samuel Goozkb, Secretary.
Graduate Dentist.
Oft'co over the McDonald
State Bunk.
ooooocioe oa4ocsoGrocjo
Local and Personal.
The seven year old daughter o'f Albert
Brown iavory ill.
Miss Agnes McNeal, of Shelton, re
turned home Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Clara Picrsal, of Kansas City,
is visiting friends in town this week.
Mrs. Vonahy Lovo resigned her posi
tion at tho Leader the first of this week.
Mrs. Charles Johnson left Tuesday
afternoon for Omaha to spend a week.
, Joseph Weeks came up from Grand
Island Wednesday to spend a few days.
Mrs. V. M. Kelling and children, of
Hershey, spent a few days hore this
week. -"
Miss Gertrude Rebhausen has ac
cepted a position in tho local telephone
"Apply at this
urauioru uiv. u. a. a.- win noiu a if ., . f:m.;
social mnotinn- after thftir Imsmpsa ! . .7'1 "SOllie
, -. -... ,
meeting this afternoon at tho lv. r
Wanted Housekeeper.
ofneo immediately.
M rs. Charles Yost has gone to
River to visit her sister Mrs.
Miss Mao Marovish, of Sutherland, is
visiting her sister Mrs. A. J. Frazier
this week.
' Miss Laura White has resigned her
position in tho Hub Suit & Cloak Department.
Rov Reddv. of David City, was
called hore this week by
T rVTlrlnti v
v w ivii
W. E. Hudson
the death ofD.
to Gothen
burg after spending several days hero
on busines's.
blisses Brownfield and Conley, of
Cozad, visited Mr. and Mrs. I. A.
Gilbert last week.
Wanted Plain sewing at the homes
of the employers. Mary L. Martin, 112
South Chestnut St. 21-
Mrs. Theresa Halderman has accepted
a position as bookeepor for the Star
Bottling Works.
Mr. and Mrs. McMorton, of Suther
land, spent the fore part of this week
with town friends.
Miss Susie Campbell will leave tho
latter part of next month for California
to remain indefinitely.
T. J. O'Brien, of Omaha, visited
Piatt White this week while enroute to
Sutherland on business.
Mrs. W. T. Banks has returned from
Brndy where she visited her daughter
Mrs. Norman Edwards.
Miss Hnzol Minshall returned to Lin
coln a few days ago after spending a
week with tho home folks.
at the K. P. !
Robert Finney formerly of this city
came hore tho first of this week from'
Grant to spend a few days with rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Calyin, of Grand Island,
came up Tuesday morning to attend
tho funeral of the late Engineer
Undertaker W. R. Malonoy was
called to Hershey Wednesday to take
charge of the funeral of Mrs. Mc
Connell. For Sale The Marti slaughter house
and corrals located west of town. In
quire of Frod Marti at meat market.
Robert Hosier, left a few days ago for
Denver to remain a week or longer.
Later he will go to Oklahoma to accopt
a position.
Mrs. II. W. Allwine, ol Omaha, who
visited hor daughter Mrs. Harry
Mitchell for two weeks loft Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short, of Salt.
Lake, who visited the letter's brother
O. E. Elder tho first of this weok, have
returned home.
Silverware is a delight to any home.
Artistic design of reliable quality pro
vail through our stock.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
Tim Kelihor and daughter Edwina re
turned Wednesday afternoon from Chey
enne where they visited Mr. and Mrs.
William Jeffers.
Mr, Haspol, of Germany, who has
made his homo with his son Albert
Haspol for a year, will leave soon for
his native land.
Pat Mahoney, of Wood River, camo
up Tuesday to attend the funeral of the
late Dennis O'Brien and visit his sister
Mary Mahoney.
Mr. J. M. Bediont who was driving
thru the country from Holdrego, Neb.,
in his car, stopped ofr in this city to
transact business.
Mrs. Glllispie and children, of Omoha,
who have beon guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Harry Mitchell for a month past, will
return homo Monday.
Gasoline and oil stoves cleaned and re
paired. Peter M. McGovern, phone
a90. tf
W. E. Starr, of tho McDonald bank
force, was called to the east part of the
state tho early part of tho week by
tho death of his father.
Misses Gertrude Baker and Beth
Cunningham roturned to Gothenburg
after visiting relatives and attending
the Teachers Convention.
Mrs. II. K. Peckham. of Brady, who
was shopping in the city the latter part
of last week, reports their now homo
almost ready to move into.
on buying or
building a home, don't fail to jjo over
my list. I have property of all sizes and
prices in all parts of the city, from n
vacant lot to the most modern house
Would be glad to show you any one of
all of the m at any time.
C. F. Temple.
A baby boy waa born to Mr. and Mrs.
xntrry n.uiei uu uuum ,, mum. u.
fore part of this week.
Viola Knox of the P. & S
nursing staff went to Paxton
any to take charge of a
Mr. nnd ISl'rs. Bart. McGovern left
the early part of this week for Omaha
to visit for a couple of weeksr
Mrs. Tillio Fletcher," who has been
taking treatment at the P. & S. hospi
tal for some time, is improving.
Attorneys W. T. Wileox and Wm.
Shuman returned Wednesday morning
from a business yisit in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford, of Lexington,
arrived Wednesday to visit their son
Ralph Fprd for a week or moro.
Henry Rebhausen loft Tuesday for
Lincoln to attend tho shoot tournament
which is being held there this week.
Misses Burt and Babbitt who visited
in town last weok returning to Lincoln
whore they are employed in the schools.
Wanted Purebred Brown Leghorn
eggs. Address giving prices and street
number. Louis Macey, City.
Mrs. Minnie Beclcer and sister from
the ranch north of town were shopping
in North Platte the first of this week.
Mrs. Kildore, of Sidney, who was
called hore by tho death of her brother
the late Dennis O'Brien, loft yesterday.
While looking for Real Estate In
vestments see Bratt & Goodman.
Thomas Connur. Owen Havov. John
Moore, Mike Neville, nnd John Bronnor,
of Wood River, attended tho funeral of
Engineer D. J. O'Brien Tuesday.
John Augustine, of Maxwell, who
has been a patient at the P. & S. hos
pital for some time, ,is getting nJong
nicely and will soon return home.
Friends in town received word of the
birth of a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs.
George Grady formerly of this city,
who are now residents of Grand Island.
Lost On tho Btreets Saturday even
ing, gold locket nnd chain, set with bnl-
iants and picture inRido. Finder roturn
to this office and receive reward
George Swancut sold his telephone
line from Bignull to North Platto last
week. He intends to have a direct
metallic line between Brudy and this
Loren Sturges, formerly of this city,
was married last week in Texas to Mrs.
Scrambling formerly Miss Brunk of
Mr. Leonhart wishes to nnnounco to
tho people of North Platte that ho is
building a residence which necessitates
part of his time looking after tho de
tails of same, but will bo with tho peo
nln nt. inhrvnl na ofton nn It tn nn.ialbln
for him to do so. Other information will
be givon to those interested nt Mr. Clin
ton's store. All persons hnving piano
work will be taken care of bj Mr.
Leonhardt in person. 2-t
The property on west 2nd stroot
owned by Mrs. Patrick II. Ruddy wa3
completely destroyed by fire nt 4:00
o'clock Tuesday morning. The houso
had been vacant for some time and the
origin of tho fire is a mystery. A
shortage of hose provented the fire de
partment from checking the flnmcs be
fore they had damaged tho entiro
house. It was covered with insurance
in the Temple insurance agency.
If your idle money is not earning 7
to 8 per cent semi-annual interest in
good first mortgage loans not taxable
see Dralt & Goodman.
Mrs. M E. Scott on West 2nd street
entertained at dinner in honor of J. D.
Utendorfer, cashierof the City National
bank, Omaha, Sunday at 2:00 o'clock.
Those present wero F. C. I'iolaticker,
J. W. Payne, Roy Mehlmnnn, J. G.
Beoler and C. F. Templo.
Mrs. Maria Short, a former resident
of this city died in her sleep nt the
home of her son in Omaha last weok at
tho age of seventy-two. The remains
wore interred in Gibbon. She is
survived by two sons, Archio of Omnhu
and Frank of Salt Lake.
Buy lots in Fnlrviow Addition. Now
is your chnnce. Do lot delay. Desir
able location and easy payments. Phono
Red 572. F. J . Diener & Co. tf
Mrs. Janet Waterson McConnell, of
Hershey, died Tuesday at tho ago of
eighty-eight of ailments customary to
advanced vears. The remains wero in
terrod nt Hershey Wednesday, services
being held nt tho Presbyteiian church.
Native grown shado trees. Why
waato your money, time arm labor on
trees tint do not grow and no guar
antee that they will grow, when you
can get trees that do grow and guaran
teed, by calling up l'lionc ulitelc 0li7.
If you are contemplating building n
rosidonco this spring Bee McNarnnrn's
plans und specifications. Phone Black
A privnto dancing party was held nt
the Lapp home on Last 4th street tho
fore pari of this week. After spending
a couple of hours in dancing tha guests
partook of a nice lunch.
A. F. Strata who was called to Chi
cago two weeks ago by -tho illnoss of
his daughter Miss Ruth writes that she
is very much improved and ho expocts
to return homo tonight.
20 lbs Granulated bcetr. (r
Sugar dl.UU
18 lbs Granulated enncj i rr
Sugar, for ol.UU
Tomatoes, full bIzo can i(
standard per can lUC
Corn standard per ran 7c 'c
4 cans for. ZOC
Quaker Oats largo pkg.. 2llC
Quaker Onts small pkg.. )C
E. C. Corn Flakos 4 pkg.. 25C
BrokonJRico por lb 0C
Rice Jnp type 4 lbs for... 20C
Prunes small sizo per lb. . , . J)C
Corn Starch per pkg j C
Gloss Starch pur pkg...... )C
Corn Starch Kingsfords per q
pkg OC
Silver Gloss Starch per pkg oC
Yeast Foam 4c pkg 3 for.. lUC
Lewis Lyo per can oC
Eagle Lye por can oC
American Lyo per can OC
Fels Napthn Sonp per caks. 0C
Sodtt Crackers large boxes l
perlb 02C
Oyster Crackers largo
boxes per lb (K'C
K. C. Baking Powder Zo r
ozcan ZrUC
Royal Baking Powder 10 ij-
oz can ..,. 43C
Dr. Prices Baking Powder jfj
10 0?, can 40C
Kraut por can lUC
Hominy per can lUC
Pink Salmon per can lliC
Sweet Potatoes por can. . 1 1'ld
Potatoes IBc peck per en
bushel ouc
Coffco fair grade per lb., . )C
California Fruits in good ja
syrup per can ixjC
Cocoanut best gnulo J Hi j r
packago per pkg IOC
Evaporated Apples per 1(r
Horse Shoo Tobacco, por ir
lb 45c
Spear Head Tobacco por jr,
ib 45c
Star Tobacco por lb 4uC
J. T. Tobacco per lb 40C
We pay cash for your butter and eggs.
ailment Store.
Straight at It.
Thero is no use of our "beating
around the biiBh." Wo might as well
out with it first as last. We want you to
try Chamberlain's cough remedy the
next time you have a cough or cold.
There is no reuson so far as we can see
why you Bhould not do so. This prep
aration by its romark-iblo cures has
gained a world Wide roputntion, und
people everywhere speak of it in tlio
highest terms of praise. It is for sale
by all dealers.
Tleilionc Ili 4M GOdi-i Dewey t.
North I'lHtte, Ncbnuka.
Tornadoes Booked for this Vicinity.
AH weather prophets perdict that
we are to have a tornado. We hope
not, however, the only safe way is to
insure against tornadoes and wind
storms with Temple, and he protected.
4.i-4'4 a-t'iW'i.''i-'X 4."i
Physician and Sunicon,
Ollice over McDonald Bank.
nhnn0 lOfllcolSO
Phones J ui(lt.nce 115
H- f- iT-t- -i. t t, fi- ft--
this city and
a sistor of Mrs. Ezra
go on
shoo troubles go off.
Wilcox Department Store
A. J. AM i:9. MARIE AM US.
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surneons,
Office over Stone Drug Co.
,,,. I Office 273
Phones n..i,.,.,. o
1 i-.i;ou;in.i- hiu
Buchanan & Patterson's
Ikfaiii List of Dwellings.
A nice five room cottage, new and modem ex
cept heat, located on east Sixth street. Price 2,300.
Five room house and barn, South Dewey stret-t.
Extra good seven room house, ''barn and outbuild--ings,
house modern except heat, $3,100. East Third
street two blocks from court house.
Five room house and barn located on West
street, close to Washington school. Price $:
The lot is worth the money. .
Good seven room, two story dwelling on West
Third street, east of Washington school. . Price-$3,000
Nice six room cottage 72 1 West Seventh street,"
handv to new round house. Modern exebpt heat. Price
2,200. , t ''
Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street;,
in the 600 block. Price$i,75o. . ,
Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street,
in the 900 block.
All of these
can be bought on
before you buy.
Price $1,700.
properties are choice
easy terms. Be sure
Sole Agents.
bargains and
and see these
MUft. mmmmAm
rQu.n;xtrjrsxrjmttiiimMM!aitmAnt ir,GEBregBtfjbiiuiajaaaagaM!gam
TTrrarTnTiTiTimTff'ii-rTriii-nTirirTrrirrrt nniim 11 wwynrnwwniM it h mun r irrOTrtnriirm-rirnrv
w ff n
ime Asan
Office phono 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bnnk Building.
d fcs
I m
DM t
UN v
I IS wps
if a R
11 Auto Delivery
ffayia'TtawBUJmuMP!ggwsMaiwiiiiw iimiiHiiiiiiii'nTimiii ii am
You of course will want to get away from
n part of the work that tfoes with house clean
ing. We are especially equipped to handle
your lace curtain, small ruga, etc., in nice
Phone 77
OnY'rfl toreaidonta of, nnd visitors to, North Platte, tho most
finely appointed sorvico in Western Nebraska, and with thia
is a menu that cannot bo excelled for tho price. Regular
means are eorved and short orders can be obtained nny
hour day or night.
Opposite U. P. Depot.
meal uaAt, m
Proprietor. tl
r 1