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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1913)
State Iiietcrlcfel SccUty latte & w $ TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., APRIL n, 1913. No. 22 A AS 03 ft' 'fip CSf era fKieettiti o Xa.' V ft t Ftt rrtA Ullllf. Nft G? Local and. Personal. Harry "Worrill, of Sutherland, la spending the day here on business. Clarence Tollefsen, of Sutherland, is spending this week in town on business. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Davis have moved into tho Knox property on west 1st St. County Superintendent Cleo Chappell loft this morning for Hershey on busi ness. .Mesdames Hcrminghausen and Roso bloom hnro returned from a brief visit in Ktsarnoy. Dennis Redmond, of .Dcnvor, is in town transacting business and visiting friends. William Finnoy. of Ogalalla, camo down yesterday morning to spend n couple of days on bhsiness. Mrs. Charles Leirk and daughter Hazel have returned from a short visit in Omaha and Fremont. Yes Our Blue Birds will be on sale at our auction. In fact everything in our store. Dixon, The Jeweler. Henry SchufT, of Grand Island, is spending to day in town visiting friends and transacting business. Many people are asking, will Dixon sell his fine diamond goods at' auction. Our answer Yes. Dixon, The Jeweler. James Martin left this morning for Omaha to spend a week or longer after which ho will go ro Scotts Bluffs to ac cept a position in the Mcston laundry. MisG Julia Duckworth, of Clinton, 111., who had been in charge of the Postal telegraph office in this city for several weeks, left for home this morn ing. Weather Forecast: Fair and warmer tonight and Saturday. Highest temper ature yesterday 34, a year ago 72. Lowest temperature last night 23, a year ago 34. David Hunter, who had been spending the winter in Southern California, -has roturned to his fruit farm near Suther land. Mrs. Hunter will return in a few weeks. The branch train No. 97 due at fivo o'clock last evening arriVed at ten o'clock this morning having been de layed, byeight feJt.of snow, up, .on, tho branch road. ..Mrs. K. C. Baker and lions Kenneth and Neale O'Brien will return to Eufaula, Okla., tomorrow having bsen called hore by the death of the Jate D. J. O'Brien. A special meeting of tho Eastern Star wiil be held Wednesday evening, Apiil 1G at 7:30 p. m. for initiation All members and visiting members are urged to be presont. Mrs. M. Hosier, Sec. Governor Morehead has designated Tuesday, April 22, asurborday and calls upon public bchools and all citizens to observe tho day by setting out traos and otherwise keeping up the spirit of tho day. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne who will re side on the.oxperimental farm arrived this morning from Washington, D. C. Tho former came here several weeks ago and loft tho first of this week to meet Mrs. Osbonyi and accompany her here. Stallion For Sale. At Horshey's Hardware Store. Cor. 5th and Locust. Phono 15. 'i'?i v ' -liKJ EH 'UN III''' &' OVER ALL Wherever you may wander there you will WALK-OVERS. They set the style for shoes world over. Every day more than seventeen thousand nnd woman buy WALK-OVERS because know them. . Because of recognized quality, the many sizrs and styles, the way they fit and look, this is why the world is wearing Walk-OVERS. Consider your feet, and choose WALK-OVLK next time. Come and be REALLY fitted. We are showing the new Spring models, notice our window display. 11 ' N WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. if wlMI M w v tpj Vnvs,vX1 Tho Twentieth Contury club will bo entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Zentmeyer. Miss Myrtle Richards has returned from Columbus and takon chargo of tho Postal Telegraph offioo here. Howard Graham, of Council Bluffs, formerly of this city visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stamp this week. , . . , Guy Swopo received word yesterday , ,, . ' , ,. . . ... . r t i. j !ui: remuems ui uuyiun, vs. unci ijerisucu in .. , ,. .!..,. rn repent flnnrt in rhnt. pit v. The nwly elected city officials will be i Inducted into offic. on Tuesday evening . of next week, when a regular meeting of the city council will be held. Railroad employs at this terminal con tributed over $200 to the Omaha storm sufferers, this amount being sent direct to tho committco through Mr. Mohler. Wanted Plain Sowing. Apply 320 E. 11th at. Mrs. R. Loudon. The recently elected officers of tho Elk Lodge will be installed next Mon day evening and a clnss of five will be initiated. Following tho latter cer emony' lunch will bo served by the com mittee. Bring your hens to the North Platte Produce Co., and get 12c n pound. 20-2 Our repair department is nt your ser vice. The workmen will give your watch the same careful attention during our sale as is our custom. Dixon, The Jeweler. Eddie Foy, the comedian, and his com pany of sixty peoplo passed west early yesterday morning on a five car special enroute to Denvor. The company played in Grand Island Wednesday night. On account of snow drifts and bad roads the carrier on the Tryon mail route was forced to abandon his trip Tuesday and Wednasday. Tuesday he succeeded in making sevonteon miles of the journey nnd forced to tie up. J . R. Ritner will begin tho erection of a cement block building on the lot east of his fued storo on west Sixth 6treet just as soon as the weather will permit. Tho building will be oc cupied by a new moving picture show. Ladies; now is the . time to add ' to" your silver service at your own price. Dixon, The Jeweler. The Band Concert and Ball will be tho principle social function next week. It will be held at the Lloyd opeia hount' on Thursday evening, April 17th, and arrangements are being made to accom modate and entertain a large number of peoplo. Pittsburg Perfect Electric Weld Fenc cing, Grand Island Barbed Fencing, Barbwire and nails for sale ntHerBhev" 5th and Locust Sta., Phono 15. tf Mrs. Agnes Boyer, of this city, state commander the Ladies of tho Macca bees, has been in Omaha for some time past assissting in organizing relief for Omaha storm sufferers and especially those sufferers who are mambere of that order. Through the efforts of Mrs. Boyor and the Omaha lodges of the order, arrangements have been made to cars for tho personal needs of all membsrs who were losers in the tornado. A call for assistance from all the lodges in tho state will be mado. Lots For Sale. I have a fow lots on West Sixth street for sale on easy terms. Inquire of Thos Orton. 22-4 THE W sNSNvyXsvV'Vv yy-vo. vV-'V- wnji i'y . ri.t- ibjv Ha9h tHP find . the ip men Mrf- they W; ill VVW-l Farewell Reception, Mrs. Vvm. F. Cody and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Garlow, who soon leave North Platte to make their homo nt Cody, "Vyo., were tendered n farewell rccep- Hon at the-Elk's homo last evening by mtmben of that order and their ladios. Moro than ne hundred were present, ana the veiling pleasantly spent in dancing and card playing, tho Gurlisch . , . .T . . n.r orchestra furn shing the music. Re- freshments wore served at 11:30 by ., , ., . , ,. ... , Mrs. James Hart, and after this spread . I dancincr was continued. I Mrg Cmly eavcs Saturday for Phil- n(ieiDhin to ioin the Colonol. and the I same day Mrs. Garlow nnd the two , r childron leave for Cody, Wyo. Mr Ulow will leave or the latter place next week. The regret is general over the re moval of theso worthy people from North Platto. Next Number of Lyceum Course. L. F. FULLER L. F F'i . , "t siciahst loclurerof Girard. Kins , will deliver the fourth lecture on the socialist lyceum iMurap next 'Juesday night at 8 p m. at Llind'o opera house. The subject of his lecture- is "What Social ist Want.", Mr. VdWfT is one of tho oldest uducn tor'mfiin socialist mo vcmont. He was foryivjrpis instructor in normal schools, ur,d run the tMdiing lnt'fhod wt-ll do vt'16pad liry uudionco that hears nun will go aw iv with a knowledge of s icinlfMii. A n writer and speaker ho is so wtf.'l kn iwn to the socialist move ment tnat hu requires no worus of com mendation n? to his ability to entertain and Instiupt a" audience. Mr. Fuller has been on tho lecture platform for twenty years, ton years of which have lieetr devoted to socialism. He has addressed audiences composed of day lahnrnrji, and audiences composed of college profe Bsors, and posrses the knack of interesting tho unlearned as the well educated. Two persons will bo admitted upon one st-uBon ticket. (Advertisement) Residence For Sale. For Sale the property of tho late Catherine Brown; six roomhouhe, largo barn; corner lot, situate at Ninth and Willow. For particulars 'inquire at 121 West Ninth It is evident that the Union Pacific railroad company intend to make use of their 400 feet right of way ns was given them in a recent decision of the courts. At Shelton last week the compnny placed a fencing gang and proceeded to fence in tho full 200 feet on each side of the track. After a tract had been fenced off the first day then on tho fol lowing morning it was disooverd that somo time during tho night the fence had boon torn down. The foncing crow began to reset the fence when an in junction was served upon them, thus stopping tho work for the presont at least. The farmers in the eastern part of the state are determined to hold this strip of land which they think rightfully belongs to them. F. W. Meyer, residing southwest of town, had bones in both arms broken Monday evening. He had been unload ing hogs in tho local railroad yards, and in driving ncross the rails tho wagon slewed to one side, throwing him from the high seat. He alighted in such a way aa to cause the fractures and otherwise bruiso nun and mar his fea tures. It was necessary to take him to a North Platto hospital whore the X-ray could be used in connection with surgical treatment.- Sutherland Free Lanco Tho windows in the Ideal Bakery are being boxed, now acruen show cases have baon added and soveral other im provements are under way For Sale. Eggs for setting from pure bred Barred Plymouth Hock chickens. In quire of or address, Klankenburg Brou., 11150 N)rth Locust St., North Platte, Neb. 'Plrno No. Red 443. 13-G Local and Personal A number of candidates will be taken into the blk Lodge at their meeting on Monday evening. Contractor Wolls, of Lexington, spent the foro part of this week transacting business in town. Mrs. Louis Peterson has returned from a short 'Visit in Omaha with her Mrs. Spindler, of Lewellen, formerly . ,, . Miss Mata ..... Ilumbaugh, of Ogalalla, visited tho Misses Luncford the first of this week. rr. kv.,i w.- .,.i Mhii,iMn t .. A I CM IIMilVtl MI.V4 WUtUIWtl,, Tampa, Fla., are expectod thejlatttr part of next month to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bullard. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester WalkerJJr., and daughtor who have bcon visiting rela tives in Minkcn, La., for sorcral wesks are expected homo Monday. A number of tho commercial Bales man who headquarter in this city taro planning to Rttcnd tho U. C. T. ban quot nnd ball at Grand Island tomor row evening. Tho team on the Sawyer dray bo enmo frightened Tuesday atternoon and ran nway. Tho hack was over turned nt tho cornor of Dowoy and Front nnd tho door broken off. Mrs. M. K. McNamara, who has boen visiting in Boulder for sevoral weeks, is oxpectod Monday to visit her son Charles McNamara before return ing to her homo in Peorin, 111. The best investment you can make today is to take out a Policy in that solid, liberal company, the Great Mutual Life of New York. They offer the most liberal policy written. Bratt & Goodman, Agents. The officers of tha United States land office received instructions Wednesday to movo the office to the federal build iijg and not further await th arrival of the counters, tho only part of furniture not installed. It is certain thnt tho records will bo moved tomorrow oven ing nnd that the office will bo opened in its new quarters on the third floor of the new building Mondny morning. Joe Schwaigcr, tho well known engi neer of this city, has invented a Btorm window for locomotives which is being inHtalled on all Union Pacific engines. It is a small contrivance with a metal door, which may be lowered to ennble the engineer to see through slit seven inches long and two inches high, when the cab windows aro crusted with snow. The wooden frame is to bo Bet in the the glass of the window. Engineer Schwaiger has applied for a patent on it. For Sale. The southeast quarter of section 5-1-31 and tho EJ SWJ of SWi, GO acres, in Section 2-13-31; ?30 per acre one third cash, terms to suit, on balanco, six per cent interest. Also Block :, South Park addition to North PlattP. Price $1600; one-hnlf cash. Address, II. E. Nichols. Sterling, Colo. Charter No. 34'JO. Report of tho Condition of the FIRST iTIOiL GUI, at North I'latH". In the State of NiibratUa. at thu closu o( business. Apr. 4, IWI. llKXHJHUErt! Umim and discount. SU7,iJ.08 UviTilrattH. secured and unsecured 281...i U. H. bonds to m'cuio circulation WWW U. S. bonds to boeuro .1 II. H. deposits 1.000.00 Other bonds to nocuro ,., postal Having Z,,0)JM? l'runilunisoiiU.H.l)Ondii 500.00 HonUs. sccurltlus. me. 70,802.01 Itiiiiklni.' Iiouso. furnl- .i turu and fixtures 'Si10- Oilier roal ustato uwnud 1.8.0.uu I)uu Iroin tat and private banks- and bunk ers, trust comtianluN, ..,.,. and savliiRH banks... . 1,15.1.0 i Duo from approved re- , sui vo nironts 110.W1.54 ClieekH and other cash ,.. Items , ; 2.010.40 Notes ot other national banks WW Fractional paporcitrrou- oy, nickels and cents . i!7B.J0 Lawful Monoy Itesorvo in Hank. tI; ,,. C.-.....I.. 27.572.2S Leval-tondu'r notes 3,7OO.0O.-140,4M.Vo Hodumptlon fund with XI. b. treasurer (Spur .. cent of circulation) ... ' 1.500.00 Total t;W.03.74 LIAUIUTIKS. Capital Htook paid In... 'K!'9M Surplus fund ' fio.00o.00 Uiidlvhlud prollts, loss uxpunsus. and taxus paid M.i National hank notes rnlirnnn outstandlnif BO.OPOTO riuu to .state and private bonks and banknrs. . M,0.fil Individual deposits sub- .,'. Ject to check 1. 9WW7 W Dunialid certllluatos of deposit. 7,107.00 Time certificates of do- posit 108.121.72 Curtllled Checks . . fWi 00 Ciishlor's cheekH oiu- taudliiK :i.K3i.'.ii i.uio.u'j 1S.508.07 fjnlli'd Statosdeuoslts. I'oslal HavliiK- l)polti 5S7.WW.80 .J7S0.0 30.74 Slnlunf Vliliruttifff. Coillll V (if LIllColll. Si I, !'. 1. Mooney. Cashier of tho alKivn niiuixl bnnU, do solemnly uar lhatlhoalxivo kttttumunt Is truo to thu lioitof my knowl odk'o and lHillof, .... .. , , . I I.. MnoNKr, Cashier' fiulihcrll"1'! ami sworn to bofoio mo this 0th day of Apr. 1013. WHHr.KVT. Wilcox, Notary Public. Correct Attosts K V. HKRiimiOHii I , Hav O. IiANtii'oini Directors John. I. IIai.moan. ) Banquet Monday Night.' The Y. M. C. A. building campaign will start off with a banqot in tho base ment of tho Presbyterian church on Monday evoning. Thore will bo present nt tho banquet Mr. Waro, General Mnnagor of the U. P. R. R., Mr. Chas. Gosa of Omaha, Mr. J. J. McKim of St. Louir, representing the. Interna tional Committeo Y. M. C. A. Mr. J. P. Bailey State Secretary Y. M. C. A. No effort will be mado nt tho ban quet to rai8o money, it will be an affair of getting togothor. Quite an elaberato menu has boon prcparod and a very good time is as sured for nil who attend. Tho mon of the community are cordially invitod. Quito a large committee havo'lehnrgo of the tickets. Chairman of tho various tickot commlttoes aro W. H. Blalock, R. D. Birge, B. M. Reynolds, M. E. Crosby, nnd M. E. Scott. Sunday morning Mr. McKim repre senting tho international committco wiil speak in the M. E. church, intho oven ing he will spcuk in the Presbyterian church. Mr. J. W. Rowo, of Grand Island, will speak in the Baptist church and Sunday evening will speak in tho Christian church. Mrs. E. N. Ogior vory plcasanty on tortained the membera of the Club Nevita Tuesday aftornoon. Tho first contest was guessing tho names of populnr bookB f rim watorcolored cards. In this Mrs. Edward Dickoy was given firs . prize nnd Mm. Georgo Voswipka tho consolation omblom. Tho second contest was a floral romance in ,' which tho prizes wore won by Mosdamea Rnlph Gnrman nnd Elmor Burko. tho place cards, decorations, otc, wore in vioiots. Elaborate refreshments wore served. County Supt. Cleo Chappell recoived . a letter this week from tho Interior of the agriculture dopnrtmentof Washing-1 ton, in which thoy ofler n gold medal to the boy or girl who can write tho best essay on 'IThe Upkeop nnd Rupnir Making of Good Roads." Tho compo sition must be completed by tho second week in May. During the storm Tuesday and Wed nesday dispatchers on tho Union Pacific plnyed snfo by running passenger trains a telegraph' station apart. During the worst of the Btorm freight trains woro abandoned. Stability, Efficiency and Service i 1 Ifuw buvn thu FnotuvH Iti tlia growth oi' tho First National Bank, jSOKTII JL.ATTlSt XlSMiASKA.. ' TSF CA'iTA, AAT One Hundred and $100,000.00 To Loan on improved farms at low rate , f. -' C'- 'if ,of interest with payments. Buchanan r-m-rTiitfirafirM tw1 ' Roup is Common Now &. . ',: It ...ay m(H-ar la your flock at any lime. Don't lot It attack McT . - " . your fol au.l cut down yuur profits. lVcvcnt it. l'ut in J S-..wv , . IIJO U(IUM"n n. fr0&' Roup Cure 1 to prevent and euro tl.I fatal dlseiuo. &obotmakuiluuaUoua(itcoia and roup ! FHI.U Ouarantocil to prevent and euro tl.l fatal dlscuo. lie, 0c, l, l-adi-'sobomakcaiaualloiucitcold and roup incdl clno. San.pla FHI.U pr Poultry Regulator Kccix towla In tho boot physical condition aulo tu resist dlscaso. 2Sc. 50c, $1. M-ll. pall. $2.50 "Your money hack If it falU" act I'rktu rront-aliarlng Ilooklct STONE DRUG CO. The CRYSTAL To -Night and Saturday. Willis and Chapmau Songs nnd burlesque dances Mios Fay Willis Singing popular and lute songs Bert Chapman Bluqkfncp Commedinn introducing yliis own original Burlesqc Spanish Dance. In addition to Four Reels of Besi; Picturos. l1 Cents, -or X. dit S V ' ' 4. SURlf,US: FiJty Thousand Dollars. privilege of partial Sc Patterson.jt" t itt't -i um trvMrfintMrtt i A,: J""C JBBlliBHBBSBfln&BJr ?s! "BHBBbBBBE HbbK, " V TiWif JbbH IBBBJBBBV n. VShv JlBBBU ,:u'2rMKIUSIlMUiBSU5t V!II i wSbumBBHbTvj -"BBHF I sBuSBnBHui ' tjP M jKiiTHfcj8HKffiffyi jfcjfa' ml V1 BflBBv&!nwMriSrfKE9BBBSBBBV amHi.y. ... ' 1MW A OWr" (1 i I