The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 08, 1913, Image 8

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    Commissioners' Proceedings.
April 2, 1913.
Board fnet pursuant to adjourn
ment Present Roberto, Whito, Her
minghnusen and county clerk. The
county treasurer is horoby authorized
to refund to Klizanetn uurno irom tne
1912, taxes on nosscdi vnluation of
$2.00 on account of error In valuation
of lots 1 & 2 block 120. oritrinal town
of North Platte, nnd county clork is
directed to correct errow on books.
The following claims woro pllowed to
the different road ovorEeors for work
to be done in the various roadHlistricts,
to wit:
0 B Paron8, district 17, $100.00
AV R Weakly, district 24, 60.00
Jorgen Rosscn. district 20, 100.00
Wm Pittman, district 31, 100.00
H Llnnomcycr, district 21, 200.00
Burt Light, district 25, 100.00
Geo E Hardin, district 40, 30.00
E Knight, district 20. 75.00
Wm Sundquist, district 35, 100.00
II C Colin, district 15, CO 00
.7 N Carlisle, district 50, 75.00
John W Kilmer, district 30, 34.00
W M Dymond, district 4, 50.00
Goo F Meyers, district 23, 100.00
Nate Brntten, district 31, 30.00
John F. Snyder, district 32, 100.00
Walter Grady, road work allowed on
allowed on district 1, 17.85
Alfred Johnson, road work allowed
on district 4, 12.80
W J Thomas, road work allowed on
district 1, 1.00
Goo Hoover, bridge work allowed on
bridge fund for 20.00
, Checked books of P K Hoffman,
overBeer for district 42 for tho year
1912, find due him tho sum of 259.00
and same- is hereby allowed on said
district 42 and settlement made.
Chocked books of S Trusty oyorseer
for district 43, iind balance duo county
of 48.09. treasurer's roceint of which Is
hereby acknowledged and settlement
Tho resignation of E S Brown, as
sessor for Dickons precinct is horoby
nccoptd and B J Brown appointed to
fill vacancy.
Whereupon tho board adjourns to
April 3, 1913. C W Yost,
County Clerk.
April 3, 1913.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Roborta, White, Hermlnghau
son and county clork.
Tho following claims wore allowed on
the general fund, to-wit:
Nona Mnrcott, salary for March, 50.00
Clso R. Chappol), salary for March,
Joseph Wilson, salary for Mach and
cash items, GO. 75
T F Wntts, salary for March, 75.00
A J Salisbury, salary for March,
A J Salisbury, jailors fco3 first quar
ter 1913, 135.00
A J Salisbury, mileage in state cases
first quarter 1913. 103.40
A J Salisbury, board of prisoners first
quartor 1013, 103.00
Goo. N Gibbs, sulary first quarter
1013, 212.49
C W Yost, salary for March, 137.50
C W Yost, office oxponsos for March,
27.40 I
Geo B Dent, salary for 4th quarter
1912 nnd medicine 103.95
Anna Andors6n, care of connty poor,
E J Barnes, printing, 80.80
Nobr Telephone Co, rent for Fob and
toll charges 38.40
Nobr Telephone Co, ront for March
nnd toll charges, 27.00 N
Nobr Tolophono Co, rent for April
and toll charges, 23.55
Busslo Salisbury, transcribing assess
ors books, 30.00 ' '
L E Roach, serviced ns attorney,
state vh llniry Lindell, 40.00
North Platte Wutor Dep't, wator
ront for court houso and jail, 27.40
G W Robert, services nnd mileage,
75.70 -
D B White, services and mileage G3.10
i' w iiormwgtiauson, services nnu
mileage, 05.20 "
Anna Leach, Iioujo rent for county
poor, 30.00
North Plntto Eloctric Co-, light sorvicc
court houso and jail for Dec, Jan and
Feb nnd repairs, 117.03
Martin Jopaon, cash for road Dist 14,
Jacob Miller, cash for road district 38,
Whereupon tho board adjourns to
April 17, 1913.
D W Yost, county clerk.
Locq1 and Personal
W. N. Uoso liMs purchased a Bulck
touring car at tho Davis garage.
'EdWnru Bonhor, of Gothenburg.
spout tho week end visiting friends in
this city,
Corbin Jones nnd party left Friday
mprnlng for Pnxton to spend sovenil
days hunting.
Mrs. Glnn Forgerson returned Satur
day morning from a visit with friends
in Pnxton and Choycnne.
Knight McIIatton, of Chnppell, who
spent tho-past week with Lewis Lawson
returned homo Sunday ovonlng,
f . Mis Mnbol Martin, of Suthorhind,
Arrived Saturday morning to visit Miss
Alico Fltzpatrlck for n fow days.
Mr. and Mrs. Payton, of Sutherland,
who spent last week In town with
frlpnds, rotufnod homo Snturday morn-
Mr. nmlMrs&$ppnnn, of Arapahoe,
who visited WrdndjMra. John Den for
ton days rerOrfffcdio. Arapahoo Sunday
evovlng. $Jfci
Miss Lucjk'B'rD'svnr formerly of this
;ity, arrived, from Mudrid tho latter
pare oi mat wL'oxao visit menus nnu
nttond the
10 tc-acliura'
A gnme of baseball was played on tho
local dintnond Friday, afternoon by tho
teams of the itophoirroro and fresnmnn
clauses the former winning by a score
pfjjl.jtoll. Batteries woro Husbnnd,
Cross, 'Miller, Jones and Boguo.
Four hundred heud of hogs woro de
livered to th buyer at Staploton Mon
day and Tuesday of last week, George
Hughes, of Garfield, was ono of the
farmers "making dollyorlos, selling a
Bufilsiont number to bring him $1,750,
Basing tuolr ngures on reports ro
coived from their field agents through
out tho Ohio Hoods districts, official of
thu Hod Cross socio ty who hnvo been
placed In clmrgo of thu roliof work In
that state havo issuod u statement es
timating that 451 persons lost their lives
during tho floods. Ohiouns numbering
77,133 need aid for rehabilitation, ac
cording to tho statement.
North Platters at Long Beach.
Long Beach, Calif., Mch
27, 1913.
Dear Mr. Lditor:
It occurred to me that some of your
readers would be interested in knowing
of a gathoring of North Platte peoplo
in far off California a few days ago.
On Tuesday, March 25th, while the
people of Omaha were scorching in the
ruins of tholr formor beautiful and
comfortable homes for victims of the
fierce tornado which mowed a frightful
nath through their city, nnu wniie
thousands in unio nnu inuiana were
praying for rescue from tho awful
Hoods which woro devastating their
states, a goodly number of formor and
present North Hatters woro picKnicK
Ing in tho opon air on tho sandy beach
at Long Boach within forty yards of
the waters of tho broad Pacific. I will
try nnd give you an idea of tho setting
of the picture. The tables wore set In
tho open air on the fnmous long beach
which gives tho city its name, which
stretches for four milos along its south
ern limit. To tho southeast the long
pleasure pier reaching nearly a quarter
of a mile out In tho ocean. Directly
south tho bluo cxnanso of tho greatest
of oceans stretching beyond the limit of
Slightly to the southwest across the
channel nearly thirty miles nway beau
tiful Santa Catalina Island reared her
sharn ncaks. Circling on and looking
soven miles acrois the bay could be i
plainly seen the little city of San Pedro,
nestling nt tho foot of tho Palos Vcrdes
hills. Behind us to the north the beau
tiful home city of Long Beach with hor
25,000 permanent population (not
tourist) tho most prominent objnets in
view being the Immense $2,000,0(0 plant
of the Southern Calif. Edison Co., the
Salt Lake Basculo Bridge over the
Long Beach hnrbor entrance, tho great
Craig ship building yards with two
great ships under construction and the
palatial Hotel Virginia in tho near fore
ground. In the nonr back ground north
of the city tho delightful suburban resi
dence districts of Los Corritos Heights
and Signal Hill, overlooking the whole
beautiful panorama, whllo back of all
in the clear distance from north to
east loomed In succession tho great
ranges of the Sierra Madrc, tho San
Bernardino and the San Jacinto moun
tains. -'
Standing on the pleasure pier uf tor
our picnic dinner wo could see at our
feet tho bathers frolicking in the surf
in Old Ocean, and turning half around
and raising our oyes could sco with
& -v -vT vvv'VPv'vrw,N- yr"v' v v vv &
We will pay
for your hsis.
No.. Platte
422 WEST
IHC Wagons Are Tough
ID you ever notice when one of
tho wheels of your loaded wagon
dropped into a rut or bumped over
a stone how the seat springs gave
and rebounded, almost throwinc
you off? That is an indication of the shock
and strain that the rigid spokes and axles have
to stand whenever the wagon is traveling over
a rough road or through a field. The IHC
wagons your local dealer sells
Weber New Bettendorf
Columbus or Steel King
take these stresses and strains as a matter of
course. From neckyoke to tail board they are
built of selected, air-dried lumber, strong and
tough, bending to strains but coming back as
straight and true as ever when tho load 13
removed. Besides being tough, IHC wagons
are light running. Tho wheels have just the
right pitch and gather, and run true. All skeins
and skein boxes are paired. The running gear
is assembled by skilled workmen whose wages
depend as much o 1 the quality as on the quan
tity of the work thoy turn out. Consequently,
IHC wagons are practically all of the same
high standard of quality throughout. V
Weber and Columbus wagons have wood
gears; New Bettendorf and Steel King have
steel gears. I II C local dealers sell tho wagon
best suited to your work and conditions. Get
catalogues and literature from them, or, ad
dress your request to
International Harvester Company of America"
Crawford Ncls.
marvellous distinctions Old Baldy and
his glistening top and other snow capped
summits of the Son Bernandino range.
Though weakly doscribed, how do you
like the picture?
The picnic was very impromptu nnd
hurriedly prepared for and many re
ceived notice of it too late to arrange
to nttend. Nevertheless it was most
delightful nffair nnd somu thirty odd
people who have at some time lived In
or near North Platte sat down to a
bountiful table and afterwards spent a
most onjovablo day in renewing old
friendship" nnd tnking in the sights
of this incomparable beach resort.
It was tho unanimous expression that
this was the precursor of u similar
every year. The following wero pres
ent: Capt. and Mrs, W. II. Hamilton,
Miss Penrl Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Cunningham, Miss Mnry Cunning
ham. Mrs. Mnzie Isaacs (nee Cunning
ham) and daughtor, Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Doolittle, Marston Doolittlo,
Mrs. G. II. Stevenpon (nee Doolittle)
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pat
terson, Mrs Eva Baldwin, Ms.
Blanche Field, Mrs. S. E. Douglns,
Mrs. F. E. Douglas (nee Scharman),
'Mrs. R. H. Douglas (nee Fisher), Mrs.
S L. Davis, Mrs, J. W. Fisher (nee
Davis), Mrs. B. Charles Ormsby, Mrs
Annie M? Church, John Keith, Russell'
Fowles. Mrs. John Soranson, Mrs. C.
II. Rankin (nee Sorcnson), Mrs. F.
M Ilnllotte (nee Sorenson) and son.
Mrs. W. L Bright, Mrs. C. II. Ridor,
Mrs. Cotton, and Al Babbitt.
Yours sincerlj,
Mrs. Honry Hollingsworth, of Her
shey, who visited Mr. und Mrs. Hollings
worth of this city, left for home Satur
doy. Mr. and Mrs. Thorpo, of Sterling,
who wero guests of their daughter Mrs.
W. A. Forward, left for Central City
Saturday morning to visit relatives.
Fred vonBechman, of Hastings, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koontz
this week.
For Sale .
The southeast quarter of section
31 and the EJ SW1 of SWJ, 00 acreB.
in Section 2-13-31; $30 per acre, one
third cash, terms to suit on balance,
six per cent interest.
Also Block 3, South Park addition to
North Plntto. Price $1GOO one-half
cash. Address,
H. E. Nichols. Sterling, Colo.
you lie a pound
Bring them irf.e
Prodmce Co,
- VsW WsWtj
It is near at Hand to Hundreds
of Tribune Readers,
Don't neglect an aching back,
Bnckache is often the kidneys' cry
for help.
Neglect hurrying to tho kldnoys aid,
means that urinary troubles may follow.
Or danger of worso kidney trouble.
Geo. VV. Wcinborgor, 109 West
Ninth street, North Platte, Neb., says:
"Two years ago I become nfillctod with
kidney troublo nnd suffered from agon
lzin3 pains,through;ny back. I grad
ually grew worse, was stiff and lame
and on account of losing my rest nt
night, became all run down. My kld
noys did not perform their functions
properly. Learning of Donn's Kidnoy
Pills, I procured them from McDonell
& Graves' drug storo (now Schiller &
Co's) and after I had taken the con
tents of six boxes, I was entirely
oured. Prior to using Doan's Kidney
Pills, I had to lay off from work for
sovcral months, but after taking this
remedy only one month, I was able to
resume work." '
For sole by all doalors. Price 50 cents
Foster-MilburnCo., Buffalo, Now York,
sole agents for the Unitod States.
Remember the name Doan's nnd
take no other.
Mrs. Georgo Morgan, of Ogalalla,
who spent tho past week with her
mother Mrs. A. S. Chamborlain, re
turned home the latter part of last
The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonner-Cramcr
All the principal branches of Ap
plied and Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachers.
Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front
stroet or phono BlacK 341
Quality Cigars
In n cigar quality is the prime factor.
Some cigars, oven those costing a dime,
don't have tho quality. The renson our
cigni j nro popular is becuuso quality is
our first consideration. Some of our
brands hnvi been on the market for 25
years and they aie the same good cigur
as when first made. Our reputation
for good cigars was earned by making
qunhty the first consideration.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
.96!, i,-e-e-s.s-s.ts&&&t-at
ff X
13 years experience nt tho bendf. Can do
j all kinds of repairing. Ucd rock prices. AH
'RONIE the
House of Good Show
When in Norlh Plalfe
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matineo Saturday After
noon nt2:30 O'clock.
The Statu of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S9.
In the County Court.
In the matter of tho estate of Walter B.
McNeel, deceased,
On reading and filing the petition of Mary C.
McNeel, praying that administration of said
estate may lie granted to herself as Admin
istratrix Ordered, That Apr. 15, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested In said matter may appear
at a county court to be held in and for wild
county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner
should notbo granted; and that notice of the
pmdency of said petition nnd tho hearing
thereof bo given to all persons interested In Baid
mnttir by publishing a copy of this order in the
Norlh Platte Tribune ii legal seml-wrckly news
paper printed in said county for three successivo
weeks, prior to said day of hearing.
Dated March 12, 1913.
m21-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
Borlal No. 0I5HD.
' United States Land OIIIcp.
At North Platte. Nebraska, Feb 10. 11)13,
Noltuo Is lumiliy given that Charles
O. Long of North Platte Nob., who oi
January 18. 11)10. , made homestead entrr
Serial No. OIWi fnr tho eat half
,if tho southwest nuarter ard Ioih .1 and 4,
Section 18. Town 14 N Rango 30 W of the
nth Principal Meridian, has tiled notice of In
tention to make, final three year
nnM)f. to establish claim to the land above
doM-'rllied, lie fore thu register nnd receiver
at North Platto. Nebraska on tho 16th day
or April, 11)13
Claimant names as witnesses; Oeorgii
ICopf, Geoitm Long. V A Robinson nnd
Dlek Ross, all of North Platto. Neb.
flH- JoiinEJEvanh Register
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In tho County Court.
In tho matter uf tho estate of Hans J.
I Hansen, deceased.
In tliecroJJturs. hers. legatee, and others In
tt'rtwted In tfitfostuto of Hans J. Hansen.
Tako notice, that Anna F. Hansen
hi s tiled In the county court n report of hcrdo
Invrs as executrix of said estate, and It is ordered
that the same stand for hearing tho 29th day
or April, A. I).. 1913, before tho court
nt tho hour of 9 o'clock, u. m., at which time any
person Interested may appearand -except to und
content tho same. And notico of this proceeding Is
I rH
' onlereil given In the North Platto Tribune, a
I fceml'wcoMy newspaper, printed in said county
i for throe successive witka prior to said date.
Witness my hand and thu seal of tho county
court at North Platte, Nebraska, this 1st day of
Anr. A I) , 1013
s i H UN .RWT fVnrr lei'ir
Coming to
North Platte
United Doctors, Specialists,
Will Be at the
Pacific Hotel
April 14, 15 and 16,
Monday, Tuesday and
Three Days Only
r " - i i
Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Remarkable Success of These Talented
Physicians in the Treatment
of Chronic Disesesr
The United Doctors, licensed by the
state of Nebraska for the treatment of
deformities and all norvous nnd chronic
diseases of men, women and children,
offer to all who call on this trip, con
sultation, examination, advice free,
making no charge whatever, except the
actual cost of medicine. All that is
asked in return for these valuable ser
vices in that every person treated will
state tin result obtained to their friend
and thus prove to the sick nnd afflicted
in every city and locality, that at last
treatments havo been discovered that
are reasonably sure and certain in their
These doctors are considered by many
former patients among America's lead
ing stomach and norve specialists and
are experts in the treatment of
chronic diseases and so great and won
dsrful have been their results that in
many cases it is hard indeed to find the
dividing line between skill and miracle.
Diseases of the stomach, intestines,
liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen,
kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sai
atica, diabetes, bed-watting, log ulcers,
weak lungs and thoso afflicted with
long-standing, deep-seated chronic dis
ease, that havo baffled tho skill of tho
family physcian, should not fail to call.
According to their system no more
operations for appendicitis, gall stones,
tumors, goiter or certain forms of can
cer. They were among the first in
America to earn the name of the
"Bloodless Surgeons," by doing away
with knife, with blood and with all pain
in the successful treatment of these
dangcrou,! disease.
It you have kidney or bladder trou
bles bilng a two-ounce bottle of your
urine for chemical analysis nnd micro
scopic examination.
Deafness often has been cured in
Bixty days.
No mnttor what your Bilment may
be. no matter what others may have
told you, no matter what experience
you may have had with other physicians,
it will be to your advantage to seo
them at once. Have it forever settled
in your mind. If your case is incurable
they will give yni such advice ns may
relievo and stay the disease. Do not
put off this duty you owe yourself or
friends or rolatives who are suffering
becauso of your sickness, ns a visit this
time may help you.
Remember, this free offer la for one,
day only.
Slurried ladies must come with their
husbands and minors with their parents.
Oldest Dankin Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
We Solicit Your Business.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Rosidonco Red 630 Office 459
Established in 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Gth and Vino Streets
R. D. Thomson.
Dift rRdfiBld Idlield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
PHONE 012.
Hogs and uatt
Estray Notice.
Taken up on tho 9th day day of
March, 1913, on Section 18, town 14,
range 28, seven miles northwest of
Maxwell, in Lincoln county, Nobr., by
the undersigned who thoro resides, two
black mares with whito on forehead.
Owner will please call, pay charges and
take animals away.
C. H.James,
Mnxwoll, Neb.
To Whom It May Conccrn:-
Notlco Is hereby Riven that tho mayor and city
council will hold n special mcetlntr, beginning at
tho hour1 8.(0 o'clock p. m. (central time) Tuesday,
April 15th. 1913, In the council chamber for tho
purpose of making assessments and tho levying
of taxes for tho construction of sidewalks built by
tho city along tho following described property:
Lot 12. Wock 2, Trustco's Addition. Wnlk
4 feet wide. 12 feet long. 48 square feet
at 11 cents per square foot $ G 28
Lot 8, Ulock 177, original town, walk 4 ft
wido, 149 feet long, COO sq feet nt lie. .. 65 66
16 yards sand tilling for Baino lot 12 00
Lot 4, Ulock 1S7, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 145 feet long, 580 square feet at lie
per square foot.. 03 80
Lot 8, Block 181, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 149 feet long, 596 squaro feet at 11
cents per square foof. 65 66
Lot 5, Block 180, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 149 feet long, 696 squaro feet at 11
cents per squaro foot , C5 56
5 yards sand for Ailing above lot 3 75
Lot 8. Block 186, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide. 149 feet long, 596 square feet at 11
cents per square foot... 65 66
Lot 6, BlocK 20, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 83 feet long 332 square feet 11
cents per square foot 36 62
4 yards sand for filling above lot at 75 c .. 3 CO
Lot 6, Block 20, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 66 feet long 264 squaro feet at 11
cents per square foot... ,29 01
2 yards sand for filling above lot at 75c. 1 60
Lot 2, Block 65, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 66 feet long, 264 square feet at at 11
cents per squaro foot.. ...... 29.01
776 yards dirt for filling above lot at 76c. . . 67 00
Lot 2 and 3, Block 66. original town. Walk
4 feet wide, 132 feet long, 528 square feet
at 11 cents per square foot.,. , 68 03
Lot 1, Block 66, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide. 83 feet long, 332 square feet at 11
cents per square foot 36 52
Lot 2. Block 67, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, C6 feet long, 264 square feet at 11
cents per square foot 29 04
Lot 6, Block 41, original town. Walk 4 feet .
wide 83 feet long, 332 squaro feet at 11
cents per squaro foot...... , 36 52
3 yards sand for filling above lot at 76c. . . 2.25
Lot 6, Block 41 original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 66 f cot long, 264 squaro feet at 11
cents per square foot 29 OI
4 yards sand for filling above lots at 75 . 3 00
Lot 4, Block G4, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 83 feet long, 332 square feet at 11
centspcr square foot 36 62
3ynrdssand for filling above lot at 75c ... 2 25
Lots 2 and 3, Block 64. original town. Walk
4 feet wide, 132 feet long, 628 square feet
at II cents per square foot 58 08
Lot 3. Block 65, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 66 feet long, 264 square feet at 11
cents per square foot 29 01
18 yards sand for filling above lot at 75c. .13 60
Lot 7, Block 20, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 66 feet long, 264 square feet at 11
cents per squaro foot , 29 Ol
4 yards sand for filling abovo lot at 76c.... 3 00
In addition to the obove amounts. Interest and
advertising fees will be charged.
All persons interested will file their objections.
If any they have, to the assessing of taxes against
the abovo described property and for the above
described purposo on or before 8.0O o'clock p. m..
Tuesday, April 15th, 1913, as abovo stated for said
CIIAS. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk.
Referee s Sale.
By virtue of an order issued in the
district court in and for Lincoln county,
Nebraska, on the 17th day of March,
1913, in an action of partition wherein
Hesekiah Ramsey is plaintiff and
Charity Miller and Miller, her hus
band, first arid real name unknown;
Benjamin Ball and Ball, his wie,
first and real name unknown; Joseph
Ball and Ball, his wife, first and real
nnme unknown; Thomas Ball and
Han, nis wile, nrst ana real name un
known; Alma Stevens and Stevens,
her husband, first and real nnme un
known; Joseph Sell3 and Sells, his
wife, first and real name unknown;
John Sells and Sells, his wife, first
and real name unknown; Ella Sells,
Addio Sells, May Davis neo Sells and
Davis, her husband, first and re) nnme -unknown;
Roianna Armstrong ptm 'a!l
an 1 Armstrong, her husband, first
and real nama unknown; Worthincton
Ball and -r- Ball, his wife, first and real
name unknown; Bertha Savage and
Savage, her husband, first and real
name unknown; Amelia Wilkins and
Wilkins, hor husband, first nnd real
name unknown and Florence Shephard
are defendants, I will sell at public
auction at the east front door of the
court house in the city of North Platte, r
Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 19th
day of April, 1913. at the hour of one
o'alock p. m.. tho following described
real estate situato in Lincoln Co., Nob.,
to-wit: An undivided one-half interest
in a portion of lot "I" of the county
clerk's subdivision of part of the north
west quarter of section 33, township 14,
range 30, west of the Gth p m., do
scribed ns follows: Commencing at tho
northonst cornerof said lot " I;" thence
west from said northeast corner ten de
grees north 220 ft. west; thence south
10 degrees west 198 ft. thence east 10
degrees south 88 ft. thence north 10
degrees east 132 ft thenco east 10 de
grees south 132 ft. thence north along
the cast line ot said lot "I" 66 ft to
the place of beginning, being all of said
lot "I" except a portion thereof 132 ft.
square In the southeast corner thereof,
the terms of 3aid sale to be cash in
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
this 17th day of March. 1913.
ml8-G O. E. Elder, Referee.
Sttrlal No. 03710.
Dopartmentof the Interior.
U. S. Land Ollicn at North Platto. Nob.
Alar 17th, U'13.
Notico Is horoby clven that Alvln T. Ouyor,
of North PlatlP. Nob., who, on February
8th. IPOS, made Ilomes,tal Entry No.23750 Ser
ial No. 01716, for soi, nwM and lots 3,
i 5, Section ti. Township 1. north,
llantro 2U. V.. 0th Principal Meridian,
has fllod notico of Intention to makelinal
throo year proof, to establish claim to the
land abovo described, boforo llcsrlster and
IleCQlvrr. at North Plattu, Neb,, on tho 21st
day of May, 1913.
Olalmant names as wttnossos: Fred
J. Male-no, AmIo Gutherless, Fred Sltnants
and.IessoLoiik. all of North Platto, Nebr
Ki 0 J. E Evans. KetrIstor.
Serial No. 03749.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ollice at North Platte, Neb.
April 3, 1913.
NOTICE Is hereby (riven that Laura Shaw, of
North Platte, Neb., who on March 9. 1908, mode
II. E. No. 23825, Serial No. 03749. for NH,
NWM. SWM NWK, and N W'i SWK, Section 28.
Township 15, North, Knm'o 31, West of tho Ctli
Principal Meri.ian, has filed notice of intention
to make final three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, before tho
register and receiver, at North Platte, Neb., on
the Gth day of June, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur Tooka,
H. F Doebkc, Wm Slebold, Dave Macomber, all
of Norlh Platte, Neb.
aS-S J. E EVANS, Register
Serial No. 0595.
Department of the Interior.
U, S. Land Oihce at North Platte. Nebr.
Feb. 25, 1913.
Notico is hereby Riven that Edward Illma,
or Norm t'latte, Nebr., who, on February o,
1910, made llomestond Entry No.
04&95, for NE! and tho EH of SE4. Section
2. twp. 15, N. nre. 30, west of tho Cth Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make
final three year proof, to establish claim to the
land abovo described, boforo the reirlstcr and
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 25th
day of April 1913.
Claimant names as. witnesses: John Reeves,
Robert Reeves, Frank Hoed, Henry Greeley,
all of North P'r.tte, Nelr.
mt-l J r Evnn, Pi scr.
i qy