The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 08, 1913, Image 7

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"Man la but clay, after all."
"In order to keep up with the times,
I suppose a modern man ought to be
mado of reinforced concrete."
539 Lincoln Park nivd., Chicago, 111.
"A year ago I received a very aevoro
burn on myleft arm. I caught cold In
it and It was all sore and ulcerated.
The soro was as largo as a silver dol
lar. It was all red and Inflamed and
had pus running out of it I suffered
torrlbly from burning pain; could not
sleep for two weeks it burned and
Itched so badly. I applied Salve,
Salve and a salvo my druggist
recommended as his own, but got no
relief. I then commenced using the
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I bathed
the burned parts with Cutlcura Soap
and applied the Cutlcura Ointment on
a linen bandage. I got relief from tho
first, and my arm healed nicely. I was
bocu able to bo at work again. Had I
used Cutlcura Soap and Ointment at
first I would havo avoided lots of suf
ferlng." (Signed) Harry Junko, Mar.
D, 1912.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
,-ee, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
cost-card "Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston."
Anyhow, Boy Had the Right Idea.
An overgrown schoolboy who found
Engllsli grammar entirely beyond him
was given the sentence "The girl pur
chased a hat" to diagram.
"Now, of what word is 'hat' tho ob
ject?" asked the teacher, encouraging
"Hat is the object of girl," stam
tnered tho youth.
"Perhaps you're right," replied the
They Got t-eft.
John and Betty, aged five and foui
years, had started on a railway Jour
ney with their parents on Monday, but
""reached tho station Just in time to
hear the engineer ring his bell and see
the train pull out of 'the station, leav
ing the family behind.
Next Sunday John and Betty wore
started out on tho way to Sunday
school. When they were half way
there the bell rang, and presently they
came regretfully back.
"We got left." they announced.
"Bllgglns always knows the latest
"Not tho latest," replied Miss Cay
enne, wearily, "the longest." Wash
ington Star.
Its Nature.
"What's the weather report?'
"Blowing great guns."
"Great leport!"
No, Cordelia, a criminal lawyer Isn't
iiccessarlly a criminal.
Inveterate Tea Drinker Feared Par
alysis. Steady uiio of either tea or coffeo
aften produces alarming symptoms as
the poison (caffeine) contained in
these beverages nets with more po
tency in some persons than in others.
"I was uevor a coffeo drinker,"
writes an III. womnn, "but a tea drink
er. I was very nervous, had frequent
ipells of sick headache and heart
trouble, and was subject at times to
evere attacks of bilious colic.
"No end of sleepless nights would
havo spoils at night when my right
eldo would get numb and tinglo llko
i. thousand needles wore pricking my
flesh. At times I could hardly put my
tongue out of my mouth and my right
eye and ear were affected.
"Tho doctors told me I was liable to
becomo paralyzed at any time, so I
was in constant dread. I took no end
of medicine all to no good.
"The doctorB told me to quit using
tea, but I thought I could not live
without It that it was my only stay.
I had been a tea drinker for twenty
five years; was under tho doctor's
care for fifteen.
"About six months ago, I finally
Quit tea and commenced to drink
"I havo never had one spell of sick
headacho slnco and only one light
attack of bilious colic. Havo quit hav
ing thoso numb spells nt night, sleep
well and my heart is getting stronger
all tho time." Namo given upon re
quest. Postum now comes In concentrated,
powder form, called Instant Postum.
It is prepared by stirring a level tea
spoonful In a cup of hot water, adding
sugar to taste, and enough cream to
bring tho color to golden brown.
Instant Postum is convenient;
thero'B no waste; and tho flavor is al
ways uniform. Sold by grocers every
A B-cup trial tin mailed for grocer's
name and 2-cent stamp for postage
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek,
Afternoon Dress a Triumph of
the Expert Parisian Modiste
Afternoon dress of red voile, pleated
Eklrt forms three rows of straight
Severe Simplicity Will Be the Ac
cepted Idea for the Models of
the Coming Ceason.
According to tho Dry Gdods Econo
mist, simple tailored styles for every
day wear are receiving the most at
tention In children's coats. Such gar
ments are shown in serges, Bedford
cords, whipcords, poplins and fancy
mixtures. The collars, cuffs and rovers
are usually of silk, ratine or cloth In
some bright color. On tho dressier
numbers lingerie collars and cuffs are
employed. In most instances these
are made detachable, so that they can
be easily laundered, nelts are a fca
turo of many of tho best selling
models. Frequently tho belt Is seen
only in tho back section. When tho
entire belt is used it is placed several
Inches below the waist line and Is
made of satin, silk or velvet. Plain
or crushed broad velvet belts are con
sidered particularly smart and are
used with excellent effect on bright
colored coats in red, Wllhelmlna blue,
tan and rose. Sashes aro also' being
used in n similar manner. These are
frequently In black or of tho same
Bhade as the coat Itself.
A spring suit of navy blue broad
loth with one button cutaway Jacket.
with belt of embroidered ribbon. Tho
cut ruffles.
Best Ideas for Dressing of Young
Girl's Hair Is Here Given
From Authority.
In tho Woman's Homo Companion
Grace Margaret Gould writes "A Tnlk
With Girls About Their Clothes." Fol
lowing is an extract which presents
Miss Gould's ideas about hairdressing
for young girls:
"In arranging your hair, I would
bear first In mind, if I were you, not
to hide tho shape of your head. You
may admire tho way your older sis
ter or your best friend's mother wears
her hair, but don't try to copy It.. The
more simply you fix your hair tho
more becoming It Is sure to bo. Part
ing tho hair either in tho middle of
at the sides is very pretty If It hap
pens to be becoming to you, but if it,
Is not, tho soft wavy pompadour worn
without a rat is in quite as good style.
The hair which is drawn back from
tho forehead in a low pompadour and
continued back over tho crown of
tho head, whero It is then made Into n
llttlo coll covered by a big bow, la
very effective, only it must not hnvo
the effect of all bow and llttlo head
The bow should bo small enough to
show two cunning llttlo curls be
low It."
According ,to Information, Printed
Silks Will Be Largely Used In
the New Costmues.
Paris dressmakers aro using printed
silks of rathor florid designs on soft
silks and crepe do chines for linings,
especially where plain materials nro In
question. All crepe fabrics also nro
In demand for homo gowns, nnd with
these tho Introduction of printed silks
will take tho form of collar facings
and llttlo touches in the. waist-bands
Buttons will also bo covered In small
designed printed silk.
Spongo cloths, rntlno or velour do
laino, all more or Icsb the same thing,
will still find favor in the early spring,
but serge and suitings in navy bluo
promise to bo moro In voguo than
In the navy bluo sultlngthc tiny
pin stripo is likely to lead tho wuy,
one or two coats nnd skirts having
already been seen In this material
Tho fashion In tnllor mades does not
Just yet show much chnnge. The
lines are slmplo In the extreme. The
Inverted pleat at front nnd back, al
lowing of a little more freedom In
movement, but retaining tho straight
lino, 1b bo far tho only innovation.
New Screens.
Many of the new screens nro exceed
ingly beautiful. Thoco of embossed
leather aro much in demand. Except
In tho distinctly Oriental screens there
1b a reaction against anything like
sumptuous decorntlon. AVhen cov
ered with the new brocades that show
gold and silver threads Interwoven In
tho lovely patterns of olden tlmo tho
screens are much to be desired.
Thore Is a slight tendency to have
tho material employed for the screens
match the curtains of dining rooms,
libraries and bedrooms.
Healthy Old Age Is What
Dr. Hartman Advocates
Soo horo,
young man, I
heard you com
plaining tho
othor day of bo
ing norvous,
sleepless, brain
fagged, nnd tho
like. A young
man, hardly in
tho zenith of
your life, Com
plaining of such
And this la
very common,
too. You nro
not tho only
one. Probably
threo out of four
of tho young
men of today havo Just such symp
toms as you describe. What does it
Look at mo. I nm olghty-two years
Did. Sound na n nut. Touch nn hick.
ory. Do not know what It Is to bo
tired. Whllo I cannot do as much
physical work as 1 usod to when n
roung man, I can do a great deal.
Probably twlco as much as tho nvor
ago young man of today.
What has kept mo so strong and
well? I will tell you. I do hot uso
tobacco. I do not use alcoholic stim
ulants. I do not uso tea or coffeo
uabltually. I go to bod early. I got
up early. I nm always doing some
thing; something that occupies my
body and mind. I lovo to work. I
"Wormy", that'll wlml'a tho matter of 'em, Stomach nnd In
teatluul norma Nearly an bml nn distemper. Cot you too much
to feed 'cin, Look bad- are bad Don't phjalu 'cm to death.
Spohn's Cure, will remove tlio worms, liuprote the appetite, and
tone 'em up nil round, and don't "phyMo." Art nil kIhihu uud blood.
Full dli ectlou v. i tli each bottle, and sold by all druiritUis.
V 'i h iiilWWiUiM.1 f JL W vt
Member of the Union.
Men who worked under a former
city editor on the Washington Pout
vouch fbr tho truth of this story about
Tho telegraph editor, eo tho story
goes, got a "flash" ono nlgbt that John
La Fargo, tho painter, was dead. Ho
called tho news out to tho city editor,
who, catching only tho namo and pro
fession, yelled to a reporter:
"Wllloughby! A painter by tho
namo of La Fargo Ib dead. Rush down
to tho Central Labor Union and sco
what you-can dig up "about him!"
Important to Mothers
Examlno carefully overy bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safo nnd suro remedy for
Infants and children, and sco that It
Tlnna 41ia
Signature or (ZaJMtZiM
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Expected Result.
"What did Mamo do when nm told
licr she must tako that dress to
ploces?" ,
"I tell you she waB ripping mad."
Thero Is ono thing n woman novor
boasts of, and that Is how llttlo it
costs to havo hor last year's hat ro
modoled PUTNAM
ColOTirweBoodabrighterwdlastereoloro than
dye any garment without ripping apart. Wrlto
tnko a cold wator towel bath every
morning, winter nnd summon It is
thcBO things that havo kept mo well
and strong. You could bo Just as well
nnd strong no I am if you would do aa
I do.
You may ask, do I novor get sick,
havo I nover had occasion to tako
modlclno nt all? Yos, I havo got sick.
Sometimes I feel a llttlo touch of cli
matic troublo, llko cold, malaria,
slight catarrhal symptoms, but my
only modlclno is Pcrunn. I always
keep a bottlo of Poruna in tho houso.
I kcop a bottlo of Poruna on my desk
In my office Onco In a whllo I tako
somo. I do not tako it habitually.
Tako it only when I feel a llttlo out of
sorts. Ono swallow will porhnps bo
nil that will bo liucossary, but It is
always handy by.
It is n sorry sight to soo tho young
men of todny begin to peter out phys
ically when thoy ought to bo in tho
glory of tholr manhood and the height
of their vigor. Eat plain food. LIvo
frugally. Glvo up all weakening
habits. Llvo as God Intended you to
llvo. Tako Peruna when you do not
feel as well as usual.
If you want mo to I will send you
n book which will tell you a great
mnny moro things nbout yourself and
about matters that may bo of great
valuo to you. Encloso n two-cent
stamp for poBtago and tho book will
bo sent in a plain wrapper and you
will not bo troubled with any follow
up lottors or advertisements.
Peruna Is for salo nt nil drug stores.
Goilicn, 1ml., U. S. A.
iiLii3iiIiir&Mli 1 1 ill
Write for book Having young chicks. Bend us
uamei of 7 frlcnda that uae IncubntorH mid get
book free. UnUall Remedy Co., Ulackwoll,Okln.
Feminine Arithmetic.
TyplBt It's my hlrthdny tomorrow;
I'm going to tnko n day off.
Hookkconer Why don't you tnko
llvo years off, snnio as you did last
year7 Bystander,
Tnnrilruagint will ruiund money If lA.U OINT
MKNP fulls to euro uny caw of Itching, llllud.
lilcudlng or 1'rotrudlng 1'llea In 0 to 14 days due
Day dreams nro moro pleasant than
profitable, unless one gets busy and
converts them into fact.
8KEDB AlfnlfufO: timothy, bluo craw A
canufti; sweotoloverf'.). Farms fur unlo it rout
oaoroppaym'tB. J. Mulliull, Soo City, la.
Somo girls aro so eager to tliump a
pinno they can't wait to wash tho
Jinny linve gmolted LEWIS' Sincjo Bind
er cijznr for the pnht sixteen years. Always
found in reliable quality. Adv.
Ono 1b moro likely to npplaud tho
man who haa done somo good things,
if one Ib not ono of thorn,
Red Crocs Bnll Illiie, nil blue, bent bluinft
vnluo In the wllolo world, makes tho laun
dress emilc. Adv.
Aftor a struggling man succeeds in
marrying an heiress ho gives up tho
Woman Is As lld As
She Looks
No woman wants to look old. Many in their
effort to look youthful resort to the "beauty doctor's"
prescriptions. Their mistake is that they visit the
wrong department in the drug store.
Beauty depends upon health.
Worry, sleepless nights, headaches, pains, dis
orders, irregularities and weaknesses of a distinctly
feminine character in a short time bring the dull eye,
the "crow's feet," the haggard look, drooping shoulders,
and the faltering step.
To retain the appearance of youth you must
retain health. Instead of lotions, powders and paints,
ask your druggist for
aUPJT a It5ITC4u S Prescription
This famous medicine strikes at the very root
of these enemies of your youthful appearance. It
makes you not only look young, but feel young.
Your drnggist can supply yon In liquid or
tablet form; or send SO one-cent stamps to Dr.
Pierce's Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, IV.Y. and a trial box will bo mailed yon.
wy otherdye. One 10c package color at! fiber. They dye tai cold "XttUUtTlhtnanyoihtTdye. Youe
for fr bookUt How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colors. MONBOg DBUO COMPANY, (juiacy. IIU
Nebraska Directory
lyers Brtthers ft g.
Auto nnd Wags
Truek Builders. It
nnlrlnir. Pain tint
Trimming. Buggy Wheel repnlred add T
rubber tired. Write u for price. 0 yearn In the
business. Andrew Murphy & Bon, OmjhJ
Consign your HORSES & MULES te
Union Stook Yards, S. Omaha, Nebs
Phone South G70. Auction Sales Every Monday,
TPo eel! nil feed ued by the feeders.ln ear and low
lota. Our prices are right. Wo buy empty aocka
Ur Stock Exchange Bid. South OmiK
Wood Bros.
South Omaha Chicago Slou City So. St. Pad
Try Us It Will Pay You
Consign yonr stock tons for good prices, good flUl
and prompt remittance. Write or wire u for oaj
deslrml Information regarding the market. AUcom
niiinlcatlous answered promptly. Wo aro worklnA
for your Interest nnd appreciate your tuslnu
N. E. ACKER & CO.,
Live Stock Commission
loon I tO-t 12 Eichaiw Bide .Stock Ids. Station. S.Ooihs. Ret.
In this ago of research and ciperlmnnl, all nature
Is ransacked byUiesclcnUlloforthocoinfouandhap.
(itnrisofuiun, Hclcnco has Indeed uiuaoRtantatrlasa
n tho past century, and among the by no mean
east Important-discoveries In medicine Is tbatof
'I tierapliin. w hlch lias been used with great success 1st
Krrncli Hospital nnd that Ills worthy the attention
nt those who sutler from kidney, bladder, narrotu)
dlscawvchrontc weaknessos.ulcers.skln eruptions,
piles, Ac. Ihoro Is no doubU In faotttst'cmsavldenl
fmm I ho hi a stir created amongst siwxUriiti, ibis
THERAPION Is destined to cast Into oblrrlnn all
tlmsn qucvlonabln remedies that were formerly lb
sole reliance of medical men. It Is of course tmpoe
sltilo to tell sufferers all we should like to tell them
In this short article, but thoso who would Ilka to
know mora about this remedy that has effected so
many wo might almost say. uilrnenlons oares.
should send addressed en re I ope for Kllltlt book t
Iir. IrfiUlero Mnl (Yi , Havcntork Moad.IlampKteaa,
ondnn, Kng.nnddncHlnfnrihetusolYns whetherttM
lew French lleuiedy "THERAPION" No. I, No.1
or No 81s what they require and htiTObeenseeklnf
In vain during a life of misery, sugaring, III healtft
and unhapplnms. Thoraplonlssold by dnwgtsts at
mall IUU rougera Uo VO Jloekuiuu BV, Now loris.
Wanted to Know.
"I don't llko to throw bouquots if
mysolf, but I do think 1 havo excellent
"Am I to consider that as a pro
lira. Wlnalowr'a Poothlna Byrup for Children
trethlnif, miflcus tho Kiime, reduce Inllnmmo
lloD.ullay a patu.ourea wind colleSe A bot tleJU
And platonlc friendship frequently ,
makes a nolso llko n flirtation.
Backache Rheumatism
Kidneys and Bladder
Contains No Habit forming Drugs
UNCLE! HAM needs BtenoKraphera. I will
teuch you by mall. Instruction based upos
my 13 years experience as government sten
ogiapher and court leportcr. Write today,
llurold Cllbsun, 1010 l'nseo, Knnsus City, SIs
Aircnla Hlrndy employment and good par
for Men nnd Women. Cleta you Into every
home nnd nlllce. Hells at sight. Particular
free. The Wnjne Dnnnell Co., Ottawa. Kih
'I lie Itimdiimn's (lulde New book of over
one hundred ways, plans and scheme t
mako money easy and aulclc Wrlto for par
tlculnrs. Ilio Hire Hpccfalty Co., l'ortrr, Ok.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 12-1913V
M li"- UdUV