The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 08, 1913, Image 5

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DIXON, The Jeweler.
The largest Jewelry Stock in Western Nebraska will be put
on sale at your own price
After invoice we find our stock is tDo large for present needs, and in order
to reduce same at once, for cash, we will give our customers the benefit of the
tbig loss attending such a sale. You can make your own selections of any article
in this magnificent stock of
Diamond, Watches, Clocks, Rings, Chains, Silverware,
Cut Glass, Jewelry, Hand Painted China, Leather Goods
Etc. Standard Price Goods Excepted.
The Auction Sale will be conducted by America's Leading Auctioneer, Mr.
R. B. H. Macrorie, of Chicago and will open promptly at
1 2 P. N. Thursday, ApL 10
and will continue daily at 2 p m and 7 p. m. until further
TVT 1- .. SQ
notice. io limit, no reserve.
Ever.y Article guaranteed. Come early bring your friend. Ladies especially invited.
. ooaQ8eeeeao8eaaaeeee
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Graduate Denlisl.
Ofl'co over tho McDonald
State Bank.
Local and Personal.
J. B. Murphy has bean ill for severul
W, .1. O'Connor transacted business
in Wallace yesterday.
Mrs. Floyd Passmore returned yes
terday morning; from Omnha.
Harry Worrill, of Sutherland, spent
tho latter part of lnot weelr in town.
Urn. Henry Schott loft Sunday even
ing for Omaha to visit for several days.
Hilmer and Charles Thompson re
turned yesterdny morning from
MiiS Mane McCabo returned yester
day morning from a few days visit in
Tim Koliher, of Chicago, arrived the
first of this week to visit his family for
several days.
Mrs-JARics Davidson, 'of Hastings,
is-expected thia'weok to visit Mr. and
Mrs.Carl Simon.
Harry Porter left yeBterdny morning
for Oshkosh on bnsinoss. -
E. F. Duberry has purchased a Ford
car from the Hendy-Ogier gaiage.
Mrs. Verno Mann has returned from
Donver where she visited her mother.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Pugh Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Stove Raid win have re
turned from Omaha where they visited
Tho Girls Friendly Society will bo
entertained this evening by tho Misses
Irane and Mario Stwart.
Mrs. J. H. Kilpatrick left last even
ing for Kearney to spend the remuindor
of this week with relatives.
Miss Alma Morrill entertained six
young lady friends Friday evening at a
poverty party. Tho foatures of amuse
ment were very unique and nil present
report a very pleasant evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Berc Roynolds will
move this week to their now Spanish
bungalow on west 5th Fifth street.
Miss TillieBlnnkenburg will mako hor
h mo with thorn. Pramus Foratedt will
occupy the Blankenburg house on
Sixth and Locust.
Residence For Sale .
For Sale the property of tho late
Catherine Brown; six room house, large
bsrn; corner lot, situate at Ninth and
Willow. For particulars inquire at 121
West Ninth.
I am offering for sale 75 lots in tho North
Platte Town Lot Company Addition. Just west ok
the beautiful . Cody Residence, and adjoining the
bebt residence section of the City.
Sightly Location, Graded Sreets, Reasonable Prices,
To negotiate quick sales I have priced these
lots from
$125 to $300 each.
Let me take you up and show you real values in
the old, original Addition to the City.
Phone for appointments, Office Black 277.
Residence 298.
Exclusive Agent.
Col. Cody Sells Ranch.
Col. W, P. Cody yesUrday sold tho
Scout's Rest ranch to J. M. Hamilton,
of Chester, Penna., fcr nn even one
hundred thousand dollars, this sum in
cluding fifty head of horses, about
twenty head of cattle and nil tho fnrm
and haying machinery, Mr. Hamilton,
the purchnsor, was In town yesterday
closing up tho deal. Tho ranch em
braces 2,3-12 acres, all of which is till,
able, but on some portions of it thero
are deposits of alkali, which doterior
ites its value as productive fnrm land.
Mr. Hamilton is prominent in busi
ness circles in Chester, a man of Inrgn
financial resources, nnd has purchased
the ranch with the expectation of
operating It as a stockgrower and
feeder. Upon arrival homo ho will send
out a manager. Whilo not certain as to
tho future, ho said It was possiblo thnt
ho might eventunlly make the ranch his
He was very favorably impressed with
North Platte ns a business point, and
njensed with tho cordiality extended
him by those of our business men he
Another fire and Bratt and Goodman
pay (he loss. Have you one of their
policies against loss by Fire Lightning,
Tornado, Cyclone, and Windstorms?
If not secure one today. Better be
safe than sorry.
Teachers' Ass ociation Closes.
The West Central Teachers associa
tion closed Saturdny evening lifter a
profitablo three day session in this city.
The enrollment lor tho convention
ronched two hundred and tho program
was rendered as previously announced.
The visiting teachers were loud in thsir
praise of tho entertainment provided
for them. One of the most enjoyable
foatures was the banquet held Friday
evening at tho Masonic hall which was
served on bonutifully decorated tables
by the Catholic Order of Forresters.
Among those who responded to toasts
were Miss Huby Manuel and Dr. N.
McCabo pf this city, P. M. Whitehead
of Gothenburg, Corn O'Connor of tho
Kearney normal, Miss Clark of Max
well, and J. E, Delzoll of Lincoln. Tho
progrnms rendered at tho Keith thoatrc
wero exceptionally good. Tho meeting
in 1914 will be held at Gothonburg.
Tho Rebekah Kensington will meet
Friday afternoon nl- tho I. O. O. F.
Tho Eastern Star kensington will
meet in tho Masonic hall Friday after
noon. Lost On tho streets Saturday even
ing, gold locket and chain, set with bril
liants and picturo inside. Finder return
to this office nnd receive reward
Mrs. John Walters, of Hershoy, who
visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott last
week, returned homo yesterday morn
ing .
Mrs. L.C.Ginther formerly of tlnsrity
who has itMl'd in Siouv Falls lor some
time tunveit iust fveiunc to visit her
sister Mra Seih Shurwuud.
Why not plgce-that ordor nt onco for
the tieesyou:nre thinking of planting
this spring. Native grown and if you
give mo the order they will guaranteed
to grow. Let your wants be known by
calling up Phono Black C27.
I nm agent for Ladies' Homo Journal,
Saturday ovening Post.Country Gentle
man, Truo Voice and other good maga
zines and papers. Mrs. M. V, Mitchell.
Phono Red 101. 21-2
The case of L. C. Mnvorish vb Olino
Milfltead will bo heard in tho county
court today. The men livo on adjoining
farms near Sutheiland and tho defen
dant claims that tho Mnrovish cattlo
have trespassed upon nnd damaged his
land. A heated discussion took placo
botweon them Saturday nnd Milstend
is charged with Bhooting at tho com
plaining witness five times.
AVith our guarantee you know you
aro safe. Our repair department is tho
best equipped in western Nebraska
only highly skilled workmen employed.
Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
U. P. Watch Inspector.
"Bunty Pulls The StiingV which
comes to the Keith next Friday evening,
is a Scotch comedy interpreted by nn
all Scotch company. Bunty, .jvho pulls
tho strings, is tlu daughter of Turn in hs
Biggar, and presides over his household
db the successor of her mother, who
died two years befoie. Susie Simpson
is un old maid and n distant relative
who has loaned TaminHB a matter of
ono hundred and twenty pounds, which
Tammaa used to make good the
deficiency of nn eider son. Miss Simp
son compels Tnmmas to choose between
marriage or tho restoration of hor
money, nnd Tammas is not in a position
to liquidate, and in consequence pusses
a bad Sabbath. Jealously of nn old
flame of Tammus' impels the vindictive
old maid to denounce Tammas in the
kirkyard, before tho churchgoers as a
dishonest man, when tho inventive
Bunty promises to make good tho
amount and nvrrts the arrest of her
father, by confiscating tho nest eggs of
her wedding with honest Woelum
Sprunt. The rest of tho play is taken
up in showing how Bunty sets all things
right defeating Susie nnd marrying hor
fathor to his boyhood love.
The usual WALK-OVER til
bute, "My how comfortable.'
Wilcox Department Store
Platte Valley Bank Reception.
Three thousnud poople visited tho
Platte Valley Bank Saturday oveniyg
nt its formal opening in its now fo
location on tho cornorof 5th and Doy
stieets The receiving hours woro.arom
7:00 until 10:00 p m. nnd long loforo
the time nnnounced for tho opening the
entrance and walk weio crowed with
nnxious patrons and friends who wero
oager to view -ho benutiful now fixtures,
decorations and conveniences which tho
increasing patronage of this institution
For several weeks the building had
been undergoing changes "which add to
its beauty nnd give to the bnnk tho
facilities necessary in its rupidiy
growing business. Tim new corner en
trance loads directly to tho president's
ollico which is comfortably fitted up
witli upholstered mahogony chairs nnd
prlvnto dosks. The blinking room is
large, well lighted by tho indirect
lighting system nnd nlTordB the em
ployees a convenient room to prepare
tlipir business nnd give their customers
ov.ory attention. In this room is tho
now vault 10 by 14 feet in dimensions
in whicli are stationed ono hundred
safoty deposit boxes with tho master
and customers key. Aim go safe for
currency occupies the south half of the
vnult nnd directly behind fills is noticed
tho large silver cheat nnd filing system
demonstrating tho filing of checks, de
posits and cuieel vouchers, ulso the
roller shelves upon which tiro stored tho
books. The lining of this vnult ia one
fourth inch steel ovor sixteen inches of
concrete reenforced by seven eight
inch steel rods running over nnd nlong
the side tied by three extrn steel bnnds.
The door waighs 8,400 pounds, has the
double combination nnd twenty bolts.
To the right of th vnult is tho pri
vute coupon room whero tho patrons of
the bank enn bring their deposit boxes
for inspection. A largo npattinent at
tho rear of the building ia used ns n
directors chnmber.
Tho lanro tables, chniis nnd office
fixtures mo all highly polished mahog
any . Tho ceilings of tho now rooms aio
tinted in delicate colors nnd frescoed
with borders of flowers. Tho lower
half of the walls nro in white marble
and tho grill work ia in polished brass.
V C. Pielstickor, president of tho
bank, icceivod tho visitors nt tho en-
tranco and directed them to the receiv
ing line in which stood Mr. nnd Mrs.
James Payne and Mr. nnd Mrs. J. G.
The largo vault door was explained
by L. E. Mehlmann, nesistnnt cashier,
who domonBtratod it clearly. The
visitors wore then taken into tho vault
whoroJ. D. Uttendorfer, of tho City
National bank of Omahn, explained the
interior workings.
Misses Virginin Bullard, Margaret
Jones, Myrtle Beeler and Mrs. John
Sims greeted the guests in the directors'
room and presented cut flowers to tho
Indies ana cigars to tho gentlometi.
Cashier M. E. Scott also welcomed tho
visitors in this room.
During the evening Stamp's orchestra
furnished a program of popular musio.
Cut flowers, palms, ferns and arcarios
were abundantly used in decorating.
What are You Paying
for Groceries?
We Sell-
20 lbs Granulated beetr a
Sugar ALUV
18 lbs Granulated cane j w
Sugar, for Al.UU
Tomatoes, full size can
standard per can lUC
Corn standard por ran 7c 'ic
4 cans for. ZvC
Quaker Oats lnrgo pkg.. lJC
Quaker Onts small pkg.. jC
E. C. Corn Flnkes 4 pkg.. 25C
Brokon Rico per lb". QC
Rico' Jap typo 4 lbs for,.. 25C
Prunes smnll slzo per lb. . . . DC
Corn Search por pkg 3C
Gloss Starch por pkg 5C
Corn Starch Kingsfords per q
Pkg..'. QC
Silver Gloss Starch per pkg oC
Ypnst Foam 4o pkg 3 for. . jC
Lewis Lye per enn oC
Eaglo Lyo por can oC
American Lye per can oC
Fcls Napthn Soap per enko. 0C
Soda Crackers lnrgo boxes 1
perlb 02C
Oyster Crackers largo l
boxes per lb 0-C
K. C. Baking Powder 25 i
ozenn mUC
Royal Baking Powder 16 ir
ocean ,. dC
Dr. Prices Baking Powder if-
1G oz can 4uC
Kraut per can lUC
Hominy. per can ,. lUC
Pink Salmon per can lUC
Sweat Potatoes per enn. 1 iC
Potatoes 15c peck per if
bushel.., 3UC
Collec fair grada per lb.. . ZuC
California Fruits in good A-
syrup per con 5"C
Coconnut best grado J lb fr
package nor pkg IOC
Evaporated Apples -per A
llorso Shoo Tobacco, por 1 a
lb '... 40C
Spear Head Tobacco por JLCn
Star Tobacco per lb 40C
J. T. Tobacco por lb 40C
Wo payjeosh for your butter and eggs.
Wilcox Department Store.
Buchanan & Patterson s
Bargain list of Dwellings.
A nice five room cottage, new and modern ex
cept heat, located on east Sixth street. Price $2,300.
Five room house and barn, South Dewey street.
Extra good seven room house, barnVind outbuild
ings, house modern except heat, $3,100. East Third
street two blocks from court house.
Five room house and barn located on West Third
street, close to Washington school. Price $2,000.
The lot is worth the money.
Good seven room, two story dwelling on West
Third street, east of Washington school. Price $3,000
Nice six room cottage 721 -West Seventh street.'
handy to new round house. Modern except heat, rnce
Extra nice 4. room cottage on West Tentlj street,
in the 600 block. Price $1,750. '." s
Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street,
in the 900 block. Price $1,700.
All of these properties are choice bargains and
can be bought on easy terms. I3e sure and see these
before you buy.
Buichasiasi & Patterson,
it .11
Sole Agents. ' j
ll I IPI MW MW ! MIIW-lWI.Il III IBWWIIP WWW 1WW I Mll.-ll p l l
j I House Cleaning I
Time Again. ,. jj
You of course will want to t!et uwny from
a part of the work that tfoes with house clean
ing. Wc pro especially equipped to handlo
your luce curtain, small rugs, etc., in nice
Auto Delivery
Phone 77
Lure o2 the Violin. I
3 Roolo,
'Hankins and Hankinc.
Singing, Talking, Dancing.
n mi m B jfc; b
I - .1.1.1 ... 1 1 .-!- 1 - ,r- i. MFya- 1
Oflfors to residents of, nnd Visitors to, North Platte, tho moat
finely appointed service in Western Nebruskn, and with this
is n menu that cannot bo excolled for the price. Itegulnr
means aro served and Bhort orders enn bo obtained any
hour dny or night.
Opposite U. P. Depot.
1 m
IllCHI UfiAl, '
Proprietor. '