The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 08, 1913, Image 4

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I PHONE 4 Oil II !
For Your Drugs. Ordors Do- $
tit liyorod promptly. jJ
Local and Personal
Judge H. M. Grimes left yesterday
morning for Ogalalla to hold court.
Wanted Housekeeper. Apply at this
oflico immediately.
Earl Stamp returned ycatorday morn
ing from a short business vliit in Brady.
County Surveyor Roy Cochran spent
Sunday with tho homo ft Iks in Brady.
Wearo paying lie a pound for hens
at tlu North Platte Produco Co. 20-2
Miss' Mamlo O'Hourke, of Brady,
visited her aunt Mrs. M. V. Mitchell
last week.
John Oatorich who spent tho past fivo
mohtlis in Germany is expected to re
turn today.
iP.latt Whito returned yesterday
morning from an extended visit in east
ern points.
A baby girl was born Sunday after
noon to Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Norris
of tho first waid.
,. JMrt. Kildoro, of Sidney. wis called
horo Sunday morning by tho death of
-her brother tho lato Dennis O'Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ostorhout left
Saturday afternoon for Portland to
pond several weoks visiting friends.
?Wontod Plain sewing at tho homos
of Iho ompbyerH. Mary L. Martin, 112
South Chestnut St. 21-
JA. E. Morris, of Sutherland, adver
tises himself as a professional ex tor mi ti
ll tor of prairio dogs and guarantees
satisfactory work. '
The Junior-Senior banquet which will
be hold in tho IMtnor Hotel will be served
by tho Ladles Aid Society of tho Chris
tian church.
Mrs. Joseph Sells nrrivrod hero Satur
day from Millard, Mr. Sells has been
employed as station agent at Birdwood
for aomo time.
Miss Hazel Minshall, of Lincoln, camo
up tho latter part of Inst week to visit
her parents and attend tho sessions of
tho Toachors' Convention.
Superintendent Whitehead, of Goth
enburg, was among tho out of town
peoplo who attended tho Educational
meeting hero last week.
Messrs Ernest Hlncker, F. J. Mc
Govorn, Clmrles Llerk and Attorney
JVKUll! went iu iiii!ilu .vuBiviuny vu
appraloo the Woods banrupt stock
; Uov. W. T. Kahso, of the Midlatd
Collogo, of Atchison, Kana., urrived a
few to visit Uov. and Mrs. C.
B. Harmon and transact business.
Wnnted Purobred Brown Leghorn
oggM. Address giving prices and streot
numbor. Louis Mncoy, City.
' Arrangsmonts liayo been mado to in
stall n moving picture show at tho Hor
shoy hall, an onglnS, dynamo and pic
ture machine having boon ofdorea a
week or so ago.
Tho J. S. DaviH Auto Co.. rtcoived
notice this morning of tho shipment of
thrco double duck carloads of Bulck
autos to North Platte. This is the
largest shipment of uutoa ever ro
colvcd here.
This Office Needs
Another Telephone
Porluips you, also, ought to havo more tele
phones in your place of business to roliovo
yoursolf and your clerks of tho fuss, annoynnco
and delay of using a singlo telephone
Wo can arrango your sorvlco so that thoro
will always bo a tolophono handy to ovoryouo.
Havo You Enough Tclophono Lines?
There's A Charm
about our jewelry that is In
describable. You feci it whan
you look at tho necklaces, rings,
pins, bracelets, Invallurres, etc.
There in a grace of design, a
sense of good taste thntappoal to
your oye and judgment If your
jewel case- lacks some wanted
adornment, If you havo a gift in
mind our jewelry case will fill the
need perfectly.
Jeweler and Optican.
Dr. Mario Amos went to Omaha Sat
urday evening to spend several days.
Miss Alice Birge will entertain tho
T. M. E. club Wednesday evening.
Tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. sold a
Monul 2-1 roadster Buick in Bridgeport
T. R. Ross, of Lincoln, spent Friday
in North Platte with his nephew, N. E.
Mrs. John Brett and daughtor Miss
Nell loft last nlghs for a week's visit
with relatives in Omaha.
Fordinand Christian, of Upland, ar
rived horo yesterday morning to accopt
a position with tho Simon Bros.
James Howo nud daughter, of Wal
lace, were guests at tho C. P. Martin
home tho last of last week.
Attorney Albert Muldoon left tho
latter part of last week for Lincoln to
argue a caso in the supreme court.
A business meeting of the Indian
Card club will be held at the home of
Mrs. E. F. Seobergor Friday afternoon.
Every articlo we sell is fullv curan-
teed. Wnonyou buy it of us you know
it is good.
DiXon, The Jeweler.
Fifomon Conroy who was injured at
Elm Crock last week by falling into a
man holo, is improving and was able to
no out Saturday.
Mrs. Ellsworth and baby, of Hershey,
returned home yesterday morning after
spending 'several days with town
For Sale The Marti slaughter house
and corrals located west of town. In
quire of Prod Marti at meat market.
Mm, RLhardO'Nealo, of Ogdon, ar
rivod yesterday morning to attend the
funeral of her brother, the lato D. J.
Mrs. John Lannin, of Horshoy, who
visited relatives in this city the latter
paVt of last week returned homo yester
day morning.
Miss Francis Arrowsmlth, f Ogal
alla, who visited her grand parents
Mr. and Mrs. N. F, Clough last week,
wont homo yesterday morning.
Gasoline nnd oil stoves cleaned and re
paired. Potor M. McGovern, phone
390. tf
Mrs. K. C. Baker and Hons Konnoth
and Ncnlu O'Brien arrived last evening
from Eufaula, Okla., to attond the
funeral of the late Dennis O'Brien.
Mrs. Edmund O'Brien nnd sons
James nnd Edward, of Wood River,
mother and brothers of tlie lato D. J.
O'Brien, arrived here yesterday morn
ing. Pile driver foreman Harry Katiffman
left with his outfit for Omaha t Friday.
Ho was in charge of tho driving of tho
foundation nlllnir for tho construction
of tho coaling station nt tho now round
Marriage llconsea issued Saturday
wero'Jesso Highberger and Efllo M.
Lloyd of tho Jack Morrow Flats nnd
Robert L.- DoUion and Emma M.
Ohlm'nn of this city. Tho latter were
parried by County Judge Grant.
Pittsburg Perfect Electric Weld Fonc
cing, Grand Island Barbed Fencing,
Barbwire nndnniln for sale atHershoy
5th nnd Locust Sts., Phono 15. tf
The Lutheran Choir Wore tho guo3ts
of MuBdamosC.;0.-Weingnnd, T. V.
Austin and Charles Yost at tho homo of
tho former Friday evening. A couple
of hours woro enjoyably spent in music
and gamos after which tho guosta woro
served With 'nlfioly ""prepared refresh
409 -NX
Railroad News.
Lloyd E. Herron, time keeper on tho
construction of new terminals here,
spent Sunday in Omaha.
M. P. Lee, assistant engineer for the
.las Stewart Construction Co., spent
the week end In Omaha.
W. A. Conkling, general foreman
with tho U. P. on the new terminals in
this, city, spent Sunday with his family'
in Omaha.
Track Foreman Nols Hammer has
purchased a lot on west Sixth street
and will erect a house thereon this
Yardmaster Blalock has let the con
tract for the erection of a residence on
the lot ho recently purchased on west
Sixth street.
Jas. Stewart & Co., contractors on
tho now terminal work, will start brick
work on the new round house sometimo
during tho coming week.
S. S. Jacobs, superintendent for Jas
Stewart & Co., went to Omaha Satur
day night on business In connection with
the new terminal work.
Engineer J. R. Bonner yesterday pur
chased the Brooks property on west
Fifth Btrcet opposite the W. T. Wilcox
residence, also a lot on west Sixth St.
Assistant Engineer C. B. Watson of
tho Union Pacific engineer' office in
Omaha, spent Friday in tho city and in
company with Assistant Engnieer Buck
ley inspected the new terminals. ,
R. W. Jordan, steel erection foreman,
arrived in North Plntte Saturday morn
ing to erect the steel for tho new power
houto. There Is about a week's work
in erecting this steel and as soon as this
is completed brick work will bo started.
Tho wells at the new round housa are
being constructed in n uniquo manner.
Tho cast iron plato shoes weightod with
brick and concrete aro sot up on tho
location for tho wells and by means of
derrick and ornngo peel bucket the
gravel is excavated which allows the
brick and sand to be lowered into tho
holo. These wells are to be about 30
feet deep and two of them will bo con
structed which will amply supply all
water neoueu ror tno new terminal.
Things We Never See.
A shoot from tho bod of a rivor.
A tongue from tho mouth of a flamo,
A toe from tho foot of a mountain,
And a pago from a volume of steam,
A wink from tho eye of a noedlo,
A wail from tho finger of fate,
A plume from the wing of an army,
And a drink from tho bar of a gate.
A hair from tho head of a hammer.
A bito from tho teeth of a saw,
A racoon a courso of study,
And a joint from tho limb of tho law.
A chock that is drawn on n santfb'ank,
Somo fruit from tho jamb of a door,
And people who got better bargains,
Than at Clinton's Jewelry store.
Last Monday was a gi oat hog ship
ping day along tho high line 31 carloads
being picked up between Elwood and
AVallaco, the passenger picking up 11
carloads between Elwood and Curtis
and tho freight taking on 22 carloads
between Curtis and Wallace both towns
included. This is probably tho largest
shipment of hogs ever mado in ono day
over tho west end of the Highlino Mrid
in value would probably npproxlmato
$10,000. -Wallace Winner.
For Sale 3 lawn mowers, tank
pump. 2 musio stands and chairs, gaso
line "stove, sewing table, small platform
scalo, household still, ono Edison Stan
dard phonograph, one toilet set, book
chelves. E. A. JCaky, Phono red 230.
of this
who ro
and Mrs. Frank Short, formerly
city, aro visiting friends in town
enrouto home from Omaha.
they were called by the death of
mer's mother. Mr. Short has
the for
boon e
mployed ns engineer for the Salt
'" ivuijuimiuiii, mi several
Rov. J. C. Christie left on the early
morning local for Fullorton to nttend
tho spring mooting of the Kearney
prosbytory. He expects to return
Thursday night.
Silverware is n delight to any honje.
Artisfic it. sipti of reliahle quality pre
vuilUivuugh our stock.
Dixon, 'Iho Jeweler.
Mrs. Frank Laughlin ontertaiued n
number of ladies tho latter part of Inst
week at a surprise party for hor
motlior Mrs. Callio Davidson. Nicely
prepared refreshments wore served.
N. C. Christianson will break about
300 ncros of tho Buchanan & Pntterson
land southwest of Hershey and this
fall it will be Boeded to wheat.
Gordon Cronin and James Guffy who
had boon attending u veterinary collego
in Kansas City, arrived here yesterday
to visit relatives.
Miss Helen May Allen, formerly of
this city, camo up from Coznd tho lat
ter part of last week to visit friends
and attend tho declamatory contest.
Miss Blanche Baker, who submitted
an operation for appondicitis at tho P.
& S. hospital tho latter part of last
wook, is getting aleng nicely.
Noble Anderson, n pominent mer
chant of Gothenburg, visited in town a
short tinio yesterday while enroute to
Sutherland on business.
Mlf sas Sarah Brand, of Gothenburg,
Rnl Elizabeth Brand, of Paxtnn, spent
the week end in town attending tho
teacher's convention.
Mr?. C. M. Johnson and son Hcrshol,
of Sidnoy, visited tho Bundy family
whilo enrouU to Iown to make their
1 he Presbyterian aid society will bo
entertained Thursday afternoon by
Mro. Fred Perrit, G02 W. 3rd stroet.
J. D. Uttondorfer, assistant cashiar
of tho City National Bank, of Omaha,
Visited F. C. Pleistickor last wook.
Miss Hultman returned to Kearney
Sunday afternoon after speuding a
month with her brother.
Miss Nora Anderson roturnod yes
terday morning from a short visit In
Wnlk-Over Shoes, first by
millions of feot.
Wilcox Department Store
Declamatory Contest.
Tho fourth annual contest of the West
Central Nebraska Declamatory associa
tion wni held at the Keith theatre Sat
urday evening. Ten contestants from
their respective districts taking part.
Misses Anna V, Day, of Lincoln, Cora
O'Connor, of Kearney, and Mr. W. K.
Fowler of Lincoln woro selected to
judge the contestants and were unani
mous in awarding the first prize which
is a gold medal, to DnWItt Foster of
this city. Second honors were given to
Miss Pearl Hollingsworth, of Shelton.
In thtfHiumorous class Myrl Rodgera of
Gibbon won by tho most points. Follow
ing is tho program as rendered:
Dramatic: The Wild Olive Wreath,
DeWitt Fostor; The Burgomaster's
Death, Pearl Hollingsworth; He Knew
Mr. Lincoln, Dewoy Laws; Patsy,
Mamie O'Rourke; Tho Lance of Kan
nana, Lloyd Potorson; Tho Lane That
Has no Turning, Helen Shoup; Zingar
clla the Gypsy Flower Girl of Spain,
Ruth Snotujraas; The Governor's Last
Levee, Alice C. Temple. Humorous:
Biff Perkin's Toboggan Slide, Myil
Rodgeri ; Jathrop Lathrop's Cow, Lucy
Watkinson. Vocal Solo, Mrs. Elizabeth
Bonner Cramer; Piano Solo, Miss Janet
Mrs. Ro3coc Zimmer, of Sidney, who
had been visiting friends in town, re
turned home today.
J. E. Ammons, proprietor of the
Ammons clothing store, will leavo to
day for Chicago to transact business.
Mrs. Geo. A. Saint and children left
last evening for thoir new homo in
Iowa afjer visiting relatives for two
months. -
For Sale.
Kggs for setting from pure bred
Barred Plymouth Rock chickens. In
quire of or address, BlankenburgBros.,
1350Nrth Locust St., North Platte,
Nob. 'Phne No. Red 443. 13-G
Myrtle and Vicinity.
Farming operations have commenced
again after the delay caused by tho
recent spell of winter weather.
Mrs. Charlie Kooning returned re
cently from a visit with her parents at
Cliff. Nebr.
John Abernathy camo up from North
Platto Saturday and visited friends at
Mrs. E. R. Sivits visited relatives at
North Platto last week.
Robt Batio Is findlng out how much
taxable property thoro i3 in Myrtle
precinct having commenced ids duties as
assessor for Myrtle precinct.
Fnrmora are proverbially honest
peoplo but it would be rather awkward
for some of them if they wore called
upon to deal with the assessor and in
surance adjuster at the samo time.
Miss McMulIen's school closed Fri
day. Watch Your Stock.
Now is the timo of tho yeai that they
need attention to bring them through
the long winter season to grass time.
Wo havo tho leading brands of stock
remedies manufactured, Dr. Roberts
Voterinary Medicines, Lee's Stock Tonic
$1.G0 per pail nnd Hess's Stock Tonic
$1.C0 per pail. Sal-Vet, the groat
worm destroyer. For your poultry
Lee'B Germozono and Hess's Panacon.
sold only by Schiller & Co., family
The spring styles in Walk-Over
Shoes are being shown in our
windows nnd comparison with
other disdlnys shows how for
ahead of bther shoes Walk-Overs
Tan shoes are very popular now
Wilcox Department Store
J5 "
Doctors Ames & Ames, H
"i Physicians and Surrjeons,
Office over Stono Drug Co. J
9 Phones 0fiko 273 -1
G n,onea Residence 273 6
" aMfekhtek r ri1iiMm1mTTlMM1 1M i .
I littsbiutih Feftet" Fstce
b i ii i inn wmrw
It's downright foolishness to buy light
chicken wire to put around your lJull
pasture and yon know it.
But some people do it because they
don't think beyond the price-ticket on the
roll offence at least not until they've had
to patch the chicken wire a dozen times
or so where that bull went through.
Mndo In Different Style, for HELD, FAltM. RANCH, LAWN,
Mndo In Different Style, for HELD, FAHM, RANCH, LAWN, I T J f . J
Ask your dealer for "Plttsbnri. Perfect" and insist on his furnishing it. Do not allow him to persuade
you thnt some other fence is just as good. If he doetn't sell it, write us direct.
"PituWiih Perfect" Brand, of Barbed VVIrei
Bright. Annealed & Galvanized Wire) Twitted
Cable Wirei Hard Spring Coil Wire; Fence
Staple.) Poultry Netting Staple.
Nail.: GaUanUed Wlro Nail.t
ns r
iv ftjMiltt zinnia Lnoii Ilala
burgh Perfect" Fencing.
All made
Hearth material.
Do You Buy Corsets like Hosiery
By Size Only?
7 -ZaJs)
V I mJEy;:'''Vi'i-
f iiilf 1
In 11 "'''
ill Iwwllll! Ill I
fin :
Wilcox Department Store.
TVa. " 2r?wy'rj ASAiKKi--
Mr. Auto Owner:
Here is an accident policy for you, $5.00 per
year for $5,000.00 insurance.
follows: For loss
Life i $5,000
Both feet , 5,000
Both hands 5,000
One hand and one foot 5,000
Sight of both eyes 5,000
Ono foot and sight of one
oyo . 5,000
One hand and sight of ono
e8 5,000
Ono loot 2,500
Right hand 2,500
Left hand 1,250
Sight of one eye 1,000
Thumb and index finger,
either hand 500
One or more fingers, right
hand 250
Ono or moro toes 150
Loss of Time Indemnity.
While totally disabled $15 weekly
Period 10 weoks.
Hospital Indomnity'
Whilo confined in a
hospital $30 weekly
Period 5 weeks.
Large amounts payable for
surgical operations in addition to
all other indemnity to which tho
insured may be entitled.
Medical attention indemnity
payable up to $25 for non-disabling
The premium rate for this pol
icy is $1 per annum for each
$1,000 insurance.
Written by the '1
C. F. TEMPLE, Local Agent.
B3SBECTffTi'il imtmtkUaasamnaaasrinsxnfntimmjfxfiimY-j.m
Save Money on your Fencing by Patting up
the Style Made to Meet your Requirements
Then they put up a brand new stock
There'3 no economy in that kind of
fence-buying. The right fence in the
first place costs less.
Our free catalogue tells how to buy
fencing, economically, effectively, wisely.
.Get it today and Lave money.
Regular Wire
Large Head
Ileal flit..
of Open
wVW-ll U"l.lL Wij.j
,A ?
T is all right to buy under-
wear, hosiery and lingerie
by size numbers, but it is not
fair to your figure to buy a
corset that way.
Dame Nature has given you
a figure that may just as .well
look beautiful as otherwise.
It depends largely on whether
you will allow our fitters to
fit you with a GOSSARD, like
the model here shown.
This model -(364) will
prove to you thnt the difference
between the 1.50 or 2.00 cor
sets you may have been wear
ing, and this GOSSARD at
3.50 is nothing more than the
difference between a beautiful
figure with style and comfort,
and one that is quite the
'It is made in low bust, with
a long skirt. Gives ihe flat
back and hip effect to perfect
ion. Made in a good Sterling
cloth. Price 3.50.
Other models np to 25.00.
The up to Date Autoist
wants us to supplies for his
car. He wants the latest lamp,
horn, speedometer, igniter,
tools, gloves, goggles, and in
fact everything that will in
crease his machine's efficiency
or his own comfort. He can
get them here with surer sat
isfaction than anywhere else
in town. You are the "He"
we are talking about.
J. S. Davis Auto Co.
This policy covers loss caused by
injuries sustained as follows:
(a) In or on a public convey
ance, including the platform,
ateps or running board thereof,
provided by a common carrier for
passeng'or service;
(b) In an elevator used for
passenger service only, mine ele
vators nccopted;
(c) In or on a private convey
ance, except bicycles, horses or
(d) In a private residence,
public cafe, church, hall, hotel,
oflico building, passenger depot,
pavillion, restaurant, store, or
theatre, which burns or collapses;
(e) In consequence of a cyclone,
tornado or earthquake reported
to be such by the weather bureau
or public prints of this country;
(f) Being struck by lightning;
(g) Tho explosion, rupture or
couapso oi a steam Doner;
(M Beincr struck or run down
by a public or private conveyance
whilo walking on or across any
right cf way.
Large nmounts payable as
elective indemnity, in lieu of
weekly indemnity, at tho option
of the insured.
Issued to Mole or Female Risks.
If you aro Intereited In Wire Fencing, writo
for FREE copy of our ALMANAC, 1013-s
Pittsburgh Steel Co.
Pitt.burijh, Pennsylvania
- i -- - ,
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