The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 08, 1913, Image 3

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rhousands HavcBecnHclped
By Common Sense
ft . z
- -
Thio ts an Interior vlow of the
Chair of Spiritualism to Be Es
tablished in Harvard.
investigation of "Psychic Phenomena"
fn New England, Where Witches
Were Burned Bequest of
$10,000 for Research.
Cambridge. Harvard university has
seriously contracted to enter upon an
Investigation of what Is technically de
scribed as "psychic phenomena." but
which our parents (ever since the
days of the Fox sisters) called "spir
itualism," writes Julian Chambers.
ThlB, to my way of thinking Is one of
the most startling Innovations In peda
gogy that several centuries havo fur
nished. Indeed, it is an event that
could only havo followed tho coming
of the wonderful era of telephono, air
ships, rndlum wireless messages and
phonographs. It will" not do to treat
this Incident lightly or to cover It with
Such is far from my thought when
I frankly declare that tho acceptance
Df a $10,000 endowment fund for psy
chic research by that time-honored
university at Cambrldgo encourages
tho hopo that Francis L. Wellmnn's
fond wish to found a school of draw
poker at Harvard may be ultimately
Seriously, however, comparatively
few as are believers In spiritualism,
tho acceptance of this bequest by so
conservative a body as tho trustees of
Harvard brings the study of psychic
phenomena to a stage never previous
ly attained in this country.
The language employed by the bene
factor Is quito explicit. He gives the
money which can only bo regarded
John Harvard's Grave.
as the nucleus of a much largor fund
for "investigation and study of men
tal or psychological phenomena, the
origin or expression of which appears
to be independent of the ordinary sen
sory channels."
While- this leaves the range as wide
open tfs spookland, it also confines it
within scientific scope.
Plenty of persons have seen ghosts
or believe they have, which, for
practical purposes of "research," is
the same thing. For example, although
a complete disbeliever In so-called
spirit phenomena, I have seen with
my own eyes ghostly shapes not re
sultant from Welsh rabbits and disor
dered liver, but tho fabric of an ap
parently sound mentality.
Thcro are houses known to me that
havo supernatural occupants, as well
as human beings! Again, there are
bouses that harbor quaint, queer, in
explicable nolBes, by night and by day.
Personally, I doubt not, rational
and natural explanations can be
found for all such noises. I am not
sufficiently Interested curious were a
better wordto seek tho solution of
such problems of the natural world.
Tbero are phases of mental science
that are accepted. There Is probably
something in telepathy as every ono
must concede if he or Bhe have suffi
cient mental power to compol another
person seated in church or theater to
turn and bow.
! I '' Kyi
kr SB
&"', Hi
fv- " hwM X
HiHHkW '- '' 9hP Jsifl.
first "votes for women" store, just opened on Broadway, Now York-
No moroTntcrestlng mental test can
bo mnde than to sit at dlstanco from
two persons well known and to at
tempt to learn, by telepathy, what
they aro talking about. You will be
amazed how often It can be done. Try
You may fall utterly; but some
people are able to do this very th'ngl
Some kind of intangible, inexplicable
.utorcommunlcation is nt times estab
lished between intlmato friends far
Most moo of tho world especially
active mental workers or travelers
bellevo in premonitions. When one
reaches that stage, why not hav6 con
fidence In dreams?
An intlmnto friend always nas a se
rious illness whenever he dreams of
snakes I am not Joking, the man al
ways has been a total, abstainer. Tho
dream may bo responsible for tho sick
ness, you will say. Possibly so. Hut
tho same person never dreams of see
ing washing hung upon a lino without
finding therein a premonition that ho
Is to move his habitation.
Edmonton Secretary Outlines Ideas
for Tete-a-tete In the New $200,-
000 Building.
Edmonton, Alto. Miss Lukes, gen
eral secretary of tho Young Women's
Christian association of Edmonton,
said that "beau parlors" will bo fea
tures In tho $200,000 building to bo
erected hero this spring.
They will bo on tho main floor, sot
off from tho social hall In such a way
that seven or eight of thoso rooms
will bo availablo for a tete-a-teto in
terview, with a certain amount of pri
vacy, yet without closed doors. MIbs
Lukes has provided a club room In the
present building where tho girls are
free to Invite their boy or man
Another feature of tho now homo
will bo individual sleeping chambers,
while tho public washroom will bo par
titioned and provided with slatted
doors, where the girls may take
bpongo baths following exercising In
the. physical department.
Grand Jury Holds D. Jack Lit After
Former Wife Describes At
tack In Hotel.
Philadelphia, Pa. Following her
divorce from her former husband, D
Jack Lit, the son of Col. Sam D. Lit
of Lit Bros., Mrs. Lit appeared before
the grand Jury and Bwore to tho III
treatment which she bnd received
from her husband from tho first night
of their marriage on January 31, 1912
Mrs. Lit testified that she was sub
jected to such treatment on the part of
her hsuband that she was wrecked
physically, and her family physician,
Prof. David C. Belsman of tho Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, und her fa
ther, Ralph Blum of Blum Bros., were
witnesses in her behalf.
So atrocious was tho recital of the
experiences of the brldo that the
grand jury found seven true bills
against Lit on tho charges of assault
and battery and other forms of as
sault, which Indicate that If tho young
man Is convicted ho will have to spend
at least 20 years In prison.
Mrs. Lit Is a helpless crlpplo, says
her physician, Shu will never bo the
same young girlish debutante that fig
ured In so many of the city's social
Soon nftor tho marriage of tho Llts
It was charged in reports that camo to
thlB city from Florida that It was nec
essary for (ho attaches of tho hotel
whero they wore spending their honey,
moon 'o almost break down the door
to rescuo Mrs, Lit from the beating
of her husband.
Ralph Blum, the father of Mrs. Lit,
has Insisted that Lit be punished. All
tho influence of the wealth of tho two
families, who own the second and
third largest department stores in the
city, was exerted to try and settle
tho differences. It was not a caso that
money could assuage and Mr. Blum re
Youngest Daughter of King Alfonso la
Threatened to Become Deaf
- and Dumb.
Madrid. It Is learned from a per
son In tho Immediate entourage of the
royal family that It Is greatly feared
that Infanta Maria Christina, now
fourteen months old, tho youngest
child of the king and queen, Is threat
ened with tho snmu Impediment in
King Alfonso.
hearing nnd speech as her llttlo
brother, Don Jaime, now four years
Tho other two children, Crowa
Prince Alfonso, nearly six, and Infanta
Beatrice, not quito four, aro normal.
Undoubtedly tho king's own health
Is causing concern. His appearand
has becomo ghastly.
Dog Uncovers Swindle.
WlnBted, Conn. A dachshund belong
ing to Eugene McCaskoy, who was
playing poker with several sharps,
saw ono of his master's opponents slip
an aco behind his knees, and bit him
on the leg. The card which would
havo lost McCaskoy tho pot dropped
to tho floor ,aud disclosed tho swindle.
fused to have any sum accepted for
the Injuries which his daughter sus
Ho has demanded an Indictment and
a prison term, despite all the power
and Influence brought to boar, nnd the
caso was henrd by tho grand Jury and
tho Indictments followod In less than
a half hour's time.
Church Upset by Rector's Crltlclim
of Young Woman's Rendition-
of "The Holy City."
Huntington, L I. The Episcopal
church community here Is perturbed
to an amusing extent over tho criti
cism which Rov. CliHrles S. Cragg,
rector of St. John's church, directed
against a young woman soloist alio
sang the word Jorusalem as "Ji-r-u-sco-lum"
In the rendition of "The Holy
City" at un entertainment by the
Huntington Historical society.
So shocked was tho rector at tho"
way tho word was Intoned ho straight
way sat down and wrote n not to
Miss Gladys Dean of Ohio, tho soloist,
and declared It made tho wholo nura
ber "an object of ridicule to many."
Ho declared that tho syllable "sa'1
should bo pronounced as if It were
"Ber" or "sar."
Tho controversy which ensued hai
by no means subsided nnd church
members, finding dictionaries unavail
ing, aro still swapping opinions.
Dynamite Simply Refused to
Sparta Junction, N. J. A
ed with 45,600 pounds of
car load-
hero, but
Tho car
was wrecked In a collision
dynamite did not explode.
was so badly splintered that
be burned after the explosive
It had to
had bcea
IS difficult to bo nlwnys
truo to ourselves, to bo al
ways whut wo wish to be what wo feel
we otiRlit to be. As lonir as wo feel that,
us Ions ns wo do not surrender tho Ideal
of our life, nil right. Our aspirations rep
resent the truo nuturo of our soul much
more than our every day life. Mullor.
Recipes which aro great favorites
with ono person might not bo at nil
appreciated by another, nnd yet It Is
safe to nssumo that most people en
Joy tho plain things best.
Waffles. Mix nnd sift ono nnd n
fourth cupfuls of flour with a fourth
of a teaspoonful of salt and a half tea
spoon of soda. Scparato tho yolkB
and whites of two eggs, beat well, add
a cupful of thick sour milk to the
yolks and stir In tho dry Ingredients,
and add threo tablcspoonfuls of molt
ed butter after folding In tho whltcB
or tho eggs. Bake on a well buttered
waffle Iron.
Finnan Huddle. Cut flBh In strips
nnd put Into a baking pan, cover
with water nnd pluco,on tho back of
tho rango and allow to heat slowly;
simmer a half hour, drain and sepa
rate tho fish Into flakes by using two
forks. Add a half cup of thick cream
and four hard cooked eggs, thinly
sliced. Season with cayenne, add n
tablespooutul of butter, melted, and
sprinkle with chopped parsley.
Codfish Balls. Cook a pint of pota
toes, quartered, In threo pints of wa
ter until tondor; drain, mash and beat
until Bmooth; add n tablespoonful of
butter, pepper and salt, If needed, and
a cupful of picked codfish. When cool
add n beaten egg, form In balls and
fry In deep fat.
1JT ete wo part, ono lesson I enn
lonvo you for every duy
Ho good,
Do noble things, not ilrenm of them all
day long;
And so mnUo life, death nnd thut vast
Ono grand sweet song." Klngsley.
Thero Is no reason for making more
preparation for company than for
our own, or even as much, ns wo cer
tainly appreciate our own family more
than wo do a chance guest, yet wo
like, occasionally, to show our friends
the nttontlon"bf a delicious meal.
Pineapple Puff. Ileat'tho whites of
threo eggs until stiff, add threo table
spoonfuls of sugar, four tablespoonfulB
of grated pineapple; beat together
slightly, and partly All buttered cups,
stand them in water and bake until n
light brown. Turn out and servo with
whipped crenm sweetened and fla
vored. Mountain Dew. Take n cupful of
cracker crumbs, the yolkB of threo
eggs well benten, a half cup of sugar,
tho jului! and rind of a lemon, three
cupfuIS of milk. Baku twenty min
utes. Beat the whites of the eggs, ndd
two tablespoonfuls of sugar, spread
over tho top and bake until brown.
Krlmmel Tortc. Beat the whites of
six eggs, add a cup of sugar, a half
pound of dates cut in small pieces, a
half pound of walnut meats, cut not
too fine; threo tablespoonfuls of bread
crumbs and a tca&poonful of baking
powder. Mix together und ndd the
beaten egg and sugar. Bako In lay
ers and Herve, crumbed up, with
Bweetcned whipped cream.
Cod Flah a la Mode. Ono cup of
codfish shredded fine, two cups of
mashed potato, a pint of milk, two
-benten eggs, a half cup of softened
butter, red pepper and salt to tasto.
Bako In a buttered dish twenty min
utes. ;35t
' 05-
EM F WOltDH enine ns rosily as
Jum, ideas, and Ideas as feelings,
I could ny tpn thousand kindly things.
You know not my supremo happiness
t having ono on enrth whom I enn cull
friend.- -Charles Lamb.
- Sour Cream Spice Cake. Beat two
eggs until thick and lemon colored,
add a half cup of .brown nigar and,
slowly, a half cup of New Orleans mo
lasses nnd three-fourths of a cup of
soup cream. Sift two cups of flour,
two tcaspoonfuls of soda, a tablespoon
ful nnd n fourth of ginger, one nnd a
fourth teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, a
third of a tcasponful ench of salt and
cloves, Sift twice, to blend well, and
Only Success Worth Winning.
There Is nothing base In failure, but
base failure; there is nothing good In
success but that which Is' well won,
Tho applause of triumph Is a mock
ery to him who has not deserved his
Buccess; if anything of conscience re
mains to him such applause must bo
a positive torture. Wo always know
in our hearts whether we have mer
ited' that which comes to us, nnd It Is
always Bweetened a hundredfold when
wo know that wo really havo done
something fair and true for It.
H T IS difficult to bo nlwnys
l 1 1 stWUsSfim VHo
mm P f- f-
add to tho first mixture, beating con
ttnually. Bako thirty minutes In n
modernto oven. The may bo baked
In gem or muffin pans.
Goldsmith Salad. Tako half a cup
of apples minced fine, add n fourth of
a cup of celery nnd a fourth of a cup
of hickory nut meats, a fourth of n
cup of minced olives and green pep
pers mixed. Mix nil with mayonnalso
dressing nnd servo, if for extra occa
sions, In popper cups.
Veal Croquettes. Put n pint of veal
through tho meat grinder, add n ta
blespoonful of salt, a tablespoonful of
lemon julco nnd a generous sprinkling
of rnprlka. Melt threo tablespoonfuls
of butter; add two tnblespoonfulB of
finely minced onion, threo tablespoon
fulB of flour and throo-fourtha of a
cup of 'veal Btoclt or milk. Coolc to
gether fivo minutes, wild two cggB well
benten; stir until thick. Mix with tho
veal and cool, Shape, allowing n
rounding tablespoonful for ench cro
quette. Dip In crumbs, egg and
crumbs and fry in deep fat. Servo
with or without whlto suueo.
Calf's Heart. Wash tho heart, re
move tho tough portions, stuff with a
good slufllng, Reason well with salt
and popper nnd bake In tho oven for
two or three hours, baotlng during tho
roasting. Servo with boiled onions.
Cinnamon Rolls. A delicious cinna
mon roll enn bo tnado of ordinary bis
cuit dough, rolled out, spread with but
ter and thickly Bprlnkled with brown
sugar or mnplo, If you aro forlunnto
enough to havo It, then a oprlnkllng
of cinnamon, nnd rolt up and cut. Put
In tho pan as closo together as possi
ble, as In tho raising they spread out,
UK best things aro nenrcst;
breath In your nostrils, light In
, j'mii njrn, iiuyf;iB ill JUUI leui, UUUCH ni
your mum, wio pntn or uoa just borore
yoii. Then do not grasp nt tho stars, but
do life's pluln. common work as It comes,
certain Hint dnlly duties nnd dnlly brond
are tho sveotest things of life.
Tho ovolutlon of cako making has
changed tho old, tedious procosB of
creaming butter, adding tho Bugar
gradually or creaming both together.
Now, a good cako may bo mado In
half tho tlmo It took to crenm tho
butter nnd bugar. Putting all tho In
gredients together as follows: Break
In tho eggs, add tho sugar, warmed
butter, a llttlo flour, then all of tho
milk, nnd Hour with tho bnklug pow
dor, tho beating coming nftor all tho
mixing Is done. Bent woll for fivo
minutes with n largo Dover egg beat
er, and turn into tho pan. Water may
bo used instond of milk, with scarcely
any difference- In tho quality of tho
cako. The butter must not bo molted
to destroy tho grain, but simply soft-
fencd enough so that it will bo readily
Tho old-faBhloncd ono, two, threo,
four cako Is tho mother of all tho
butter cakes. Spongo cako Is tho
foundation for Jolly rolls, lndy fingers,
angel and sunshlno cakeu.
An even teaspoonful of baking pow
der to a cup of flour Is sufficient for
all cakes with eggs. An excess of
baking powder not only makes a
coarse-grained enko but ono which
drys out very quickly.
Tho shape in which the cake Is to
bo baked should decide tho amount
of flour to bo used. Layer cakes or
Bmnll cakes baked In gem pans re
quire lesa flour than loaf cakes.
Sunrise Cake. Tako a half cup of
butter, add a cup of sugar to tho
softoned butter, tho yolks of six eggs,
n llttlo of half n cup of milk, two cups
of flour, two teaspoonfulB of baking
powder. Mix nnd then stir in tho reBt
of tho milk, boating well with tho egg
beateruntll light and foamy. Flavor
with half n teaspoonful ench of lemon
and vanilla.
Bowery Snob, ,
John A. Weeks, who was rocontly
elected president of the Now York His
torical society, condomuod, at a lunch
eon in a Fifth nvonuo club, tho snob.
"Wo havo In America," said Mr.
i Weeks, "many families with records to
bo proud of, but neither in America
nor any other country ia thoro an ex
cuse for snobbishness.
"But we And snobs ovorywhore
even in the lowest places.
"A shabby fellow who onco begged a
drink In a Bowery saloon, said to tho
" 'I thank you fot thin glass of beer,
but, although I may uavu to ask such
favors occasionally, V nm a well-born
man and proud of rny descent.'
" 'Well, it seems to liave boon rapid,'
said the bartender."
Too Often This Is Vie View Taken.
"I think tho school tenchors In this
town ought to get moro monoy than
they do." "What put that kind of an
idea inlo your bond?" "Why should wo
expect tho people who aro educating
our children to work for $70 or $80
a month, when we puy our chauffeurs
nt. least $100 and furnish them with
board and lodging besides?" "But
what does school teachln amount to,
anyhow? Look nt most of tho teach
ors. Thoy ain't got nothln' but edu
cation." Chicago Trlbuno.
PH1 .jt,
I Jft
Women Buffering from nr.y form of
femalo ills aro invited to communicato
promptly with tho
woman's privato
correspondence de
partment of tho Ly
diaE.PfnkhamMcd. icino Co., Lynn,
Mass. Your lottcr
Will bo opened, read
and answered by n
woman and held in
strict confidence A woman can freely
talk of hor private illness to a woman ;
thus has boon established a confidential
correspondence which has ox tended over
many years and which has never been
broken. Never havo thoy published a
testimonial or used a lottcr without tho
written consent of tho wri tor, and never
haa tho Company allowed theso confi
dential letters to Rot out of their pos
session, ns tho hundreds of thousands
of them in their files will attest
Out of tho vast volumo of oxperienco
which thoy have to draw from, Itis more
than possiblo that thoy possess tho very
knowledge needed in your caso. Noth
ing is asked in return except your good
will, and their advlco has helped thou
sands. Surely any woman, rich or poor,
should bo glad to tako advantage of this
generous offer of assistance. Address
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (con
fidential) Lynn, Mass.
Every wornnn ought to havo
Lydla E. Plnkhuin's 80-pngb
Text Book. It Is not a book for
general distribution, ns it Is too
expensive. It Is frco nnd only
obtninablo by mnll. "Wrlto for
It today
HTONKH Homo Ilnmcilr (NO OtlA
for Mtinun I.Wir-dall hook rllCC
0.1UI... mh4j U., 1I. ICO, t IS S. Ut.rb.ra St., IUM
"Why am 1 always tho goat?"
"Becauso you peralat In butting In.'
for tno limtnr of IS W. OHO VIS. Uurix a Col J
in On iMr, Vuro Grip n ''" 17- B-
Competition may bo tho Ufo ot
trado, but lt' tough on tho Joaloui
lover. i
Bed Cross Ball Blue will wnsh I'oubte t
mnny clothes ni nny other blue. Don't
put your money into any other. Adv.
Speaking of "human dynamos,"
thoro is a man who haa everything
Meaning the Billows.
"I understand Per dim flirted wltU
omo high rollers at tho boach last
"So slio dli, and nearly gov
Were Only Bent.
She weighed only 280, so that whoa
iho trod on a banana skin sho sub
sided very gtntly. A pollto shop
kcopor camo out to assist hr to rlsy
from a box of his best now-laid eggrt
"Oh, I do hopo I b&ra not broken
them!" sho cried,
"Not at all, madam," said tuo polita
ono; "thoy aro only bent."
Frco to Readers ok Ihio Paper
Profcwor Munyon ha Juit iamied a
most useful almanac containing a number
of his best cignya, including the two won
dcrful nrtlclei, "Don't Be a Cipher" and
"The Power of Love." Tho alumnao nlo
rontninn illustrated Instructions for Chat
Rctcr Rcndlnjr, gives tho meaning of your
birth month, the interpretation of dreams,
rsmplcto weather forecntts for tho North
rn Stntcs, Pacifla Slope and Southern
6tnte. In fact, it is a magazine almanac.
It will bo Rent you absolutely free, With
It we will include nny one full-size 23c.
unvQnItmedy, our Rheumatism Rem
edy for rheumatism, our Kidney Remedy
for kidney trouble, our Dyspepsia Rem
edy for Indigestion, our Paw Paw Pills for
biliousness or constipation. "Not n penny
to pay. Address The Munyon Remedy
Company, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Army of
fa Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible- they
not only give relict
they perma-
nenUycure Con
stipation. Mil
lions use,
them for
loditcilioB, Sick Headache, Sallow SIda.
Genuine must bear Signature
The Antiseptic powder shaken into
me suoes Tlie Slunuaru item
cdy for the Icet for a quartet
century 00,000 testimonials, now
Trad Mrk everywhere, lie Sample 1'KKU.
Addres. Allen 8. Olmsted, l.e !ov N Y.
The Man wbe put the EEi la f EET,
I BMlCoofhSTup. TutuOood. Uh
in Urn. Bold tf DrotnliU.
jsjartyar W ' uc-
javan nai'i 1.3.3.
-.. L L