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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1913)
m)w' tcrfftcUV ytit tft C3. ; rvj raw- 4"9'V'H''' TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., APRILS, 1913. No. 21 L5v'' A jL1 0JtR M 1 m 11 HvA H uwriiijj V&sil $V'x&' & t yy W m flpN --ww1 .'" f J . 9BMI The Store that Tries Hardiest to Please You, is the Store that Deserves Your Patronage. Store does not consider n sale made until you are entirely satis fied with your purchase. You must be pleased and satisfied at this store. Every purchase is4 guaranteed; every mistake or error V t - is rectified and one price prevails. This store is your store, where every sale must bring you td the store again as a pleased customer. Our Opening Days were indeed a great testimonial of the wonder ful garments we carry. All day long was our store crowded with - (i enthusiastic buyers who complimented us on our showing. We wish to apologize for any inattention or error -doing these busy days andjtrust that you will call and let us rectify these errors, if , if there is Cany. As a to give asilk petticoat with every coat or suit for $12.00 or over free) of-charge. North Platte's Exclusive Ladies' Shop, The id rfrrmriaTn7ai'7F'w,a Local and Personal Mias Forn Perkins will return today from n week's visit with friends on the branch road. Mrs. Charles Perkins and children left Saturday morninp;-for Lewelionand Goring to visit friends. Mrs. A. M. Locke find son went to Sutherland Saturday nf ternon to visit relatives for three days. Miss Lula Burko closeel a successful term of school near Brady last week and returned homo for the summer. Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Yoat expect to leave todav for Omaha and cities of Kansas to visit relatives tor some time. Rev. Knowlcs, pastor of the Christian church, has been selected by the grad uating class to doliver the baccalaureate sermon. The J. S. Davis Auto Co. sold two gray 25s, one Blue 80 and one Blue model 40 Buick cjirs. itv Alliance tb.i rreek James Hart, Joseph Schwalger and party returned Saturday from a suc cessful hunting trip in the western part of the state. "Huy lots in Fairview Addition. Now is your chance. Do not delay. Desir able location and easy payments. Phone Bed 572. P. J. Dioner & Co. tf Mrs. James Filben, of Hastings, ar rived here Saturday afternoon tojnake her home".1 Mr. Filben has been om ' ployed in this city for some time. Rehearsols nro being held for the high school play entitled "Tho College Widow" which will be held at the Keith theatre the latter part of May. Mr. and Mrs John Den and daughter Marjorio loft 3unday evening for Arap ahoe to visit relatives. Before return ing Mr. Den will spend several days ut the state shoot in Lincoln. Miss Alice Fitzpatrick who is Em ployed as teacher in the Farnam district arrived Frida"y aftornoon to visit hor parents and attend the meeting of the Tcaohera' Convention. A surprise party was tendered to L. E. Mehlmann at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack McGraw the latter part of last week. Card games were played. Refreshments were sorved in two courses. Mr. Theodoro Lowe, Sr., entertained a number of neighbors and friends nt a kensington .Friday aftornoqn. The ladies spont a very pleasant afternoon in pawing. Delicious refreshments wore served. mark of appreciation we willcontinue this weekly I Store for Mother and the Girls. Fred Elliott left Saturday morning for' Omaha to visit his son for a couple of , days. Mrs. Charles Sandall has returned from Omaha after spending a week visiting fripnds. A. S. Coates and son have returned from Sutherland where they visited relatives for a week Mrs. John Rodino who visited hor daughters in Omaha last week re turned homo Saturday. Miss Jennie Redfield, of Omaha, came up Saturday morning to visit hor nephows, Doctors VV. J. and J. B. Red- Hold. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hollingsworthnnd child ren loft Saturday morning for Hershey to spend n week with friends and rela tives. Wanted-Plain Sewing. Apply 320 E. 11th st. Mrs. R. Loudon. Messrs Stevens and Coslello, of SIdnsy, visitod in town last week and attended the K. C. dance at the Lloyd Friday evening. R. L. Douglas, the horse buyer, re cently purchased ten head of horses of John Penner, of Logan county, paying $1410 for the bunch. The J. S. Davis Auto Co. has takon the Oakland agency nnd will receive tho first car the latter part of this week. Mrs. Martin Cowee, of Atwood, Colo., arrived from Kearney Saturday to visit her mother Mrs. A. S. Cham berlain while enrouto home. Owing to the increuslng trade tho Ideal Bakery has lo the contract for a new $700 oven, the present one being inadequito for the demands of the patrons. IV. P. Snyder, of tho stato experi mental station, has been appointed by Governor Morehuud it delegate to the farmer's convention which meets in Chicago this week. Engineer Frnnk Bainell has purchased the C. F. Tracy property in tho west part of town for u consideration of 4,600, trading in a couple of lots he owned in -the trustee's audition. Tho Epworth league wore pleasantly entertained at the Bradbury home Fri day evening by tho Misses Bradbury Young and Martin. Tho evening waa spont in games and music. Nice re freshments wero served. Stallion For Sale. At Hershey's Hardware Store. Cor. 5th nnd Locust. Phono 15. 9CSSZU George Weir has accepted a position in the Amnions Clothing Store. Julius Pizer roturned Satuiday from a business visit in Chicago. Mfsses Hall and Depew, of Elm Creek, arrived Saturday to visit Miss Theo Sclnvoiger. Mr. and Mrs. Muirhead 16ft (ho latter part of Inst week for Elm Creek to make an extended visit. Mis3 Aggie Voathers, of Gothenburg, is visiting town friends, having arrived the latter part of last week. Tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. has takorf the Mitchell agency and has purchased twenty six cylinder cars, delivc-y to begin this week. Miss Pearl Howland who is touching in tho Paxton district cumo down the latter part of last week to visit her aunt Mrs. Albert Schatz for a few days. Miss Cora O'Connor, of tho Kearney Normal who camo last week to attend tho Teachers Convention and visit Miss Susie Campbei), left Sunday morning. Tho Lutheran Brotherhood were en tertained last evening by Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Surber. The principal talk of tho evening was made by 0. H. Sawers, local Y. M. C. A. Secretary. After th business session a nice lunch was served. Tho 20th Century Club hold its regular annual meeting at the homo cf Mrs. Frank Buchanan, and tho following officers wore elected: President, Mrs. R. J. Malmsten; Vice President, Mrs. S. W. Throckmorten; Soc'y, Mrs. John Voseipkn; Treas,, Mrs. Sena Kelly. The Knights of Columbus danee nnd aard party at tho Lloyd Friday evening wus one of tho most pleasant sociul events of the season. Music for nine teen populnr dances was furnished by the Stamp orchoBtra. During the evening light refreshments wore sorved. Messrs. O'Connor, Lnndgraf, andTobin who composed tho arrangement com mittee wore complimented upon tho en tertainment which thoy provided. Attorneys W. T. Wilcox end W. E. Shumun went to Lincoln Sunday night to argue the Lyle estate case in the supreme court. When W. D. Lyle, of Brady, died he left no heirs in this country, but later supposedly distant relatives were found in England. Through W. E. Shuman theso hoira sought to establish thoir claim to tho estate, but in the district court Judge Grimes held that the proof submitted was insufficient to establish their heir ship and rendered an adverse decision. Tho heirs then appealed the caso to the suprome court. Mr. Wilcox repre sents the administrator, J. J.O'Rourke. Engineer O'Brien Killed. 'EnglneorDonnis O'Brion, one of North Platte's best known ongineors, was instnntly killed at Gothenburg Sut- lurday afternoon. Engineer O'Brion was coming west on second section of train No. 9, Ho had stopped at Gothen burg and had climbed up on tho drivo rods in order to oil tho eccentrics, which had not been working well. Having completed this task, ho jumped from tlio rod right in the face of tho ongine pulling train No. 8 which was running about forty miles ap hour. Tho pilot beam or cylinder head struck O'Brion, crushing his chest, breaking tho right arm and lacorating tho hend. He was thrown twelve or lltteen feot, landing, nt the gangway of his engine, and when picked up life was extinct. Tho remains woro brought to town on tho train the deceased was pulling, taken to tljo Howe & Maloney under taking rooms, prepared for burial nnd latar taken to the O'Brien homo on west Third Btreot. Engineer Schwaigor, who was pulling No. 8, gave tho usual prccantionary signals as he approached the Gothen burg station, but Englnaor O'Brien was so intent on his work that ho did not hear tho roar of tho approaching truin oven when but a few feet away and fcwungdown from th rod only to meet his fato. Tho funeral will bo held from tho I, 0. O. F. hall this afternoon nt 3:30 in charge of th B. of L. E. the Odd Fellows and tho A. O. U. W of which organizations, ho was a membor. Dennis 0 Brion had been in tho cm ploy of the company for over a quarter of a century and had bten a resident of of North Platte for that length of timo. He was a most industrious worker u good engineer and stood well with the company and his fellow employes. Ho loaves a wifd and four children by a former marriage, two of tho latter liv ing here, tho other two with the mother inlOklahoma. The mothor and brother, living at Wood River, aro- here to attend tho fuperal. Mrs. Cordes Paste Away. Marie, wife of Henry Cordes, passed tojher( reward nt 11:30 Saturday night, following nn illness of several months due to dropsical affection, and since Christmas had boon confined to her bed and suffcrod greatly. This suffering she bore with christian fortitutc; witii that patience which comes to thoso who finyo long lived a christian life. Tlie funeral will bo held from tho Lutheran church nt two o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Cordes wns boi'n, in Vcrden, Germany Apr. 7th, 1842, and had Bho Hvpd two dnys longer Bho would have reached her sftyvnty first birthday, In 1809 she was married in Brernon, to Mr. Cordes, and i 1883 thoy came direst from Germany to North Platte. They resided in town three years, then moved to u faun southwest of town where thoy resided for eightoon yeurn, when the farm was sold and they moved back to town. On March 20th. 1850, Mrs. Cordos, partook of her first Lord's supper in the Lutheran church, the last time she embraced the religious act was at her home March 20, 11)13. thus for fifty seven years she hud been a consistent member of that church; not sololy a church member but n christian woman nnd n devoted wife und mother. To tho union of Mr. nnd Mrs. Cordos six children weie born; four of whom died before coming to tho United Stntus, tho other two, aro Will, who hold an important position in San .Franciscr, and Mrs. E. S. Hogg, wife of tho well kt.own engineer on tho Third district. To Mr. Cordes, and tho children ihu sympathy of friends' go forth in tins their dark hour of bereavement, The Mutual Building & Loan Associa tion Reduces Interest Kate. The reduction of tho interest rates made by tho association March 1st, will res'ult in n saving to borrowers, so that on a now loun o $1,000.00, it will take $08.00 less money to pay out tho loan than it did bufore tho reduction; and it will require $180.00 lets monoy to pay out a loan of $1000.00 in this ussociution than it will in any compoting association; the borrower in either case paying the requlrod minimum paynfcnls. This is duo to tho fact that this association makes a lower interest rate and pays a larger diviupnd rate than any competing association. Mutual Building & Lonn Association Thos. C. Patteuson, President, Samuel Goozei:, Secretnry. Wanted A Car Load of Potatoes. Parties having potatoes to sell will kindly'notify H. L. Greeson, chairman of the Citizens Relief committee, Tho committee will pay you market price for your potatoes delivered in North Platto, und desiro the same delivered on Thursday nnd Friday, April 10th nnd 11th, 1913. Weigh over Joseph Her Bhey's scales, and there will be parties there to pay yu for your potatoes. Order of Committee I sell vacuum cleaners with or with out brush. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, Phono Red 104. 21-2 Work began on the new school build ing in the first ward lost week. Tho excavation for tho basument is well under way. and brick and other mnteriul is being assembled. Wo havo some good residence prop pertics for sulo, also monoy to loan on real estate. Homo lots in different part of tho city. F. J. Dioner & Co , Phono Rod 572. 14- Tho poople nro responding generously to tho Citizens committee consisting of H. L. Greeson. Fred Elliott. Claudo Weingand, D. W. Baker and M. E. Crosby, who arc rocoiving gifts for tho Omaha sufferers. Those who have not seen any member of tho committee, and desiro to give, will kindly hand your gifts tosome one of tho ubova named parties. Stability, Efficiency and Service " IFtivo boon the iotoiH in tho gvowtlt ui" tho First National Bank, ' 1 I HIlMll,irr " ' 'M'"jF- - JXOllTH J'Z,A3VVi, ATIISJi"A. CAPITAL, AND SURPLUSt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. sifeoco.oo i To Loan on. improved farms at low rate of interest . with privilege of purtial - "u payments. -i s Buchanan & Patterson. New Trains to BEGINNING Overland Limited Lv. Omaha - v - "- 8:00 ATM. Ar.JJan Francisco - - 9:30 A. M. 2d day Only exclusively firat-clnss daily extra fare train to California. By reduction in time saves a business day. Equipment is all steel, electric lighted, built exclusively for this train, embodying every convenience luxury and hygienic nppliunce lending to the comfort, enjoyment and 8ufety of passengers. New buffet club car, dining and observation cars, standard sleepers, compartments and drawing room. Some of the special features are: Barber shop, baths, ladies' maid, stenographer, valet, selected library, all club feature.), telegraph bulletins, electric lights in uprycr and lower berths, compartments and drawing rooms ensuitc. Only persons holding first-class passage ticket with extra fare and sleeping car tickets will be carried on this train. ,; Pacific Limited Lv. Omaha Ar. Ogdcn Ar. Salt Lake City - Ar. San Francisco - Ar. Los Angeles - S.P.L.A.& S.L. 10:00 A. M. 2d day Brand new all-steel electric lighted equipment con sisting of standard sleepers, compartments and drawing rooms, tourist sleepers, latest designs, library observation car, diner. Through standard and tourist sleeping car service to Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los Angeles. This represents one of the highest class non-extra faro trains in service. In addition to the above there will be standard and tourist sleeping cars, to San Francisco, in connection with a new train, the San Francisco Limited, Leaving Omaha on train 17 at 9:40 A. M. and arriving in San Francisco on Southern Pacific train No. 5 at 8:30 P.'M. The above mentioned trains will be operated daily via Union Pacific Standard Road of the West Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals Dustlcss Roadbed Double Track For,, literature- and futher information relative to schedules, fares, routes, sleeping car reservations, side trips, stop-overs, etc., call, phone or write. (Imtit tgtnt't nm) F. E. BULLARD, Agent. 4w i m I M ' - oi - 'W V. Pacific Coast . APRIL 2d U. P. 12:30 midnight 6:50 A. M. 1st day 0. S. L. 8:15 A.M. So. Pac. 8:50 A.M. 2d day '! -Ll VJ ft v H H