The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 04, 1913, Image 8

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Semi - Weeldy Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in advance. $).2T)
One Yearly Carrier in advance $l.fiO
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
' nfllco as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, APRIL 4. 1913.
Evans Elected Mayor.
At the city election a total vote of
039 wns cast, which is less than two
thirds the full voting strength. Many
votors, concluding that Evans would
easily win, did not tako the timo to go
to tho polls. For mayor, E. II. Evans,
the citizens' candidate received 397
votes, while A, E. Bell, the socialist
candidate received 242. Evans received
117 vots in the First ward, 81 In tho
Second, 143 in the Third and 56 in the
Fourth. Boll's voto was 70 in tho First.
32 in the Second, 39 in the Third and 101
in the Fourth, tho latter ward being
tho stronghold of tho socialists. Quite
u number voters who were disgrunted
with the citizens' nominees for mayor
andcouncllmon, votod for the socialist
Templo for clerk, Mooney for treas
urer andlWelch for water commis
sioner hod no opposition.
For councilman in tho First word Al
bert Schotz was elected over Levi
Duke; in tho Second M. E. Crosby
was re-elected and Dr. Drost elected to
fill a vacancy; in tho Third J. II. Stone
defeated J. L. Burke, and In tho Fourth
Frank Martin, socialist, was elected
over Theo. Lowe, Jr.
For members of tho board of educa
tion A. F. Streltz and Dr. W. J. Red
floid were elected without opposition.
Richard Edmiston Ritres. thevourincit
child of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Riggs who
rondo at 1003 West Third streot, de
parted this life shortly after noon
of April 1st, 1913.
On Aug. 3rd, 1011, tho littlo fellow
launched his frail bark upon the seas of
life, and after a battle against disease,
ho was compelled to give up the
struggle here, and answer the summons
of the Divino Pilot.
Ho leaves to mourn his loss, a father
and mother, a brother and a sinter, and
the several relatives and friends of the
family. A short funeral service wos
conducted Tuesday ovoning at tho
cometery by H G. Knowlos, pastor of
the Christian church. Tho sympathy of
the entire church is extended to the
boreaved pnrentB at this timo.
Down at Lincoln the house members
who voted against the committee report
on tho workmen's compensation bill,
nnd thus went on record against a plat
form pledge of both tho republican
nnd democratic parties, made a frantic
effort Wednesday to correct tho record.
They tried to secure favorable consid
eration of another bill, which allows
an injured workman, nfter such in
juries, toelect whether they will remain
under the law or biing a damage suit
in court, and whitih in the latter case
would deprive tho employer of tho
common law defenses. The bill was
drafted by personal Injury attorneys.
It was defeated by n vote of 54 nega
tives to 35 affirmatives, most of tho
affirmatives being tbosO, who were pn
the negatives on the other hill.
Tub legislature doclined to pass a
' bill appropriating $12.'.Q00 for n No
braska building at the Panamn exposi
tion. Wo aro inclined to commend tho
legislators for their act. Nebraska needs
advertising, but wo question tho good
results to bo obtained from such an ox-
pendltmo at Han Francisco. It is from
v iho ousturn status we must got our now
Battlers nnd farmors; it is in that sec
tion wo should upend our money for ad
vertising purposes.
W. II, Knaoos, who wai elected
mayor of Kearney Tuesday rodo into
offico on un "economy" platform, ono
of tho planks of which declared that he
would not drag tho streets nor allow
them to bu sprinkled in the residence
districts. Evidently Kearney has so
cured a mayor whoso economy sur
passes ins progressivoneas.
i" !
IN rievon towns in Nebraska Sunday
baseball wna one of tho leading issues
in tho Tuesday election Six of tho
towns voted to have Sunday games.
Mrs, George Roberts, of Maxwell,
spont Wednesday in town visiting tho
Stamp family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith huvo tnken
charge of the Hinman House which la
undergoing repairs.
Mrs. Valontine, of Oihkosh, who
visited local friends this weok wont
Jiomo Wednesday.
It Is Near at "Hand to Hundreds of
Tribune Readers.
Don't neglect nn aching back.
Backache is often the kidneys cry for
Neglect )iur.ry!ng to tho kidneys aid
Means that urinary troubles may
Or danger of wowo kidney tronblo.
Georgo W, Weinborger, 109 West
Ninth street, North Platte, Nebr.. says:
"Two years ago 1 boenmo afflicted
with' kldn'6y trouble arid Buffered from
agonizing pains through my hock. 1
gruduullv grow worso, was stiff nnd
hfrtie 0 account of losing my rest
'nt night, Uocumo all run down. My
kidneys did not perforin their functions
'properly. Learning of Doan's Kidnoy
Pills, 1 procured them from McDonoll
& Graves' drug Btoro. (now Schiller
&'Co'3) and after I had taken tho con
tend pf ,sjx boxes, I was ontjroiy
cureH, Prior to usinz Doan's Kidney
Pills, 1 had to Iny olf from wdrk for
Bevernl months, but after taking this
remedy only one-month, I wos ablo to
resume work. ,,. rn
For sale by all dealers. Prlc 59 cents
Fostor-MllhurnCo., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United Statos.
Remembor the namo Doan's and
take no other.
Mr. Auto Owner:
Here is an accident policy for you, $5.00 per
year for $5,000.00 insurance.
This policy PROVIDES IN
DEMNITY as follows: For loss
Lifo $,000
Both feet 5,000
Both hands 5.000
One hand and one foot 5,000
Sight of both eyes 5,000
One foot and sight of ono
eye 5,000
One hand and sight of ono
ej 5.000
Ono loot 2,500
Right hand 2,500
Left hand 1,250
Sight of one eye 1,000
Thumb and index finger,
either hand 500
One or more fingers, right
hand 2G0
One or moro toes 150
Loss of Time Indemnity,
While totally disabled $15 weekly
Period 10 weeks.
Hospital Indomnlty
While confined In a
hospital $30 weekly
Period 5 weeks.
Large amounts poynble for
surgical operations in addition to
all other indemnity to which the
insured may bo entitled.
Medical attention indemnity
payable up to $25 for non-disabling
The premium rate for this pol
icy Is $1 per annum for each
$1,000 Insurance.
Written by tho
C. F, TEMPLE, Local Agent.
' Third Number or Socialist Lyceum
Mr. Don A. White, of Mnssachustts,
will deliver tho third lecture of the
Lyceum course on next Tuesday ovon
ing 8 p. m. at Lloyd's opera house. His
subject will be "The Class Convict."
In Mr. White you see no recruit from
tho old parties. Ho is a veteran repre
sentative of tho common people, and
has been a momber of tho Socialist
party cinco U incoption.
A flno voice, a foicoful delivery, nnd
tho perfect entw of manner which
cornea fromn long experience on tho
platform combine to render Dan A.
White ono of the most successful
speakers on thu Sorinltot platform.
This is a raro opportunity to hear n
wonderful lecture. All those holding
seneon tickets may bring ono other per
son with them who will bo admitted
froo. ,
Sam Lore bus accepted a position nt
the now round house" terminal.
F. C. Piclstlcker transacted business
in DickonsYVednosdny of this week.
Miss Margaret Jonos assisted as
stenographer in tho Platte Valloy Bank
thla week.
Dr. Twinem made a professional
trip to Brady the foro part of
thla week.
Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Troup have re
turned from a two weoks' visltfn Kear
ney. , Mlssos Roxy Murphy and Sudio Fox,
of Sutherland, enme down yostorday to
attend tho tenchors' convention.
Straight at It.
There ia no uso of our "beating
around the bush." We might ns well
out with it first as last. We wat you to
try Chamberlain's cough remedy tho
next time you have a cougli or cold.
There is no reoson so far ns We can see
why you ohould not do so. This prep
aration by its romnrknblo cures has
gained a world wide reputation, nnd
peoplo everywhere speak of it in tho
highest terms of praise. It is for snlo
by all doalers,
, Al1 of .?2ct,S,'?.21, "ncl 48 ncros of sl lntl in section 10, townsliin
13, range 27. 1 his is good pasturo land ndjoining tho Plntto valloi
Has flowing well which never goes dry nor fjeezes. No windmill to
bother with Price for this section, and my assignment for tho school
lease of the -180 acres, $-18S0.00.
,. . A'80, Py hi)y, la,ul' lH'"?e ,nU of action 29, towbship 13. range 27
Ibis land Is well known as being the best hay soctlon in this locnhtyboth
for quality and quantity of marketable hay. Has barn 82x01 uu south
west corner within one-half mile of Hendry Siding. Price $42.00 nor
Will uccept part cash and give terms on the balance If desired. Call
on or nddrens.
C. D. Fowles,
Tills policy covers loss caused by
Injuries suotained as follows:
(a) In or on n public convey
ance, including the platform,
steps or running board thereof,
provided by n common carrier for
passenger service;
(b) In an elevator ued for
passenger service only, mine elc
vntors accepted;
(c) In or on a private convey
ance, except bicycles, horses or
(d) In n private residence,
public cafe, church, hall, hotel,
office building, passenger depot,
pavllllon, restaurant, store, or
theatre, which burns or collapses;
(e) In consequence of n cyclone, '
tornado or earthquake reported
to be such by the weather bureau
or public prints of this country;
(f) Being struck by lightning;
(g) Tho explosion, rupturo or
collapse of a steam boiler;
(h) Being struck or run down
by a public or privato conveyance
while walking on or across any
right cf way.
Larg amounts payable as
elective indemnity, in lieu of
weekly indemnity, at the option
of the insured.
Issued to Malb or Fomalo Risks.
Will Cut and Thresh 25 Acres a Day
and Cost Littlo More than Binder
It seems that the Harvester trust is
about to run up against a moro serious
obstacle than tho Sherman law, re
lates the Omaha World-Herald. If
what is said in the technical magazines
is true, tho dnys of the aelr-binder 'lire
numbered. Ther has boon a new
mnchino invonted and tried out during
tho last harvest season that is as far
superior to tho self-binderas tho binder
to tho old fashioned cradle. The present
cost of harvesting wheat and threshing
it Is about 14 cents a bushel. This
machine reduces the cost to two cents
a bushel. Its operation requires only
two men and four horses. There is also
n very small gasoline engine that does
part of the work. The grain is cut,
threshed and dcllvored in sacks' or
Tho whole operation is very siiriple
nnd there aro far loss parts to tho ma
chine than there is to a self-binder. It
will do away with the annual call for
harvest hands nnd grain will no longer
bo lost for need of them, for thero is
never a supply equal to the demand,
although some thousands of college
students flock to tho harvest fields every
While tho machine is simple, it is hard
to describe. There is a blower that
blows tho heads against a toothed cy
linder and then they aro carried up" by
an augor to another, which completes
the the(tlneshing and delivers the clean
grain irfto sacks or n wngon driven
nlongside. It is said that the machine
will cut and thresh twenty-five acres a
day, and coat,s less than an ordinary
self binder, so every farmer can have
one, nnd tho farmer's wife will be re
lieved of cooking for a vast number of
harvost hands.
There will bo no moo burning of
straw to tho impoverishment of the
land, for it can bu plowed under and en
rich it. Of course tho benefits enum
erated will come not to tho farmer if
this machine gets into the hands of a
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fottor, of Max
well, visited in town tho early part of
this waekand incidently attended tho
Field Ministrois.
Mr. nnd Mra. Graham, of Brady,
woro among the out of town people who
attended Field's Minstrelnt the Keith
Tuesday evening. y
Roy Borboutand M. Young, of Goth
enburg, wero visitors in town tho first
of this week having come up to attend
tho Field Minstrel. Y
Look To Your Plumbing.
You know what happens in a house
In which tho plumbing is in poor conUi-tion-everybody
In the houso is liable, to
contract typhoid or some other fever,
l'lio digestive organs perform the snmo
functionu in tho human body ns the
plumbing does for the house, and they
should bo kept in first class condition
all tho time. If you have any trouble
with your digestion take Chamberlain's
tablets and you ore certnin to got quick
rolicf. For sale by all dealers
Brady, Nebraska.
I i'l i mi i mmay.rjCTEm
Oldest Dank in Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
We Solicit Your Builnsss.
The Kind o! Clothes
Gentlemen Wear
Guaranteed Quality,
Perfect Fit,
Prices Right.
Custom made Suit
$20 to $45
Tailor made Suit.
$25 to $47
Satisfaction guaranteed
Karle Gerle,
over McDonald Bank.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 63G Office 459
, wnmmn-muiwitfimw0nim$wm9m
Signet Chapter 0. E. S., f
-NO. 55-
5 Meets 2ml and 4th Thursday of every
I month nt Masonic Hall at 7:30 I), m.
9ffi8Otc)aiteru$aic0uttu intact
Homeopathic Physician andSurgcon
Q Hospital accommodations. Medical nnd Jj
Ct Burdcnl attention lven obstetrical
O Otlk'i) Phone 1K1 Ron. Phono lis 9
J .OfflceMi-rtoualil Statu UanU nid'n 2
4 n(9etiartuG4itiatm sewn
Established in 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Gth and Vine Streets
j R. D. Thomson.
The Old Reliable,
When your clothes need pressing,
cleaning und repairing, let tho Old Re
liable Tailor do it and do it right. We
have been doing this work in North
Platto for thirty years, know how to
do it nnd do it the way it should bo
That means satisfaction to yoU.
Entrance north of the Nyal drug store.
Dr tydfield Infield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE.JI.REDF1ELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
I'lIONE 642.
Telephone lied 450 COSH Dewey St.
North Platte, Nebrnska.
Oiiico phone 24V iRes. phone 217
Osteopathic Ptiysiclnn.
North Platte; ,- - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Physiclon and Suracon, J
f Office ofyr McDonald Bank.
Z Phones 0mco 130 t
J l honca I Residence 115
The North Platte
School of Music
I The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonncr-Cramcr
All the principal branches of Ap
plied and Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachers.
Addrc38 all inquiries to 122 W. Front
streot or phone BlacK 341"
Quality Cigars
In a cigar quality is the prime factor.
Some cigars, even those costintr a dime.
don't have tho quality. The reason our
cigars are popular isDccausc quality is
our first consideration. Some of our
brands have been on tho market for 25
yenra and they are the same good cigar
as when first made. Our reputation
for good cigars was earned by making
quality the first consideration.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
t L. A. LINE
North v
Side tt
Jeweler fr
!i 13 years experience at the bench. Can do jf
A all kinds of repairing. Bed rock prices. All JJ
jv work guaranteed. A
ifl ' House of Good ShowlH I
When in Norlh Platte.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
' 10 CENTS.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Walter II.
McNeel, deceased,
On reading and filing tho petition of Mary C.
McNeel, prating that administration cf said
estate may bo granted to herself as Admin
istratrix. Ordered, That Apr, 15, 1913, at 9 o'clock n. m.
Is osuigned for hearing Bald petition, when
all persons interested in said matter may appear
at a county court to bo held In nnd for said
county, nnd show eau3c why prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that notice of the
pendency of saU petition and tho hearing
thereof bo given to all persons interested in said
mnttcr by publishing a copy of this order in the
North Platto Tribune a legal mmi-weckly news
paper printed in ald county for three successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing, y
Dated March 12. 1913.
m24-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a certain chattel morteace. dated
December 19th. 1910 and duly filed of
record in the office of the County Clerk
in Lincoln County. Nebraska on the 29th
day of March, 1911 and executed by R.
L. Nickerson and M. C. Nickerson, his
wife, to A. E. Doraldsnn to eecure the
payment of tho sum of $225.00 upon
which thoro is now due the sum of
?225.00 and interest thereon at the rate
of 8 per cent from Decombor 19th, 1910,
default having been made in payment
of said sum and no other proceeding in
law having been instituted 10 recover
snid debt or part thereof; therefore I
will soil the property therein described
to wit: Two gray mares, ono bay mare,
one set of work harness, at public auc
tion for cash at Bowen's Livery Stable
in North Platte, Nebraska, on the 5th
day of April, 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m. of
said day. A. E. Donaldson, By M. E.
Crosby, His Attorney.
Departmoutuf the Interior.
U, 3 Land Ollico at North Platte. Neb.
Mar l'th. 1813.
NoUch Is horobr glvon that Alvln T Ouyor.
of North Platte, Neb., who, on Kotirunry
8th, 100". malo Homestead Entry No 2375tf Se
ial No- 01716, for M)Vi, nwj and lots 3,
4. 5, Peel Ion 0, Townsbin , 14, north,
Range 2l W.. 0th Principal Meridian,
has Hied notice of Intention to tnaku final
three year Droof, to establish claim to tho
land above Uoserlbed. licforo Reglstor and
Receiver, at North Platte, Nub., on the 21st
day of May, 1013.
Claimant names as witnesses: Fred
.1 Malono. Ani7lo Gntherlcss, Kred Slmants
aml.lehsoLoug, all of North Platto. Nobr
123 0 J. E. Evatis. Resistor.
Serial No. 0695.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Oiiico at North Plattii. Nebr.
Feb. 25. 1913.
Notice is hereby given that Edward ltlma,
of North Platte, Nebr., who. on February 8,
1910, made Homestead Entry No.
04595, for NE)f nnd the Ei rf SEW. Section
2. twp. 15, N. rge. 30, west of the 6th Principal
Meridian, has tiled notlco of Inttntlon to mako
final three year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before tho register and
receiver, ot North Platte, Nebr., on tho 25th
day of April 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: John Reeves,
Robert Reeves, (Frank Hood, Henry Greeley,
all of North Platte. Nebr.
m-6 J, E. Evan, Register.
ferial No. 0)536.
United Status Land Otlleo.
At North Platte, Nebraska. Kill 10. 113.
Notlno Is hnrehy given that Charles
C. Loiitf of North Platto Nob., who op
January 19, 1'UO, , made homestead entry
Serial Nil 01500 for Hie east half
if thu .southwest quarter and lotf ' and 1,
Section IS, Town 14 N., Range 30 V of tho
flth Principal Meridian, lias llled notlco of in
tention to make final three year
'proof, to establish clalni to tho land above
dehcritiod, heforo the register and receiver
at North Plattu, Nebraska, ou tho 16th day
of April. 1913
Claimant names as witnesses! Oeorgu
ICopf, George Long, O A Robinson and
Dlclt Hos. all of North Platte. Neb.
f " iv John " KvaNk ifmh r
Estray Notice.
Taken up on tho 9th day day of
March, 1913, on Section 18, town 14,
range 28, seven miles northwest of
Maxwell, In Lincoln county, Nebr., by
the undersigned who thoro resides, two
black marcs with white on forehead.
Owner will please call, pay charges and
take animals away.
C. H.James,
Maxwell, Neb.
To Whom It May Conccrn1-
Notlcc Is hereby idven that the mayor and city
council will hold a special mcetlnir, beginning at
tho hour 8.00 o'clock p. m. iccntral time) Tuesday,
April 10th. 1913, in the council chamber for the
purpose of making assessments and tho levying
of taxes for the construction of sidewalks built by
tho city along tho following described property:
Lot 12. Block 2, Trustee's Addition. Wnlk
4 feet wide. 12 feet long. 48 square feet
at 11 cents per square foot $5 23
i.ot 8, lilocK 177. original town, wnlk 4 It
wide, 149 feet long. 690 sa feet at lie. .. C5 E6
16 yards sand filling for samo lot 12 00
Lot 4, Block 167, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 145 feet long, 680 srjuaro feet at lie
per square foot , 63 80
Lot 8. Block 181, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 149 feet long, 690 square feet nt 11
cents per square foot... 65 60
Lot 5, Block 180, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 149 feet long, 696 square feet at 11
cents per square foot 6566
6 yards sand for filling above lot . 675
Lot 8. Block 186, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide. 149 feet long, 696 square feet at 11
cents per square foot... ..... . ,6560
Lot 5, Blocx 20, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 83 feet long 332 square feet 11
cents per square foot.. 36 62
4 yards sand for filling above lot at 76 c . . . .3 00
Lot 6, Block 20, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide. 66 feet long 264 Square feet at 11
cents per square foot.,... . . . ,.29 04
2 yards sand for filling above lot at 75c-. 1 60
Lot 2. JJldck 65. original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 66 feet long, 2S4 Bquare feet at at 11
cents per square foot...... .29.04
776 yards dirt for filling above lot at 76c. ...67 00
Lots 2 and 3, Block 66. original town. Walk
4 feet wide, 132 feet long, 628 square feet
at U cents per square foot.... 68 08
Lot 1. Block 66, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide. 83 feet long, 332 squaro feet at H
cents per squaro foot.. ... .... 36 52
Lot 2. Block 67. original town. Wnlk 4 feet
wide, 66 feet long, 264 square feet at 11
cents per square foot . ,.29 04
Lot 6, Block 41, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide 83 feet long, 332 square feet at It
cents per square foot 36 52
3 yards sand for filling above lot at 76c . 2 25
Lot 6. Block 41 original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 66 feet long. 264 square feet at 11
cents per square foot 29 01
4 yards sand for filling above lots at 75 . 3 00
Lot 4, Block 64, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 83 feet long, 332 squaro feet at 11
cents per square foot 36 52
3 yards sand for filling above lot at 75c ... 2 25
Lots 2 and 3, Block 64, original town. Walk
4 feet wide, 132 feet long, 528 Bquare feet
at II cents per squaro foot ...68 03
Lot 3. Block 65, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 06 feet long, 26-1 Bquare feet at 11
cents per square foot . . 29 01
18 yards sand for filling above lot at 75c .13 60
Lot 7, Block 20, original town. Walk 4 feet
wide, 66 feet long, 264 squaro feet at 11
cents per square foot .... 29 04
4 yards sand for filling above lot at 75c.... 3 00
In addition to the obovc amounts. Interest and
advertising fees will be charged.
All persons Interested will file their objections.
If any they have, to tho assessing of taxes against
the nbove described property and for tho above
described purpose on or before 8.00 o'clock p. m..
Tuesday, April 15th, 1913, as above stated for said
CHAS. F. TEMPLE. City Clerk.
Referee s Sale.
By virtue of an order issued in the
district court in and for Lincoln county,
Nebraska, on the 17th day of March,
1913. in an action of partition wheroin
Hesekiah Ramsey is plaintiff and
Charity Miller and Miller, her hus
band, first and real name unknown;
Benjamin Ball and Ball, his vie,
first and real name unknown; Joseph
Ball and Ball, his wife, first and real
name unknown; Thomas Ball and
Ball, his wjfo, first nnd real name un
known; Alma Stevens and Stevens,
her husband, first and real name un
known; Joseph Sells and Sells, his
wife, first and real name unknown;
John Sells and Sells, his wifo, first
and real name unknown; Ella Sells,
Addie Sells, May Davis nee Sells and
Davis, hor husband, first and real iume
unknown; Rosanna Armstrong r-? wa!l
an 1 Armstrong, her husband, first
nnd real name unknown; Worthington
Ball and ' Ball, his wife, first and real
name unknown; Bertha Savage and
Savage, her husband, first and real
name unknown; Amelia Wilkins and
Wilkins, hor husband, fiist and real
name unknown and Florence Shephard
are defendants, I will sell at public
auction at the east front door of the
court housa in the city of North Platto,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 19th
day of April, 1913. at the hour of one
o'clock p. m.. the following described
real estate situate in Lincoln Co., Neb.,
to wit: An undivided one-hnlf interest
in a portion of lot "I" of the county
clerk's subdivision of part of the north
west quarter of section 33, township 14,
range 80, west of the Gth p m., de
scribed as follows: Commencing at the
northonst corner of said lot "I;" thence
west from said northeast corner ten de
grees north 220 ft. we&t; thence south
10 degrees wc9t 198 ft. thence east 10
degrees couth 88 ft. thence north 10 east 132 ft thence east 10 do
grees south 182 ft. thence north nlong
tho east line of said lot "I" GO ft. to
tho place of beginning, being nil of said
lot "I" except it portion thoreof 132 ft.
square in tho southeast corner thereof,
the terms of said sale to be cash in
Dated at North Platto, Nebraska,
this 17th day of March. 1913.
ml8-5 O. E. Elder, Referee.
,. Notice, of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed have organized a corporation
under nnd pursuant to the statutes of
the stato of Nebraska. The name of
this corporation is W. W. Birgo Com
pany.and its principal place of business
is North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska. The general nature of tho business to
be transacted by this corporation is the
buying, selling and shipping of lumber,
building material, coal, grain and hay;
the buying, leasing, soiling and convey
ing of real estate: the buying erecting
and niaintoining, leasing, selling and
conveying of buildings, and to engage
in such other business ns may be
deemed necessary for the protection
and sucoessful conduct of tho corpora
tion. Tho authorized capital stock of the
corporation is twenty-five thousand dol
lars, ($25,000.00) in shares of one hundred
dollars (5100.00). The corporation shall
commence business March 3rd, 1913,
and terminate business March 3rd, 1915.
The highest amount of indebtedness
to which tho corporation shall subject
itself shall not exceed two-thirds of
tho capital stock. The business of the
corporation is to bo vested in throe di
rectors who shall bo elected by tho
The olllcers Bhall be a President,
Vice President, Secretary and Treas
urer, any two of which offices may be
held by ono porson, and the dutie's of
such officers shall bo such as are more
fully sot out in the articles of incorpora
tion, or by-laws as may be adopted.
W. W. illRGB,
, R. D. Birge,
Mfr-1' C, 1D13. m7-4 In"orj)0rntor5.
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