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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1913)
f y I . 1 M-. i"U ' I IMSJIWI. VF; l'vlil fn For Pretty Wedding Gffts THERE are so many clever uses for pretty Cut Glass, besides its radiant beauty when not in use, that for Gift purposes it can hardly be excelled. A choice piece of Glassware will find a welcome in any home. Cut Glass at Popular Prices There js quite a difference in Cut Glass; much of it is only ordinary. Compare the color and the brilliancy of the glass we are showing with the reasonable prices we are asking and you will admit that the values arc the best to be had anywhere. If you Iiavo a Wedding, Anniversary, or Birthday Gift o buy, ve invito you to inspect this line for the sugges tions it will offer. No obligation is incurred by "looking." "The Very Best Values are Found Here" DIXON, The Jeweler. U. P. Watch Inspector. tsa&smium S DR. 0. H. CRESSLCR. I m o t Graduate Dentist. S 9 O J Office over the McDonald s State Bank. e a (i Local and Personal. East bound trains were delayed nine. and ten hours Wednesday by wasnouts east on theO. S. L. The social dance which was to be held nt the Lloyd laBt evening has been postponed until next week. Mrs. W. R. Kesler, of Kansas dity, is expected shortly to visit her parents Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Stamp. Carl Lommcr left the first of this week for Cedar Falls to visit the homo folks for a couple of weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Kennon, of Maxwell, came up the fore part of the week to attend the play at the Keith. Mrs. Frank Winkleman will return to Fremont tomprrow after spending sev eral days here with her family. Mrs. Mudd returnod to Hershey yes terday morning after spending several days in town shopping and visiting. Mrs. M. E. Crosby and baby re turnod Wednesday utternoon from a three week visit in Davenport, Nebr. The K. C's. card party nnd dance will be held this evening at the Lloyd. The various committeen have arranged a pleasing program. Rev. C. F. Chapman, who assisted Bishop Beeceer this week in confirma tion exercises in tuc jjui. the state, has returned. of Mm. ftiarv Noif. who has been visiting relatives in southern Illinois and cities of Nebraska for nine months, will return home this evening. Mi3S Gertrude Robhausen entertained a party of young people Wednosday ovenine at cards. After the games i lunch was served, in two courses. Zoda Codray and Miss Yoder. of Elm Creek, arrived hero yeatcrday morning to attend the Teacher's Convention and visit Ir. and Mrs. Harry Boyle. Wo havo some good residence prop perties for sale, also money to loan on rcnl i-state. Some lots in different narts of the city. F. J Diener & Co 14-j Phone Red 572. Lawrence Frye was host to a score of young friends Wednesday ovening at the home or nm sisier ana. vjiyuv wun. tJin occasion beintr'his twelfth birth day. He was presented with many use ful gifts. Refreshments were served. Tornado, Cyclone and Vindstorm Insurance. I !ll...L if.... .In. nf infllirfltla . ir WIIUUUI llll LIUOO III iiuuimivv. I 3 Jt I. ...-!fr nli'l .mi,. Itnmn hni nBPnN UUiHUL Wail Upilll JUUl IlUlklV utui u-VU carried away or smashed into landing wood by these destructive elements, but call on Bratt & Goodman today and let them write you one of their incon testable policies. It only costs 50c for each hundred dollars .for three years. Get a policy and be protected. Bratt & Goodman, i Leading Insurance Agents. I HENS? HENS? HENS? We will pay yon lie a pound for your hens. No, Platte 422 WEST Dell Bonner wont to Gothenburg yes terday morning to play in the orchestra for a ball which was held there last evening. Rev. B. F. Gnitber returned yester day morning from the western part of this state after visiting a number of churches. The Blnnkenburg Bros, nro building a large barn on the lormerCary property on north Locust street, which they re cently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Elins nnd baby, of Oxnard, Cal.,are expected this week to visit the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Math Elias while onrouto to Chi cago. At the Yeoman Conclave held in Lincoln this week, W. J. Tiley was olected state delegate (o the National Convention in May which will be held in Oklahoma City. Pittsburg Perfect Electric Weld Fenc cing, Grand Island Barbed Fencing, narDwire aminniis tor sale at Hershey 5th and Locust Sts., Phone 15, tf Misses Gertrude Baker and Beth Cun ningham, of the Gothonburg teaching staff, are spending this week visiting friends and relatives and attending the tcaehers' convention. Wo notico by the Madrid Era thnt Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brown, formerly of thi3 city, were tendered a surprise party on the occasion of their thirty six wedding anniversary. If you aro contemplating building a residence this spring see McNnmara's plans and specifications. Phone Black 267. Mrs. W. W. Birgo very pleasantly entertained theMothors' Club Wednes day afternoon. The afternoon was spent in sewing nnd social conversation. Dainty rofreshments were served. Messrs. Den, Rebliausen, Schott nnd Marshall broue-ht in sovnntv.nnn flunk two geese and a brant one day the eariy pare oi tno weei:. This is ono of tho best records for the spring season. The meeting of the COO Club which was to have been held nt tho homo of Mrs. H. M. Grimes last evening was Eostponed on account of so many mem ers either being out of town or else suffering phjsical indisposition, Let me show you the Auto Vacuum Ice Cream Freezer. Saves time and money and insures cleanliness. Mrs. M. V. Mitchejl, Phono Red 104. " 19-2 C. D. Dny. of Callaway, has been sued by E F. Campbell, late of Broken Bow, ior fivc thousand dollars on the BrounPs f having alienated his wife's huuuuuiis. uay is it uoiei man nt uaiia way and Campbell formerly conducted a hotel at Broken Bow. Have you been watching our sales of town property? My agency hns sold $11,700 00 worth of property during March. If you wish to sell and will price it right, I will sell it for you. C. F. TEMH.n. The Yeomnn delegates nnd drill team, fortyin numbet who nttenc'o the con clave at Lincoln early in the week re turned Wednesday evening. The drill tenm wan awarded first honors in the drill contest and the committeo securod the convention for this city in 1914. For Sale. Eggs for settinc: from puro bred Barred Plymouth Rock chickens. In quire of or address, BlankenburgBros., 1350Nrth Locust St., North Platte, Nob. 'Phno No. Red 443. 13-6 Bring tpem m. Produce Co. FRONT ST. I Railroad News. Engineer Calhoun reported forservlco Wcdnesdny after taking n six-weeks' lay ofF. trlrnnnn fTnnrml atfknitfwl Infn Iia fnl manhole of his engine Tuesday and sus tained a sprnineu anu uruisuu leg. J. W. Rowland, for n nuinbor of yenrs employed in the shoot iron de partment nt the shops, resigned his position Tuesday and will soon lonvo for Omnhn, where he, will probably locate. Quite a number cars of supplies for tbu flood sufferers in Ohio nnd Indiana have been passing over the Union Pacific. Several cars donated by tho the people of Greeloy, Kvnns nnd Other Colorado towns, went through yester day. Engineer Elmer Koons has purchased the Goss house on west Third opposite the school building for a consideration of 33,000. While the property has been allowed to run down, a few hundred dollars will put it in good shape, and it is considered cheap at the purchase price. Tho North Westers-Uninn Pacific de luxe train passed west on its initial trip Wednosday. The equipmentof this new overland train is fresh from the shops, consisting of nn observation nnd library car, drawinptroom and compnrtmont sicoper anu sixtccn-soction standard sleepers, diner and composite car, all of steel construction, withinteriorfinish in walnut and mahogany. Like the cars, all of the appointments and appurten ance are new. In tho front car there Ib a shower bath, barbor shop, clothes pressing establishment and manicurist, the prices for the service being tho same as those that main tain in first class places of tho kind in tho cities, Tho buffet car, with a commodious reading nnd lounging room for men, is near the tront of the train, whiloot tho rear is the observation enr, with Its complement of maids, stenog raphers and well-equipped library. For riding on this train an excess faro of 88 is charged between Omnhn and the coast. To Aid Sufferers. Tho directors of the Chamber of Commorce held a meeting Wednesday evening and after discussing the ques tion of contributing nid to tho storm sufTorers of Omaha, placed tho matter in the hands of a committee consisting of H. L. Greeson.- Claude Weingand, Fred Elliott, M. E. Crosby and D. W. Baker. This committeo will probably formulate an nddress giving the method which it expects to pursue. It is not intended Id make anv special so licitations, the gravity of the situation being such that it appeals for free will offe rings. Buried Eighteen Days. Last Wednesday u sheep that had become buried in a snow drift at tho stock yards during tho blizzard of March 14th was released from ifci prison la in tho afternoon, nnd strange to relate, seemed but little tho worse for its im prisonment of eighteen days. When pulled out of the drift it immediately got on its feet and walked away, ami an hour later was ae frisky an a spting lamb. Apparently the minimal could have lived another eighteen days in its snow prison. City Council Meeting. The city council mot in adjourned ses sion Wednesday evening All present except Tracy and Crosby, The usual re port of the police judge, city eleik and city treasurer was received and tho latter shows a balance of St),974.43. An order was issued to assist property owners on the out sHrts of the city to obtain water connections and tho water commissioner was instructed t-i allow them to lay mains nt thoirown expense and later bo giyen credit for waterused to tho amount expended in thio way thus saving the city nuking investment ande mbliiig the connections to bo made. Attorney JamealCeefn appeared be fore the council representing Charles Eckloberry and D E. Morrill, who were threatened with :irrest for moving iron clnd frame buildings within tht-citv fire limits. After a heated discussion a motion wan made to permit said build ings to be left on i ew locum ns. Said motion was vetoed iy niavorand the case will come up in coutt Friday. A motion was passed ordering City Attorney Hnlhgan to draft an ordinance to repenl the firo limit ordinance. All bills on file were allowed. Watch Your Stock. Now is tho time of the yeai that they need attention to bring them through the long winter season to ur.iss time We have tho leading brands of stock remedies manufactured, Dr. Robeits Veterinary Medicines I,ee'n Stock Tonic $1.00 per pail and Hess's Stock Tonic $1.00 per pail. Sal-Vet. the grent worm destroyer. For your poultry Leo's Gcrmozonc and Ilea's Panacea, sold only by Schiller & Co.. family druggists. PICA ,D Another 02 o5 tha sale. Price S4,300. "Bunty PulU the Strings'." Another troat in store for tho patrons of the Keith theatre is "Bunty Pulls the Strines." Graham Moffat's famous play of Scotch hfeandimnnners, the sweeping success of which in New York and Loudon, hns been the great est sensation of tho drnmatic world in recent yenrs. "Bunty," presented by nn all-Scotch eompnn'y of plnyers, in eluding Miss Molly Mclntyro and William Lennox, will bo at tho Keith theatre for ono night, Fridny, April 11. Iho story of the play deals princi pally with tho tangled Utrnirs of Tam inas Blggar, father of Bunty. Tammns is n widower, a pillar of thn church and nn honored citizen of Lintiehnugh, n Village in the Highlands. But he hns u Past, has been something of n gay dog In his'day, nnd no one is bettor aware of this than Susie Simpson, tho testy nnd hypocritical spinster around whose maehfnntions tho piny largely revolves. Bunty, in love with W velum Sprunt, the village enrpente- and an elder of the church, irons out in deft, ingenuous manner the entanglements in which her father is enmeshed. She manages her father, her brother, her sweetheart, the entire village. All the While everyone feels nnd knows sho is pulling the strings, but nobody thinks of crying halt, she docs it all so charmingly and naively. "Buntv Pulls The Strintrs" is said to bo full of excellent dlnlogue, ppontnn eous and natural, and crowded with highly amusing situations, brimming with quaintnoss and humor. Several lastcrn critics have crowecd "Bunty" as the greatest comedy of the decade and it has been said of Mr. Moffat, tho author, that he and the. splendid com pany of Scotch players havo dono for tho Scotch character and environment the same sort of thing that mado James A. Herno's plays of Now England life tnumps of realism and of art. Of the company thnt is to present "Bunty'' it hns been said that their playing is the very reflection of life it ,selt, with, not n tagy thing about it. And humanity, therefore, walks upon thescenos with all its dignity and sim plicity, all its depth and foolishness. Undoubtedly "Bunty" will recoivo the same warm reception in North Platte that the play has received everywhere else. A Growing Church. The annual congregational business meetingof tho First Presbytorinn church was held Wednesday evening. Time was a good attendance and it was an occasion for rejoicing. Rev. J. C. Christie, pa3tor, lef erred to their meet ing that evening being somewhat in the nature of a splritnal stock taking. It wna much easier to gunge tho fmnncinl progiess than the spnitunl advance ment of a congregation; and it would be difficult to say what aro spiritual condition and progress was, and how we. stood in this respect as compared with twelve months ago. Tho treas urer's report by J. C. Hollmon made, a pleasi'ig nnnouneement thnt he had ' a ualanco on tho ri,ht side. About $4,000 was raised 1'iom all sources during tho year. The- various ieports showed an advance along all lines over the pre vious year and were nn inspiration for entering1 on the ensuing year with on CDinagement nnd hope. After the business session an adjourn ment wns mado to tho pallors where an excellent snpper was served by tho ladies and uvorvbody had a good time. ' New Time Card. West Bound East Bound No, No No, No, No, 1 -2:40 3 -1 :05 5-8:30 7-0:45 9-1:02 11-2:15 13 6:1. "i m. No. 21:05 p. m. m. No. 410:25 p. in. m. No. G -7:35 a. m in. No 8-3:10 p. m. m. No. 10 -9:45 a. m. m. No. 12 11:55 p.m. m. No. 145:50 p. m. m. No. 107:45 a. in. in. No. 1812:45 p. in. in. No. 20-12:10 p. m No. No. No. No. 15- 12:35. a. 17 .1:30 p. rto r,);i;w a. "fcf , Hl-'Tilo p, m. xno. 22 o:iju a. m mbers 1 and 2 are the new do luxe trains and Number 19 nnd 20 aro tho Pacific Limited Bring your hens to the North Platte Produce Co., and get lie n pound. 20-2 Presbyterian Church. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. E. A. Cary, Supt. Preaching services at 11 a. ni. and 7-30 p. m. Holy Communion will be dispensed nt morning service, Evf-ning theme: "The Disciplino of Life." Endeavor aocioties nt 3 and 1:40 p m. Men's Bible class with pas tor. Tho Golden Rule Biblo class with E. A. C'iry Tho Presbyterian church welcomes all. Found a Cure for Rheumatism. "I suffered with rheumatism for two year and could not got my righ t hand to my mouth for that length of time," writes Lee L. Chnpmnn, Maploton, In., "I suffered terrible pain so I could not sleop or lie still at night. Fivo years ago I began using Chamberlain's linj monl and in. two months Pwas well nnd havo not auiTcud with rheumatism since." For snlo by all dealers. PROPERTY. Hns horn as Temple has for J What are Yon Paying We Sell- 20 lbs Granulntod bcot( i( Sugar Jbl.UU 18 lbs Granulated enner f nn Sugar, for Jrl.UU Tomatoes, full sizo can in standard per can IUC Corn standard per rnn 7c 'lC 1 cans for ZvC Quaker Oats largo pkg. . 2UC Quaker Oata small pkg.. IUC E. C. Corn Flakes 4.pkg.. 2uC Broken Rico per lb J)C Rico Jap type 4 lbs for. . . 25C Prunes small sizo per lb. . . . J)C Corn Starch por pkg J)C Gloss Starch por pkg 5)C Corn StaVch Kingsfords por n Pkg OC Silver Gloss Starch per pkg oC Yeast Foam 4c pkg 3 for.. IOC Lewis Lye per can oC Eagle?Lyo por can oC American Lye per can oC We payicash for Wilcox Department Store. Buchanan &. iiain List i) A nice five room cottage, new and modern ex cept heat, located on east Sixth street. Price $2,300. Five room house and barn, -South Dewey street. $1,250. Extra good seven room house, barn and outbuild ings, house modern except heat, $3,100. 'East Third street two blocks from court house.' Five room house and barn located on West Third street, close to Washington school. Price $2,000. The lot is worth the money. Good seven room, two story dwelling on West Third street, cast of Washington school. Price $3,000 Nice six room cottage 72i West Seventh street, hatidy to new round(house. Modern except heat. Price 2,200. Extra nice room cottage on West' Tenth street, in the 600 block. Price$i,75o. ' k ' Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street, in the goo block. Price $1,700. All of these properties are choice bargains and can be bought on easy terms. Be sure and see these before you buy. & Sole House Cleaning I Time Again. ' I 1 .1 You of course will wnnt to get away from a part of the work that goes with house clean ing. Wo are especially equipped to handle your luce curtain, small rugs, etc., in nice shape. DICKEY'S SANITARY LAUNDRY. "YOUR'BOSOM FRIEND." Auto Delivery THE PALACE CAFE Offers to residents of, and visitors to, North Platto, tho most finely appointed service in Western Nebraska, and with thla is n menu that cannot bo excelled for the price. Regular meaiiB aro served and short orders can be obtained any hour day or night. THE PAIiACE CAFJE, "iffiinT Opposite U. P. Depot. for Groceries? Fols Naptha Soap per cake. )C Soda Crnckcrs largo boxes 1 pcrlb..., 02C Oyster Crackers large 1 boxes per lb 0-C K. C. Baking Powder 25 n oz can ZUC Roynl Baking Powder 1G iff ozcan.,.. lOC Dr. Prices Baking Powder ijj 1G ozcan 4DC Kraut per can (JC Hominy perenn IUC Pink Salmon per can I UC Sweet Potatoes per can. . 1 1,2.0, Potntoes 15c pock por en bushol DUC Coffee fair grnda por lb.. . ZvC California Fruits in good .ia syrup per can UC Cocoanut best gnulo J lb j j; package por pkg I DC Evaporated Apples per A Horse Shoo Tobacco, por i p lb 43C Spear Head Tobacco por lCn Star Tobacco per lb 43C J. T. Tobacco per lb 4UC your butter and eggs. Patterson's K. if Agents. Phone 77 l'vCTCTarafflK3TO