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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1913)
mmmmimimmmimiiimimmmimmsmsm TWO BIG I. A K Bisa asm msa m issznxmtasESjm OF FURNITURE AND RUGS JUST A fOH RRIVED. vi ; ! T I'll I This makes five cars in five months. Guess that shows what we are doing. Quick sales and small profits is our motto. Just drop in, we'll convince you. Below is a partial' list of what we carry and remember our stock is all new and clean. The most complete line of furniture and hardware in West ern Nebraska. &V& Furniture. Stoves, Ranges, Etc. Miscellaneous. Tools. Dressers . ' tf&SC '. Majestic Ranges. I x Garden Seeds in Bulk y Shovels Chiffioners . -N - Quick Meal Ranges Paints, Oils and Glass ,- : Rakes Tables, All Kinds , , . Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves '- Garden Hose Hoes Chairs, All Kinds - -A Copper Clad Ranges -. Nozzles . V- k Hammers " . ' ' i Davenports ' Washing Machines ' "i Guns and Shells - ' c v ' Saws , i ' ," ","' Beds Wringers jJ$ ' " Wire and Nails , ."'vi " Hatchets Springs and Mattresses' Granite Ware ' - j Cedar Mops Screw Drivers Kitchen Cabinets Wash Tubs " -'.,V Brushes, All Kinds -C Handles, All Kinds Pianos fff "v" Wash Boilers .. .$ Mops and Dust Cloths Chisels, All Kinds Rugs, All Sizes , r v All kinds of Cutlery Varnishes and Stains . Pliers, Pinchers GoCarts Bicycles Kitchn Utensils, All Kinds Wrenches, All Kinds Portieres Baby Buggies Roller Skates , ' Base Ball Goods ft- rfr CV $ You will find us with a conplete stock of Furniture and Hardware. We furnish a home complete at catalogue prices. Will take scrip on any grocery m the city. Come and look our stock over. We have"" the goods at prices to suit. Watch our windows for Special One Day Sale. i IS r.nrnfir Fifth & Dcwfiv. NORTH PLATTE. VI T 1 ta V Ynn fiwmsh th Sim M "7 - "-'" " vi We li turmsh the House. Ham tttfttits-Msaaaafffrassej,. lb lb lit U 0 Ut lb vb "fc 4 OR 8 For Your Drugs. OrJors Do 'llvered promptly. REXALL and DRUG STORES it M NYAL 2J n ff '344432 sstct? Local and Personal Ralph Ford transacted business in Ognlnlhi Wednesday. E. T. Kclilicr transnetod business in Sidney several days this weok. Miss Cre Dioner ir spending this week visiting friends in Lincoln. Bruco Brown transnetod business in Brady tho foro part of UiIb weok. Miss Francis Goldmnn, of Omaha, who was tho guest of her sister Mrs. JoRcph Stono, rutumod homo Wednesday. Attorney Gibbs transacted buainesain Ognlnlln tho foro part of thla week. Ucv. J. F, McAbeo spent the greator part of Inst weok with town fiicnds. Miaa Helen lloxio has returned from an extended visit in South America. Mrs. John Guyman left Wednesday morning for Sidney to visit rolntives. Jc(T Thompson and dnughter Nora, of Gurfield, aro visiting this week 'in town. Th County CommisBloners nro in sosslon this weok at tho Court House. Will Wilkins. of Gothenburg, camo up Tuesday to attend tho Field min strels. Holdon Nealo, of Staploton. spent tho foro part of this weok with Jocal friends. Undertaker W. It. Malonoy trans acted business in llershoy Tuubdny evening, , 5 I have been too' busy writing tornado and windstorm insurance to write ads about it, however, you know where to get the best and cheapest. C. F. Temple. I i7 -HT xY tSJi I h33xwrffr IhI Y - We have all kinds from the boys watch up to , the fine adjusted Rail Road Watch and at prices that are right. We also have expert workman to look after ; them. Let us show you. K " ; CLINTON, Jeweler and Optican. - ' We want your repair work. ' . Peter J. Johnson purchased lot 5, blk 43, Wednesday, from tho Bratt & Good man Co. Mrs. Louis Peterson loft Wednesday morning for Omahn to visic for a week or more. Mrs. Ralph Garmanwill ontertnin tho Nevita Club on Wednesday aftornoonof noxt week. Mrs. E. A. Cary entertained the members of tho P. E. 0. Wcdnesdny nftornoon. Mva. Alex Moston, of Scotts Bluffs, camo lust week to visit Mr. and Mrs. 0. E..Weil. Drtl Mario Ames has returned from Omaha where alio spont several days on business. Gasoline and oil stoves cleaned and re paired. ' Petor M. McGovern, phone U90. tf C. F. Stewart arrived hero yesterday from tho cast nnd will open u cement block factory, Mrs. Homer Hundley will leavo today for Des Moines to spend sovernl months with relatives. N Henry Mehlmnnn, of Wnllaco, spent the first of this week visiting his son Roy Mehlmnnn. 1 sell vacuum cleaners with or with out brush. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, Phono Red 101. 19-2 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Murphy haveJ 1UIUIUCU J.IUI1I Ul) CAlUIIUUU vian Willi relatives in Blinois. Mrs. N. McCabo and daughter Mario left Wednesday morning for Oinahp. to spond a week or longor. Misa Mnrgarot Waugh has accented a position in the alteration department of tho Block Tailoring Co. Ed Erb nnd Dr. Woldon, of Gothen burg, visited in town Tuesday and at tended the Fiold Ministrel. For Snlc Plymouth Rock eggs for sotting; 50 cents for setting, or $3.00 per 100. Albert Huspel, North Platto. A. E. Timmerman left Wednesday morning for Gothenburg to transact business for a couple of days. Miss Gladys McAboe. of St. Joe, who was the guest of Miss Sarah Kelly, left Wednesday morning tor Lowellen to visit friends. Mrs. J. T. Murphy and daughter Isa will leavo Sunday evening for Kansas City, nnd Excelsior Springs to spend several weeks. For Sale- 3 lawn mowers, tank pump, 2 musia stands nnd chairs. gaso lino stove, sewing table, small platform scale, household still, one Edison Stan dard phonograph, one toilet set, book chelves. E. A. Cauy, Phono red 230. The Luthetnn Brotherhood will meet next Mondny evening nt tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Surber. 420 So. Pine St. Mr. Snwera of tho Y. M. C. A. will bo present to present tho interests of his work. Rev. W. T. Kahse, of Mid land college, Atchison, Kansas, will also be njjuost of tho Brotherhood. . Tho presence of every member 1b desired, For Sale. Good kershon seed oats. Thorough bred Plymouth Cockerels and laying pullots. Win. Allbee, 1021 N Pine St. A social danco was hld at the K. P. hall Wednesday evening. Miss Elsie Johnson who has hcen teaching in Bnrtley camo yestorday to attend tho teachers' convention. Jnmes Howo, F. Woods and Horace McConnell of Wallace, wero visitors in town the foro part of tho weok. Work on the new Jefferson' school houso which will be erected in tho first ward, bogan Wednesday morning. Roscoe Zimmer, of Sidney, who spent n few days here on business this week, returned homo Wednesday morning. F. J. Fitzgerald and daughter, of Omaha, cam,o up Wednesday afternoon to visit M:. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton. Mrs. Walter Crook returned Wednes day from Gibbon where sho went last week to attend the funeral of n friend. Mrs. Joseph Weeks, of Grand Island, who visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwnrd Weeks this week, wont back yesterday morning. Hnil Insurance $2.00 for $1000 for 3 years. Merchant's Insuranco Agency. The Young Ladies' Bridge Club were pleasantly entertained last evening at tho homo of Miss Hannah Keliher who was assisted by Miss Alice Langford. Delicious refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Durbln nro ex pected today from Lincoln where they spent the forepart of this week visiting friends and attending the Yeoman Con clave. For Sale The Marti slaughter house nnd corrals located west of town. In quire of Fred Marti at meat market. E. A. Bockers has resigned his placo ns school director nt Bignell and will leavo shortly with Mrs. Bockers for California to spend several months for the latter'B health. W. H. Murray, a harness maker of Hershey, died Tuesday evening. The remaihs were shipped to Gibbon yester day. The deceased was sixty-one years of age nnd leaves a wife. Buy lots in Fairview Addition. Now is your chance. Do not delay. Desir able location and eaay payments. Phono Red 672. F. J. Dioner & Co. tf As usual tho liquor license question was an issuo in a half hundred or more towns in tho election last Tuesday. There were a few more changes from tho wot to the dry column than there wero from tho dry to the wet. The Lady Forrestors will serve a dinner at tho Masonic hall Saturday from 12 to 2. Following is tho menu: Roast beef nnd brown gravy, mashed potatoes, escalloped corn, pickles, jelly, olives, desert and coHce. Pricn2C cents. Two or three inches of the wettest kind of u wet snow fell Wednesday night which insures tho proper moisture in the ground for spring plowing and planting. Much of the snow molted as it foil and tho remainder disappeared yestorday, leaving a sen of water and mud. House Plans for Sale. Complete plans and specifications for houses including cottages and bunga lows for sale by Charles J. McNamnra. Phono Blnck 267. Local and Personal LaVerrte Elliott who has been ill for soveral days past is much better today. M. J. O'Connell who visited in Omaha for a. week past, returned Wednesday Mrs. Roy Banks who has been ill for several days is reported to be improv ing. Deputy Sheriff T. F. Watts trans acted business in Sutherland Wednes day. Homer Hall left a few days ago for Grand Islnnd where he intends to lo cate. Mrs. Floyd Jackson entertained the Lutheran Aid Society yesterday after noon. Mrs. Charles Bogue entertained the Christian Aid Society Yesterday after noon. H. E. Votaw, of Maywood, is spend ing n few days in town on business this woek. Misses Mayme McMichael and Irene vonTrot spont Wednesday in Sutherland. SWEET CREAM. Wo aro now handling Bunting's San itary sweet croam, in bottles, and guarantee every ounce to "whip". Price 20 cents per pint; 40 cent per quart. Can furnish large quantities any time. Try this and be convinced it is the best iniown. 10-10 E. T.Keliiieh. Emma M. Marquardt and Mrs. R. F. Davis of Brady, are spending this week in town. Mrs. G. G. Clansen was called to Lexington yesterday by the iilnes3 of her 'sister. v Mr8. Franlc Nugent, of Maxwell, came up yesterday morning to visit local friends. Mrs. Elizabeth Craigie left this morn ing for Paxton to yisit her daughter for a few days. Mrs. McKale returned Wednesday evening from a three weeks' stay in Ft. Scott, Kans. Mrs. Theodore Samuolson will leave this week for Gillette, Wyo., to spend a week or longer. . A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Falkner of the fourth ward Wed nesday afternoon. i Mrs. Robert Lannin and daughter wont to Brule ypsterday to visit rela tives for some timo. The Nebraska Central Building & Loan Association of Lincoln, Nebr. The Association doing a larger loan business than any Building & Loan Association in the state. Will loan you money to build or im prove your property with. C. F. Temple, District Agent. KEITH THEATRE Friday, April 11th Messrs. Shubert and William A. Brady announce the play your friends have been telling you to see. BY GRAHAM MOFFAT Two years in London, Two years in New York, One year in Chicago. Success Everywhere. Prices 75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 Order Seats Now Before its to late. wniMgWBWwmnnim ngagBCTMBraMiamngagyaa il ---?- rsfitlvffusy!)Krsaftmt V - - ar sypWwr'-f1 -UJtwtiwtMii. ' UtU "''WtaiMHMt'--jlgTO"Vwyiiwwa iTHIWBf wwnmu "Wi .-fc.-.'- feaMrtdMBiAHiattff11iirwiiWli