The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 04, 1913, Image 1

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    Halo LaUtLUl EtdMf
rajHP 41
No. 20
M '"J
Local and Personal
Mrs. Irene nnd Mario Stuart roturnod
from a short visit in Omaha.
Miss Helen MinBhall is assisting dur
ing the opening week in the Block
Robert Sailor, of Elm Creek, came
up yesterday to visit his mother Mrs.
B. F. Sailor.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Welsh, of
tho fourth ward Wednesday a baby
Phil Pizer, of Ogalalla, who visited
Julius Pizer and family thjs week left
yesterday for Omaha.
Christian Science service at K. P. hall
Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject "Unreal
ity." Sunday school at 12 m.
Jnmes Hart, Joseph Schwaiger and
party left yesterday afternoon for
Sutherland on a hunting trip.
Mrs. P. A. Norton will leave today
for Omaha to spend a week: or longer
with friends and view the tornado
I have the Domestic Vacuum cleaners
for sale and rent. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell.
Phone Red 104. 19-2
Amundus Kunkle, living southwest of
town, returned yesterday from a visit
at hisformer home in Pennsylvania, a
trip which he makes about once in two
Gus Gunderson, living south ht Her
shey, had a horse fall with him Wednes
day nnd he suffered a fractured leg.
Dr. McCabo was called to reduce the
Al Tift loaves next week for Savan
nah. 111., with his grading outfit to work
on the St. Paul double-tracking, He
will take seventy head of horsts and
mules and several cars of graders,
wagons and other equipment.
Ladies! Did you see tho new suits and
coats at tho new store? They are
beauties and very reasonable. Block's
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will
hold a 25 cent suppor at the parish
honse April 17th. Will also have a
sale of fancy work, including sun
bonnets, aprons, dust capjj and other
fancy articles.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith have re
turned from Sterling, with a car of fur
niture to bo usd in the Hinman house,
which was to have been opened April
1st, but owing to weather conditions
the work on the building could not be
I write every known kind of insurance
(except life) and represent only the
best of companies in their respective
linos. C. F. TfiMPLE.
Jacob Willt. advance representative
for "Bunty Pulls tho Strings" spent
Tuesday in town on his wav east from
the Pacific coast, where tho company
has been playing to capacity houses. The
play will be presented at the Keith
Friday evening of next week.
Every person who attended the open
ing at Block's concecded this store a
pride to North Plntte.
The Field ministrels played to a cft.
pacity house at tho Koiih Tuay
evening and presented to tho audience
a program that fully sustained tbecnm.
pany's reputation as fun makers. now
scenery, jokes and songs were intro.
duced, and the show as a whole was
even better than last year.
Inm agent for Ladies' Home Journal,
Saturday Evening Post, Country Gcntle
mnn nnd other good magazines. Mrs.
V. Mitchell, Phone Red 10 1. 19-2
The Indian Card Club wero tho euests
of Mrs. Charlei Weir Wednesday af tor
noon. In the card gnmes Mrs. Thomas
Healev was awarded the silver fork and
Mrs. E. J. Van Derhoof the consolation
emblem. Refreshments were served.
Assisting in serving wore Mosdames J.
F. Clabaugh and D. T. Quigloy.
Ve are paying lie a pound for hen3
at tho North Platte Produce Co. 20-2
The Block ladies' outfitting shop was
formerly opened yestorday afternoon,
,nnd although the weather was some
what disagreeable there was a large at
tendance of ladies, each of whom re
ceived a carnation. Mnny favorable ex
pressions wero heard of this new store
and the extensive line of goods carried.
Mnny sales were mado during the
Twenty per cent discount on all
trimmed hats Saturday at the Parlor
Millinery. 300 East 3rd street. Mrs.
Edward Burke.
Teachers in Convention.
Tho annual convention of tho West
Central Nebraska Teachers' Associa
tion is now in session in this city with
a large attendance bf teachers from a
number of the surrounding counties.
Quite n dumber of the teachers arrived
yesterday, but the greater number
came in on this morning's trains.
Tho initial session of tho convention
was held at the Presbyterian church
last evening, the program consisting of
an address on "Horcdity and Environ
ment" by Dr. C. A. Fullmer, chancel
lor of the Weslegan University, and a
talk bp Dr. Thomas, president of the
Kearney stato normal. Pipe organ
numbers were rendered by Mrs. E. A.
This forenoon at tho high school as
sembly room Chancellor Fulmar ad
dressed the convention, his subject
being "The Teacher and tho Commun
ity." Stato Supt. Delzell also gave an
This afternoon the convention is
divided into four sections, Miss Cora
O'Connell, of Kearney, presiding over
tho high school section, Miss Smith, of
this city, in charge of the grade sec
tion, Miss Lowo, of Kearney, the pri
mary section, and tho rural section in
charge of Miss Patterson of the state
agricultural school. In these sections
the various phases of school work will
be considered. These sections will be
continued at both tho forenoon and
aftornoon sessions tomorrow.
This evening at 5:30 a banquot will
be served to tho teachers at the Ma
sonic hall, which will include toasts and
music. At the Keith theatre at 8 o'clock
this evening, Dr. Greenwood, superin
tendent of the Kansas City schools will
make an address. Preceding this address
the girls' gleo club will render several
The annual declamatory contest of
the West-Central association will be
held at tho Keith tomorrow evening.
Representatives of ten schools in the
district will enter the contest, and the
winners in the three classes will repre
sent the district in the state contest.
To Members of Fire Dept.
A special meeting of the fire depart
ment will bo held at the Fourth ward
hose house Monday ovening, April 7th,
at which time a chiof, secretary and
treasurer will be elected. Every mem
ber will please be in attendance.
Ciias. Sandall, Chief.
Rev. Favoright nccompained by his
family left this week for Pawnee City,
Neb., where he will accept the past
orate of tho Baptist Church. He con
cluded his pastorate here last Sunday,
and his last oflicial act was to baptize
two persons and give the Church hand
of fellowship to seven persons. "Twelve
people have so far been baptized in the
new baptistry.
Ladies! Don't forget thnt Block's
arc open and ready for business, be
sure to come and get your share of the
opening specials.
The new do luxo coast train seems to
be mebting with that class of travelers
who are always willing to pay for first
class service. The passenger list Wed
nesday numbered forty-five and yester
day the number was forty.
Word was received in tho city, the
first of this week by relatives, of the
death of Mrs. Bella Wafer formerly of
this city who of Into had been a resi
dent of Magnolia.
Block's opened up with the beBt
ready to wear line in Western Neb ,
call and exumino the line you, are more
than welcome.
Weather forecast: Fair and warmer
tonight nnd Saturday. Maximum tem
peraiure vestouky 37; a year ago 75.
Minimum last night 2.1; a year ago 38.
Mrs. Charles Lierk and daughter
Hazel left last evening for Omaha
where they will visit friends for a
Floyd Richeson, who spent the past
Week in Oinuha and Lincoln, returned
homo this morning,
Mrs. F, W Herminghauson wont to
Hershoy this morning to spend a couple
of clays. v
Claude Wilson returned this morning
from a syort visit in Omaha and Lir.
e in.
For Sale.
Our "For Sale" list is full of bar
gains in nice homes, good lots close in,
farms, hay and other land.
Bratt & Goodman.
Stability, Efficiency and Service
1 llitvo licvii tho factors
In tho growth oT tho
First National Bank,
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Appoints Frazicr CJiief.
To the Public: John Frazier has bcon
tendered the appointment of Chief of
Police, has accepted same, and his name
will bo submitted by mo to the council
for approval. His, service as council-!
man has given him opportunity to bo
come familiar with tho general condi- J
tion or the city, nnu witn its laws ami
regulations, and his material and public
spirited interest in the city's wellfaro
should dictato to him an efficient and
broad-minded police policy.
Anticipating his confirmation, ho has
been commissioned to select his assis
tant on the force, who will be undor
his direction and from whom ho will bo
expected to got good service.
It is my intention to make Mr.
Frazier chief, vested with full discre
tionary powers to enable him the most
satisfactorily to perform the duties of
that important office.
E. H. Evans.
The Mutual Building & Loan Associa
tion Reduces Interest Rates.
The reduction of interest rates made
by this association March 1st, will re
sult in a saving to borrowers, so that on
a new loan of $1000.00, it will require
the payment of $G8.00!oss money to pay
a loan of $1000.00 in this association
than it will in any competing associa
tion; the borrower in each case paying
the required minimum payments. This
is due to the fact that this association
makes a lower interest rate and pays a
bigger dividend than any competing as
sociation. Thos. C. Pattekson, President,
Samuel Goozee, Secretary.
Wanted to Buy A Car Load of
Potatoes for the Omaha Sufferers.
The ways and means committee ap
pointed by the Chamber of Commerce
to secure Omaha relief, desires to buy
a carload of potatoes and will pay mar
ket prices for same delivered in North
Platte. Those having potntoes for sale
will notify H. L. Greoson, chnirman,
and make arrangements to deliver tho
potntoes on Thursday and Friday, April
10th and 11th, 1913. Weigh your po
tatoes over Jos. Hershey's scales.
There will bo parties there to receive
and pay you for your potatoes. By ordor
of the ommittee.
M. E. CuosnY, Secy, ana Trens.
Ministerial Association Next Week.
Wednesday and Thursday, April 9th
and 10th, will be days of great interest
at tho M. E. Church. Ministers of the
North Platto district will hold their
conference here at that time. A good
live program is arranged to which all
aro invited. Wednesday evening,
April 9th, Bishop Bristol will lecture.
No person can nfford to miss hearing
this eloquent speaker. Thursday even
ing Dr. Hammond of Kearney will do
liver the address of the hour. These
services are free to all and the public
will find a coidial wolcome.
B. A. Cram.
Twenty per cent discount on all
trimmed hats, Saturday, at the Parlor
Millinery. 300 East 3rd street, Mrs.
Edward Burke.
Stallion For Sale.
At Hershey's Hardware Store.
Cor. 5th and Locust. Phone 15.
Gotch retained his title ns champ
ion wrestler of the world Tuesday mgnt
at Kansas City by defeating Lurich,
the Russian, in two straight falls. He
securod the first fall in eightoen min
utes and ten seconds und the second in
five minutes and thirty-five seconds.
Tho first fall was secured by a toe hold
and arm lock und the second with n
head chancery and bar arm.
Miss Alice Oman, of Spannuth,' ai
rived this morning to visit Mr. and Mrs.
John Jones and attend tho Educational
The D. of II. social club will meet
Tuesday aftornoon with Mrs. Martha
Platte Valley State Bank
The Platte Valley State Bank occupied its new home on March 31st
and the Officers and Directors have set aside April 5th as a fitting: occasion of
friendly" meeting; with the people of North Platte and vicinity and extend a
cordial invitation to you and your friends to call and inspect the banking; rooms,
modern banking; facilities, vaults and other conveniences.
Ever since the organization of this bank in the summer of 191 1, the aims
and efforts of officers and directors have been to render the people of North
Platte and Lincoln county every service within their power.
In doing- this they have built up an ideal organization and an unsurpassed
banking; service. The banks deposit have more than doubled during; the past
The Platte Valley State Bank is one of Nebraska's most Progressive
banks, its new home compares favorably with any banking rooms in Western
Nebraska. Tts business has grown continuously and steadily, .reflecting the pro
gress and thrift of the community.
The Officers and Directors will be pleased to meet you at the bank at
, t
, 1
all times, but express the hope that you will call on the 5th of April on our
v "" ' '
opening-day.. ' . ,.,- '"
Music from 7:000 10:00 p. m. by Stamp's Orchestra.-"
' i
F. C. PIELSTICKER, President.
J. W. PAYNE, Vice President.
M.E.SCOTT, Cashier.
L. E. MEHLMANN, Ass't. Cash.
ing local I
Delnney came down from
early In tho veok and is vlsit
ricin s.
To - Night
and Saturday.
The Lost Dispatch.
2 Reels.
Catching The Big Sneeze.
New Vaudeville.
10c and ISc
Doctors Ames & Ames, :
$ Physicians and Surgeons, (j
; Office over Stone Drug Co.
0 Phones i'Omce273
6 i'"nes f Re8i(onco 073
Hw - i'$IHm IMS-
1 "
Mrs. William EiirIo of FtMcPhoron
who was tho Kuest of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ginn loft yesterday for Tucson,
Ariz,, to Bpund several weeks.
Reed Smith of Omaha arrived hero u
few days uro to viiit his parents Mr.
und Mrs. George Smith nnd mndo some
electric repairs for the Union Pacific.
M. E. Church.
Sundny school !):! a. m., prenching
11 a. in. Subject "Pray or," Junior
lcaRUo 2:30 p. in., Epworth league 6:15
p. in., preaching 8 p. m. subject "The
Giant.' All ere welcomed to those services.
Cough Medicine for Children.
Too much core cannot ho usod in
(electing a cough medicine for children.
It should bo pleasant to take, contain
no harmful substance nnd bo most eff
ectual. Chnmbiarlnin'a cough remedy
meets these requirements and is n fav
orite with tho mothors of young child
ren every whore. Kor sale by all dealers.
For Sale.
Tho southeast quarter of section C-l-31
nnd the BJ SWJ of SWi, 130 acres,
in Section 2-13-31; $30 per ncre, onu
tliird cash, terms to suit on balanco,
six per cent interest.
Also Block 3, South Park addition to
North Platte. Price ?1G00 one-half
cash. Address,
II. E. Nichols. Sterling, Colo.
To Loan on improved farms at low rale
of interest with privilege of partial
& Patterson!'7
"Weehim Sprunt" a character in
"Bunty Pulls The Strings. Koith
Theatre, Friday April 11.
Second Hand Auto Bargains.
To make room for new cars coining we will make low prices
on a few good secondhand cars.
2 cylinder 24 H. P. Jackson five passenger touring car $200
4 cylinder 22i II. P. Buick planetary transmission 390
Same kind of a car as above, like new. fully equipped. . . 050
2 cylinder Rco live passenger touring car 200
4 cylinder 35 II. P. Buick five pussenger touring car 400
20,000 votea on the Buick 25 given away by the Telegraph
goes free with each car. All of these cars aro in first class Tun
ing order and not in need of any repairs.
J. S. Davis Anito Co.