The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 01, 1913, Image 7
-I : M V. j . K r, ; . VvM. i. V . "Healthy Baby is Precious Blessing To Make It Healthy and Keep it HealthyUse a JRe liable Baby Laxative In splto of tho greatest personal caroand the most Intelligent attention to diet, babies and children will become- constipated, and It Is n fact that constipation and Indigestion havo wrecked many a young life. To start with a good dlgcBtivo apparatus 1b to tart Hfo without handicap. But as wo cannot all havo perfect working bowels wo must do tho next bost thing and acquire them, or train them to becomo healthy. This can bo dono by tho use of a laxatlvc-tonio rery highly recommended by a great many mothers. The remedy Is called Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and has been on tho market for two genera tions. It can bo bought conveniently at any drug storo for fifty cents or ono dollar a bottle, and those who are already convinced of Its merits buy tho dollar size. Its mildness makes It tho Ideal modi lclno for children, and it Is also very pleasant to tho taste. It Is sure In Its effect and genuinely harmless. Very littlo of It Is required and its frequent use docs not causo it to loso Its effect, as is tho case vlth so many other remedies. Thousands can testify to its merits In constipation, Indigestion, bilious ness, sick headaches, eto, among them reliable people liko Mrs. M. Johnson, 762 Dayton St., Kenbsha, Wis. Sho is the mother of littlo Dorothy Johnson who was always In delicate health un til her mother gvo her Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. Mrs. Johnson says: Make the and Eager CIId htm before jou put him t the tertni work. Take off hit winter oot thai bolda tho wet LMKl W'H T3. wemt.ndtllrt. feed, look better. tereerilce merer Jha Stewart Ball Bearing j Vy 1 1 ff 4 Vllclk? M H the machine that cioeer ana stare rjar. fleara enAIOMil. iM W TT - V. ucui KmiiDMDira uui mi rram aniii aiA. man speed KASY ACTIOl i-, mm inciiuu. iitufl if nrt ajm .lA M. ..M... I1..1 .T........ i-u;auo it. liaini nexiuiaanawt ana DiawaneioEie leneion Glippini neaa. ,FTXIIH,M8UAI'-r n.ii. on. gt... ChKwiro. III, Co iy L. DOUGLA sa.oo S3.50 $4iOo AND $R-oo SHOES FORMENAND.WOMEN BEST BOYS SHOES In tht WORLD $2.00. ?3.50 and S3.00. The largest maker of Men' $3.50 and $4.00 hoes in the world. A lit yonr dealer to show IV. I- Vntielaa S3.60. S4.00 Duanoee. wustnan-ooa asm ainiKAcWr-n 33ua Vt & TJIOb. KW liw Vy rfcAal " 601 HW V247 flt and wear oa other luakpa coallnir Rfi.OO tn R1 on iuo iiuiy iiiiierenrn la ii'uiuera, iiyica una T .nH j.n..f.l I.U 17 a& jwu vuuiu viui m iuu-ia large lacto rlea at Brockton. Maaa.. and aeo for vouranlf hnvr carefully AV. J.. you would then underatand wliy they arotrarrauted to fit better, look better, hold their almnn and wi winger man any tuner II w. 1. ltoDgme enoee are not wi'cv irwm me iiinorj onu tuvB iu. c.n 1 wiriiitrci u. hul llntt nn..nA.s v?-2s5bv DKW&S;i6'st TAKE NO aSBS?' 8UB8TITUTE t'litnloK. Jt will ehow yon how to order br mall, and why yon can ut money on your footwear. V. T.. IIOVOI.AH - II rock ton, Mnsa. BawaBHBHaiaaaaaBaanBaaajaaBa THE BEST TAILORED COATS ON THE MARKET "CHIEF BRAND" mW- made from cloths treated by the famous PRIESTLEY "CRAVENETTE" PROOF They are the test rain, snow and wind-proof cloth coats made "others are not as good" OONTAIfy NO RUBBER THOROUGHLY RAINPROOF 42ft. fiM L THIS TltAIin-MAIlK IS STAMrED ON INSIDE TtUtt"W NONE GENUINE WITHOUT BOTH For sale by dealers Made by INTER-STATE RUBBER CO., S. T. LINDSEY, President OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Vfciiikswl UHalKc4efcifiLHIH J. OCXS ALSWORTH KCSETAKT AND UEAD HOG SALESMAN CHICKS D!E skatchewan Your Opporfunliy is NOW In the Provlnoo of Saskatchewan. mm Weatern Canada Do you desire to get a 8" " iuuivICBUUt iUM ACK11S of that well . known . Wnrat .Landl 1 lie arra Is hoc omlng more llroltod tltlt. tr lata v.ln.kl. 1S1SW IIIOTRTCTS seUlrzncnt, nd Into tbne rnU rOadA afrt nuti hAtmr hnllt fl'h Cut will coon coma when thara arlll k.. . tend Eft! nonJe8t,ttdla A BwIXt Current, Susatchewan. farmer wriwsi "1 rue on my ll.OU) worth of horses and machin ery, and Just 133 In cash. Qtodsr I tmToliOQ acres of wheat, 800 acres of oats, and 60 acres of flax." Not stance of what may be done In Western Canada fn Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Maps, Balliray lUtes, etc., to W. V. nPMMPTT Boo Building, Omaha, Neb. 83 uiranaa uorernment Agent. r c T- uuiiiiiuifliiuiinL or .'. wati.aHauu, UII4HS, WHY INCUBATOR High grade proposition for ambitious salea reen; sip. unnecessary. Free Instruct. Water Valley bupply Co.. St. Jk, Lincoln. Nebraska, jjwSf- -tW IMNt- tshW mftD t&JlL fiess.. 'SvJ , il S$ ' '- s-ttrwrsa.". h l-it S& ittSHWWSfiV .&. -O. "' ': ry j ' 5&V -: &WVk&&:&.l Dorothy Johnson. "I never saw such rapid Improvement In tho health of anyone. Syrup Pep sin Is a wonderful remedy and I shall never bo without It again." Thousands keep Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Popsln con stantly In tho house, for orery mem ber of tho family can uso It from In Infancy to old age. Tho users of Syrup Pepsin havo learned to avoid cathar tics, salts, mlnoral waters, pills and other harsh remedies for they do but temporary good and aro a shock tc any dellcnto system. If no member of your family has over UBed Syrup Pepsin, and you would liko to mako a personal trial of it bo fore buying It in tho regular way of a druggist, send your address a postnl will do to Dr. W. B. Caldwoll, 203 Washington Street, Montlcello, III., and a freo samples bottlo will bo mailed you. Horse Glad for Work PRICE $7S9 Cel one Irom your dotlcr ind rtmsn- torttsrv Niohins It (Ur 1U1I let more good from hie Ret mora looarrom on Iter ana tire oa bet- better and lire wj, 3nt bur aar bat w-.Ol.i- -w- . :cv- ' JB. ' P- Jmi uiippine Macrons tnrneeaeler. cllpefaaterand cmriBleiJ. eaarp longer tnan any oiner. Ctblei -a ..- ' nrntavtAil nrt mn In nil IVK Wl new B1710, IUMJ ran1 too and lnttvlo. me price, blioea In all iinno to cnit everybody. T T. . "- . T Uouclaa alines are iiuiIa inane lor tile price. ror isle In ronr Tldnlty. order htb ino raiuuieman pront. .iia i.imiT. u .11 iinrfB nv . 1 m m. ' -.M' CAUTION Bee that DousUt name It Blampeil fm ino ooiiom. THIS SILK LABEL IS SEWED AT THE COLL All in clothinc ?l KW Mffc, S4'VMtNS "V MV w t-: ..-WTL4 m ,tw xT.itt:rk I !M3Jv r I W$m a V7 WW Maifi&fl VtsffEcwKerf Aft iCZJSrm xi- a yrtijurw 1111 C f? W0 m tn'i xK5JAJ XT11 jKTIil PaiS itT9tt'XjSaW'iV ir'Ttfer r-'JF !- tBSr:?s 1 Wff Vywoirtirt r!lfS tVrjlTtalnaa mWj&T .rif"iiflivri 2S(" y irtyv. nviiir Great Western Commission Go. One of the largest and best equipped live stock commission firms at ANY market EACH department HIGHLY specialized. FOUR cattle salesmen in two splendidly located divisions., Special care and attention given to buying of STOCKERS and FEEDERS. TWO hog sales men and a fully equipped sheep department If you wish to buy or sell any kind of live stock write or wire them. Thpy Will Do Bight South Omaha or Denver Write for book sarins young chicks. Bend in names of 7 friends ttiat use (ncubatorn nml Ret book free. Ualsall Remedy Co., UlacWwell,OkU. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nino times In ten when the liver la right the stomach and bowels are right LAKlfcK'5 LITTLE LIVER PILLS centlvbutfirmlv pel a lazy liver to do its duty. Cures Con stipation, In digestion, Sick Ht-fldntfiA.' and Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature WC DRnmiRP sell, bny patents on prarilcal nC rnUbUnC Inrenilons. Unique teuiums. lllirhost bank lererences. Write for KKKK HOOK. J. F. 1IAHNIIII.I. CO., Inc., Huntlnd I'atent bullcltora, Harpon llallilluif, CIiIcuro, ILL UNCI.K 8AM needs Stenographers. I will leach you by mail. Instruction based upon my It years ezperloncs as government sten ographer and court reporter, Write today. Harold Gibson. 1010 I'aseo. Kansas City, Mo. Sett Cosgh lyrap. Twtes Oeod. Ue ViX la Urns. Bold by Draulttt. Kl COm-a(I.......Bi9 V - JKKrJErctic jmmiW wittle .aSBCaUi.. mixi-u 1W JtjETVc. i ifjaifea I I Wins by Pen; Voice Loses; Refused a License I JpVJ't'R HR "'' vl fOU SE NEW YOJ.K. Harry Segal of 107 i pearod tho Hocond tlmo ns "frlcksen.". East 116th street Is living proof , Circulation ho spoiled "corkoolson." of the accepted theory that most mon Segal explnlned thnt his answers who wield a facile pen do not express ' to questions woro based on his road their vIqwb so well orally and thnt Ing books on tho Bubiect. An oxnm- tho extomporaneoua speaker Is not , always a literary success. Segal is a plumber, and ho did well In tho written examination beforo tho examining board of plumbers for hla certificate of competency. Hut thoro wero Beven other candidates who did exactly as well ns Sogal; In fnct, In tho Bnmo language, which caused tho ooara 10 .investigate. Tho result was that they and the commissioners of accounts, who took pnrt In the inves tigation, believed fraud had been por petrated by the eight whoso nnBwers to tho questions woro the same. It was decided that cither some one had Impersonated Segal or else he had a list of the questions asked him beforo the examination. Tho certifi AAAAAMAIVVAVtfVVVVVSwVVtAVSVVVW-t Mare Tries Suicide; Fire CLEVELAND, O. A small, black, untamed mare, fresh , from tho wilds of Arkansas, Jumped In the river across from tho llfc-savlng station aft- i er being unloaded from a box car nt tho foot of V. 9th street early tho other morning. In effecting the horse's rescue tho flretug Clevelander struck a log which stovo In a hole about n foot squaro on tho starboard side llelow tho wa ter line, and the boat nenrly sank beforo It could bo tied up In a shal low spot In the Sycamore slip, Hugh O'Nell, to whom tho consign ment of wild horses was mado, rccolv ed a kick In tho stomach when he, to gether with Captain James Nlmmo, of tho Clevelander, three of his crew and Captain Hnnsen of tho llfesnvlrig crow, attempted to lead the uhlmal over tho concrete plere to shoro. When relensed from tho car tho ani mal broke away from the others and ran through the railroad yards, out past tho freight houses on tho river front to a point near, the customs ofllco and opposite the Hfo saving sta tlon. Hesitating only a moment, sho Jumped to the Ice and skated about ten or flfteon minutes, apparently en joying the experience. Tho marc's unfamllfarlty with so large an ex -- Brave Bulldog Captures CHICAGO. A dog tho other night captured a youth supposed to be a momber of a band of snfeblowers and held him until tho pollco arrived to take him into custody. While only a volunteer aid to the overworked pollco department, tho bulldog took hold of things when they got beyond tho grasp of Detec tive SergenntB Mullin and Durns. So careful was he that his prisoner sliould not escape that It required all tho persuasive power of tho two po llcomen, two other mombers of the band to which the youth Is supposed to belong and the prisoner himself to effect his transfer to tho arms of the law. Then n weak spot In tho thlng3 the dog took hold of when they got beyond the grasp of tho detectives Bees Brimming With PITTSBURG, Pa. There Is a grocer in tho East End who knows tho answer to the question, "How doth the little busy bee?" What ho doesn't know Is Just what to do when the bees get busy. The Industrious littlo critters own ono complete window section of Ills store, Thoy aro feeding on his sugar, sampling his enndy profiting by his figs and mixing up his dates; and now they are about ready to startahlvo. It all began when an eastern llrm mado arrangements with the grocer to give a demonstration of the making of honey. With a protty girl and a bunch of Industrious bees the demonstration was bound to be a success. Tho girl arrived, and she was ac cording to specifications. The, bees ar rived, by parcel post, and everything was ready for the big advertising stunt. Then Fate butted In and broko the cute little glass house the bees In habited. Instantly the honeymakers started out on a foraging expedition. Thoro waB nothing in the store they didn't sample. kmcrfTMfK cato granted to Sognl was revoked. Cegal was called on when tho board flrBt became suspicious to repeat oral ly Bomo of tho things ho wroto In hla llrst oxnmlnatlon. PI rat ho was nsked about certain words that appeared on his oxnmlnatlon paper. Diameter ap peared ns "dlamotar" In tho original examination, nnd on tho oral try So gal spollod It "dcamcto." Friction, which ho got right tho first tlmo, np- Inor of tho examining board of plumb ers lookod over tho books, .but could find nothing that Yolatod to tho sub ject on which Segal was examined. Hero nro some of tho questions put to Segal by tho commissioners of ac counts and his answers. "What Is tho action of n suction pump?" It is known as a pump that takes water from tho cellar to tho tor ftoor." "What. Is a recoptaclo?" ' "It Is like a recoptlc." "What does Impodo mean?" "Impedes is a. thing like I can't re member." "What Ib a pump?" "I don't rotnombor." . Tug Has Narrow Escape panse of lco proved her undoing. Sho got near tho edge and it broke, throwing her Into tho water. Tho men on Bhoro called for tho flretug, which steamed down tho river and broko a channel through tholco, from tho horso to a concrete runway leading up to tho Hfo saving station. For nn hour nnd llfteen minutes sho swain about In the cold water, resting her noso on enkos of lco when tired. Considering that It wns prob ably her first swimming lesson, ond that under untoward conditions, sho proved herself an Annetto Kollorman among horsos. Sho displayed an unreasonable do sire to swim In tho general direc tion of Canada. Having opened up a channel the crew of tho tug lnssoed hor and towed her acrosn. Sho walk ed up the runway and shook herself, seemingly grateful for bolng snved. i i-i- --V-j-v-rf--v--J-JUUTf-f a Supposed Safe Blower was largoly responsible for tho trans fer. Tho dog kept tho weak spot. Tho detectives arrested throe young men, Michael Mem, 18 yenrs old; Josoph MIsBlna, 22 years; old, and William Plsnno, 18 years old, at 18th and Stato streets. They started toward tho loop with them on a State street car. At ICth street Plsano leap ed from tho car and ran toward tho lake. Forcing tholr other two cap tives ahead of them, tho dotectlvos followed, but Plsano. unhampered, easily outdistanced them and disap peared In a yard at ICth street and tho Illinois Central tracks. It was hero that tho dog became Interested. He resented Plsnno's In trusion upon his undivided occupancy" .of the yard, but onco ho grnspod things beyond tho ofllcors, ho hold on, PIsano's cries nttracted tho panting minions of tho law nnd tho struggle for IiIb transfer began. Mullin and I3urnsi failed to Jonrn the address of tho ownor of tho dog. They did not havo tlmo. Ho trans forrod his dlsllko when ho was forced to transfer his prisoner, and took no troublo to'conceul that fact. Energy Give Grocer Worry ..- J, oyvs.-H y. ,ji '&. t&tokJBk "Shut tho door! Shut tho door" cried the demonstrator, "or they'll get out." "All right, honoy," replied a grocery clerk, forgetting himself In his ex citement. Dut tho stout woman customer waxed hot when she was urged to "shoo" them. "I'd rather slipper 'era," sho declared, Dut everybody elso "shooed," and by and by tho bees woro corralled In tho window section and tho section door shut. Tho perplexed demonstrator wired east for Instructions. In tho mean time the bees held tho fort "Stung!" says the grocer. Purely Accidental. "Hnd nny accident on this lately?" asked tho travolor. road "Yop," replied tho man who hangs around tho stntion. "Thrco trains camo In on tlmo last week." Many a girl with brains enough for two equalizes things by marrying a man without any. nt.Ks cimtcti in a to i iayh TnnnlruiiKlst nill rmund money It VAYV UtNT IKNT (alls to cure any rare of llchlntf, llllnd. Ulrrdlnic or t'rulrudlnit nlcalnClolldays too. Untold agony Is what a womnn suf fers from tight shoes. Unoudcvncfc Have Been Restored to Health By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. There is no doubt about this fact. Why I during the last 30 years we have published in the newspapers of this country volumes of letters from women who have been re lieved of all their suffering by the timely aid of this grand old medicine. Letters like the following, true, genuine and honest expressions of gratitude coming from grateful hearts. Surely you can believe these women. Mrs. L. S. BRENNER, Hudson, Mich., Bays: , " Somotlmo ago I was taken with a terrible pain lu my rlftht aide, bucIj charp pains Just lllto a knlfo sticking me. I tried hot applications but thai did no pood. I went to our family doctor (wo wero living In Fayette, Ohio, nt that time) and ho said It was omanlo Inilnmmatton. I doctored with him a whlld but kept getting worBo. Tho pain was bo tcrrlblo I could hardly . Btand on my feet. I would havo that sharp pain In my right side, and a dull heavy pain tho wholo length of my limb. 1 realized that something had to bo done quickly, so I looked up nil of your advertisements I could Ond, nnd saw bevcral that desorlbod my case. I gob a bottlo of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound nnd it helped mo from tho first dose, and when 1 had taken two bottleB my troublo was tfono. Your medlclno has 'flone so much for mo that I am willing you should publish this letter for thts sake of other suffering women." Mrs. L. S. Biiknxbi., UuQson, Michigan. . Mrs. L. E. BOWERS, Girard, Pa., says: 'I takeplcasuro in informing you of what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable) Compound hns dono for mo. I had n sick spoil last February, and for come months after that I was not regular and had many bad feelings. I wns tired all tho tlmo, had dull headaches, not much nppotlto, and also what tho doctor called organic inflammation. Your Vegetable Compound has entirely cured mo and I feel thnt too much cannot bo suld In its prnlso as I am now ablo to do my own work. You aro perfectly wolcorao to us my testimonial for tho boucflt of others." Mrs. L. E. Uowkus, R.F.D. No, 1 , Girard, Pa. Mrs. ELIZABETH OENTILCORE, Buffalo, N.Y.,says: "I feel that I must Wrlto to you about your wondorful remedies. Abouto ten years ago I was troubled with female weakness and was all run down. I was tired all tho timo nnd could hardly walk without feeling dizzy. I heard about Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound, took it, and nlso used tho Sanative Wash. I got stronger, and havo not had thoso dizzy spells Blncc. I feel that I owo my health to you, nnd hopo your remedies will help others as they have mo. I tried most ovurythlng I heard of, and yours are the best mcdlolncs for women's ailments." Mrs. Euzað. Qes tixcoue, 20 Glor Btrcct, Buffalo, Now York. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vofrotablo Compound lias bcontho standard remedy for fo malo ills. No ono side with woman's ailments does justico to herself If sho doos not try this fa mous modtcina mado from roots nnd herbs, it lias restored bo many suffering womontohenlth. nBtoWrlto to LYJ)I A E-riNKIIAM MEDICINE CO. 5WV (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for ndvlco. Your letter will ho opened, read and answered hy a woman and held in strlet confidence. Biscuits Jtk To suit every occasion H every taste. All full- iSH flavored, crisp, deli- v-"""""wv5IB cious. Try them XGk"z tVB at our expense. jSmm, jjtW :&Atw'am VV9I I JFlMWmW I I AiffiJiMf 1 4mmEmMm?y 1 M We offer you a FREE "Surprise Box" of assorted Sunshine Biscuits six varieties to test. That's be cause we know how tempting they are and know we can prove their goodness if you will only try them. fboBEtLES Biscuit (mpanT Bakmrt of SuntMnm BUcuiti P FOLEY'S coMPouNirV STOPS COUGHS - CURES COLDS Contains No Opiates Is 3fs For Chllcfrsn . PAftkafck1 m HAIR BALSAM Clssnere sad beautifies Ua hit, l'ronwtej a IQinrUnt growth. Merer Falls to itsstors oru jiair to its Trraturul uoio. PrsTenta hair falllnr. son. em t f t I'mirrl'tt, W. N. U,, OMAHA, NO. 13-1913. , W77UZ0V TSKAVflruu&ir"' Takhoma Biscuits aro crisp, flaky soda crackers mado handy for eating, at 5 cents the air-tight package at grocer's. But try them FREE. It's "Our Treat." Mail the coupon. j Send this Coupon " L00SE-WILES BISCUIT CO. Omaha, Neb. 1 J ricaso tend me, FREE, my J Sunshine "Surpriie Dox" of u ! sorted Sunshine BUcuiti, Name. S Address. 1 Grocer's Name. Addr