The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 01, 1913, Image 5

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l.J I I' f I
For Pretty Wedding Gifts
PHERE are so many clever uses for pretty Cut
JL Glass, besides its radiant beauty when not
in use, that for Gift purposes it can hardly
be excelled. A choice piece of Glassware will
find'a welcome in any home.
Cut Glass at Popular Prices
t quite a difference in Cut Glass; much of it
is tnly ordinary. Compare the color and the brilliancy of
the glass vvo arc showing with the reasonable prices
we are asking and you will admit that the values are
the best to be had anywhere.
If you have a Wedding, Anniversary, or Birthday Gift
to buy, vre invito you to inspect this line for the tuggei
Uon it will offer. No obligation it incurred by "looking."
"The Very Best Values are Found Here"
DIXON, The Jewejer.
U.'P. Watch Inspector.
- .4 . '
m e
2 Graduate Rcnlisf. I
2 Office over the McDonald
e State Bank. o
e e
Local and Personal.
The "Country Minister" will appear
at the Keith on April 21st.
Goorge Smith and son went to Omaha
the latter part ot last weeK to spend a
few days.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Singer,
of Broadwater, Saturday attho P. & S.
hospital, a boy.
i Neil Vollrner, of Denver, formerly of
this city, is transacting, business and
visiting friends.
The graduation exercises this seuson
will be held at the Keith theatre on the
evening of May 29th.
I sell vacuum cleaners with or with
out brush. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, Phono
Red 104. 19-2
Mrs,- H. T. Blede, of Brady, who
spent a few days in town this week, re
turned home yesterday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Durbinleft Sun
day evening for Lincoln to visit friends
and attend the Yeoman Conclave.
Miss Nellie Hanifin has" accepted a
position with The Leader, where she
will be pleased to meet all her friends.
Miss Edith Roushe came down from
Mitchell Saturday to spend a week
with her mother Mrs. Leonard Cornet.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Robigon, who
have been yibiting relatives in Illinois
for several weeks, aro expected home
The Rebekah kensington club ten
dered a farewell surprise party last
evening to Mrs. John Knox who will
soon leave this city.
Duncan Elliott Ellis age 54, of Mc
Pherson and Miss Ermmnie Phillips ago
3G, of Flats, were married yesterday
morning hy Judge Grant.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leven, who were
recently married in New York visited
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizer the last of
last week while enroute to Salt Lake.
Have you been watching our sales of
'town property? My agency has sold
$11,700.00 worth of property during
March. If you wiih to sell and will
price it right, I will sell it for you.
??- . t A C. P. Templb;.
John Pierpout Morgan, the New
York financier, died at Rome. Italy,
yestorday. He suffered a serious attack
Jiefore leaving for Europe, his Physi
cians declaring'his illness to be due to
emotion caused by the investigation of
the money trust. The decased was
seventy-six years of age.
Jacob "West, by his attorney Win.
E. Shuman, began an action In the
uistrict court yesterday wherein he
sues the Union Pacific for $2,600 dam
ages. West on .'February 6th while
working at the now round house sus
tained injuries to his hip, head and one
foot, which he avers 'waa duo to the
carelessness of UYC'employe operating
the machinery. .r ..
A four weeks old .infant was left dn
the door,stepof. Mr. and Mr Hdrnling-
v...n avuninry nt ln"nt n clock.
IIUU9CIJ UUUUUJ v ........ to -- - o "-
Investigations were made to find the
parents and in tne meanume me cnuu
was placed in tho Pulver hospital.
rfr... Tmiit cn(fioHf(1 in flndint? the
mother who when found in the depot
was about to leave me cuy. onu ku.vo
her name as Rosa Bennett and said she
u,i nn fnr trivinf the babe awav
except that she did not care for it. Her
husband who is employed in Hershey
was notified and an effort is being made
by him to reclaim the child.
Watch Your Slock.
- Now is the time of the year that they
need attention to bring them through
tho long winter season to grass time.
Wo have tho leading brands of stock
remedies manufactured, Dr. Roberts
Veterinary Medicines, Leo's Stock Tonic
$1.60 per pail and Hess's Stock Tonic
$1.60 per pail. Sal-Vet, the great
worm destroyer. For your poultry
Leo's Germozono and Hess's Panacea,
sold only by Schiller & Co.. family
This Season's Suits must have
A Gossard Corsets
THE smartest suits this season
have shortnacKets nnddrapc
effects in the skirt are all below
the hips.
This requires an absolutely
smooth, unbroken line from the
waist 'down.
Gossard Corsets all have the
long skirts and vnu cannot detect
the lower line of boning so care
fully is it done.
With the Gossard there are
. ,
no lines, except the beautiful, nat
ural lines of life figure.
Models at from $3.50 to $25.00.
Wilcox Department Store.
What are You Paying
for Groceries?
Wo Sell '
One More Week of
Riotous Bargain Giving
Last week we saved the people of
North Platte and vicinity many dollars.
History will repeat itself this week.
All $12 and $15 Suits tor $10.00
All $16 to $20 Suits for $13.50
These prices include worsteds, all
wool cassimeres and blue serges. Fit
and workmanship guaranteed,
C. O. V.'eingand is transacting busi
ness in ugaiaiia today.
Miss Hazel Nichols snent Sundav.with
her sister in Grand. Island.
Hail Insurance $2.00 for $1000 for 3
years. Merchant b Insurance Agency.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Riggs
is reported to be critically ill with diph
theria. Cy ItU3se)l has gone to Omaha to
visit his wife who is taking medical
treatment there.
Julius Pizer left yesterday mornipg
for Chicago to spend a week or longer
purchasing goods.
Miss Irene vonTrot will leave this
week for Omaha and Kansas City to
spend a couple of months.
Mrs. J. H. Posey who was called to
Auburn by the illness of hoi father re
turned home Sunday evening.
Miss Burt a former toacher of this
city came up from Lincoln Saturday
evening to visit local friends.
Mrc D. C. Congdon who had been
confined to tho house for two months by
illness was able o be out yesterday.
For Sale Plymouth Rock eggs for
setting; 50 cents for setting, or $3.00
per 100. Albert Haspel, North Platte.
The Royal NeighborsTvlll meet AVed
nesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the
K. P. hall. A lage attendance is do
sired. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fenwick will
leave April 18th for a six weeks' yisit
with relatives in San Francisco and
Los Angeles.
Gasoline and oil stoves cleaned and re
paired. Peter M. McGovern, phone
390. tf
Tho Waldo grading outfit will leave
within the next ten days for Iowa,
where It will work on double track
work for the St. Paul road.
John Jewett, of Wood River, who
came up last week to attend the funeral
of the late Mrs. Jerry Bowen left, at
noon Saturday.
Mrs, Andrew Scharman and children
loft Saturday evening for Omaha. En
route they will visit tho former's sister
at Grand Island.
The Lady Forresters will serve a
dinner at tho Masonic hall Saturday
from 12 to 2. Following is the menu:
Roast beef and brown gravy, mashed
potatoes, escalloped corn, pickles, jell,
olives, desert and coffee. Price 25c.
P. E. 0. Entertains.
Tho P. E. O.'s with their husbands
gathered at the pleasant home of Mr.
nd Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilcox last
Tuesday evening to celebrate the ninth
anniversary of the local chapter. At
seven o clock an elaborate three course
dinner, served at small tables to the
thirty guests, satisfied the inner man
while the several toasts that followed
by Rev. Gaither, W. T. Wilcox and Ed.
Davis sustained tne reputation of each
as being at his best at such a time. Mrs.
Lucas gave a short history of tho local
Chapter since its organization, Mrs.
Hendy gave two delightful readings and
MrF. Gaither and Mrs. Cary contrib
uted the musical numbers, Mrs.
Grimes ncted as toast master. Special
guests for the evening were Mrs. James
Boyd, Mrs. Caldwell, Miss McCrackcn
and Mr. and Mrs. Ammons. Tho com
mitteo in chargo consisting of Mes
dames Beoler, Wilcox, Prosser,
Twinem, Davis nnd Lucas aro to be
congratulated on tho success of this the
ninth birthday party for Chaptor A. K.
P. E. O.
Local and Personal
M. E. Boardman went to Gothenburg
yosterday afternoon on business.
Dr. D. T. Quigley was called to
Cozad Monday on professional busi
ness. Kossie Gahagen formerly of this city,
arrived Sunday evening to visit town
C. O. Troy returned Sunday from a
three weeks'? visit with relatives in
Missouri. ,
Homer Handley camo down from
Lodgepolo Sunday to visit for a couple
of days.
C. C. Hollenbeck, of Centrnl City, is
spending this week with Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Hollenbeck. '
Mrs. Harry Johnston and family (re
turned yesterday afternoon from a
visit in eastern Nebraska.
Miss Delia Hanks, formerly of this
city, nrnved from Fremont bunday
morning to visit town friends.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Thompson are
moving this week from east Cth street
to their residence on Gth and Vine.
Mrs. Joseph Weeks came up from
Grand Island yesterday aftornoon to
visit her son Edward Weeks and family.
Steve McWilliams and Jny Smith re
turned Sunday evening from Cheyenne,
where thoy .attended th Knights of
ColumbuB banquet.
Company Q have engaged the Keith
.theatre for a week beginning next Mon
day and will a series of vaudeville en
tertainments. Rev. Chapman and Bish6p Bcecher,
of Kearney, left yosterday nftornoon
tor Ogalalla, Kimball and Sidney to
hold confirmation services.
Word- was received a few days ago
from Fred Graw of Omaha, formerly
of this city, that he had lost a large
amount of property in the recent
tornado. ,
Tim nnrmnl prtnm-eirntional meetincr
of the Presbyterian church will be held
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. After
the business session tho aid will sorv'e
refreshments for all present in tho
I have been too busy writing tornado
and windstorm insurance to write ads
about it, however, you know where to
get the best and cheapest. C. F. Temple.
A barn containing six tons of hay
was burned on the Tillman Meyers lot
in the fust ward Sunday afternoon. Tho
fire was Btarted by a couple of children
who were playing with matchs in tho
hay mow. No insurance was carried.
Railroad News.
Joo Larson, chief clerk in Foreman
McGraw's ofllco, has returned to work
after a ten-days siege of mumps.
Jack Guy nan, now employed ns
switchman in the Sidney yards, came
down th lattor part of last week to
make arrangements to movo his family
to Sidney.
Four train loads of beaver board
110- will pass over tho Union Pacific in
a few days enrouto,to points in tho west.
Boaver'board is rapidly displacing lnth,
plastor and wnll paper.
Tho federal boilor inspector, who had
been making a through investigation of
tho boilers of locomotives at this ter
minal for over two weeks, left for tho
west tho latter part of last week.
'Word comes from an Omaha hospital
tnat it'will be necessary to amputate
the right limb of Floyd Pnssmore who
was injured five months ago nnd has
since been undor the care of local and
Omaha "physicians. ,
Earlv vesterdnv mornlnir n box car
loaded with baled hops was reduced to
kindling wood in the local yards. A road
engine was on tho end of one string of
cars, tho switch engine on the end of
another string, nnd the two camo to
gether. . The Cheyenne shops are said to bo
overburdened with work, and tho re
pair work on Fourth district engines
will be done at the North Platte shops.
This will offset tho loss of work to the
local shops by reason of the repairs on
the Second district engines being trans
ferred to the Grand Island shops.
While No. 18 was waiting in tho local
yards Saturday, the three year old son
of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. D. WoBter, of
Rochester, N. Y., who were passengors
on the train, caught his hand in tho door
of tho car nnd crushed several fingers.
Dr, McCabe was culled and dressed the
injured hand.
In nn address before railroad men in
New York Sunday Uight, W. S. Carter,
president of tho B. of L. F. nnd E.,
predicted the union of nil railroad em
ployes into ono organization. In his
opinion the rank nnd file of tho sovernl
organizations would unite today if per
mitted to do bo by certain of their
leaders. If these leaders prevent tho
union much longer, he said, new leaders
will arise to take their places.
If looking for the best and cheapest
fire, lightning, cyclone, tornado wind -storm
insurance go to Bratt & Good
man. ,Tho Baptist ladies' aid will be enter
tained in the basement of the church
Fridaynftornoon by Mrs. Harry Baker.
George Goodhoartandson, of Pexton,
who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ell,
returned home this morning.
For Rent.
Hay and grazing land, houses,
rooms, storage room and safe deposit
boxes. Bratt & Goodman.
' Mi .
r .,,- mst&B&8&
- If you are wanting a home see this one.
Price $3,300. C. F. TEMPLE.
20 lbs Granulated becto rt
Sugar $1.00
18 lbs Granulated canej n
Sugar, for.... Al.UU
Tomntoes, full sizo can gA
standard per can lUC
Corn standard por ran 7c ij
1 cans for DC
Quaker Oats largo pkg. . 20C
Quaker Oats small pkg. . IOC
E. C. Corn Flakos 4 pkg.. 25C
Broken Rico per lb 5C
Rice Jap typo 1 lbs for. .. 25C
fr'runeB small sizepor lb. . . . 0C
.Corn Starch por pkg 0C
Gloss Starch por pkg 5C
Corn Starch Kingsfords per n
pkR OC
Silver Gloss Starch per pkg oC
, Yeast Foam 4c pkg 3 for.. OC
Lewis Lyo por can oC
Englo Lyo por can oC
American Lyo por can oC
Fcls Naptha Sonp per cake. uC
Soda Crackers lnrgo boxes l
perlb O2C
Oyster Crackers largo r
ooxes per lb 02C
K. C. Baking Powder 25 (
ozenn lC
Royal Baking Powder 16 ir-
oz can ,..i. 4DC
Dr. Prices Baking Powder r-.
IGozcan 4DC
Kraut per can ,. IOC
Hominy per can. IOC
Pink Salmon per can IOC
Sweot"Potatocs per cnn.. 1Z2C
Potatoes 16c pock por cn
bushel ....V. .... 50C
Collee fnir grndu per lb., . ZvC
California Fruits in good n
syrup per can &UC
Coconnut best grado J lb c
, packngo por pkg iuC
Evaporated Apples per Cn
Horso Shoo Tobacco, por ir
lb 4DC
Spear Head Tobacco per 1 c
ib 45c
Star Tobacco per lb 5C
J. T. Tobacco per lb 40C
Wo payfeash for your butter and eggs.
Wilcox Department Store.
Buchanan & Patterson's
Bargain list o
A nice five room cottage, new and modem ex
cept heat, located on east Sixth street. Price $2,300.
Five room house and barn, South Dewey street.
Extra good seven room house, barn and outbuild
ings, house modern except heat, $3,-ioo,East Third
street two blocks from court house.
Five room house and barn located on West Third
street, close to Washington school. Price $2,000.
The lot is worth the money. "
Good seven room, two story dwelling on West
Third street, east of Washington school. Price $3,000
Nice six room cottage 5721 .-WestSeventh street!'
handy to new round hquse. Modern exqept heat. Price
2,200. '"
Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth .street,
in the 600 block. Price $1,750. , ) '.
Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street,
in the 900 block. Price $1,700. 1
All of these properties are choice bargains and
can be bought on easy terms. Be sure and see these
before you buy.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Sole Agents.
1 II
House Cieanin;
Time Again.
You of course will want to get away from
a part of the work that goes with house clean
ing. We nre especially equipped to handle
your lace curtain, small rugs, etc., in nice
Auto Delivery
Phone 77
OlTors toresidonts of, and visitors to, North Platte, the most
finely appointed service in Westorn Nebraska, and with this
is a menu that cannot bo excelled for the price. Regular
means are sorved and short orders can bo obtained, any
hour day or night.
Opposite U. P. Depot.