The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 01, 1913, Image 3

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fa ...
It Didn't Matter.
When Fred Kolly mntlo a start In
Journalism ho was put on reporting.
One night ho was Bent to a big lira
down town. A reporter naraod
Brown was sent with Mm. It was a
largo Hro, and presently rirown dis
appeared. A wall had fallen, nd
Kelly was suro Drown was under it.
Ho rushed to tho telephono aud eallod
lip his city editor.
"Say," ho shoutod. lntd tho tolo
v phone, "Brown Is gone. He's biirnod
"What's that?" asked tho city edl.
"Brown Is burntd up, I usll you!
Ho fell Into the hro.
"All right," said th city editor,
hanging up tho telephone, "I'll send
wn another man."
Every reader of this paper can se
cure absolutely free a box of assorted
biscuits by simply cutting out tho cou.
pon from their ad appearing In an
other part of this paper and mailing
It to Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., Omaha,
2Teb. The firm Is thoroughly rellablo.
Tako advantage of this liberal offer
and write them today.
Real Economy.
"Tankerly says he gets drunk sim
ply to savo time."
"To save time."
"Yes. You seo. he says that when
toe goes to bed sobor he has to bother
to dress and put his shoes on again
the next morning, whereas If ba
doesn't go to bed sobor all he has to
lo next morning la to wash his face."
Important to Mothers
Exnmlno carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safe and surd remedy for
Infants and children, and aeo that It
Unnrn trin
Signature of UrMTjr
In Uso For Over 30 Yours.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Best Thing.
"James got dizzy in tho water and
it frightoned him."
"It is tho beat thing which (could
toavo happened."
, "How do you make that out?"
"If he was dizzy, wasn't his head
for tho signature of H W. CJUOVK. Curt a Cold
In One i7, Cure Qrlp In Two lMys. JSc.
The chap who Is an export at mak
ing excuses can never draw large foes
for his skill.
SEEDS Alfalfa JO: timothy, blue frrass A
eano$2; sweet olovorftt. Farms for sale & rent
ncroppaym'ts. J. Muiha.ll, Soo City, la.
A man's children, like their mother,
are apt to ask a lot of embarrassing
Be thrifty on little things like blulntr. Iran!
accept water for bluing. Ask for Hed Cross
Ball Blue, the extra good valuo blue. Adv.
No wonder somo children never
amount to anything; just lcok at
their parents.
Loss of Power
S and vital force follow lua of flesh or'
B emaciation. These come from linpOT"
. -3 erUhed blood.
5 Dr.'a
Golden Medical Discovery
53 enlivens a torpid Ilvei enriches the;
"3 blood stops the waste of strength and
g tissue and builds up healthy flesh to
S3 the proper body weicht. Asonappe-j
5 tiding, restorative tonic. It seta to
S3 work all the processea of digestion
a and nutrition, rouses every organ Into
3 natural action, and brings back health
53 and strength.
S' Can anjrthliwc else be "Jast as
63 Boost" to tako I
Stiff Joints
Sprains, Bruises
are relieved at once by an applica
tion of Sloan's Liniment. Don't
rub, just lay on lightly.
11 Sloan's Liniment has done more
?ood than anything I have ever tried
or stilf joints, lgot ray hand hurt so
badly that I had to stop work right in
the busiest tliuo of the year. X thought
at first that 1 would have to have my
hand taken oil, but I got a bottle of
Sloan's Liniment mid cured my hand."
Wilton Wuuklcb, Morris, Ala.
Good for Broken Sinews
O. G. Jones, Baldwin, L. I., writes t
"I used Sloan's Liniment for broken
sinews above the kneq cap caused bra
full and to my great Satisfaction was
able to resume work in less thau three
weeks alter the accident."
Fine for Sprain
Mb. IlEunr A. Vobhl, M Somerset
St., Halnfleld, K. J., writes: "A
friend sprained bis nnkle so badly
that It went black, lie laughed when
I told him that I would have htm out
in a week. I applied Sloan's Liniment
and in four days he was working and
said Sloan's was a right good Lini
ment." Price 25c.
50c, and 91.00
Sloan's Book
on borsos, cattle,
sheep and
poultry sent free.
Earl S.
.Bk f 'liiflV
fToim V UsIssssssssVJV
Bof on, Ma& vjjij JBW(
I vC.-,ytJLns
i-" in
Every passenger steamer that arrives at tho Isthmus of Panama discharges a horde of tourists, lor the
canal Is a magnet that Is attracting Amerlcnns by tho thousand. Tho photogruph bIiowb a crowd of visitor!
viewing the Culobra cut at its deepest point.
Six Republics Quietly Wondering
What He Intends to Do Next.
Truo Soldier of Fortune Has Risked
Life In Half Dozen Wars and Es
caped Fought With Bulgaria
Gen. Orozco's Exploits.
Now York. Some folks say there
is no such thing as luck. Tom Car
ter Btepped off a two-inch curb the
dther day and died. Gen. Joseph
Garibaldi risked his neck in six wars
and was nover scratched. What's the
Gaijbaldl is In town Just now. Coin
oldentally, tho rumor comes from tho
south that the revolutionary pot is
an the flro in six Sbuth American re
publics. That may have something
tp do with Garibaldi's presence hero
and it may not. In any event, Gnrl
baldl 1b one of tho freo lances of for
tune ono.readB about and rarely sees.
Ho has Just returned from the war in
Bulgaria, where ho had an Indepen
dent command. Before that ho was
Madero's chief of Btaff In Mexico
having fought his way to that posi
tion by metaphorically tweaking tho
noso of Bandit Orozco, tho most dan
gerous foe to established order any
established order that Mexico holds.
Before that ho sat In a black cell in
Porto Cabella for Beven months, at
Gen. Castro's order, while ho filed at
his manacles with tho bit of tin that
had onco been tho top of a can of
beans. And before that
But that's the story that must bo
taken up Item by Item. Garibaldi is
tho grandson of tho great Garibaldi,
tho liberator. Fighting runs in tho
Garibaldi blood. No doubt tho Gari
baldis aro In earnest In their wish to
free tho world from tho bonds of
tyranny. Thero Is little question that
nono of the Garibaldis likes any of
tho ruling families, and that all the
ruling families would bo grntoful If
-.'.if. v' Wfi:""
General Orozco.
some one would push tho Garibaldis
oft a dock into particularly deep wa
ter. But mostly this Garibaldi fights
because he likes fighting. Inciden
tally he lias been rich from time to
time. Money nover lasted long. AIro,
whon tho map of the world seoma
sure of surr-jptitlous alteration Gari
baldi Is one of those whoso whore
abouts ore pegged by various oecrot
police. The map Is gradually chang
ing color thoso days. Garibaldi of
fored to land 20,000 Italians in Trip
oli at tholr own expense, armed nnd
equipped and guaranteed lighting
men. Tho Italian government re
fused tho offer. The government
needed men mighty badly, but It
didn't caro for any Garibaldis, Ho
took COO Greeks from New York to
tho war In tho east at their own cost.
Now Ije's back in Now York. What
pot's on tho fire?
He's only a youngster In years a
scant thirty-three. But he has been
at war for tho past sqventeen years.
Between times ho has filled In with
i . Ml I
diplomatic and political missions. He
has an eyo for revolution like a hawk
In the Bky. Just after tho ill-fatqd
Madoro raised his banner of revolt
against Porflrio Diaz, Garibaldi ap
peared with eight comrades on tho
bordor and offored his services to
Orozco, tho bandit loader.
"I'll have nono of yiu," growled
Orozco. "You'ro too cloiw."
That's an Insult to a soVilor on the
desert. But tho eight started a revo
lution of their own against Diaz,
against Madero, against Orozco. Soon
they were strong enough to make
terms. Garibaldi took Juarez, and
Madoro made him his chief of staff.
"Back Felix Diaz and Huorta
against a wall." Garibaldi advised.
"Kill them now to provent the
deaths of hundreds later on."
But Madoro would not. Ho might
have saved himself and his adminis
tration if he had taken tho soldier's
advice instead of listening to the dic
tates of his own gentlo heart. Thon
Garibaldi went on to Tripoli and
Bulgaria and whoro not and now
ho's back In town.
Six republics wonder why.
Henry E. Huntington, Ship Builder,
Asserts Young Men Should Invest
to Compel Thrift.
Los Angelos. Henry E. Hunting
ton, of New York and Los Angeles,
who at tho ago of slxty-thrco Is retir
ing from business as rapidly as pos
sible, but whoso fortuno of forty or
ttfty million dollars will keep right
on working for him, said that tho
habit of saving paves the road to
Mr. Huntington believes that this Is
an ago of great bpportunlty for young
men and UiIb Is his recipe for uuc
cess: "Save a llttlo every week. When
you got an Increaso of wages or sal-
Lawyer, Whose Life Was Saved Forty
Years Ago by Defendant's Father,
Kansas City, Mo. The trial of for
mer State Senator Ernest D. Mar
tin for nlloged misuse of tho malls In
tho promotion of an electric railway
has ono romantic feature of which
Judge, Jury and spectators aro In Ig
norance. By tho side of tho accused
man In the federal court there sits
daily a keen-eyed, stout, gray-haired
man, with a "fighter's Jaw," his chief
counsel. That man is Jacob 1. Shep
herd of Fort Scott, Kan., nnd ho Is
paying a debt of gratitude of 40 years'
It was 40'yeara ngo that Dr. Solon
Martin of Marshall, Mo while driving
along a country road came upon a
tent where a woman sat beside a sick
"Do you know whoro wo can find a
doctor?' 'asked tho woman. "My son
Is dying."
"I nm a physician," said Dr. Martin
''We'll do whal wo can. But you'll
have to get him out of this tent and
Into a liouso, where ho can have con
stant caro," ho added after an examl
nation of tho child.
"We'ro driving through tho country
to Kansas," said tho woman, "Wo
have no house nnd no means."
"I'll take caro of tho boy," said Doc
tor Martin. "You go ahead, and we'll
send him to you well In a month or
Tho boy was taken to tho homo of
tho physician and kept until ho had
recovored. Thon ho was sent to his
parents, who'woro making themselves
a home In Knnsas,
Shortly after tho former state sena
tor had boon charged with misusing
tho malls he received .a letter bearing
a Fort Scott postmark.
"Forty years ago," tho letter ran,
"your father put mo under a great
ary contlnuo to llvo within tho for
mer limits and save the increase.
"If you find It dlfllcult to save go
In debt for n homo or undertako somo
other obligation In tho wny of Invest
ment that will compel you to savo."
Mr. Huntington declares ho tins nl
ready practically retired from busi
ness. "I shall glvo little personal atten
tion to my investments here, nor to
thoso In the east, which aro uractl
caliy as large as my interests here,"
snld he. "For Illustration, I scarcely
bothor my head even now about tho
ship building plant nt Newport Ncwb,
Altogether I havo about 6,000 em-
Henry E. Huntington.
ployes In my eastern enterprises, but
when I am In Now York 1 do not
spend moro than an hour' a day in my
Mr. Huntington's famous paint
ings, rnro objects of art and nlmoBt
priceless volumes havo all been
bought by himself and in Now York,
cither as offered for snlo there or
brought over under options subject to
his approval when ho saw them. Ho
lias nover depended on agents, and
he will not in Europo if tho buying
fever seizes him.' ,
obligation which 1 could not fully ro
pay during hlsi lifetime. I beg of
you permit me now to dlschnrgo that
debt by acting as your counsel in tho
present mnttor."
Tho letter was signed "J. I. Shop
, Eliot School, Boston, Mass., Cele
' brates 200th Birthday Has Occu
, pled Four Buildings on Site,
Boston. Tho Eliot Grammar school
I of Boston held exercises in celebra
tion of the rounding out of tho sec-
ond century of Its existence. The
school wob founded, In 1712, when tho
sturdy fathers of colonial Boston vot
I ed to establish n school at tho north
end of tho town to accommodate tho
I growing population in Hint section.
) One year later the llttlo edifice was
i completed and its doors thrown open.
I Tho school is the oldest elementnry
school In tho(clty nnd tho second old
i est freo school of any kind.
i The original building luHted through
the period of the revolution and was
not torn down until 1792. The sec
ond building lasted until 1S37 nnd tho
third persisted until 18Co, when tho
present edifice was erected. All havo
occupied tho same site, which Is with
in a stone's throw of Christ's church,
whore Paul Rovere's lanterns wero
Many famous men received tholr el
ementary education at tho old Eliot
school, among them Edward Everett,
the famous statesman and orator, and
Rev. Samuel S. Smith, author of
"America." Tho last quarter of u cen
tury has Been great changes In tho
section of tho city whero tho school
Is located, and today 90 per cent of
tho pupils aro tho children of Italian
and Jewish Immigrants,
Too Much.
"My footings havo been lacerated"
"Did It tako?"
ltr. Wtnatow'a Boothlns; Byrup for Children
teething', Dottens the (turns, redurea tafUmma
Uon.allaya paln.cureo wind oollo&e a bottle4fr
Somotituee tho early bird has a
long watt before breakfast la served
In tho dining car.
Hed CroM Bull niue givei double value
for your inonc, p,oea twice ns far as any
othor. Ask your grocer. AUr.
Not Quite.
"Is ho That you might call a pollco
captain nt largo?"
"No; ho's only out on ball." Town
the Antlseptta powder to shake Into your
shns. IWIUve Corns. Uuntons, Initrowlne
Nail, swollen and Sweating feet. Ullstrrs
and Callous spots Bold everywhere, J5o.
Don't accept any substitute Sample FltntS,
Address Allan a. Olmsted. Loltoy. U.X. Adv.
Directly Children Aright
Tho young need to bo taught that
although thero is Bomotimos a ploas-
uro of tho senses tn committing sin,
it is tnovltnbly followed by romorso
and punishment. Crime, romorso,
punishment form an Insoparablo trio.
On tho othor hand, while It Is 'often
hard to do right, tho seuso of satis-
action, solf-rospect and self-control
hat follows right action is worth all
ho effort made.
i H
For pimples and blackheads tho fol
lowing is a most effoctlvo and eco
nomical treatment: Gently smear the
atfoctod parts with Cutlcura Oint
ment, on tho end of tho finger, but
do not rub. Wash off tho Cutlcura
Ointment in flvo minutes with Cutl
cura.Soap and hot water and contlnuo
bathing for somo minutos. This treat
ment la best on rising nnd retiring.
At other times uso Cutlcura Soap
frcoly for tho toilet nnd bath, to as
sist In preventing inflammation, irri
tation and clogging of tho pores, the
common causo of plmploe, blackhonds,
redness and roughness, 'yellow, oily,
mothy nnd othor unwholesome condi
tions of tho skin.
Cutlcura Soap and Olntmont oold
throughout the world. Sample of oaoh
froo with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, DepL L, Boston."
Warranted In Using Cuts Words.
A small boy in Fort Scott was out
playing with his wagon ono day and
Just at the critical moment ono whool
enmo off. Tho youngster walked
around tho wagon several times and
surveyed It with tho air of ono accus
tomed to disappointments. As ho
dragged tho wagon to his homo ho mot
a boy friend who Jolnod him, and to
gether they trudged on, tho Fort Scott
Trlbuno says. Tho owuor of tho wag
on sat on tho front stop with a for
lorn look; thon quickly brightening up
ho oxclalmod: "Lot's cubs." "All
right," returned tho other, "Cuss, cuss,
suss." KnnsaB City Star.
The Silo as a Forage Bank.
Thero la produced ovory year In thlB
vountry sulilclont forage to feed llbor
lly all the llvo Btock of tho land, and
leavo a good balanca besldos. Tho
shortage of supplies each year Is duo
to tho spoiling and wasting of forago
already grown, and tho means of pre
serving this forago will solvo tho
stock problom of 'tho country. Tho
principal wasto is now going on with
tho corn plant. It is most notlcoablo
In tho corn belt status whero perhaps
SO per cent, of tho stalk and leaves of
this most valuable forago 1b wasted
annually. As economic stock produc
tion Is determined by tho proper uso
of forago, tho silo furnishes a means
whereby all farm forago can bo pro
si rved and placod In tho best poBslblo
condition of feeding. Tho silo Is too
well known to require a description of
this mothod, but Us use 1b certainly
sadly wanting. It can bo safely said,
on any farm whero 10 lioad or moro
of cattlo aro kopt, a silo Is a propor
equipment, and of great cconomlo
To Feed Children and Get Good Re
sults. Thoro aro moro nervous persons
mado bo by undigested food lying in
tho stomach than tho avorago indi
vidual would suppose.
If food remains undigested in tho
stomach, it boglns to forment, sot up
gas and a largo portion is thus con
verted Into poison.
That's why imperfectly digested food
may, and often docs, causa irritation
of tho norves and stupor of tho mind
brain and nerveH nro really poisoned.
"My daughter had complained for
Eomo time of a distressed fooling in
tho stomach, after eating, which sot
mo thinking that her diot was not
right," writes an anxious and intelli
gent mother.
"Sho had been fond of coreals, but
had never tried Grapo-NutH. From
reading tho acconnt of this predicat
ed food, It scorned reasonable to try
Grape-Nuts for her caso,
"Tho results wero renlly wonderful.
Tho llttlo brain that Beomod nt times
unablo to do ltn work, took on now
Hfo and vigor. Every morning, now,
before going to school, sho eatu tho
crisp llttlo morsels and Is now com
pletely and entirely well, she Hcoms to
havo a now leaso on life no moro
distress in tho stomach, nor head
acho, but sound and well everyway."
Namo given by Postura Co., Battlo
Creek, Mich. Rend tho book, "Tho
Road to Wellvlllo," In pkgs.
"There's a Reason."
Kver read the above letter A sen
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and fall of hauuui
la teres t.
Dealers, grocers, Jobbers and manufac
turers all over tho country are Joining
hands during the week of March Slit to
April 6th in an effort to acquaint house,
wives with the economy and quality oL
canned foods. ......
It Is now a well known fact that hea
Is the only preservative used In preparing;
these economical foods. The can aro
sealed and terlllied at a temperature of
2S0 degrees, which prevents any contami
nation and keeps the contents fresh and
wholesome as tho day the tins were filled
In tho canneries.
Natlonal Canned Foods Week wiring;
whloh dealers and grocers will maka
canned foods their eales-foatures, n for
the purpooo of demonstrating to house
wives that tho cost of living can bo cut
with such foods, and that they may be
served In hundreds or delightful ways,
and thus servod dally without monotony.
The fnrmer'a wlfo especially finds It ad
vantageous to relieve herself of nil the
cooking possible and Canned roods en
nblo her to do this and at tho same time
Improve the quality of her meals.
women In every community should ob
serve National Canned Foods Week by
going to tho dealers and putting In a. sup
ply. Tho saving and general satisfaction
In the turn of Canned Foods Is entirely
worth while. Adv.
Any Old Way.
"What Is your namo?"
"Ephrlam Ebonozer," replied tho
small colored boy.
"How do you Bpoll It?"
" 'Tain' no uso to worry 'bout dat:
Jos' suit yourself. I aln' puhtlc'lar."
In another part of this papor you
find a largo ad of tho Looso-Wlles
Biscuit Co., Omaha, Nob. Thoy offor
to send to any reader a box of assort
ed biscuits absolutely froo. Don't miss
this opportunity. Cut out tho coupon
from their ad and mall It today.
Bobby wan saying his prayers in a
very low volco.
"I can't hoar you, dear," his mother
"I wasn't talking to you," ropllod
Bobby, firmly. Hnrpor'B Magazine.
Dr. rieroo'a Pellets, stnnll, sugar-coated,
easy to take as candy, rcgulato And Invigor
ate stomach, liver aud bowels and ouro con
stipation. Adv.
The Degrees.
"Love opons ono'a heart."
"Yes, and marrlago opons ouo's
LEWIS Single Binder. Ftrnlaht 6c ninny
smokers prefer them to lOo cigars Adv.
When an actress dioa or Is sued for
dlvorco her real name comes out
"Dull Gars"
Most of your downhearted
noss and "blue fooling" can
bo traced to a lazy liver.
Biliousness is a sure de
stroyer of hoallh and happi
will mako tho liver nctivo,
assist tho dlgostion, help tho
bowels to bocomo regular
and mako lifo a ploasuro.
Got a bottlo today.
Nebraska Directory
Omaha. Nebraska
Rooms from II M up single, IB cents up dout
hllDTIIRL? CURED in a few days
lUr I UNk without pain or a sur.
gleal operation. No pay until cured Write
UlU 1VUAY. 307 Ue lllrfir, Omaha, Neb.
Auto and Wngou
Truck Ilulldrrs. ltn-
airing, rnlntiua;,
Trlmmlnir. nmrnrr Wheels repaired aud re
rubber tired. Write us for prices. 40 yearn lu th
business. Andrew Murphy & Oon, Omchs
Consign your HORSES & MULES to
Union Stook Yarde, Oj Omaha. Nob
Phone South 070. Auction Sales Evert Monday.
We sell all feed used br tbe feeders, In car and ton
lots. Our prices are right. We buy empty sacks.
Uro Stock ExcbsDie Dldf . South Omahs
The "BELL" Sign
Is the symbol of state
wide and nation-broad
telephone service.
Bell Telephone
lines reach nearly everywhere.