The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 01, 1913, Image 1

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    fttitt Hlttttlcfcl f ctfetr
ffltM$ rbmtft.
No. 19
Local and Personal.
The high school declamatory contcit
was held in tho centrnl building Friday
evening. Tho attendance was larger
than pn any previous occasion of tho
kind and each of the six numbers were
given generous applause. Messrs.
Cochran and Kendell and Miss Mont
gomery were chosen to judge tho con
testants and after considering the
greatest number of points first honor
wore given Do Witt Foster of the dra
matic class who rendered "A Wild
Olive Branch." Second place was given
Miss Eliza Foster who chose "The
Death Risk." After the contest lunch
was served by the Junior class and a
medal presented to the winner by T.
F. Watts.
The dancing and card party announced
by tho Knights of Columbus for Friday
evening at the Masonic hall will b held
at the Lloyd opera house, this change
being made necessary by a mixing of
dates at the former hall. The trans
fer of the festivities to the Lloyd will in
no wise mar the pleasures of the even
ing, as the committee in charge has
made ample provision for a big attend
ance and an ehjoyablo evening.
A. F. Streltz went to Chicago Satur
day, having been called there by tho
illness of his daughter Ruth who is
suffering with blood poisoning resulting
from an abrasion on one of her hands.
For several days her condition was re
garded vory serious, but word recolved
yesterday stated that she was somo
what improved. Mrs. Streitz had pre
ceded Mr. Streitz sevoral days.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Walker and little
daughter will return Saturday from
their visit in tho south. They have been
spending tho past week in Tampa, Fla.,
and while enroute there they were
passengers on a wrecked train but for
tunately escaped injury, but were put
to considerable inconvenience.
In the city election, which is being
held today, some little activity is being
shown by the friends of the va'rious
candidates for councilmen and tho can
didates for mayor. For the offices of
clerk, treasurer, water commissioner
and members of tho board of education
there is no opposition to the nominees
of tho mass convention.
Foundations for two new houses in
. the Trustee's addition are now being
laid, and we understand contracts for
tho erection of three others are about
to be awarded. The proximity of this
addition to the business section com
mends itself to prospective homo
"If somo of these girls who are so
anxious to get married," remarked a
bachelor friend Sunday, "will look
around and inspect the condition of
some of the brides of the 1911 model,
perhaps their enthusiasm will not be so
great." Somo bachelors are capable of
making real mean remarks.
Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Quigloy nnd son
Bartlctt will leave early in May for
Europe. Tho Doctor will take
up special work in surgery and
pathology also study under Dr.
Frsedman. Thoy expect to be
absent six months.
lam agent forLadiei' Home Journal,
Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentle
man and other good magazines. Mrs.
V. Mitchell, phone Red 10J. 19-2
The Ladies Guild will meet at the
Parish house Thursday afternoon.
The Nebraska Central Building
& Loan Association
of Lincoln, Nebr. The Association
doing a larger loan business than any
Building & Loan Association in the
Will loan, you money to build or im
prove your property with. C. F. Temple,
District Agent.
Relief for Omaha.
Tho directors of the Chambor of Com
merce have called a mass meeting of
citlzenB at tho public library building
tomorrow ovening for tho purpose of
taking Immediate steps to securo dona
tions of cash, provisions and clothing for
tho Omaha tornado sufferers, Tho
Chamber of Commerce sent a donation
of one hundred dollars cash from the
funds in its treasury, but in viow of
tho heads of the distressed pe&ple in
Omaha it is bolleved that North Platte
should do moro, hence this meeting. It
is hoped that thorc will be a large at
tendance of our citizens tomorrow even
ing, i
The Indian Card Club will meet at the
home of Mrs. James Jones tomorrow
I have the Domestic Vacuum cleaners
for sale and rent. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell,
Phone Red 104. 19-2
Tho Tlllnnn Cnmorlw Ho. will irlvn
vaudeville features at the Keith for one
week beginning April 14th.
During the teachor's convention the.
Baptist ladies will sorye twenty-five
cent meals in tho basement of the ,
Mrs. E. R. Plummer entertained a
number of young folks Saturday oven
ing in honor of the bride of the week
Miss Evelyn Hansen.
The petition which was being circu
lated for the division of the North Platte
school district has been droppod and
will no be presented.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hartman, who
spent the past four weeks in Omaha
whero the former took medical treat
ment, returned Saturday evening.
Let mo show you the Auto Vacuum
Ice Cream Freezer. Saves time and
money nnd insures cleanliness. Mrs. M.
V. Mitcholl, Phono Red 104. 19-2
Bishop Beecher made an official visit
to tho Episcopal church of this city
Sunday and confirmed a class of nine
teen, nearly all of whom were adults.
Mail Carrior Clyde Fristo, who has
ben confined to the house withjnumps
for ton days, suffered a slight "relapse
yesterday which will keep him housed
for a few days longer. t
Wo wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to tho neighbors and frionds
who so kindly assisted and consoled us
in the hour of our bereavement.
Jekuy Bowen and Family.
Jesso Smith has severed his connec
tion with the North Platte laundry and
taken a position as'assisstant to James
E. Sebastian in Minnesota Mutuul Life
Insurance worly ".
The Field's minstrels came in from
Denver in two special cars this morning
and will make merry at tho Keith to
night. At noon the customary parade
and concert wero given. . '
Miss Evelyn Hansen and Daniel H.
Carlile were quietly . married at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. "Willard Hansen
at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. C.
B. Harman- officiating. Tho young
people will reside on a ranch north of
this city.
Wanted Woman or girl for general
house work, 521 west 3rd, Mrs. J. II.
Tho social dance given at the Lloyd
last evening by the Ladies' of the Ma
cabees was enjoyed by a laygo number
of young people. A program of twenty
four dances was carried out nnd excel
lent miisic furnished by th Stamp
Tho Platte Valley Bank opened in its
new quarters yesterday morning, but it
will be several days before everything
in straightened around in the desired
shape. The bank will havo a formal
opening Saturday and Saturday even
ing, when all callers will receive a
cordial welcome.
Good Taste as Well as Good Style Greets
You Here in Every Garment.
"" -
If you are thinking of a tailored
suit or coat faultlessly fashioned, of
best materials and finest workman
ship, then we are ready to meet
your wishes and satisfy them be
yond your most hopeful expecta
tions. Come here today and see
spread out in glorious array Suits
'and Coats with a claim to exclu
MVteness that cannot be disputed
garments that you could not pos
sibly buy elsewhere in this city, nor
get others equally as good in every
way, especially at such moderate
prices. If you have never visited
our spacious Cloak and Suit Depart
ments then come this week. It's
an excellent time to get acquainted,
as stocks are at their- best and
brightest and freshest just now.
Are the ONLY ADDITIONS to North Platte, on the market, where residence lots are improvedvith
Cement sidewalks and crossings. Water main, Graded streets, Sewer.
The sewer is from five to eight feet deep in the ground and deep basements may be built without danger of
These improvements make these lots the most modern and sanitary for residence purposes, in Lincoln County.
These lots are also the nearest to business pare of town, Silber Avenue on the map below, being just six blocks
east of Dewey Street.
'The Additions are located between the Union Pacific tracks and the Burlington right of way, where it.will never
be necessary to cross railroad tracks to got to the business part of the city.
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All above lots which have prices marked thereon are for sale at said prices; all other lots have been sold.
A five per cent discount is given for cash or the lots will be sold" upon the installment plan of one-tenth at the
purcnase price aown and one-tenth every three months.
" .
For Sale By
Local and Personal
Lula Burrias, of Alliance, spent tho
week end In town.
Arthur May, of Gothenburg, vUitad
local friends last week.
Judge Grimes spent Saturday in Goth
enburg on logal business.
John W. Davis is transacting busi
ness in Omaha this week.
Frank Taylor, of Woodriver, spent
yesterday with town friends.
A marriape license was granted Siit
unlay morning to Daniel H. Cart If
and Miss Evelyn Hanson, both of this
Mrs. Anna Simpson returned Friday
evening from Geneva whuio bhe plnccd
Minnie Roberts in the Girls' Industrial
Mr, and Mrs. William Reynolds and
son returned tho latter part of last
week from an extended visit in California.
Mrs. Otto Steviu und son returned to
Sheridan last evening aftor upending a
week with her aupt Mrs. Joseph F,
Mies Marguerite (Jeor, of Marshall,
Mich., who spent fiv months with her
nistor Mrs It. F. Stuait, left Saturday
Con Wnlkar nnd son Edward loft yes
terday morning for Glenburnie to begin
work on a J17,000 dam across the North
Platte river.
Mrs. J. B. Jetor will lenvo in the
near futuro for Southern California
whero she she will visit her daughter
until September,
Tho 15, of L. F. and E. hold n smoker
ab their lodge room last week which
was attended by un unusually large
numbor of members. '
Mrs. Gorham nnd daughter Margaret,
of Grand Islnnd, who visited Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Buchflnch last week, wont
home Saturday ovooing.