The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 28, 1913, Image 4

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    D mtiM
Summer is coming some time.
We have a fine line of detachable lfandle and
case Umbrellas. Plain and fancy handles. Black
and silk tops. Let us show you. '
CLINTON, Jeweler and Oplican.
We want your repair work.
Far Your Drugs. Orders De
livered promptly.
Local and Personal
Misa Victoria Gray wont to Herahoy
yesterday morning,
Old Lino Banker Lifo, Lincoln, Nob.
W, If. C. Woodhurst, Agency. 14-8
Mrs. Fred EJliott went to Omaha
Wednesday morning.
Miss Evelyn Daly has resigned her
position as operator in tho local tele
phono ofllco.
Miss Tillio Blnnkonburg purchased a
1913 Ford car of Hondy & Orier Wed
nesday1. B. B. Lloyd lato of Koystono hns
returned horo and will resido on (ho
'Brett and Goodman ranch.
D Mrs. M. II. Douglas and noico re"
turned tho first of this week from a
short visit in Grand Island.
Tho Degrco of Honor social club will
hold a social and entertainment at tho
K. P. hall Monday evening.
Mrs. Verne Mann loft Wednesday
morning for Donvor to spend a week
with her mother Mrs, Eaton.
Mrs. W. II. LoDloyt and daughtor
Mario returned Wednesday from Sidney
whore thoy visited relatives.
No. 8 Six room bungalow modern and
is a fine Jiomo, three blocks from Wash
ington school. Prico -1500.00
C. F. Temple.
GoorgQ Zontmoyur roturneu yveuncs
day from Omaha whoro ho spont tho
first of this week with relatives.
Very little interost is evinced in the
cltvelectlon which will bo huld nnvt
Tuesday; in fuct it ij rarely thut ono
tno Btrcots.
- - ..
hears nny allusion to It on
Clydd Fristo, of tho post office isvo(T
duty this owing to Hlnos3.
Tho Study club will meet with Mrs.
Marshall Scott, 220 West 2nd street,
Monday evening. x
Miss Lillian Sturges rotiirnetl to Gib
bon Tuosdny after spending sevoral days
with tho Beyorlo family.
Wilcoxson's Employment Agency fur
nishes all kinds of help free, 'phone 9G.
Office hours 9 a. m to 4 p. m. 100-
Mrs, Ralph Smith and sons returned
Tuesday afternoon from n brief yisit
with Kearney relatives.
John Herchel Eaton, formerly of this
city was married recently in Denver to
a young lady of that city.
Harriot Walker and Will Dowhower
both of this city, were grantod licenso
to wed Wednesday afternoon.
Buy lots in Fairviow Addition. Now
is your chonce. Do not dolay. Dosir
ablo location and ensy payments. Phono
lied C72. F. J. Dionor & Co. tf
Mr. Jacobson, of Dcnmntk, transacted
school business n tho county superin
tendent's offico Wednesday.
Mrs. Harry Kelso nnd son left n fow
days ago for Grand IslBnd to visit
fr(ends for a week or more.
Miss Dea Hardin left for Big Springs
n few days ago after a short visit with
Prof, and Mrs. E, A. Garliich.
Chnrloy McNamara. of this city, was
tho owner of ono of tho many houses
wrecked by tho Omaha tornado.
Special reduced prices all this week
at the Parlor Millinery, 300 East 3rd
street. 17 2
Mrs. Sink, of Omaha, who was tho
guest of Mrs. O. W. Brandt returned
honlo tho fore part of this week.
Frances Dunn returnud Wednesday
morning front Wood Itiyor whoro ho
spent several days with, relatives.
Residents of tho wont part ot tho
North Platte school-district tho rurnl
sotstion-cjreuUted. a-petitiqn asking
that thoy bo permitted to withdraw
from th)dislrict. Later another peti
t on waelr.culated. protesting against
Ihe withdrawal. -
';" , ,'i " , ' ' . "Hr.1. l
It was so good 0 you to call us.'
An Evening Chat
A Boll Telephone nddB so much moro joy to
homo lii'o. In thoso days of constant coninmni-
cation a residenco seems strnngoly isolated
almost out of tho world if it hasn't a tolo
phono. "When you want to reaoh any person, any
wlioro, Boll Tolophono sorvico demonstrates its
groat usefulness. But it is of pjirtioulnr valuo
when called upon to satisfy emorgonoy needs.
Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everyiohere.
9mmrmxBmittxriim2rariMM&DVKSBa 9 NT uvjq-r.r'mimmmtmimmastws3a
Charles L. Wood Diet Easter Evening.
The Tribune received the following
night message Wednesday morning
from Arthur McNamara, of Oakland,
Cal.: "Our old friond and townsman
Charles L. Wood unused nwnv Knafnr
evening at his homo in thirt city, kidney
trouble causo of doath. Remains to be
cremated Wednesday evening."
In the doath of Mr. Wood a former
pioneer resident of North Platte pasca
to the great bryond at tho age of about
sevonty years. Tho deceased came to
North Platte in 18C9 and accepted a
position as clerk in the office of tho di
vision foreman of the Union Pacific
which ho held for a number of years.
Later ho ongaged in the meat market
business, which ho conducted for sev
eral years. In 1890 ho was appointed
postmaster and served for four years
when ho was succeeded by M. W. Clair.
Nine yeara ago ho removed to Cali
fornia in which stato ho had since re
sided. Ho retained his real estate in
terests in North Platto, owning tho
property at tho corner of Sixth and
Locust and tho houso and two lota on
west Third.
Ho is survived by a wife and daugh
ter, his son Harry having died about
ten years ago, leaving a wife and two
Cleared of Serious Charge.
WIIpox &. TTnlltnrnn ulin nurn ntl.
tlGVH for thn (1nfrwlnnf rnnvaA .nl
VCStordftV thnt thn TTniforl St,!-, o,..
preme court had affirmed the decision of
juuge Munger, of the federal district
court, In tho case of tho United States
nirnlnst Willlnm f!inrrrn nf Prnrlv TV,
charge against Mr. George was perjury
ciaimeu io navo ucen maao in connection
with evidence in u final proof made he
faro tho local U. S. land office several
yeara ago. The case was tried beforo
juuge munger, who sustained the de
murrer of the defondant whereupon tho
government annenled tho case to tho
supreme court. Three weeks ago Mr.
rlalllgnn went to Washington to nrgue
the esse, and yesterday received word
that the hitrheBt tribunnl hurt iinhnlrl Mm
lower court This ends tho case and
Mr. Gfiororn I nntlrnlu frnwl tmt or.
ugly charge.
Will Deliver Farewell Sermon.
Rev. It. R. Fnvnritrht wtmnnmn flm
ago tendered his resignation as pastor
of the Bantist church, will dolivnr ha
farewell sormon noxt Sunday. Rev.
FnVnfitrllf hurl linnn nvtnmla.l nnlla Tr.m
Fremont, Holdrege and Pawneo City,
and after consideration decided to accept
the Pawnee City call.
Rev, Favoright loaves North Platte
nfter having had wonderful success
both as to tho spiritual and material
growth of tho church and Pawneo City
is certainly fortunato in secur
ing his sorvUeB as pastor.
Fflink Mf'Flirlllon Ullin rlst.m
.-.-.- uuv.., ..v. v .o UUITIJ
from his ranch north of Paxton Wed
nesday, saya "he lost but thirty-five
head of cuttle in the blizzard, whereas
it Was rcnnrtnrl hnhnrl Inat haaviU IT,.
runs ubout six hundred head and' tho
main herd sought shelter in a dry
channel of the rivor that was protected
frOITl the north JlV n honvv rrrniurVi rP
brush. Those that norished wore in tho
corrals near tho houso. The morning
nfter tho storm he dug twenty-nine hpad
out of the snow drifts, twenty-seven of
wjiich recovorod from the effects aPlh
storm. The losses reported in hia sec-
tion nf thn rnnntrv uinca no fnlrn...
Brogans 210 head, Maddock 200, Geo.
mcumiey ztu. nay thorn 130, Jens
Sillasen 70. WhitAwntnr 'ranpl. nhnnt
500, and Ed. Myers lost heavily.
I have nil kinds of cltvnnHfnrm nrnn.
erty for sale. If you are Rt all inter
ested call and see me, Room 1, I. O, O.
r. uuiiuuiB. j, i... TEMPLE.
Tho Luthernn chnlr will mnait Y,a
Easter cantata next Sunday evening.
MfLHT Of thr IftVflTA flllrllanna nynannt-
baster night desire to hear tho service
ogam and there are some of their people
who could not be present then that will
appreciate tho opportunity noxt Sunday.
And Laster comes but once u year. The
nour oi service nexc aunuay evening is
7:30. After April 1st in accordance
With a rulo airrici)r nnnn hv nil tV.
churches years ago, tho evening ser
vices until Oct. 1st. will betrin at 8
For violating tho ordinance prohibit
ing tho erection of frsmo buildings
within tjho liro limits, Charley Echel
bcrry was arrested Tuesday by Chief
Otten. Arraigned beforo Judge Walker
he nsked for and was granted a contin
uance of tho hearing tor ten days. Mr.
Lchelberry wought to erect a frame
shop building on the lotfat the corner of
Locust and Sixth streets.
Wo hnvo somo good residenco prop
perties for salo, also, money to loan on
real estate, Somo lots in different
parts of tho city. F. J. Diener & Co ,
Phono Red 572. 14I
R. C. Longford, who made a trip
through tho western part of McPherson
county the early part of tho week, says
tho numbor of dead cattle strewn ovor
tho prairies form a pitiable sight. The
loss in thnt section was very hsavy.
Even where cattle were sheltond in
bululinira thn Inoa in uni. ln.nn.
Exceeded fifty per cent.
Arrangements have been made to
informally entertain members of tho
Fields minstrels -at tho Elks' home
following tho entertainment next Tues
day evening. For two or three years
past Informal receptions lmye been
tendered the members of the company,
a number of whom nro members of tho
Gasoline and oil stoves cleaned nnd ro
Pnirod. Peter M. McGovern, phone
JuO. tf
LtlrZ'. Pc2We. ' Voseipka entortained
tht Club Novita Tuesday afternoon.
Umtesta wero hold in which Mesdames
brodPuyne nnd John Voseipka were
given first prizes. Emblems of consola
tion wore presented to Mesdames E. N.
Oglor and Ella Huxoll. Refreshments
wero served.
D. M. Hogsett has begun tho work
of altering and repairing tho Iddings
residenco on Wost Fifth street. A
number of Improvements will be made
that will add to the attractiveness of
this homo.
Minnie Roberts, the sixteen-yoar old
girl who nttempted to take her life the
latter part of last week, was taken to
tho Girls' Industrial school ut Geneva
fuosday ovening by the matron of tho
local jail.
For Sale.
Good kershon seed oats. Thorough
bred Plymouth Cockerels and laying
pullots. Win. Allbee, 1021 N Pine St
Bargains Extraordinary
;For this Week Only;
We will give extra bargains" in Men's Suits
We have taken all our
$12.00 and $15.00 Suits
and marked them
All our
$16.50 to $20.00 Suits
marked down to
Get Busy this Week and Save Yourself Money
Will be Here Tuesday Evening.
Al G. Field's minstrels, who are
pleasing crowded houses in Denver this
week, will appear at tho Keith next
Tuesday ovoning. The show this
season is a great aggregation about
evenly divided between black and white
face. The songbirds are a dozen Span
ish students in brown velvet and gold
lace, with Happing, plumed hats. The
dancers arc eight black boll hops. The
old-fashioned end men aro four black
facud artists in people satin with the
heavyweight Mr. Field In conventional
attire doing the interlocutor's stunt.
Ormond Bench, Fin., is supposed to
be the location on the eve of the auto
mobilo races. Tho beach and the ver
anda of a hotel are shown with excel
lent effect, with the company arranged
in the old horse shoe way. The song3
are well sung, the jokes t fully .appre
ciated nnd the dancing enjoyed.
There is an automobile rnco and a
realistic explosion, which sent the
crowd into roars of laughter, and after
the intermission there is a phantasy
of "AH Hallowe'en." or "Lisle Murnrs
Drenm," that is remarkably well
done, the "shadow dance" and Henry
Welser's frog imitation are especially
The final, "Opening of tho Panama
canal," in four scenes, with four
sences, with moving pictures, a vol
cano in action, a great ship passing
through lock's nnd a very funny sketch
between Governor Bowen, Johnnio
Dove and Bert Iwor, which is alone
worth the price of admission.
Second Number of Lyceum Course,
Tuesday Evening April 1st, 8 p. m.
O, F. Brnnstetter will give the
second lecture of the Socialist Lyceum
course which is being held in this city.
Mr, Brnnstetter was state secretary
qt the socialist party of Oklahoma for
several years and at tha head of their
organization during the constitutional
and stato hood campaigns.
His interpretation of , industrial and
political conditions are based upon a
first hand knowledge of the workers
problems, years of study, investigation,
nnd a long experience in the affuirs of
his party organization.
His subject will be "What is SocibI
sm," and those who have heard him
say that ho is a clear and logical
reasoner and ensily understood.
Ho hns beon activo in the affairs of
his party organization for many years
and is well qualified to present his sub
ject Come out nnd hear Mr. Brnnstetter
answer this question. Don't forget tho
date. Tuesday ovening April, 1st, 8 p.
m. at Lloyd Opera House. All those
holding season tickets to this courso
may bring one other person who will
bo ndmitted free. Committee.
Card of Thanks.
Wo wish to exnress our sinrniA
thnnks to tho friends and neighbors for
meir itinu assistance nnd sympathy
shown in tho hour of our sadness and
bereavement in the loss of our wife nnd
daughter nnd also for the beautiful
floral offerings.
R. D. Chamberlain,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutfield
and family,
No. 3S Large sevon room house
modern four blocks from Washington
school. Prico 3000,00". This property is
a bargain. V. F Tfmi'I k.
fj TflBM
I obtained ray experience of snnitary plumbing in
some of the largest cities in the country, yhere the
work is all done under the eye of a city inspector
and according to a city code ntost strict.
The Sanitary Plumber is as important in n town as a
doctor. The doctor cures disease but the sanitary
plumber prevents it. ,- .
My work is low in cost and higlHn efficiency. It
will pay you in health and pocket to let your, con
tracts here. '
Shop Cor. Sixth and Locust.
Phone 69. 1
gaBJMgMMBPBIMKMre mi m ,, , , I
Keith Theatre
Tuesday, April 1,
Greater Minstrels,
The Oldest, Biggest and Best
of all Minstrel Shows.
Years o Continuous Success
Sixty-five in the Company
pir1 Burt.Swor. John Healy. Gov. Bowen, Johnny Dove, Harry Shunk
Ed'epunIgan Jack Richards, Paul LaLonde. Walter Sherwood Her
bert Wilhson, R B Merville. W. II. Starr, B. H. Logan, Char?ey Rhin
hart, John Crawford, Alsey Sexton, Bonnie Mack. ""'ey nin
The Spanish Students, Minstrelsy PasVand-Present,
The original production "Openinghe Panama Canal"
All Hallowe en or Lish Mum's Dream&'
p r win. A, Whole Evening ofiNovsltles. -
J rof. William Walters Gold Band. Ten Thousand Dollars Worth
of Gold, in Tuneful, Musical Instruments.
Two Free Band Concerts Daily. v
Seats Now Selling
Prices SOc, 75, $1 and
A Full Size 50c Box of
Hake-Man Tonic Tablets
Are you weak and nervous? Do
ju" ouuur uin uacKacnes, rneumatism,
or kidney trouble? Are your stomach nnd di
gestive orunns constnnUy settine out of whnck.
o that you can't enjoy your meaU any more?
Are you losing: weight? Do you sleep poorly? l
your body seak nnd crylnir for something: thnt Is
lacklntt? What you most likely need is more r"ch
?i,lO07lc0,JralnEthroU8hyur veins, giving
WtaSt1, wZ"11" 8y.s,tem hcrytaB fornour
Ini. ifnrwSj5tyo?.need a "tonlc.n health.Blv.
Jmnti Vh,iley ihe,p m.?ko men and women
SJilfihii y s,v. new ,lfe-new nsth. to im
r?. s,he1. rundown, over-worked nervous sys order that you nnd every one who does
rnnSM9 wo"JeLf.u, heafth-Kivlnfi:. life
5?,TJ?sr.tabIets,w5,maketh,sanui,unloffer:Slmply cut out coupon, fill in your nnmo nnd address-.
send no money Just the coupon, and you will
a? ivo.,bso!u tely (Eee-.our regular 50 cent box of
Z.A,.'l" To,nie Tab'- Remember, send no
money, there Is no string Ued to this oiler, all
that wo ask is that "you try this SO-cent box.
bold nnd recommended in North
J Druggist, first door north
l?J?ke .u"?y tablet (as per directions) and we
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TT ViTf k wul " u" unul lomorrow, cut
fSlfo.EEP-.i2?J &!. t""."" th? road
vn,V. .;.." """"' "".!S '?'' W1 now
r.t.7- : . f.. ". ",D wnir anu nnx ons to
Rive you a full size 50o box free, then Judge
for yourself, whether ornot they can beof help to
you Canyoureslatsoearnestanappeal? Foryour
nVTl RflL a Ann tiiABA kiIih ln... . ..
-- n.v .. uuao nuu iuvo you. cui oui tni9
coupon todav. nt once nnd mail It to us. Aa."
, ilJ '""' are soiu at all Urugstoret50o
a box on n guarantee or money refunded.
buiuui i mis coupon"";
MAKn-MAN TA1JI.15T CO.. Ipt. 800 ,'
000 Mitk.Mnn lllujr., Chlraco. III. "
wltli to rucclvo, free, a f ull ilio 60-ceut boi.
DrngglH's Nimo..................,
My Jme..M. ;
"WMIiumw wltHln. J
Addresa ....... i
Plntto by Schiller & Co.,
of First National Bank.