m ri i h im r , - Slate HUUtlcol Ectltly Sthe MQtth W4M''r4'' n aro-IBIeell jg SHfauui TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MARCH 28, 913. No. 18 isay&safasa3yyasaas3sis 5.00 Completely Equipped F. 0. B. Factory S overland Model 69 F ! Just Received a Car Load. r 30 horse power. w Three 'Speed and' reverse sliding-gear transmission. 11 0-inch wheel base. , j ' ' r ' . Three-quarter floating axle.' Honeycomb radiator. fV 32x3'a tires. .; - ? Full 6 passenger body. $50 Warner speedometer. Mohair top, rain vision windshield, tire irons, complete set of lights, Prest-O-Lite tank, dash adjustment for the carburetor. ,1, ' v-t. (,,. More power, more wheel base, more room, heavier construction in wheels, frame and body, more car, more service, than in other make of car at a similar price. t 1 ' 1 205 Dewey Street ealer w y , WORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. - 215 East Sixth Street SM;1;M?5MM?55M05 1 Local and Personal Engineer Norman Connelly returned yesterday morning from -a visit with relatives in Denver. , The M. B. A. held the first of their series of after Lent dances in the K. P. hall Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith returned yesterday from Sterling whoie they spent awoek on business. , Leo Pass, who spent hia Easter vaca tion with the home folks, returned to Creighton college this morning. TJhe village board of Hersey has de cided to submit to a vote of the people a proposition to vote bonds for the in stallation of water works and an electric light plant. Miss Vaunita Hayes has taken the position in the telephone office made vacant by Uip resignation of Miss Daily. Miss Carrie Fryo, who had been ill with rheumatism for three weeks, re sumed work at the telephone office yes terday. The delegates and drill team of the local lodge of Yeoman have chartered a tourist car and will leave for Lincoln Sunday night to attend the annual con vention oi that order. Material is being assembled for tho artificial ice and cold storage plant to be erected by Will Hawley and Theo. LcfWe, Jr. If the weather is favorable the building will be completed by May 1st and the machinery installed. The capacity of the plant will be eight tons per day. I A Beautiful Basket Buggy. j m. - a imtM xi 1 ryna f i I !". 5tL. "-'? "Be Sure It's a "Whitney." They are the only kind ve have, and when you see them you will say as they all do . A "Whitney" for me. Derryberry & Forbes Block's Advance Announcement. Good, news for tho ladies of North Platte and vicinity: Our building has been vacated, carpenters and decorators are now busily engaged installing our fixtures and getting the store in readi ness for our grand oponing. If you are one of the many ladies who have been waiting patiently for tho opening of your city's ONLY ex clusive woman's toggery Bhop, it will please you to know that we will be open for business about the middle of next week. Watch later announce ments for exact date of opening. BLOCK, Tho Ladies, Outfitter. raWgBMBiatlHBJJ Today's papers place tho deaths duo to flood and firo at points in Ohio and Indiana at 5,000. At Dayton firo fol lowed the flood and eignteen blocks in the business section were burned over. In that city 15,000 houses are submer ged, at Columbus tho death list Is placed at from 000 to 1000, at Piqua from 300 to 500, while at Dayton it is impossible to even make an estimate. At many other places tho death list runs from ten to fifty. Miss Lummie Whito and Elmor Elk lund were married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon White, south of the riyer from Hershcy. Rev. Johnson, pronouncing the coromony. Tho bride was attended by Miss Ora Whit and groom by Ray Ziegenhagen. The young couple, who are well and favor ably known, will make their homo south of Sutherland. The steel door and fixtures for the vault of the Platte Valloy bank, which had been delayed for a couple of weeks, arrived yestorday and were unloaded into the rooms last night. As soon as these are installed tho bank will move to its new location. From the Hastings Tribune it is learned that Bishop Beechcr will soon change his residence from Kearney to Hastings. The parish of the latter place has virtually agreed to procura by purchase, or otherwise, a residence for the Bishop. The Ladies of tho Maccabees have been conductinga ylgorous ticket selling campaign for a week past, and as a re sult there promisos to be a large at tendance at tho dance they will givo at inf opera nouse next nionuay evening. Tho rear drive wheels of tho engine p ulhng tho branchtrain together with Buveral cars were derailed near Lowel len Tuesday by the spreading of the rails. Tho wracking outfit was sent up and soon had tho mishap righted. Miss Lolo Walter visited her sister in Sutherland this' week. For Sale. Kggs for sotting rfrom pure bred Barred I'lvmnnth lfnM.- clilnl.,.. t quire of or address, BlankenburgBros., 1350 Nrtlu.Locust St., North Platte, Nob. 'Phone No. Red 443. 13-G Declamatory Contest Tonight. The homo contest will bo held tonight in the high Bchool auditorium. This is an annual affair and the winner i3 to represent the local school in the district contest which is held in this city in con nection with the district teachers' as sociation. In addition to this honor the winner will receivo a boautiful medal presented by T. F. Watts of this city. Since there will bo no expense con nected with spndingthe local contestant to the district contest thore will bo no charge for the contest tonight and everyone is invited to attend. Program Oratorical Class i "Abraham Lincoln" Roy Ames "John Brown'. . . .Edward Thompson Dramatic Class "Helono Tnmre" Marion Cross "A Wild Olive Wreath" De Witt Foster 'The Death Disk". ,. . . .Eliza Foster "The Going of tho Whito Swan".. Joanette White Program begins at 8:!!0 and aftor the progam tho Junior Class will servo cocoa and wafers at locents. Mrs. H. M. Grimes and Mrs. F. W. Rinclcer will ontertain tho 500 club at the home of the first named Thursday evening of next week. Mrs. McKale is expected to return this week from Ft. Scott, Kans., when she spent two weeks. Presbyterian Ladies Burn Note. The nnnual hufllnpna rnonHnrr nf Mm Ladies' Aid of the First Presbyterian church was held at tho church yesterday afternoon. Thoro was full attendance of the members and many visitors prosont. It was nn occasion full of re joicing, ino noio wnicii was duo on the organ wbb lifted and burned by MrH. .1. W. PnVMM ivlliln ilmao nrnonnf sang the doxology. The annual roport wnicn was submitted by Mrs. Jeter was adopted and shownd that $1100 was raised sinco April, 1912. Votes of thanks were accorded tho retiring officers pud complimentary references wore made in regard to Mra. J. W. Payne's generosity. Officers for tho on suing year wore elected as follows: Mrs. .1. II. Singleton, president; Mrs, L. Walker, first vjce-prcsident; Mra. Alex Fenwick, fcccontl vice-president; Mrs. Frank Buchanan, secretary and treasurer; Mra. Qra DoFord, assist, secretary and treasurer1 MVa:i'3t(!g!; ton and Mrs. Hastings served delfcioua refreshments anfi nil acknowledged thJ meeting to bo ope, of their best. Manager Stamp has booked Mrs. Leslie Carter in Zaza for the evonlhg of March 28th at the Kith. . ; Attorney Goorgo Gibbs went to Sutherland today to act as judgo of a declamatory contest. LADIES. It will positivley pay you to wait for our spocjal offering during our opening days of next week. Block, tho Ladies' Outfitter. The CRYSTAL To -Night and Saturday. PICTURES Shirts and Shocks. Two Sisters. Mutual Weekly His -Heroine. 10 Cents. For Sale Cheap. 'Typewriter pnd roll top desk. O. Thoelccke. 18-4 Hi Make Preparations For Campaign. Tho (Tfctinrnl PAmmltfan nnnnlntnrl . arrange for tho Y. M. C. A. building campaign, met last evening and uiscua- noil fit lnnirtfi tho ffrmufnl mil ltrwia rF 4lw campaign whereby it is hoped to secure contributions amounting to al loatt $iu,vuu. On tlin nvnnlntr nf A nv 11 1AiU 1.A ovoning proceding tho oponing of .the ktiuiiuiii u uiiikjuuv win uo noiu at which Gonl. Soc'v Knadlo, President Mohler of the Union Pacific and, State Secretary Bailey will bo present. A committee was appointed to confer with the Presbyterian ladies as to whether they would agree to Berve tho menu for the banquet In tho bosomont of tho church, A committee was also appointed to secure campaign head quarters and also n committee toqecuro the attendance of at least seventy-five at the banquot. The payments of con tributions was also discussed, tind tentatively agreed that tho payments can bo mado monthly or quarterly; but tho full amount must bo paid -within twelve months. Albert Grolnsmand, of Germany, ar rived yesterday mbrning to visit his uncles F. L. Weinburg and Gus Meyers. John N, Henggelor, of Columbus, and Anna M, Schram, of this city, wero married Friday aftornoon by Rev. P. McDald. Clyde Nichols and Miss Julia Michuud both of this city Wero granted a permit to wed by tho county judge yesterday afternoon. Stability, Efficiency and Service &. JTava booi tho Priators Jl $10, .(rroivth oF tho 4 I ' 1 First National Bank, th 'f'v' V tf lv-JL of rSO It Til ItA TTJS, NIMH A SKA . f . . .... ' ! W ) f CAriTAI, AJSU &UH PLUS $1tlO,QQO.OO , :i k r. ,