The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 21, 1913, Image 5

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Pretty Easter Gifts
Are always apreciatcd if selected from articles
that can be kept and are of service. Our new
goods will add to the attire and others are
. useful mementos of Easter tide. Pretty Bar
Pins, Cuff Pins, Beauty Pins, Link Cuff
Buttons, Hair Ornaments, Blue Bird Pins,
Rosaries. New Scapular medal locket, crosses
and crucifixes. We are always showing the
new goods.
f DIXON, The Jeweler,
U. P. Watch
S Graduate Denlisl. - S
2 Office over the McDonald J
e State Bank.
a a
Local and Personal.
Mr. and Mr. L. W. Hastings re
turned the latter part of last week
from a visit in eastern point.
Be sure and got a package at Clin
ton's package sale, Saturday morning,
25c a package.
J. C. McCoy, of Lewellen, lost 400
head of j cattle, and Everett Eldridgo
living north tf that place lost ovor 500
head in last week's storm.
District Manager Bryan, of tho Grand
Island sugar factory, has been in Lin
coln this week cpntracting for foreign
labor tp work in tho beet fields.
Mrs. James Loudon and her Sunday
School Class will entertain the Gleaners
and the Young Men's Club of the Baptist
church in the parlors of tho church to
night. J. B. Cross who had beSn visiting
relatives in Denver for several months
returned here tho first of this week to
spend the summer with his son F. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cciker, of
Sutherland, who wore called hare tho
first of this week by the illness of their
son at the P. & S. hospital, left for
home yesterday afternoon.
Gasoline and oil stoves cleaned nnd re
paired. Peter M. McGovern, phone
390. tf
Tho Sutherland Free Lance reports
the death of GOO cattle in tho section
tributary to that town during tho bliz
zard of last week. Jack Palmer, well
known in North Platte, lost 200 head.
Down at Grand Island tho Union
Pacific has appropriated $480 for, elec
troliers to be placed on the streets near
the depot. If all the property owners
of North Platte were live wires and
would conclude to put in the electrolier
system of lighting, we are assured the
Union Pacific would do its share.
This is Good Friday, the day on which
we are supposed to. plant early pota
toes; it is also, according to the almanac,
the first day of spring. However, as
Weather Observer Shilling reported a
temperature of ten degrees below zero
this morning, we will delay planting
potatoes until next week; we also ques
tion if today is really the opening of the
spring season.
'"Bush, children,
A Distant Message
It is wonderful how much pleasure can bo
obtained from a talk over the Bell Telephone.
To the members of the family who are away,
it is so pleasant to hear the laughing, cheery
voices of the home folks over the telephone.
To bo of tho greatest value tho telephone
must make neighbors of everyone everywhere.
Bell Telephone service takes no heed-of city
limits or state lines.
Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere.
t r -H-rrrriTrtrr,"v,1J,M 8
J. J. Halhgan has been transacting
business in Omaha for a day or two
A njno pound baby boy was born yes
terday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
The Brotherhood of tho Presbyterian
church will meet this evening in the
pastor's study at the churcfi.
Don't forget your package at Clin
ton's package salo Saturday morning.
Mrs. Bruce is enjoying a visit from
her sister who came Saturday from tho
eastern part of the stato.
Miss Ruth Loan camo up from Goth
enburg this morning to visit her sister
Mrs. Alex Brooks for a week.
Mrs. James L. Loudon will entertain
the Baptist aid society in the basement
of the new church this afternoon.
Miss Harriet Fregno, of Lexington,
is expected Monday to attend tho
Easter Ball and visit Mis3 Alice Otten.
Be sure and get n package at Clin
ton's package sale Saturday, 25 cents a
J. H. Edmisten went to Ljncoln the
early part of the week to attond the
banquet tendered W. J. Bryan by tho
democrats of the state.
Weather forecast: Fair tonight, Sat
urday fair and not so cold. Highest
temperature yesterday 10, n year ago
19; lowest last night -10 a year ago -7.
The Hinman lodging house has been
undergoing n thorough renovation and
will ber refurnished throughout. Tho
work will be completed tho early part
of next week and u formal opening held.
P. H. McKvoy and son Arthur have
returned from Omaha where the latter
had h piece of glass removed from an
eye. The operation was a very deli
cate one and required three hours time.
The public sale of cows, farm imple
ments etc., announced for March 15th
will be held at the Hershey Implement
Store at 1 p. m., Saturday atternoon
March 22nd. Notice the ad in this paper.
Beautiful new line of Fisk pattern
hats now $10, special Saturday $4.75
at Parlor Millinery, 300 East Third.
William H. Hamilton and Mrs,.
Gertrude R.Bush of this city were mar
ried last Saturday afternoon by Judge
Grant. For tho present they will re
sido with the latter's parents Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Tobas.
Miss Tangley, tho mind reader who
has been at the Keith this week, has
attracted large audionces, and her de
monstrations aro mystifiying to her
hoarers. 'his attraction together with
the other features has made the Keith
the most popular place in town this
it's daddy talking:"'
NT "wsBMauMuaiam
10 a. m. Easter exorcises by the
primary department of tho Sunday
School; 11 a. m. Organ Prelude, Easter
Dawn; Anthom, "Jesus Christ is Risen
Today;" Solo, Miss Rudolph; Sacrament
of Baptism, Reception of new members
and an address on "The Immortality of
the Soul," by tho pastor Rev. J. C.
Christie; Offertory, "I Know that my
Redeemer Livoth;" Easter Postludo.
Prelude, "Christ Is Risen;" song,
"Christ tho Lord is Risen today;" an
them, "Hark. Hark my Soul;" duet
"The Day is Dying In the West;" Dr.
and Mrs. Leininger; scripture reading;
anthem "God over all forever bles
sed;" Hoyser. Significance of Eas
ter, Rev. J. C. Christie.
Solo Jerusalem by Parker, Mrs.
Loininger; offertory, pastoiale; solo
Easter song, Miss Rudolph: song "Ho
Sits on Yonder Throne," Harwell;
anthemr- "Hosanna," Granior, post,
lude festal march.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m. thore will
bo good music, an Easter lesson and an
Easter offering for missions; prenching
nnd special Easter muBic at 11 a. m.
The theme for "the morning hour will
be, "A Resurrection Halleluiah;"
Junior League 2:30 p. m., this will bo
a spiritual hour with the children) Ep
worth League 6:30 p. m.; Good music,
earnest heart talks, and an Easter offer
ing for missions, will bo features of
this service; Sacred Concert by tho
Choir at 8 p. m., this will bo an"enjoy
able hour. AH aro invited to tneso
Musical program for Easter Sunday:
Processional hymn.
"Christ Our PaBsover" by Simper.
"To Deum" by Kingsbury.
"Jubilate" by Brackett.
Communion service (music by Wilk
inson.) Anthem - "Halleujah, Christ is
Risen." by E. A. .Claire.
Recessional Hymn.
The services at the church will be as
follows: Early celebration of Holy
Communion at 7:30 a. m. The services
will be full of musical numbers at 10 a.
m. Tho choir ha3 prepared special
music for the Eastor service and no
one ought to miss being present to
worship God in prayer nnd praise on
Easter morning. Come out and join us
in our worship. Strangers cordially in
vited nnd all communicants aro urged
to come and unite togothorin this great
feast of joy. Children's festival ser
vice at 7:30 p. m. to which the parents
aro cordially invitod. Special offerings
on Easter day.
Morning service at 10 o'clock, Holy
communion and tho special Easter
music by the choir. .Anthem, "Christ
is Risen;" Trio "Fainting under tho
Crown," Messrs. Harry Moore, J.
Shaeffer, A. T. Yost. Evening service
cantata - The Conquering King consist
ing of the following numbers! Organ
voluntary, Mrs. Huxoll.
, , , Tart I
Anthem, "Ridfe on in ' Majesty;"
ladies quartet "Zion's Daughter,
Weep No More," Misses Dioner, Huff
man, Miinhall and Mrs. Huffman; an
them "Surely Ho Hath Borne Our
Grief," Mr.' Yost, Mrs. Huffman nnd
choir; duet "When I survey tho Won
drous Cross," Miss and Mrs. Huffman;
men's trio "Jesus Lives," Messrs.
Moore, Shaeffer nnd Yost.
NPart II
Base nnd tenor solo "Why Weapest
Thou." Messrs. Yost, Shaeffer and
choir; tenor solo and duet, Mr. Moore.
Miss Dienerand choir; solo "Jerusalem
Awaken, "Miss Huffman; baritone
solo "How Calm and Beautiful," Mr.
Yost and chorus; song "Lift up your
Heads." choir; duet "The Saviour
Liveth," Mrs. Huffman and Mr. Mooro;
"Rejoice the Lord is King" Final
Wanted to End Life.
Minnie Roberts, a sixteen yenr old
girl whose conduct is beyond tho re
straint of her mother, was taken in
custody by Deputy Sheriff Watts this
morning. Wednesday information was
filed against alleging that she was a fit
person to bo sent to the reform school,
and tho hearing set for tomorrow.
Yesterday sho visited several drug
stores and attempted to purchase poison
with which to end life. Theso attemnts
to purchase deadly drugs was tipped
off to Officer Watts and ho took her in
custody. She had in her possession a
partly finished letter addressed to a
young man in which sho announced
her intention of committing suicide.
Up to date line of pattern and
tailored hats on dinplay Friday and
Saturday at the Parlor Millinery, 300
East 3rd street .
,01rl Line Bankers Life, LincolnNeb.
W. H. C. Woodhurst, Agency. 14-6
Earl Stamp returned this morning
from short visit in the eastern part
of the state.
Don't forget your packago at Clin
ton s package sale Saturday morning.
Cy. Kussell roturned Wednesday
l, .; iiuiu uiiiuub wnere no visited
his wife who is ill at ono of the hospitals
in that city. '
FoundOn the street by B. J. Guy
man a pair of glasses. Owner can have
same by calling at this office and pay
ing for this notice.
J. R. Ritner, who recently purchased
the vacant lot enst of his feed store on
west Sixth street will erect thereon a
22x100 onc-story concrete building this
Bo sure and get a packago
ton's package sale, Saturday
2Gc a package.
at Clin
morning, MrrMP?Jtown?rs!n,y,at Part of tho
North Platte school district lying west
of the city are circulating a petition ask-
ing that they be permitted to withdraw
from tho North Platte district and or-
ganize a districtof their own.
The Nebraska hoimn Hiin.i ,,. v..,.i.
1.... I.III .. -1. " "--."""" " 1VKI.1V-
' T "" lu reuueo ireignt rates yester
day afternoon. Tho final voto was 48
i yeas and 40 nays. Tho bill providos for
a ten cent reduction' in freight rates on
live stock, lumber, coal, building ma"
terlal. potatoes, grain and -fruits in
cnrlots and a 20 per cent reduction of
cln a rates, 4
Ladies on Saturday, March 22d, for
one day only, you can find a line of
up-to-date tailored, street nnd dress
hats that arc marked from $5.50 to
?8 50 for $4.08. Call and be con
vinced that our styles and quality arc
the best. Ye can save you money
anything in the millinery line.
Mrs. B. F. Sailor at The Leader.
Local and Personal
Don't forget your packago at Clin
ton'sjpackago salo Saturday 'morning.
F. C. Pielsticker has been transact
ing business in Wallaco for several days.
For Sale Rooming house, 16 rooms.
Apply at this office. tf
Misses Irene vouTrot andMaymeMc
Micheal spent Monday in Sutherland.
Mrs. George Hntfield left Tuesday
for Paxton to spei.d a week with rela
tives. Mr. and Mr?. C. O. Troy loft Tuos
duy evening to visit relatives in Kansas
For Rent-Furnished rooms, all
modern. 123 East 10th, phone red 517.
Miss Maud Miller left Thesday morn
ing for Chappell to visit her mother for
a week.
Mrs. Sacket, of Salt Lake City, is
visiting this week with her sister Mrs.
Edward Yoarsley.
Mrs. Funk, of Salt Lako City, ar
rived yesterday morning to visit hor
daughter Mrs. Edwaid Yoarsley.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tobas aro planning
to leave the latter part of next month
for California to spend tho summer.
Money to loan on real estate.
liratt & Goodman.
A boy baby was born to Mr. and
Mrs. G. II Miller the latter part of
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hussoy, of Cozad,
visited Tuesday with Miss Lois Payne
on their way to Denver.
Miss Anna Flynn pleasantly
tained eight young ladies at
o'clock tea Monday afternoon.
n five
If you aro contemplating building a
residence this spring see McNamara's
plans and specifications. Phono Black
Miss Pearl Tagador, who was called
here six weeks ago by tho Illness of her
mother, returned to Gibbon Wednesday
Will Votaw of tho Stato University
who spent this week with town friend
and relatives will leave tomorrow. l
Mrs. k. w. Urano and daughter
came up from Lincoln Tuesday evening
to yisit her parents Mr. and Mrs. San
ford Hartman.
The Zocfiacal'Lidht.
Thoic is a strange light In the henv
ens appearing afler fJunset In the Iqte
winter and In spring and before sunrise-
lu the autumn, but few portions In
our' latitudes have over seen it. In the
equatorial regions, however, and In
certain parts of the tropics the zo
diacal light appears with great spendnr,
and some remnrUnble views of It were
obtained by a French expedition to tln
interior of the Sahara, undertnl.en for
the purpose of studying the effects of
tho -unclouded sun on the dry air
of the desert. Tho mysterious light, In
tho form of a vast triangle, rising high
lu the heavens, appeared nearly three
times ns bright as the Milky wny.
Science has not entirely solved the
problem of the origin of this light, but
It. Is thought that It Is nn appendage
of the sun. Harper's Weekly. "
. Hcdgohog as Food.
Tho hedgehog as food Is oven more
neglected than the frog, yet those who
have tasted a properly conked hedge
hog proclaim It the best eating of all
our native wljd animals. According
to Mr. llnrwood Urlerloy, "the hedge
hog may he stewed or spltchcocUcd.
toasted v roasted. But It tastes best
baked In clay In n wood lire.
As the incrustation comes off It brings
nlso the adhering" spines and all tho
skin, leaving a luxurious little Joint,
complete, emitting nn appetizing re
minder of anything from hnro to
young pork. The hedgehog so treated
consists of white, sweet, tender flesh,
nowise Inferior to sucking pig or a
spring chicken, the flavor being even
more dellcnte than the savor." Lon
don Chronicle.
A man to work on farm. Inquiro at
Doolittlo Bakery. . 1G-2
Notico is hereby given that on Tues
day, the 1st day of April, A. D... 1913.
a general election will be hold in tho
city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, between the hours of 9
ociock a. in., and 7:00 o'clock p. m. In
the First ward at tho hose house in
said ward; in the Second ward, in tho
Commissioner's room of the court
houso in said ward; in the Third ward
In the hose house in said ward and in
the Fourth ward at tho hose houso In
aaid ward. At which election there
will bo elected:
One mayor for tho city of North
Platte to sorve two years.
One city clerk for tho city of North
Platto to serve two years.
One city trensurer for tho city of
North Platte to serve two years
One councilman from tho First ward
to serve two years.
One councilman from tho Second
fWnrd to serve two years.
Ono councilman from the Second
ward to scve one year.
One councilman from tho Third ward
to servo two years.
Ono cquncilman from tho Fourth
ward to servo two years.
uno water commissioner for -the city
of North Piatto to servo two vears.
Two members of tho school for the
school district of the city of North
Platto for the term of three years.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand this 20th day of March, A.
Thos. f. Pattmison, Mayor.
C, F. Tuil'M., City Clerk.
I What are You Paying I
1 for Groceries? g
on wo DOU m
20 lbs Granulated bcetij rr
Sugar, JI.UU
18 lbs Granulated cancel tt
Sugar, for Al.Ull
Tomatoes, full sizo can (
standard per can 1UC
Corn Btandnrd per ''an 7c r
1 cans for DC
Quaker Qnts large pkg.. ZuC
Quaker Oats nmall pkg.. IOC
E. C. Corn Flakes 4 pkg.. 25C
Broken Rico per Jl 5C
Rico JaptypeAt 10s for... 25C
Prunes small size per lb. . . . DC
Corn Starch por pkg OC
Gloss Starch por pkg 5C
Corp Starch Kingnfords per n
pkK 5C
Silver Gloss. Starch per pkg oC
Yeast Foam 4c pkg 3 for.. IQC
Lewis Lye por can oC
Eaglo Lyo per can QC
American Lye per can..-. ... oC
We pay cosh or
ilcox Department Store.
Saturday, March 22, 1913
at 1 O'clock p. m., at my Implement Store corner
5th and Locust Streets, North Platte, Neb. ,
Farm Implements.
Some New and Some Second Hand.
Farm Wagons Spring Wagons Plows
Cultivators Riding Attachments for Plows
Hay Presses Plowing Machines Hay Rakes
Disc Grain Drills Deering Harvester and Binder
Stackers and Sweeps Heavy and Light Harness
Milch Cows and Heifers
Fresh or near fresh, including some grade
Including some pure bred Plymouth Rocks
Sums of $20 and under,
eight. month's time will
heaiinir ton cent interest from int nt nnlo Tiiw,..
cent off for cash. No property to
Jos. Hershey,
Hattie ML Hershey.
F. C. Pielsticker, Clerk. T. F. Watts, Auctioneer
A nice five room cottage, new and modern ex
cept heat, located on east Sixth street. Price $2,300.
Five room house and barn, South Dewey street.
Extra erood seven room house, ham nnrl ntiM-miir!-.
ings, house modern except" heat, $3, 100. ' East 'Third
street two blocks from court house.
Five room house and barn located on WesTThird
street, close to Washington school. Price $2,000.
The lot is worth the money. t
Good seven room, two story dwelling on West ,
Third street, east of Washington school. Price $3,000
Nice six room cottage 721 West Seventh street,
handy to new round house. Modern except heat. Price
Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street,
in the 600 block. Price $1,750. x
Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street,
in the goo block. Price $1,700. ' '
All nf lllfC nmnrtrltnr' ...,. .!.!.. U..
.... w ...v. i'.Uwnv.a u c uauitc uargains and
can be bought on easy terms. Be sure and see these '
ueiore you uuy.
Fels Naptlia Soap per cake. 5C
Soda Crackers largo boxos 1
perlb 02C
Oyster Crackers largo l
boxes per lb 0C
K. C. Baking Powder 25
ozcan...... ZlC
Royal Baking Powder 1G i r
or can , 40C
Dr. Prices Baking Powder ir?
IGozcan 4DC
Kraut porcon .... I(JC
Hominy per can.. t ,. I(C
Pink Salmon per can.,... luC
Sweet Potatoes per can. . I iC
Potatoes lfic peck por en
bushel 5UC
Coffee fair gradd por lb... 2uC
California Fruits in good ia
syrup per (fan ZUC
Cocoanut best grade J lb j-
packuga per pkg IOC
Evaporated Apples por j '
Ilorso Shoo Tobacco, por i m
ib :.... 45c
Spear Head Tobacco por 1 p
ib .. 45c
Star Tobacco por lb 45C
J . T. Tobacco perlb 40C
your butter and eggs.
.poiied. Sale!
cash. On aumB ovor that amount
be given on good bankable notes
bo removed until Settled for.
& Patterson,