The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 21, 1913, Image 4

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s PHONE 4 OR 8 !
JjJ For Your Drugs. Orders Dc-
U livorod promptly.
Locai and Personal
" W. J. Tiloy transacted business In
Pflxton Wednesday.
Little Margaret O'Keofe has been
very ill for several days.
C. 0. Wcingnnd transacted business
in Ogalalla Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E Moore, of Gering,
are spending a few days in town.
Fred Letts left Wednesday afternoon
for Denver to transact business.
Mrs. Jack Palmer Idf t tho first of this
week for Callaway to visit relatives.
Mrs. George Voseipka will entertain
the Nevita CInb Wednesday afternoon,
Mrs. Floyd Passmoro left Wednesday
evening for Omaha to visitherhusband.
Fred Garlow left Tuesday cvoning
or Omaha to spend several, days on
Miss LaVnughn CarroJI has returned
from Sidney where she was called by
death of a relative.
Mrs. G. H. Miller, who has been
visiting in Grand Island for a woek, is
expected to return Sunday.
Mr. Pulls, of Wellfleet, was operated
upon last week at tho P. & S. hospital,
and Is progressing nicely.
Mrs. Fred Wostcnfleld entertained a
party of friends nt a luncheon and ken
aington Tuesday uftornoon.
Mrs. Oricfc Bunting and daughter
Forn loft Wednesday for Beatrice whore
they wlll.'mako thoir homo.
Leslie Baskins will roturn to the
state university tomorrow after spend
ing a week with tho home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith left Wed
nesday afternoon for Sterling to trans
act business for several days.
Miss Florence Antonidos, of the
Kearney Normal, came up Wadnoaday
to spend her Eastor holidays at homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawheodwentto Grand
Island the first of this week to attend
the funoral of tho late Nelson Nichols.
Pittsburg Perfect Electric Weld Fenc
cing, Grand Islnnd . Barbed Fencing,
Barbwiro nnd nails for salo at Hcrshoy"'
Etli and Locust Sts., Phono 1C. tf
Mrs. Earl Stamp, who has been visit
ing hor sister in Council Bluffs for n
wcok past, is expected to return tomor
row. "
Miss Isabella Dornn camo up from the
Kearney normal Wednesday evening to
visit tho homo folks'durlng tho Easter
James Hartmun wlp has boon taking
ear treatments in Omaha for somo timo
is gotting along nicely und will return
homo noxt week.
Thomas Bnldock,rc turned to Council
Bluffs Wednesday after spending a
week here dn business and visiting hit)
soh WilliutiiBuldock.
.Tho World Herald of Wednesday
:rocords tho marriage license of Russell
Wl'IiamBof York, nnd Miss Cleda
Morriss of Lincoln. The latter for
merly lived in this city.
For Sulo My property ut 323 Wost
8th Street. Gko. S. Baskins.
MissEthol McVoy who Is attending
tho Kearney Normal camo up Wednes
day ovoning to visit hor sister Mrs. S.
'Throckmorton for a week.
, M.iso Sophie Sudman, who visited Mr.
. and Mrs. Virgil Padgot this week, left
Wcdnesdny morning for Pnxton to at
tend tho Crook-Enkins wedding.
Tho principals in an oloriemnnfc r
Oakland, Cal., last week wore Arthur
J. Crydorman, formorly of this city,
and Miss Lucille Morgan, of Denver.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Woodcox and
daughter Helon, of Willow Island, woro
In town Wednesday while onrouto to
Oshkosh to visit relatives. Mrs. Wood
cox was formerly MIsb Mazlo Hayes,
of this city.
Buy lots In Fairvlew Addition. Now
is your chance. Do not dolay. Desir
able location and easy payments. Phono
RedG72. , ,,F. J. Diener & Co. tf
Friends In this city havo received In
vitations to tho marriage' of Miss
Emma It. Corfiold and George S.
Arnold, which will take place Thursday
Evening, March 27th, at tho Baptist
church in Maxwell,
Miss Delia Baker, daughter of John
Baker of tho Buffalo Bill Wild West,
who'spent hor childhood In this city with
her grandmother was married las week
to n prominent young man of New
Rocholle, New York.
About two Inchos of snow fell Wed
nesday night and yesterday. For a timo
yesterday morning it looked as though
we might havo a ropotition of the bliz
zard of last wak, but fortunatoly tho
wind subsided.
We have ten acres Rated adjoining tho
Burlington chop grounds on south and
Penlston Addition on tho east. This
tract can be platted Into tour blocks or
48 building lotM that can bo sold for an
average ol $200 each, making $0000.00
If taken aoon we can moke tho vory low
prlco ol $3000.00 for tho tract. Terms
ball cash and balance on timo.
18-4 Buchanan &. Patterson.
Local and Personal.
Mrs, William Huddart has returned
from a short visit in Lincoln.
Fred Ginn returned a few days ago
from Grand Island and Omaha.
Every known kind of insurance, W.
H. C. Woodhurst Insuranco Agent.
Victor Halligan returns to the stnto
university tomorrow after a veek's
vacation here;
Sol Hodes came In from the east
Wednesday and will spend a few days
herq on business. ,
uoorgo Smith left Tuesday eveningly
for Denver and Kansas City to spend i
month with relatives.
Miss Mabel Krab loft a few dayB ago
for Paxton to act as bridesmaid at the
Crook-Eakins wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sclby havo re
turned from St. Joe and Kansas City
whore they purchased summer goods
for their store.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stebblns are re
joicing over tho arrival of a baby boy
which was born to them nt the P. & S.
hospital the latter part of last week.
Hermine Bailoy was granted a divorce
from Edyvard Bailey in the district
court this week for cruelty nnd non-
support. They wore married December
4th, 1901, and have two, children aged G
and thrco years.
Gonl. Manager Ware, of the Union
Pacific, went through Wednesday from
3idney where he wont to conduct tho
inquiry -Into tho wreck at Hcrndon.
Mr. Ware oxpocted to spcnd day or
tWO in tOWIt. but Unoxneetfld hnainnau
domanded his immediate return to
Omaha. r,
For 'Sale Plvmnnlti Hnir act fnr
settingj 50 cents for setting, or $3.00
per iuu. Muen naspoi, iNortn riatto.
Only a few mombera of tho local au
tomobile club responded to tho call for
a meeting at tho Elks' homo Wednes
day ovoning and adjournment was taken
until a later date. Tho new route book
of the stnto has ben received nnd is
ready for distribution by tho local sec
retary, Minor Hinman.
Mrs. Fred Warren, who will soon
leave for Omaha to make hor home,
was given a farowoll party Tuesday
afternoon at the Bratt rosidence by
members of tho Christian Scienco
aociety. She wns presented with a
handsome society pin by tho score or
more ladjes present. Refreshments
were served at tho close of the after
noon. Wilcoxson's Employment Agenoy fur
nishes all kinds of help free, 'phone 9G.
Office hours 9 n. m to 4 p. m. 100-
A gentleman who was at the depot
Tuesday night waiting on a belated
train, found sovoral womon with child
ren asleep on tho uncomfortable
benches. Ho suggests that it would bo
a great convenience for waiting passen
gora if tho company would furnish a
fow rocking or easy chairs, especially
for tho use of women with Bmnll child
ren. Arthur W. Snmuelson nnd Miss Daisy
Johnson woro quietly united in mnrringo
Inst Wednesday night. R. B. Fnvor
ight performed tho ceremony in tho
presence of only immedinto relativea on
the Dlenor plnco south oust of tho city.
Tho young couple took up their united
lifo immediately upon tho Snmelson
firm whero they will make their home.
UisB Mr.ta. Rumhaugh, o,f Ognlnlln,
and W. J. Splndler,' of Lewellen, wero
married in this city tfib Jlratof this week.
Thobndo has frequently visited tho
Misses Lnngford'nnd Is well known
among thqlocnl peoplo Tho groom is
n successful bilsiness'mnn of Lewellen,
whero they will make their homo after
n trip through eastern cities. Rev.
Cram officiated at the ceremony.
If seeking safe investments for your
idle money you can't do better than
place your money in a first mortgage
loan netting 7 ncr cent nnd m;.
nnnual interest. This is thp best pay
ing and safest investment you can
make. Bratt & Goodman.
A pretty party was held Tuesday
u"",uuu "J "'" "in century u ub
AfiuhAfu.. wi. ...;..
.. .. .,u,iiU ul .mo, 1'iiuiK uucnanan.
red nnd whlto wore the color used in
. Irt the guessing contests Mesdames
decorations, favors, games nnd lunch
Harry Mitchell, T. J. Korr and John
Vosoipka were awarded prizes. Tho
entertainment committee who assisted
tho hostess woro Mosdames Edwards,
Troupe.RMalmsteln and Throckmorton.
Misses Ethel Johnson, Lucille McFar
landand Bqrtha Votaw assisted in serv
ing. The board of inquiry which conducted
tho officials investigation of the Union
Pacific into the .wrock between extra
freight trains Nos. 504 and 501 nnd
Horndon west of Sidney on Thursday
night of last Week In which five men
werokilled, reported that tho cause was
due to the failure of Engineer Horbert
Cameron of No. 50J toobsorvo tho home
block signal nt Herndon and the failuro
of Conduator Ray Phillips and Brake
man Charles E. Cradit of No. 504 to go
back with danger slgnaU and protect
their tralri. '
Tho flulck enr is called upon to render
harder service In ovory territory than
any other nutomobile manufactured.
The owner of a Bulok does not hesitate
to use his car when conditions are con
sidered by ownora of other cars ns un
fit for motor travel. During tho re
cent blizzard, Jim. Jensen with his
Rlliek ".in" mn1i it fi-in fltr., mtloo :.,.
I tllA rnlltiftir .mil ltii.r.l I.MAA ..!
Local and Personal. .
M. J. Forbos transacted business in
MnxWoll Wednesday.
A masquerade dance was held Wed
nesday evcnliig in the K. P. hall.
G. II. Miller left, Tuesday for his
ranch near Gering to spend a week.
Edward Cornwell wns taken 111 with
tho mumps the first of this week.
W. II. McDonald transacted business
in Omaha the latter part of last week.
Rev. T. D. Sullivan, of Elm Creok,
is spending a few days hero thi3 week.
Joseph Baskins, of Alliance, is trans
acting business and visiting friends In
town. ,
John Bratt left Wednesday evening
for Omaha to spend soveral days on
Mrs. Fred Thompson, who went to
Lincoln last wook, returned homo the
first df this week.
Miss Winnlo Bridges returned last
evening from a short visit in Gothen
burg and Brady.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Palmer are en
joying a visit from the latter's father
Mr. Harrow, of Lexington.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hibbert re
turned Wednesday afternoon from a
short visit in Kearney. t
Mrs. Lester Walker and daughter
Mae loft Wednesday morning for St.
Joo to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cun
ningham. Charles Terrell camo. up from Omaha
tho first of this week to visit his wife
who ia the the gucBt of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. James Rannie.
Bruce Stuart, formerly of this city,
who has been a resident of Oakland,
Cal., for several years, arrived Wod
nosday to visit his parents Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. J. Stuart.
Newest styles in millinery at popular
prices. Parlor Millinery, 300 East 3rd
Leslie Cokor, the sixteen year .old
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Cokcr, of
Sutherland, wholwns operated upon for
ndnoids at the P. & S. hospital this week,
is progressing nicely. r
Sam Lore, of Le'avcn worth, Ivans.,
who has been employed for soveral
weeks in the Osborne barber shop, was
married at noon yesterday to Miss
Frakor of this city by Judge Grant.
Tho meeting of tho S. O. C. club
which was announced to be hold at the
homo of Mrs. W. H.Stegall Wednesday
has been postponed nnd, will meet in
two weeks with Mrs. Robert Lannin.
Lourghn Carroll, of Cambridge, ,, and
Owon Carroll, of Alda, who visited tho
Carroll family hero while enrouto homo
from tho funornl of a rolatlvo at
Sidney, left Tuesday nftornoon.
Mr.' and Mrs. B. A. Ehas nnd .baby,
of Onard, Calif., are expected early
next month to visit the former's par
ents while enrouto to Chicago to visit
the long lost father of Mrs. Elins.
Last Monday tho receipts of parcels
at tho local postofiice numbered one
hundred nnd twenty-eight, this being
the largest number received during any
ono day sinpo the parcels post low be
camo effective.
James Weston who was nrrestod re
cently for robbing n mail sack was in
dicted Tuesday nftornoon by tho grand
jury of Omaha and will bo tried in tho
U. S. federal court in May.
During tho storm tho latter part of
last week sections of seven stalls at the
now round house, which woro under
construction, wero blown down result
ing in a damage of several hundred dol
lars nnd causing great inconvenience
and delay in the work.
Tho running time of tho new through
train which goes on April 1st will bo
sixty-four hours and thirty minutes be
tween Chicago and San Fran
cisco, and coming east tho
timo will bo sixty-fivo hours. A now
time yard will go into effect on tho
Union Pacific April 1st, this being made
necossary by the new train.
p. ni
for Kent.
.. . . .
J10?1". .ha.v an ?nd grazing land,
S,fe!poiJl s and storage room by
lssiis iff,
Perfection Oil For Incubators
is the best. It burns cleqn and evenly no chance of
smoke or soot. It makes steady burning certain. It's
the incubator oil without a risk. It's clean tank wagon
oil, not barrel oil.
Dealen everjrwhae
Local and Personal
Mrs, W. T. Beery, of Omaha, who
visited local friend? this weolc, has re
turned home.
Mrs. Ashey, of Fairfiold, who visited
her sister Mrs. Tatman this week re
turned home yesterdny afternoon.
Mrs. N. F. Clough returned yester
day morning from Ogalalla where she
visited her danghtcr Mrs. Arrowsmith.
Miss Ethel Grady, of Grand-Island, is
expected Sunday afternoon to visit Miss
Kathleen Flynn and attend the Easter
O. II. Snwer, secretary of tho locpl
Y. M. C. A. returned Wednesday from
Lincoln where ho attonded tho state
convention. '
Frederick Splinter age 20 and Violet
Filbert age 19, both of Wellfieot, were
marrid Wednesday morning by County
Judge Grant.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Curtis, of
Tiskilwa, 111., former rosidents of North
Platte, have been Visiting local friends
for a couplo of days while onrouto homo
from California.
We havo some good rqsidenco prop
perties for sale, also money to loan on
real estate. Some lots In different
parts of the city. F. J. Diener & Co..
Phone Red 572. 14L
The twenty-sixth annual mooting of
the Mutual Building and Loan associa
tion will be held at the district court
room tomorrow evening at oighto'clock.
Tho annual roport will bo presented in
printed form, three directors elected
and other business transacted. It is re
quested that thoro bo a -large atten
dance of tho stockholders, of whom
there are 600.
For Sale.
'1 Regina music box
1 hard coal burner
2 couches
1 dining room table
1 sideboard
1 book case
1 clothes wringer
chairs and other household goods
porch posts
3 sets of steps .
4 hundred bricks
water closet
Inquire at 303 East Second street.
For Sale.
The southeast quarter of section 5-1-31
and the EJ SWJ of SWJ, GO acres,
in Section 2-13-31; $30 per acre, one
third cash, terms to suit on balance,
six per cent interest.
Also Block 3, South Park addition to
North Plntto, Prico $1600; one-half
cash. Address,
II. E. Nichols. Sterling, Colo.
Stone Drug Co.
Don't risk a setting with
poor oil even the best
incubator needs a good
Omaha I
EfmD &
PHONE 208.
Will have a full supply of all the good
things that you may want for your
Celery, Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce,
"Wax Beans, Spinnach, Ripe Tomatoes,
Shallotts, Radishes
Hot House Cucumbers, Sweet Potatoes .
Cabbage, New Potatoes, Green Peppers,
Fresh Strawberries, , All Kinds of Fjuit.
Call early for
. .
Horses and Mules
We are coming- to yo'ur town to buy horses K
and mules. Bring- in the ones that are in good p
flesh and hair if you want the best prices for them.
All other kinds will be bought in their class, p
Unng in your horse or mule to the most convenient
of thes'e towns on the date' mentioned.
Julesburg, Wednesday, March 26, forenoon.' c
Bicsririnprs. Wrlnfsrlnv. MafrTi 5fi nffornnnn c
Brule, Thursday, March 27, forenoon.
Ogalalla, Thursday, March 27, afternoon.
Herohey, Frjday, March 28, forenoon.
North Platte, Friday, March 28, afternoon.
Cozad, Saturday, March 29, forenoon.
Gothenburg, Saturday, March 29, afternoon.
Am coining to buy, not to look
rain or shine.
I Are Yop Trying to Do
'Your Own Laundry Work
S 1 1 fl
Perhaps you my think'you are saving money
by so doing but if you will give the&question
consideration and figure up all the cost of
doing it you will be surprised just what it is
costing you. We are especially equipped to
handle all your work. Give us a trial.
Auto Delivery
A Full Size 50c Box of
Make-Man Tonic Tablets
Are you weak and nervous? Do
you suiter from backaches, rheumatism,
or kidney trouble I Are your stomach and dl
sestive organs constantly setting: out of whack,
so that you can't enjoy Vour meals any more?
Are you losing: welchtf Do you sleep poorly? jg
your body weak and cryinc for something that is
locking? What you most likely need Is more rich
pure blood coursing through your veins, giving
life and vigor to your entire system. Your body Is
famished. Your entire system Iscrylng fornour
Ishment. What you need Is atonic, o health-giv
l? pure-blood-making tonic MakManTonie
Tablets they help make men and vromen
strong; they give new life, new strength.'to lm.
poverished, run-down, over-worked nervous sys
tems.In order that you and every one who does
not know these wonderful health-giving, life
saving tablets, we make thlsunusualoffen Simply
cut out coupon, fill In your name and address
send no money Just the coupon, and you will
receive absolutely free, ourregularSOcentboxof
Maht-Man Tonic Tabttlt. Remember, send no
money, there Is no string tied to this offer, all
that we ask is that you try this 50-csnt box.
Sold and recommended in North
Druggist, first door nortji
iUViJ M A rt n, .ajajqMiSCgfty IT attTaSgSEresjHiBr.rararremerxrea; j
Offers to residents of, and visitors to, North Platte, the most
finely appointed service in Western Nebraska, and with this
is a menu that cannot bo excelled for tho prico. Regular
means are servod and short orders can bo obtained any
hour day or night.
Opposite U.
good selections
and will be there as advertised,
Phone 77
Take every tablet (as per directions) nnd we
know that In a few days you will marvel at the
results. Don't put It off until to-morrow, cut
out this coupon now, start today on the road
tO health, Make-Man Tonic Tablet will show
you the way. We aro willing nnd anxious to
give you a full size 50O box free, then Judge
f Oryour self, whether or not they can be of help to
you. Can you resist so earnestan appeal? Foryour
own sake and thpse who love you, cut out this
coupon today, at once and mall It to us. Make
Man Tonic Tablet t are sold at all drugstores SOo
a box on a guarantee or money refunded.
J MAKE.MAN TAm'.ET Ctf., Dcpt.'20f
S OOO Make-Sinn Ulujr., Clitcaeo. III.
5 I hare neter umkI Make-Man Tablet I tore an J
rlh to receive free, a full-ilto 60-cont box.
Drugghfa Namo
5 My Name
Platte by Schiller &. Co. Family
of First National Bank.
P. Depot.
mem UGAI,
Solo Agents.
back with him.