-".nnWc '"jW- "Uj-j MANY NEBRASKA BOYS COM PETED IN 1912. 533 S.H.KISER 3780 IN PRIZES' TO BE GIVEN ffljWAIS KNOWLEDGE Winners In County Contests Will Compete for Prizes In State Contest OS GORN CONTEST 1 Airship Startles African Cave Dwellers 8 fin ' ' CrO-1 ' ' " - " DOzrmaK a yizzjigj? or clzmbziyi? 2OGZozr7Z& VIATION Iiiih undlhor feat to ItH credit Flying High over thn (InHortH of north ern Afrlcu, a dlrlglblo bal loon, ono of tho newest of tliu wondurful Inventions of man, Iiuh just afforded nnothcr ultra-modern contrivance tho camera Its first chnnce to snap n group of dwellings iih old In stylo ns any Hint innn over hullt for hlniRolf. It vnn tho Italian dlrlglblo balloon "P 2" that accompllshedho feat and gave tho Italian Invaders of Tripoli additional reason for putting them selves f n tho back and fouling llko tho vanguard of progress, VVhllo tho bal loon hovered high over tho arid wasto that Uis bade of thn Mediterranean coast of northorn Africa, tho pho tographer tralnod his camora on a lot of holes In tho desert appurenty bur rowed by animals. Instead of being that, howovor, they woro all that was visible of villages toemlng with hu man beings, of troglodyte villages, whose Inhabitants dig deep Into the onrlli to find n homo Just as their forefathers did Ihousandfl of yearn ago, when tho dlrlglblo balloon and tho camera and tho Italian nation wero things undreamed of TIiIh unique picture of underground dwellings lakon from a point far up In tho air by tho latest European visitor to tho cavemen has arousod renewed interest In theso African troglodytoB. whom only a few travolers have ovor- behold This most rocent visitor sojourned among tho cnvo-dwollora of Matmata, hack of tho Mcdltorranoan coast of Tuiiiula, and from theso struck still further Inland to tho places whoro tho "climbing troglodytes" -dwell and the nomads of tho desert store their grain and other valuables In storehouses which, though built nbovo the ground, aro fashioned exactly like tho under ground lioinoa of their neighbors, thus loading scientists to hollovo that their ancestors burrowed Into tho ground. Curious, indeed, aro tho talos brought back by this latest advonturer Into tho land of tho troglodytes. Whon ho ap proached (ho underground dwellings of Matmata all tho womeu whom ho en countered ran away, covering their faces as they wont. Ho was taken Into homos dooj) down in tho earth, yet furnished with carpets hanging from tho earthen wnlls, with modorn tublos ami benches. Hut those who wont boforo him havo given us mora minute dotalls ns to this extraordinary poplo. In 191J an American, polntod out on ovory oldo ns tho first of his raco to venture Into tho Matmata region aud tho des ert spaces hidden behind It, sojourned for soma tlmo with the kald, or chief tain, of Matmata, traveled with guides' provided by UiIb local potontato far lilto the hinterland and gnthored tho materials for a long account of hlo wnndorlngs, to Bay nothing of a Bplon dd series of plcturos. Previous to this visit tho troglodytes had enter tained two French nrchueologlstB and. ntlll oarllor far back In tho nineties, whou they woro scarcely known ut all to tho outsldo world they oponod their curious abodoB to llruun. a Dan ish explorer, who also lived with tho kald of his dny and gave an Interest ing account of what ho saw. Prank Edward Johnson ts tho man who can lay claim to being tho only. American who has lived among tho cavemen or unrtnern Africa i .. ... r..i While ho was In Tripoli some years ago he became qulto chummy with tho kald of Matmata, nn Intelligent native, whom tho French masters of tho land had appointed to rulo ovor nn Inland tribe ThlH native later became kald of Matmata and, happening to rend In Homo American magazines an ar ticle by Mr. Johnson on troglodytes, ho wroto to tho author at hlB homo In Norwich, Conn., that ho would Im provo his knowledge of tho subject by paying IiIh old friend a visit "I am a troglodyte mysolf," tho writer of tho loiter romarkod. So Mr. Johnson (eft his Connecticut home, sailed across tho sea to Tunis, transforrod to a' small coasting steamboat, which landed him at tho desert port of Gsbes, and after a woarluomo Journey over tho sands, found himself within view of tho village ot Matmata. Or rather, ho didn't find himself withlu tvJew of it, It was there, but ho couldn't soo It, "linnglno arriving at a town of 5.000 Inhabitants nnd not Booing a houso only a picturesque mosquo built since tho Fronch occupation," ho mild, In an artlclo which ho wroto for tho Na tional Geographic Magazlno after his roturn to tho. United Statos. When ho finally looked groundward and located the village, ho slipped and stumbled down tho sldos of a hugo hole dug in tho ground, and found that it waB a courtyard of his friend, tho kald, from which othor openings led Into living rooms and store rooms. Every houso in Matmata in built in Just this way ono largo hole, left un covered, for a courtyard, und every thing else leading out of It deep Into tho earth. Tho big holes vary In dopth nnd width, averaging ubdut nine ynrdB deep and fifteen yards in clrcumfor enco. In the mlddlo of each court yard Is a square masonry trough which pipes rainwater Into a large cistern. This Is a most Important home adjunct, as water is very scarce. Every drop of rain Is carofully pre served so carefully that tho unfor tunate homos, goats, sheep, and don keys bolonglng to the natives are wa tered only onco In twenty-four hours. Tho kald's dwelling ts a suporlor sort of place with Us entranco walls whitewashed and sevoral articles of Europoan furnlturo disposed about tho various holes that servo as rooms. An other high-class dwellings of this un derground village Is that of Sheik Ferdjanl, who courteously Invited Mr. JolniBon to pick hl3 way down tho stoop wnlls of tho "courtyard" and pay him a visit, Ho describes the visit thus: "A young man burned a handful of dried esparto grass, which flamed up brightly aud showed us tho stejis and turns down tho tunnel, I nlmost fell over n donkoy eating Us hay. Great oyco glared at mo from out of tho blackness. On coming Into tho largo round courtyard ono would think tho sheik tho fnthor of at least twolvo In fants, for children from two to ton years old aro curiously watching us, They aro very fond of bonbons and soub. Whatever money ono gives tho shotk is divided among tho children." Ho mot tho sheik's beautiful little slx-yoar-old daughtor, who liked to bo photographed with her playmate, little Ayoslm, and her little brothers. Aftor gratifying this taste for her a door of palm leaf boards was pushed noldo nnd tho American was UBhored Into tho sheik's prlvato room or rather cavo cut out of tho solid rock, In it was an old wooden chest, many guns, and a bodstend hown out of rock, but pro vided with comfortahlo-looklng natlvo mattresses filled with wool and with natlyo blankets. Thero whs also an oil lamp made Just like thoso tho Greeks and Romans used. Tho kald of Matmata was vory po llto to Mr, Johnson. Whenever tho latter traveled about In tho neighbor hood to look up othor burrowing com munities ho was provided with knives, spoons, forks, and nankins by his hos. pltable host. Ho protested against this vehemently, as he wns quite willing to "rought It," but tho mon accompany ing htm had received Iron-clad In structions and refusod to dovlato from thorn tho least hit, Undor such auspices tho American had amplo opportunity to 'study tho customs of tho country, and ho haa mucu mat is interesting to say about them. Of tho kald's vlllaco lie writes: " "Matmata has Its special coda ot eti quette. Nover approach near enough to another man's dwelling to look down Into the groat circular court yard and see lib women. It Is not only bad form, but It Is dangerous. Each dwelling bus a numbor of whlto Kabylo dogs that keep u constant watch, and on our approach would lly out at you and Ilka to tear you Into pieces Nover enter n passage way to a dwelling without sending In a Binnll boy or girl to lot tho worn on know that you aro coming In" From Matmata tho Araorlcau trav eler wont Inland to Medcnlno. a town Of most singular appearance, com posed of thoiiBaudu of "rhorfas," or cave-flhaped dwellings, built above ground, and piled up on top of oach othor. Tho only way to reach tho up per ones Is by moans of projecting stones worn smooth by iocs centuries of uso, Tho Inhabitants leap from ono to another of Jlhoso with tho agility of monkeys, but to a stranger the up por layers of housos aro practically 1 M at '- ...., ,, .h inaccessible. It Is of Medcnlno that a French traveler said that Its stylo of architecture Is due to tho fact that tho forefathers of Its present Inhabi tants were cave-dwellers and be queath to tholr descendants their Ideas of homo-bulldlng, which tho de scendants proceeded to carry out, omitting only tho mero detail of bur rowing into the giound. Medcnlno is only partly Inhabited. Most of tho houses uro UBed for stor ing grain by tho tribesmen of tho neighboring desert. It Is n silent, molnncholy place, like n graveyard out in the desert. Beyond It nro numorous villages peopled by whnt are known ns "climbing troglodytes" cave-dwellers who dig Into hlllBldes. They havo a partiality for tho most lnacccsslblo eminences. "As soon ns I saw a par ticularly stoep crag, n verltablo eagel's nest, I felt Btiro that It was honey-combed with troglodytes' homeB," wrotes one French explorer, "and1 It usually was." Tho reason Is that tho French havo only recently been able to Introduce order and safe guard llfo In tho sandy stretches whero the cavomon live. Before the advent of French rule tho district was tho sccno of continual and san gutnary faction fights between tho various tribes, of sudden raids by tho nomads of the Sahara, who desolated any village that they caught unpre pared, massacred Its fighting men and carried tho rest away to slavery. Therefore tho natives tunneled and scooped out every peak they could find and stationed sentinels on the top most vantage points that tho ap GREAT MEN IN Models by G. A. BEATY ORVILLE Tho critics called him crazy when he said he would daro to tako a little ilyor nnd navlgato the air, thoy laughed when constant mishaps to nil his craft occurred, and chortled when he hollered Bonio day he'd bo a bird. But all things havo a climax, ho kept on sawing woodanil cutting .aerial didoes and finally made good. Ills froak machines went aoarlng athwart tho skyline cloar, no mora was heard the horse-laugh, tho hoot nnd mocking Jeer. Tho critics crowded round him and thumped him on tho back, each ono said he had praised him who., everything looked black. And now he takes it easy nnd lets tho othors fly, ho seljs to aviators and sees them sailing by, Tho dollars pour In swiftly, ho bears an honored name, and thus rests well con tented with fortuno and with fame. Old Earth now suits him plenty, ho Bcoruo tho dizzy flight, tho hero bunk looks phony to Mr. Orvlllo Wright. (Copyright, 1911, by Universal Press Syndicate.) proach of tho enemy might be slg naled in good season. One of the most striking of these eyries is Doulrat "a beehlvo moun tain perched high over a deep ravine.' It consists of countJeSB caves and niches, dug in tiers nlong the moun talnsldo, and surmounted by a "ksnr' or citadel, now In ruins. "A hugo. human anthill," tho American traveler calls it, Among tho cave-dwellers of north em Africa is a sprinkling of Jews, who do most of the business In the underground villages. In their hands is an extensive whip trade, for, though the cavo-men, ltko other Mohamme dans, aro supposed not to drink the Julco of the grape, they aro lax In their observance of this rule laid down by tho Prophet. Tho people of Matmata and tho rest of tho troglodyte villages are mlsor ably poor. This Is true to such an extent among some of them that they look forward with Joy to a flight ol locusts, slnco by capturing plenty ol these pestB they can be assured ol having something to cat for qulto a while. Strange as It may seem to ono of tho Western raco, imbued with cer tain set ideas about the East, those who havo traveled among tho troglo dytes assort that their women, instead of being oppressed as Inferior beings by the mon, possesajjreat Influence In the community. They do a good deal of tho burden-carrying, to" be sure, but this Is because they pride themsolvcs on their Btrength nnd Insist on exert ing It. Many havo fine figures, clean cut features and beautiful eyes. COMMON GLAY Words by GENE MORGAN WRIGHT. Lincoln. $709.00 In prizes will bo offered for the largest ylolds of good quality corn grown by Nebraska boys under tho following conditions and rules. Tho prizes aro offered by tho South Omaha Stock Yards company of South Omaha. Neb., through tho Department of Agricultural Extension of the University of Nebrasku, at Lin coln. COUNTY CONTEST. The following prizes are offered In oach county whero a6ounty contest Is held under tho direction ot tho county superintendent: First Prize $10 in cash. Second Prize $5 In cash. Thlid Prlzo $3 in cash. STATE CONTEST. Tho winners at tho County Contests will competo for tho State prizes. The Eastern division is composed of all countleB east of a line drawn straight south from the western boundary of Knox county. Tho Western Division is composed of all counties west of this line. Eastern Division. First Prize, $50 In cash. Second Prlzo $25 In cash. Third Prize $10 In cnBh. Five Fourth Prizes of $5 each; $25 In cash. Ton Fifth Prizes of $2 each; $20 in cash. "" Western Division. First Prize $50 In cash. Second Prize $25 In cash. Third Prize $10 in cash. FIVe Fourth Prizes of $5 each; $25 In cash. Ten Fifth Prlzes-of $2 each; $20 In cash. Rules. 1. Boy must be between 10 and 21 years of age. JL. All work must bo dono by tho boy. 3. Acre must bo measured, husked and weighed In presence of two dis interested (freeholders, selected by tho County Superintendent and" Stato Department of Agricultural Extension. When tho corn is harvested an af fidavit must be sent to Huldah Peter son, University Farm, Lincoln, Neb., and a copy to the County Superintend ent. 4. A complete record must be sub mitted on blanks furnished. 5. Ylolds must be given In pounds por acre as per Instructions sent out by State Department of Agricultural Extension. J. Prizes will bo awarded on fol lowing basis: Yield, 80. Quality, 20. 7. Ten ears of the corn must bo exhibited at tho County Contest, and at tho State Contest, 8. In counties whero no County Contest is hold, growers are eligible to stato prizes, but not to county prizes. 9. Entry Ib free, but boy must bo an active member of tho Nebraska Boys' club. Wrlto" Huldah Peterson, University Farm, for particulars. Thero Is no membership fee. 10. Do not wait to organize a club In your locality now; arrangements for a local club In your community will bo made latery Send your name at onco. Thin enters you for tho con test. Then go to work and win tho prize. Ono hundred and twenty-five Ne braska boys between tho ages of ten and twenty-one entered the Acre Corn Growing Contest in 1912. For-ty-sovon ot this numbor completed tho contest and sent In their affida vits of yield nt the end of the year. Tho ylolds ranged from ten bushels to ono hundred and nlno bushels per acre. Tho ave'rago yield made by tho boys completing tho contest was fifty eight biiBhels por aero. The average mado by tho twelve boys winning prizes In the Western Division waa fifty-sovon bushels por acre, and by tho twelve boys In tho Eastern Di vision, eighty bushels per aero. From Information furnished by tho boys wo find that eight grew corn on ground which had been In somo leguminous crop for one or moro years previous to tho contest. They secured nn average yield of soventy sovon bushols per aero. Thirteen of tho boys applied manure in the spring of 1912 and secured nn average yield of Blxty bushels per acre. This makes a total of twenty-ono boya growing their corn olthor after a lo gumo or on ground to which mnnuro had been applied, securing an avorago yield of Blxty-slx bushels per acre. Twenty-six boys did not apply ma nure and tho land thoy used for their corn had not tho advantage of a le guminous crop In previous years. Their avorago yield was flftynmo bushels per aero, or fifteen bushels por aero less than was secured by tho boys using farm manure or ground previously seeded to somo legumi nous crop, such ns alfalfa or clover. Tho department will conduct anoth er contest during 1913. Sevorr hun dred dollars In prizes will be offered by the Union Stock Yards company of South Omaha. He doesn't know that Homer ever sang a. thrilling sonjr, Ho doesn't know who won at Waterloo; Hodocsn't know that Caesar ever swayed, a qheorlng throng', Or what It was that Quy Fawkes tried. to do; But he can tell you quickly, if you havq the. wish to know. Who have led the leagues In battlnff for; a dozen years or so. He doesn't know an-adverb from a pro noun or a noun, He mixes up his tenses When ho speaks; He doesn't know who Byron was or that ho won renown. Or what rango has tho highest mountain peaks; But he can give you quickly and with out a moment's thought All the details of the battles that old John L. ever fought. Ho couldn't name a dozen of this coun try's presidents, Ho doesn't know who lost at Blinker Hill; .. Onco he saw displayed a copy of "Poor Richard" for ten cents, And he bought it, but regrot Is with him still, "For," he says, "I looked alt t'rough it and dere's nuttln' dere at all Like dero Is in Spaldln's guide book wit Its records of baseball." Wholly Unnecessary. ... f!' -r- r " - "r : "I wish" said tho guest, "to leave a call for C:30. I've got to catch a train." "It won't be neces sary 'to call you," replied tho night clerk. "Tho man In tho room next to yours has asthma so badly that- he makes a noise ifko a steam siren." Suggestion Concerning William. "Our son William has Bucceeded In writing tho Declaration of Indepen dence on a postalCUfd." "Ho must bo a wonder. Why don't you let tho furnace flro go out somo day for the purposo of learning wheth er ho will bo able to start It again?" Anxious That She Should Know. "Just think, papa," said little Al bert, "a hundred years from now peoplo may be celebrating your birth day." "Hero, my child, Is a dime. Run and tell your mother that." Proof of Fraud. "You wero born in tho sign ot Sagittarius," began tho astrologer. "Stop right there," exclaimed Mrs. Nowrlch." "You're a fraud. I wasn't born whoro you Bay I was. I waa. born in Keokuk." A Sign. Whon a woman can meet ono of her husband's former sweethearts and treat her courteously or kindly It is a sign that tho formor sweetheart has either grown very Btout or has faded terribly. Not to Be Held Back. "Ah," he declared, "you aro aa beau tiful as a dream." "Do you really think Bo?"'Bho asked. "Of course I do." "Thon I shall Insist on going upon tho stago." A Word to tho Unwise. Tho man who bollovos hl3 friends will support hlra in his adversity can keop from having his faith shattered by not becoming tho possessor of an adversity. The Stage. All tho world's a stage, and every body Ib trying to wrlto for it. -:'. S T-jv r,u , - a.5u ; & i" "if- &? - m -mi ,