The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 18, 1913, Image 1

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    b apg--tT"Bswwtor(!5t -4jU k.-t iwSMftKpSHlP3 """ -
Stntr Htlr!cr.l CctW
WiM fkjkam
No. 15
Heavy Loss of Cattle.
Not sinco tho winter of 1880-1881 have
the stockmen of this section sufforedns
heavy losiea of cattle as resulted from
the blizzard of lust Friday. Scattering
reports roceived from Lincoln, Logan,
McPhorson countios and along tho
North river branch indicate that the
loss will run into the thousands. The
loss in this country will not fall short of
800 and may reach 900 or 1000 when all
reports nro made. In Logan and Mc
Fherson counties the loss will bo much
heavier, and the percentage along the
north river branch will probable be
heavier. Somo of the cattlemen lost
fifty percent of their herds.
On rancheB along tho river tho
greater per cent of the deaths was due
to tho cattle drifting into tho wator
and drowning or freezing to death. In
other cases the snow froze and covered
the eyes, nostrils and mouths of the
cattle, causing blindness and sufToca
tion; in other casos they became chilled
and froze to desth. Up along the
branch twenty-nino were counted In one
pile where they had huddled together,
and this too whore tho ground had been
swept as clean of snow as a floor.
Among the losses roported In Lincoln
county are the following: Robt. Hoatson
05 head, Waltot Bcauchamp 34 head,
McCullough Bros. 57. Dick Shinklo 29,
Irvine Johnson 66, Goorge Ferbrachs
100, Vincent 43, Mylander 5, Screiber
70, J. C. Wilson 15 cattle and Borne
hogs, W. C. Cole 65 fat hogs, i
J. A. Crawder, who is in town today
says the loss of cattle in McPherson
county will be enormous judging irom
tho few reports ho had heard before
leaving. Chas. Haney reports a loss of
soventy-five, Daly & Root forty-five
head, Dewoy Weisner ovor seventy
head. No reports had bean received
from the west part of tho county, tho
section in which tho larger herds are
Dave Callendor, of Logan county, re
ports an awful loss in that county. Ho
had only received a few reports, but
among those reporting were the 7-H-L
ranch 850 head, Philpot Bros. 150, Mac
pherin on tho Chapin ranch 150, John
Newburn 65 and George Kramer 100.
The financial loss fo tho cattlemen in
the country tributary to North Platte is
conservatively estimated at $150,000.
It looking for something good in
life insurance, it will be to your interest
to have Bratt & Goodman show you
their Mutual Life Insurance Co. life
policy. It is without exception the
moit liberal policy written. You get
in on the ground floor and it makes you
money frpm the moment it is written.
Sec Bratt &Goodman.
Sale Postponed.
The public sale of cowp, farm imple
ments etc., announced for March 15th
will be held at tho Hershey Implement
Store at 1 p. m., Saturday afternoon
March 22nd. Notice the ad in this paper.
Brakeman Nichols Killed.
Nolson Nichols, of Grand Island, a
freight brakeman on tho Second district,
was instantly killed in the west yards
in this city at one o'clock this morning.
Nichols came in last'nieht on an extra
freight as one of Conductor Schroeder's
crew. Ihe train was taken through to
tho west yards, the cngino detached,
and started oast to the round house.
Nichols was riding on tho tender, and
when tho engine struck a snow bank
ho was thrown off. He was caught
under the wheels and dragged Bix car
lengths. Death was instant.
Tho deceased was about thirty years
of age and had been in tho employ of
the company for several years. His
wife, father and father-in-law camo up
from Grand Island this morning and
wi'l accompany tho remains to that
A Word to the Ladies.
Owing to the delay in shipment of
the vault for the new Platto Valley
Bank, the occupants of our prospective
store have been unable to vacate.
You aro disappointed but it will pay
you to be pationt, only a few days
more and a completo metropolitan like
LadioB' Wearing Apparel Store will
greet you new in every way and great
est of all a now way in merchandising
reliable up to date Women's Apparel
will be introduced to you when the
Block's Ladies' Outfitting Storo is
completed and open for business. Watch
for later announcements.
Block, The Ladies' Outfitter.
The socialists mot in convention Sat
urday, evening and nominated E. A.
Bell for mayor, but left tho offices of
clerk, treasurer and water commis
sioner vacant. The noinineos for coun
cilman wore: First ward Levi Duke,
Second ward Thomas Axtell, Third
ward John Burke, Fourth ward Frank
Lost A Chesepeake Bay dg Thurs
day afternoon, between North Platto
and Platte Valley School house. Fawn
color, weight about 85 pounds, largo
head, wore plain wide leather collar
with iron ring and answers to name of
"Teddy." Reward will bo paid for his
return or information loading to his re
covery. J. O. Den, North Platto, Neb.
The contract for placing window
screens on the federal building has
been awarded to the Wator Mfg. Co.
ofMilwaukee for eight hundred and
eight dollars. Local contractors wero
asked to submit bids but they did not
Tho Study club held an enjoyablo
St Patrick Day party last evening at
thehomeof Miss Laura Murray. A
special program was given and an elab
orate three course'lunch served. House
decorations were in green and white.
For the best and cheapest fire,
lightning, cyclone, tornado and wind
storm insurance go to Bratt & Goodman.
.9 v
3$ iia-H
8i IWiyJwMv TlflPr
vcr BtBiF mitiIHIi ( J ' h B
5S$ BBBBsfffsfflftH.1 mtJJfrM
IN a few days Easter will b'e.on us, nature will rerobe herself
and come forth anew again. We, too, must change from
the garments of winter and come forth in attire in accordance
with nature. All during' these,, past weeks we have 'been busy
in the Eastern markets buying the fiest products of the world's 1
best makers, merchandise that has. tlie stamp of approval of'
fashions latest ideas and now, at this time when you need new
apparel, we offer you these s'pecials as a hint of the wonderful pur
chasing power your money has at this store( come in and see this
new merchandise, examine at your leisure, we bid you welcome,
All alterations in our ready-to-wear department will be made
free. This department will be in charge of Mrs. Poor.
Specials for the Coming Week.
Easter Gloves, all shades and sizes, (P 4 AA
every pair guaranteed, per pair. ... J) 9
With every pair of shoes sold during the coming week a pair
of hose will be given free. ,
With every wool and silk dress pattern a May Merjtor pat
tern furnished free.
With every man's suit, a hat will be given free." ' '
f; . Spring Opening 3Hlk "I
x Announcement IS-
m mrtmmi,tyfvwti w
rrn.-vfi h h a.-'s m,
ml I
WBBsmm "
JJgjfHi !
Let this announcement ring with interestto
every man in town who is interested in the new
Clothes and Furnishings for Spring and Summer
Oiar Georgeoiis Display
is sure to attract you, no matter how particular
you are. We can fit anybody and guarantee every
garment that leaves our store.
We Feature the Collegian Clothes.
than which there are none better and few makes
as good, Collegian Clothes are rarely found out
side the larger cities and towns.
Shoes ami Haberdashery
We handle the celebrated Upham shoes in tans
and blacks. New Oxfords for spring and summer
are just in, come in and see them.
New neckwear for the Easter trade; silk hose
store can supply your every need in the clothing
Tp line and at prices that the "other fellows" can't or
r "
The Quality Place.
Sale of
$18.00 to $25
AN endless variety of nobby
styles, for ineri and young
men, from the loud, noisy
putterna to tho conservative go-to-meeting
kind. Suits that aro
hand tailored, perfect fitting, and
suits that hnye the appearance
and will givo you the servico of
the $40 made-to-measuro-gav-menta--satisfy
your curiosity by
seeing them. About 50 styles to
chooso from nt
$18.00 to $25.00
Local and Personal
Mrs. Bruco has accepted a position in
the Hub Milinury Parlors
William Turpie left Saturday after
noon for Sidney nnd Northport tospond
a few day3 on business.
Mrs. Charles Leirlc-and daughter
Hazel left tho latter part of laBt week
for Fremont to visit rdlatives.
Mrs. Dowd, of Schuyler, is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McQuire nnd
family this week whilo onrouto to Colo
rado. Mrs. Edwina Schatz and Miss Edwina
Kelihor who have been visiting in Cali
fornia for three weeks will return tho
latter part of this week.
If you wish to got a good location
convenient to tho new round house,
wait for the opening of Dolson's Addi
tion. Mrs. .lohn Kenny, of Mnxwoll, who
has been the truest of her sister Miss
Lillian Graham will return homo to
night. Adveftisinc matter was received here
I yesterday for the Yankee Robinson
(Circus which is skeduled to show in this
'city on May 10th.
I Gone Combs camo up from Lincoln
1 Sunday ovoning nnd will diyidohis time
visiting Ills sister Mrs. v. i. uanKs
and transacting business,
Jnck Carroll and sister LaVaughn
left Sunday ovening for Sidney to at
tend tho funeral of their undo who was
killed in the wreck there last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Osborne, of
Lexington, whopurchassd the Pile real
denOvOn wpstfith recently, arrived here
SunJJojPalffdtyill becomo residents.
Ladies' misses' and children's hats at
right prices, styles correctnnd quality
lust you want. Give us a call and
bo convinced. Tun LEADER.
Miss Elsie Fitzgerald spent Sunday
with Miss Alice Otton while enrouto
from tho State University to hor homo
in Chcyenno to spend tho Easter vaca-
, tion.
I Mrs. M. 'K. McNnmnrn, who was
called to Denver Inst week by tho
dentil of hor brother the lute Thomns
tfoliher, will visit in Denver nnd
Pueblo a fow days boforo returning.
Opening of Our Inexpensive Millinery.
Wilcox Dcpt. Store,
For this opening, wc present a won
derful collection of smart tailored and
trimmed hats. The newest styles arc
set forth in this complete assortment
specially priced at $2.95, $3.95,
$4 95. Beautiful untrimmed shapes
$1.50 to $2.95. Ribbons nnd flowers,
8 cents to 49 cents. The no-clmrge
trimming service is extended when you
purchase trimmings, providing that you
also get an untrimmed hat in our mil"
linery section.
Thursday afternoon Omor Huff nnd
W. T. Witty startod on a hunting trip
in n boat nnd when four. miles from
town wero ovprtiiken by tho severe
storm. In trying to guide tho boat
against tho strong wind it struck a sand
bank nnd wns ovorturnod, throning tho
occupants into tne river. tiat in tho
evening thoy succeeded in reaching tho
bank and wero taken to a farm house.
Doth gontlemon suiTored from the ox
posuro for several days after. . ,,
Weather: rain orBaow and colder to
night. , Wednesday snow and colder.
Highest temperature yostenlny CO, a
yenr ago 45; lowest last night 32, n year
ago 2G
Mrs. Sanford Hartman roturnod Inst
evening from n week's visit in York and
Wo havo ten acres listed adjoining the
Ourllngton shop grounds on south and
Peiilston Addition on the oast. This
tract can bo platted Into lour blocks or
48 building lots that can bo sold for an
avorogo ol $200 ouch, making $8000.00
If taken soon wo can inoko tho vary low
prlco ol $3000.00 for tho tract) Terms
halt cushund bnlanco on timo,
16-4 Uuchauan & Patterson.
Sole Agents.
For Salo Rooming house, 1C
nHiy lib iiiih uiiiuc.
Mrs. Frank Rudmond went to
Island this morning to spend
uays wiui lrioncu.
Frnnk Wilson nnd familv formerly
of this city who had been residents of
Yvoou Kiver nuvo returned hero,
i iHHI,!.
Buick cars will run moro miles per
gallon of gasoline tiinn any other car
manufactured. This is demonstrated
in our locality every day. Besides this,
Huick overhead valvo motor will burn
a lower grade -of gasolino nnd produce
good results thorefrom. Tho fact that
tho grado of gasoline is daily bocoming
lower makes thlf. an important item.
Tho Huick motor will hanolo fuel of a
grade on which others will fail.
Mexican Spy.
2 Reels.
A Dayo;Outing.
Kahn and Louise.
Comedy Singing and
and 15c
Stone Drug Co.