The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 14, 1913, Image 3

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    Dr. Hartman's Plain
My plain talk to young men In my
last articles cortalnly brought out
many responses from young men. I
talto this meana of answering them
briefly, for tho benefit of other young
men who did not wrlto mo. Ono
writer Bays:
"I was greatly Interested In your
talk to young men. I wish I whb
strong nnd well as you describe your
Bclf to be. I nm going to begin at
onco and follow your advlco nnd tako
caro of myself as I ought to. I will
quit tho uso of all stimulants, tea and
coffee, go to bed early. I will tako
the cold water towel bath every morn
ing. I want to live to bo old nnd
useful, like you. And I shall also
beep Peruna at hand, In caso of slight
ailments as they may arlso. I thank
BPOIIN MEDICAL. CO., Chemists nnd
Alex. G. Buchanan & Son
are always fighting for tho
Live Stock Shipper's Interest
"How many foreign languages can
Jones talk."
"Well, he says ho understands ev
erything hia baby Bays."
His Idea.
Bill: "Do you know what a plagia
rist is?"
Jill: "Sure; he's a fellbw who plays
ct joke on the playwright."
Liquid bluo Is a weak solution. Avoid It.
Buy lied Cross Hall Ulue, tho blue that's all
blue. Ask your grocer. Adv.
Some men are never satisfied until
they havo troubles that drive them
to drink.
i -
Backache Rheumatism
Kidneys and Bladder
Contain! No Habit Forming Drugs
Uriclc Sum Nerds Stenographers I will teach
you by mall. Twelve years as government
stenographer enables me to properly train
my pupils Instruction based on actual ex
perience. Harold Gibson, 1010 Paseo, K.C.Mo.
InKton.U.U lloolcsfree. High
est references. JieM results.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 10-1913.
a ngg
v ".
Bowels Get Weak
A.s A-ge Advances
The First Necessity is to
Keep the Bowels Gently
Open With a Mild
Laxative Tonic
Healthy old ago is so absolutely de
pendent upon the condition of the
bowels that great caro should be taken
to see that they act regularly. Tho fact
Is that as age advances tho stomach
muscles become weak and Inactive
nnd the liver does not storo up tho
juices that are necessary to prompt
Somo help can be obtained by eat
ing easily digested foods and by
plenty of exercise, but this latter Is
irksome to most elderly people. One
thing is certain, that a state of con
stipation should always bo avoided as
it Is dangerous to life and health. The
best plan is to take a mild laxative
as often as Is deemed necessary. But
with equal certainty It is suggested
that cathartics, purgatives, physics,
salts and pills be avoided, as they do
but temporary good and aro so harsh
as to be a shock to a delicate system.
A muph better plan, and one that
thousands of elderly people aro follow
ing, is to take a gentle laxative-tonic
like Dr. Cnldwell's Syrup Pepsin,
which acts as nearly like naturo as is
possible. In fact, tho tendency of this
remedy is to strengthen tho stomach
and bowel muscles and so train them
to act naturally again, whon medicines
of nil kinds can usually bo dispensed
with. Thh is tho opinion of many
people of different ages, among them
Mr. O. P. Miller, Baroda, Mich., who
writes: "I am 80 years old and havo
been constipated for many years. Since
receiving your samplo bottle I havo
procured two 50c bottles and find that
R. E. Rogers N. R. Dryson A. E. Rogers T. II. Bryson B. C. Roger
Talk to Young Men
you In tho name of thousands of oth
er young men, llkh myself."
To this letter I roplled:
My Dear Doy: I cannot toll you
how much good your lettor has dono
mo. To know that I am arousing
tho young mon In matters $t right
living fills mo with gratltudo and en
thusiasm. I want to help ou tnu
mo any time you wish nnd I will con
sider your letter strictly confidential
and glvo you prompt reply. Follow
tho advlco I gavo In my article Whenever-you
havo occasion to consult mo
further do not hesitate. Let us bo
friends. If you will bo obedient to
mo as a son ought to bo I will bo
faithful and true to you as a fathor
ought to bo. Yours Blncoroly, S. B.
Ilnrtman, M. D., Columbus, Ohio.
Peruna is for salo at all drug stores.
Shipping Fever
Influenza, pink oye. oplzootlo, distemper and all nose nnd throat
diseases cured, and nil others, no twitter how "'exposed," kept
from liavlnp any of thoso dlscacs with SI'OIIX'8 liquid DIS
TKMl'KK CUUK. Throo to six doses often cure a case. Ono 60
cent bottle guaranteed to do so. llcst thine for brood mares.
Acts on the blood. 60c and $1 a bottle. M and $11 a dozen
&H!e?V, Hffe'818 nd harness shops. Distributors ALL
llactorlologlsts, Oosiinn, Intl.. U. 8. A.
Photographer Thought He Was Gofng
to Cscape Ancient Joke, but It
Was Not to Be.
"That fellow who Just wont out of
here after having his photograph tak
en Is a marvel," romarked a pho
tographer to a bystandlng friend. "I've
a great mind to glvo him that set of
a dozen cabinet sizo free."
"What's his special point?" asked
tho friend.
"Why, thero'vo been In this studio,
since I started somo years ago, about
187,000 and some sitters," went on tho
photographer "And out of that num
ber that fellbw just now is tho only
one who hasn't said to mo with a
grin as I posed him, 'Look out, or I'll
break your camera! I've begun to
look upon It as an essential part of
taking a photograph and If I didn't
hear it at tho right tlnio I do believe
I'd unconsciously wait for it before I
snapped tho shutter. But that fellow
didn't say a word; Just stood up thero
and got snapped like It was a "
"Say, partner," Interrupted a voice
rrom the door, which Just then openea
And admitted the head of the lately
departed customer, "say, I hope I
didn't break that there camera of
Onto It.
Blobbs Sklnnum Is trying to pro
mote a new mining company. Did you
fall for it?
Slobbs No; I tumbled.
(or the signature of H W. ISUOVH. Cur m a Cola
In Ono Day, Cures a rip In Too Days. 2ic
Anywny, tho man who follows your
advice always has somo ono to blame
if he fails.
Dr.riorce's Pleasant Pellets rcgulatoandlnrlr
orate stomach, llvor and bowels. Sugar-coated,
tiny granules, easy to tako as candy. Adv.
Sometimes a man uses gold bricks
in constructing his air castles.
A He Is a Ho, no matter whether,
it is whito or black.
Mr. O. P. Miller.
It Is the best remedy I ever used and
does Just what you claim for It to tho
very letter. I can not recommend It
too highly."
A bottlo ciin bo bought of any drug
gist at fifty cents or ono dollar. Peo
ple usually buy the fifty cent bIzo first,
and then, having convinced themselves
of its meritB they buy tho dollar slzo,
which Is moro economical. Results aro
always guaranteed or money will bo
refunded. Any eldorly person can fol
low thoso suggestions with safety and
tho assurance of good results.
If no member of your family has
ever used Syrup Pepsin nnd you would
like to make a personal trial of it be
fore buying It in tho regular way of a
druggist, send your address a postal
will do to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203
Washington St., Montlcello, I1J., and a
!reo snmple bottlo will be mailed you.
Write for book saving young; chicks. Bend us
uaoies of 7 friend that una Incubators and get
book free. UaisaJl Itemed Oo BlackweU.Okla,
A Study
Frequently wo Iobo our dahlias,
and cannaa because we neglect to
glvo them attention. Wo tako It
for granted that they aro "all right"
and hy-and-by wo discover that they
aro "all wrong." It does not tnko long
to destroy these tubers after a dis
eased condition has sot In Tho thing
to do Is to watch them so closely
that tho first Indications of trouble
are seen, and prompt measures may
bo taken to prevent development.
In too damp and cold a cellar tho
tubers become moldy, and this means
decay, a little later on.
When tho first touch of mold is
seen movo tho tubors to a warmer
I do this by spreading them out on
swinging racks of wiro netting, sus
pended midway between tho floor and
tho colling, first going over them, ono
by one, and removing every portion
that shows any sign of being moldy.
Spread them out In such a manner
that they will not touch ono anothor.
If tho troublo continues, It Tiny bo
advlsablo to removo them from tho
cellar, wrap each root In papor, and
Btoro in a frost-proof closet, or cup
board. But, generally, a place near
tho celling will bo sufficient to prevent
a spread of tho disease.
Stono cellars aro so dry and warm
that tho tubers wither in them, or
start Into growth at a season when
growth means ultlmato ruin. In such
cases, it is well to give them a placo
on tho floor, In a dark corner, or, If
(tho temperature cannot be kept down,
remove thorn to a cooler place, above
Tho man who has duo regard for
the welfaro of his vegetables will
never allow his collar to become warm
enough to encourago growth during
Night Blooming Cereus, opening un
der electric light at night. The
camera was exposed 30 minutes
and the flower Is shown In various
stages of blossoming.
t' o winter season, and the ventilation
which is glvon, with a view of keoplng
vegetables In good condltlpn, will very
likely provo. equally bonellclal to nil
tubers stored therein.
Plants In pots, or tubs, should be
kept quite dry. Not exactly dust
dry, but still so dry that thero is
but little evidence of molsturo ir. the
soil, when tho hand Is used as a test
If water wero to bo appllod while
the plants aro In cold storage quite
likely premature growth would re
sult, and this Is Just what wo do not
want to happen. The aim should be
to keep the cellar-stored plants per
fectly dormant, by keeping thorn cool,
nnd dry, and In the dark.
Tho window garden ought to bo
showing some rlowcrs this month,
especially tho geraniums. Give them
tho sunnlost place. They need strong
light Ij bring out their rich eolers
It Is a good plan to put tho tall
plants at tho BldeB of the window,
with tho smaller ones between. In
this way ull get an equal chance at
tho sunshine. Wo aro generally so
anxious to show off our largost plants,
that wo glvo thera front places, and
the smaller ones havo to tako up
such light as thoy can get.
This Is not fair to tho llttlo fol
lows. In order to do their host, thoy
must bo given Just as good treatment
as tho others rocolvo. If favoritism is
practicod in tho window garden, wo
must expect our plants to bo of vary
ing merit.
In Iris.
I If any plants become sick, removo
! them at onco.
Their disease may not bo conta
gious, but It is not good policy to kcop
sick plants togcthor, for ench will
need a dlfforent troatmont, and ono
Hint cannot bo given satisfactorily
while they nro togothcr.
If a plant appears unhealthy and 1
cannot diagnose Its troublo 1 allow It
to become rather dry nnd remain in
that condition for somo tlmo.
On no account glvo any fertilizer.
In many cases tho plant will recover
Its health after a period of onforcod
If It docB not seem likely to do this,
throw it out. Wo cannot nfford to
mako plant hospitals of our living
room windows.
Nino times out of ten hanging plants
suffor from lack of water. Because
of thotr suspension, it is not an easy
matter to get nt thorn to wntor them,
and this leads to neglect on our part.
Keep hunglng-plants as well wa
tered as thoso In tho window sill, and
thoy will grow Just as luxuriantly.
You may start planning and doing
for next summer's display, by making
cuttings during tho winter.
If a goranlum sends out an ambiti
ous shoot, mako a cutting of It If
the shoots appear too thickly upon
any part of tho plant cut them off.
or, at least, tho crowding ones. Of
ten shoots appear at tho baso of tho
plant, nnd these should bo removed
whon thoy destroy tho symmetry of
tho plant.
Don't lot tho tompernturo got too
high and too dry, or tho red spider
will appear.
Iho Genista, with Its abundnnt pea
shaped blossoms of gold, is easy of
cultivation. Its flowers aro vory fra
grant. It requires lots of moisture, ut
root, and top. It likes plenty of liquid
manuro, when In flowe
If you try to crowd too many plants
In a small window, you will bo disap
pointed with tho results, and tho
plants will not do well. Ono well
developed plant will glvo far moro
satisfaction than n dozen sick ones.
Tlnro aro people who believe that
that which nourishes humans will do
tho same for tho plants. Hence, thoy
feed their plants with enstor oil!
Nothing could .o moro absurd and
Thero are three things to observo
In raising follago plants, like ferns
and palms, givo them plenty of light
and little direct sunshine Don't glvo
them too much water, and neither too
llttlo water.
A friend says that tho small yellow
ants, which had been troubling her
violets, wero routed by two applica
tions of tobacco water. She soaked a
plug of chewing tobneco In a quart of
water overnight In tho morning sho
used n tooth brush to apply the to
bacco water to tho under sldo of tho
leaves and tho soil about tho plants
Sometimes, when wo do not get nt
them, moro of tho water wo apply
ruus off than on, nnd tho soil bo
comes dry In a short tlmo.
It Is it good plan to have the basket
suspended by a cord running on a
pulley In tho colling Tho end of tho
cord enn be fastened to a hook In
the wall, or the window frame.
It Is nn easy matter to lower tho
basket Into a tub of water, once a
week, or as often ns may seem neces
sary. Allow It to, remnln In tho tub
until It has absorbed all tho water it
can take up.
Of courao, Hjcre will be n great
deal of drip from It after It has
been raised from tho tub, but tho
lover of plants will not mind this.
Productive Hens.
Mrs. Calo S. Myers, Westmoreland
county, Pa., reports as follows: "Tho
product from our S. C. Rhode Island
Red hens, 27fi in the flock, for Decern
her, 1012, was 2,148 eggs For tho
year It wns 38.5SI eggs. Any ono
doubting tho figures may como out to
tho farm. Wo havo tho credentials to
show them."
Age to Breed Gilts.
Let tho gilts grow till thoy aro at
least 12 months old boforo breeding
thorn. Holng nearer maturity thoy
will rnlao stronger, moro virilo pigs
develop Into much moro doslrablo
bows and possess a greater capacity
for milk.
Obeyed Father's- Instructions All
Right, but Made No Sort of a
Hit With tho Teacher.
It all happened In n wnysldo village.
Sho was tho vtllago schoolmistress,
prim nnd propor, but a bad hand at
sottllng accounts with tho local trades
men; ho was ton years of age, ono of
her pupils, and boh and holr of tho
vlllngo grocor.
"Tommy," sho yollod In class ono
morning, "don't you know It's rudo to
whistle in tho prosonco of n lady?"
Tommy was not abashed nor chas
tened, "Hut dad told mo to whistle," ho ro
plled. "Your fathor told you to whistle.
Tomm7" queried tho school teacher.
In considerable doubt.
"YeB'm. Ho said when ho soils you
anything wo'vo got to whlstlo for our
Tommy then took up a conspicuous
90sltlon In tho adjacent corner.
Mr. It. M. Flconor. R. F. D. 39, Ottor
betn, Iud., wrltoB: "I had boon n Buffer
or from Kidney Troublo for about 25
rears. I finally got bo bad that I had
to quit work, and
doctors failed to do
mo any good. I kept
getting worso all tho
timo, and it at Inst
turned to inflamma
tion of tho Dladdor,
and I had glvon up
nil hope, when ono
day I recolvod your
llrtln linnklnr nilvor.
R. M. Fleenor. tlslng your pills, and
resolved to try them. I did, and took
only two boxes, and I am now sound
and well. I regard my euro as remark
nble. I can recommend Dodd's Kidney
Pills to any ono who is Buffering from
Kidney Troublo ns I was." Wrlto to Mr.
Fleenor about this wondorful romedy.
Dodd'a KIdnoy Pills, COc. per box at
your dealer or Dodd's Medicine Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Wrlto for Household
Hints, oIbo mufllo of National Anthom
(English nnd German words) and reci
pes for dainty dlshos. All 3 sent free.
Mnndy This writer says that col
logo llfo decronscs tho dcslro of glrlo
Ko marry.
Hiram It may bo that it docroasos
;no doslro of tho young fellows to
mnrry 'em.
205 Kantor Avo., Dotrolt, Mich,
"Somo tlmo last summor I waB taken
with eczema. It began in my hair
first with rod blotches, then acaly,
spreading to my faco. Tho blotches
woro red on my faco, dry and acaly,
not largo; on my scalp thoy woro
larger, somo scabby. Thoy camo on
my hands. Tho nsldo of my hnnds
woro nil llttlo lumps as though full of
Bhot about ono-Blxteonth of nn Inch
under tho skin. Thon they wont to
tho outsido nnd between and nil over
my fingers. It also began on tho bot
toms of my feet and tho calves of my
logs, and itch, oh, my! I nover had
anything llko'lt and hope I nover will
ngaln. Tho itching was torrlblo. My
hands got bo I co.uld scarcely work.
"I tried different eczema ointments
but without results. I also took modi
clno for It but it did no good. I saw
tho advertisement for n samplo of
Cutlcura Ointment and Soap nnd sent
for ono. They did mo bo much good
I bought somo moro, using thom as
por directions, and in about throo
weeks I was well again, Cutlcura Soap
nnd Ointment entirely cured mo."
(Signed) BonJ. PaBsago, Apr. 8, 1012.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Samplo of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston."
Taking a Lesser Chance.
A government Inspector was con
ducting an oral examination for ma
rlno engineers. Said ono:
"If you had tested your gaugo cocks,
had looked at your water glasB and
had found no water In tho boiler, what
would you do?"
Camo tho answor, Bwlft and true:
"I would Jump overboard.1
Too Well Kndwn.
Havo you a Hpcaklntj acquaintance
with tho woman who Uvob next door
to you?" wo asked an caHt end lady,
just to make a llttlo conversation,
"A snoaklns acquaintance?" echoed
tho lady, opening her eyes wldo.
"Why, I know her bo well that I don't
Hpoak to her at all!"
Just aa Good.
Thirsty airl Hrlng mo a hot lemon
Jnnkccpor Havon't nny, miss, but
tho boor 1 warm. Fllegond Dlaot
ter. I
H ?2il ssssssssR I
Nebraska Directory
lyers Brothers ft Cs.
Livt Stock Commission
Wood Bros.
South Omaha Chlcaoo Sioux City So. St. Paul
Consign your HORSES A, MULES to
Union Stook Yards, O. Omaha, Nobi
Phone South G79. Auction Salti Ererj Mondaj.
Auto nnd Wacom
Truck llullders. Itn
Dalrlne, I'nlntitiir.
Trimming, Huppy Wheel repaired nmt re
rubbr tired. Write ns for prices. 40 jrrnrn In th
business. Andrew Murphy & Bon, Omaha
We sell Ml feed used by the feeder, In enr nnd ton
lota. Our prices nre right. We buy empty sacks.
Uts Stock Exchange U!d. South Omaha
Try Us It Will Pay You
Conn I en jourstoektous for good prlcei. go nils
and prompt remittance. Write or wire us fur aur
desired Information regarding the market. All com
munication answored pruuiptlr. We aro working
fur jour Interest and appreclalo your business.
N..E. ACKER & CO.,
Live Stock Commission
boa 110-112 Eiehsnit Bid t Slock Ydi. Station, i Omaha, Kit.
Is the symbol of state
wide and nation-broad
telephone service.
Bell Telephone
lines reach nearly everywhere.
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That' Why YouVo Tired Out of Sortfl
-Havo No Appetite.
will put you right
In a tew days.
They do.
their duty..
stipatlon. I
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Hcadacha
Genuine must bear Signature
Stewart B;.'";
Clipping; Machine
Tarns euler.etlps faster and eloter and stays thsrp
looter tbsn any otber Gesrsersall fl'-s bard sod
cutfrmn tdlldstftal hae.enelond. nrnfM.t.
vu miu run in 011. xiaa bik reel or nw
trie ntilble abaft and celebrated HUw.
art alnsla tenllon rllnnlnff he&d. Oat
- -- .iz.. - . r.. ".. -m-v-. r ---: 7- -"
one from your deslcr, erery machine guaranteed.
Welia and Ohio 8t. Chicago, ill.
Write for free saw catalog ef most modern line ot
bone clipping and sheep .bearing machine.
In Western Canada's
Free Homestead Area
has Serena! New Ilomo
siesdlns 1)1 6 In en that
arford rare opportunity
to secure MXJauresot ex
cel la lit ag-ilculiur&l
laud lmKE.
For Grain Growing
and Gaf lie Raising
tblsproTlncebasno superior and
In nmHIn lil. a Ittir. .Imw. u n
unbroken period otovera quarter
ot a Century.
I'erfectcllrnatet good markets!
railways convenient! toll the very
best, and social conditions most
Vacant lands adjacent to Free
TIouiMtcada may be purchased
nnd alio In the older districts
lands cun be bought at reason
ablo prices,
for runner particulars write to
Bee Building, Omaha, Neb.
Canadian Oovernment'Agenta, or
address Superintendent of
Iiuiulffrutlon, OttWK. :.
.asHmiaW WM I I.C.
mmr iivfr
lV.1l I II TII.I.A
4r ' ACTION jfJWEkK fcv
f irfll
I "'"'ihrifirgijl I
Get a Canadian Home
Mb ' I